WC3INV - EU vs. KR: [ON] Lyn & LawLiet vs. Happy & Foggy [UN]

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welcome back to the Warcraft 3 Invitational as I just promised our next game our next series will be the to be - between Europe and Korea guys are still setting up though we should be ready and good to go in a short while this is usually where I would usually open up chat and ask you guys how you were doing but that's not quite so possible Blizzard is doing this production for us they have been amazing they've been a great help this is all been running really smoothly has been a lot of fun not too much sleep here I think we all got a little bit jet-lagged but other than that it's been amazing and we did the Blizzard tour as well yesterday or was it the day before I was a day before yesterday we were walking around the campus we got to see some of the development areas we weren't like in the in the sound you know sound what's it called am and we also have a score graph coming up for you here in a moment ah that's the one yeah South Korea has a lead of course we hope that Europe will be able to tie it up but yeah it was cool to walk through the blizzard officers and what I liked the most was that there was lots of cool art everywhere I really liked a lot of the paintings that were there but you met guys may have seen it from Blizzcon if you watched or perhaps we're even there there's this big Tyrael statue that they have they will always bring it out to Blizzcon apparently when they have that big event but it's actually in one of the buildings here and I think they said it was 700 pounds which is also pretty sick and they have like these wings from Tyrael that are forming they have thousands of leds in there that keep that thing lit up but if you go close to the statue and see the armor there's actually little tiny embroidery pieces you know they have such fine work put into that armor wonder what that cost honestly probably not too cheap and that was really cool to see was fun all around we also did a group photo of the main the statue in front of the main building you know you guys probably know what I'm talking about with the orc on the wolf that holds the axe I think and there's the core values of bliss they're put down on the ground I think they have seven or something and something very interesting that thing is made of bronze they told us how it was made like there was an artist who made it and they had to produce it in China or something they had to ship it to the Blizzard campus I hope sorry I think there was a little bit of a audio bug there with a microphone that should be fixed now anyways that thing is made entirely of bronze and the way they clean it which i think is the coolest way to ever clear anything is they set it on fire once a year when they clean it I don't know if they do it with gasoline or whatever but they set that entire bronze thing on fire I asked if they had photos of that but unfortunately nobody did yeah two and two team are setting up here as you can see foggy and happy the two players representing Europe undoubtedly the two strongest Europeans at the moment behind them is Hawk who also made a good showing today he did lose to remind by was close it was fun games they have never played before together happy and foggy this will be their debut however same is the case for Team Korea so that surprised me because law lied and focused they have played with each other before but now it's lowlier and Lin I wonder why maybe focus said that he's not feeling the strongest today I would by no means say that he played poorly against foggy but for he was just too dominant in that game in control all the way through it seemed Lin we haven't seen playing the 1v1 today neither have we seen happy there will be our last game last series of the day lowlights he did defeat effect as was expected to what so which one of these debut teams will be successful for which will be will the teamwork be more yeah which one will have better teamwork I wonder there's gonna be no there's gonna be no advantage language-wise so for example new and me will be playing and will become eunuch a ting in English then maybe you know the other team could be listening in but here it's Korean versus Russian so they will have their messages remain private between each other Hawk sitting behind I wonder if he's gonna be in a bit of a coaching role saying the case will focus almost the entire team is assembled we have who's missing remind and effect maybe they're grabbing something to eat here they just had their game of course I still haven't eaten anything by the way maybe later I'm gonna be able to grab something up the first map has been hosted from what I can tell best of three here of course still this should be getting underway very shortly to be - we mentioned it before has it seem like it's being played and enjoyed less nowadays and walk in the Warcraft scene we still have it in NW c3i which we actually started covering maybe three weeks ago I think and back to walk raft because as we all know Jacob unfortunately is no longer the sponsor decided to discontinue his support but we have replacements nwc 3l one of those and we are working on more so we are hopeful and confident that there's going to be more cups more competition in the future in China they used to be big two and two tournaments the last big one had been won by Ted and hi knew back in 2016 when neo and myself we were in Shanghai for the very first time back then also they had RPG Championships I wonder if you guys remember that those of course we didn't cast and cover because we had no idea about what's going on in those fun maps but yeah back then was one one and to be to