WC3 - CC Masters - Q2 - Grand Final: [UD] Happy vs. TH000 [HU]

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th verse is happy they are meeting in the grand final of netting Assisi master Cup qualifier - may just be a qualifier but there's really big prize money involved here which is why we see the greatest playing and playing serious very serious indeed for all the marbles this is the best-of-five which I haven't yet correctly entered but let's go in mab one it's twisted metals a rare map to see in this matchup in fact we basically never see it anymore but here now we do which is interesting normally humans always veto this map ever since the militia change reducing the duration humans have been pretty afraid of this map for humans and night elves both this map can be really difficult early on there's no really safe camps to take there's doable camps but they're all kind of hard they're all kind of dangerous the spawn positions work out well for th he is not close to the opponent if happy was spawning here than the harass towards the rock column could be really dangerous the rock column creep is the classic opening for humans on this map in the past used to be quite often played with a power bill on the altar but that is not the case here as I said earlier th showed some variation and adjustments and innovation against orc against focus is he gonna do that here as well water elemental doesn't tank the whole damage of the campi I am is tanking a lot of damage on this camp down to less than 300 I'm not sure that that was intentional DK walks into the crease but he doesn't really get punished too much from that well double strength drops here is actually really good for the DK I know at the a.m. otherwise this could have been pretty scary so in comes the DK with the harass at least two peasants are certainly gonna die over here but that is to be expected with this opening this should not come as a surprise to th three peasants died another one is already hurt th is dealing with this as well as he can pretty much oh happy invest all three coils on the peasants he got a fourth one all right he killed another one just with right-clicks for peasants dying that's pretty painful dad it hurts absolutely but at least the DK is now close to out of mana only as one coil left and if he wants to get the level 2 which is of course what he wants he needs to steal the big / major with that coil which is not too easy all to DK a little bit pressured here slightly low HP so fast expansion is of course the way we always saw this matchup in the past not the only way it can play it anymore tier 3 style at one base is playable nowadays and often times shown by Hawk that is in fact a style that th played to WGL as ago but I haven't seen him play against human I guess I'm not excuse me in a long time stick out the militia 2 4 5 7 8 here just make a damn sure this expansion is working out this is not an easy creep at all this is one of the harder ones or the hardest one good am positioning though standing between the DK and the creeps and there's always some footies pressuring even Makita themes or definite exactly the way you want it one peasant died but that's ok DK got the experience of that peasant bean is to hurt can't go Indian anymore another peasant is dying and there's another one up for grabs right there Abby probably realizes he can't get the ogre Magi anymore th is gonna make sure of that and with the ovum a guy that is level 3 the one fiend here actually really hurt how he would love to get this fully killed that would be his level 2 getting wow that's all peasants right that's exclusively peasant experience that's seven peasants dying oh that's algae so ramnik economic standpoint this early game was really painful for th but at least he got good levels he got the level three got to medium sized items as well pretty crap right now for the a.m. but pretty good for the MK later and here comes the expansion lumber is looking pretty low obviously with all the peasants dying happy takes one green camp and gets level two three fiends are out nothing died yet for happy litters coming slaughterhouse Tier three tech happy with the european-style fast Tier three tech many Chinese undead's or Asian undead's oftentimes go for a later tech with heavier fiend and statue presence in the mid game that comes out for these are basically asking for the perfect Nova to hit them but happy patiently holding on to the mana to Nova's one coil is what happy has right now th goes for the boots and like that makes the am more survivable and also you're easily able to look for kills little skeleton on mine killed one unit I think that's a footy corpse actually Oh little bit split away from the army perhaps around here could be achieved nice movement of the footies once again th or the master of the footman the first Nova has to be committed to keep the Lich out of the surround and Oh miss click very happy that's a rare sight so footy gets denied and despite there being no defend these footies are really well able to force happy back where is the defend by the way three footmen cute I like this for the most part like more and more footage that's exactly what you want that's what I'm preaching all the time as you guys may have noticed but you kind of want defend don't you I don't think he has defend yet shredder coming in so lumber issues will be a thing of the past soon for the tech aside to be pretty late over here stop coming up now as well Tier three for happy about to be done and with destroyers in or but these footings will soon have run out of use uses use usefulness Co ANOVA one more foot he dies well the level two elementals also putting in some good damage I'm really impressed that these footmen are actually so well able to force happy back without defend I think if happy had gone for a later tech with morphine's more quickly OOP almost us around then these photos wouldn't have been able to do that so easily he is still trying for a surround forcing a TPU on the DK would be nice white doesn't get it so a couple of forties died but that's of course their purpose kind of happy has lost no units yet but it's still pretty low HP and low mana the swarm coming in I defend Israeli perhaps they just finished tech starts now and that is absolutely super late which gets level two creeping up from the merchants th looking for the run buy into the main but tech is over so even if he kills the acolytes not that painful which is coming back probably a statue soon as well with this joy reform finishing in a moment a lot of damage on the am suddenly these tankiness items are pretty nice one acolyte died and more mining time is lost so this cost happy may be around 200 gold nice little run by but it also means the TP is gone and the TP is gone for a long time oh happy miss click one of the Acolytes oh he realized that though if you right-click acolyte on a building like that it looks at the building he doesn't give you the notification but it's afk happy smells this run by coming holy crap that's a lot of footmen one destroyer might not be enough to deal with that actually lots of towers everywhere and run bias this is smelling like tanks do we have masonry coming in he's got one masonry upgrade already spirit tower coming up as well Blizzard transition oh I like that Tomoe retraining and now we have Blizzard it feels like a DK is required in this defense two towers here but also AI needs to be careful I wonder is it going for this play because of the tackiness items on the a.m. maybe he is footman not taking too much damage on these towers because the spirit hour of course damage is reduced and if these the ziggurats / towers fall this is a big deal this is very expensive for happy but the am can't really go back in perhaps should go for an in-wall he'll stroll at the shop in the meantime happy so pressuring the expansion no siege damage no pit road but the fiends and lit shots do hurt over time a miss time to drop very low she doesn't have another blizzard right now and the destroyer starting to take out the footies this these towers are not falling these narrows and spirit are not falling one more blizzard but it's not enough damage it's not enough a.m. perhaps you've been forced into the tepee here no it's not the DK was just chilling here this whole time turns out one destroy was enough to hold this barely enough what happens in the meantime Tier three coming in okay a lot of time was bought really good to the shredder returns to the main to not be sniped at the expansion by the way not too many peasant corpses here yet okay few are coming in so it's like five peasants dying but it's not at the end of the world pally second Abby's just standing in the blizzard this doesn't look exactly ideal is the NLF for no that would be a big level up for the range these of humour kills but we had to get those kills now and happy what's he doing pit Lord third has been one of his specialties lately