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[Music] all right [Music] all right what's up everyone we are here at this storage facility in New Jersey today we are trying to see if we can buy an abandoned storage unit at this auction we earlier showed up to the first auction of the day a little bit late so we didn't film any intros or anything but we did not buy a unit there I do think it is important to show how the prices are and what people buy for what so I'm going to show all that footage first that we got there and then we're going to get into the next auction here that's that that's facility so check that out right now all right this is crazy we just showed up to the storage auction and we're pretty much late but we're gonna try and buy a storage unit today we're rushing should have left way earlier I didn't realize how far it was from our house but I they're doing four units at this facility and then they're doing I think five units at the other facility I don't know so I think over here we're back there so we're gonna try and see hopefully we didn't miss too much I think we're only like literally five or six minutes late which now I don't even see where any of these people are with Sammy Jerry that's excited about a storage oh man just running around in there right in front of our faces I guess we missed the first unit oh thank you and you guys are doing Berlin today too right yeah this one's got what it was good hey probably went a little high there right yeah thousand our unit just sold Wow well if the Pens brought the big try you stop yeah the last one we got from you last time it turned out to be honestly really good it was here and it looked terrible it was like indoors all boxes so for like 60 bucks it was all like military stuff I mean it wasn't great great but it was like I mean we made like 500 off it all right so this is the dude that runs it really cool guy he knows what he's doing but he's had the first unit sold for a thousand and it had a lot of tools and good stuff in it so I don't know if we would have bid on that one but you never know the sample all right you wanted that on the antenna it could be a million different things in these boxes you have no idea from the dust on the top of here it looks like it's been sitting for so long because if this wasn't moved it wouldn't look like that we rushed here then it's not till 1:00 yeah yeah sure right I mean we literally can g94 six on this 100 bucks 100 maybe 75 50 25 10 bucks on it handed a bid now 20 now 20 now 20 out of 20 20 now 30 30 40 40 I've got 30 in the back now 40 now 40 now a little bit 40 50 50 40 here now 50 now 50 now 50 gonna be 50 50 dollars I mean that that desk is worth 40 bucks I'm a dream right all right so we showed up late missed the best unit probably wouldn't have bought it though if it went to a thousand what we didn't see inside of it but I'm just guessing off the top of my head that a thousand is a high number and it was the first unit of the day so people do come out swinging on the first unit sometimes so I don't know but uh we just saw what happened one unit sold for 500 so for the second one that we just saw this one no the first one that we saw close to 500 and then this one $40 I was like 4:00 4:30 I don't know the exact number you guys know could you just watch it I'm gonna put the numbers in there there's four something this one's over 40 bucks started the unit at $10 and I wanted it to at $10 but it seemed like a lot of trash [Music] Berlin's a little bit closer to our house not close but closer see if they have anything good there because we came here late so we kind of missed out on the first one but they were only doing five today anyway but yeah we'll see you guys over at Berlin at the storage facility there and hopefully we get one so peace [Music] all right welcome back we are at the second facility of the day that units are being auctioned off and there is as of right now five units up for auction at one o'clock today there's about it's like 12:40 12:45 so we got about 15 minutes until it starts what does happen - I think there was like nine auctions originally on the list now it's down to five and people could still be paying off their rent owed on the units in the mean time so it could even drop lower but we are going to try buy a unit today and hopefully we find some good stuff stay tuned all right how how fast do you think I could run a hundred yards I'm gonna go from there to here and we'll put it on a timer I don't know if that's 100 yards but it's close all right tell me when no do three two one fancy day it was four so what's a record do you want to play it see if you can do better the chances of getting a unit are always good it just depends on how much money you're willing to spend on the unit probably not much probably not much I mean it would be I would like a bunch of oriental rugs I like them personally but to sell them you don't really get that much for them anymore if anybody has ever gotten oriental rugs and has tried to resell them you never get what they're actually worth dream unit gold like actual gold like jewelry and silver and not just gold and silver like and jewelry but like nice jewelry that like people realistically wear because you know sometimes you can find some things like cool jewelry but I don't know I'm a little bit like covered gold frog that was fitted to Michael Jackson's teeth oh yeah I would just call up hard rock and sell it to them I'm like a little bit I don't know off today I'm just a little bit thinking about Landis cuz he's still in the he's still at the vet and I've called like a lot of times and they'd they're just I don't not tell me what I want to hear I guess they haven't really done anything so I'm a little bit distracted but I don't know jewelry jewelry would be nice yeah hopefully I feel a little bit like a burden I keep calling them but I mean he is our son so all right the auctions about to start we're gonna switch