WC3INV - KR vs. EU: [O] FoCuS vs. Foggy [N]

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[Music] hello Warcraft fans welcome back to the Blizzard Walker free invitational day number two we have a couple of matches behind us now the Europe versus Korea clan war has already begun as you know if you've been watching earlier affect was playing up against la lai d'lai to won that game with two one closer than quite a few may have expected after the three is which was quite the spectacular game we are moving back to our Europe vs. Korea and our next matchup is gonna be foggy vs. focus I already can see focus over here we may need to wait like a minute or two it was just the lunch break so yeah people are eating at the moment but should be getting underway shortly of course low light winning that was expected let's take a look at who else is playing we have focus versus foggy of course as the next one remind versus hawk coming up after there's gonna be the to be two between Europe and Korea and then it's gonna be happy vs. Lynn foggy should be the favorite I would say and we all know whether we don't all know but many of us know last GCS foggy had a spectacular run almost went all the way the GCS summer I always forget where was anyways the one in November where neo and I were in Shanghai only falling 2 th in a crazy best-of-seven grand final with a 3/4 score line in the end focused though he himself did really well he was the highest scoring top finishing orc in that tournament with third place one of the best offline performances he's ever had and really put him on the map for offline tournaments finally it is gonna be an awesome game as far as current shape is concerned I'm not quite sure who's gonna be you know the favorite here but on paper these are some of the greatest players not him and we don't know who that is he's like a technician and some Bucks have been reported as you heard in the threes there was an issue with a unit she had control and insomnia told us yesterday some units started moving for some apparent reasons as if possessed by possessed by ghosts yeah he seems to have been the only one that the ghosts of blizzards past haunting the unit's here of course you know PDR something they're getting shaken up some things are getting broken but we're gonna repair him all in time talking about focus and if people are coming back from a long time of absence of walk here three focus is basically the news a card he's always there up at the top of the world gets into a lot of online files and wins lot of online cups but there's no big title to his chest and there was the doom of the heart for such a long time I mean of course Graeme was there moon was there the competition was so fierce back in the day same for focus at the moment I guess there's always a Lynn there's always a one two zero there's always a th sometimes there's even a foggy and you got very close though and speaking of Lynn and one two zero those two seem to be the kings of the race undisputed for such a long time last you see as that wasn't the case one two zero didn't make it to the playoffs neither did Lynn those were two big upsets two big disappointments for these two players who usually are so stable but not that time maybe that gives them some new motivation maybe they will no longer be able to rest on their laurels so much it's really cooled the scene at the moment like there's a few guys especially in China and also we have foggy of course who are just in their twenties one two zero life romantic foggy as well very young an experiment talent and for a long time we thought okay we have our established player base they fight it out but no there's actually new talent coming into Warcraft shows the glory of the game they yeah they still there's still a lot of special things about walk up there also attract new players and I hope you guys are one of them and I hope this event brings you the itches to grab the mouse and keyword again to play Warcraft 3 because after all those years it's the perfect fit between the normal RTS and MOBA I guess back then yeah it was kind of the mix between RTS and and team shooters yep and speaking of the Chinese scene which is of course still the biggest melting pot for all the warcraft players out there Nettie's do a great job there they are in cooperation at my cooperation with Blizzard life here that new shooting star crazy strong night elf player I really expect a lot from him coming the next couple of months couple of years perhaps he hasn't had that big offline breakthrough performance yet but yeah he is the biggest one along with one to zero I hope we're gonna see more in the future but now focus versus foggy they have met each other countless times injera cups especially and this is our best of three um we're starting on row to stret home that's a first I think right now we talked yesterday with grubby about it I don't know if we saw it actually but yeah it is 104 Korea thanks to the winner of LA light versus affect in game number one and now it's time for foggy who just of course both won the three and three but both coming into this game with a big chest I feel why not foggy showed some great performances yesterday also in the FFA and four and four which of course was won by Europe as well focuses yesterday was on the receiving end but coming back strong today he said after the game a little tired it was so exhausting Lin said the same like with