and that goes perfectly with the rain of fire in a siege situation like this Nabby she's playing duel hero for now triple Workshop coming in alright we know what that means towers masonry tanks the Holy Trinity or unholy trinity I guess it is pally way in the back clarity running his only job is to keep this am alive with Holy Light and the fiend damage isn't enough to take out this townhome they're just taking out some peasants as well is this what the meta is becoming again powers and tanks and masonry nice towel replacement by the way especially this one making sure that village can be attacked and at least get pressured a little tags are coming in I don't know if they're upgraded morphine's more staff to use happy is not really ready as it seems for these tanks ghouls are in the main that's the only thing he has to deal with them so a mask found once again by the way very good for happy I'm worried about the meta guys I'm worried about the meta more tanks third level of masonry it's not enough damage that Petrus does not have enough damage so here come the tanks we have three right yes we do so happy oh he's got one wagon coming out the perfect time but there's Blizzard happy quickly reacts and happy teepees back actually gives up on breaking the Expo realizes he has to deal with this threat but that is so much time bought for th you can fully repair the expo once again can make more and more tanks if he wants which he does want happy has to go for tele staffs now it's about mobility [Music] which in the fiends returning again to pressure the expo maybe the feel at least are ok so happy is keeping some pressure at least on the expansion but ah there we go beautiful third level of masonry for tanks now with 100 upgrades by the way more upgrades are coming in as well [Music] hey I'm cyllid uh before I don't think he found a kill this whole time [Music] mm okay - wagons + ghouls should be able to hold off like five tanks Navy Oh guess what it's five tanks six tanks more tags enough gyros sake gyro transition coming in pit Lord joins the fun [Music] DK staffs over to his army to throw us some saving coils this is pretty cool right now like it's hard for these players to decide what do you focus how do you defend where you split your units hit load an arcane tower range that's kind of a big mistake out of mana now happy seemingly has eyes everywhere lit chasing the tanks DK checking out what the heroes are doing and the pit Lord and the fiends pressuring the expo pretty cool multitasking game by the way thank you you are dead with the twenty nine month three self and water on thank you for the five month reset alright and we go tanks how much can they do rules are here as well trying to do with the tanks as best as possible diving for the wagons seems to be the right call Blizzard doing big damage there goes the level up one wagon already taken out and the black Citadel about to fall and so is this wagon this seems to be working out rather well for th quite a few acolytes died right it's only three acolytes left and no building to replace them MK died but he can easily be replaced more and more ziggurats are falling oh this is very expensive GG by happy 104 th with the good old tank lane and there I thought only romantic was playing that style anymore nope th can play him as well not sure what the big mistake there by happy was going for the pit Lord so late probably the biggest problem happy didn't want to go pit Lord for a long time because he was at like 47 48 supply or something he didn't want to break up keep but I think he should have if he has the pit Lord at the expansion waist sooner before the third masonry upgrade kicks in this could be a very different game but happy now aware of this possibility you we'll be able to adjust now our second map will be Northern Isles our plays are in and ready the pally second was really smart it was really really smart and the way he used him keeping him at max range having clarity's running and stuff trying to buy time more and more and more time for the six tank push that could not be dealt with attacking with the six tanks and killing all the buildings of course that's not the hard part the hard part comes before trying to take not too much damage on the way they are trying to get the transition right having the right positioning with the footies in the am not losing too many peasants instead of like that many peasants were still lost but many peasants were also reproduced so Maps whoo here we go happy the top rights trailing against th with the altar to the north does he actually want to creep the to scar cap that is not what we normally see normally it's green camp into green into Expo degree that can make reaching level 3 very difficult though [Music] while human can play many different styles against undead th seems to be pretty set in his fast expansion as I said earlier haven't seen him play one base tier 3 style in a long time I don't think I've ever seen him play pally rifle style is he actually creeping it it looks like he is happy with the Acolytes couch we'll see it early like the base bill hereby happy under attack graveyard you can have far forward shall protect behind and if he carves out enough wood could even place the thingymajig here so a big slightly greedy creep camp here first by th but not getting punished if happy was to play aggressively run across the map right away with the zero experience he could especially look for a lot of peasant kills over here well I thought what happy is doing happy is just starting off with creeping of his own I'm probably gonna do green into green for the quick level to I am level two all ready and taking this early game slow making sure he gets that level three since fellows thank you very much for the five euro donation thanks for bringing back Warcraft 3 action he says [Music] okay in the main to be safe more and more peasants like day 9 daily crops and pylons probes and pylons props and pylons and footies don't forget about the footings very important DK it's level 2 comes in for a bit of harass does he get the Huntsman nope but he gets the water elemental however not too much man are left now and the nice thing about this creep route is for the human even if you miss some lasts it's here on the big creeps you still get level 3 but of course it takes more malicious camp plus it can be dangerous oh happy making use of the cloak of shadows that's pretty cute and he's standing right next to the ogre Magi so th can surround the over Magi so happy might be able to pick up the item trapper happy not using the coil for that one okay who's got the fast fingers th knows what's up happy gets the last hit but not the item item to the am the ring +4 but he's gonna get this fiends happy took too much damage on the fiend long-range coil really long range here we go expose coming up it's a lot of peasants quick tower as well and I would like to see more peasants one more four farms into expansion so th supply stuck for the time being but plenty of foot minority seven foot is really good and probably more will be coming early level four oftentimes something th looks for to have that level two brilliance and with that tons of region happy falls back creeps up a little bit himself trying to get his own level three so happy is he gonna take it 30 supply once again or is he gonna play a little bit more mid game focus with a later tech it's a very fast above 3 DK action a little damage from the creeps Oh defend is ready already that's very good and expansion is finished as well this game is looking pretty good for th year so far he'll award not bad either DK coming in for this what does he want to go for massive steals here no level 4 a.m. before being forced to defend against the push is like amazing so good this creep camp really is giving more and more benefits looking better and better perhaps happy should have been aggressive against it again it was the thirty supply tech by the way tech need to STATS you into fiend into get looking for some surrounds here and again doesn't quite get them what he was denied nicely done and the water of metal as well my god th playing out of his mind right now and there was two Nova's for only two footies that's absolutely fine for the human and more muffy three footmen queued exactly what you want more and more and more there we go for footman cute hell yeah th thank you very much for vindicating me thank you very much if we complete quid for the 100 bits heaven lady Walker three for ten years but always enjoy your stream you have the good work you will that was a big Nova that hit like every single footman all threatening the surround who and he gets surrounded at the torch no sermon that is not actually a way blocker but now for fiends are here two statues are out so this is the point where even defend footies are like maybe let's kind of fall back and heal and I'll fight so much anymore Tier three for happy about to finish destroyer