I Bought a Pallet of RETURNS from JOHN LEWIS at AUCTION.. Returns Unboxing!

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how much stories have that where are we going to put them it's not empty set so inventive 10 out of 10 for that one [Music] hey everyone welcome back so about a month ago i found out that you can bid on palettes of john lewis returns and that is exactly what i did sounds like a scam but it's not i don't think so i was having a browse and i found this lot that had a few things in that i really wanted and the rest i was pretty sure i could sell off now the issue with it is they are raw terms so they could be anything from a return because someone wants a different color all the way up to it's broken it doesn't work and there's parts missing now john lewis is a really reputable company so a lot of the things they stock are really nice things so i decided i was gonna bid on this lot and this is how it went so guys there is literally two minutes left of this auction i'm currently the highest bidder oh my gosh eleven ten nine right i'm out i got my highest bids in did i get it so far for a couple weeks i paid for my lot i had to pay the price that i wanted plus 55 pounds shipping and it has just been delivered so i am about to go and get it i couldn't get it delivered to my house so i've got to go and pick it up from where i got it delivered but i don't know like it's a palette of returns like what the heck like i can't wait to show you what's in there i can't wait to figure out do the things work are they broken i mean the idea is i keep the bits i want there's a few bits that my family want so they'll purchase them and then i sell the rest off so let's see watch everything be broken and nothing be worth anything and me have spent all this money um for nothing you gotta take risks so apparently i seem to think that uh spring is here it's not i'm gonna be cold but it's fine so i've just got here and waited for my dad to come out i did ask him to bring a stanley knife or something of the sort so we can open it but i can see the palette it's massive um it's massive i guess i've just got to get into it and just see see how it's all packaged but oh my goodness how exciting is this oh very [Applause] oh my goodness it's so crazy look at that okay so it's two separate boxes how mad is that just a casual shark and just just a few dyson hair products oh i didn't know there was oh yeah that's the ghg hot brush oh my goodness look there's the coffee machine look just a casual dyson era no biggie that's mad this looks fine do you know how much these are retailed at i've got a clue 449 what the heck okay i mean this is mad this is still in the box i mean it doesn't say what's wrong with us i guess we're gonna have to like test them all and figure out mr dyson big ball the stage coffee machine are you putting all this in your car yeah i think you'll be able to it will it should all fit yeah yeah [Music] [Music] i'm back in the car sorry if that footage wasn't that great my dad's not the greatest like videographer but oh my goodness my little car is full i'm gonna head home and uh take it onto the kitchen we'll unbox everything see what's in working order what's not if there's anything that i need to kind of get refurbished before i kind of pass it on although a lot of it looks you know like all right i mean most of the things have boxes obviously i don't know did i try them but it's a good sign that a lot of them have boxes oh this one's slimy how ridiculous does this look oh wow i know right just a casual few dyson just a casual ghd heart brush oh my goodness oh wow look shark i know where are we going to put them oh monica literally what do you think [Music] mad yeah do you ever have those times where you have a really good idea and then you hit the what now point now i'm at the what now point i'm gonna make a coffee and then we'll figure out what to do next okay i've got my scissors i've got my coffee's up there i've got my coffee let's go into this bad boy first this is the dyson era the retail price of this is 449 pounds i actually do own one so the actual storage container doesn't look damaged but they do come with a box brand new and this one doesn't have one so let's open this up watch this person have ordered it because they were missing a part and they've sent it back and kept the missing part they had or broke or whatever okay so this is what it looks like everything looks like it's in all right order i mean it's definitely been used because generally these come with kind of paper around them is there any hair on any of them yes lovely obviously i'm going to try it out and see if it works when it's plugged in and things but i would assume with an item like this they probably ordered it tried it and just not gone very well with it because the air wraps are quite tricky to get your head around if you you know don't use them very often but it looks like it's in incredible condition it's a bit dusty so they're definitely not used it for ages but yeah that still looks awesome let's have a look at the ghd smoothing hot brush it doesn't look like oh there is a hair on it so i actually have this again and it's really really good and again i would assume with something like this it's probably something they've tried out and just not gone very well with because it's a very niche product if you like that blow dry kind of flick at the end of your hair you can get this with this amazingly if you like it smooth this is great um but i know it's not for everyone this looks like it's literally been used once i mean ghds rarely break so i can't imagine look it's still got the plastic thing on the end so i can't imagine it will be like fully broken i mean i've had pairs of ghgs for like 10 years they're literally invincible yeah it's fine it's working it's heating up so it's in full working order i'll just assume someone just didn't get on with [Music] it i mean i would cut a piece of my hair but i should probably disconnect it first i think the thing with both of these products so far they've been very hyped products so they're things that you might see your friends have or see people get for christmas or