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well well Wow what you guys think should I do it yeah for sure yeah can you think I should do it you guys say saw totally up to you all right yeah yeah sure why not I'll go get the truck I gotta go get the truck what's up guys I'm welcome to the vlog we're just getting our day started the kids are playing the Bobcat the battery is dead I must have left it on are you coming with me are you coming now stay outside I'll be right back no no no still side welcome to the wall guys what am I looking truck keys truck the Bobcat that's what I got to do what's done with the shower girl maybe the girl have a dropkick okay the vlog streak continues guys we have a really good dumb bad idea right now oh geez gotta use the truck to jumpstart this bug guy oh my god can you imagine working on that it's a spaceship buzz you get them cables drop the answer human verse Doge never gonna happen flesh is so fast oh hey here we go here we go oh [Music] that's pretty dumb right [Music] [Music] whoa oh my gosh it's gotta be real with you guys I'm getting to the age where when I do things I actually risk hurting myself like that's nothing for a six like for me young kid I could do that all day I just jumped the way I landed my neck was like I feel fine but I definitely felt it is now we're gonna do it I think so you ready the plastic balls are harder than they look little bucket ride what you think dude you're up on top of the world man hang out your spine just it's your tower your watchtower all right let Noah jumper then I'll take you down okay that's awesome dude you're thinking about it aren't you I can see it in your eyes [Music] so much fun such a stress reliever just jumping on a bike and just ride I love it it's great feeling couldn't be bigger ramps up for sure dog house looks all ready to go I thought you were gonna rat me out it is cleanup time shower time gonna get ready Brittany's making a cake for Jess you guys know we celebrated her birthday on a couple days ago we're actually gonna go over tonight and celebrate with the family and kids and yeah so we get ready the power of soap and water whose mom hey guys I went in and grabbed Romans camera while he's in the shower canes making something for daddy right yeah he was he started to make a puzzle and then I am making a cake for Jess it's her birthday we're gonna go over new presents for her and cake ice cream there's the cake chocolate is her favorite so I have to do chocolate okay so I have this card for her super cute it's got a little cake and then like a it's got like a really cool three-dimensional cake Oh still gooey you know I think the bottom of our oven needs cleaned Oh cake is still gooey it's not done can i film you in your towel now this is what you did hey guys not with me this is what you look like my mom don't look don't look Momo it'll hurt your eyes I guess so hi mama Sam sit flash you get down sit shake I shake it's sit shake he's almost got it sit chick-chick good boy that's a good boy all right animal shoes on nice boots baby to the sky is amazing look at that sky dude climb on into the spaceship mommy's got the magic button and you push your button it starts up push it we did the same exact thing here's this way scarier though yesterday I challenged you guys and I'm gonna lose yet another bet - you guys I told you guys if you got the prank channel 210 million today that this week and I would go out and pull a new prank well I didn't think you'd actually do it today we're gonna do it today literally in like three hours look what what the perfect time to do it then on Black Friday right it's not Black Friday yeah but I mean you can do a pretty call like Friday that would make sense so here's what we're dealing with guys this is the prank Channel and you can see the numbers are just flying so somehow we're gonna hit 10 million on two channels in the same month yeah that's like it is impossible and I would say that that is when you get those new play buttons please just look at them just for a second look at this Dale Rome is about to hit 10 numbers like that no we got a thousand we gotta go 900 to go I told him this is my motivation this is a win-win for them they give me the ten and they get new pranks here's the next question what are we gonna film what what kind of prank I'm just gonna go out on the street do we have a price wrong I would be so pranked if there was a Camaro in my drive I'd be like Frank don't you miss I'm not gonna miss it we're still like a hundreds away hundreds away this is a dream come true by the way this makes you totally can think 1 million thinking zagar's I know it's insane thinking back though how much work went into this almost forgotten about this channel completely but we've put years of our life's into this channel here comes 48 [Music] no pranks on me I know we'll go out on the street we'll go out on the street baby you and me or you Britney we remember the way we just went and kissed on people let's let's do another one that was a fun no this is huge me beyond the you guys know we were gonna hit ten million on this channel no matter what but you guys just did it in just about four hours when I uploaded today yesterday's vlog we were about sixty thousand away and in three hours you guys did about sixty thousand subscribers so huge thank you for making it happen so early and today and I will get you that prank that's promised and we'll do something fun I I promise you that Roman I promise this thing last time I promised you something it only took what a year to blow up the top car I'm gonna make this happen I'm gonna make this happen I know I know it's just so nice and warm out we should make a whole France an artic prank party right yeah Franken polar bears mmm look at these things let me see your hand let me see your arm these are the slap bracelets anybody remember