competition nowadays seems like we're back to only 1v1 competition that's of course the gold championship series very well produced very enjoyable tournament that we've for now almost two and a half years we were not on location for the very first installment which was shortly after WCA 2015 but after that first one we have been there every single time one to zero what is it was rise goes hand in hand with GCS becoming the big the premier tournament in the world of warcraft 3 and by the way the qualifiers for the next GCS for the GCSE summer have already begun that's actually what we had been casting the week prior on our way here and when we get back to Germany we're gonna be casting one of those you can follow this channel if you want to see more warcraft action I think on Thursday or Friday not quite sure yet when we'll be able to cast again but GCS is on our radar should be on your radar if you're a walk rad fan we're gonna see you quite a few of these players which are already here today as well in that foggy I'm betting very good money is gonna make it again Lyn remind probably not he doesn't have too much time anymore is what he said focus always online competitions so yeah joining again next week but of course for today actually it's this week we can cast yes this weekend Saturday and Sunday is GCSE playoffs we might miss the group stage for the qualifier because we're travelling but I'm pretty sure twitch.tv slash hi to choco got you covered who is doing a lot of work and they're discussing strategies both we're not really sure what to veto yeah and then Saturday and Sunday we're back with the playoffs for the GCSE qualifier with the new system the most prestigious tournament that we have in the Warcraft scene of course we have our schedule up and back to Arkham as well and inform you in our social media about it Facebook and Twitter there was a bit of controversy and surrounding happy and GCS something that quite a few of you may have heard about and he did qualify for that tournament everyone was excited to see him go up against the best of the world in China but then he declined actually going saying I don't know what exactly it was but he didn't want to go anyways but here he has shown that he is willing to travel for some tournaments I guess this is not strictly a tournament this is more of an invitational of a showcasing maybe this will change his mind perhaps gonna have a talk to him about that well of course still love to see him against the Chinese he is I think the strongest honor in the world at the moment Lin is he the counterpart fit for happy is he still the strongest org in the world recent results don't indicate this disappointing showing at the last GCS in November not getting out of the group such a scandal honestly for Lin's standard usually is always at the top three at least alright here we go to be to time we finally get in can Korea already win the clan war with this series or will Europe tie it up we start on lost temple I'm so glad we get to see this man finally one of the class it's a nostalgic event with all the legends here and this is blizzards classic map we saw it in StarCraft we saw it in Warcraft we see it basically everywhere that Blizzard gets his hand on lost temple I mean it's been there from the beginning it's an Reign of Chaos map no tavern here so it's very very special in today's scene that it's not a TFT map with a terror so it's gonna be interesting Europe in blue foggy as a night off on the bottom left happy at the six o'clock position as an undead and as I said before this combo is one of the best in the entire game with mass hunters and fiends good meat shield up front good damage dealers behind that coil of course to nuke and heal should be a demon hunter or apart I'm actually on the other side the Koreans with the most classical combo I guess with Night Elf and org they will tacked it to you - not too much empathise onto your wonders oh it's a part of my foggy okay oh okay going for the late game here with the aura on level 2 is of course so sick for the undead army we're talking a little bit to the developers here about how races were meant to be played and how it turned out that it was totally wrong because the night ups were supposed to be the ranged race we're supposed to be all about archery and you know true shot but it turns out they're actually pretty good with bears and it's actually undead who were supposed to be the necromancer who have those valuable ranged units and could actually use the aura themselves nowadays under the tier 3 orb fiends destroyers that is super scary not just for one one also for two and to where oftentimes they turn out to be the carry so does that mean that if you go give foggy and happy too much time for too big of an army put too high hero levels that this is gonna be too difficult of a game I don't think you're gonna see super hero levels and two and two usually level three is already a pretty big accomplishment what's it bottom does this give bonus damage to every range attack and if you have Huntress and theme that is that goes for your entire army fiends already have a pretty good damage output I'm just of course as well because they have bouncing blame for this basically an area of effect so it spreads across facing everything they throw there is no mana burn she is pretty weak not contiguous damage dealer but she can't be annoying with her asses but if decides to go for the part of or off first and try to get the last hit doesn't really work love is a big one and looking at the starting positions it is already it's actually not good for both here you want the night off in the middle because that expansion is a little more protected here and it's of