We CASH IN THE SAFE COINS at Coinstar from the locker we bought at the abandoned storage auction

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alright here's those two bags out of the safe ready critique of the Gotha programa by Karl Marx and look at that right there little Mark's library this thing is okay it's listed on Amazon starting it you previously on locker nuts I bought two storage lockers at the auction because I was curious to find out why did these units come up for auction three times what was in there that the owner paid to keep them twice before we uncovered a ton of vintage items really cool stuff but the most exciting was all the money we are finding on the last episode we showed a small lockbox that we opened and found thirty-six hundred dollars in cash the morning after the shock is just starting to wear off all right here we are on Thursday the shock is starting to wear off I think it's gonna be at least 24 hours to wear off and all this stuff that we found in those two sinks I mean we only plan on doing this safe but then Renee asked hey do you have any more safes that's fun that I actually have a little one the little ones what spilled all this and then we counted it up last night the bills alone a 3,600 we're gonna take the court the coins are pretty neat substantial we're going to take those to cloister are just a few minutes the jewelry will stop to go through in this collectible coins will have to save for a later date but wow this is like an amazing find and I don't happen live and it happened on the show where we had just huge stars right there with us it was really exciting if you haven't checked it out check out that video it's definitely one to remember there it is all laid out nice and pretty sure look at this about that and these are dollar coins here's how could you we're some old coins Barbour huh Indian Head Penny Liberty nickel barber half dollar in a barber quarter in a barber time I don't even know what these are I don't think I've seen those before hmm that's the date on these 1907 1902 another Indian Head Penny Liberty nickel barber is there cool there's the steel pen in 1943 there's another one so cool we got two of these which are definitely not nearly as impressive from the sixties what's your meal here some of the stuff coming from the barman's oops all right you guys real quick mention that letter from Barack and Michelle Obama there's gonna be something that's gonna further that story in a future segment so I just wanted to take note of that real quick these pins of stuff kind of cool I don't think your valuable though these guys I got a little bit closer to see there's gold in there but it says Made in India India which it's not a great sign but it could be this looks like it might be silver it's interesting this German doesn't feel like it's a silver bow interesting oh yeah that's one Monet that Mike spotted last night Monet is a costume this feels like it could be silver they're Silver's note what's a little lot it's really the gold we're looking for I don't see you but I'm kind of getting sucked in this I'll just make a thumbnail then we'll know steel that's funny cuz I found a couple of these recently in the steel ones now I got a whole bunch more in 1939 Halfpenny the price of nurses 275 I've noticed a pattern here though seems like this all this stuff they stopped buying it around 1990 all the bills that looks super old those of all 1990 this is obviously not empty so I added this up last night it's about 3,600 bucks this said 3915 so I don't know if that included coins or if they had taken a little bit out before they put it away let's not forget this thing I'm gonna take that the coin store I'll look through it real quick and make sure we don't see any Silver's anything that I don't think so I think that's just regular old coins alright you guys so that was the morning after the live safecracking was such an exciting night and you saw me going through all the stuff in a little bit better detail with obviously a lot better camera work we still have a few items left to show that came out at first Locker and then we're gonna bring all these coins coins star and see how much we got but first I just want to show you I'm up in the mountains getting away for a few days with the family look at that isn't that pretty so we're up in Pinecrest lake right now what you see behind me is a man-made lake this actually property owned by PG&E but the the cabin that we're staying in here is actually a friend of my dad's and we're fortunate enough to be able to come up here every summer and enjoy a little bit time with the family all right folks it's adventure time going through a few boxes here I think I have three boxes left so this box right here said what it's a master bedroom or something and that's when I found the other that jewelry box in the gun case in another box said master bedroom so far nothing exciting that box right there has the stuffed animal on it but this is what's interesting and this is like what do you called it it's like to put a little that your mail in right [Applause] super light it's plastic or something I'll take a closer look but I got excited for a second there because I saw some money no tie clip it's got diamond on there yeah that's cool keys I got some stances it seems cache it there no three cents [Music] oops