my witch doctors I had to do so much that were with my cast I had to blood lost everything I had to put up sentry wards so that was a little like power consuming I guess on their end but one on one org vs Night Elf I am really curious about the changes on the TC here now because it's in my opinion the key thing in later stages with the demon hunter to burn the manner of the tauren chieftain so he can't get out he is a shockwave shockwave is the biggest area of effect that we will see in this one-on-one and it hurts the talent which is the normal build for night house there but usually the demon hunter burns the TC so he can't get one shock wave out max with a new movement speed on the TC that got buffed on this PTR it should be easier for focus to move the TC away from the demon hunter so he's not an arrange for mana burn and I wonder how this will pan out yeah and if you want to get into the real tiny specifics since the TC has a percentage based or a movement speed increase with the endurance aura that even benefits him more now thanks to the higher human speed and foggy himself he said that this is noticeable that the TC is a little bit stronger has a bit of an easier time connecting the damage from the shock waves but also from the right-click damaged won't of course you too big of a deal oh my god he can't lose this action of war this is a really tough creep camp by the way it has 3 level 5 creeps the renegade isn't really that scary but the enforcers certainly are they have evasion they have lots of damage but they also give a lot of experience and maybe funny isn't so familiar with this map because you're really not supposed to take so much damage early on with your demon hunter that's true we talked about the late game with the TC and ferns but the most important thing and the thing that stands out when you watch the foggy play is the aggression early on we had lots of discussions on our back to walk upstream with semi-pros with our fans with pros in general like what's best for night off to do is it aggression is it for staying passive until you reach tier 3 and get cyclone because then you get map control back but foggy says nope it's aggression all the way you want to be in the face of the orc at the start of T oh yeah the sort of tip to to cancel the buildings and I totally agree with that choice like if you cancel the Beast view if you cancel the lodge you throw the orc back and usually the strong suit of the org is tier 2 because then he gets the aura on the GC has no movement speed and he gets ensnare and here spirit link those are great updates for the orc army more tankyness and a lot of control thanks to n snare so if you cancel one of those buildings one of those things appears later and the night off can get more stuff done and I mean you're a big fan of high-level night of Heroes and yep mad so the longer there is no end snare the longer there is no spirit link the longer you can creep and be active on well I think both strategies are valid for the night of the most asinine by the way very nice but the thing is you have to get something done either creeping with your beast master or damage with the harass so if you go for harassment and you don't get something done for example that can be really risky whereas if you go creepin usually something will get accomplished of course then you run the risk of getting jacked and taken quite a few losses that way so far pretty passive play a foggy by the way went for the one moon will tech something that very few attack players only do he and who else was it was it check haven't seen check in a while though don't be the case yeah he's gonna be finishing I want you to very soon and the org is gonna be of course very that's it you very quickly as well one borrow tech is what the meta is about nowadays only man the claws on a blade master already plus fourteen now this is a change that affects the Blake master with this new patch the bones - from cloths of their pure plus damage not from agility but from plus damage will not be calculated into the critical strike like it was before so that is certainly a nerf that the big master has received here comes a TC though this hero has been buffed and I'm surprised by hope hazard this game has been and take her joins us on the couch hey buddy ok now your microphone is back so yeah welcome to the broadcast thanks it's nice to watch your one-on-one because it's not just who's in here where were the towers by the way so here's what we're talking about fog is heavy aggression on the start of GFC we cancelled one billing I think it was the P story right yeah double berserker here for the orc super early I like that though grunts fall off so heavily he's gonna use the speed scroll to say those berserkers easily enough done oh this proxy lodge gets found as well and canceled and that is horrible for the tech of New York we'll send it back right along dude with the hired a majority majors died there or with the old critical strike they wasn't back step I wasn't back sent all right for talent that's still a thing master talents well you crept with your towels quite well back then okay but they fix it again yeah tell us are getting their depth upgrade of course not really useful this is usually the timing for the orc right yeah well obviously pressure won't sit well does equal radius as well or just screwed Walker sunraider but Bobby canceled both okay I can't put any pressure