course can't really expand orcs is very very slow in expansions but in the middle of the map there's four spots for closed circuits and gloves of course claws not that great anymore since the critical strike nerf we saw it in focus versus super lorry we saw it in focus versus for him that the high damage roles are not there anymore and despite they could stack nightmaster bottom losing some more hits I got the last head up in the party yeah for his last since he mentioned it before pretty damn good maybe one of the reasons he wanted to go into dota at some point or other MOBAs but nope but the item still goes to the blade master yes the cause have been nerfed indirectly but they're still really good he's level two now he has the critical strike here quite a few runs already did he go to borrow tech we didn't quite catch that but it almost looks like it a lot of archers coming in as well or under attack just as yet for of course I guess it makes sense for a light to go Archer since you do have the blocker line of grunts in front and once again the battle for the fountain in the middle this could take a while indeed with the health fountain of course everybody gets a lot of health from it especially the orcs profit because it's a percentage-wise heal and not like a fixed amount so the grunts have high HP and therefore heal more than all the other races it's good for them Oh even hunter might be surrounded there good funny block but not really but happy end and fog you really have the damage output now I don't think there's too much a little I can do against the right clicks on the plate master who is quite squishy kept his town portal doesn't have a circlet so he's a glass cannon where all the grunts he had four because with them there they could definitely contest this but know that creeping by themselves the gold mine that's quite the unusual move okay but yeah with them far away maybe this should be going to the European team they got shrine they're being cautious here don't want to overextend yeah they're not overseers at that fountain have great items and usually if one team gets both of them they have a huge advantage especially if it's a book of the Dead and they basically gain control over the path there once again platemaster focus of attention looks like you takes it easily it's there it's Korea coming backwards it are they're just focusing on creeping there's yeah and without the grunts that cannot contest this wonder I didn't think giving it over too easily reveal again too late now she's getting coiled but he will survive just barely yeah but he's out of the fight now I mean he can't go back despite windwalk Kenner is that next to it and when of the wind is the first item here can be really good to intercept heroes to force around second hero kill could easily be possible with this one of course you're still have a TP of course level 3 DK already that is really fast bottom didn't get too much on experience but the quarry level 2 will keep a lot of things alive no expense oh there is expansion the upper right isn't it yeah the grunt scrapped it and now low light is taking it teamwork again okay then of explains why they gave up oh there was a call coming right he cited him before then he still ate the damage okay and now he's gonna die good start for Team Europe here picking up the hero level two of course there's a shadow on child so he gets a lot of experience keep her out the growth is out as well for entangle and thorns or us coming in later maybe but not really because you go fiends destroyers and I would be very surprised of the night of ends up in bears now light is on tier two he's gonna go dryads on the other side we will see a lot of Raiders grunts maybe like a good mix and spirit link spirit link is amazing in every single game mode I guess bogey still on she won I would be surprised if he feats probably if he feeds happy all the time and this is such a devious push man there's no dry it out yet they would be great against the Huntress but this is ninety supply night of undead with lots of damage thanks to the aura the decay though is out of mana so getting team kills here may be very possible the look he losing all the more wells this late master killer was such a big deal anything at seventy to play twenty down right now though but it's good normal damage it's a perfect position for foggy and happy man demon hunter caught and while the movement she's even hampshire is surrounded he can't fight out there is coils I guess no TP out immediately and not to his base but to Linden so he's on the same spot there they can just kill the tree if they want to or keep on fighting ditches they're intercepted good and tango if there's no coil he might die but actually he gets to walk away there's another hex he needs to get this hero kill he really really needs to get it pretty kit he can't quite get it the Shadowhunter in the north is about to die as well feed shots coming but he survives those no he doesn't scratch his legs and goes to hell the creeps actually killed him that an old brood with his first hero kill ever till it survived he brought a potion of mana the decay can now heal again with the coil but they're killing nothing they have no damage linen low light getting blindsided here by this early push for Team Europe and again the wind of the wind he's trying to count a block but it could just result in a double surround he's closing it in and this hero will fall as well they are steamrolling over the blade master is back he passed out with a TP from the blade but it wasn't quite in time we are eight minutes almost nine minutes into the game the light is trying to get some dry it's out he's trying to get this demon hunter back