or and the third heroes we can expect perhaps a faster pit door at this time forty seven supply for th just forties and peasants forties and peasants and footik and peasants and towers also far for Arcana like that meaning the pit Lord if he's anywhere in this range is gonna get burned so he has to be like over here maybe very good position [Music] neck's Nova coming in what's that denied again and once again th can threaten the run by this is a lot of hoodies and destroy form isn't quite ready yet but about to be spirit hour coming already and this time the DK goes home as well I like that to be able to deal with this a lot faster so here we go pip Lord it is but now attacking this Expo especially with the pit Lord really isn't that easy DK standing between the main okay I guess this spot works for the pic Lord our quick repositioning of the peasants really nice is it pano time first do we have an MK already I don't think so top of retraining again and MK okay nope Ally this time I thought perhaps panda for the ultimate base lane a little bit this place it's gonna have more am dangerous position is this walled-off oh oh that's not very good we'll be fortunate to deep into the in Bellaire oh that's a wall off ouch that hurts that's not exactly the way he wanted it and with that the a.m. has to run oh he's got the heal what though can he outrun the destroyer for the heel board DK and destroyer chasing rain of fire coming in again we have two levels of masonry again by the way and only one workshop so far so no mass tank is this time TP away am was in trouble makes it safely back to the main that DK was chasing ready for the coil and here now comes the juicy juicy he'll ward what if you Pez is dying at the expansion whoo that's a lot of damage statue working overtime oh and the next ray no fire ouch ouch ow ah that's a lot of peasants dying blizzard pretty good but happy is just standing in the damage for now [Music] but he's trying to buy time going to buy time for the transition which is the gyros but if you are coming in and it doesn't look like Webb is ready yet happy wasn't expecting those so fast perhaps Oh big blizzard really nice blizzard and destroyer is taken out quickly sagal quick look at the web halfway through only and there was lost time for a pair many more peasants coming in this visit is working out really well and even the he ward in the back here really cool tier 3 is done now pally is coming and so our Knights and the destroyer at a statue excuse me is out of juice no more healing happy is getting more from the main third damage upgrade for the fiends by the way that's really fast being they're all starting to drop really no I think happy has to fall back from this position has to wait for the next statue which is here and once again um t edge holds at the expo happy falling back for creeping only because he has to deal with the statues item for him flute is very good also goes for a yield scroll which is certainly going to be handing level to for the pit Lord I always feel like howl of Tara is better go rain of fire if you're seating but also go howl if you're forced into a fight what happy always goes cleave army is signed to get there are more upgrades first on the Knights I like that as well this position is so good by the way it's it's so weird to attack this expansion heroes have to stand over here otherwise they're getting hit by the arcane really really good build base a base built by th [Music] so if happy can't kill the expo at least he wants to make sure that th isn't creeping so you're stealing the lab away thundering blades coming in lights are getting stronger and stronger no animal war trained yet by the way for the first attack upgrade coming as well Oh destroy is being morphed happy is he gonna try to bust this now perhaps he is he can morph one more nothing is coming in from the main AM is ready to defend but only the am arcane is taken out and it's already a big deal I love Happy's units here are ye tert statue once again working overtime really fast reactions with the peasants all the time buy into th by the way he's playing this really really well th would love to just be left alone to mine for like two three more minutes just to produce produce produce but of course happy is not allowing this three three two levels now from the underside four two two on the human 63 supply versus 66 ply happy with a slight lead but happy also with barely any mana one coil no Nova and I was right on fire versus blizzard what's better it's the question first night getting staffed out that one was saved helo coming in by happy one fiend already died the next one is gonna fall as well happy aiming for the footmen first which are surprisingly still alive in this game they will form the DK that helps with the aura I guess misses the coil just a split second right there Hitler got level 3 as well I wonder what he goes for it's cleave to actually to have more damage from right-clicks both players losing quite a bit of supply over there but of course it's way easier for th to replace his lost units there's no transition really for happy just more fiends more statues no bad she's no counter expansion our way I am thank you for the 32 months and our teachers doing exactly what he wants he's pulling happy across the map letting him chase him and buying more time for more production from the expansion more upgrades for the Knights about to be at one to happy creeps up the natural is happy actually gonna counter expand normally something he never does no sixth acolyte yet though pattern of energy excellent item happy buys the clause happy still no upkeep by the way buys the clause and the mantle happy is investing heavily into his eros but now 64 supply for th more upgrades more production more mining he's looking for the creep Jack now creep Jack at the Rhett camp could be the perfect opening for him to look for happy is gonna get the big item but finds himself in a bad position claws past 12 great for the lich 1 fiend caught in a very bad position should be an easy kill good movement on the Knights doesn't allow an easy escape for the fiend one night gets saved with a staff do we have a second staff we certainly do so that night is safe as well with the last-second staff almost too close for comfort right there along with the economic advantage now even getting more value with the staffs but levels are starting to be an issue over here and this Lich is extremely strong soon too it level-4 as well if pally and MK get level 3 they become very good as well but th needs to one maybe two more camps for that I think the blacksmith also means no more nights and of course no more upgrades Happy's committing in deep into the towers might be willing to TP out in case of a flag and here comes that flag where all the Knights it's only four Knights though staff is ready here goes the first one there's a second staff available I'll call you once again a little bit too late that might be the ping it's not enough Harvey sixty-four supply a lot of that is gyros they are used to supply now with no destroyers in the game anymore and happy got the level four lych level up you guys would know what that means plus for intelligence oh yeah Oh big rhino fire suddenly happy brakes the expo once he drops into no upkeep what how the heroes I guess the heroes with the superior levels and the way superior inventory especially this lit crazy along with a pendant along with the flute the night numbers just never got there three four maybe five nights was the highest it ever got DK focused with the store board right clicks but he has the heel pot still which also in a bit of trouble Frost are more now being very helpful double staff used and with that two nights saved this fiend over here three two upgrades on these fiends my goodness happy and no upkeep at both units and nights a units and excuse me heroes very well upgraded very powerful by the way there was an expansion attempt up here one tank took care of it th DS the levels he needs these two level ups on pally and MK but the expansion has fallen three two upgraded fiends plus 30 damage on the Lich officially a super lich pit Lord is number four by the way I think in this game I gained new appreciation for cleave against Knights cleave ignores all more I worked the Knights have quite a bit this is very big experience though for ta she gets a bad item but at the level up to level 3 which is the big deal really good scouting gyros always keeping track of the expansion attempts of the undead tears of life stuck by the way o twitch a did you see he picked up the tone good boy so em case 3 finally a pally not quite yet level 3 and now th what does he do farms no new great hall map is almost crept by the way once again expansion canceled by the single tank there's another one coming up here you could get solo experience Clause +6 he doesn't even have enough slots anymore on the Lich for this so what's he gonna give