GOLDEN NUGGET FLEA MARKET - Lambertville New Jersey!

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today we are at the Golden Nugget antique flea market alright are we filming what's up everyone yeah here we are another beautiful day in paradise today we are at the Golden Nugget antique flea market in Lambertville New Jersey so we've heard about actually I should say I heard about this place first from a guy named Dana Stewart who does like metal sculpting and he lives like right up the street from here that's been like two and a half years since I wanted to come here and finally today we are here so I think we're basically right off of the Delaware River on the New Jersey side so driving here we went through Philadelphia and then back over and in New Jersey even though we came from New Jersey which is kind of weird but I guess that's the fastest way but here we are we're gonna check this place out see if we can find any gold considering it is the Golden Nugget see do you want me to put off the bike on you for a quick second quick squeaker yeah let's go guys and gals just for our YouTube channel alright guys so we just walked into the market and we're going to the very first table and I already see a kiss shirt which is always a good sign is it old how old is it there it's cool but it's not that great as per 40 sets of the Luxor does if you guys ever wonder why I don't know if you've caught it in videos we had a bunch of that but in other videos cuz lucky girl our one cat she goes whoa like when she meows so like that's why we do that and so saying what we do to lock space 2009 races yeah get away from this music gleaming you can find that on the compilation prisoners of love I see duckies some decoy duckies people love those who I see jewelry wow they have a huge collection of crystals but I love necklaces like this all right a lot of crystals must dance and your gypsy trunk is that what that is I mean honestly the crystals aren't that much money considering they are big pieces of crystal like 15 for that that's fair how about this thing what is that I don't know 155 for that she's that like up to here remember the ones we saw in that one place was like Tanger and put it crystal this is cool I see some Limoge how are you finding some stuff today some gold at the Golden Nugget right yeah well this is our first time ever here my friend was telling me about it a years ago how we should check it out but just finally got up here you should have stopped next time you are there stop by it will be there that's the best time to come here in the summer or now it's nice alright he's like let's go for a ride I'm like okay so now I'm like okay dear selfie I could probably do it [Laughter] [Music] just setting it up yep [ __ ] man you got a lot no I got floor yet more yet you've been selling here for a long time 4850 shop really old I don't look at maybe even I am 48 I'd say 30 you do well here yeah I do right yeah sometimes I don't do nothing sometimes I do a whole lot you know even job yeah I got these are all from the same year huh all these are the same year these ones here no but you have them organized by year it looks like maybe not like I pictured it did that you could cheat a date yeah yeah yeah how much is one of those to buy from you yeah these would be the same thing they're the same have mortgage these are mortgage and fish dollars how much are they 20 and up 20 and up in there are they silver salad 90% silver okay cool what's your name Alvin Alvin yeah it's nice to meet you dude good luck today yeah I know I remember already some real cool people here that I'll tell you this is a legit market like the quality of merchandise do you want to see the limos is that yours I I was just thinking we were gonna go this way and then come around you know what I mean because we're gonna have to come back out this way so we might as well all right thing hey what's up man how are you [Music] I love cuffs like this this is the good stuff here this is the legit lots of stuff you're not going to find you're not going to find cheap stuff there that because this is visit legit antiques and this in this dream could be though there's some cool stuff in here though look at this little guy shot my dad would like um okay I was looking at the art actually it's actually pretty interesting it's um oh I think they're prints they portrayed as being limited edition they are limited edition and they're all numbered but they're listing him as like lithographic I really I guess it's okay there's actually I think it's for this artist Sloane okay four or five years and enters in the Richard ten pretty cool 90s those nice cool you know all different and birds and mammals yeah my dad like ii know what he's all by the same that's what does sell here that because there's a lot of people that [Applause] that Science Bowl [Applause] our buddy sub-sites them up some skis the way they're organized into these little drawers and boxes it makes it look really cool though they know they know presentation Oh [Applause] what's up finding anything cold today coming down here I didn't know you go here that much I live 10 minutes away so okay vintage things for you are you you're not selling here today are so you are alright where's your beef at we'll come by and check it out down there but let's get some breakfast or something I didn't even know I thought you focus how's this for flowers right now that's for candle candle stuffs nuts snuffling the candles out is it yeah so that's cool but it is basically like a big like see Sierras my girl with the blonde hair black the right I can't say on the right but see she still still learning this stuff and maybe touch it more touch it the more you did the amount I learned every week in the last year is crazy it's and it's all all a huge game of memories alright blue bus Dave ran right into it it's gonna be here nice to see it by the way