Am I nuts? BLIND BID for a locker and bought it through an online abandoned storage auction

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all right you guys this is it okay this is the unit I bought without seeing any photos blind bid first time I've ever done that all right locks off its ready to kill I have not peaked I didn't even peek we're seen at the same time the first time you ready how about we do three [Music] okay so here we are we're on self storage auction comm and this is all we get to see this is just that right there that's nothing right but here's the here's the the nitty-gritty right here the current bids 30 bucks at the unit is a 5x5 and it is a lean unit all right so a lean unit means that someone didn't pay their bill and they put a lien on it sometimes this does not say lien unit and if it doesn't I suggest you stay away from it sometimes it says charity unit and that means people have intentionally put items into the unit into auctioned off for charity and if you want to help and give money to charity go right ahead but if you're doing this for business and looking for profit charity units in my opinion are probably not the best way to go but as I see it I'm thinking I've never actually bought one so maybe I don't know but I would suggest stay away from the other one is a manager special definitely stay away from those those the ones where they've cleaned out the managers have gone through the unit and all the contents that someone left behind once they checked out they've probably charged their account and thrown all the items into one Locker which one that fills up the auction off but anyways this is uh this is what it says description storage unit store unit auction contents may contain 50% full which is good it has a bike it has books furniture files well we don't like books we don't like furniture we don't like files right but bikes are good good sometimes 50% full is promising so what do you think should go on this one I'll tell you what I don't want to go a lot of money and it's a 30 already so let's put a $50 that's gonna be my max and let's place the bid now I agree all right processing bid you're the kind current high bidder yeah there it is it's at 40 right now so we're at 50 so if somebody bids 50 we will still keep the bid they will have to bid 60 in order to win this locker from me and they will win it for me because I won't be bid in past 50 all right you guys check it out I won won the locker that's the invoice right there so the auction company takes a 15% they call it a bitter fee seven dollars and fifty cents so $50 bid was what I got it for 750 total is 5750 we do have some taxes total 62 that's that's our hard number right there that's what our cost is at this point hopefully we don't have to go to the dump and have dump fees on top of it but we're gonna see pretty soon I'm headed there right now this just got really interesting okay I saw this online actually my friend Manuel told me about it and blind bid who buys those I don't know why not though right why not let's give it a shot it was 50 bucks and I knew was in Castro Valley Calif I was pretty close I like buying in Castro Valley but I didn't I wasn't familiar with the place it didn't ring a bell I certainly I'm bought anything online for them before but now I just put in my nav and I'm realizing wait a second what's on that part of town I'm like wait a second I've actually been to this facility before before a live auction it was last year I came here and I got there early and the lady was telling me the manager was telling me we don't have auctions very often and when we do they're usually pretty good because our clientele tends to have better things and that's why they choose our location and I was like okay lady that's not things to say tall order but then when they rolled it up I was like okay maybe she's right because the unit was legit I think it was like a 5x8 and it was a collector's unit you could just tell and I think it went for like eleven or twelve hundred dollars it may have been more actually it may have been closer to fifteen hundred it was a lot of money and it looked good and after I was I was thinking hmm maybe I should have gone for that one there are some heavy hitters here so this is it this is where we're going and I'm excited because this place does not have auctions very often and maybe just no one knows that they decided to use an online company I don't know we're gonna find out here in just SEC and I'm about to turn in there we aren't the facility I called ahead and the guy said he was on his lunch break one guy just open the gate a few guys went through [Applause] all I can do is just sit and wait again here we are right off the freeway all right go gates open it's an inside unit he said see these lights come on here we go need 16 yep it means that all right I'm just waiting for the guy to come and take the lock off he had some other customers I'm already there I'm kind of excited so he said I don't know what's in there and I said I don't either because you guys didn't put any photos and he's like yeah well there was photos but they just didn't come out very good so hopefully that's good all right just builds the anticipation yeah all right you guys we're waiting patiently to see what's in that if you guys think this was a great idea to buy that unit sight unseen blind bid if you think that's a good idea give me a thumbs up all right right