over oh and banshee tech Banshee tech actually finished with master training during all of this happy got to master banshees which makes his army way superior to this one I believe so here we go happy hiding bag against the Knights lizard versus rain of fire what's better never three coil not quite yet available but soon will be the Knights in trouble another one gets saved but now the second step is the last one there's no third staff to make use of big blizzard once again happy' still aiming for those night kills this one tank is making things difficult called Nova coming in defensively and of course offensively with that Nova but it's barely any Knights left the last night dies over here suddenly is only the heroes left along with the breakers as always happy ignores the heroes th does the same is that if the unit's falling instead they are falling it's still safe sixty supply for th but he has barely anything left up here to still fight with he's got the one tank with a six arm or so he's pretty tanky but haha for that fun but not tanky enough to withstand all of the right clicks the tank is gone Blizzard is still dealing dealing good damage when there's no anti magic but more and more anti magic is coming in and th has to fall back and has to concede this expansion to the opponent and he knows there's no way back into this game any more GG hoof and happy takes that game it looked like th at stabilized and was finally gonna be able to mass enough to run over happy with the Knights and gyros but no happy with his 50 supply army only still so strong because of the strong heroes thanks to levels and items and the 3-2 upgraded fiends that was a great game that was a great game if this was like anyone else other than these two plus perhaps in fee and mantra zero either side would have lost way earlier this grand final is shaping up to be the absolute barn burner that we hoped it would be and map three will be equals did it really come down to the upgrades it felt like that third attack upgrade on the fiends made a ton of difference wonder if we're gonna see that again here on map three were basically down to a best of three now both players need two more maps to take first place and with that more than $2,000 here in the CC master Cup qualifier to and whenever wasting any time happy on the left and th on the right I'm gonna leave the camera here I must very much so excuse me for a moment someone's at the door be right back apologies for their little inconvenience but that guy just wouldn't stop ringing the door so we haven't missed anything yet the heroes came out a.m. versus DK still no MK first plays yet which I'm kind of surprised I thought th was going to mix that in maybe once or twice actually gonna survive this but he's really low the case only almost never to gets the level two gets that one as well are you serious West 40-foot he's almost dead happy is taking in the meantime seems to be an expansion once again by th but I already got experience here on the deaf night except the creep for the DK triggering bloodlust early whatever you would love to do is get the last on the autumn AJ with the coil but of course that's gonna be up to th now to prevent and once again th very well focusing the DK all the time exactly the way you want it not quite on cooldown so now th can commit to the over may die and he gets that asset oh it's Gardens we're not able to steal that one more kill but no more experience for the DK so all things considered pretty solid defense th once more playing very well around Happy's harass maybe trying to see what he can do with the fiends but th too good of a player to allow anything to happen here early arcane you're not putting it too far forward here makes them wants to make sure this one comes through and it will come through some of the footage heard already that is kind of dangerous especially with a Ledge coming in soon thank you very much Schroeder with the sub he came back from the main experience not looking too great not too close to number three but mad I actually not too good and not too bad two coils available right now soon to be a third one caller used aggressively th has been trying for a few surrounds this series but I don't think he's gotten a single one yet actually well dr. see the boots here for the am how many furs do we have cute not defend first at the perfect time you want to have defend when the Lich comes out and allege it's basically out one more peasant dies at the expo shop is coming up these foot is certainly need a shop what elemental that's a valuable experience would be a nice deny from the am nicely done th on points [Music] happy once again with the fast tech at 30 supply layers forces are under attack - th gonna check oh boy ah okay he just started I was like it's gonna be a while because he was it like zero number but I was because he just started so tech I would say on the human side a little bit later than usual but not by much [Music] once again it's the footage holding the middle of the map with happy once again opting for the fast tech towards tier 3 doesn't have too many fiends out for a while so it's kind of easy to hold with the footmen here no footy is cued excuse me well how mine is yeah okay he's got nine threes okay when there's nine footies I'm like okay you don't necessarily have to make one he'll scroll involved for the am we surprised he didn't go for the boots earlier did you see that it's the defend instantly running over to the side pretty nice a player's forces what he's ready for the run by Tier three isn't done yet we don't have any spirit hours in here but we have happy on the chase will not be ignoring these for these a lot of for these still nine footmen after the one died plenty of towers coming up as well not so well protected against the pit Lord by the way if a pit Lord fiend army stands here none of the towers are really in range I wonder what it mean it'd be perhaps a good idea like when you have this high number of footmen enough forcing the undead back might it not be a good idea to have towers like in front but maybe then they're too easily killed by fiends because you can't repel them Oh big Nova and now with the orb out there's a lot of damage towards these footmen destroyer form is coming in and th is playing ring-around-the-rosie always threatening the counter-attack orders besides to lose more and more footmen and Jeff too is finished MK is coming more towers in the main as well you want to make sure you're secure in both bases or DK's still not level three action but he is close DK and the statue ready across the map for that run line I don't think th can get too much done over let waterbenders level three in the meantime lich fiends and the pit lord pressuring the expo this is basically textbook how you're supposed to play this nowadays shop is a little bit exposed here far forward but i guess it's working out well enough and now watch elemental taken out and the destroyer looking towards the footies one ghoul so far the only thing that was able to be killed which happy is fine with he kind of has the lumber he needs anyways th knows he can't do much here anymore so he's gonna TP back hoping to perhaps kill some of these fiends statue would be the best kill actually but of course against the orb that's not so easy om k comes in looking for the lich which almost was surrounded right there and might actually be getting surrounded against the trees he's got him DK is coming in but not in time for the coil oh my god just last second coil are you serious but now with the coil on cooldown perhaps is lit akin out it's so close happy gets another coil off and now all the footage I roasted and toasted and burnt to a crisp are dead who then was so close th almost got that hero killed twice nice play by am finding the opportunity to kill the Lich but happy also quickly reacting if he doesn't pull the Lich back at exactly that point that let's just dead and here come the attack upgrades a happy remade the fourth cool by the way and it's going for a very early temple this time around happy creeping up quite a few camps here that are supposed to be the humans and once again really nice splitting by happy this is something you always does really really well splitting and being effective in multiple positions at the same time if I was having a ton of experience over here say the second camp away from the human but now gets found by the gyro and with that might be a bit of trouble but happy is running over DK and Lich ready to join the rest of the gang big renegade through the pit Lord crystal ball and level three that is on the fastest level three pit Lords I've ever seen if played as a third gyro scans the main oh no it doesn't scan me but in the main we have Tier three coming in more gyros and also a sanctum for some breakers it's a level two rain of fire now yeah it's a lot of damage against these buildings not too much mana for the pit road anymore though visit