my bad the box this is the target is actually yes the box it was already empty and I put miscellaneous stuff in there whoopsie and the box that would said caps on it had this bag of caps this the bag was kind of loose in there but there's two more bags of caps the other bag that I found these all look as good these look good right here these don't look as good the rest of the box have this blanket right here which the rats had been living in so let's go in the garbage we do have some pretty decent hats in here see the San Francisco 49ers Super Bowl champions right there these are all sports caps or I mean not all but there's a lot of sports caps in here the last bag that we had we had one or two bags already and I've been selling those for five bucks each but we're getting down to it all right I've got a sculpture and the tables put on I'm waiting for a company to come pick up the piano I have not been looking forward to it thing's a beast I get the I tilt it up enough to get the hand truck underneath it but I cannot pull it back enough to get it onto the truck I mean it's a good thing I'm estimating it might weigh around 600 pounds I don't know maybe not that much someone said 600 pounds that might not be right it's it's heavy okay no joke this is a really heavy piece now even if I could handle that thing getting it up this ramp would I think almost be impossible so I just decided let's bite the bullet asked my wife to call around she's a junk calling guys get some quotes it's looking like 2 to 200 to 250 to move this I hate I hate paying that that's almost how much I paid for the locker but here we are in the last day I'm really home for this place you know I just want to be done not this place with this locker I just want to be done with it I want to rest I want to list on eBay I want to make some videos for you guys I don't want to be moving pianos I want to have a nice day at the flea market tomorrow blow all this junk out maybe go the dump afterwards in a just purge just purge I got a lot of stuff in the garage to go through sort cleanup test list there's a lot of money to be made there but I got to spend some time doing it all right I'm ready to be done so I'm gonna probably be just paying some guys to take that thing away oh that goes against my green alright I was just about to leave and I was like oh I need to take a video of this cuz this is a beautiful thing right here the empty storage unit I don't know how to explain it it just makes you feel good it really does I am done headed home all right it's about 5:45 and Stockton at Wilson Way flea market it's pretty dead right now a few vendor set now no customers it's not like the fairgrounds is a little bit later a little bit later flea market let's see the skyline is kind of nice back here is like a big storm drain back here and then railroad tracks right here and there's I think a rather large homeless encampment right on the other side here so we get a lot of homeless people to come through at the end of the day and they love to take some free stuff which is great great for a big day here there's the moon pretty big again today this table we had yesterday this is new that's a piece of glass that we head out on Wednesday this I am selling like hot chicks right here Levi's I sold five pairs Levites are already today five bucks a pair Levi's all these are miscellaneous brands FUBU Calvin Klein there's some good stuff here but two bucks a pair sold a couple so three pairs of shoes five bucks each no records yet these are all better clothes that I'm selling for $2 each and that price point apparently is too much for people is there one over dollar when we direct into the dollar tarp over there they're pretty cool all this is good stuff Selma hoping these hats fire books a hat I sold quite a few already today muscle Jersey whole bunch of brand-new product [Music] in that box more brainy product nicer clothings here that i still got to get out this that's pretty cool what are we gonna name you flea market huh what's your mommy - what her claws are sharp mm-hmm freak I am very tired I'm very tired I was a long flea market day and not for a very good amount of money I think we made 230 bucks after all the expenses I unloaded the trailer with all the stuff that was on there you just want to show you back New York is why is that super happy about this part because I got nowhere to put all this junk to get all this and then this right here the good stuffs brought home and if you can see in the back here it's pretty pretty out of control it's not super packed it's definitely been worse but it ain't good there's a lot of stuff here it's like all good stuff there's no low-end stuff in here at this point I keep bringing the low-end stuff to the flea market purging out this is all you that good flea market stuff or ebay stuff in a large portion all the stuff here is right here this is all eBay I gotta get to it right here I've got this stack of books all these books here are $20 and up there's a handful of them that are $50 and maybe a couple that are 70 or $80 but this guy right here critique of the Gotha programme' by Karl Marx and look at that right there little Mark's library this thing is okay it's listed on Amazon starting it 496 bucks and this one's in pretty good condition you know this couple it's not mint but it's not bad but some