its focus my mind don't you see the face is using the shock wave for creeping actually once really to make use of this natural region of the PTC has the plate bass was plus took a third damage that's amazing damage against the tellers of course there's no whisper oh wow that's three Talon kills surround Lee can you even get the Beastmaster here yeah that wasn't possible though but may have been a book of that earlier invested but that's definitely working for three Talon kills okay should have had a whisper a bit would have been some good experience yeah absolutely by the way reminders joining us as well on the couch welcome remark I just finished my meal and yeah yeah nice of you to join us foggy a cancel whisper experience the age of war survives so important for reaping for the night oh yeah it was aggressive on to you to cancel the bestiary and the lodge and kill the Berserker but he also lost three of his talents just a second ago oh wow three claws of a tech beast oh yeah looks good for focus I'm not quite sure I'm asking you guys you're the experts look look at those item on master three claws that's pretty scary thankfully still well the plate master soon strong so no three fairly early gets the glove this relevant to say guys very well with it for us we could pretend to be tail on the second shockwave here uses for creeping so tinker master he's done yep just finished a second ago he has 41 supply against a 4000 focus is he supply stock still yeah the bottle is coming a little late head up training for the walkers as well items when you see this blade master inventory do you think you have to go for more healing potions remind more inward potions before you can go on a fight like every one potion on every heroes yes one on the demon hunt in here and he's gonna take out the red cap which how much you like think she the cares are like for lightning shields here it's gonna deny it oh he almost died with it like but no the best items that is I think that it's absolutely crazy talents benefit from mana and HP bows that is absolutely sick in the master item is so good the critical is nerves so so that's a little weaker he's gonna have a little too critical strike soon but he will still do a lot of damage with these items no yeah but foggy is getting more and more time to creep he could take up the top left side of the map but he's not doing that he's more in the middle and then he may get creeped out here in a moment of course left below upkeep to supply TC coming in the shockwave he could line up perfectly oh my god he hit like six talons right there is he gonna use a lot of iteration already the willit coming in he wants to hold on to it and get the whisks against the walkers are gonna help out a lot with the manna burning here so and despite that massive shockwave foggy pushes back the orc for focus has to run here it seems yeah there was four really good no mana also for the TC everything's out of man are now focusing on the demon he's trying to kill him with the in volcanic kill him somehow TP has been transfers so it should be impossible but at least we'll be able to get the TP out of this there were there's staff actually he can't lock him down with the end snare he's coming back with his own staff as he has drank drank some moon juice and I was healthy again it's actually good for eatin and this would be the kill I think he's trying to cyclone him up here with his own oh stop this stuck Wow beautiful narration yeah to celebrate the victory which by the way also got buffed my GC spec again but everything is damaged before here oh so expensive he would love to have a TP right now but more they only 33 he won't get out of this now he would spy TP that's why cycling up the the TC maybe he can get a video of the shop this next to the shop it's enough though is it maybe it would be but everything is dropping solo for the on once against food link coming in it'll be a lot of experience nothing guys for the longest time and some happiness getting to ya Wow yeah but you should have bought OTP right but even then supply lead and that's never good holy G you see the Beca first bogey yeah he always does this they call him the boxer in China for that anything so quite the quite the strong performance by foggy once again neo was pointing out earlier Fogg is one of those natives who is a big advocate of aggression trying to go for the tune to Kansas there's the other approach to this the other philosophy of creeping instead of harassing what do you prefer in mind when you get the Beastmaster do you want to go creepin or do you want to try to cancel the tier 2 or yes oka players is very good at defending these days so many not have players choose to creep instead of Harrah's yeah with good base layout and stuff and rota stratum is a very uncommon map for nowadays standards maybe they're the base layout wasn't the best buy focus because you know you just don't know how to perfectly build your base once again the harassment was successful and we have to remember mmm that focus lost both his tier 2 buildings so that sorry yeah exactly him far behind in the game he lost those and the berserker also expensive loss early on fog he may have lost a few talents but you know towns they come back so quickly and honestly that's all the damage he took before the late shaded stages of the game now three talents is noticeable but also overcome a bull I don't think that's an adjective but