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okay good morning everyone here we are another beautiful day in paradise it is like before 5:00 a.m. and we're getting everything ready for the flea market has this light right here well it just went out so we're about to hit the Berlin flea market today and probably tomorrow if we do this this will be their first duel to day in a row back-to-back flea market mission that we ever did so I think that's the plan we are set today to go we got this tent that my brother got from one of his sponsors like two years ago he never even opened it it's in this case and we're gonna use that today to shield ourselves from the Sun I got sunburned last weekend even though it was cloudy out and loading in this sign that table and I'm about to fill up this with just random boxes whatever we can fit in here we have the pink trailer that we use for the flea market there's our flea market trailer I try and see this in the best lighting that I can give you guys this was tarped and tied down for the last couple days because we had it filled since Thursday it's now Saturday morning and we're gonna be using this trailer this is ready to go I just got to hook it up to the truck and I'm gonna take the tarp off and just use the trampoline cover that we have tied down the tarp was just to keep the rain out and that's got everything in it and then I'm gonna be loading stuff from our infamous shed that continues to go on and on forever so actually it doesn't look that crazy in here right now believe it or not this is actually like under control if you can believe that so actually a lot of those containers right there just straight up empty but I'm gonna load up stuff from here and this is we're gonna we're gonna be doing a full purge in the next couple months hopefully I mean we've been taking in so much it's hard to purge out what we already have but we've been doing the flea market a lot trying to sell stuff as cheap as possible to move it because I would say mostly everything in this shed is dead stock at this point it's not stuff that I'm gonna be selling online probably if someone sees something they want please email me but other than that it's like not really eBay stuff most of it I should say not all of it some of its straight gold mixed in but ok let's load this up get ready for the day kindness she would say I know how sad you get so amazed I still get that way but it gets better it gets better it gets better good morning Sammy J good morning what are you claiming my tooth feels better all right we have this stacked and packed and the trout are ready to hook up so let's do this are you about to get some Dunkin Donuts on uncle chippy yes thank you very much uncle chippy all right Dunkin Donuts what's the claim I mean it is like 50 degrees are you alright just popped in a fresh battery just got some coffee on uncle chippy thank you again and who else in this life can torch themselves for their cats so they can sleep on the bed cuz I don't do that alright just pulled into the flame now it is a little bit grim out here to that but it's supposed to be getting sunny it rained a little bit on the ride and we are gonna see what we can do we're gonna try to get but today are here for 35 hopefully so you've already getting popping out here though I can see that pop in hey what's up can I try and get like today and tomorrow yeah is that 35 yeah okay cool we all set up that it doesn't matter he's somewhere in e0 yeah he 41 this is like right near where we were before so ready to go we're in here pretty much eat 41 so I'm just gonna drop this Donny this is our spot for today so usually we're on pest there's a breaking point here where that crosswalk is we're usually on that side but this is a good area I'm liking it this is fine a fishbowl Wow heavy claim the medical box the medical one right it said like the one that you recently got I know which one you're talking about it had a newspaper in the bottom yeah the guy bought that but you just find something else so he was trying to you know yeah yeah that's yeah we're getting set up here to actually turn it into a beautiful day I do want to show off this guy's table next to us because he shows up he got two spots though let's see how he has these metal sawhorse things and then he brings all this wood with him so he can span across so he has like four mega tables set up but this is our spot here starts from here and it goes to right here so it's really the trailer makes it so we can fit more stuff because the trucks fans all the way back to the tables pretty much but it's what we got going on this thing broke in transit tying the ropes down so that's done for and this is our setup so far I think it's gonna get nice out hope so I work pretty insane Sam's gonna be 60 degrees and sunny by 11 it's not 11 o'clock I'm gonna move to spend the summer time almost no wind today you can see the flags just a light breeze usually it's really windy out here people are buying already that buying clothes which we have a lot of [Music] anymore always coming out really what's just right here I thought I had one more thing did you read that but I don't think I brought it that's okay thanks okay you want just the one right here you're baked yeah sigh bucks for the bike yeah all right thank you that good yeah that's cool thing hey did you know what that was from I just I was just looking I was talking to him about much work I didn't I couldn't figure it out myself trunk or the something alone in lines um something along the lines it's that time yeah that's why I was wondering could see the something we made in China and still he's cool he's pretty cool that's why I was wondering cuz the date on it you want the bike yeah bake today okay I'll