WC3INV 2018 - 4vs4: Team Europe vs. Team Korea

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we're back ladies and gentlemen we are back and yeah we're here at Irvine Blizzard headquarters feels great feels weird feels surreal and we're gonna have the forum for next and for the first time we have mr. cherrick up right next to us happy as a team captain of Team Europe okay all set hello what a pleasure to meet you for the first time how do you feel here at Blizzard headquarters oh well it's pretty cool actually well what exactly do I wanna know like in details like have you been here before at Muskaan and see seen everything like the museum and no I haven't been to a blizzard campus okay at once yeah it's pretty impressive that they they gather all this stuff here and like the nerdgasm is real it was very cool so Lunas with us as well and of course the guys we're gonna meet tomorrow in a one-on-one but before that it's foreign for time and happy you played the foreign for tournament with cash for Guillen Hawk right so do we have something prepared for this now well because we have certain experience at least I have a particular experience of playing Chris I've come for you so how about you did you prepare some foreign four strategies I didn't know we're gonna play four before didn't I I just prepared the person's happy so okay so do your faith and your teammates that they can carry you yeah I think so I'm so bad with team play they have to carry me okay you play a lot of to into with cash right so how do you feel if you play with a team do you feel more comfortable or do you feel more comfortable alone whether you're not reliant on well I just cannot cannot win it all by myself and team games so of course I feel more comfortable playing solo but the team games like different different type of damn probe games you can make mistakes and your teammates will always cover you so it's just different type different type of games so it's okay little you rather on your own I think so right yeah yeah faith in your own skill alright so yeah phone for us coming I hope you're gonna enjoy it and we see a lot of actions with a lot of Ultimates and a lot of crazy for my thing yeah I have one question yeah is it possible to change race yeah yeah yeah okay because we need undead there is no one that maybe they think we cannot eat win you will play on that now oh they'll recommend me how do you feel as on that like is it an important key figure in the foreign for hmm I actually think and that is not the best race I think the best race is human then it should be Night Elf or or London and that and that is good because and that have pretty much freaky spell and good focus views or above corruption but before that and that is not really best unless well unless you play some sort of push strategies it all depends I just can't tell for sure because I'm not the most experienced player I think it's pretty cool as another like if you get fat and you can get a lot of fiends early on plus an early tech you can't be in a very good position very early on so when I play it feels kind of comfortable but yeah we'll see what you guys are up to Europe versus Korea tire game number one and yeah you can get ready now okay okay have fun guys thank you so everyone's gonna join me as a co caster I think maybe a few of the legends will join as well there we go and yeah 4/4 time as we said lots of action awaiting us and mad where you are gonna join us so we have a triple on that combo here on a couch for the first oh yeah skirts represent it's good represent yeah for me Team Europe was actually the favorite here now with their experience they have in the foreign for did you play for and for back then for fun no never never any games for fun just when I stopped playing I played some dota some gangs yeah just practice practice oh do you like to be reliant on your teammates and in DotA or is it just I want to be by myself because then I can control everything I was since I had the best my Crenn my team I was the forest creeper okay I just came out and killed some heroes sometimes chill life good yeah because you had okay the best micro you mean like those heroes who can control units and stuff yeah I get you I get you so yeah the first map has been hosted and players will be joining in momentarily I just I was informed we're pretty far ahead of schedule is that so actually yeah so maybe we have to come up with some additional programming here game for third in the Legends tournament mad frog takers possible mm-hm could be what do you think about that yeah maybe I have to think about it feels so weird playing again it's been so long so it's it's like makes you feel bad how bad you are you know so yeah but maybe maybe maybe I can play maybe we're equally bad so it will be a game at least in the 44 tournament in the ooby challenge we had not long ago which team were focusing low light and again I forgot the team name but it was a focus low light reprisal and Lucifer if I'm not mistaken and they won in the end right they did not win they were they cut to the oh yeah that they want yeah right right yeah against the French German team in the finals then yeah Sweden and top notch or the Russians eliminated the semifinals I wasn't unfortunately able to catch too many of those games but it would have from what I've been told lots of action as one would assume with eight players and lots of Ultimates as well I was so disappointed that we didn't see the keeper