you guys know what I mean so map number tool now it's gonna be focuses map choice we I don't remember what exactly was left in the pool I hope someone's gonna tell them what map it is yeah game said open it we're gonna have it in a moment though before you couldn't need to be neat he didn't even finish his burger hopefully we'll have enough energy to play yet something though I may have been the one to urge him forward by the way for yeah you can eat a little bit more but only like a little bit we have two more fries to continue you stream of course we want to provide you guys with the most with the best action possible yeah only one map away now it's team Korea Team Europe with drawing even with team Korea in the points when you saw remind when you saw who was gonna be playing against who did you feel like that favored team Korea or Team Europe who do you think has the better chance is just looking at the matchups oh you mean the matchup now I mean like who's playing against who like for example happy versus I mean you you know the lineup so when you when you have heard who was gonna be playing did you feel like Korea has good chances yeah because so the light was the favorite playing lean right yeah heavy play slim in to be the best oka player against on that but happy is pretty strong pretty strong yeah he's okay so this match and affect I didn't expect you affect would play so good like this against R'lyeh he almost took the game yeah I know in third he needed some more healings quo you know then he would have better sense and have you known him before effect have you maybe played against him and I never mind I think okay yeah but he has his brother actually you may remember him his end ours he was a wc3 admin and our end up a human player he was a chance back then I know c3l now you're gonna be going up against hawk yeah do you think that one of you has the role of the favorite there since I didn't practice a lot know this I don't have really high confidence okay because he still keep playing so much every day so but I wanted to play newman's actually but he he betwee toe every new map so I didn't like it well I will try my best to I'm sure it's gonna be a good game our next game is hopefully also gonna be a good one second map between focus versus foggy we are going to twisted Meadows always when I see this map and I make this intro I always want to say the biggest map we have in the map pool I think it's no longer true though I think flood plains is bigger in terms of size and experience both but not behind percent certain anyways a very big map can be an incentive to go for some cheese for something unusual from players like moon and foggy both we see some Beastmaster first Hunt's expansions now and then but it's the first era no yeah it's also first though so it's gonna be hunters this year yeah that can still be transitioned into all kinds of strategies can we I think the most out is 3 hunts in two talents can also however be dry ads can be dry at Merc camp right Merc support expansion how do you like to play here on twisted Meadows I like to play on trees in the begin right 300 master I adore bear instead of expansion ok and no talents I don't like to play turn - its metal ok it's very hard to do of course there's a wide open space everywhere hard to find a choke the Raiders always get the opportunity to connect to the talents it looks like fog is going for Terrans without ancient of war you know this strategy without any shut up or just going for no it's these go offense you can go without engine of war sometimes it's not really risky it's risky but on Tuesday meadow sometimes it worked because you can horas all the time we team up demon hunter and biz master and then since tinker came out you can creep we can't reach the wisp he knows those little hidey holes when you practice night off do you intentionally like look for those little hidey holes for the wisp or you know do you go to the map and look for them specifically or is it just something that you learn over time massively playing with computer and try every every single tree how many trees are there on the map how many mice is hiding now she doesn't want to get mana burnt and he's still getting burned it's not gonna be any problem he does have dust but with this way he will get away so do you know off the top of your head how many safe trees there are for the wisp see on this map you mean to tomato yeah I think around 65 I don't know there was just a wide estimation though it's not really 65 right I mean really yeah you know we're gonna trust you you're the pro gamer here we're just accessories so I mean the tech is coming in of course a lot slower this time for foggy because of the hunters opening that's something you kind of have to do on twisted Meadows for the well you don't have to Ezra - hey you can also skip it the ancient of war but that's risky but yeah you cannot that is the big deal for a knight of here you cannot creep with the ancient of war the first can reliably because if the orc comes around with a blade and the grunt you get punished you may lose everything and that's a horrible start for you so in order to be able to aw I knew it I know when he wakes up the creeps Oh No foggy usually he knows all about this yes he did a very nice mana burn before when the plate master was on 51 so utilizing the complete 5000 the value I'm very surprised that he woke up the creeps they're usually