again from the am ready with his own wave attack AoE Oh Nova right-clicks two kills but only two and once again the statue is working overtime here for happy Blizzard will be forcing these fiends back most likely overtime castle almost under attack breakers my stone bolts to cancel the channeling of the great no fire Happy's pretty hurt here it looks like he's once again forced to fall back okay he's scanning he's getting in front to see if workshops are coming for tanks but one workshop is not enough to go into tanks so seems like despite the victory with the tanks on map one there's not that where style that tears gonna continue to play and here we go third attack upgrade once again for the fiends only one destroyer so far this game I think right nine thing about going for Blizzard is it makes creeping way harder not having the elementals and happy again ready to counter expand this is something I've seen so rarely from him in the past but in this series he seems to be very willing to counter expand I guess because ths defense is just so solid and now these can't two camps being stolen away earlier which was a really smart play by happy forces or it's quite problematic for th m'kay God level 2 a.m. is close to 4 but leveling up this pally is gonna be super difficult which the only hero for happy non level 3 but he's making big strides towards that level up DK close to 4 which most likely will mean or up to once again which is always nice to boost up the entire army and there we go which does hit level 3 after the pit Lord the marketplace basically the one camp that can still be crept by th perhaps happy should have more aggressively crept here at the market but I guess he was trying to keep his expansion safe at the same time but she was successful in doing 65 supply now if we're happy already even before the expo started mining I'm not sure if happy actually lost a single unit this game outside of the ghoul in the main other destroyer yeah yeah right lost the destroyer nice tank items on the Mk this attack into the main smells like a counter-attack with the tank at the expansion as a knight counter-attack at the expansion actually and one fiend dies innocently so there was a nice catch - gyros will fall for this as run that is to level up for the DK curse cannot be used because the breakers are ready for the counter and another statue th is fighting quite a few free kills which is nice for him kill the one or two acolytes there as well and it's looking for more fiends there's a tank here now as well hoping to kill the expansion in the midst of this fight our curse was still in Auto cast so happy reflected the curse onto himself and now it's on the Lich and that's a really annoying thing as you can see quite a few misses coming out of that ledge Mitch possibly could be getting surrounded but with the involve that might not mean much tank is taken out in the gyrus by themselves don't have the damage here to break this haunted supply lead still four th but happy if forces back his opponent against all odds level for now for brutal loose the pit Lord for four or four three four actually are the levels for happy one more tank coming in trying to pressure the expo that's the surround I guess it is thank you surrounded and that's around us died pretty quickly after all these fiends have three zero upgrades happy some towers at the expansion it seems like it's trying to set them up but not too easy and once again happy spreading the units couple of fiends towards the expo against the gyros and the heroes and banshees into the main I don't know if it's was Starcraft who made him so good at that but happy that's one of his biggest strengths well one of his many big strengths litters lookin very stacked outside of that inventory for happy not to amazing players what do we have coming no tanks for the time being the single workshop at the moment not producing but more upgrades are coming Knights and gyros Knights and gyros classic human combo for breakers perhaps a little heavy I think three would also do the job maybe even two now there's another tank picked out of course also pretty good against tanks with the cleave ad with the rain of fire happy with a 13th supply deficit still looking for the engagement in the middle of the map Nova hits the Knights pallies ready with the holy life but only another one ho that of course you just can't find anything to creep pit Lord so far hasn't been too effective two fiends died very quickly positioning there perhaps a little bit off an anti magic isn't spread across everywhere little late on the pit Lord the meantime tanked at the expansion not getting dealt with another theme is gonna die once again th is finding some good kills th said almost eighty supply but happy is able to fight back the eighty supply not all in this army a lot of it is peasant a lot of it is also tanks I guess and gyros which might still be somewhere this army after all is very small and yet the breakers good for stealing's curse and a bit of feedback but not actual very good fighters remote gyros getting picked off the tank hasn't been able to take out this necro yet happy is repairing against that even a staff now on the pit Lord and the next in ball goes to happy as well it was very important on echo shop control absolutely crucial a.m. for mk3 that's good but it's a paladin who's severely lacking behind he needs that level 3 but so hard to find that th in a difficult position what units does he go for how does he take a fight how is he gonna harass how is he gonna win this game because it's up to th to win this game he's only got three K left in the mind Happy's got way more more than 10k still there lips no of 4+4 intelligence hell yeah and the big items well Happy's tp'ing over Oh dependent on the grounds pitler picks it up tp'ing safely off to the side to not be sniped out or something like that too easily two towers are taken out but again this re by th looks so tiny a lot of stuff is coming in from the main but it's not with the force yet and these breakers is going more and more into the breakers six breakers now seven breakers of course at least they can't get called no bud but they also don't do much damage at all they are well upgraded at 2-2 but so are the fiends with 3:1 and now master training is coming in and more armor upgrades double temple how does happy have all this lumber you only got three ghouls double temple master training three two upgrades surprising compare that to for peasants here another four here that's eight peasants and another five here so way more supplies stuck in economy four th plus every now and then a tank as well here's another one [Music] and happy already before with the supply deficit was able to hold pretty well and now he's even in supply 78 vs. 80 but the gyros are useless the breakers don't deal much damage and the Knights can be nuked pretty easily th in a tough tough spot [Music] illusion of the night's perhaps they can do something first fiend almost taken out but not quite right away Tang in the meantime once again trying to do some stuff in the back one night gets stolen with possession two nights actually get possessed it's of course although it can happen to them and can't happen to the breakers perhaps up the reason why we have so heavy breaker numbers but the Lich not in trouble really pijl in front he's got the in valise got the anti magic he seems to be well protected as well protected from the storm bolt damage and with the frost armor also from a lot of right-clicks happy super impressive play once again th taps out calls for the gg and it's happy victorious and taking the lead and match point in this grand final is happy doing it again is he winning a tournament on Chinese ping again one map away now only and echo isles was supposed to be the best map for th so now we go on to Amazonia with the last one remaining concealed then I believe I said it before and I'm gonna say it again I just don't think Knights gyros is a very good comp anymore I think inner fire rifles are way better but no it's not so easy to find the transition into if you get to the 75 supply army with inner fire rifles and good hero levels then you're super strong but getting there is much much more difficult especially against a player like happy who is now one map away from claiming first place and more than $2,000 after his third-place finish in the CC master Cup qualifier 1 now looking to crown his year a massive success happy with this would be at $60,000 right yeah Ethan gets first place happy will have surpassed the $60,000 prize money mark and wealth with that I'm pretty sure would be first in this year actually I can check that out on our wonderful liquid pedia oh happy is already in fact in first place with fifty eight thousand two hundred forty there's four players really close to each other happy and moon at fifty eight K in fee and Lynn at 57 K and th pretty close behind with 51 Pappy already is the