over to a GoPro because there are situations those people get kind of offended when you're opening filming uncomfortable variable so we just don't want to make anyone uncomfortable so we'll see you guys on they get that on the GoPro what some of those Gucci glasses are you sure 100% are you do - yeah actually the funny thing is my mouse gonna be talkin about man it's my teeth hair so they fixed up I'm getting dentures because I can't afford 15 teeth work though dude count me out of that I hate that shut it on it right I told I told her I'm like mom shoulda listened to you that's why all those rich people have fake teeth because they don't want to deal with it there's five units here that's the first could be a camera in that bag many stores that furniture this is unit two three five two three five on this one give me 303 give me 200 hundred bucks 75 50 bucks 50 bucks on it 25 10 bucks 10 bucks nobody got 10 back there now 20 sounded a bid now 20 added a bit now 20 now 20 nothing on the end of it 25 [Music] worth about five maybe ten bucks five bucks I'll do five returned go through the clothes hopefully right so what do you think about my unit that I like bought today one that specific unit wasn't like crazy dusty like I've just been having like crazy allergic reactions to das lately and also people might be laughing but at the same time the last one we did we spent the least on our unit and I mean the most she's talking about dust wait until she sees what I bought next [Music] come on and then also we only paid $5 I know for a fact I can get money for both the pieces of furniture in there especially clothes yeah let's see again yeah he's kind of and so until the unit unit that he sold which is empty boxes units are really small like really bad and get those two containers are super mystery that huh look and this is more four four four four four on this one give me 100 bucks 100 75 50 25 kind of into cuz there's two mystery to mystery boxes in there straight up I'm gonna make a video this II thank you they make videos too so hopefully it'll be on his channel what's in those boxes cuz I was a little curious myself married adventures they're definitely gonna film a little right so you go on that channel and check it out married adventures hopefully they have a video looking in those black containers cuz you never know all right let's see this wow that's a lot of stuff in here so all right we got one unit for five dollars that's true actually because his was ten so ours was ha they got a good unit I will say that the live storage auctions are by far the best the ones online I mean you can see what's in them but there's no mystery like you show up here you're open in five presents yeah like that's like you know how there's like some shoppers that they and something at the mall at the stores physically they're like buying stuff and that's their addiction and there's the ones who like to do online shopping or there's the ones who like to do both and those are the savages like me that's like everyone here that everyone here is the straight there was a good one I liked it if we don't end up selling one thing that we've all in there like I like it personally I'm just alright guys and girls oh yeah - five - right alright so we paid $5.00 for this unit I'm about to pop it open and show you guys and gals what we got so let's do this oh that hurt [Laughter] the thing I gave you wrote for you Brit my finger days are two sides are you sure this is the born it's not only unhooked all right now I'm gonna show you guys anga huh oh he got life are you messing with me dude just do it no just do it okay okay says Sammy's close no it doesn't it says summer colors do you know yeah first item in the unit is a nice heart cut it out little side table some really cute though would say Singh said well to $15 value that pays for the unit and look at this look how nice this is then the huge chair but look we got pallets and blank moving blankets to put the stuff on we're set up all right let's see what else dying to know it was in this box it says summer clothes but you never man damn it's not my clothes I actually don't even summer clothes though it's like just these buttons are kind of cool sad about this is old super old it's kinda nice then say I was just thinking these buttons are cool Danny Mac's size 4 so that's interesting and it's a bunch of you know just clothes yeah I mean it is what it is this is flea market or Dropbox like I said earlier $5.00 I'm not much of a loss so it's not clothes it's like a bunch of stuff like we got a tripod bring it out right new dark in here okay let's eat baby pictures I mean are you guys saying you know what's in that right now flip because I kind of am you see the one that's sitting on top don't get it twisted guys I don't make Sammy do all the work yeah that's true now guys we we pull our way on both ends okay not that someone told me do you want to pull everything out I'm air-conditioner creepy candle super creepy Rove quite probe that was ballsy mm-hmm picture CDs or CDs you can show them because I don't really have to take out trash this is cell life this I have no idea what this is cool what is this stand up decorative pillow what someone's picture in it in their Halloween decoration is not that great not that great it's that great shall we there's so many Bibles playing cards is flashlight sigh ball any money and that they just yes someone told us to always check for monies see is you guys seeing any money because I'm not wait hmm personal about them got this little stool and then this Elvis the world's greatest lived no that's someone's picture to so but what's in here this is the mystery of all yeah maybe it's rats which actually could be valuable smells weird did you smell I don't know yeah it's not the man's fault that your heads so big barn snapped it so I just savagely throwing it over thank God someone because you know they're like two people here it's just so weird