but they're still so many hunters and there's no tavern on this map guys so you have to do it the old-fashioned way we are the altar never ever is this gonna work also he's getting some damage on the moon world we're mostly supply stuck again this looks unrecoverable what are they supposed to do even the light is trying to attack the expansion with an engine of water smart zone expansion is of course up but what does it matter if your main base is falling apart not only does he lose his tech this tree of Ages all those production is gonna be gone I don't think he set up new ancients of law at the expansion some creeping now being done by Lin in low light we saw earlier we saw earlier today that you can actually sometimes win on fewer bases if you have crazy hero levels and good units can these heroes can they do it by themselves for Team Korea the black master has no item that boosts his critical strike and therefore the damage the main brain is completely wiped out now death knight is close to level 4 that is really really rare and - and to the bottom level is level 3 so the most important thing she happens to shutaura level 2 and with the hunters whole being gone he can't go from all wars wonderfully that's the second one there but if he's down to one lore I don't think he has it no just one lower half of the production he can't try to expand everywhere maybe and then feed Lin maybe try to go for some pillage Lane play by time expand up there get back into fighting shape because at the moment they have worse heroes with less supply that doesn't build well at all shadow hunter with a pendant of energy that is nice and he'll Scrolls of course are twice as good as they are and one-on-one as well the further the tech goes for night of work the better at four yeah when I turn off the better it isn't the weaker happy and foggy Tommy gets especially the hunters at one point there was a spot of a they will be easily killed get lost protect lost well for the lich man this is insane they have made the ladies take significantly here for that faster push for that stronger push along with the bottom and it was so worth than taking out the base but he is now tier three he does not have trouble here oh he has the orb and that full potential has become unlocked big beetle is there as well Crypt Lord his impale got boosted by 50% of the damage and yeah that's gonna be good because everything is ground there's not a single flying unit so potentially he can hit everything with the dryads amazing item at least for Team Korea with a cat gas pipe man he's on the sidelines for so long alright seems like they're gonna go for this base harass play now the Raiders are making their way towards the night of base it's foggy gonna be forced to TP home can they buy more time with this 40 supply or a deficit but there'll be gonna be a little bit laced late to the base race because the Europeans are there first mark face is vulnerable shop has been taking out if teens are able to reach or destroyers actually are able to reach the burrows then they're toast we see it how fast it is they just melt away against the form of annihilation from to destroy their stronghold dude he can't even finish pillars and they're down to one base Jesus great how fast at that diner that is level two trough Tudor orally and now they can TP home defend foggy space I guess they don't even have to but they can still do it we saw that let us trying to go for wyvern but there will be web this is up great is so fast if he doesn't have it yet then he will have in a bit happy alone at Stanford five supply and the fees we just saw that for a second have three zero with two levels in true fedora that's plus eight damage in addition to all the dams he already has gets a kill on the way khottabych says eaten the fiend that is certainly nice but there is vision now for foggy and happy oh this could be a nice grab finally catching foggy out by himself this could be a fight they can actually win if Flynn is helping at least any staff from the DK back solo I know there's no anti-air this is a really good spot by here comes happy the key player of Europe there's no protection as well cryptids trying to position for the perfect empire wasn't like amazing but it was okay where's the damn how to dye their beauty in will and a healing potion for him in once in seven seconds ROV will be in the focus point of attention there a WR in supply the killing a few destroy that the berries are nice coil a second something happy is known for these heroes that you get out of control for Team Korea I think is happening they're gonna kill you one morphine the cola peace is still alive for them but not in the best position the hunters are pretty much gone for foggy but so many pizzas happy is carrying this game hard the way he's supposed to the ways expected to with his race combo and now they could just go forward to finish the job team Korea was holding up quite well I mean the odds were stacked against them and they fought quite okay but then at one point it was just an overwhelming force and they continue to push they know okay there's an expansion well not for much longer I guess Lin is the carry for the Koreans but even the destroyer just felt a lot of this turret thing gets a lot of mana back the black master doesn't have in Valente more two claws in the glove of Hayes but that doesn't matter too much you're not even trying for a hero kill here I think it's the only way the demon trouble TP on 25 HP but the plate master still in trouble himself sh oh you are far out of position good block from the Crypt Lord will signal his end that's the gg and the lead 1-0 very one-sided here we see foggy again raising his fist happy as