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ready to blog what is up my friends all smiles today all positive energy right all right think only good thoughts okay take a note of school and I hope that everyone's having a perfect day we were both crawling out of bed this morning zombies sometimes you'd have a perfect day I love you see ya guys no matter how hard it is today to keep a smile on your face and be positive just try it give it a try I'm going to start Brittany's day off with some flowers why not any girl that can put up with me deserves a little flowers now and then I think selection is a little weak today these are nice I think they say I love you come on everybody just start out today happy man I lecture Noah about being positive and staying happy today Brittany's gonna wake up to some flowers cuz I know she's still asleep and Cain he's always happy alright guys be honest what did you think of yesterday's vlog is a lot different than normal I just filmed kind of like what I'm doing now I'm kind of filming more of everything instead of just the highlights the exciting parts of my day I'm just I'm just filming everything I think Britt's gonna be happy she got some flowers I'm a flower guy myself like I love fresh flowers in the house so it works out for her it's kind of a win-win for both headed home right now got to get started in the smile more store a little bit today and get completely caught up before we head out of town we're taking the family on vacation the kids to a surprise location that I haven't told you guys yet it's gonna be fun I can't wait to take you hi buddy do you want help come here come here don't go give this to mommy you like it ma for you kanga give me five did I think you just made mommy's day all right got in the truck and I'm gonna go load up all the smile more orders taking I haven't taken the post office for a while we've had a lot of people help in here but uh it's my turn today so I'm gonna do it No so beyond the vlog Channel and the pranks and the family life we manage our smile more store it's a big part of our lives it's our company and you know a lot of youtubers not all youtubers but a lot of them they use third-party companies to fulfill their orders which is cool it works but I think a real special thing about our company is that we do it by ourselves in our house so you know that your orders being done by us and if it's if it's messed up you know we must stuff so you actually get to yell at us when we mess it up but not that does happen sometimes but not not not we don't we don't try to do that but no I think it's a real special thing like me taking all the orders to the post office right now and delivering them I think it adds so much more realism to the company and I don't know I'm all about doing things yourself so I don't know for those of you who want to start a company here you think it's overwhelming or you think you need somebody else to make it happen you really don't you can do it on your own you can and you know I think these are just things I was taught growing up by my family who had their own business so I think I understand a little better but I want you to know that you can do it you can't start your own business and you can't do it by yourself I employ a lot of my family members my hand uncle are there right now working and you guys know Veronica or their income comes from the small more store and you know it gives me and Brittany work constantly and it's just a real good thing for the family for our company and for you guys it's a great message that we loved I never try to talk that much in a clip because it gets a little overwhelming and repetitive that's it that's how you do it man not bad not bad it took me a long time to figure out that you got to put these in upside-down because last time I took them all home they were blowing out in the corn field some work all right I'm finally back home checking out the place we had a shelf blowout this shelf completely collapsed so I had to put a new shelf it and it was a mess and the I guess usually I'm going to build the shelf so I put them down here but for some reason on these I put them up this high so when we move the shelves some of the legs bent and it just laughs and look at this I'll show you the legs this is the legs that's the bottom of the legs see I've been down here working I've cut down all these boxes look at this all those all of those all of those so we're swearing up freeing up some space to work and keep crushing at the store trying everything caught up and be completely caught up for when we leave Saturday on our trip what we have no worries you just go relax Britney put her beautiful flowers out today I love it she just took mom well grandma you guys know grandma from all the vlogs to lunch she went out to lunch with her and me and Kanner's is chilling we've also put together like two three four boxes of clothes that were donating today so yeah we're just doing all kinds of stuff to get ready for the trip somebody's going to get it but these like all clothes that we just don't wear them they're like nice they're still good Kayne daddy's gonna finally get a shower okay you gonna play your game hey thumbs up I am finally gonna get second to myself if you hit me noticed I'm wearing the exact outfit I wore yesterday as well you haven't changed I haven't took a shower I've just been running man non-stop so I'm gonna finally get a shower I'll see you guys in a second and I hope you like yesterday's vlog I tried to just roll and film more of our lives just more of what we actually do like breaking down boxes and stuff like that so how you doing buddy not good yeah what you won some right well good job you just gotta keep practicing practice makes perfect did office so much better I look ridiculous but I feel better I just need to shave I left my razor in LA and the only razor I have here has a charger so it's dead so I'm charging it right now so I'll be shaving soon soon soon how was lunch have you been better you better you're so sick in LA yes you're coming back to life finally took two weeks he's been missing you he keeps asking where you were a puppy doggy you got a dog in your house he keeps running the cats come from I know I found it a couple days ago but I don't I don't remember it came from mom I feel like she brought it over all right I'm gonna go finally do my hair sir ones that way follow me on the blog trying to keep your all guys trying to keep it raw so you can't make fun of me now my hair looks nothing like Roman Atwood you know this is the you know I don't know how many times I get asked this but what hairspray do I use I never showed you guys think I'm advertising and I don't want that it's just I'm gonna show it the log I'm