be back to the ladle all right making some sales we sold a Star Wars in the package ship for eight we just sold this bike low price of five dollars but we want it gone so bad five bucks for this stuff not bad I think he's gonna fix it a little and then trying to resell it for more which is definitely the call cuz it would have just been scrapped otherwise look for an engine stand nah yeah yeah what are those for a ladder yeah these are the flippers dollar not bad can't beat the price is out here what are you saying Larry 30 weeks I drink through well like I said how you know yeah well learn something there every day he bought the pants off of us before how do they work good good here's mom you know yeah just--we're higher boots the top legend hey how are you how you doing living the dream yeah shooter two three Co right here that big one that's right here this one right he's just good this this is fine that yeah we can wrap this one mr. Tucker how's it going good good to see the sun's coming out and it's still gone show me the board you got t-shirts one not pants three sweatshirts for I think after good deal yeah maybe coming through a clutch huh two coffees we're kind of Sandy's I got in this town he sold the buffer thing finally and he's about to buy Marvin the Martian for his niece yeah that's nice right Thanks so like it's getting warm out the sun's coming out it's getting real nice and the crowds are getting thick out here already well not super thick yet more people that I thought at this early how are you today what's the clean today deer hunt you finding any gold and no treasures like that but I don't know I missed a few things check out what the boy across has our neighbor he's got some cool army jackets let's take a gander anything I like his jacket it's not for sale I had with 20 30 years and it's warm right yeah it was a German checkers very worn I can go anywhere yeah people come from all over the country by yeah very nice sir it warm I bet years ago they'd go for like a cook Eastern funding attacked the Russians at that time you know they did they say I like like at the same pattern that he used to do it's a German determined just same as this one is not the material this is nice with the backpack the city birds you buy one you don't have a life yeah you put that you put the things in it this is the let me see if I have one your size but most of the time you know so in the winter time because everybody comes to buy those jumps but they are very very very very warm you can work in America yes and a long period thinking I think most German uniform or mana clothing there citrus-like of the other side on the other side yeah it's not like this i yeah but most of the time man is like this side but most of the simplest of this like you sound here for a long time yeah you love it here yeah well I always say the backbone yeah yeah but what happened is their design and the specification isn't so good it's like a very subtle and also when you sit down and also the main go to bathroom you know you will not wait yeah they have a little detailed Adri thing about you know and they're like my goodne look his sit down in the chair is playing off I know cuz the people from Germany know me yeah well they do that's a lot of detail and yet the last thing long yeah I mean I mean those people of Alaska come by this guy's check out because you might want it what's your name Victor what's your name Tucker Sammy this is like I'm a city boy why do you don't obey Perez alive yeah ever again yeah yeah yeah we'll take it okay no it does not you don't need one on man yeah that makes sense his food can't touch and he'll be trimming all around do you have the what do you call them it compartmental yeah you have them with that pattern on there what I have a whole bunch of khabar please but I only have one in the house for him alright the only one see ya thank ya when I hear my wife come on might say about bringing home war stuff that's the best though no yes No thank you I thank you have a good walk you do we sold a ton re so stoked that we got two days here because we can tarp all this later today and then if we sell enough bring more a couple more boxes of stuff to replenish tomorrow morning but it's easier for us to like come here cuz it is stressful with the trailer because this place isn't that close to where we live it's like an hour away and for some reason we always lose stuff on the way here so now we can just tarp this after today is done and then go home so perfect and we have been moving it's always a strange I call it strange to see what people buy because all this stuff that I think is good never sells so it's just like you don't know you just bring so much different stuff and just hope that it's gonna be the right stuff this thing's kind of cool though look at that Mother's Day 1979 I'm cleaning off everything cuz the one time I face is like swollen those glasses are cool did you get them here where'd you get them on the Internet are they polarized yeah how much were they they're cool thank you they remind me of the caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland goose yeah if you yeah they're they're heavy yeah this is not this is not the Wonder no this is empty though this is a Russian Ukrainian and polish people yeah those are like a dick Easter they have that so you have these these birds at your there's a farm yeah there's a father prong that does a project of a chicken those are duck those are goose and also they are duck those are Russian I mean decoration is very thing these are cool yeah you like Michael do I want one you're giving it to me absolutely yeah this man yeah thank you is this one Russian you cannot eat it though it's empty no it's empty year yeah sentence there's