most successful player of the year and now can make this end of the year perfect film can give himself a nice little Christmas gift one day early one map for happy two maps for th can the human comeback mab one he looked so good he looked so bulletproof of twisted meadows of all maps but after that Happy's pressure cracked him over and over no longer was there time seemingly to go into the mass tanks so let's go into our map for happy in the top rights with the 2-1 lead in the blue th bottom left he was playing so unconservative so innovative against focus in the semi-final but is happy it's very predictable it's fast expansion every single game and Tier three either tanks or nice dry roads happy has adjusted from his previous style of a couple of weeks ago mainly with his late-game army car where the last couple of weeks and also at WGL he was playing a lot heavier on destroyers now he seems to be much more willing to transition into banshees quicker and also transition into counter expansion so the opening the grand concept an overarching style crappy is still the same but late game town or Expo willingness and going away from destroyer from Asus first is how happy is adjusting slightly his play compared to a couple of weeks ago ox dad car thank you very much for thee to monthly so thank you for a great year of Warcraft ESS I agree it has been a great year of Warcraft 3 don't forget on Saturday we're gonna have another cast with rising star cup for where I hope to see many of you again happy starting off with a bit of a collide harasses he you gotta follow this up with a deacon harass as well hoodie is ready for the bull lock or for some harass nicely done expertly done th sends on the footy at the right time if you send them in too late he gets there he can't do anything but the way it is here buddy by himself is making this camp already much more difficult for happy tiny little move big difference normally you keep the rest of the camp with for skeletons normally you only need one coil to creep this normally the DK doesn't take this much damage this one footing running at the right time made the difference [Music] so four farms into expansion this is what we've been seeing happy after the first camp needs one more footy or water elemental for the level up Tech is coming even the narrow beam skipped so happy trying to min/max as much as possible here as well we go how happy he gets the four units around on the one foot minute this will be his level up in the meantime the am over here pretty much left to his own devices so happy how many just been fine so far none the big one is of course the rock golem and happy gets it with the fiend he got it with the fiend and he gets the trapper as well and on a map where normally am level 3 is a foregone conclusion he almost didn't get it the skeletons give the am there the level up that was quite scary but I am does get the full experience important to greet creep the green camp here if you didn't do that a.m. would be now still on level 2 experience on the decays looking very good but health on him as well as the fiend not so good one footy send off to the site to scout a like that as well epic and Rudy coiled steel he doesn't have the manner I'd love to get the elemental almost guarded with the skeleton and would have been cool players forces are under attack skeletons run by towards the expansion but the expansion is done and peasants should be somewhat safe it's not our house ziggurat and if happy sticks with with what he's been doing so far he's gonna quickly tech to tier three here on thirty supply if this tower gets canceled this could be dangerous to peasants also dying th is heavily prioritizing hard creeping the a.m. to level 402 of the foot is here also hurt this is dangerous this towers definitely cancel the first time th lets his arcane tower fall was unexpected happy to come in here he was expecting happy to creep to level 3 but I didn't do that is that he got level 3 just from the kill that he found another peasant dying and so many of the footmen heard already as well this so far seems to be by far the sloppiest early game by th in the last map that happy needs to win this grand final militia are required to come in from the main look like one of Manistee of both charges have now been used already the arcane tower still not standing lich coming here's the tech again and the IM did this all to get level 4 but he's not quite yet level 4 and finding kills against this tier 2 soon to be tier 3 and army is really really tough without an MK impossible normally shredder is here but no tech yes boy gonna be a late tech lich at the expo and guess what there's no tower here happy waiting for the perfect nova double kill on to more peasants where have you seen a player's forces are under attack scenes die happy should have three fiends but I only see two this is so many peasant kills ouch and that's what happens when you don't have an arcane tower dangerous play oh my god delicious almost the Lich's level two already cannot lose the arcane Jesus Wow Wow happy is playing insane finally th finds surround himself so we get something and that's level 4 maybe like oh wow he easily has level 4 with all those skeletons I guess and maybe that was even the second fiend dying I may have missed one of the fiends the first one dying happy should be at 4 right now and he's only got 2 so it seems like he lost one tier 3 is done destroyer form coming in tech must have started by now no towers in the main th now started to cut corners this main base could easily easily be attackable question is does happy think of this possibility is it going to scout for it many unnethes oftentimes don't but the a.m. is very strong and the footy presence is still somewhat good however when the Destroyers come out that's gonna change horses are under attack th needs to buy time for the towers and he will happy is it gonna check the main oh he's gonna check the main happy can instantly break this if he morphs to destroyers this could be the tournament right here for the Russian yeah there we go destroy a morphed main breached and happy is finding more more taller cats at the very least but the arcane is actually doing a good job draining to the deck has barely any mana left neither does the Lich arcade is still standing amazingly and the Lich is gonna die happy as a cheapy transfer doesn't do it TP on the ground Lich ties oh my god two pairs to the ground no way and the TP was killed th killed the TP and now kills the DK and morphine's and now he's level five oh my god miss click on the TP transfer Oh for once happy makes a mistake and water punished it was my god players forces are under attack to fiends to heroes but still painful still painful for th my goodness alright we got ourselves a game destroy is still in the main watch elemental note not to do with this it has to be the a.m. or gyros maybe okay tires are coming we can allow for is he going deaf back that was pretty greedy bye happy to dive in the base the way he did he could have just stand here and play it safer and yeah that was a great destroy her happy forgetting about the destroyer some mistakes are trying to find their way into Happy's play but okay the story let's get saved no tech this time not yet okay there we go Tech now coming here's a fun game this is a good fun game mmm th early on and upkeep breakers and gyros soon to be joined by Knights I imagine this is a pretty big force happy can't just pressure the expansion with like a pit load or something here it's just too many units a bomb it's rare to see we're happy more mufflers are dying they are turned into free experience kind of at this stage puts th back into no upkeep perhaps he's kind of appreciative of that Oh DK and a bit of danger of being surrounded no we're ready yup there we go here comes the web happy is he disconnected no not disconnected but having jizz doesn't have the numbers only for fiends no third hero not quite enough here come to the a-bomb finally or are we actually gonna see the Z's cloud actually disease cloud well that is so rare to see for happy it's time of retraining time boys and that's blizzard level three that's a lot of damage th man it looked like he was out of this game but happy that overextension true that may be the biggest punish I've ever seen happy receive for a mistake but of course it's far from over Happy's levels are pretty damn good soon to be five four on the ledge in the DK but no third hero and the pit Lord third earlier was doing a lot of work in the previous games this might be a jock Ranger game now because normally it does require some third hero same goes for the human who certainly wants to go for the Paladin serious oh wait we don't even have blizzard we have water elemental right I just naturally assumed was blizzard because we saw it so much [Music] it was creeping a little green that's interesting eh forced TP out not ready yet for this [Music] is he