WE FIND GOLD in the 2nd locker we bought at this abandoned storage auction

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hey guys it's happening again hey this isn't Christmas Jolie why yes it is that's pretty awesome I decided you know what let's go through the rest of this which all came out of that same dress [Music] what's up lock and that's alright we're up at Pine Crest Lake enjoying ourselves for a few days but that's not stopping us from rolling out video so right now we've got them the next part in our third time Locker series hope you guys enjoy previously on Locker nuts I bought two storage lockers at the auction because I was curious to find out why did these units come up for auction three times what was in there that the owner paid to keep them twice before in the first unit we found tons of really cool vintage items plus a lot of money in envelopes safes and even a piggy bank on this episode we begin to dig into the second unit let's see what we find I'm not sure I even have the words I'm a little blown away so I'm working on this rat poop Locker and I finished it today Thursday a week after buying it I had a little bit of room on the trailer and I only had like 30 minutes I think so I went over to the inn parked in front of the other unit this unit rolled the doors up and I'm just looking at you just going where do I even start I'm not sure it's very overwhelming I mean you can't even like I would love to pull the mattresses down and bring those to the dump I just can't even get in there because there's so much required to take stuff out you saw pictures of it but that dresser I start pulling the drawers open there's like dirty underwear in there and I'm like throwing it in boxes and because I had a couple empty boxes I'm just trying to get go through real quick throw anything in there that I didn't want to sell and in there I find a few things let me just show you to find this which is no big deal it's just a bunch of pennies but just affected I'm finding money like right away in the dresser that's right in front is a very good sign I find this I didn't go through it I just peeked in a thing the 50 cent coins then also going through the underwear drawers I find a whole bunch of these little jewelry boxes so then right now I just want to clear my desk so I do some eBay listings and I'm like let me just peek so I grabbed this one right here and I popped it open and what am i fine right there in the first box that I popped open 10k gold 10k gold look at that 11 grams in the first box so now I'm really excited I mean I'm really excited because now I have found gold in like one of the first places I checked I got a whole bunch more boxes I finding money what else am I gonna find in this locker I don't know and I'm wearing it right now I'm not gonna keep it I already have my ring it's a jade ring if you haven't seen that lately I love it so many people today I went to drop off a bunch of e electronic recycling stuff from the other locker and the guys asking me so have you found anything cooling the walkers you know what I'm like I found this he's like oh I was looking at that that's super cool and I'm like thanks and then the guys came to haul the piano away so I did you find anything cool and I'm like I found this and it's like it gives me just such a like not only is it the story that I was after because everyone always asks have you found anything cool in there and my answer is usually like no not really now that not only do I have the story but I actually have the ring on my finger to show them pretty cool but yeah bone gold I'm excited this can be a great Locker I can't wait to show you guys what I find as I find it I'm really excited alright so getting into it here um so there's a little bit of stuff here that I went through last time this dresser here looks like this is a straight trip to the dump it all seems pretty junky in this Park important begin with not a bunch of books out of here I may at least before Star Wars year-by-year and Marvel [Music] [Music] I'm gonna make a box to anything in these glasses right here but I'm not sure on the video I got last time but this is where that bracelet came out of one of these drawers here so already been partially through a lot of these drawers and this is where I found a bag of jewelry boxes and I just couldn't handle waiting so I had to take a peek and that's where I found this thing here so that's a 10k about 10 grams so about tuning our item I'm hoping there's a lot more so I'm gonna start I'm gonna keep digging through this welcome to watch so it's got a couple hours here just decided to come here finished up the auctions decided to swing by and see what I could get for you that's anything I wish I knew what the story was and there's a nice jockstrap right there gross this world wore gloves keys I'm gonna keep the keys because I already found one safe maybe we find another one couple of cards here we got here Oh Charles Woodson very nice there's something in here oh yeah best team in football right there yes that's what I said hmm it's on the internet it's true whoa Raiders close speak no evil huh Raiders I've gotten the slider before actually all right no chance my goodness that is a huge lighter I thought was just gonna look like a lighter it sparks to you that's for real cleaner get my skills still got it kept gross matter huh