now would you please give that video a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon so you'll be notified when we have new videos up and we get them up all the time and we got good stuff in the works all right you guys this is it okay this is the unit I bought without seeing any photos blind bid first time I've ever done that all right locks off it's ready to go I have not peaked I didn't even peek we're seen at the same time the first time you ready how about we do all three this looks pretty good this looks really good yes I really didn't have be honest with you I didn't have that high expectations it's like why didn't they show the photo they said well the photos didn't come out good well still I didn't think it'd be I didn't think it would be very good let me turn this around this looks pretty good so we got it what are we got okay we got this buy it gets a Schwinn that looks pretty decent it looks like a decent decent bike right Schwinn we've got some boxes we got some mystery I was thinking maybe there's not gonna be any boxes what is this he's a fridge we got a trunk we got a trunk what's that back there like a headboard I think a headboard this is like a TV stand this looks like the shelf this looks like some sort of a corner unit or something and we have a dresser in there solid wood and you know I like my solid wood furniture in here we've got a standing lamp with that's pretty cool I like this I like him what's back here sports collectibles ken griffey jr. all right all right okay I'm stoked yes some basketball cards all right boxes Wheaties right back here baseball player on it we got some shoes oh look pretty high-tech all right all right yes this is good okay that cabinets a little heavy but give me something we're gonna work here I just want to tell you you saw the bike is missing at sea - this isn't man it's heavy this is heavy you know the stuff moving around in there but guess what we're gonna do gonna save that for last all right lock your nuts all the drawers are empty but this is still a nice dresser right here we should go flipped out for easy 50 bucks a piece locker there's the cut lock that the kid off let's get in here okay yes that's the sword well it's all mingled in here that probably cheap take a look at that um this is like it's no there's the other boot got a couple snowboard boots this is some sort of a stand or something like this guitar maybe it's pretty cool that's interesting this is a fridge and there's a big bin so what do you think's in these boxes right here that's what we're about to find out aren't we it's a good stuff what you think what about that hey that's pretty sharp pretty sharp maybe no I'm not gonna slide down this way bit hmm it's not dull this could do some damage thumbnail yes I like it [Applause] alright you know what I'm gonna get these items on the trailer and then we'll get to the good stuff ooh all right yes big stuffs on the trailer how about you say we get to it what do we got here basketball that's good right that looks pretty good we're gonna have to look these up okay these are we got the pair they're not to warn they're worn but they're not like they're not destroyed they park clean up pretty well but those are nice right I'm gonna look those up later nice coca-cola glass Shakespeare so this got wet and so 14 I don't think it's supposed to have that shape right there or have mold in it wet moldy mmm scorch I'm getting the feeling this with somebody a little bit younger maybe not a union of international engineers John Locke wasn't Ian lost book to Treatise of government books are like all how do you get your books that shape I think you have to like get them wet and then let them dry it funky wheels this also does it looks like it's gotten away but this is just score no loss their garbage can right there in the corner on the ground that would not be smart okay HVAC definitions for the real world since somebody who's in the heating and air business yes peon poke club they're open you've heard me talk about it before I have been holding on to you playing cards not these kinds of playing cards these are trading cards and I don't really care about this kind of stuff I just don't have any desire for but I know people who do so I saved that for them to look at Stevie Nicks also looks like it's been wet but the CDs in there how about you come over here little bit closer let's take a look in this together it's a little dark in here no better you see a little better what I'm doing here you got a couple one of these glasses those are nice coca-cola bottle isn't worth something to somebody that's a nice lock right there master limit it's pretty nice civilisations peaceful advil wood stain marker and it's cherry-coloured that's pretty good a little tiny energizer a flashlight light sorrow not on a pencil [Music] on the box right here this is firewood with a question on this one's got a CD in the back and textbooks that makes me think it's a textbook in textbooks can sometimes be money so we put that aside give that a look at later on textbooks this is good to you anything technical related like trades manuals like train trades as you get education trades meaning like you know like HVAC for example auto repair or any kind of like highly trained technical professions fire protection friggin helpful right here introduction to fire protection this I'm I find books this kind of books I want to find firefighter exam