these things I used ever when I was a kid maybe they're coming back because look at this ready Oh slap it he's so serious pain you're so serious slam oh no it's mine hey Bret did you drop this your brain your brain my brain is way bigger uh-huh all right guys so we've hit ten million subscribers on two channels and this month and I've just decided to start a rock band and leave the youtubes behind so here's my first of all [Music] [Music] [Music] that's it do you think do you think people are gonna buy that song I bought it yeah if you think it's a hit a little smoother the beginning wait wait what do you mean what do you mean well like you started too soon no I did I don't think it was a I don't think it was me I think with you it's my fault that the songs not a hit I just I'm not calling anyone else specifically I just played it the way you told me to just I need you guys keep practicing and we're gonna come back for our Levin mill song we played again at 11 minutes all right guys we are back home and there is no mess from the dogs good job way to go give me five man give me five that's it Oh flash good job dude no mess man would you give my blueberry my mom gave us a bunch of frozen they grew my favorite sides just frozen blueberries they're so hard to cry in these came out of the garden these are fresh yeah me and Grandpa my dad planted all these blueberries they taste different one um you taste different on the frozen uh-huh uh-huh got to take a minute give some up to one of our favorite sponsors on this channel audible.com you guys here's talked about all the time audible is the king of audiobooks they are the the leading provider of audiobooks they have countless selections from action books to comedies to documentaries they have it all these are great for traveling you're on a plane you got earbuds even for jogging on a treadmill riding a bike you listen to your favorite book it is 2016 it's almost 2017 you'd like we're living in the future laying down sitting down reading a physical book is becoming like old school now you can listen everything if you're like me I always say this I can read just fine like I can sit I can read but to actually comprehend when I'm reading I'm not very good at it man I suck at it if you go to audible.com forward slash Roman ro ma n you get a free book with 30 day trial so that's pretty awesome so that's audible.com forward slash Roman that's a free book with a 30 day trial check it out we'll put the link in the description show them some love they have been supporting this channel for gosh it's been a year and a half they've been with us on this channel so huge shout-out to them check it out if you uh if you just don't want to read a book a lot of you guys even in school now are allowed to listen to audiobooks so that's huge yeah that's becoming a big thing so it's awesome check it out don't be skeptical get your read on through your ears you give me your favorite one let me see that one slap it good job these are dude what happened to these things so Britney had an incredible idea we can't do it tonight but we can't do it tonight but what do you think about one night this week we set up and we do indoor camping like we set up a tent and everything like a full tent in the living room maybe and we camp inside guys it is truly an absolute blessing to have you in my life not just my life my family's life I can't even explain how surreal just can't explain it man like guys I come from factory life I come from working in factories and only having this crazy idea of making videos for a living it just didn't exist at the time I graduated high school in 2001 YouTube didn't come around until 2006 like when I was done with school this career just didn't exist it wasn't available it's just is so for going from factory life to now living the dream that I had in my mind I was just a crazy idea man like I knew it guys when I was in high school I think about your position now if you're watching this and you're still in school imagine telling people that you wanted to make videos not movies like movie career existed like you could be come on director and make movies that's not what I said I wanted to do I said I wanted to make videos and like that just didn't exist I literally say this at the end of every vlog and that is thank you I mean it every time I say it I mean it it is it's just you guys are more than just somebody watching my videos man you I've truly changed my life your viewership has changed my family's life and my extension of my family my friends now have jobs employed by us it's just all crazy man and I know that if you're watching right now you are really somebody that has helped shape and change of my life because you're here to the end of these videos not the exciting part of the videos you're here now so thank you from the bottom of my heart I frickin love you guys use me as an example chase your dream no matter how crazy no matter how silly it sounds no matter how many people tell you not to do it the only person that can stop you from getting to that point is yourself go get it man I love you guys I will see you tomorrow thank you for being here ah beautiful you're one of a kind smile you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 3,627,536
Rating: 4.9632692 out of 5
Keywords: kane atwood, ohio, britt, vlogs, fun, youtube pranks, track, everyday, pranks, stunt, family vlogs, roman vlogs, vlogger, trampoline, stunts, family, kids, family fun, kid-friendly, roman soldiers, roman atwood vlogs, kane, noah, dirtbike, family-friendly, Natural Born Pranksters, noah atwood, Roman Atwood, daily, family friendly, girlfriend, Roman, brittney, daily vlogs 2016, house, best pranks, atwood vlogs, Atwood, roman atwoods, tricks, home, kid friendly
Id: 4HQP8Qw71lI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2016
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