Unboxing A Target Customer Returns Liquidation Pallet | Pallet Flipping | Unboxing

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hey everybody welcome to another unboxing i have been looking forward to this uh we've been waiting and waiting and waiting to i know i know we got this like three weeks ago yes we've and we've been waiting to be able to unbox it and today is the day so we got this palette of target merchandise from market street liquidation we paid 499 dollars for it now i know that normally we calculate expenses with this but we're not going to do that this time because the expenses that we incurred to get these pallets was actually part of a mini family vacation as well so it's not going to be very accurate so we're just going to cut through the expenses our goal is to double we've never done a palette like this before so we don't even know what to expect if it's even possible to double or what what we're going to do about it so we're excited this is kind of an experiment so it's our second target palette it's different than the last one and the thing that i've learned about target palettes is not just from the one unboxing but from talking to other people is that target customer returns are a lot higher quality than other retailers uh returns like amazon and walmart because they typically have a higher quality product so i'm interested to see what target returns look like we've never done it before so let's jump right in hi there my name is joe and i'm jessica we are homeschooling natural living entrepreneurs this is a story of how we balance it all for the freedom to live our lives devoted to our family and faith thanks for stopping by subscribe and come on in [Music] you're already excited i'm it's not that i'm laughing because i'm i'm thinking back to all of the christmas stuff uh issue that we had probably back in the summer yeah but i'm actually kind of excited about christmas stuff now because the season is just so much better almost october now yeah so this is good so we've got this little how cute is that got this little christmas tree here um i'm gonna grab those two wreaths too and we're gonna start it off with christmas huh look how pretty look at this you know what i like about this this is this might be like pointing to my like laziness when it comes to decor but if you forget to take this down it's kind of also valentine's day it is so it is going to grab this one yeah grab the other one please all right so let's go ahead and check this this was actually really difficult to find i couldn't find it on any of the three platforms that i searched for uh luckily there is a price on here um it says in the in the top corner here it says 44.99 i did google it yeah i found the target you know where the where the where they have like almost like a cash kind of thing but if you click on it it doesn't show up so they're obviously not selling it anymore but each of these are selling for 44.99 a piece so um i'm gonna go ahead and try and sell these for thirty dollars a piece um so i did a quick search for this one as well and i'm running into the same problem so for the sake of time i went ahead and i just looked at the bottom of this it's selling for 24.99 i don't think we're going to get that much for it we could probably sell it for 15. maybe list it for 20 hope to get 15 for it all right so we're going to have a couple of these coolers oh yeah those are nice yeah two different sizes would you be able to sell that as a set even when you probably could i don't know the benefits but it doesn't look to have been used it's got some dust and stuff in there but so that one's looking good oh yeah same thing with that one so let's see how much these are selling for all right so this bigger cooler here it's selling for 32.99 online uh there's no way we're gonna sell online it'll have to be local and we'll try and get 25 for it and then this smaller these coolers are cheap maybe it's the season i don't know i i remember coolers being more expensive than this i don't know but this one is only selling for 18.99 so it's something that we'll list on facebook to try and maximize our profits uh in hopes to get 15 bucks for it let's grab this big box it's light it's light it's probably bends it is so light oh it's so light it's kind of scary i just don't it could be great but you know when it's light you think like hot look not high value items you know especially for a big box like this and then it takes up so much space in the palette so if it's not a high value item then you know the likelihood that you're going to be able to make you know a lot of money is going to be low because it just takes up so much space in the palette okay well it's not bins i see paper in there i have an idea of what it is okay it's got handles oh is it one of those uh like those little decorative like hampers or baskets of oh that's gonna sell local so quick yeah how gorgeous it looks good i don't see any issues with it whatsoever no no careful because you want to check for the breakages like yeah any