at tranquility when the keeper was chosen the FFA I was like all right keep a first guys this is gonna be tranquility that's a pretty good chance we're gonna see it now like keeper first it's a pretty common choice in FFA because of entangle and I'm in fault for and if you like calculate the effectiveness of the spell HP wise it must be crazy in a4 before yeah also the aura like auras are all the Raven info I think what you have to go for a first-year that has an aura like DK Archmage TC is the very common choice as well so yeah because it affects so many units and you get way more value out of it that's nice yeah and we're gonna be going to a by the way we didn't know which map we wanted to play so we had to decide quickly on the fly and we went by folkies suggestion which was sanctuary LV okay with that one not for the LV version but we're gonna see about that I like sanctuary the normal map I like Northshire as well for for is pretty interesting Maps like there's the map golems in the mist where there is basically a free expansion but it's surrounded by trees so you have to kind of cut through them and then you can expand it I've got super hearts to attack for your opponent but well if they have air it works out yeah I was I was suggesting that one when someone asked me and then said no no it's not a bad map it's just different we see you're coming back from a team meeting I guess they went outside the room actually to discuss strategies I don't want to give anything away to the Koreans man the Koreans were meeting here of course they can talk in Korea nobody understands how was your time in Korea like did you feel welcome there the people took care of you yeah yeah really welcome like we knew you were the team house with SK but how did it continue afterwards when your teammates left where did you live and it was actually really strange cuz I had a an incident with a fly in his World Cup and then I played him when I got to Korea and I thought there was some something bad between us but like that he was mad at me because he got so upset when he lost the tournament and but there wasn't so when then they might me and I accepted it was all WC I think it tripped over a powered short or something it was you had this I don't know what you call it with the multiple out outputs yeah and the big red switch yeah yeah switch yeah so I was playing and we both had like level eight seven six heroes and I clicked it by mistake I was like I I moved I moved my foot and it was like all black and he was up one zero and they asked me if we should we should do a regain and I said yeah if you want to so okay he went for the rege a man died one two in a row so I knocked him out of the group right there we see the Korean players it's focus team captain giving directions here la la big smile on his face he's like basically insulting focus all the time that this is his main job here or at least making jokes about him they're pretty like they team so much they played two and two at GCSE they played the four and four team together and low light and reminds actually like a mentor relationship like when the light was a young player than remind was his mentor when remind came back from the army then la lai had taught him how to do the metagame or how to apply to the metagame and then we have Lin on paper the strongest player of Team Korea former world champion of WCG runner-up of GCS so when he came back from the army he revolutionized some matchups but in four and four he said I'm gonna be relying on the other guys so let's see how he can adapt and I wonder who's playing on that off the four does someone have to play under no no but they said they want you on the other side our vice world champion foggy Balboa the boxing boxing champ he is like he is he seems to be familiar with every single matchup like it doesn't matter what kind of play style you haven't Warcraft or or game mode he feels familiar with it and happy here actually pretty practiced well practiced in team games said earlier today he played all kinds of cups random Cubs team cups FF s fall before whatever you whatever have you whenever that's a bit of prize money in there he's gonna play it so he knows how to do that I guess Hawk he used to be by far the strongest or strongest human in Europe he has fallen off recently not even so recently over the last couple of years and affect the Swedish guy representing clans we the Soviet war elites which are standing very strong currently in NW c3l yeah the scene in Sweden the scene in Sweden is so cool like they have a few old schoolers while the game starts they have a few old schoolers coming back to the scene like dole queue like Thor's they played Starcraft 2 before professionally and they gathered out of this the Swedish flag they play clan wars and yeah works out well for them I think they mixed up the overlay a little bit because from what it seems like South Korea is white and Europe isn't red unless I'm getting something mixed up here but I don't think so so the Koreans starting on the right of what's this map called again sanctuary sanctuary LV I have never ever seen this map before but grubby and you both so this is a nice map this is a big map gonna have lots of high-level heroes lots of ultimate hopefully ideally that's something we can look forward to happy the only no wait that's what the observer was trying to tell me but I wasn't smart enough to realize Lin's playing undead right yeah yes all right I was still trying