You Won't Believe These $1 YARD SALE Finds!

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I'm really stoked about these I'm actually in disbelief that I got these for $1 each and that goes to show you what you can buy yards house I should have stayed there and look deeper you might even get back tomorrow but I'm sure someone came through there and just cleared them out cuz like wow this stuff is super old [Music] [Music] so we're looking in the classified for some yard sales right now we're about to go to the first one of the day look at this perfect weather outside for some yard sailing a tiny bit hot can't complain another day in paradise look at this what else we got on there [Music] that might be worth manager go back into those household items yards out out this one says yards the one we're about to go to right look at this scrap code right here he's here got all kinds of bikes in there though alright let's see what we're claiming here for this these these clothes might be a straight-up score that I did see ran into the curb that's not even a real curb I don't have really any cash though do you have any yeah I have like 20 so let's just keep it chill here for today only get the necessities if anything quicksilver pillow has that how are you hardness they racing club look at this this is legit like the one I have you got this for you you know I mean Erna look at this gravy and then we [Music] not bad alright have the barn got the money and the place I'm ending up there where's your ass manufactured home up it hurts his trails ballpark this guy Cuchillo 2004 Clayton to put an all-new brand-new it's up there up it's a older Park but they're moving all the old look at that dream gotta get that how much are the t-shirt was this yours yeah I went away we gotta get it that's gold pure gold I think they're all larger they're my brothers I can't believe you didn't see the Brittany yeah Star Wars but not old the NASCAR section how much are these shirts in the NASCAR section [Music] I'm up these yeah it's pretty cool yeah I get like three bucks for both of them okay I'll take them what do you got an hour here no no we only brought 20 what sorry yeah but we got we can get we got enough to buy something one of those of you dry cuz there's your only four five we'll make it we'll be able to get it easily let's see if they have any classics Legally Blonde it's a class it's not what it's not what I was thinking they got some city slickers look at that dude top gone on Betamax what they can't have that for real are actually gold [Music] I mean did [Music] [Music] oh we're not good Davi rather yes miss kita buoys down you know me let's get out of here how much are these two set yes and this $1 yeah I'll take it yes they got um yeah you got to have a car from like 95 like that alright so this is a dollar right so what those two things you can take so how much these are both yours yeah how much okay perfect thank you [Music] thank you thanks oh this is so warm in a way time love that yes I'm souped about that I thought I was the only person you like this Isis owners I have I got a Nolan from victoria secret that i had i liked better so i was like on only two of these six dollars thank you thank you very much thanks good luck there they are dude what's up what's the claim but uh that shot bag doesn't have any parts to it what do you want that for something doesn't have that that I can tell I haven't gone through very explicit like the other boxes but I don't think that they're in there okay couple claims though yeah a to max not great but they're cool they're like too new to be really that good we've been there what nothing good that they all the ones that we've been through really it's like you know the first one there's one of the biggest you know we were that one and then we weren't impressed with her Margit we've been through before did you go to the one that's over on Park Lane no this is our first yeah there's one that's on Parkway and I'm pretty sure that we've been to that one before it we like that what you're exactly what you're saying if we recognize the address we're just over it yes people over never again yet needs like a carb and other stuff but I had some people interested in it so if I don't want to fix it all this out yeah like it's a dream that the John Deere thing was the dream 140 plus you got to pay the website I think it was like 28 bucks yeah so I think yeah well I got that back cuz but uh I think that the bike itself would probably cover it at least did you know there wasn't that great of stuff but the bike pay for everything yeah I don't know what happened I guess there was only one guy bidding and I waited too late the last five minutes and just went ten dollars above his and he didn't they give you like five extra minutes so maybe he was like busy or something yeah cuz normally that would go for like much more I think because you could tell what it looked like on the picture yeah like you could see the handlebar see but the John Deere thinks the dream out of there not the bike I put it up for 300 but we'll say it's in between like probably 150 like five hundred I've seen him we're at the next sale we started to hit this on the way home we were only gonna go to that one sale because it was the only local one but here we are at another one flea market style they went hard on this one some gold here huh she thought that everywhere look at that bike it's