a Russian Easter holiday okay polish or Ukrainian yet they they separate them thank you you're welcome is that did he give me this to get me out of his stand this thing's cool I am Russian and polish this is cool the two bro hoes are back what's the claim Herbalife shirt you like it wait do you work for Herbalife do you know what Herbalife I'm talking about it wasn't it's right it's like a pyramid scam yes boxes of it at some house we cleaned out would fit yeah they can offer what do we look like Kiva mortgage to pay they are brand new they had a box but it was ripped so I threw it out thank you yeah that was a good staff did you make that set for us yeah you know I kind of like convinced her you did that look Sammy she has a cat and a half she's killing it you're mad you're mad that nobody commented about you guys so you can go creep on the comments and make a make a comment you might not like the combats that you break it it's just that I'm looking for a nice guy looking for love I'm more did you that you brought those others out what your tenders say it would say cool guy who likes the cat specifically have a dog allergy I spray vile it's on fleek no the best ever was number seven for a Brazilian team called Botafogo oh they saw the name of the team sucked the team suck I need the player was the greatest that ever played the game his name was Manuel Francisco Garrincha garbage [Laughter] just took over the next or it's table because they left so we split the booth in half between the two people on this side and that side so we got all the clothes on here now this is clothing table is all one dollar each so the insanity of the cheap level at this flea market if you guys have ever been to a flea market and you know how it is when people don't want to pay anything this Berlin flea takes the cake of all so I was asking my dollar each for the doorknobs and then I said five four all because they're six and I was asking originally a dollar each for the cups either way we were trying to get rid of this stuff so bad that I just gave this whole box well these they paid separate four four five dollars for all the doorknobs and all the cups so you can get heavy deals if you come to this market they're one dollar each if you guys saw that interaction he put those things down so quick when I said a dollar how could you sell something for less than a dollar I just don't at this point I just don't even understand but we still have stuff we didn't even put out yet so that guy's so quick he just came back and got the hammers two for a dollar and what was I gonna say now I'm gonna have to throw them out if we don't sound so this is all about the purge though so this flea market spans pretty far it was like I want to say five or six rows that span from all the way to the end of that fence to the end of that fence where that white van is all the way at the end and then it goes back deep that way too but it's not as long and then the insides over there but this is probably the busiest we've seen it this year yet with just foot traffic ever change who this USS did you see that guy how fast he put the hammers down when I said he got him boats per dollar that was his trick that was his plan I don't know why he would ever want those hammer so I'm happy he bought him one two three four five six two four five six seven only seven yeah seven box good to go to box yeah they said it sound good on have a good one okay just soda Wolfgang Puck cooking utensil set and that night like looking thing that you peel fruit with a put on the ground and you put your your foot on it and then you peel coconuts I think I don't really know but they saw it on TV and they bought it three bucks for that so we had that for like a year moving old items which is cool cheaply a lot of stains almost all that stands here have stopped for one in two dollars most items so it's like hard to even compete you have to have really good stuff for cheap to even sell out here until we're off roughly market claim out here everything at this stand is one dollar or less every item $1 it's crazy when these please' spencer's came out in 1996 this was the little ad that came with them Garfield Batman Ninja Turtles the og Halloween one The Flintstones and the Looney Tunes the classic ones and Snoopy in the Muppets just bought that American flag that goes on your window it actually looks like something that you would put up like if you're in a funeral possessed per session which is kind of weird but cruising back to pick up the truck I had to park it in a lot over here and considering how much foot traffic there was here today we didn't sell as much as I thought we would although we did really well it just seems like sometimes the less people selling the less people here you still sell a lot I guess it all depends on what you have but the more vendors the less you sell cuz everyone's competing for the customer and a lot of people are selling stuff so ridiculously cheap a lot of these people must be in the same boat as us they get it for free or for super cheap so they just want to unload it but I see a lot of vendors that buy stuff from us too so they must be marking it up seems crazy just browse this little table here look at this little guy Ben Franklin it's cool whoever this is has the retro video game claims on like Locke look at all this Roger Rabbit never played that game but TC Town and Country played that so much when we were younger what else they got in here trying to think I don't really see any ones that were gems in my life anyway [Music] the jungle buck okay so our one friend who sells here we just met him like we've met him before last year but we just talked to him for real the first time last week he started watching our YouTube channel