to figure out colors here Lin playing on that so they stay true to their word they want to have an undead in their ranks on that into into especially known to be the carry of the team is that in foreign for also the case the undead as a carry it depends like how much time you give the undead of course you can you can feed him a little and then he has all of a sudden as for Frost worms and attacking but he's also very vulnerable he can't really expand so he is absolutely reliant on his teammates he needs to be babysitted a bit the knight of SAS is of course to expand as often as possible there will be a long time on tier one with a part of mora like the only job is to level the bottom for the true shot and get a few hunts and then expand expand expand and feed the other players though that's gonna be their task humans can expand will expand as we can see here for hawk or affect players force is quite common and good to defend as well so they can then exploded into tier 3 every race has like their task and I think for the orcs it's like distraction especially with mass Raiders you can yeah especially if you go with a TC first your army is so fast and then you can just storm into the opponent's base get some pillage damage done and some resources out of it and then retreat there seem to be two very good expanding possibilities here for each team those gold mines tucked in the little corner Oh first surrounded the game first block of the game the bottom will not be getting out of this base and so I imagine we're gonna see those expert being taken pretty quickly I should get out here here she really shouldn't I know there's not too much damage there because it's the only skeletons and coils keep her off a Grove is coming as well so you trying to do some damage against the economy but that wasn't wanted too late the call against the acolyte yeah right so echoed Isaac he gets that very mind is losing the bottom there that's hard cuz you really want her to level up but like actually that he let her die there because having a TP is so important if you let your opponent's fight only like three before only to be three it's gonna be a big problem if you can't help and join your ally and here as well we see the goldmine being taken TC first man I think this is one of the coolest designed heroes in the game the reincarnation the shockwave stomped all such amazing spells and then even an aura to give to your entire team so leveling him up and makes a little yeah TC is interesting because usually if you pick a hero you have this one choice that you go for for the DK it's obviously coil and or but for the TC you can do both like you can get to stop or shockwave plus the aura the aura is the most important scene here but decides on what you want to do with the sides of what you expect your opponent's to play like if there's mass hunters you go for shockwave for the best damage if there's more beam so whatever you decide to go for stomp and also have the disables so really interesting because is an amulet of the wild yep it's a pretty good item there that you can find is that the fur bog that has more stomp that's a really big drop my goodness you can also get like the ice shard and and the infernal there it's pretty hard yeah and also like the the doomguard right yep it's cool like if you know that this item drops there it's your priority to do so I think is really early on tier 1 only this could be super effective yeah and the phone for tournament we saw like a ice shard in the north and the infernal of the south and then one team got both so if you can you could do the math of that pen ass and as you could see the TC creeping up there he should get another one of those shouldn't he isn't that camp so we should have to keep an eye on that or we're gonna we're gonna keep an eye we will see when this someone gets his level three now we have two combined resources there on the top by the way Oh where's the drop where's the item I'm sorry I misled you there guys I thought it was gonna drop let's so much levels here on under-keeper 4 he's just there for the distraction with entanglements the moment this doesn't look good for him oh boy surround possible part of us again there just to help a little but this double knight of team is trying to distract against happy but it actually doesn't work at all so far to check they're coming for the human a little bit later of course effects expanded first we have to expose coming up for both teams so we are on even expansion count actually I think there's even another one coming up for the Europeans we're getting almost this around there and so hawk and frog you have to run away here shredder is helping a little bit everything is all over the place focus and Lyndon zoning quite well even the keeper is coming back I need a big pickup of the shredder which is quite big I guess for for foggy to have your horrible fauxhawk to have as well because they have the expansion up so they get a lot of cold so you kind of need the sweater or need to be fed TC moving forward as you have the storm here with a well time Sami current perhaps even get the hero kill but not quite able to do this it's interesting that Korea is so aggressive so far it works out pretty well man Hawks base or is it Hawk or affect its effect alright it's in shambles there try to save a lot of the militia or our passes in the back here comes some hell but oh my god FX arch maid gets entangled gets focused fired but the invocation