the boy welcome yeah we'll come check it out so he's set up here today [Applause] what we got here from the sex some older stuff [Applause] little knock or dreamer really cool [Music] this is would would see this was uh Northern Soul that's what you'd have to find in here for me I have no idea what to look for this is just a gigantic I want to say film reel that's what I think it is it's like two feet across biggest one I've seen really good prod cold stuff here this is like super cool sign you got a dollar table right here just this little Elvis thing is cool it's just a Tom patches giraffe if you go crazy what even put this possibly there automated drama set molds cast mullets some old wheels roller skate wheels that I think made that mistake before look at this music stand yeah they have very very unique stuff in their huge massive model train this case is called test what is that thing let's go wrong guy here some nice Orientals look at this piece here Oh a book look at all this stuff he's just closed off [Applause] I'm gonna turn the keys in here huh how much are these hold keys all depends depends depends you know a small one to three dollars bigger [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you know these ones this one is signs of this one is 15 alone okay how about these three for these dirty huh 5 to the 3 okay for 3 dollars for each I would do 5 4 3 no you can't do it give me 7 ok 7 what is it - a clock or a door you think or something you don't know this is probably safe because I'd say yeah those those door and does like a little little little box of jeweled box okay I'm gonna get them I put them in my pocket and get is that cool I'm not taking them here you go thank you enjoy it thank you yeah the way this guy's chillin as he did BAM - good right this is cool stuff that huh [Applause] [Applause] click this box might have something there how much well 12 is there any other things like that in here now [Applause] [Music] this is pretty inspire that's why I was thinking we're not here for a long time we're here for a good time these both too or just gold is that the guy down there yeah it doesn't say that price down us wrong actually Wow the boy now is this not right in that thank you I don't see the lady pewter on the back of the room yeah we gotta find it there it is right there it has the artists signature on it Fox life is this this yours how much is it ten okay how about the other one that's in there would you do both for 15 okay hold it in the Miele Miglia that it Italian car race like one of those don't see they bore these while they're raised I assume that there's moss I assume they were hurt you know it's part of the team or representing thank you do you don't have any more like that right those are awesome racing line they're really that's all flare all the kids from the Italian club used to come in I'm coming just stir it up I'm so sad everything that's that fire is not my size that's the crowd but it's my everything's your size because you can wear anything from top to bottom some vintage video games Super Mario World how much is this it's probably too much how much is the Mario okay lots of vintage games in here huh I have so many games unbelievable summers point like Ocean City pretty far our first time here it's been pretty cool so far a lot of antiques and older stuff than where we're used to okay a lot of the markets around where I like new stuff a lot you know we're missing them yeah or just and those prices have been going way up it's kind of just counterproductive like online the prices are real high what is this consider like is this a photograph yeah how much is that 5 bucks yeah I can't hold him there cool no I sterling Silvera fulfilled this looks like a trumpet slide right yep I know what they used to use these for all the time you can't be putting the fill on here and it's gonna fall in the grass this guy's got a lot of cool stuff down here like super cool jeez there's like your grandma's teen Wow yeah they are full real benchers some of the people just come out here for the for the vibes though hey how are you [Music] [Applause] that's cool look at this table huh Wow it's amazing the Boy Scouts little hat [Music] what is that I didn't even see that really cool just ornaments all right maybe Christmas these little beads come in here and then go back down from like a comment take the gelatin like stretchy like how they used to do hawk Oh again make them stretchy pretty cool look at this Pleasantville New Jersey crossing guard that dad thing lift that up again I mean they must have a [Music] this fell down where'd that fall from maybe here look at this guy look at this is that real it is this is like really cool stuff here look at this is that a pipe wow that's really cool sterling yeah thanks this bond oh joy I know you got in here testing your gold are you funny voice I can't believe that's not gold can't believe matrix cash all right back on this end over here you know what though yeah you know whether we we just go hustle in it yeah I'm going thank you okay [Applause] [Applause] [Music] this cool [Applause] [Music] look at this though go pyramid we're big groovy lines under one roof it's pretty cool these are for like flower decorations all right do you want that chair should we try and get it I mean it's cool mid-century I think so he's getting a days about the vibe just your luck right what is this for that is a Victorian pomander back in the Victorian age people didn't shower like we do you know maybe once a month once whatever so everybody's real smelly so you would put your clover you know your perfume balls whatever in here and then women would wear these on their belts okay yeah so you would always have something to smell besides stinkiness that's pretty cool a pomander they make them today to put in your drawers you know like you can get poem Anders today but this was something