it's a little creepy like trusting apart mm-hmm very showing DiCaprio has issues with Felicia what that's what it says [Applause] so there's like birthday cards hold newspapers and Elvis look rolling stud September 22nd 1977 the king of rock alright so there's that yeah it's just it's an Elvis newspaper bottle vintage Elvis newspaper account no eBay life I'm into it this will either be five dollars just someone was interested in I'm the Restonic birthday and Christmas cards this one looks even like older than 70 s special Elvis Tribute on your later just very deteriorated I definitely feel that vibe I like we could sell these what's in that suitcase alright now at the back of the bed yeah and what's in here he gets mad when I peek so I'm just gonna yeah I just get this dream out of there let's just get this should I even put the camera on this blanket right now oh no this is really nice somebody would buy this after being cleaned up it's in good shape and the other one too should be honest first because I had a piece of paper on the back so it's a little bit untrained by it Charles what's sake is that how you say it what sake why sake but you can show them the back I can New England remains a source for many of misaki's favorite subjects so that's just like about that artist kind of thing yeah who knows that could be worth 20 even more fully opening New York is that what that says all right and honestly the boys it says the boys on it Oh two duckies it's the boys the duckie boys that's my birthday oh hell yeah I love Ducks if you guys don't know the boy the boys might just have to hang this up you see what is in this suitcase okay yes feels pretty light it's not vampy I mean it's just a nice piece of luggage to sell if any it's an old dirty peasant whitey socks 1936 you notice yours nothing but um Francis Meyer Inc tell them I want that they said I was this is a weird t-shirt wait does it feel we're all right sake thanks dick hey stitch like 3d meetings here alright so there's other nice to see case it's really strange somebody brought a bathing suit whitey tighties and I'll just put this back good thing I hope gloves on huh it doesn't fall out it's weird those are already open and [Music] very keen leather pocketbook thing definitely leather adventurer bound hmm a father anyway will tell you though that's not why they're cortisone cream [Applause] the living bible Bibles let me see yours the sunglasses sometimes guys you can find if like they're old enough you can find some really cool shades that are like actually legit that actually do protect your eyes and the morning the camera so I can't really look at these two crazily but they loved Elvis [Applause] but I guess you didn't back in the derry-o scarred bunch of CDs [Applause] [Applause] all right so wait actually let me just bite my tongue for a second cuz this is actually really nice dishes something the campster would like this is really really nice I can name a little bit buggy that would like this quilt and his name is crap should we give it to land this his beds not big enough for this stuff like how do you saw this except for at the I know what I can do it you know how I tied that one quote no it's not alright I just pull it all out for you guys oh my architect this actually is a nice jacket that night no I I just like the jackets that have ladies you know I'm talking about in the middle or you could pull it tighter cuz makes it a little bit more form-fitting to your figure but yeah that's that doesn't nice target these are seem old great like that's a tin that's more play but I can tell because I actually like these like I like this styles this is just a starter pack this is this is super nice the money in the pockets of these what happened to gallery this was a Christmas coat super nice did you like before this is super nice like this so this is like um Karen Stephens little like suit okay this is for somebody who works in an office you know got New York jeans pink a little sweater that's interesting it's kind of cute just so straight these are like really nice more like sweaters Amanda Smith petite mm-hmm get some shoes this looks like a land under it but it's specific trail this is super nice does it that little bark from this is a nice jacket that I don't why all right skirt segments good boss getting a sick sagging harder or something Lesley Fei he's our fine says if I've hardly even worn it at all either five first or one or two dollars of hair will do that alright go oh you don't want to touch my hands well alright you touch him yeah let's load this up you don't like this up I'm kidding I was starting here we like your ballistics here mm-hmm good call better those cats yeah probably black and white cat done right or do we have to go show him took the gloves off don't touch that don't touch you can't just take a picture all right I took a picture I did inside of the unit with the number on top and that's what you can do this at a time starts and so he doesn't have to come out here if they don't have to get your deposit back but that's our five dollar storage unit hope you guys enjoyed the video please hit that thumbs up button and if you haven't already please subscribe to our YouTube channel more videos to come and I know that today's unit wasn't super exciting but that's what you get a lot of the time this is an average day so please everyone see you in the next one peace everybody thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 37,767
Rating: 4.7802467 out of 5
Keywords: we, bought, an, abandoned, storage, unit, for, $5, at, live, auction, storage auction, storage unit, storage locker, locker, abandoned storage unit, live auction, auctioneer, what's inside?, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tuckerfupper, elvis, elvis presley
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 25sec (2545 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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