turning into dirt again [Applause] [Music] ShopRite videocassette that's funny how much is this [Music] one dollar can't beat that price what about this little dreamer I'll take it [Applause] how does this oh yeah now what is it [Music] we're a foldable cup man this stuff's cold that stuff that on this table dude that thing said a little cup that dance that's pretty cool I'll take this and that and this and what else you got this for my mouth did now maybe wait you don't want that thing oh this yes it's pretty sick this thing's full of it's broken right you don't want this are we selling the bends we're good right yeah I've got this cuz this thing's cool okay it's going to $4 wow what a dream Thanks so you have to curing it no that's fine I'm gonna go drink some iced tea out of this thank you have a go on no idea I just know it has bicycle people on it so it's cool these trees where these you like these it smells a little bit this probably um there's a lot of gold here but nothing we need really I was just taking a chance on some of these that someone on YouTube would know what they are or be interested in them because like this thing's pretty rocked but who knows how old it is and that lady was saying this was her mom's so like it's got to be an antique at least so the other score another quick score go prayer stop recording all right so we just got back from my yard two yards house and if I'm not mistaken we just scored some really old antique items I'm pretty sure that this little cyclist cup is from 1897 from what I found online it's not in great shape it's a little bit bent up and you know worn been here but it's killer fine for a dollar we bought that we bought this book and which is like so cool it has some kind of writing on the back this little things just coming off because it's got to go and this is probably around the same an antique I would say for sure and then this old fire truck which is probably also very very old probably an antique as well and then we got this trumpet out of there which is brass no this guy came to check out some of the bikes it has a crack right here but I don't know if it's an antique it could be worth some money still so those four items are scores for sure unbelievable actually hey what's up man housing how's it going where'd you come from Ocean City yeah well it's the last weekend of the year what do you want to look at the bikes right okay what were you trying to get a cruiser or just final bike okay hey yeah we got some yeah this one well those are both for sale and all these except the pink one and the one that you were interested in I don't know it's somewhere around here but yeah I mean I asked about the one non-gear bike though this one's older it's a frame yeah I have it up for a lot but I do like 25 30 on it just if you were interested in it there's these this one 20 bucks oh no no no that one rides and then I got this now I just I do a lot of scrap stuff and like clean outs and stuff so I find a lot this one I was gonna scrap so if you want that one I'd do 10 for it the tires bent though and then that one back there I don't know 15 bucks definitely trying to get rid of some of them that one rides in everything it's pretty good mostly they're all women's bike stuff I mean the frame the frame is is pretty fine on this one it's just I started to get too much stuff yeah like do you see more handlebars I put a fresh coat of paint on them and then I can I basically get 50 bucks well yeah so I give and then put into them I got yeah you know so anything like this is perfect for me because you know also achieve benefit needs it I think the fenders off it'll look 100% better I'm not sure but yeah ten bucks you can't beat it but yeah that's what else were you looking at well that you would be able to work with that one I'll do 10 for if you want it yeah do you go you buy bikes around like in Ocean City here you don't want this one no I can't take ears yeah I got yeah now if you know how you can have the lock this one I'll do 10 for if you want it it's pretty rough yeah that's cool awesome I'll keep your number yeah I can send you my I can send you a message with my actual phone number okay but uh I'm always selling bikes okay cool and I thought they would like sell faster I guess I should have put them up in a year in the beginning of the year but yeah and basically I just got most of these so yeah I'm always looking for something like these guys you know it's really really rough like something this one's bent I mean it it is bent but it's it's not to the extent where you can't ride it but it's you can say that it's it's bent for sure and it needs air this one I mean if you know how to straighten them you know like if you ever catch like a an Electra okay 3G well I'll shoot you attack the earth Cruiser mostly they're all swims that people get rid of people like women Schwinns is what is easy to find yeah well these are like yeah you can have that how is it that you just pull it off if you go on YouTube basically I'll show you everything but these locks see I don't even lock I don't even really like leave my bike to lock it so like in Ocean City I know people steal bikes in South nothing I don't even go over there I want to get involved in any kind of stolen bike yeah you say these are all scrap well yeah I do I went to the ocean city bike auction and they are sound like for like 80 dollars that I find in the trash forget that that was noise