saves them for now reinforcements are coming from the thousand that's gonna be hot though Lyn with fiends pretty strong I mean he has blockers in the front with hunches if he wants to seems like you're the European should be able to defend here but actually then I have has to evacuate with the TP he's under pressure somewhere else it seems now it's too Archmage's that one of them falls to the coil seems like they weren't a pension at a paying attention they're quite so much but for watching elementals do this against the hunters there's no dispel come there's no wisps or anything so with the fent now they should be able to defend this as the fiends don't do that much damage anymore but still I'm curious holding on taking the high ground or keeping the high ground pushing forward keeping up the pressure level up for the decays already I think it is not the greatest upgrade I guess but a lot of bases here for the European side by the way production if you can hear us Europe is in fact red not blue but now reminders retreating as well have they secured some basis behind this they haven't really right if we could take a look at the mini-map we have two more bases for the Europeans yeah foggy is expanding like crazy and that's why the Europeans are at the moment not that strong because he invested so much into this so you can see a lot of huntress is there that are lacking from the European team so they have to make it up with something else that's footmen with defense they're doing a quite a good job at that to hold on to the damage to to be a little buffer unit and this is a level 8 wizard is this the one who has the crazy item it might be may have gotten that mixed up earlier and let's see is this the crazy job replenishment potion now it was the amulet right it was both of those drops it works in lucky red for level 8 that's creep that would be crazy so where we can pick the colors at the moment we will be for the next one we will see a second horn for after this okay so now Korea is still moving forward it seems like the Europeans have never left their half of the bit of the map but the defending holding on a nice dodge there with a Zeppelin getting hit by the shockwave the TCF for focus with these grunts stealing decent damage but good Sibley micron of course with only grunts there's no answer to the Zeppelin at all that's true no anti-air you see the first Raiders and this is where or gets really really strong to take out bases to take out expansions just to gather more gold with pillage but we have a big fight in the middle as happy is fighting remind and oh we see a dreadlord a carrion swarm no it's just a creep then we can collide with carrion swarm the heretic and a black mage by hawk can be really good with flame strike and yeah siphon manner also possible by the way towards the north the Koreans have expanded now a little more aggressively towards the middle of the map Crypt Lord as well coming in for Lin again a OE is the most valuable thing here in this form yeah the Crypt Lord get buff this is what we talked about the patch locks well like in big team games crypt a lot like got a 50% damage buff on his impale that just insane and I think impale has no unit cap right I don't think so either I mean I don't think they become invulnerable that's the downside of it for a little bit so you can't really focus it afterwards all right and now happy is looking towards his expansion of Lal iets Kenny killed in Thai before the defense is coming I don't think so because the Koreans are already showing up look for the first big impale not perfectly placed but decent damage one fiend will be the sacrifice here for us happy safe retreat the part of our foggy but the Zeppelin is there again no anti-air except the the end snares or a few of them Fergie already going into anti-air as he expects chimeras something like that dragon hawks even so and even more anti-air tier 3 coming up for Hawk and fragmentation shot mortar teams man that is more a OE that is more Splash Damage and effect as well going kid 3 but he has taken quite a bit of a beating this game levels up already it's quite quick so he needs to be rescued by happy here but he has a on his own and death oh boy that was a massive one impale of destiny for a second day I thought he was gonna fight solo against two but now the Crypt all in trouble for Lin he dies there was no coil and there is the big fir bug Ursa Warrior it's the guy with the command era and the war stomp this is the big item but it's used now the item is gone of course the throw bug is still alive so it has duration running oil but now you want to get something done what can you get done look towards the expo perhaps because this thing has chaos damage a lot of DPS against buildings and Korea has to respond quickly if they want to keep this tree alive nice defense by your ball boy stomp and Nova against the the whisper you can't repair this anymore really good react to the pendulum swings but it swings back right in la la it's face they were about to break effect but happens defense oh boy DK is in trouble there is surrounded as you have a TP is the question I guess yeah and there is the rescue force or foggy and Hawk as well that's how you only have it boss I think so we haven't seen so he's responsible for the anti-air nothing else I guess and expanding expanding expanding gasp yeah of course you can just people were the the money to your allies yeah that's true and the next big level 8 creep