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[Music] good morning everyone what is up so today is a huge day for us we are in sunny Florida still and will be here for the duration of the month and today we are going to be in taking our very first complete truckload of liquidation pallets and it's actually going to be two trucks because the company that has the trucks with the lift gate couldn't fit all the pallets on one truck and I'm super happy about that because the driveway here is not that big so to fit the biggest truck with all 20 touts it's 20 pallets so some truck loads are anywhere from 20 to like 26 I think but this one's 20 I was a little concerned about fitting the trucks into the driveway because we're delivering it to a residential house here which is not very common but I did yesterday just cut kind of some of the brush around here so that the trucks would come in and out no problem and basically this is all new territory for us so I can't really say how it's going to go until it goes but if you guys ever wanted to see somebody deliver a truckload of merchandise and what you get in a truckload of merchandise from an online auction this is it so this is really crazy I you know I'm really excited about it concerned anxious happy just so many emotions going through my head right now and I know it's gonna work out but it's just such a rush to do stuff like this and especially things that you've never done before because we've in TKE we've gotten single pallets before and multiple pallets but never 20 pallets at once so I don't even know how to take this I'm just happy that we have you know the next two weeks to sell all this stuff and that's basically our main mission after this so here we are another beautiful day in paradise check it out Sun is out palm trees and you know doing something we never did before the dream for sure all right I'm really wanted to show everybody the whole process of this whole thing so mounting a camera here so that we can get an angle from up here and hopefully it stays so that'll be an angle they're looking down and then I have an angle I don't want to get near to truck drivers and I'm sure they don't want to get near me so I have an angle here that's gonna just be sitting there and I'm hoping that'll capture most of what's going on so it's important to show it just for other people to see and a lot of times I'm not as prepared as I should be and stuff happens fast so it's preparation all right they just pulled up he's sitting out front so I don't know where he's gonna try and go [Applause] [Music] straight up this is just like one of those like gazebo they think that was real as me yeah because that's what they got put on it [Music] house it's not gonna this isn't going inside how you feeling about that we went too far this time it's just something what's in here so far like this is all floss that break [Applause] this stuff is so good and I am so relieved skies are gnarly that she's like 20 paths is a lot and they're just parked on the side of the road asking can I help them through this entirely oh my gosh no way thousands of tiles hopefully you carry the resident oh yeah superbee Zipit and true they could not have they would have had to do it one at a time this is only you ever stand on this this is only 8 pounds one of them's too so like this is a lot to the driveway it's too much so I'm going to break bring this one game and then bring a couple into it more ring [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] look at that unless you want to live a crazy lifestyle get chocolates this is so heavy the adrenaline that I have right now from the excitement and the anticipation of opening this these are going to swing this damn big boy is gonna have [Applause] [Music] I don't think we're Fitness even handouts and here like we thought none of these pellets are huge why did we think I guess because the other ones we got were always so tiny they were just like so I put two in the in the garage so far there's three pallets of tile there this is a gazebo that can all stay outside and there's one two three four five I think that's maybe six on top of there and then this one's coming out I think this is seven eight [Applause] stay in a little distance of like 30 40 feet from the guys just to be safe they're just bringing on that bringing a minute it's pretty incredible though never experienced something like this in my life before what's that okay wet/dry vacs Wow but these are shelf pulls so that means they're basically dry bringing this so I think these are like run fights on me the house all right last one I thank you this is more like two last big dog so they brought this truck and this truck both filled and wow it's insane [Applause] [Applause] all right so they called like they told us they would yesterday the drivers the truck drivers and they said they'd be here at 9:15 they caught us at like what 8 something 8 o'clock so they did get here at 9:15 they pulled up it was two different trucks so they had 10 and 10 10 pounds and 110 pouts in the other truck and they pulled up in the road I don't know why they didn't pull in the driveway but it doesn't matter so I think it was just because it was easier for them so there's two of them obviously and they unloaded all this stuff in the driveway we have a pal Jack that we got from Harbor Freight so all right all right guys so here's all the pallets we're gonna be doing a lot of unboxing videos in the future videos so I said videos twice that was annoying but is that is that relatable so yes stay tuned and into our next videos so that you can see all the unboxing videos I don't know my idea I'm so overwhelmed right now I'm just like tongue-tied [Applause] they call five six seven twenty pallets now but seriously if you like unboxing videos just stay tuned for the next ones because this is gonna be like so many unboxings cuz obviously we can't do the song on the it we have a lot of goodies I'm excited [Applause] try and fit as many as we can in the garage that's what you wanted to do right we're gonna have to bring some inside some of them can stay outside like the weatherproof ones like that plastic whatever that is I don't even know what that is [Applause] it might be so crazy looking as a metal or plastic metal so it looks a little bit worn it's all scratched up but did that thing right yeah I hope all the pieces are there for the tile they get you at the tile though because like one two three four think five six things a tile that's a lot of tile but we are in flaw so so I mean there's a lot of contractors around here