that you'll find if you read Victoria magazines or stuff you'll always see one of these hanging off thank you for that she was the first one looking at this door my one little one she always steals my I had one just like that it's kind of it looks like mid-century ish she always sleeps on it and like but I gave it to her I just gave it a little cleaning um I would do maybe like a little fantastic or something like that you know that lanterns cool that's action movies yep it's got a mercury glass back handle and then if you wanted to you could hang it right on the wall that's what makes it very good how much is that how much is the lantern this is 60 it's cool thank you all right the first the first time that Sammy J didn't get something bought from her and then yell at me later because that guy was about to buy it yeah but you looked at it way before he was even there I told her I'd come back cuz she said she wanted to clean it so dude that's yeah but he was fed into a to might I'm looking I love cuz you were buying it for personal use he was buying it for sale life look at this thing now that's some nice scaffolding to actually for a mini dream or of your purchase all right on this table so Sammy wanted this store real bad we walked away some guy was looking it up online like the prices here a little bit crazy but this is a really nice chair and it is old and it is in decent condition I'm gonna put like a little blanket over top of it anyway cats be what but don't put it down like that is it dated Babcock Phillips corporation that guy was so mad because he's gonna leave thinking about this further acts I know I always let people step all over me so like no not this time son look at this bike it's mercury dreamer this thinks real nice that's a coin right there [Applause] what do you got nobody called my uh I can't even know I can bring it out here let's take a look come ah it's like just for magazines cut it out Wow that's John's house that was their diploma on the back and they just turned it over and put that on the front that's cutted grazie right man how much just five all right cool thank you for coming around look at this 1 & 2 pretty cool thank you have a go on [Music] I want this big guy for the front yard how much you think he is how much for the guy you think [Music] what you guys wet super cool what is that it's not glass it's a little much not like price-wise I'm saying hi get it how much you think it could be fortune town yeah that's what I was make money off it look at all these keys I'm sorry not much just selling off the rest of my junk what's up not much Tucker how are you doing what's your name John John nice to meet you you sell here a lot no I usually do um do you know Blue Ridge no never better it's right now stay loose Bert I'm sweating you okay I usually go there it's a good one be good it's nicely down terrific no a little too light Cayenne for my taste guess lon yeah this is our first time here okay there he is really and kikis that's awesome it's a yeah it's a artist made 19 probably 60 70 s necklace so girl just I thought I thought you'd like that I did actually even when we got it I thought you'd like it and then we have a whole book like the lady housework I got that from the house we know the hoarder house I saw those posts I didn't watch him all through about there's some there was a lot of stuff in there like the guy's the guy brought back another box of jewelry and gave me the box of jewelry and that was is this it's a lot of that stuff came from there now it's your lucky number 455 it's got to be a main road or city street Oh a city street I want 20 bucks on that so he's got videos actually on his youtube if you guys didn't know already where he got most of this stuff from Oh real and there's a series what what's your what's your sucker upper or you look up blue busty say it again Tucker upper or blue busty but he's got he's got a series of videos where a lot of this stuff came from so it's pretty cool yeah do you want something satisfying ring that Bell right there I know you don't have wow that's not much it's hi there it doesn't seem at all really pretty much like a fish I almost [Music] [Music] how much for this the OG the og legitimate wagon wheels Civil War there were supposedly cannon wheels I got him out of as great for him they're really cool yeah the hopes on the other ones who it's like this this was one of two currently the Wardrobe wheels for the bigger these are yours yeah how much are they Lancaster were like 1,400 to 16 per wheel but if I can were close to a thousand yeah they're cool thank you don't see like that every day at the flea market that's for sure even bringing them out here is uh it's a little traction piece a job good luck was advantage Dick Tracy you've seen some of the videos that's crazy how much are the doors I got a right now left of the big ones over there those are nice pretty big dog this one goes like on this the roof the ceiling and then it goes across right wow that's nice say you got them in the job I love cats clean for ten years those are cool though I like those now you gonna be late man not working at nice Oh brass right I seen blue buzz he's down yeah he's over there I saw [Applause] [Music] yeah all right so it was our first time here at the Golden Nugget in Lambertville I would say the experience all around was 100 percent satisfactory and positive it's much more high-end than any market that we've been to ever more antiques collectibles therefore the prices are higher but we did walk away with some really cool stuff paid more for it but the quality is much better we got two really cool racing jacket Sammis gordon epic stool that you almost had to battle some guy over I got a couple of skeleton keys and a couple pieces of art I got to look a lot but if my eyes aren't tricking me the one lithograph is the same initials as another piece that I have that look