that's thing about that bike walks in this I went there and I brought pictures of my bikes that I had filled two bikes from the auction 50 were there paying 100 bucks for bikes like this I went out it was terrible yeah it was honestly laughable but this view though a lot of these came either out of the trash or like storage units or people just drop them off to here this one I'm gonna keep for now yeah alright because that I use and then the pink one she uses but other than that this one we found in the trash and long for it you'd be surprised what they throw away so this woman's like this I can sell especially if these I can sell these for like probably 70 this is a decent bike yeah like we were super stoked I'm pretty sure that's the date of it cuz I found him a couple that were the same on eBay and this one I trash picked like two blocks away someone dropped this off people know I scrap so they drop stuff off yeah but yeah they're all from Salvage that's pretty cool the same thing he had like that's how I got started I have a bunch of kids that are fixing bikes and either buddy I went by his house I'm like hate telling you from high school I'm like hey what are you doing buying bikes I'm sick I'm taking them porn Scrabble yeah well I just saw today we went to some yards house and I saw a guy he was driving by on his way to the scrap yard cuz I know that's where he was headed and he had like six bikes they were decent just like this whatever but I mean dude it happens all day long over there I mean same thing with the car so the scrap value of the truck before I took anything off of it was like 300 maybe and I sold a hat with like not even a third of it for more than that you know what I mean so it's the same thing they'll give you the same amount that you could get almost just for the transmission for the whole you know what I mean so it's like there he is what's up dude living the dream do you put that there nice yeah you want that you think that's luxury well no but I think hold it where'd you get it from the trash sure you had this at your house next door neighbor oh man what I mean it's good to go it ain't all burned up like a lot I mean this thing's freaking astronomical how are you flipping burgers well how about fried tomatoes fried to me some fish on the grill I found a fake tomato fake 2zd fake GT yeah so yeah you put this here I knew that cuz who else would put it that neatly if it was one of my AG my like friends my age they would have thrown it in the front yard no do you know what I'm saying good you got any cruiser bikes at your house you want to sell any what cruiser bikes this guy's in the market he's behind them good yeah now how much is that I gave it to him for 10 bucks what a deal right he's making money up tickets do no wonder he's driving that car why you don't buy it for 13 years old for as much as you did 13 years ago the only thing is that you're smart people don't drive with convertible tops down in the daytime they wait till the Sun starts to go okay yeah for sure have a go on in not a little not a red convertible I'll tell you no I don't give him that one for that price only the ones I was gonna scrap I don't know that God do you know what I'm saying yeah there's another guy who jumps well you never got an offer on that so no I'm gonna use it first I'd love to be there you gotta ride it well I would I'll tell you what I would love to try to do no I didn't I didn't and you know you should have never left that bag outside with all this stuff in it there's stuff in there I had all the instructions that I had dried all out they were all perfect it should be dry still you don't think anyway see I didn't even know that that's how crazy I am anyway how do you think he talkin about let's see what you got what hey what did you end up with maybe why you want it I said darn you don't see one like this it's got the different vents you know Shh what are we doing today yeah yeah what are we doing today what do we got going on what you're doing looking new horn I can't believe it this is really something here that's nice right oh yes they are in that transfer case or to go yeah how much do you think it's worth oh that's worth some bucks I got it I got that's a four-wheel drive yeah that guy who took the transmission said that it's worth 250 but oh that's a little that's a stretch for me it is don't you like to make money yeah why bye sweetie here something nice yeah we're out to a nice dinner even if it's gotta be vegetables and fruits why do you say that I don't know you know dad you make $250 on one shot you can but it's all about who's gonna buy it I have it up for 250 right now but you know no hits on it this guy that was just here for $10 for all the bikes he does that deal with another guy who jokes yeah but this this scrap value for each of those bikes is like $1 so I just times my money by 10 I'm not gonna sound bikes that are that are good for that price but when you got a guy can't have a thousand bikes in my yard you know what I mean that's the problem and at the end of the day some money is better than no money oh man what do you know we're supposed to sell those to someone what's up how are you you want it yeah maybe the top piece is missing that's it or unless it's in there this is what I did I got a whole pallet of stuff Oh see all it's all in there so that's why we saw in it we sold a lot of it but it was good it's cheap cheaper for people