people trying the internet and you're like oh amazing like i want to try that but actually you know maybe they're not quite right for everyone i haven't actually ever tried the dyson karate we have two different ones here now i don't know what the difference is this literally feels like it's not even open this is so heavy i actually don't know what they do oh this comes with a brush okay let's open this one so the box is a bit damaged but it's still got box presented so nicely okay so you get your little like heat proof mat and i guess carry case because this is like a rechargeable straightener it's so interesting i've never tried it but you don't take dummies in here but you don't actually have to have it plugged in when you straighten your hair so you charge it up on like the dock and then yeah it's handheld like this oh it's so interesting oh it says flight flight mode there's an airplane is that does that mean flight mode or am i being like dramatic is there really not a flight mode when it comes to straightness there are definitely signs of use with the brush there's some hair on it and the comb i mean i don't really think hair would get stuck to that but there's hair stuck to the brush so that's been used um so that means completely disinfecting it would be so hopeful if they gave like a diagnostic of what's wrong with it but i guess that's such a waste of their time when they can just put these things on sites and be like they go buy it okay so everything looks to be here in this set so that's amazing it's got the instructions oh it's a flight ready tag before you fly pull out the flight ready tag to disconnect the battery that's so cool this one actually feels a lot sleeker just they've obviously got a massive battery on them because there's massive battery warnings everywhere to be honest the thing i'm most excited about in this whole hall of things is the coffee machine and as i was carrying it in the house it was leaking water so that's obviously you know is it broken who knows oh my goodness this literally looks like it's been opened and packaged pretty much straight back up look everything's there we have carry case again the oh they've pulled the flight safety thing out good thinking for transport is that how it comes when you first buy it because there's a little bit of like foam there can you see that so it doesn't go in they've definitely stuck everything back on literally exactly how it came so that won't actually go in there let's have a look at this dyson corral the little pins are straight whereas on this one the little pins are wonky um i feel like that's a doable fix i know a good electrician who can just bend them back into place with some pliers i hope um if not i feel like it could be replaceable i don't think that's like you know the end of the world i don't think that's something that's going to make it you know unusable but it's definitely something that needs seeing too and that's why they sent it back the prize for the best return package goes to this person here if you're watching at home please please claim this because this is just fabulous like honestly so inventive 10 out of 10 for that one oh the spider but it wasn't i have to go and do a meeting and then we'll do the coffee machine all right see you i'm back from my meeting my mom has joined me what have you filled my kitchen with returns mum glorious returns is that on the floor i don't know i thought it was a spider and i jumped out of my skin about 20 minutes ago can i come around the other side yeah okay so this coffee machine retail is about 2 000 pounds is my dream coffee machine um so if we can fix this i shall be keeping this is this the reason that you ordered all this yes because if i can keep this and sell the rest off it's a cost neutral coffee machine it costs me nothing except time and effort which is worth it so well that looks brand new the way that's all fat well it's totally i don't think it is because of the water is dripping down my leg good point this looks like a descaler of some sort okay so oh wow it's got all the instructions this doesn't look like it's been guys it doesn't look used it does not look used i mean oh my goodness if this if this is good i'm gonna be over the moon okay it's very glamorous isn't it it's either gonna be what they didn't want yeah or there's something wrong with it so it's figuring out what it is but looking at the rest of the situation but like have they opened it and tried it and realized it's defective do you know what i mean yeah it's still got the stickers on here it's still got packaging on the back here you know like was it a gift did the husband try and do something nice for christmas and get it wrong and the wife had a tantrum and didn't want it do you know what i mean and it's still got all the stickers on the machine that's not been used the milk frother aren't they always tested as well before they're sent out are they i think so is it beautiful there's a tiny tiny dent on the back here mm-hmm let's see just here oh yeah but that's my original packaging this is all like this doesn't even look like it's been opened it hasn't no i i think we might have done it you know i think this might be it is beaut look how shiny it is i know there's a sage um ice cream machine that i really want as well it's a heston bloomfield collaboration waitrose so i'm hoping there'll be a return on that at some point literally what i paid for the palette for all of this is the cost of this brand new how crazy is that it is beautiful and this is the one thing i desperately wanted obviously it's really handy to have the vacuums because the um i think two of them are pet ones we have dogs and we have a lot of hair in this household um i can't it's stunning this has been on my wish list ever since i discovered it but really like the current coffee machine i have is that one it's the um nespresso lattissima pro i think it's called and this is like 300 pounds but obviously 300 to 2000 pounds is a massive step up isn't it this one doesn't use pods which obviously is way better for the environment but i mean obviously we recycle our pods anyway but yeah i mean there's a few look there's a few