foggy as a player never makes those mistakes and focuses scouting heavily for it so even if the whisp had not been to close he would have seen the expo here because it's exactly what he's looking for where is your Tree of Life little does he know that the creeps took over the job of canceling that one so he may be a little confused right here think you build another one on the ground should be scouting over there but he's not there yet yes in the middle of the map and he has two hunters is now gives him some map control they're almost impossible to kill really try to get the puppy boots no no the demon does still get boots of speed Blake masters never get them anymore something that shifted in the meta may be against an Archmage in the early game when they think they can afford get the kill under attack but other than that they will save that gold pretty expensive after all oh can you get us around here maybe did it pay off that looked like a bait but he couldn't get this around here so tutu is done no respect the tavern yet late massive and moving towards the left side is this BB serie yes it is has to be wind riders right probably here with hex maybe yeah exactly I think it's not gonna haunt or a second he did he did we did yeah yeah maybe I was in except so long so he looks different now but it's way too late oh oh oh he's trying to surround what's pretty hard here late master fast and small model makes it so he's hard to surround disturbing the picture probably would have killed her attack while running away I think but its focus oh he has a hatred he's actually going Raiders here not wind riders and masters experienced this very week so our as item only that single circuit foggy will have the resources here for a second here at the whispers already parked there and the Beastmasters always a good choice against wages and good writers both he hasn't seen the double VCO yet though so he will be creeping up this Expo there's the Beastmaster that we were all expecting so of course the longer this Expo runs and the better it is for the night off in fact it's his win condition focus has to cancel this soon otherwise this game will be lost so how how much time does focus have here before you can no longer win this game what do you think your mind how much more time this focus have and the Raider got ensnared there he could look for the surround but he's not trying to I think that would have been worth it when you focus on the business the bear - bear oh yeah that's what I like to get the creepy slimy or ten he need oh he surrounded the Blademaster surrounded there can he keep it stuck with a Bosch bear perhaps Bosch bear to save the day and the Beastmaster survived the babe as a father I be Spencer will die in the end if I still live don't know he was never to look at this the plate was never what the piece was level two but this is such a horrible game for focus it seems like he was being outmaneuvered by foggy throughout this entirety of the game with the ensnares and the raiders maybe can find some kill here I guess he will I think focus or the game attack too early yeah he need quick and Sperling usually so good of course dryads can't assume oh really you can't just bail at all we could kill and snares you can get a few kills here you're right they're doing a lot of fish against the SH doughnuts weren't careful same movement speed however asked the demon so I should be able to get away and the bad bear look at how good he is against these Raiders I love it Misha oh the Honda's getting away number three for this demon may even want to open over to remind so now he has evasion as well and now the slow comes in he's gonna get the Raider as well and focus looking good no absolutely not I have a speed scroll mouse coming in with a speed scroll but oh oops joined the party oh and the radar tected creep again so now they're coming again it seems to be checkmate ladies and gentlemen unless there's a magic trick up focuses sleeve that I can't think of right now one demonstrator ninety days maybe try to go for some pillage base harass now speed scroll I think that's the only way out either that or some hero kills out of nowhere Blake master level one like that that just tells you a story of this game I think the only way is to kill to focus on the heroes and try to kill the the heroes because if you can't get rid of them then yeah well if you can snipe this tree though here's three in snares to cancel the repair but already yeah bogey is in position here are me to be honest he's really lacking the game master there he is again it's time for Misha give it to me finally able to fill the Blademaster critical strike unlocks and edits but this speed scroll means he can't get out of this anymore ss bistro is now over good micro though from these Raiders very well done maybe this is not quite yet in the books Marcus holding ah does have a staff here we had the TP on his first hero may have to use it here to survive forcing the Invo land Yeti people have to come putting a shop that's good all his zoom is a damage now but he can't take his foot off the pedal and but almost ten supply lead here mass repair coming in foggy with so much gold one radar going down against the tree no TP in there he had so much gold he may as well spend it I imagine his potions now as well canceled yeah I think he can't come back from that anymore now saying it for a while though maybe maybe somehow level