of these could be broken but i don't see any breakages oh that's kind of so quick it's exciting in our area uh home decor stuff sells so well so well here well i mean it's got a price tag on it 34.99 so i don't even know if i need to yeah i don't think you need to look it up it's actually this is a filipino artist this is from the philippines it looks like it but there we go all right so 35 bucks this is something that we're not going to ship so this someone will sell locally uh aim to get 25 for it sweet all right i'm just gonna pull this big box out of the way because it's as much as i like to save the surprises i can't get to anything in the box so oh i saw a little secret well it says on the box what it is oh you saw it too yeah so i'm gonna open this up in suspense yes for all you lovely people out there you want to go this way yeah they get scared when we cut towards the camera i mean i would too if i had a knife coming at me all right and i like the brand yeah melissa and doug very very good resale value yeah um i'm gonna try and pull this out because i want to make sure it's all good but it's great it's like that suction yep against the suction does it suck getting it out all right this is kind of cool cute it's uh it's a little heavy so shipping is gonna be not a good idea um but it's got all these different grocery stores got a cart yep um play money very very great for pretend to play i love melissa and doug stuff i think there's a upc on the other side i cracked the tempered glass did you yeah it's okay it's just the tempered glass guys but that was a little scary this here there it is buying options what 200 bucks 95 bucks yeah i've been nice 200 bucks i guess i was overestimated somewhat but listen doug's expensive okay yeah that's crazy um so here's what i'm thinking we're going to do with this one the chances of us being able to sell this locally we'll list it for 80 and go ahead and see if we can get 70 or 80 there but i think i'm also going to list this online for 99 because it if it's that if it costs that much after shipping we may be able to make 60 or 70 profit here's some uh nighttime underwear and i see these also here um leak proof liquid proof life proof pads these are for women and they are a little more natural organic okay so let's find out how much these are worth there we go um 11.99 uh these are 11.99 so we'll just put that in our in our blowout garage sale type thing for maybe five dollars and the same with these um each of these are about ten dollars a piece they're i think they said nine nine fifty nine so we should be able to make five dollars a piece on each of these as well mcgrad there are a lot of these which is good but also bad what does that stranger do stranger things set a lot a lot there's some more over there a lot well it's easy to list take some time to sell but it's easy to list whoa i'm gonna look through there and make sure there's no more all right so there are 24 that we know of that we know of and uh i know in target they're selling they were for 10 and they went to clearance for three dollars and there's still this many less so i'm just a check on ebay because if we were to sell them online that's where it would be and the reason why i would consider selling ebay because it's one listing you list it once there's that many and then you just ship as they sell and uh [Music] let's see they're selling so on ebay they're selling 4.95 five dollars five bucks 4.59 five bucks 11 15. 4.50 and this is all in the last couple of days so there are probably four or five selling per day which is good but for how much granted these can be shipped multimedia mail so it's only gonna cost maybe two dollars and fifty cents to sell uh so i think after fees and everything we could make a dollar a piece uh or we could put it in you know garage sale try and get two bucks but for this math purposes we'll say a dollar a piece so that's 24 bucks right there i think i'm gonna grab all of these diapers um and training pants yeah so we can get these uh where they need to go i know we've already had uh these ones before we already know but i'm also seeing some um different kinds of pads and stuff so i want to go ahead and get all those out of the way this if we were keeping the flea market booth this would be great items to stock it with that that would sell eventually but it it complicates things somewhat for us because uh we're we're getting rid of the flea market booth no i know right so these things we just have to hold on to for a lot longer okay so um got all these priced and looked at um we've done these before we already know that we're gonna do these at some kind of local garage sale type thing we'll get five dollars a piece for these two um we've also got these tampax tampons they're only selling for like six dollars and some change so i'll sell them for three dollars locally um at a garage sale we'll do we'll sell these locally make try to make five bucks off of it try to give it to somebody who really needs them and then these they don't sell for a lot