one can be rockin smiling in the back wow really really really impressive what those two brought to the table here on lost temple and they this is the first time they play together and they hit the perfect timing that delayed tech of Happy's with that tier 2 I wasn't even ready to - its kind of on the way to tier 2 timing just no answer to it and of course losing your blade master doesn't help the one of the wind we have to say was a bit of a fortunate item in that regard but that's something you have to calculate in when you give up the middle for free because the grunts are elsewhere then that can happen so we still have twisted into a rock from mistaken oh no phantom Grove and twisted phantom Grove LV which one is that again is that the one with the infernal creep I haven't seen phantom Grove in forever I think I think it is well we're gonna see wouldn't be surprised if Team Korea switch up their early game strategy here keeper most notably goalkeeper first and then try to harass the undead make it difficult for him to get those fiend masses make the decay suffer don't give him level 3 for free don't give him that big timing so easily of course keeper dust fall off we all know but he is a beast in the early game and synergizes amazingly well with the blade master yeah those two can decide the map now as it is always losers choice the second map seems like they have decided on their strat all right all right so has a few ideas yeah all right so they have to tell the atman what do they want so so what can they do against this Huntress fiendish I mean Ted and I knew they are wrecking the two and two scene since we saw the first invention of GCS two and two and nobody was able to stop them we saw great to integrate okay fly and she she were able to stop them but that's the only team I saw that had a solution against you I think you have to play more aggressively keep the DK on level two maybe play Hunt's if you're the knight of because if you rush to dry it's you're gonna have like nothing for the longest time yeah to deal with early push of course her hands are gonna fall off heavy and you would love we would like to go to you know like you would like to skip Tier one production in favor of fast sword riots and all but when you know that this push is a great threat and game number one should have taught them then maybe you should have missed more into the early game of course if that is done then they can bypass foggy and happy bypass that push and go too fast Tier three Undead so maybe they have the strategic edge here you know being able to decide on what the weakness of their opponent is to go for the sufficient counter counter big mistake here on lost temper was to just give them the middle this is never supposed to happen if you get the middle you have to suffer heavy losses like lose a few years but they were they would they were just they were surrounding the fountain with everything and there was no real way but there was also not a compiler combined defense against that from from lanoline and also like the grunts taking all that gold mined that was the reason why they weren't in the middle getting the expo ready for ya it's another big amount of money that's doing nothing for you in the defense so he rushed tier-2 for fast dryads and went for the expo so we had like nothing for the early game we're going to twisted meadows this means Tavern is available yes that easy to expand and mostly the players will know the map a little better as it's also in the one-on-one map pool but it's still a great map 417 like yeah you may not be able to get the crazy consumables like Book of the Dead you know which emboldened any push but the bases are closer to each other certainly then on lost temple but I think this could be a great map to harass the undead on because there's no really easy cams yes you can go for the green camp but that gives you like nothing and you can gang up on the unlit pretty easily here so I think that's what I would like to see from Korea goalkeeper actually don't even have to you can just be aggressive with demon and blade you won't have the control and lock down from the entangle obviously but you will have a lot of damage you will be fast you will make life difficult for happy foggy will have to help out oh wait a minute who's that I thought for a second it would be foggy but that would be weird because of course he's playing huntresses so Linda starting in the upper left we saw before this creep spot being done there but fog he has to wisp so cool he he leaves it there so he went he wants to go over to build the shop he can block it this is like okay if you don't fall walk after too much you can abuse this position or you can abuse this position as an orc you build a shop and then you lure the rock column and block the path of the accents there with a wind walk black master and the grunt so what foggy did here now was to buy 10 seconds until that shop is finished so the Golem pool will happen later and this makes it easier to harass it I think can still do it right away because the creepers won't attack the shop but it costs a lot of lumber the peons had to defend against it it also cost him a bit of lumber though so it wasn't for free you can still go for it Lin unless he feels getting creeped jack but pretty unlikely we have a DK Blademaster bottom and demon hunter combo I guess okay here we go oh the guys who haven't seen it yet grunt pulled the Golem donate master weights in windwalk and once the Golem is in between the two units you pop out with the help of the creep it you just have to take care that the burrow does kill the golem and that is what years of creeping optimizing came down to who's like oh my god if he gets