is gonna be taken out I imagine is another one of those massive items and this but there's an attack coming by both players actually posting a town portal again and the combined attack oh boy this is not looking good for the human army there it's hawk with the Griffins but units there big big attack for the Koreans how much can they take out I mean that don't want to take it to the on that base that's for sure there's double slaughterhouse troop pull Griffin aviary for Hawk pretty low on money and supply though only 500 gold not even more than 50 supply all right the Koreans have now grabbed up some more real estate on the map crack up no more places and yet these boroughs man they are melting under the focus fire from the undead he's gonna have no morals left yeah but yes sacrifices for a base most likely as the bottom left been taking out and again the human needs help unhappy and for his massive army should be able to do this man there's quite a big magic damage he takes out the abomination early on so this is defended as well Europe is holding on quite well we have 256 supply and that is due to the earlier expansions and they were able to hold it Chim arrows coming in now alright guys we are unlocking the entire tech tree soon at least I haven't seen I hate torrents yet she's flying into the main here corrosive breath is ready lots of siege damage coming towards this black Citadel TP coming in I imagine he's gonna TP out right away if he's get a weapon focused fire they could die very quickly I look at the Hippogriff damage he just wants to get this kill big overextension he has to evacuate the second one actually gets saved but the bottom gets left behind oh boy how did that happen he has an animal position but ok TP as well can't staff or anything so it's just toast Lindo gets rid of what a fungus expansion almost but effect is there with Knights and breakers as well focus here to reinforce as well but he doesn't really have the best fighting army the only has Raiders good against buildings not so good against the armies cool boy happy was under attack and now he's mad and now he wants to get revenge with hog together combined attack and the Koreans they have to respond at some point focus the supply stock for such a long time already that can't really afford for remind to lose his ability to produce units as well and remot needs help he has a tier 1 army this does not cut it in the late game not at all his contribution in this game is the aura mostly so he can't lose this bottom she stunned though to impale a split second too late town portal in reminds it's helped but this is only law live with a few key Maris but is there any other swept revealed being used as if you will lose and syncing up some damage of things get a low chaotic now but there's no moon well as no mood within the moon wells anymore Linda's coming in with the themes as an anti arrogance the Griffons and that's why europe has to retreat webbing one after the next i'm surprised he didn't masses but I guess delusion maybe he wasn't looking for a second talent in trouble and he fall down those hippos those Jim certainly pack a punch and focus he's just the distraction squad running out on base to base being annoying with these Raiders forcing responses I don't think against this massive hippo army you can't go any more like Linton has a few destroyers as a few Camaros but they will be taken out like instantly if not like if we don't have bad riders or a massive amount of fiends to take them out something I just noticed is there no tavern on this map because we don't have any single pandas are under attack there's two in fact oh the part of the trouble again does he have to TP she actually dies sacrificing herself so all the archers become a lot weaker now without the two-shot all right and David getting creeped jak1 absolute I have to another especially if the Krypton is able to reach for an impact everything is done thanks to the clap massive AOE on the little dwarf he came very far forward gets caught out by his own and may have to TP out of this if he gets stomped he could die here use the death pack for that was not good enough he is evacuating so is Hawk they will lose a few units here fairly even trade between the two team members but in the meantime they took out another expansion and I think the main goal mines they should slowly but steady dry out already with the level 5 DK unfortunately as deep literal is really weak though can really do too much with it it may be better before before though then in 1 v1 because they're oftentimes you don't even have enough corpses to use the old yeah but it's still a very very short duration might win you a fight or two you still trying to expand everywhere again and doing quite a good job so far yo put 50 supply more that says a lot number 3 here for dr. Flores well for happy that's a big level up he doesn't share too much experience get bamboozled I it has a huge skimmer are he there he's kind of carrying his team with his army and I think he has to go for faces just wipe them out and fly away take the next one the bottom will not come back remind us force to get them from the tavern and still the true shot Ora is missing from the left I think I'm too useful against destroys oh but the bad riders are so you have to he will have to leave and now the hippo is chasing the Chimaera's oh that's he needs a TP TP fast yeah look at how many these are he's gonna go you actually save them looks a bit