on their own but we can sell these online and lot them all together and hope to make ten dollars ten dollars off of those and then these two here they're selling 16.99 a piece if i were to sell them individually it would not be cost efficient for me to sell them online but i can lot them together and we can probably make maybe ten dollars as well thank you all right so there's a lot of items in this palette what a lot of smaller items too and uh they've been great a lot of small lower dollar items be great for garage sales flea market booths uh for the strategy the model that we're moving into not so great um but we're learning uh which is good so i'm going to grab these two boxes here the i those had my eye i was really wondering what they were so i was kind of hoping you'd grab them what are they they're hair dryers ooh and uh their clearance they were selling for 70 bucks on clearance hundred dollars brand new dude dude dude how are the boxes all good condition they look good oh so pretty well that's a great online i know you were just talking about how we have so many items and then you pick some pretty good online items i know so look at that perfect gorgeous i don't know who kristen s is i'll have to google her because i really need to know all right so kristen s uh do is it worth a lot of money yes it is are we gonna be able to get a hundred or even seventy dollars for it online no there's lots of for sale on ebay probably from other people just like us buying target pallets and targets clearancing them out but we should be able to make around 45 to 50 for these um it's not bad who doesn't need a small pet bed we don't while they're camping that's funny yeah so flatwoods coleman tent four-person tank i mean coleman's one of my favorite brands for camping stuff this is gonna be even better if it's still wrapped in its professional wrapping which it looks like it is or somebody folded up very very nicely it looks to have been rented so it looks like there's some uh forced dust in here and on the bottom so it's been used the evidence the evidence remains it's a pine needle which isn't that bad when you think of camping stuff because camping stuff still holds its value pretty well as long as it's not all ran down we could sell this facebook or even online for used once and it would probably be okay and then this is just a pet bed nothing glamorous about it we don't need it it's got some dusty's in it but not from being used it's not like pet dust like dust from being in the palate yep so let's find out how much they're worth so 10 is pretty good so i'm thinking uh sell it locally because it's about a ninety dollar tent brand new ninety two hundred dollars sell locally 50 bucks i think we can get that this dog bed it's got a price on it for 19.99 uh there's no way that we can get that much for it if we had the flea market booth we could price it for like eight dollars and it would probably sell because pet items actually is one of the items that sold well in the flea market booth uh but we'll keep it and we'll sell it at our blowout cell in hopes of getting five bucks for it all right i see just like those uh um stranger things i'm seeing a whole bunch of journals so i'm gonna try and grab all these they're not a bunch of busted journals too yeah maybe some doodle pads for the girls well the the really nice ones we might be able to sell like at the garage sale i don't see us being able to make much more than just a few couple of dollars off of them yeah um but let me grab the rest of these 13. all right there there are 14 of these all right but like these are the ones that i would be like okay with selling because they're not right you know super there and even then they're not great so i'm thinking we might need to call this a loss and just let the girls draw in them i can take some of them and you know all the stuff all the plans i have for blogs and stuff i get right in there but i just really don't feel comfortable selling these i'm gonna go ahead count this as a zero um we will use a bummer it is um they're still you know they're still usable i just don't feel comfortable profiting off of something so imperfect right so i'm just gonna keep them for myself we're a homeschooling family you're always needing things to ride on i'm always doing things to write on i'm sure whitney could use some we'll just we'll find use form all right now we've got this case pack one okay great case pack with one minute that's what it says so hopefully it's a one of something cool it looks cool i see a little look oh dinosaur teeth made colorful so it must be a toy that's a toy i've had some toy that lucas could have christmas i know jolin likes dinosaurs too she does well eyes light up ready guys let's see oh very cool that is neat listen to me very carefully joseph i know we're gonna sell it no look at me as soon as the unboxing is done this has to go away okay because he's gonna come in here he's gonna see it and you won't be able to tell him no can you tell him though no but i won't be in here it'll