because he found it through someone else that sells here a lot of people that sell here actually watch the videos which is really cool but he said that he got injured and got into collecting and then he got into the flea market scene because he started collecting so much selling here and he can't get out of it because it's so dick ting he said and I totally agree this whole lifestyle no matter if you're making you know it doesn't really matter how much money obviously turning a profits than one main goal but like the people in this and the lifestyle in general is so enjoyable to all walks of life that so many people get into it and they can't get out and he was just saying he was saying that he was watching one of our videos and I was talking about like when it's over it's over the rides done and it all goes back in the box like I always say this speech you know nothing's permanent and you can't take it with you and he said that really resonated with him which I thought was really cool because a lot of people in this business aren't in it straight up for the money some are and some people do make a good living doing this but I think a lot of people get into it because of the love of it and that is really important because you can tell that they truly enjoy it it's not just a job so I think that's really awesome because it does it all goes back in the box so you better enjoy the time you have because it's all you have in the end is time look at all these heavy crews out here people with massive trailers and stuff pulling out I just can't even with this crazy this is the definition of heavy crews out here though look at that guy's trail godlike alright here we are we just packed it all up and leaving the trailer we paid for two days so we're leaving the trailer and our two tables here set up just tarped first time we ever did this keep pushing that's the claim Sunday supposed to be better here we've done it before but not often so doing the two days is good because we get one day for five dollars instead of paying 30 every time and we're just going to bring a couple you know couple boxes and a couple more things to replenish for tomorrow but we're out of here so see you back at the house what's the claim we just got back and look at these two MJ you want your daddy says little babies alright back at the house just came home my neighbors had a yard sale and looks like they got some good pickings out to the trash what do you thinking charge there I'm thinking I can't even pick you got you got too much crazy cuz I have yeah this guy can't even pick up a gallon of milk without busting through let's see what we got here though we'll take a gander a quick gander so literally we just walked off the porch and this is the trash pile here so could be some straight gold books true we can land us in that right all this scrap how's this this little trash can it's the dream look at this thing take this there hold this for me please for a second I thought it was moldy I'll come back it's less heavy than a gallon of milk so I'm okay for the Sharks to grow you like these new hats how they turned out here they're awesome I actually had to get up check out this goal oh my god what a sharks there take these yes and sell I'm Charlotte don't we're using at the alley do you wanna hit you couldn't eat a big bit sad that I can't I can't live those always a beautiful oh my god I'm so jealous of this that's what you needed works more stock for the flea market it's exactly what you needed turned out opportunities I gonna smack you in the face you're right alright so last claim of the day here so my grandfather moved from his house in Reading Pennsylvania to long port where my mom lives and my dad was getting rid of all these records from the house throwing him out and he I said we wanted to sell him so he have this stack this stack this stack and this stack of Records to go through and look up and make sure see if any of them worth some money before we take him to the flea so he just dropped all this stuff off to us this little guy this is stuff that I had at the house this those are both flea markets those pink flamingos which we're gonna put outside but we're gonna do this is gonna be a double flea market video so two days at the flea in one video so we will see you guys tomorrow morning bright and early for a day two and the dream continues got a push got a push every day so see you in the morning you right in bright and early not even brain it'll be pigeon black out actually it's gonna be so early but uh going for it again our stables are still set up there and we're bringing a couple extra things to to add to it but inset hmm boss all right so I'll see you guys at the flea tomorrow good night Fargo you all right good morning everyone here we are day two of the double flea market clean but our friend Jerry left this for Sammy Jerry and Gayle my friends from break so they left gifts in the ugh boot yeah Jerry and Gail left this for you I forgot he message me about it right is that the dirt is that the goo goo goo goo pop-up is a GU GU sorry I look crazy our Schwartz already hate their butt pop once it go to flea alright I threw some items in here a DVD player a lamp I'm gonna try and sell these pins or a dollar piece some hash trucks I've just been sitting around and then we threw a bunch of stuff in the back here and put this in the back seat right no all right we're ready to go load it up more stuff in the truck box of goodies here there's some Xbox controllers in there I try to sell them on eBay but just no one wants them on there this old-school phone this new hat that we got a little bit ago these pins I'm gonna try and sell one a dollar for each Hess trucks that little shelf that she has in there and all this