that would buy a lot of this stuff so it is good show us this on Fox here just pull out wet dry vac they're always useful what's this a portable power station that's super cool there's an air compressor that was used you can tell so who knows what's wrong with that but you can always sell it for parts that's a nice ceiling light super super nice this is just the time [Applause] I don't know what's in here it's gnarly looking I see some yard furniture over there what is this okay that's good too if they work its kind of hard like I can only see certain things like I can see ass alright they're a fan but like there's stuff in the middle and there's stuff that are inside boxes that you can't see what it is so that's why we have to unbox it so let's do this right [Music] [Music] [Music] shit's not the corner of gases you better move when you see me better when you feel you better move when you see me better move you better move like a static gun you better move you better move when you see me you better move when you see me better move you better move when you see me I'm Tyler with you gonna tell us oh my gosh it's just a beer served in sometimes all right so I just wanted to first point out that some people think I'm kidding about this mullet but if this is 1980 ain't nobody would be kidding about this mullet [Music] bringing it back baby but yeah here's what we got so so far I guess we're just going to try and sell the tile as whole or partial pieces and I just came up with an idea that we could we're gonna build out of wood a cash box to put out here with up with the item that's being sold and then the person can just put the money in it so we don't have to touch or talk to them other than online but I wanted to just point out that so far we needed this really badly so I'm really stoked about it [Applause] von Maur and there's multiple weed whackers underneath there so yeah obviously it's used but at the same time why does it matter we need a lawnmower here and that's a good little storage shed under there I'm just overwhelmed I was so overwhelmed that even though I'm overwhelmed I'm becoming regular again yeah delivering a truckload of merchandise to a residency a residence is way heavier than I thought it would be but here we have it all the pallets and we did it so like [Applause] you can talk about an idea forever and have it in your head but once you pull you know pull the trigger and go for it it becomes a reality so that's how everything works manifest an idea work towards it and then do it happen so really just movies back I'm gonna move it move these back as far as we can and then bring two more in and then honestly once we get to this level two more we can do three and three and then that'll be most of the stuff that has to be inside and then we'll unbox one or two and bring those items maybe in the in the living area but lots of work ahead of us la [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right this cow it's pretty small we just Sammy said we should just dismantle it so we're just going to dismantle it I think it's a good idea to let me get it [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] take up space but this one here just gonna go in in the garage fool our Sammis idea we put this thin palette in in the corner here and the palette that is right there it's coming apart it's actually two pounds it's gonna be dismantled and then stacked on here so what do we got pipe tons of pipe it's not really that exciting but it'll sell for sure [Music] all right this is like a shower yeah salable for sure though look at this guy Ted it on now should we put this in there or should we just whatever this is this is heavy [Music] glass fire screen if we can condense it to the side once they caught what do you call it this saran wrap for this the cling wrap the cling our aunt let me open this up and see this fire screen now we might have to double-team this one is that cool okay Rio that is it you know Hornitos know I don't know if we should stack the girl on it just so you put yours down here I'll put mine down action and then we'll put the girl here [Applause] oh this thing no I really have it oh man we might have to pal each other this one hand and then we'll pick it up you know what I mean [Applause] [Applause] [Music] in Saturday all right we're gonna just do a little bit of it unboxing here so portable power station wow this thing's a bee [Applause] all right we're basically gonna do an unboxing for this pallet portable power station we got a flexible shielded coupling four of them we got a shot back fool this one's just massively filled with gold closeout lighting light fixture we got a portfolio 3 light vanity bar we got [Applause] another closeout we've got a toilet seat tile a whole bunch of house numbers some broken trim that's just going right in the garbage very few things so far look broken that badly foldable chair all right what is this puttin up wood blinds [Applause] some hangers you love those from the last time shoot they just really like to stack them in here huh Allan Roth vanity light all right we got an air compressor that looks pretty pretty abused but it probably works [Applause] we'll say is it the air compressor is holding it Gucci right there we got [Applause] random box pipe I know how that ended up in there battery charger some Christmas cards battery and battery charger for Green Works Pro oh wow the bottom of these boxes does have the gold in light fixtures for days it's literally just a bag that somebody brought back to the store and it has battery chargers and batteries in it nice set right here that did really nice cuz they just used it and then took it back to the store just gonna keep digging on here lots of these like numbers [Music] there's this tile here this is like a whole set and you know what this is actually gonna go right here look at this kitchen sink because this will be hard to sell the way it is anyway so stay [Applause] bing-bang-boom it's gonna be nice thermometer thermostat it's not bad some tile add to the rest of it these boxes are kind of wall clock these are as good as as dawn nobody's gonna want these [Applause] are we getting down to the bottom of it this is a nice set here really nice to wall play that's nice battery that's a nice yeah shrim ah I think that's all the numbers these are a lot of stinks because these are a lot of yard sale items but oh well well Frank's give it to anyone who works at tile fact who has ever because should I just push it turning [Applause] I guess if I pulled it but then I won't be able to get it out I'm there do you