the last hit that will be disastrous he's trying to oh wow best last hitter in the game again with a bottom this is so hard it wasn't even searing arrow it was just all right at the bottom average damage is ridiculously low it's one of the weakest attackers in the game all right clickers in the game and foggy makes it work Buster blatant Esther this is fantastic oh there must be so tilting for little you invest so much time and effort into this creep and then you are denied the experience the light also doing creeping here not going for the nose but actually for the Bergkamp first or did he take the nose already I never mind crept in olds already so they have access to the mercenary can't get the Shadow Priests there this full of court help a little again skeletons and heal them up a little but happy is already on the way to tier 2 soon as rots of necromancy this is level 2 then they have double aura with bottom and unholy but livers coming in for the creep Jack alright don't want to give him level 3 so easily this time barely any experience he has 12 that's from a skeleton that is not where you want to be so now he has to harass the undead with sub power levels maybe can creep simultaneously with grunts but then he would be giving up that experience be sharing it with the demon ur the demon though he's gonna be level 3 quickly and he can really bully the DK heart that's true bottom yep no didn't get a mercenary here if the demon hunter is in range of the death knight he will just burn him over and over and then his less Carl's on the feets and that makes them more vulnerable happy again investing quite hard into fiends 55 supply of papaya already they're taking out their personnel camp but maybe this is the Revenge of look alright he has been the ref before can you see that now himself like it was coming in as well together the skirt I guess grunts coming in this he's so far behind experience let's take a look at the experience far he's not giving it over here comes the MVP of the early game the demon hunter can used to cure this camp for his team if he has to retreat a little bit but he started stepping and he gets a lot of right-clicks out Boulder on to the demon on to even more damage but this should belong to team Korea and it does big mana potion as well for the shadow hogs that will be coming on to you too it's a fantastic item for more Hugh a wasn't that bad for happy of course it didn't get the experience but didn't lose anything and this opens up the way for for you finally has a good Huntress army to arrest this basin if you kill the wisps here in low-light space it's harder for him to get the lure so yeah really good timing there's no way of course that Louis can be set up right now because tier 2 just finished he knows about the night of timing he is down to 282 what you need of course was to build the trees in the first place are part of a big attack with a Naga second one of the best right clickers in the game forcing a town portal here and this is foreshadowing what we will see afterwards happy versus Lyn in the middle of the map grant survives at least but with the blocks this one will not be getting away as it seems Manta though once more he is the MVP of the mid game so strong now on his level 3 but a big bulky force from Team Europe only two heroes the bottom and the DK but the aura makes all of these units so much better they have to retreat again and the forces are growing of course linen loll I'd invest a lot into tech foggy did not and you can see that in the supply fifty versus 78 it's ridiculous once again but the fiends are all hurt there is no heal scroll I guess it also no second hero yet and the Shadowhunters coming but they separate the army their reinforcements from limb can't reach slowly its base easily berserk who would have been really nice their follow line I wonder why I didn't get one I guess he wanted to rush those drives as quickly as possible and once again we're faced with the issue where is the army DK though in trouble this may be a TP forced out of him he does have one one more hex and we he will have to TP he's following oh this might be the kill with a crib I don't even think he needed dispelled from the wisps wow that teamplay keeps the DK alive he kills the shed on her on the back end the fiends will remain there the DK is being evacuated our play from the Europeans they kinda have to be there because the fiends can't run away especially not without the unholy aura but safe buy it for this NL dude that dispel that that made from the wisp saving the DK is live and therefore the mid game for them and he's ancient protector supporting this push look at the damage of the demon Archer its insanity moon juice is all empty and how are they supposed to break this again they have like no army they have dryads once more they skipped towards to you two well the night off did at least only a single Shadow Priests on the way there the demon may be strong but he can't can't do this by himself TVN from New York what does he have to offer a demon is there a car for him so he gets to the stuff gets a potion but it's the same situations it wasn't game 1 siege continues okay limb is trying to go for a counter-attack what isn't have any you have one Raider right and one grunt and that's about it and against that stand I look 10 Huntress 7 fiends the feud riots 2 defense for long I it but the edge protectors are up super supply stuck again is law line above 3 for the bottom pick damage increase they can just go for the 2 of Ages if they want to but first the DRI is the fiend shots so easy to take them out once again the strong push the delayed tech is so goddamn powerful is there a way is there a way they can hold