stuff I put in the back this is filled with pretty good tools another bike we sold the other one only for five dollars but big stuff in here which is actually good stuff cool stuff at least but we'll say tripod and this like safe it's already been like drilled out and then concreted but maybe someone want it so we're off to the flea market round to look out fire this Hummer is now that thinks the trio American dream right there that was in an auction number still on it all right we just pulled up to the flip and it is already popping feels nice just pulling up and knowing our stuffs already pretty much set up now doesn't it yes you got that paper yeah the water that water ice factory did all right so first time using this dreamer so this is a tent that my brother got from the company that he surfs for and it's actually a really really feel bad now I thought this was brand-new and I was gonna ruin it open it up on my god it's a lingerie literally just for shipping this piece bad thing is look they have the shipping label it's so that that case is really nice but it's this company owns Henderson they make like wet suits for the government or something Wow but the actual company is hyperflex wet suits for surfing I'm like staying away cuz I have these on because I'm just gonna end up taking my socks and these off cuz it gets so hot here but should we get the trunk out of here yeah let's put this tent up first then and then I'll start on unloading and I can go park the truck cuz these people get savage early early morning this thing in the trash thinking oh this is perfect for the flea market I just open it up and as it came out it did for a great offer I guess it's done now so I wanted this table though should have brought the other one out [Music] very salad a you liking it yeah really the people who are next that's a good deal right all right good deal yeah that mean it's my Mayor Gordon thank you sorry that making some sounds out here found the leg is something that Birkhoff he bought that's sign it's broken but it was only five to just put up he's fine he's giving sweatshirt ha Thank You uncle chippy all right we're set up here fully we left two tables tarped overnight with all our stuff and then put the other table against it and all the boxes underneath but we today for the first time have a tent it is a hyper flex wetsuits tent my brother Ben is sponsored by this company for surfing and he got this tent to do events with and he never used it I don't think ever maybe once but before using it now so there's the website if you want to check it out they sell pretty much world class wetsuits if you surf or fish or any of that stuff they Henderson group is the company but this is what we got this whole row well this whole set up it's like a mini store in here actually and pinkey I'm gonna quickly just browse our sections that we have here it was a I can finally do the pencil for a little bit I put the pencil down so we gonna have to close all close dollar each and we sold a bunch of those already today and we had someone buy an Indiana Jones cassette tape set for $2 and they said any rock movies that you have or what I say Rock Me action movies they want to buy them to display them that's what they're doing with them so VHS tapes are not totally dead at the flea market sold to yesterday and three today what are you thinking today lots of foot traffic out here let me buy that so I can check it out look at all these people scouring the claims there's people this is adding insult to injury Sammy just got that working out in two days ago and these people are selling a box truck full of candy it's what do you got a horsewhip yep and a Marilyn Monroe both got her into the wall you're nice to the shop to the store yeah in Blackwood's I got your Tarot show yeah what kind of clothing anything you want like this like real nice clothes yeah you did yeah do you have a card you're gonna get your cobbler stuff and on he does I've got new carbon really that's your face yeah 10 years ago like that 1980 looks good that dude was like you look like a Robert De Niro there was when I was talking about the passport look at the picture okay Vincenzo yep display this stuff out front then they actually want to buy it because the dominoes thank you sir that's fun like the dominoes we're so dirty on the outside and when I open them they're brand-new and when I put them out front of any bottom it's all about displays is what we're starting to realize I feel like we kind of already knew this but it's just hard with the stuff that we have because we have such a large amount of everything that it's hard to put every display everything nicely so that people can focus in on one thing so I think what we're gonna do is unload the sheds and literally throw out or try to sift through what's good because they just have too much and we're not selling anything because when people walk in here they it's they get overwhelmed and I understand that like too much that too much stuff we sell a lot a lot but not enough never enough that's the round but we've sold more if we sold every single thing we had here we still have we wouldn't have to get a week so could do 10 more times three bucks thank you just sold the rubber chicken never thought that was happening it doesn't even squeak but I guess a dollar sounds so much more closed then I just start doing fill a bag of clothes as much as you want for five because we're gonna end up doing eight in the mix not much that's a dollar one dollar see ya that umbrella is really cool do you have cats yes it really looks like it's well made from the metal yeah it's durable I've had it for a couple years cool thanks it looks like something you'd see in like England or something all right let's stand