like math mutas flying around stacked TC Ultimates will be seen I guess this game still going pretty crazy and it will take a little longer so fast here with a buff from the patch and the aura of course saloon attacking into happy space that's really interesting is so far away from his own base and every impale can't catch you real bad and care can be impales can be ridiculously strong I think happy on his crippled earlier we already saw my mana potion oh these gems will imagine their dragon hawks was the second I wonder if you still have some dragonology sauce no I don't think so we saw here two missile you also see no more teams right no reliant on selected items and the undead's are the most formidable forces so far not necessarily remind but la lion player cam onlin now who just play a pretty good I'm not wrong so far it's not like he sees falling off or anything with this unusual role we see flamestrike but moves out of the way and yeah that's what the cameras are there for boom boom boom one shot ha ha take wipeout this expansion ok mast EP now all the hippos it's foggy time but good TP as well 3 2 upgrades on those gym arrows by the way then can take out this base before the TP comes in not really but it's big army here happy tp'ing towards the back towards the bottom right we have hawk and that's all of damage threat is more the team's Griffon so much area of effect and I think foggy is there for the anti-air as well it's a TP out by the Koreans the volunteer will fragmentation shots we wrecked these these archers and the problem here with Team Korea is when can they really ever hope to win an actual four before fight when focus doesn't have an actual fighting arm yeah we don't see too much of his distraction I mean he is helping he must use batrider second I guess right but he doesn't have quite a few yeah and they will be useful oh here they are all right didn't see them before really so the question is can he dodged the fiend somehow it's ten bed Reuters that's quite a bit bad writers no fall-off in these ultra late games as the more more armor upgrades get researched when when the main gold mines rise of course we have no time to check it now here's a nice Nova and Webb follow it up can he look a few more hippogriffs lose quite a bit but there are a lot of them are still alive all bruised here it seems the oppose and the destroyers plane strike this time coming through there being sandwiched here from the north and from the left side and they have to evacuate Lin leaves was it only Lin there I thought it was two armies see a massive supply and then again again the Jumeirah hit hit squad okay otherwise he will lose the black oh oh and that GP he can't just wipe out the entire base now it's just a few towers but everybody is way too far away to rescue Happy's payment they take out some expansions here but what about the main base is happy just gonna give up his main I don't think he has an expo anywhere just has to keep his heroes alive nice impale but the Crypt Lord is caught off guard there gets little healing but will it be enough water shards hitting them the position is not that great for you of you yet as their obvious bit by blizzard then yeah the area of effect the late game is so insane Europe's AoE seems to be winning the fights but Korea's Korea war affair seems to be killing the bases where a few hippos now it's funny how can do nothing against the hippos right he only has Jim nothing about their bows so time for revenge Happy's base is wiped out will then follow the blizzard is hitting hard and the molecules of course they are like Europe's chimeras as seats units so he's gonna almost fall he gets the coil their last second it's absolutely chaotic so much anti-air they in the air so hippos fighting hippos through discipline of course for for happy they're more blizzards coming in hitting their own hippos not really ideal but they the Europeans seem to be winning this fight regardless I think focus came in here to help with that battle the crippled is still alive it seems like it should have died a long time ago we said tranquility actually but there comes an impair and we have Starfall as well he's magic immune you can't be stunned at the moment he has the anti magic potion that is so cool double ultimate by Europe decides this game is double like that they have 100 supply more than the Korean team and this massive area of effect they were backed against the wall and then the more the team is they are living the dream we have star form again Rock crew and this undead base is completely wiped out now what came Korea do to react to this I don't know man their resources they have a bit but there's a lot more stuff just for Europe more expansions better hero levels I guess bottom for reminders level for against the level 6 of remind of law hockey and the Europeans they seem to have this game unless they stopped throwing it away this should be theirs for the taking it is a few more teams here seems like Lin still has a strong army but these are zippy the dice of kefir gets all of this AoE yeah the heroes are just way too strong for archers now they are really good in terms of damage to get her gold invested but at the end they're just they die like holy what a nuke they were the level of five Archmage that look like a level of war just walked it was just cold over and the problem dies therefore remind again so no Korea is holding on they're fighting a 100 supply disadvantage for the TC okay