be you in here that looks pretty cool that is really cool that looks neat wow that's pretty cool yeah that's super cool okay uh so it works it's in it's in decent conditions the box is pretty banged up but let's see how much kids don't care come christmas time nope all right so i'm seeing i'm seeing that they're they're listed anywhere from 70 to 80 dollars um there aren't any solds but that isn't always a bad thing we can we can just make sure that we price it competitively and then around christmas time like the chances of this selling is going to be really really good so i'm thinking we list this for 75 dollars and try to make 50 to 60 on it we've got a lot of these three oh there's glass in there that's unbreakable i'm seeing four of these on their head heavy heavy hippie that's what lucas says heavy heavy we will probably need one of those let me see if there's any more in here [Applause] there's a lot of soccer balls in here i think that's all babe i don't see any more all right i'm gonna grab this box here so we got four fiskars power gear twos and then it's a five inch by five foot by 40 inch brown terrace board with stakes yeah all right we're going to see some porches pitchers it's a border you know for a garden oh yeah okay so it's five inch by 40 feet so yes oh i see that's it like garden beds all right well those weren't all that interesting but they're going to slowly add up to make us some money so the little border here terrace board it sells for 45 bucks or 35 to 40 bucks so it's a good 20 profit item for us potential profit i should say these dudes are selling for 45 dollars nice on ebay right so that should be after shipping should be a thirty dollar profit so that's 120 plus that that's 140 potential profit right here next i know right all right let me just grab there's a lot of just small items in here so i'm just gonna pull like three or four okay we'll just see what happens okay okay okay here we go all right a foldable yoga mat nice it's really nice it's pretty nice it looks new this one's nicer than the one i have you don't even use the one you have because i go to the gym but i can take one to the gym you need to take a yoga mat to the gym okay moving on here is a sherpa blanket it's super small we got one of those last time remember but it was all nasty looking yeah this one is definitely not nasty looking and a lot of people were interested in that sharper blanket so we have another one and we have another one um for sale and then this is a flannel stripe duvet cover set very pretty it's obviously been returned you know it's very soft really nice cotton uh but you know this is obviously you can tell because it's not a manufacturer's fold yep there um it's on cl it was on clearance as well when it was purchased so probably a local item and then we have this is really pretty uh uh wall art just like a nice little design there so um yeah let me see if i can price these dudes real quick yeah all right so yoga mat still in brand new condition i think it's at 15.99 uh so i'll sell this ten dollars locally uh the sherpa blanket i know some of you were probably interested in the last one so i have this one um it's selling for twenty dollars but i will sell it for ten uh locally if you are not local and would like to have it ten dollars plus shipping it's fine with me just let me know uh and then this guy uh i was looking a little closer at it and i i don't i don't think it's been like used or anything so i'm gonna i might sell this new open box i'll look at it a little bit closer uh when it comes time for that but then uh i think we could probably sell it for 45 and get 30 for this so that's what i'm i'm banking on for this one and then this cute thing is uh 18 uh it's still for sale at uh target um i'm gonna sell it locally for 10. so looking in the box there are a lot of items that don't look to be super entertaining or super high dollar items so we're gonna kind of quickly go through some of these items and pull them all out go do a brief overall synopsis of how much we think we'll make for these items um i got it what's been going on in there oh looking dizzy yeah [Music] all right so a couple items like say a couple a lot of these that we're going to be selling at garage sales it seems like this little cuisine art thing little food slicer actually that may be going to the garbage because that's broken and that's sharp so that's gonna go in the garbage that's zero we got a bunch of these soccer balls right here they're all deflated we'll probably put them like a 50 cent bin and a garage sale just to get rid of them move out you know dogs and stuff may like them we've got this little drinking container here it'll go to the garage sale for two bucks this face scrub will try to get a dollar out of it these we got ah put on fall we got lots of trash bags who doesn't need trash bags we're gonna end up keeping these but if we were to sell if you needed to make some money you could probably get two three bucks for these we've got three boxes of those we've got another