to buy it in the store so yeah you want to put it back in there's a good heater though what else you need this is Saul it's a drill press yeah you want to use it you thank you but you think you're gonna use it yeah it's good it's powerful I was just gonna say I think r75 I think yeah it goes for like 120 let me say yeah it goes for like 120 at this door yeah I mean I don't know if you really want it maybe 60 probably the lowest I can do how far you did you call me where it is yeah like an hour yeah yeah one time we went there to an antique shop to like a clean-out thing yeah I bought one thing it was like a newspaper press from like the 1800s and then I sold I bought it for ten bucks I sold it for like 120 yeah yeah that's the only time we go there what's it yeah well do it perfect thank you okay I could put it in for you it's got a handle on here Oh like on the box you know what I mean it's easier it is but it's missing something the carve is gone it has a missing carb and other pieces I have to fix it but I got that one from a storage unit that we did it's pretty nice I wish it worked though it's a pretty nice one like Yamaha I have it um I have a Honda 500 in the garage yeah yeah that one works though that's the baby good to go oh yeah all right thank you very much have a girl one day you all right so we got this out today it's crazy shopping there I'll tell ya alright so here we go passenger seat out and put down some kind of a like a blanket or something there here this little guy those are the seats on it and a tarp that stuff until it sails we did manage to sell two bikes today already and this guy for this cab is coming right now I hope to 54 that he's getting a good deal it's one seat now to do the other one all right this is a second seat we got today back seats already out this things done trash and then dad anymore hopefully this just comes out pretty easily okay that was easy can you go set this down on the blanket next to its brother and its other brother the big seat and this is what I did this time specifically I took all these bolts from the seats put them in this little bag curl that up sit it right here on the seat so that's for both of the back seats front seats and that GoPro stop recording so I guess this middle seat piece here the same stuff bolts as the as the two other seats so this thing out too with its other bros good amount of stuff coming out of this dream look at all that okay I'll clean the chocolates like not clean but like empty it's totally empty it's insane I found my other battery for my other camera yesterday and today I found or two days ago me yesterday I think and today I found this well so a bunch of change a bunch of quarters - I'll take it yeah it's getting down to nothing really alright so earlier we got some ridiculously killer yard sale finds among this piece that is from the 1800s supposedly I gotta look these up char to look those up if anyone has info on them that would be cool got a Top Gun Betamax tape from 1986 I'm sure it's not super rare but shoot don't see that every day some cassette tapes all these for a dollar the police Madonna Michael Jackson's Thriller another Madonna this is for my friend Beach Boys we got Duran Duran the Doobie Brothers and the van Halen also a Purple Rain Purple Rain CD and we got these two metal like display hoods NASCAR hoods some scores for sure I'm really stoked about these I'm actually in disbelief that I got these for a dollar each mostly this is what it's kind of just a ridiculous score and that goes to show you what you can buy at yards house I should have stayed there and look deeper you might even get back tomorrow but I'm sure someone came through there and just cleared him out cuz like sure wow this stuff is super old but we're just shipping tons of packages so I think that hopefully that's upright but yeah we're about to ship out some shirts hats and other packages of stuff that we sold so thank you again for everyone that bought a shirt or a hat or sticker or socks more to come stoked all right we're heading off to the post office Sam EJ what did we claim it what did we sell no socks creep in by creeping around but all right we just sold a bunch of stuff so we're gonna cruise to the post office eat and try and ship this stuff out for the dream [Music] got some cottage buns forms in here [Music] [Music] all right so we got this pallet with obviously the rack liquidation pallet this is where they put it originally and now we don't need it anymore because most of say at least 60% now 60 to 70% of the stuffs already sold so we're gonna bring that out back and use this saw to cut it up for firewood so I'm just gonna throw this thing down right here and just caught it nice the waltz all is real nice [Music] cut up some nice wood burn a nice fire I got a big bunch of paper that was in the storage unit that I'm probably gonna end up just throwing in here and burn it this is a recycling so I got this little lighter right here I like this thing a lot it's like a torch lighter and it burns stuff and it start stuff up pretty easily so these kids are here to buy this cap from the truck and it looks like he has almost the same truck so it looks like it's gonna fit uh huh you think it fits it's in the backyard what's up yeah I film you tube videos so if you wanna we can carry it and put it on or you can back up we could carry it I mean unless you want to back in I don't care yeah yeah however