is this calendar attack by limb good enough to force them back it doesn't look like it this tree it's not gonna be surviving for too much longer it's too and then it's 2 basis versus 1 or can't let me go for the counter check now it's getting more raiders more siege damage and may it may be the case that both Night Elf armies are falling level 3 for the DK no more income for long line of course is backed against the wall with his army there has to evacuate give up his face so foggy Oh gives up his face as well and gets the counter kill 1 base versus 1 we do have our one who won basically is of the only basis of iving is Lynn and Happy's all right interesting so with that already I would say this game is looking much better than the first one so wind riders are the choice again and I don't really get it because the web is the perfect counter to it he doesn't seem to have the lumber for it at the moment but it's gonna get it soon enough WEP is a pretty fast update so you have it in 30 seconds I guess we got the first fight get wet but then in the next fight you can just wet and even if they commit your fight it's not like there's an overwhelming amount of why we're just gonna kill everything right already it's only like a couple out maybe two or three at the moment so they buy more items at the shops roles for there is all right there's a TP on the DK so so by wise even though quite even for the first time since happy and Fergie started to really explode into any supply so it's TT or two against here one and tier 3 yeah I guess math wise that makes it easier Korea as the supply leet now Lin is the only one who can produce but yeah it's the squishy wyvern they might be able to take it out really really quickly and they have match points already they can equalize the clan war with the next big fight if they win nova coils hitting the da plate master and the wind right and it seems like there is no web at the moment big mistake perhaps by team europe oh nevermind there's the web they're all pinned down to the ground nice dodge there with the in world prevents the damage from the coil but the wind riders too have fallen three or fallen and the other ones are getting wept as well Blake masters basically out of the fight he needs to pose and then he can't back go back in but there's still a massive force for happy end to talk yes how long can the hunter survive it's the question the wyvern are all dead the lift isn't troubled of what the demon a chance to back up has to go to the shop as well for another potion everything is a hundred attack as it seems that Korea is crumbling first fly down and D minor in trouble again he needs more healing sh provides the healing but only level two SH only level one you if only he was level three this greater mana would be worth for so much he's still holding on to it should be the savior may be a hero focus but so far forget happy took great care of each other always protect them each other and these statues man doing so much healing they can't reach them there's no internet they can't take him out quickly nothing up damaged once again diamond in trouble getting know about getting focused but making it away just barely but the shop is gone now house is supposed to heal up here they kill one more Huntress but they never get these kills for free they're always losing more in return another bar is gonna start falling as well when the supply stock low light has no base anymore this is what Korea has to fight with they can't get reinforcements at all and of course happy and foggy they can do basically whatever they want they stand at this base for such a long time they are not welcomed but they don't care the status by the way I'll almost dry on mana so maybe with this finally the Europeans will not be able to regen so easily anymore plate master dropping low again is there man on the other side I don't think so he has to run away though regardless Cotto comes out big damage increase and he can start with a snack as well in vogue keeps the partum safe but only for so long the fiend the only thing left here no more Huntress is at all for the fiends are still damn strong SH has no healing wave anymore the greater mana is gone from him so this watch wins the game it's the gg to zero for Europe and they tie up the clan where they tie up the clan where we go all the way to the final best of three which will be happy vs. Lyn what did dominant performance by foggy and happy it was very one-sided on map one on lost temple it was kind of it was better on TM but they just made it work in Korea found no solution at all to this strategy I'm so surprised that they played so similarly on the second map when they got smashed by it on that number one I know maybe they thought they had a better answer with a level three demon with at least the shadow priest but that was not enough not at all so the night of so far a carry in Korea with low light and remind both winning their syriza's foggy was carrying Europe and yeah two winds like raising you all the night I was one of course low light was one too but you know what I mean we go full distance and this clan war between Europe and South Korea has quite a history we had one on Easter 2015 I was at 16 with a legendary game of checky where he misses alas there was one by Europe Korea got their revenge so it's at the moment in recent history tied 1-1 and the next best of three will decide the winner I will try to get a little happy yep a little bit of pregame here maybe they can also talk to us about the two and two would really like to know why they stayed so stubbornly with their strategy it's been an amazing two days we're not done yet we have one more coming up this is the one that neo and