gonna be ready for the expansion he sees it once again very nicely very early with a flying machine I would imagine this is a tank do we have a tank ladies and gents yes we do DK 5 which four levels very high inventory rather poor no battery transition this time by the way of players forces are under attack 19 supply lead by th a lot of that is workers and tank happen while the fire is there by the level 3 coil makes it that it's not so noticeable number three watch elementals in this one also very good coil does arrive fairly in time but fiend still lost it's a lot about the man I hear which healer has more mana at the moment looks like that's the DK fiend upgrades this time to old pretty good but not the insane three one that we saw earlier that designed to fall Oh Callie also starting to fall oh very low third hero now very noticeably missing for happy could kill the pally if he wants with the coil in will transfer but too late let's save himself to the back but morphemes are exposed more fiends of dying happiest losing more and more of his units and here now comes the tank statue will be lost perhaps tank no upgrades but still putting a lot of pressure on this expansion statue is he gonna morph it no oh my god the stand your survives are you serious what statue survives happy holds on at the expansion for the first time but there's gonna be many more pushes coming I imagine pally is back didn't take long only level one does he's clout kicking in against the breakers does hurt Happy's just refusing to play a third hero wouldn't a doc Ranger be really nice I guess resources are kind of the problem but now we do have full mining at the expo happy sending you the ghouls over to the expo like that against the Knights against the tanks I mean am pretty far for what he doesn't have a TP this is super dangerous which should have Dark Ritual he does gyros finally find some use again as the stories are back in the air happy can't find too many easy kills whereas the fiends on the other side seem to be falling pretty quickly to the storm bolt and all the focus from the normal damage tank coming in once again that won't be of driving straight towards the expansion let's now in trouble trying to get surrounded and as ralph I happy with the fiend and the Lich gets out just barely but Happy's out of mana has to give over the in vault to the Lich which he will but in the meantime more and more of his fiends are dying but the Destroyers have now received air superiority the tag what's he doing not attacking the haunted happy holds on and suddenly has destroyers again when he was about to run out of mana right there boy oh boy once again levels the issue Pirellis still only level one is about to get level two though at least can the Paladin solo creep this doesn't really look like you can the Army is a little bit too small happy on dual hero seems to be making it work to one upgraded breakers and Knights happy double invulnerable 5 DK level 5 Lich is the third year old time now finally never for mk level two pally brilliance aura we call Nova hurts hurts a lot but the man odds very low very very low divine shields pretty early on from the pally that one's gonna be over soon the DK in trouble in will dodges the storm bolt well done there but the lid gets surrounded and he might be stuck over the am also in trouble the Holy Light comes in last second and no TP anymore who's going to die first is gonna be the a.m. but the DK also surrounded and also dead no way of saving him nothing he can do DK fourth it might be level three on the Paladin it is big level up for him Lich running through the tavern happy has the resources for the tavern revive all the breakers and everything is sergeant robbery low we're gonna have a double by back here as it seems he comes back AM comes back if there was a Nova from the fiend or something this a.m. could be done again Kali not quite in range just a little bit too far away and that's more experienced that's the DK well I guess he was already level six so that doesn't change much but the a.m. is still dead novi again on the pally has to go for the divine shield m'kay close to five though they must have death pack right yeah he does stonewalled looking for the next target which doesn't have an involved ek doesn't have an involve is dangerous and back again dock Ranger now 21-minute dark Ranger coil Nova coming in once more there's his silence I am in trouble again in Ville potion keeps him safe one more stone balls one more stone ball on the ledge finds him looking for the surround happy anti surrounding with the stats you frost down more coming in he's blocking himself he's blocking himself still blocking himself the am that ledge is almost dead that's what most troubled there's one was tumbled he must be dead silence silence keeps the MK from casting it for a little while at least but now he gets it little 5 MK level 4 pally suddenly what is going on here happy doesn't have the double income anymore he's selling some buildings to get the Lich back he will Jesus Christ one base versus one base now another tank is coming in man this game is stressful to watch imagine what these players are going through acolytes can now serve as little mana pots for the lich there we go but now th finally has these super strong heroes 5/5 for something he hasn't had this entire series and the bigger army way bigger army actually [Music] silence misses Caledon unaffected dock ranger in trouble that call comes in finds her happy working with very few units only rich in trouble as well there's a Zeppelin by the way to save heroes out of surrounds and such and lich still surrounded what gets out of their flying machines are coming back in tank also in the mix shredder now coming in th throwing everything towards the expansion happy his army's only small and normal kills for th-th finally seems to be taking control of this game silence Canova pally in deep trouble but he survives in the meantime the expansion is falling th might be doing it here finds another killed as level 6 don't know he that he can make use of the ultimate he's looking for hero kills you're first going for the DK now second a man approaching a bash comes in as well Cordova again the am dies double level of level 6 level 2 but the dark Ranger immediately falls m'kay out of mana but the expansion also gone cordova again oh my god don't tell me don't tell me this is turning around again holy night last second holy light pally has more mana tavern revived very expensive now it's looking like a nap five boys it's looking like a map five fortunately for th under the hero Ultimates are awful so these level six is for happy don't do that much no income anymore for happy this goldmine the Amazonia special lasts forever my Granger is coming back Oh mass teleport and then we go going for the DK now he's basically surrounded he's trying to and I surround but I don't think he gets out death egg required but it only does so much the DK still stuck in the stronghold is ready and that must be the kill he gets him DK is dead and that must be it finally Happy's fighting on no he's not g-gee and - - oh boy that was very good man happy thinking he had the easy game they're breaching into the main running past the wall that was the big mistake and then misses the TP transfer my god this is a great grand final though game 1 was pretty bad was like only mass tanks and stuff there was I was kind of afraid that the whole series was going to look like that but no the rest of the series is looking extremely good and now one last map to decide at all happy is the most successful player of the year the most prize money out of all the pro players this year whether he gets first or second place here but if he gets first he's gonna crack the $60,000 mark which is pretty good pretty damn good 20:19 by the way has has four hundred eighty thousand dollars in prize money which is more than double that of last year and happy has claimed quite a bit of that first-place WGAL summer second-place WJ winter first place in any online tournament he plays in Europe and also even in some Asian ones dusty Auggie thank you for the 100 bits for the a-bomb disease cloud value did have pretty good value he ate in the top right in the red mmm to be honest he only had a chance to win map for because of a massive mistake by happy one small mistake was diving into the back in the first place and the big mistake of course why everything big mistake was the teepee but you know what I'm glad for that mistake kind of that gives us five maps and now the one decision question is are we going to see MK for the first time no standard openings once again I am versus DK [Music] for farms into expansion that has been the opening for th every single time twisted Meadows looked the cleanest [Music] but the other maps also were pretty close [Music] it was Amazonia we're happy at the best position in the early late-game stages but then with that die over threw