you want but yeah basically it was strapped on with these I don't need it anymore i strap and stuff too much it's pointless to have it but it's pretty nice like no I don't I don't the keys actually like you're supposed to get it match for your truck kid is what they said online like it should be the same kick but I never did that to be honest that the truck was my grandfather's and then the guy that works for my dad he had it and he put this on and then I told him if he wants it he can come get it but he doesn't have a truck the same yeah so he didn't want it it looks like it's hit that truck better than mine like the tint of it of course yeah if you want just pull in or you can back up either way so I think when you open it it'll open up yeah it needs to be like however it went on the truck yeah you'd like when it closed they closed that oh but I don't know hopefully right so maybe pull that thing and twist this one up yeah yeah it fits him like that yeah so actually it fits this truck better than mine to be honest what he did though I don't know why I really don't know why but he had screws in it he had screws in it yeah I don't know what that's what those plans before yeah but he he used screws too I'm saying but maybe that was for extra safety or it is whatever the he was doing I don't know but I mean that's the same match as the truck alles up for destiny to be honest it looked like it came off the lot like that and what reality would that ever happen I thought you're gonna have like a blue truck or song it's pretty nice never gonna find one this one it's the same one yeah cuz that's funny I think he bought it from someone else or he got it somehow because that truck doesn't look the same it's like darker okay that this was destiny same exact tink as his truck that doesn't happen every day boys I sell a lot of stuff and this was the biggest this was the closest match that ever happened stoked dude pulling away new cap it looks like a brand new cap on his truck that was the craziest thing that ever happened but it happened he said he wanted to watch the channel too cuz he saw the GoPro so I guess that's a sign right there to just sign out the video for the night I'm really happy I'm really really really impressed with the GoPro Hero seven that's what I've been using for the last couple videos thank you again uncle chippy you know for the opportunity because I probably wouldn't have bought it and let you presented the opportunity to me so you're the man and I'm impressed with the fact that you can tell to turn on and off and it listens to you the head mount capability is way up video quality is on point you can do slow motion with it you can do time lapses with it and it just you know you can put a huge card in there and the battery does last I think that our boy will dirty had a problem where his battery was dying every like in 20 minutes but there's a possibility that either he had a bad battery or he had the Wi-Fi setting on and it was just draining the battery because I did that before with my old GoPro but I'm impressed GoPro Hero 7 is the way to go especially if you want to get low budget and high quality but thank you guys for watching and just keep pushing everyone you never know when that perfect match is gonna happen because whoever in the entire world thought that that cap was gonna end up on a truck that looked exactly the same as the cap and it fit on their truck even better than it fit on the one that it was on and we don't use it so I'm stoked you right now good boy look at this career right now we got off through it oh the whole three are in here that's it take these little cretins for a walk stroll our life oink-oink got to get my flip-flops are you coming with the babies with the babies you going with the babies the baby does didn't I know sweatshirt they're getting restless out there what's bad ear them are you are in Tanana all right let's do this sorry Ally what fine um torch I'm torturing them huh that's a Hyneman they're cuties in there look babies it's another stroller in the trash we did we did the one that we out of the trash in Lynwood we found her Landis remember and we took him in it but he didn't like it he got a memory that was the one he got out of when we took her hand the lock and then he jumped out and he got out of his leash it every day I need like a string so I get him pull them towards they little babies look how happy they are go pray stop recording look at these cats look it's like a river it's a black oh no way another room good so read out and scare go sorry I wanted to sell that beggar meet-and-greet dude that's every rep Wow varies way smaller than that yeah not way smaller but smaller dick his bruised brain really bag like scarecrow scarecrow let's move along see you baby bro now that cats bigger than the rate right now close to the same [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 53,620
Rating: 4.8088546 out of 5
Keywords: you, won't, believe, these, $1, yard, sale, finds, yard sale, garage sale, garage, flea market, freedom to dream, junk, scores, antiques, old, vintage, surprise, unreal, amazing, deals, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tuckerfupper, nj, new jersey, somers point, making money, flipping, resell
Id: 6FLXc3UWbxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 13sec (3553 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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