here and that will just people don't know we're at the booth and then we just watch what they look at and then make make it offer some reason like they're so sensitive in the Sun I don't understand I think these are I think these are polarized but for some reason every time at the flea market after we're done and we're at home my eyes like they're like throbbing I need like some serious glasses like these like I think those are polarized that right yeah all right let's see what we sell next what do you think we're gonna sound next tried to sell these oh please for five dollars they're real mind you yeah made in the USA guy didn't wanna the shape of long that's why they'll protect your eyes that you look like like in a sci-fi film these are so please please no no these are real they're prescription that's no serious these are somebody's I bet the next thing we sell is that Pokemon thing okay or the Xbox enjoy one of these plush toys or this duck the duck it's only thing one interested party all day in that hate film on [Music] pila bag $5 was it working it worked for one person today glasses are cool all right backing it up two days at the flea is too tiring even explained so we're actually sorting this box going to build well these two boxes going to Goodwill these which I picked yesterday sending them off to Goodwill we don't want on them it's really hard to make money out here we sold a ton of stuff but all for like a dollar five dollars two dollars we sold a ton of stuff but we still have we need to find some kind of wholesaler that's just willing to take truckloads of stuff at this point or just clear everything out and start over but we did well in the time that this truck was parked in that lot someone must have backed into it because there's no way that this would get cracked like this unless it was hit seems weird though they'd have to be a high up I don't know but like look at that wasn't like that earlier fully cracked and this one same conditioning and it's not cracked at all so someone backed into us I think but it should be fine that's the fleamarket claim right there yeah what's he saying for the day you know some ice someone Nick baby that's what's up dude peace I'll see you next week not to be not to make a mockery of this guy but he's been smoking two cigarettes at the same time that ledge images sweeping up the outside of the outlet market and he was just smoking two cigarettes at the same time turtle legend like two snakes you can't see when he was first looking at it was the goat shot I missed that too though but we take the White Horse Pike back we take it there and back actually it's a way more scenic ground then the AC expressway because there's a lot of like rundown buildings and just sights to see a lot of businesses the back roads of America you can say like these people cruisin on their Harley on a Sunday night Sunday late late afternoon cruise I don't even know what I'm saying my eyes are burning this guy's shops for the journey all right made it back home another successful day living the dream choo beat tired we're about to cook some dinner but we donated almost a whole truckload of stuff to Goodwill so we're trying to trying as hard as we can to purge you BK sorry sorry sorry and then what we're playing on down tomorrow morning is bringing the rest of what's in here out sorting it throwing stuff out good willing and this guy's going on eBay howdy-doody and this is already on ebay actually it has someone one watcher that I saw and some of this stuff is trash some of it might be eBay I'll think Randy stones gonna get some DVDs I got a set of pictures of them or just said to the hole but like those are empty for the most part some of that stuff's just trash on the ground but yeah that's the plan so trying to move forward here and just continuing to try and make this work the picker life is definitely heavy though I will say that with a straight face and even wearing sunglasses all day polarized sunglasses my eyes still is killing me from being so tired our host we market dinner Sammy Jack what'd you make I made salmon with bourbon sauce I cooked that while I was like doing the rice at the same time and then I chopped up the salmon put it in the rice when it was done chopped up cilantro put it in eggs and then I cooked eggs kind of like chop those up and then put it in rice so that's what this is and there's red pepper in it too so it's mantra pegs but pepper and this and salmon guys Maddie I don't know it's just really good price and it's really easy like dinner fit for a king Nona you ready to eat we're adding it for tonight everyone thank you all for watching this video it was a hard-knock life out there at the flag will be honest it was rough we made a good amount we sold a good amount but hard sales and a lot of like $1 $3 $5 Stiles Nobi Nobi like big pushes and we we did end up getting rid of a lot and we donated a lot so moving on but the dream continues and you know you're not promised anything easy when you go out and start doing stuff like this so it's all about the push always steep just keep pushing stay pushing and the dream is real I'll see you guys tomorrow morning for some more claims you Jake memories now that outside and Landis's what's up keep it simple and good night [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 41,406
Rating: 4.8881578 out of 5
Keywords: back, to, days, selling, at, flea, market, flea market, berlin, farmers market, car boot, junk, making money, tuck and sammie, sammie j., VINTAGE, nj, new jersey, south jersey, berlin farmers market
Id: rLhDf4Ls6mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 45sec (3825 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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