three on the SAS that's really good of course only useful for as long as he has mana which may not be very long but yeah bogey has held is there another tank attacking the tank focus [Music] okay so fogies leaving blow up keeping up yeah I like what goes into up to the Murphy he just has to survive healing or it will be the best over as well then you would truly have the Bosch bearer if he skills it but to be better back puppies oh yeah it is nice so we have to bash there's no anything I'm paying attention to when the batch is happening come on it's not happening though he's being pinned down by the engineer we see some drives falling here the Raiders have good damage against them of course with a siege against the unarmored and he was a rattling through sh t know how now and now however without mana but this beginning of the fight is looking great for focus late master in trouble again he could get surrounded here to get so what's more has the involve oh he's gonna use it he gets the level up to level three it was up he's ten man away from the next year wave rule took two Raiders but he barely holds on there with almost no units for foggy summons and the demon need to carry this game looking for he'll stroll here is focus it's gonna be like worth a lot I got he px oh and this is a lot of raiders a lot of engineering you may be able to snipe this tree and foggy doesn't have a TP right I don't think there should be one ready in the shop there's two always ready unless they've been bought before and he used the TP melee kenny snipe the streams are under attack does he have the time for this oh I think he does I think he can yeah oh how expensive it is gonna be I don't think very expense because he has a TP himself and there it is surgical strike bikes by foggy chef focus excuse me it's good lost one radar I think from the corpse it looks like two but that's definitely still worth it now however he's stuck on an army that's good at killing buildings not so good at killing but actually it's dry it's pretty nice of course against bears it's horrible interesting game right focus buys himself a new lifeline here with that base kill Tier three get started by focus Yuri expand yes he does so very unusual game I thought this was over like five times already I hope for the SA who do you think is the upper hand focus fight very well last time even I thought he's gonna lose earlier but he is really focused expansion and now coming back and focused night now going for bear right now and the focus needs and then he had sense by the way scourge bone charms were just found by the night of usually for dry it's totally useless but now for the bear this will be super good and these items on super focus are coming in sometimes it seems like focus is the luckiest man in the world of warcraft with all the items he finds at times certainly gonna help him out and over here we found I guess he sold the one before but now he has the second he know it he know fogies tried to expand again and this will have to be canceled of course that's too much damage it's not gonna finish to TPN many of your timing even if it does like he can just cancels it so with these two heroes Dimona and Beastmaster against late master and sh who benefits more from very high levels here always counter the sh if he gets close enough for the mana but but with so many Raiders with so much and snare he should be able to reach the SH honestly Tony experience by the way for the Beastmaster and the belt to good items for damage for tankiness and his level four of the finally level to quell beasts one sustainable upkeep couidn't focus need to scout bogey is gonna make bear main goldmines whether only 60 minutes in 20 minutes 22 I think it is mains will expire going forward lodge and koto showed us with a warm L exactly master training about to be done of course on paper as far as attack type and armor type goes bears are really strong against Raiders but Raiders have and snare so if you pin them down if you lock them down the Bears you can just walk away from them they can't attack anything and suddenly there are four worth to supply so the skill cap on these Raiders is pretty high with a positioning read camp gives him the allo spell shield pretty nice for the SH can't get burned so easily getting really high you hear levels now well I hope if the P Spencer gets level five I hope he goes for the bear because then he can actually blink let's see if he will go a bit further with him two times they are under attack because he can't see it no or it's too far away well that's gonna be scarred very soon here as soon as the tree starts entangling the ring +4 right I think on the demon yep that is a very unthankful item makes it more tanky I guess so Raiders are going into the night of May here they're gonna force a response this is one way that the or can get ahead economically it's gonna force a TP and only thing he has to do is speed scroll or perhaps not even speed school you can just walk away and that's it 350 gold over the pocket easy so what is one way when you're not off to deal with this Raider harass usually I make keep up the kuru best sir third hero third hero okay so you can call every Raider uh-huh run away yeah once there's disenchant of course there will be an answer to this we should have that sue and foggy is now in upkeep you will have that Expo mining shortly and the Raiders commit is he just going for the tree oh