that's it that's cool right that's very cool Zippo that's a good one here's Zippo lighter that's the owner please be military it's a special edition yes this whistle so I've been doing so good with kelan's lately and perfumes the big money that's there just I think is another [Music] Oh basketball cards anything I only have maybe an hour and a half years yeah you know I got to get home and start preparing for our big live the collaboration today I'm gonna shut this off for a little bit and put my other glove all and a little faster I looked at you when I see something good take a nice dark before I go in here a lot of stuff here that I'm gonna take home go through you like these things here just probably keep those maybe use them this been here at all sports cards here and CDs here this is all wrap so who knows it might be some decent stuff there so it going through the cards so far I found nothing but did find this I just want to start to eat it the camera so do you know our bill Christmas Joey [Music] we just redid this because it has the guys I actually realized has his name address and social security number they're not good to put that out in the public but it is three savings bonds of $25 each I don't know if I can catch this one state can only be catched by the guy but we got to $2 X all right two more hits potentially here's one with an office Depot gift card with eight what appears to be a twenty dollar Xbox Live gift card it's pretty cool all right got this area kind of cleared I'll tell you here's a really good sign right here got cereal in the box the reason why that's a good sign is because rats have not gotten to this those rats are pretty good smell steps if there's food like this is here you would expect recipes we have gotten it if they're in it doesn't mean they're not in the unit but I'm just saying it's a pretty good sign so here's another really good thing I just seen I just saw Barbie looks like a bit of Barbie collectibles there don't like a bit of books that's not good sign I'm not sure what that is there but that's good you know this is a same unit is the other guy so that means there's gonna be more collectibles hopefully coming out of here cuz the other one had a lot of collectibles alright I got a pretty good hole here I was worried that stuff was putting pressure on this glass case here and it didn't seem too bad I did not want to break that but now that I've carved in a little hole see a lot of boxes I also see a lot of furniture he's some kind of big wood piece right there looks like it matches this he's here I don't know what it is these boxes are stacked really high and there's a lot of weight on them they're really heavy so are these three here I gotta get up there and start getting stuff deal so talk to me a little tricky I'm not gonna take that on just today they got this one this is now this is interesting to me because you see all these perfumes and I've been sayin I think I've been doing really really well with perfumes and there's a really nice selection for the jeans here I'll sing a little bit older and that's been that's a really good sign all the perfumes are selling well oh I got one other thing to you that black keys right there I haven't opened it actually let's just go ahead and open it why not I'm saving it for you anyways um last case I got out of the other unit look like this it was it's not gonna be anything in super valuable most likely bit okay I'll take it all right this is kind of interesting so I got these $25 savings bond Series II there's a site Treasury direct you can look up the value current value so you can calculate it cuz you could see here issue date was 1977 so what I put in you know in 1977 there and it's a series EE bond denominations $25 the value today is 140 dollars I have got three yeah so that means I've got 420 bucks just about the only problem is these are not transferable so it's got the guy's name and social security number on them and they are not transferable so they're not worth anything to me but they are worth 420 to him so I'm gonna give those back to the office because that'd be a real shame for me to throw them away it'd be a real waste it's just a little before 10 o'clock I'm about to call it for a night I'm kind of tired but I didn't want to do just one more thing before I call it an evening and that is I wanted to take a peek inside these boxes yeah I went through that dresser tonight that these came out of found that hundred bucks in cash are actually technically 106 dollars in cash and that was pretty awesome I decided you know which all came out of that steam dressing and this is where this guy right here came out of 10 grams of 10-karat gold that came out of one of these boxes here this one or this one so let's get to it there's something here already feels like a change in chip gold that's a good sign good be a good sign that's got some potential get some potential there so we're gonna put that aside we'll take a look closer look at that this is good Johnson's that they make the class rings you can see that inside there yeah it's a 10k there so it's 10k right there that's good yeah that is really good right there nothing here today - I didn't think there was anything in those this may be the one that I my chain came out of I know there's a long box like this is one of those - everything in here stinks like