drinking little container here we're gonna say a dollar on it also and then all of the glass things these are all selling for five dollars yeah um but at a garage sale we may be able to get three dollars a piece for each of these um and they're nice they're nice little so yeah and then we got the wreath here couple dollars we got this hanging plant thing a couple of dollars all right so a couple items that we are going to sell online and the reason we're going to sell these online is because we have three of them they're selling for like 15 each online so we'll create one listing make around eight dollars profit per and then these little dudes this dry shampoo this is dry shampoo this is a dry shower this is dry shampoo when you think about they're only selling for 3.99 a bottle right but there's probably 20 to 30 of these in here at least so we'll probably end up selling these as a lot we'll count how many they are we'll lot them up some online for for ebay granted we won't know to ship these priority mail they'll have to go fedex ground or parcel select postal service because it's aerosol can't ship in the air so i don't even know the math probably around 50 to 60 profit will do and then this little hair curling iron uh hope to make around eight dollars for it it's a great time for these halloween sorry i'm sorry yes i didn't tell you i was sneaking up on you though halloween math there's three of them here three of them cool um will very likely be a local sale yeah and then i also this caught my eye and i kind of wanted to see it uh this uh little bag here it's really cute so so that's 39.99 nice so very cool very cool i'll go ahead and price this online for the 39.99 um hope to make 25 dollars in profit here all right i found these these jack-o'-lantern ones they're 9.99 a piece so this will be a local sale sell try to get five dollars for them hopefully we can sell them very quickly baskets i love them the first thing i see is a rainbow pillow stain it's all groaty nothing land of make-belief it's cute though yep and then this is a oh it looks so soft it's super soft let me feel i want to feel it oh wow that's even softer than i thought that's soft that is really soft [Music] my boys the boys in this house are very sensitive that's super soft i don't even know why it's so soft that's soft how much is it does it say i don't know there's no price on here let me look right here no no price on here okay but i'll look it up we got two of these baskets right here the same baskets they're different than the baskets we got earlier but they're still neat nonetheless and then an adidas soccer ball nice which it's okay if it doesn't have air because it's you know people will inflate it so that's cool so these two baskets they are priced at 39.99 each so we'll sell them locally two for 60 bucks i think that'd be a steal for somebody so then the soccer ball is 35 online so after shipping and fees we should be able to profit potentially 25 and this pillow the super soft pillow it's not going anywhere it's it's selling for 25 dollars which is crazy for one pillow so we could sell it for 25 online uh at some point in time it may take a little while because it's a single pillow uh but i think we're gonna keep it uh because it's soft like it's really soft that's why i laughed were those makeup boxes not sure but i have those and then i'm just going to pull these guys too all right they're a little banged up but i love retro yeah i used to have one of these this used to be a thing in the 90s every girl had to have one of these in the 90s i might have to give one to jolin she would love it yeah oh and a makeup thingy yep these were the things i forget what they were called yeah but like when i was a little girl like we all had our little yeah our little box and i think this is the same thing let me double check and make sure but yeah yeah same she'd like the blue one best though very cool all right so we got these two guys this is the santa barbara collection it is a love seat cover looks like it's been taken out of the package put back in it has i'm going to have to you know look at it depending on how much it costs how much time i want to put into it and inspect it and see yeah um and then this is it's it's really dirty yeah it's very very a dirty blanket so we'll have to sell it locally as is probably just make five bucks off of it um just because i don't want to have to mess with it too much so i can sell it as is for five bucks the rest of this let's find out i looked it up it's a caboodle it's a caboodle that's what they were called yeah so one of these is probably going to go to our oldest girl because they'll love it but the other one i can sell for five dollars at a uh garage sale they're selling for twenty dollars brand new yeah oh yeah they are selling for twenty dollars i forgot to say that that's an important that's an important thing uh like i said five dollars for this blanket uh this bar santa barbara cover it's originally selling for 44 but it's on sale for 35 so i'm going to list it for 35 