I have been most excited about and I think many of our fans as well happy vs. Lin they have in recent history never met offline in the past the good old days in 2010 and before I imagine they have but in forever they have not Lin has sounded pretty yeah nervous about this he was like no don't see me against happy and his wife echoed the sentiment happy seems to be the scary player number one they're joining me right now on the couch for a little bit of pregame but before we get into their 1vs1 I think we can talk about the two versus two a little bit hey guys you just came out of to be to UM went to Europe I think that's a great service to all our fans so we have the two V to the tied up clan war now fog in you went for that push two times happy with the delay tech I think it was and upgrades on the fiends very strong and was successful twice Lynn why it seemed like you played very similarly on lost temple yeah they play the push and you lose to it and then the second map again you play pretty similar to it but you still lost to it couldn't you have maybe adjust it a little bit better I chose long straightish I think wrong strategy yeah my plan was like that like this but maybe I play like but no just my condition is not good okay it seemed like it was looking okay on map number two when you took out foggy space at least yeah but then when you had to come home to your base to defend just seemed like you didn't have enough in the tank to take on this big army with the huntresses and the fiends all those upgrades all those auras and even you even had tier 3 on your way so by the into the game you didn't even have to like win the game right there if there had been a crypt Lord and in Orbis well probably would have been even easier but it didn't even need that time it could just finish off the game right there yeah now that it's over maybe you could give them some tips how could they have defended this better like maybe I don't think lean and lovely at have playing experience together yeah that's why overall we just well we just decided to rush them with mass before the games like a first game weren't great for us so second game we did exactly the same like why not exactly if it ain't broke also 48 did some cool moon like stealing golden for example yeah that was every block was going canal favor he blocked the shop as well my favorite move from at number two is when your decay was hexed he comes in with the wisp net NATO could TP out and save the decayed that was really cool yeah there was a very strong move all right but there to be two is behind us that went very one-sided to Europe now it is decision time it's the main event it is as many of our viewers are saying the best an adverse is the best orc in the world hoodie that's what that's what they're saying so I would say well we call it to a break after we're going to talk about the pregame first it sounded like you're a little bit nervous going up against happy when is the last time you played against happy offline do you remember a frank I remember maybe 2009 WCG yeah search place back then this seemed to be the imbalanced matchup number one or seemed to be super overpowered if you think so back then yeah that moment was so it turned around in the recent years people always ask us why is that how can that be when six years ago seven years ago this matchup was so imbalanced how is it that today it's not imbalanced anymore almost 50/50 or so right now I would agree but so so why is it so why is it more fair nowadays because I think on this player now nowadays micro is like amazing mmm-hmm compared with seven years ago improved a lot and then they'd they knows how to fight with Blademaster the moment they don't know how to fight with flayed master if come out played mustard they don't use this appearance mmm and it just keep them item creep Jack everything okay I think that does better now because the particular new ways of playing like creeping quiz fast hero early game or like going for benches like in the past mostly if people were going benches as an that they were going always to Temple of the Damned like Mass benches right now you can Adam before for example be a little bit different playstyles but you still feel and there is a little less favorite in that matchup I mean we know you have strong opinions we yeah we read your blog about about the PTR I mean everyone everybody's affected by this of course from their main race I certainly think though that's better than in the past and I think you would agree with that it probably is so this is the last game that we're gonna have today in this invitational in general I'm really looking forward to it guys I don't want to take any up any more of your time I think we're gonna talk to you again after the game yeah but now these two will get ready they will head into their game we head into a short break just 90 seconds and we'll be back here with our last series the decision euro versus Korea who takes home the pride and glory
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 17,594
Rating: 4.8764477 out of 5
Keywords: foggy, happy, lawliet, lyn, wc3inv, orc, night elf, nightelf, oc, ne, undead, ud, 2018, wc3inv 2018, 2on2, 2v2, neo, remo, remodemo, warcraft 3 blizzard invitational, blizz inv, blizzard, invitational, wc3, inv, blizz, warcraft, warcraft 3, war3, wc 3, Back 2 Warcraft, B2W, Back2Warcraft, back to warcraft, warcraft III, esports, esl, gamesports, esl-radio, esl tv, rts, real time strategy, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft
Id: pwGVAbiSb50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 33sec (2973 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
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