get out he doesn't have a GPS nothing buddy s ultimate resurrection is coming but I guess he will just block the way and kill him again this is like the downside of this ultimate gets a shockwave out to do a little bit against the talents but in the end he dies for the second time and focuses I guess without a hero little 70c dead it's gonna take a long time to get him back from the Tavor a from the altar and tavern would be extremely expensive another base so what are they hoping for hearing banshees now yeah make sense of course you can throw this magic and antibiotic gel is really good again what other boat might expiring already should soon be yeah but maybe the sodding gold mines out of the different matters 1000 sir okay that's still some time but look at this overwhelming force that Europe is presenting like I suppose deal with this 188 supply is not enough to contest this army well they're expanding again and again and again they have like their top of the map is completely fine or is this mining and they take out what expansion after another they try again with chimera play I killed the expansion at the end but that's what they have to do they have to like be laying they have to run around the map kilobases distract by time and it's a surgical strikes there somehow that writer Lane could be an option but I guess they have so much gold for town pot that they can always react and I was actually European sending tanks to the other side of the map forcing responses just seems too easy now for the red Europeans I would have experienced you to be grabbed up perhaps from these but experienced it's not the problem for Korea it's just the amount of bases they have and the Army says Swedish tanks that fighters are actually pretty good against yeah that's the siege damage it's okay it takes a few of them to actually get the damage you need but they do still have tickle damage well I takes out the next base tranquila d again invulnerability you saw it there the new feature of this ultimate three second and vulnerability plus half the duration but double the healing so I guess that's one way of making the game a little faster it's a total healing is the same but the healing for a second is way higher so this massive storm will of the part up she died so up in the post and saves her for now but the Mk is following he wants to throw balls he will have to TP out of this but actually stumbled finds the Lich here but of damage on him as well no anti magic where is the anti magic and the Banshees we're kind of listing the empty metric shell but even without magic damage there is so much damage in this army they have to retreat run away to safety but where is safety I don't know well they're running back and they're running back at one point they will hit a wall and they won't like what they find there and walk now with mass teleport can respond to this so easily yeah Gunners the basic end though but it wasn't for free he lost the Chamara and now focus is main seems to be in a dire dire straits they kicking their asses for quite a few minutes now the only other expanding on the Korean side of the map already yeah right yes probably just a matter of time flame strike combo one of those beautiful combos one strike the chain wave why don't you pick ups here but only tax nice body block there though still takes so long to take them out so focus is dead you can't really produce anymore they're trying to master one last Defense verbs Europeans just leave yeah as long as you carry it out ball and fought for you're doing stuff right so that's alright and this more it has been a one hard supply lead for a long time now it's now even 125 supply but still there are a lot of pet Reuters this I can put them to good use and if they can protect them from the fiends and take out the Griffins for example or the hippos then it should be fine because like if they take out the hippos then the chimeras have a way better true and if they stack up enough splash damage from crazy like the siege power of the Korean team is absolutely insane with the siege damage from Camara's and bat riders and of course oh boy that was a hard area of effect that Nova hit heavily now we even have talents up in the air that's the answer against these Chimaera's we have tranquility coming in but the higest seem to be good of Starfall as well everything exploding all over the place level seven on this bottom and Korea seems to be losing everything yet they're going to be dropping below 100 supply in a moment the Chamara force which seemed to carry them through the game is now no longer yet the decay of the unit but of course gonna count it real quick the crypt ball is falling level up and these are yours Victor's team Europe seems to take this first map this is just a slaughter at this point and this time the result does not seem to be agreeing with Madrid who says the aggression always wins because the Koreans were aggressive the Europeans were the ones to hold on and those two bases did bring them the victory those two extra bases foggy there was the wind gg happy smiling as well and yeah that is the first for me for I guess we have some more time for a second one I mean this is just the beauty of Warcraft in foreign form and seeing the Ultimates come by and seeing like then it goes back and forth and the communications between the players must be so high like it's not like when your base is getting attacked you have to defend like you have to you know discuss it