like the one that I have was kind of ruined from sitting in an attic but I found the same piece and it was worth like 800 to a thousand dollars so for five bucks why not take a chance and grab a cool piece of artwork so I got two pieces of artwork that I got to check out more in depth but we are what are we about to do about to see if we can find these train tracks maybe get something to eat first because it did say on the sign for anyone who was wondering I said it's at $50 for a Sunday set up for a table I don't know if the rates are lower in the winter because is our first time here so obviously we've never tried to set up here but I do think that knowing about this place now that a couple of the clean outs that we've done in the past if we would have just loaded the truck and brought it right here that would have been probably our best-case scenario and I do think that's what a lot of people do they do clean outs in this area which is much more wealthy than where we live and there's a lot cooler stuff and the house is older like the doors and stuff that that guy got out of the house you'd never see that quality where we live something to think about if you got good antiques bring them here you know but we're out until next time okay so I was just walking around with the camera thinking I was recording for like two minutes straight but we are recording now so online I saw pictures and a couple videos of abandoned trains in Lambertville and we were excited to check them out and couldn't find them until we were just driving down River Road right here and Samy yelled there's the trains and pointed to the abandoned trains right on this side of the road so hopefully we can get there from here we just parked in this parking lot 2:57 South Main Street and we're gonna take nice jacket you get that from the flea market and can we get there from here this looks like a park right like this isn't just someone's house is it just going down here by the river this is a canal right here I guess well that bridge right there I guess they wouldn't have signs like this unless it was a public road right because unless no because it has a street name and everything on it so we parked over there okay the dnr canal hydrilla they call this this is the canal you can try turned out to be a really really glorious day but so when I was looking up the train there was no there was one guy that made a blog about how to get to it but it wasn't very detailed hopefully this is helping other people if they want to check out this train from where we just parked to where we're going now hopefully we can get through here huh this is wild down here I guess this is a lock right here so there's the train yeah you got to go over this little walkway bridge here where the lock is I guess that would be the best way to show where it is all right so here's the trains [Music] these are the trains right here so this one's like a carrier train for like coal or something and then the other ones kind of like a passenger train go get their stuff I am look how cool this is that yeah we're gonna hop in there right [Music] since like definitely a passenger train frickin epic time yeah all right we're gonna try and get in here so we could show the Train all right that was it easier Wow yeah this is cool look at this one big piece of art smells a little bit in here though you can see where all the seats used to be along here I like like all other graffiti like mixed together is really really cool because like you know how sometimes there's just like blank spots on walls and then there's rafidhi over there and then one was blank like it's literally covered every single but so it looks really really sick we're gonna try and get a corporate on here really cool that was gonna be this perfect so super stoked really really cool so that's the other train that would haul stuff and this is I guess the passenger train and obviously right yes I will say after exploring a lot of abandoned stuff in my life this is the most perfect easiest most accessible and least sketchy train that we've ever found it's just part of the park basically and it's easy to get to the trails literally right there and the canal and then the blocking biking path across you can see the people over there walking but yeah super easy to get to and cool and lots of writing I was hoping for more detailed art in here well it's mostly writing which is cool too but it'd be cool to have a nice mural like this guys gold faces here in the corner we're more clear in the picture I saw from before but I'm gonna take some pictures of this really happy to share this with you guys that's super cool what are you saying about this video you said I squirted up the flea market for 20 bucks it was made in France super nice and weird like size small so it is actually small it's actually almost too small for me but you usually don't see like vintage stuff in something so so tiny or something so nice it's a suit this is this full dedication for this better this is dedication guys take everything literally like everything let's take this shot that right yeah good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just like dead rats in there okay so we just visited the train it was really cool we got some awesome photos and I wonder this was at that liquidation sale day one using it the whole thing's broken already it's just this piece that's on the bottom of the camera was in here and as I wiggled it a little too hard it just snapped right off so I can't use that anymore I did like this tripod a lot though but uh it win them all should I try and climb up there and see what's inside of there so here's where the tracks end so actually the Train is fully just all in the tracks still let's see how this is gonna work with the camera so this is still some good footing on here whoa [Music] just like graffiti like graffiti really pretty cool says drop acid not