after expecting it inspecting it of course yes and hopefully we can profit 25. yep so we just we are down to the very end the last few items and the first of which is a tensioner shower curtain rod tension rod so those usually aren't very expensive anyway so a couple dollars at a garage sale if i don't fall over here please don't fall i know we've got a coleman self inflating it camping i love those things right so cool so usually with these if it's been used they're it's very hard to get them back in the box so looking at it somebody has not used this no it is it is flat you don't normally like once you inflate it it's hard to get all of the air back out of it so so i'm excited to see what that one is worth we've got michelin car nice uh four-piece set i guess it's universal yeah very kind of neat it's like walking on a platform that keeps moving maybe this wasn't the best idea for me we got more of the cont contijo contigo contigo drinking things uh we're probably like eight dollars a piece for these sweet we got a really bad soccer ball uh we're gonna call this one lost for sure because it's all grody and then the last item is an arctic air ultra enjoy cool clean air anywhere see that we're practicing for like sponsorships whatever yes that's what we're doing so the arctic air keeps you cool anywhere uh it's probably gonna be a difficult sell this time of year because it's getting cooler outside but when they were selling they were selling for 39.99 so we may be keeping this for a good nine months before it sells but when it does sell we hope to make 20 profit for it these little michelin car floorboard things so if we sell them locally we hope to make around 20 for these and the winner of that round was this coleman i thought it would be a self-inflating pad and it wasn't as expensive as i thought it was uh but it was selling for around 40 to five dollars in its condition so after shipping and fees we should make around twenty five dollars all right everybody so that is it we hope that you enjoyed this unboxing with us and before you go some of you are probably wondering how we did financially from this palace so we just did the math and we're calculating that we're going to do an estimated 941 dollars in revenue meaning that we should profit potentially around 441 dollars it's a really really exciting thing it was a good palette now this is something i want to say to a lot of people who ask us all the time what's a good palette to buy so this palette here was great because you know you're about doubling your money so that's really great that's really awesome now keep in mind that we just we bought this when we had a flea market booth yeah now we don't have a flea market booth and we're having to adjust the way that we sell our local items we've got a lot of low dollar items that we're going to have a hard time moving unless we have some kind of garage sale so when you ask me what kind of pallets should i buy it really depends on your market it really depends on your business model so is this palette great absolutely would i recommend it to somebody who has a great local market absolutely will we be will should we purchase one of these again very soon probably not because we don't have a way to move that product if at some point we do yeah then these we'll buy a whole this would be a great palette for somebody that has an outdoor flea market swap meet that you have good traffic in your flea market if you have one but if you're wanting to do strictly online sales this isn't a great palette for you if you're wanting to do only facebook marketplace sales this is not a great palette for you yeah so it really just depends on what you're doing so uh yeah i hope this kind of gives you guys some insight yeah uh for those of you who are looking to do this uh in the future or who are doing it now but overall great quality product i want you to know that it's great quality product very hardly any broken stuff almost all of it was brand new usable sellable condition and for a great price yeah so we hope you enjoyed this video uh just keep keep watching because we've got new unboxings every week that was really choppy i don't know why i said it like that i say it all the time but here we go anyways uh we hope you enjoyed it we love you guys until next time [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 19,118
Rating: 4.9577961 out of 5
Keywords: Customer Returns, Liquidation Unboxing, Pallet Flipping, return pallets, Buying Liquidation, returns pallet unboxing, Liquidation.com, liquidation review, extreme unboxing tv show, flipping pallets, liquidation unboxing, pallet unboxing, pallet flipping, amazon return pallets, liquidation pallets, franchise kicks, pallet flipping business, target customer returns, target pallet unboxing, target pallets, target pallet liquidation, extreme unboxing, unboxing pallets
Id: gZDf8LC7Ems
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 17sec (2297 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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