it all away amazing zi turtle thank you very much for the five euro donation amazing game amazing Cassie says thank you very much sir footman scouting things out this time I'm not going in for the early harass happy using two cards right away oh wow th is creeping the expo before the green let's walk out with a lumber there's an arcane in the main I think happy doesn't realize this there we go Expo crept quite a few herd peasants so it comes at a cost pendant of energy great item and yeah th has to wait a little bit for the lumber but happy moves north and sees hi this is already crept tiered with a nice little build adjusting the expo creep timing normally it's always yellow into green into Expo th here going for a little outmaneuver tele staff on the decayed trying to get back quickly for the road of necromancy [Music] it's important for the am here decree build a little more to level three if the a.m. is forced to be stuck on level two by the time the Lich comes out that's not good that is absolutely horrific Lee bad so that's the danger of this creep round you don't get level three for certain in comes the DK the arcane tower early on AZ was absolutely monumental I don't think happy can get it here might be ass around here on the dk2 peasants dying at the very least it's gonna be a third one as it seems yep I was four in total right I believe it's probably gonna mean quite a leap tech I like the early lumber mill get the lumber rolling in only three for Mexico this time because of how fast it was which is coming for happy five peasants died now I am almost level three he is gonna get it as it seems again very very important the decays closed low three himself [Music] these hoodies want to go to the fountains but they're getting intercepted nice stutter stepping by Happy's fiends it's in the kills but and gets three the most important thing I guess another 40 sacrificing himself for the good of the colony and that is happy almost level three himself these experience bars are dangerously close to each other not exactly the way the human would like it at this early mid-game stage so happy is the time for the thirty supply check again we've been seeing this pretty much this whole series when can th op detect he just started okay alright that's actually pretty good timing on the tech especially considering how many peasants he lost for the DK its level three already that's a little scary and in comes the Lich as well put my numbers for once rather low I'm not sure if defenders ready coming in now okay a little bit late and more funny skewed more and more and more for this futile could be us around here on the pheno he almost had it doesn't quite get it instead gets punished with the next Nova but that was the last Nova and only resulted in a single fully lost so okay so far footage but the scarier thing is when there's two statues and five fees holding off against doles is really difficult on Tower in the back gets canceled fiends fall back again after that I think that was a successful deny Pappy's waiting for the statue statue is coming and now things start to get really difficult for th all gets us around I think he has it coil you can transfer the staff is he going to realize this he's trying to but he can't get it could still do it staff on the ground huh Lich is dead Oh almost dead trying to walk out but he can't you can still transfer the TP if he wants and he does TP there's a free staff on the ground th picks it up might become useful TP gone normally doesn't matter that much for the undead but finally some time to breathe and s often th loves to creep to level 4 quickly but he's far away from that so he can't do that too easily now doors coming up in the main and at the expansion shop now finally this one's seen a little bit late building placement here at the expansion is fine I guess but they're certainly still a big arc we're fiends can attack in the Lich along with the pit Lord happy has the orb and now is fief five fiends and the two statues is always the dangerous part and a third hero this is where human loses all map control dark Ranger what [Music] supplanting conrick spent right away so pick up the middle Inchon Django that's really good 24 beastmode thank you for the sub sneaky lassen still goes for the footy instead am kosovo before now Zeppelin sapper okay this is smelling like a tag game to means are under attack one workshop and with third hero dark Ranger happy is kind of asking for tax interesting happy completely changes up his play style goes for Dark Ranger heavy creepin and doesn't pressure the main anymore and the expansion another big healing level-3 for the Lich one workshop only so far out ouch oh that's unfortunate that's very unfortunate that's everyone's dead sometimes ever ladies it's like low light versus happy all over again [Music] so happy soaking up the map there's very little left creep theoretically there's this area but it's very hard for the human to be able to claim that for himself so happy is trying to create the whole map get ahead here level wise whilst ths ahead economically for life one double or off we're happy that is so good alright here come the Tribble workshop okay I think that should have been done sooner yeah I know I can't believe my own words but this game tanks is probably the best course of action Happy's also getting quite a bit of gold from all of this creepin how quick is happy to see this sapper it's nighttime acolytes coming out for the block instantly okay happy saw it right away who all's not coming interestingly mm-hmm it's just happy is force coming back happiest plus 30 percent movement speed with the level 2 unholy and the endurance aura so he's very speedy happy hasn't seen Knights in a long time or at all I guess so he must be expecting tanks the only logical assumption last nine another great item for the Lich number three dark Ranger already what's he going for dog arrow to MK experience 92 question is though okay of course happy is easily gonna smash any fight but how well it can I deal with tanks oh my god these items are ridiculous for happy it looks like Lady Luck wants to see a Russian victory happy almost four four three levels against for one the discrepancy is insane important Scott by happy really really important Scout tapis number one priority right now to first get up to a second base and secondly prevent a third base here the first two tanks to attack upgrades already tomahawk greats coming in as well even so late into the game last second can see a party edge on the towers of layers forces are under attack happy is an upkeep by the way so he's losing a lot of gold your staff maybe there's a staff on the am trying to get as much value off with these tag as possible suddenly become quite a few tags happy definitely needs meat wagons he's got one in the main and a second one coming this is the big downside of the dark Ranger she is much worse against tanks than other third hero options are what does have silence against the blizzard Walter has taken out these tanks will most certainly all die but how much can they get done in the process is the question one destroyer happy not paying attention to this Oh perhaps he is immaculate are dying as well and getting a meat wagon would be nice in the back happy with a mass repaired that can't quite save it call it over on the MK is taking a lot of damage ouch MK dies happy lost one meat wagon and the altar and one or two acolytes so definitely way favorable trade for happy but of course th on two bases trying to establish a third happy trying to establish a second pally is now ready MK at least we'll be back soon and by himself certainly cannot kill this base weapon perhaps get some acolytes at least he came by the way almost l5 it's very dangerous for the nuke as we can see here another tack three-one upgraded by the way dock Ranger on the hill by herself not really in danger of dying because of the low hero levels more and more taxes are under attack happy needs to spread out his meat wagons now I guess hero chase is on oh my god it's happiest so fast and one more kill for level 5 on the DK by the way I think that's enough damage though for the kill over here no Niro before the slow is the problem we're happy second meter wagon is coming in yeah this is definitely a kill how expensive is it going to be is the question Happy's got the : over already it's level 3 coil Colin over boom there is a heal pot but the a.m. is stuck the a.m. is dead or everything's dead actually that's a yikes that's GG th bested by happy in the CC master Cup qualifier - grand final happy does it again winning a Chinese tournament with inferior ping the Emperor concludes 2019 with his with another marvelous conquest
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 74,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 17sec (7217 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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