but nice the staff back from tomorrow makes it so he can't fully surround the tree that was a really good move that may be the move that saves him the game here gives him a chance I guess but only one to whisk maybe can repair but he has to run very good build order yeah the only one entrance that way and that there was I quickly using rejuvenation before however speeds Joel to tried on our way but there are drier say they can just dispel does he don't have a teepee to get out of this he has its proof and he does to tip you know shopping lower master is he gonna be able to get away looks like it Network home what's so good with the demon hunter positioning otherwise he may have lost the tree right there and then asking me then we'll fight for the sh look at that wave oh my god focus that's 1500 gold saved up now go to three mate he can talk Tom portal to the expansion oh my god is he gonna do that foggy he can't get there fast enough to kill the base before the or could TP over there but if he teepees there he made TP to his death don't cancel not yet not yet yes it aside he only has a couple of seconds left if it doesn't cancel it then and once again the Raiders make their way into the main oh that is juicy kill but there is a TP he won't die Misha is gonna help him here try to battle this out only 3 armor on this Beastmaster makes it so the blade matters rather than for the rejuvenation and there's still no walkers so Riju and reward both are so powerful there's finding the first Walker with quite a bit of mana as well using spirit link first they should be tried to dispel against it oh no that wasn't the way it's supposed to be what I doing focus focus focus focus of course the foggy wins here the victory for him and for Team Europe in this sub match and two Raiders now could be the kills gets one of them set up a 5 on the demon try to kill the expansion and then get out of there does he have a good tip he left here he's trying to he was just like a couple of feet away but yeah to make sure it keeps its tree alive but of money still though unfocus aside you save so much gold eat it from pillage oh yeah that's a good point a town is under stage 51 subtype for foggy I think you should have gone to your three this game focus it's gonna be really hard to expand I guess he could expound his side of the map and keep foggy busy with the Raiders and all there comes the a little spell shield I think the first time we see that being effective but still he's out of mana still has to run can't hope to win a straight-up fight if he has a lot of walkers and a code or two I think he could still take a fight here what kills more experience and yeah we're at around 22 minutes the mains have expired and of course that means the night off can just walk over with history of eternity focus does not have that luxury approved oh he doesn't have nature's blessing though that's gonna take forever did you TP again to his expo are under attack even is by the way level 5 pretty far away from 6 though still but these dryads men they find one target after the next once again a Raider has been slowed enough for game with quite the supply lead and still we have to remember this army that focus has isn't the best for straight up fighting too many Raiders know enough walkers not enough kudos and the big mass he's not strong enough to carry this by himself so he stays in little upkeep even though his scope - Aaron I stated already he's making a new base in the top left experience Blademaster could use his no.5 he'll also use some bigger items there's a couple of spots left at the north but if he goes all the way north then he may give Fergie the freedom to move across the map himself and with that may lose his expose so maybe he doesn't feel he has the time to creep and I wouldn't blame him for feeling that way we denied the the wisp right around the corner to protect their squishy fast dry ass I'm gonna get one kill but he will have to TP out to save the rest and that's why we have an inkling that there might be a base up there because if he does this one will easily get canceled and yeah summons will find it come on Ash and Xena bash yet perish though it is you could see the stunned animation above his head and the snow can really dire to focus okay so now we see the matter Kentucky for the first thing yeah right he was only defending this entire game some 61 supplies well let's not have a teepee on the Beastmaster either oh yes it does okay so that would be the one way to lose this game and bears they may not have siege damage despite us calling them siege bears but they still have a lot of DPS against buildings Toros - already dead lunch is gone the shop is gone and now focus he has to make a valiant defense happening of 14:15 supply behind with arguably worse heroes great inventory on the Sh though new wave coming in it's a level 3 heal wave the plate once is really low already an easy one for the Bears although he doesn't know you runs away however with the wid walk dust comes a little bit late heat wave coming in again I think I heard he only had a single one left but he has decent damage here against the bear surprisingly from only the walkers they do have the magic damage after all big master has to be careful but focused making a pretty good defense happen here he needs mana potion throw in the SH he needs it badly but he has no gold for it no money at all everything's dropping low once