not getting paid for this unfortunately but everyone I always asked me so this is what I've used for a long time and I know that I'll still get asked the same question but you know maybe somebody that wants to now knows now I start my shaved still a there's so much to do so little time never a dull moment man look at this kid wait this kid you keep me alive boy he's just always in his own world doing his own thing did you're actually tough right now Oh who's there mommy's hustlin finding all kinds of stuff in his laundry room what's it say anything good what we this respects Kane was born at Kane was born at 6:55 p.m. seven pounds 15 ounces I was born Oh lots of dark hair blue wait what the same well people thought I'd look like daddy but had mommy's nose that's your gun we have one of my good friends coming over tonight and his wife always does Britney's hair now well dyes it in colors in whatever she wants done to it while me and him hang out I'm gonna grill some steaks let me grow some steaks well you have a lot of best friends a cigar oh it feels dark in here haha alright I think just the table light you're working I was wondering where you went you trying to work like Noah you see one of our chefs collapsed today it collapsed I tucked me in Todd tried to move it and I fell so I'd to put a new shelf in but now we got fourth shelf schooling that way instead of the diagonal yeah Britney's mom is here or doing orders Kane's working what's up Jeff this is my buddy Jeff you guys know Jeff and his wife Sierra how you guys doing I haven't seen you guys for a long time last time I was here and we were playing qui for quo and cards against right in the car as soon as he gets here it starts snowing see if I can see it on the log well there we go say a Pam commercial it's freaking snowing and it's never gonna end pains just walk around showing Jeff everything but hey Jeff was here making this video remember he helped us make the ball prank yeah really still nightmare I just have a pretty good read they jumped off it right here I was born I know yeah now my intranets company's trying to drop me today darn you Ohio where do you do this whitey don't make me leave you kay loves it it's great for the kids you can stall your the kids are happy alright we're still grilling not gonna stop us you gonna help me come walk in it run across no with your just your feet as if you guys don't hear me complaining about Ohio's weather enough this is a great example of Ohio because not always it's snowing right now it's springtime this is it's supposed to be like 71 degrees in a couple days two days so we get snow spring it's just a hectic mix but all you can do is friggin smile more that's all you can do and Grill more and grill more we can cook more Oh baby she's ready it it's fully snowing guys holy snow that was point blank I do I miss the greatest shot ever custom-made steak for you buddy thank you very much that thing that looks so Roman Atwood it looks so good ours ours are almost done do you want steak I think you're just being too nice no doesn't record the joy he's just indulging I can't take credit it's definitely all the cow and the seasoning you like these pieces yeah Chris Britt's gotta cut hers up into a thousand little chunk le'ts ones the mac and cheese gonna be done I've already done here I'm on my second half Kane's got a new best friend freaking deal that sounds so good you guys no fun bet is my favorite like it is the other like homemade funfetti this is just packaged on yeah something like that but it's delicious amazing so good oh mylanta wanna see it ready oh my gosh this sprinkle drawer this girl has more sprinkles than anybody I've ever known in my life you'd be grandma Oh sprinkles oh my god what'd you do to your hair Britney's getting hair guys like don't put me on camera oh I'm not even say nothing this has just been a night of eating so good how is it hmm Britney I think you need some more sprinkles okay like I don't know Wow yeah more sprinkles man all right guys I had fun it was super good seeing ya I don't know who was playing Grand Theft Auto with us tonight but it was freaking hilarious thanks whoever joined our rooms we had a blast even though we were just being ridiculous we're not playing at all we just it was fun you guys never give you off this fun game you can't still be hungry you are king of the fridge candy corn dogs you're still eating you are getting big you know every time you eat you just keep growing I know so Jeff Finn's here I left that was a lot of fun we ended up playing GT I didn't vlog any of that oh it was so funny man it's these guys just joined the rumor we had a blast no it's pretty orange in pink but how'd you even get it like look at me it looks like some type of I've had that you've crafted huh huh so I've been trying once again today to just kind of film more and more of our day and what we're doing I didn't record the gameplay I should have done something that you guys won't laugh so hard I know it's always cleanup time it's not bad two of our chairs officially broke today so now we have five chairs you see where don't we are on the last season how many episodes we have left we're finally on the last season if you guys watch these vlogs a while you know we've been addicted to the show Chuck it's an older show but it was on that place great show but we're finally on the last season which is good and bad because we can finally stop watching it when we but we'll be sad because it's over alright guys we're gonna call it a night and cuddle up maybe watch an episode of this and then pass the freak out thanks for all the love and support on these daily videos thanks for coming over to Twitter checking out the fun facts and I want to keep that going hopefully once a day and I want to thank you guys for always smashing the like button on these videos I realized I don't even have to ask you guys to go through the vlogs today and I was like look how many friggin likes are on these videos like I don't how are you guys thank you for that and that's it yeah Kayne loves you we will see you tomorrow guys thanks for all the support smile more okay then say bye look at them look at the camera
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 2,103,093
Rating: 4.9638824 out of 5
Keywords: movie, pranking, kid friendly, new, GREATEST, BEST, making, daily, Prankster, THE, craziest, Born, family-friendly, roman, more, ohio, vlog, day, RomanAtwood, vlogs, Natural, prankster, family fun, crazy, family vlogs, LA, everyday, kid-friendly, vlogging, vlogger, roman atwood vlogs, prank, atwood, family friendly, Romans, columbus, smile, pranks
Id: 3uHWcvsbjFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2015
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