cigarettes it's got a marking on here I can't see it though let's keep going this is 14 karat what's on here it's a little earring looks like a diamond very small one that's a little bit gold I don't usually want to keep those boxes for the jewelry but they stink like really bad that's just a little weird does a heck along teeth right there it's pretty cool it says 10k on it that's another piece of nice jewelry right there this looks like gold to you let me show you a little closer it's nice this is this box is 40 bucks on it hmm just one earring here - there's a guy's unit so my thinking is maybe he only had one ear pierced so you'd only take one earring out it's probably 14 karat earring with the cubic zirconia that's my guess pinky this guy that's nice is that nice and in man that's funny it's like yellower it's not a good sign not this one just this one that's okay that's just a little alligator clip here what do you call it lobster clip or whatever nothing - Oh seemed really exciting so this is the thing says inch of gold gold in that oh okay I got those untangled okay there's just alone here I think it's just 14-karat it definitely says 14-karat all right so here's what we got 10k there it is clear this gives him a little bit harder it's a little small it does say 14k I think on the other side it you get the idea so then next up let's look at this one I'll see if I can find a marking on this one I see it's gonna be right there yeah all right more good news because this is 10k right here it's all broken up they've broken multiple pieces but it does say 10k and then this which looks like it went with it this right here this is 14k if you hear that noise in the background my dog snoring a letter in she sleeps right next to the desk here she's snoring I don't know if we can get that to focus but it does say 14k right in there so we have a couple 14k pieces we have a couple of 10k pieces on the way this guy but we do you have to keep in mind that that gym right there will count for some weight all right let's wait up 10k those two grooms that's almost 17 grams right there almost 30 grams of 10k you know 14 4.30 Wow okay so I just relayed the one that I've been wearing it's actually closer to 12 grams we didn't even look so much heavier 41 grams of 10k all right you guys can you believe that the second unit is starting out like this incredible incredible right the first unit was amazing the second ones not disappointing okay after this I believe we have a good two full days of going through the unit captured everything on footage you're gonna love it more great stuff coming very soon right but um real quick I did bring that gold out to our contact who buys gold from me he's very fair he paid me five hundred ninety bucks but of course I kept that for myself yeah I didn't plan on keeping the long-term but the more I wear this thing the more I like it I don't know just never thought I'd be wearing gold bracelets and rings but here I am to this day loving it so this one's staying with me this is probably another 150 to 200 bucks in gold we got 594 what you saw some of it turned out to not be real even if it was marked but it's okay I'm not complaining this is fantastic great news we're loving it so much fun thank you so much for watching I just want to say that we will probably at some point have to take a break I've been releasing these stories everyday but at some point I might have to take a break because if you can believe it or not I still got two thirds of that Walker waiting for me right now untouched I gotta get to it I got to start working on it I got to got to you I got to get it cleaned out and I also have to find out what treasures in there I know you want to find out so I'll tell you what I promise I won't keep you guys waiting if we do take a break from this particular series I'll show you something else of one of my older units to keep you occupied in the meantime all right keep in mind this is part eight if you didn't see the earlier chapters in this it's called the third time Locker series go back and watch them because we've been finding good stuff on almost every single episode amazing alright thank you so much for watching I promise I won't keep you guys waiting too long if we do take a little break but if you would the meantime hit the thumbs up button right and the subscribe button but most importantly hit the bell notification because once you're subscribed that will notify you when we put out new videos including the next few chapters coming up here real soon alright thank you guys so much for watching until next time good luck to you god bless you and we'll see you next time here on Locker nuts alright you guys if you're curious about my ring that I keep talking about here it is there's a little bit closer look in it that is 24k nugget gold they're pretty much pure gold with black diamonds and the band is 10k very nice piece it's unique and I got that out of pirate games
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 42,816
Rating: 4.9607844 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction pirate, storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, bought, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Treasure Hunting with Jebus, Found cash
Id: E7LLBep_qm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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