dinks on the side just there's a little ding there's a couple on the back but there's a couple on the back just there do you think it would be returned for something as simple as that i mean if you pay 2 000 pounds for it you kind of want it to be pristine don't you but to be honest wherever i have this is always going to be tucked away somewhere like with things either side right mother's just changed if you're confused it's still the same day it's like two seconds later um but we're gonna now unbox the vacuums what would you want to do first which one are you most excited about one of the sharks okay so just different so we have the shark cordless upright anti-hair wrap also we don't know what this is i'm assuming a vacuum and then we have a sharp corded up right with anti-hair wrap so it's recorded version or a cord lust version okay which one do you want to open or do you want to open the mystery package no i'd like to open the corded please okay because i've got a corner yep okay so it's definitely been used wouldn't you say uh yeah it's a bit smelly that's not the news that's not being used is this some recyclable paper is that where it's smelling put it down i don't know it looks like a long long tube oh is it going to be a jigsaw puzzle yeah absolutely i mean there should be instructions like you said they're jigsaws so generally you can replace bits that are broken can't you really easily yeah this looks like it comes with a lot of bits right what you want to grab oh what interesting it looks like a petrol pump oh get me she figured it out you look like a ghostbuster or even recess no but i've i've never seen it on an airplane mom loves a good corded vacuum i'm not really a fan but i feel like they are good to have aren't they i think they've got better suction power so if you're doing the edges and things like that i'm going to give mom the pleasure of doing this because i think i think we know what's coming i think this is going to belong to mum i think this has found a home it's not very loud no that's good it's on minimum though no oh it's a mat ah what's that oh so hard floor carpet so that's the car oh what's this it's a toggle yeah hard floor carpet so guess how much that is retail i think maybe about 300 pounds they are 249 pounds one for brand-new 249 pounds i would say you can have it for your birthday but i don't think that's a very good 50th birthday present 49. lockdown well then i'm still 22. let's go and unbox the other shark and the other dyson um probably in less detail because mom's not as excited about those but let's see if they work i want to open the mystery parcel next which definitely looks like a vacuum of some sort so this is what was in the mystery package so i've just looked at how much these are retail and they it looks like it's been used once doesn't it mum yeah there is some muck in it but a lot of the attachments look like they've just been kind of tested out and then not really further used so guess how much it is retail okay so i think a dyson would be about 200 and i think these are quite expensive because i've seen their washing machine things so probably about 299 300. 679 yes so we figured out it comes with two batteries and therefore two charges on the button no the suction is definitely good it's there it just i don't know maybe it is great and just because it's a lot quieter i'm a bit like it's very like minimal isn't it if you want like a really inoffensive vacuum that's the one so i've just done something and i want you to come and do it too open this it sounds like a challenge it's not empty set no what do you see when you see that um a head yes but what does it look like um dyson oh my gosh it looks unopened oh yes it looks like a motorcycle it looks like it's not been opened this is brand new it is look oh my gosh it's not even opened has it doesn't look like yeah has that been tried i won't say so no okay so i just opened the cordless shark we've got some instructions and again this lit really looks like it hasn't been used that's never had dirt in it has it no definitely not like i said obviously we will oh is it bags was that storage bag that's the storage storage bag obviously yeah obviously we will test them but just not right this second so that just looks like unused yeah so this is the final one it's the cordless facts i don't know about you but i would assume that that's not actually been taken out of the package yeah so what we're saying i mean we'll assume obviously we'll test it again but assuming that that's been unused yeah the madness all right well let me take you upstairs and summarize so to summarize it was definitely worth doing if there's something in the lot that you want to keep but unless you're able to get like a lot super super cheap then you're not really going to make the most profit with the fees and everything you have to pay on top so as like a money making scheme it's definitely not it but if there are certain products that you want to get at like a discounted rate and then maybe like sell the other few products off or like friends and family or whatever then yeah i would say it's potentially worth the risk but i did some research and i found some people that kind of do this like full-time and i reached out and they basically said that there has to be a limit of what the lot price is and if it goes above that it's not profitable and they said it's only every so often that you manage to get a lot at a price low enough to make it worth it to make a profit so yeah i really hope you enjoyed this video it was so much fun and i will see you in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Emily Canham
Views: 467,819
Rating: 4.8999157 out of 5
Keywords: pallet of returns, buying returns, what's inside, returns unboxing, I Bought LOST LUGGAGE for CHEAP, I Bought $1000 of Lost Luggage at an Auction, I Won Tihs from a Lost Luggage Auction & It's Actually Unbelievable!, I bought returns at auction, john lewis returns auction, buying returns at auction, amazon returns unboxing, buying returns from john lewis, unboxing mystery box
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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