again the orcs with a strong beginning to the fight but now everything seems to be dying one after the next role played myself oh my god getting away oh this thing yeah those Raiders one kill after the next the peace pass has been staffed out some eight maybe this will be level six for the demon finding a few kills that's all nice and good but in the end it's still two bases verses to mining basis versus zero it had to be a landslide victory for focus but as it stands he's at 30 supply only this rate Hall needs to survive this matches back with a summons and now the bash could be finishing this game not quite yet that would be the perfect ending for you GG 2-0 from foggy strong performance he seems to be in his control this entire game and what happened there on twisted Meadows it was like he went for the expo just came through way too easy foggy seemed to have taken an ill-advised fight but he came back pretty strong but foggy in the end too good and foggy would you like to join us on the couch to hear your thoughts on that game yeah you can you can stay if you want we have a third headset here good job very well played all right let's start at the beginning first map row to strat home how familiar are you with that map because it seemed like the way you crept that was a little bit risky the ancient of war had like 220 HP and the demon hunter took like half HP and damage from the creeps did you know about that creep camp or did that come as a bit of a surprise to you of course I know I have practices so I prepared yeah this creep camp may be a bit strong but if you do write with ancient O'War it must be okay not like I crypt yeah and once again you decided to be aggressive on tier 2 we were talking about it a little bit on the couch if you want you have to Beastmaster aggression with trying to constitute two buildings four or you can go creeping and you know some people a favor one or the other you are still an absolute proponent of being aggressive you don't like creeping still I can't creep because I have no idea where is orc and where is Blademaster if I start creep Blademaster can steal my item so it's 100 sure I can come or base see what he do and if it possible cancel chair to building and after this maybe some mana burn to blade master so he know Windhoek and after this with ancient of war I start to creep my beast master to level 3 and you got done in her ass not only did you cancel both the two two buildings but he also killed the Berserker yet to berserkers and just barely killed it you staffed home the domani with like I don't know 20 HP or something that was really close yeah idea that orc also don't know what I will do I go to his base or creep so if he creep when I come so he just lost too much yeah and then he had he came back a little bit in the mid game he had the Book of the Dead and with that he killed three of your talents to to I think it was three but let's say if it's three is that enough damage or did he need to get more than to be even with you hmm hard to say but because it fell to me after that come back from him when he found the three kills it seems to be pretty even the blade master was level three with great items the TC was level three not with the most amazing inventory but the fight started when he was reaching around the trees the blade master has called you before and there was a massive shockwave with like six talons hit but then the fight went on and it seemed to be pretty easy for you because he said TC no mana like one shockwave on mana burn so I think mistake that DC no mana potion but I think scroll of frustration is very decide yeah I think at that point the game may have been over already but yeah that was definitely that's quite sick item we've seen quite a few Scrolls today we have actually told Matt Morris that that item may be a little bit too strong maybe we could adjust the jobs a little bit with those there were five consumables but here a very strong play by you foggy you are drawing and making this an even clan war now Lola I took the lead with one point for Team Korea foggy is fighting back and now we are an even score line with one two one the clan war will continue on later with remind versus hawk but that's not our next game our next game our next series is gonna be the legends to v2 where we will see a was just on the couch again he is playing with insomnia that's right and they're gonna be going up against bad frog and happy I think they've already done the map vetoes they seem to be in position but before we get into that one we will go for a short break 90 seconds and we'll be right back here at the Blizzard Walker 3 Invitational
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 9,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: focus vs foggy, foggy vs focus, focus foggy, foggy focus, focus, foggy, focus vs, foggy vs, wc3inv - kr vs. eu, wc3inv, night elf, nightelf, ne, orc, oc, 2018, wc3inv 2018, 1on1, 1v1, neo, remo, remodemo, warcraft 3 blizzard invitational, blizz inv, blizzard, invitational, wc3, inv, blizz, korea vs europe, korea, europe, warcraft, warcraft 3, war3, wc 3, Back 2 Warcraft, B2W, Back2Warcraft, back to warcraft, warcraft III, esports, esl, gamesports, esl-radio, esl tv, rts, real time strategy
Id: 8rgcCajlWHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 33sec (3153 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
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