Bob I [Laughter] don't know about that but to each his own I guess we're back at the house has this thing looking one of the coolest things that you've ever found so I did unscrew and put batteries in it cuz it obviously was dead I cleaned it off with like a little bit of disinfectant and tea tree so we turn the light off let's go in a darker hey why so it changes like no I can see it wait against red oh my gosh where'd you can't dance told you this is a score you're like I don't know I just didn't know it was this cool I did not lit up I thought it was like oh I got you that is what that is though in my crystal ball one of the coolest things ever that guy had more of these huh I think I gotta call him off and be like yeah he's gonna know that cuz when you start to show interest in something and we've said this time and time before that's when people either up charge you like you return Maritimes they manage stuff that guy had he'd never be able to charge you bit more yeah that's true and he took some of them so you obviously already knew their okay so I bought a whole bunch of bags of toys I don't know a week ago didn't take him out of the car until now but now I organized them on the floor and I wanted to show you guys some of the stuff that I got so we got some bootleg wrestlers three of them I think they're bit like anyway these are like the he-man lookin figures these are this is a Marvel guy I think I'm not sure who this character is exactly although I have seen them before a lot of Titan wrestlers these ones are from 1990 there is 13 of them I think then we got this big Gumby tighten wrestler he's not in good shape but the Hulk Hogan one super cool also the small Hulk Hogan super cool couple Marvel guys the alligator guy from spider-man I forgot his name he's missing his tail this is I want to say Jojo it's mark 1992 not exactly sure if this vest goes to him or not I don't know some Ninja Turtles figures missing a hand I think this is Captain Planet I'm not great with the toys this is like an alien vs. predator thing we have all these bags of like extra stuff Hot Wheels like an arm for someone Roger Rabbit bunch of matchboxes none that were that good that I saw though but enough to do a match box lot cosmic blues from 1970 that's pretty old enough to do a lot the gargoyles figures which only this ones complete with the towel and the wings he's missing the town he's missing a wing which kind of stinks is why I had to buy all three bags because all the pieces were mixed throughout three Bucky O'Hare action figures uh I don't remember their names I guess that's Bucky O'Hare I don't remember for sure bruiser I think don't know the alligator these two are bit villains I guess and he was the good guy Woody from Toy Story so that's it that's the toy lot that we got these alone we're well worth it they do sell on eBay I don't know I'm gonna post it as a lot and then maybe I don't know some of them a lot of them are trash ish we're like not really good enough to online post but I know a few people I asked me about them I wanted to show tons of toys actually really get these from Salvation Army or goodwill Salvation Army in New York Pennsylvania but that's the video for today hope you guys enjoyed it really good time at the Polly Market Golden Nugget flee in Lambertville and checking out an abandoned train so all good times really really cool that we got to do the drone shot as well I was a little bit nervous about doing it at first but there was no wind and it all turned out it was good it looked really cool so we'll be back up there again sometime in future yeah just stay positive everyone and just I want to say every video that nobody is living your life but you and by listening to other people or basically basing your your life around the opinions of other people is the worst choice you could ever make if I listened to everyone that had an opinion towards us I would never do anything again wouldn't even leave my house but uh you can't listen other people you got to let fear you know for you and your unhappiness and your love the people that you love's happiness not for the opinions of people that really in the long run don't matter so live your life for yourself and for your happiness I can't say that enough because so many people have these negative or crazy opinions about other people and they don't mean anything but keep pushing see you guys in the next video I'll you I think the person who won today was real she got a new chair to sit on Marilyn you said that she could have the other one you could have this one then what happened so happy with it new stole who did your princess chair finally we don't have to share it mama got her own but you know here papa yeah see you guys good night I wanna make one quick clean so one's bulk sent us that little plaque for the video because he got a lot of use they sent us this little light box and it creates really nice pictures for the action figures so I just posted the lot of nine of the Titan figures and pulled Hulk Hogan under the giant out of there and I'm talking it was on eBay for less than two minutes and the lot sold for $19.99 plus shipping this lot of toys I think it was the fastest turnaround for an eBay item that we've ever had ever so that's pretty cool really crazy actually look how cool Andre the Giant mooks [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 46,724
Rating: 4.8049417 out of 5
Keywords: golden, nugget, flea, market, lambertville, new, jersey, antiques, flea market, farmers market, vintage, collectibles, brass, antique market, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tuckerfupper, nj, lambertville flea market, old, vinyl, mid-century, mid century modern, skeleton keys
Id: Wmv7Ly2nmtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 56sec (4136 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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