of these guys list these pie-in-the-sky numbers they're crazy they'll never get it we'll never see that money but they're just hoping that no one else lists one and someday somebody's gonna need one very badly or want one very badly and that positions me very well to be you know make mine last like 399 bucks and be far lower than them and have a pretty good book so maybe my chances of selling it are much higher are busy this is probably the nicest jersey that we pulled out so I know people are always like oh jerseys could be worth a lot of money especially ones I think with the patches like with the so nons and that's what this one is and I knew right when I pick it up this one's a little bit nicer reebok what I really like about is this cool patch right here it's 50 years of San Francisco 49ers 46 to 96 so this is from 1996 and you do see some where there's a little bit of wrinkling going on here not too bad this is starting to look a little worn not too bad right here where it says proline 1996 so this is legit right here all right so this is the jerseys so don't pay any attention to these okay because what we're looking for is this right here then with that patch these may be proline to you I don't know sometimes if people just put proline in it trying to pull views this is it right here though look at that 182 bucks on that one that one went to auction 13 bids these are all nothing nothing nothing until we get to here there's the patch again you know that doesn't even look the same this one's got that black outline in the gold this one doesn't but it does have the patch so kind of kind of interesting 150 bucks okay there's another one not even with the black and the gold 200 but best offer accepted this one has got the black in the gold but doesn't have the patch 200 ours with the best offer accepted I gotta get it I gotta get Jersey I'm gonna put it up for I think 149 bucks so on the low side but it does have these quality issues that locker is done everything's out every all the junk is either sold or at the dump now it's just good stuff so this weekend I get to take a breather [Music] door locks Lester day the quarters add up so you think it's 300 now okay there's our final for this locker 245 ninety-four not bad not quite the $300 hoping for the whole bunch miscellaneous Stephanie the lockers no have you got total three hundred and eighteen cents so my guess is three hundred but that was not for everything but uh all right you guys I hope you enjoyed that I'm doing this cuz there's mosquitoes around me it's getting late here on the lake so I'm gonna wrap this video up I hope you enjoyed it and you know I just want to make one mention that piano okay that was pretty nice piano all right first we thought it was an organ it was a piano he did weigh at least 600 pounds it was extremely heavy it was going to be very unsafe for me to try to move it myself but I just wanna let you guys know I didn't just call the haulers take you away to the dump okay we put a lot more work into that we just didn't show them on the camera but we did call around the piano stores we asked a number of people their opinion on what to do with these the piano stores did not want this and they didn't really even have any good recommendations of how to move it they were telling me things like well you need to bring it into a goodwill they'll take them and it's like are you nuts you know we're not gonna first of all I can't get it on the trailer by myself second of all I'm not gonna take it down to a goodwill so they could tell me oh I don't know if they tell me anything they probably just laugh at me so mosquitos come on so anyways we did put some work into it but we don't bring things like that to the dump without without really trying to figure out our best method but here what we had working against us really was my goodness these guys are aggressive whoo I got that one though yeah take that tell your friends stay away from la Carozza all right you guys so hope you enjoyed that video okay we've still got a lot more to come because this was only Locker number one of the two lockers we bought both owned by the same owners all right so stay with us we're going to bring out more tales of this adventure coming real soon but first if you would please hit the thumbs up button tell us that you like this sort of thing and subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe and hit the bell icon the bells gonna be your notification of when we put out future videos including the next one which hopefully will be the first part of when we dig it into Locker number two you alright you guys so I can feel these mosquitoes you're starting to eat me up I'm gonna make my way indoors so I just want to say let's first of all let's take a look at that lake back there mmm isn't that pretty really really pretty alright good luck to you guys all right god bless you we'll see you next time here on Locker nuts
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 20,112
Rating: 4.9424295 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction pirate, storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, bought, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Treasure Hunting with Jebus, Found cash
Id: QpHjc_03htY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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