know what I mean [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh did that just pray yeah I get it lined up at the other ones yeah just eases your OCD right I feel that [Applause] [Applause] let me give it a little if you bring that all the way back you can stick the other one in front of it or is that not good yeah [Applause] yeah forget this one and all and then pump it [Music] that should be good now try and move it back that way now [Music] and then up in front maybe even try to put it right here if you can it's heavy right [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] last one besides that one right there but that's just way too have you certain leave it there for now and try and just sell it oh that's just great all right taking off the saran wrap what do you guys call it saran wrap or cling wrap it's up for a high debate these days you call it sir and with a D so I don't know who your attic you obviously not you only ever got this the great value cling wrap are you kidding [Music] sometimes when I do house cleaners I just take their nasty Karen what is that this is a event for a stove oven [Applause] [Music] this is nice [Music] let's just be real about what happened here somebody got these weed whackers using them for like a month and a half and then returned them oh man they did that just don't knock this down for you battery-powered check it yeah the best thing battery-powered I'm dying thank you on this grass you need like a literally a ride on the hour for this thing no no something might be caught in the blade be careful new big problem [Music] I think it's gonna work I've never seen oh I never knew that oh my like that look they've arrived it and on the trip Bonnie speed thank you yes so I got these shelves and stuff off the top of here maybe this thing freezy happy the directions right there - it's the whole jurema Pittsburgh where [Music] yeah that's fiction ball right yes that's for you that's like 50% off retail value I'll just mention it in the post perhaps man I'd say 50% on that little break story check whoo this has been an all-day thing literally since 9:00 a.m. but so there's the breakdown we got sweet boozy bows pallets of tile all there that ones posted online already that one's a good pal probably retails at like fifteen hundred at least and then we got all the other merchandise that cannot get wet in the garage it doesn't look like much but we're going to be doing some unboxing videos of these couple boxes and they have really good stuff in them and then I took a couple things to the inside of the house on account that I posted already but yeah we'll just see how this goes we're in the unknown now that's for sure okay so we're locked down with 20 pounds of merchandise and nobody wants to deal with people right now and not this many people that are gonna be even masks and gloves with this many people that are going to be picking stuff up in the next two weeks I decided to make a money box which I'm going to create out of some plywood and some other wooden screws that I have scrap wood and screws that I have lying around and I'm gonna create it so it sits right here and they can just put the cash in I'd rather people pay over PayPal or venmo but if they don't and they want to just use cash they can just slip it right in and that's it bing-bang-boom okay item put the cash in the box drive off so that's gonna build right now [Music] here it is the money box slip your money in there bing bang and no one can get into it unless someone steals the whole thing unless I unscrew it I could even bolt it down to here to be honest so that's our first truckload unboxing slash on truckin video so tomorrow and the next day well tomorrow we're gonna do an unboxing of one of the pallets that we didn't even look in yet so that'll be a video if you guys want to check that out this will be almost like a series starting with basically either the last video or today's video and then you know the unboxing and maybe to remember to do to pallet unboxings and then just a video of us selling the stuff that should be a video in itself yeah hope you guys enjoyed this and more to come police from us we love creating YouTube videos and we love the community that we've created online and all the people that have reached out to us over the last it's been a long journey a long time a couple years has been really the positivity has been coming on but I've been making videos you know the majority of my entire life so it is ingrained in me and I do just keep one and keep saying I should say it in every video please please please please please do not ever allow other people's opinions or other people to bring you down and make you not do things that you love because other people's opinions of you don't matter first off but they're always they're always somebody is gonna have a negative opinion or some kind of statement to bring you down and it's not worth it be you live your life live your dream you know go after the things that you personally want and a lot of happiness will come to your life this happiness does come from within doesn't come from without so see you guys in the next video I don't know if we're gonna film anything else today but it's getting pretty late alright wanted to end this video with one last thing every time you order any amount of liquidates and merchandise you will have to arrange shipping or the company will arrange it for you so we decided to go off on a limb and use our own company which actually worked out for the benefit of us greatly so the company that we arranged shipping through is called Eko logistics and they will do their best to make it as easy and convenient for you as possible and they'll try and work hard on getting you the best rate they can so the guy that we went through his name is James Lombardo if anybody needs to arrange shipping for one pallet six pallets or even a whole truckload you know reach out to him or you can reach out to me and I'll get you his contact information I just wanted to add that because that's an important step in the whole process but I hope you guys enjoyed the video you keep living the dream keep pushing everyone perfect perfect alright guys I'm about to put my gazebo together making that butter [Music] that should be good right
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 82,908
Rating: 4.8466592 out of 5
Keywords: stunts, nubtv, tuckerfupper, fails
Id: rw4Xj376nAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 30sec (3150 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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