preparation book that's fantastic and this is another textbook because it's got the oh good I thought that was mill be right there there's got the disc in it so art forms revised seventh edition so if there's not using that you ride fever good fighter I think is that Sacramento forest people you know since we're scanning all these Iraqis give us that too this is another one with this wait oh I thought I felt the CD in there no CD but it's awesome pay for anything but this is the making of the West people and cultures in anthropology when they have a disk inside that's good because for one that makes you think that is definitely a textbook for two it has the CD you can sell the textbook even if is missing the CD but it's not worth as much study guide good stuff I mean I shouldn't say it's cassette it's potentially good stuff alright these snow boots right here looks like they're made by Lamar it look pretty decent very light and signs of weird bit overall they're not too terrible yeah but I looked them up online and I don't really see any that sold I see some listings they're usually in around the twenty twenty-five dollar range but zero sold that could just be the time of year or it could be that this was not a high-end designer brand alright let's take a look in here oops I put that up there already yeah let's put that in the box of blue say we're gonna look up on Amazon and see what their values are [Music] some of these pages you've already looked at those here's that ken griffey jr. plaque again it's pretty cool I don't know if this is worth anything there's a kingler if you go card that's framed into it oh that's a neat neat piece for you know somebody is interested next sort of thing it's not my cup of tea empty bunch more cards here again they're all look at this rock food challenge oh it's even open but that's not let's see when did these expire August 1997 because I did that's good bike seat I was thinking do I really have to go buy a bike seat to complete this bike so I can sell it actually looks like a pretty decent seat - it's hot in here just let you know it is hot in this metal building in June okay now that's one more like it these are not wet is that dude a tease all right cards oh you guys you like that sort of thing can message me and tell me how this ID man is that I just got those rare cards that everyone's after yeah in case you guys didn't know I don't exactly like sports cards it's not my cup of tea did I say that recently that one's full of them the guy was in school school work awesome comic books your GI Joe figure something for what I have no clue so right here we got home fridge got some cool stickers on it looks nice so the rule is whenever you find a fridge in the locker the rule is don't open it okay don't open it nineteen point nine times out of ten they are moldy inside but are we going to listen to common sense in general rules heck no this is walking at you okay actually doesn't smell bad it's surprising and I don't know what that key is doing hanging out in there but there's a key it doesn't look like the one for the bike walk looks like a house key to me all right so we'll bring that fridge home and we'll test it to see to work maybe notice that that tape was peeled back that's not really a good sign open this spider verses tape all right yeah that's all right look at that don't ya plug your plug your electric guitar custom I don't know that brand but it's probably 10 bucks for our body that's a lot of reading Blue Book of building and construction from 2010 I don't think these are worth anything these are basically tell you like every subcontractor yeah that's available so if you need like drywall you need some very specific plastering of your pool you can look in here and find the contractor that can do the work and work with them directly 2010 is a little outdated though cannabis cultivator golf handbook goals grow not just grow marijuana a grill great marijuana okay drawing that's cool this is used right here this is actually this is probably another textbook this probably probably for a college course okay Chilton GM trucks that's good and repair it yeah no this one is from a textbook service hmm use book that's again could be money we got the trunk we got to go through but I think the best money we're gonna get out here is in the textbooks I really do but we'll have to scan on the scene we'll do that when I get home we just go to Texas Hold'em hydroponics got some pencils and around the spoon it's actually a nice pen okay guys so that's it that's it everything except for the trunk I'm running out of time though they got to get out of here for and I gotta tie everything down so I'm gonna I'm gonna bring that home and go through it at home I'm gonna load all this stuff on the truck real quick and that's what we got there's all the books I just consolidating them back into that bin we'll take all that stuff I want to look it up this stuff is just going right to the flea market or something I don't know about those that won't list so anyways I'm gonna get to it I'll catch you in a few when I get home we'll go through this together
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 26,566
Rating: 4.8572116 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Found cash, Found safe, Opening safe, Safe crack, What's inside
Id: x374yU5t3DM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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