there who's gonna who's gonna defend your base it's it's always yeah oh it's interesting foreign for it's just insane towards what you say the MVP was here in that game for each team sorry to say if you don't have your own camera control but foggy had a lot of bases and had like made sure that they had the air superiority with all the hippos that's a big part I think I think it'll I did a great job with his the best type of tactics with the Chimaera's but that wasn't quite enough in the end despite taking old Happy's base once again hundred heroes getting out of control yeah the devil 5 level 5 level 3 Nova at the end towards the bad riders dude oh my god 5 Nova is pretty good man area-of-effect and slow works well against them and yeah they're gonna play a second one just for the lulz I guess if we have time all right yeah we do have time that's good we the Koreans get the revenge wonder what the map is gonna be Northshire is pretty cool I think maybe it's just a little bit louder so they Northshire it supposed to be pretty good I think it's good if you guys are looking for another one alright so what do you think who reacts to adjust I feel like the the harassment TC didn't do enough he killed quite a few peasants but I don't think he ever killed a base yeah it was hard to keep track of that with all the action what's going on but I don't think he killed a base actually and I feel like he has to do that yeah distract a little more maybe this starting no the starting positions were okay well he was facing a human base so that's always hard because there's towers and a lot of them and you have masonry which is also not that great if you want to raid or harass them it's also a pretty good map layout wise against the TC so by that I mean a bad map for this TC RS because these four players are fairly close to each other yeah considering it's a it's a four player man eight player map excuse me it's not like it's a round circle where you know they're they can be very far away from each other it's rather the two teams really separated here on that map yeah North Side would be the same like you have one team in the bottom one team at the top so you can like cross attack it's gonna be like a team up against one one base but then of course one base of your own is exposed because you team and maybe you get a you could call them team fight in the middle and it's a really interesting map I think but we'll see if they pick Northshire and LV I'm not sure I'm not familiar with it I imagine many of our viewers aren't either I hope we get to see it to see what you're raving on about we've talked about three-on-three a little bit today do you remember high perch from 3v3 I never play three three that was one of the craziest map that was so cool it's has like Northshire I guess three players at the top three players at the bottom that would be the two teams face it is spawning on opposite side of the map to start with and then there's one path in the middle that you have to go through to attack your opponent and to the sides there is a plateau which you cannot reach but up there are healing fountains so the way it's supposed to work is with air units you can I think there's also creeps up there you can create that and then you can heal up there with next to their health fountains but if you play human and night off in one team and you get the human to level six now this is where it gets crazy the night of wait a minute night off gets a talent my turf gets a druid of the talent flies it up there lands it then with the Archmage master you TP up there with a peasant and then you build buildings there the opponent's can't reach as you only go you only get up there try to build buildings there and then that's it because there's no Zeppelin's on that map okay it's gonna take some time until you get messed up for it so you just have to kill your poles before I guess and that's I I think was casting with grab earlier when I said that I had a brief stint in the 3v3 yeah days back then yeah with a triple Shadowhunter of hello to orcish if you're watching oofta Shadowhunter off buzzer so we see the teams again the humans discussing and the two team captains I guess happiest giving directions and the humans having discussions about humanity we haven't seen too much of effect right it was mostly I feel like effect gets like teamed up on all the time in the FFA he was fighting against like three players here again he had to fight against Lin and remind I think it was all the time but this time he held his own I know one the other side focus the man with a Korea warfare that didn't seem to be too effective maybe on a more spread-out map that's gonna be better remind of course he lost his bottom pretty early on and if you can't catch up with a poem again at the end there was a level six versus level four difference on on bottom only and then you have Starfall against level two true shot or eye you kill like the level three two shutaura yeah Lin by the way is reading chat all the time so if you have a message for him let us know or let him know yeah and I'm just the heroes were a pretty weak among some of these players but it felt like only two armies were ready for a fight because remind had archers and Huns hunts are incredibly horrible and for for if the archers are protected they can be good yeah but if one impair Nova hits them then they will yeah you might think like why would he go out just man it's Tier one how would do you want to fight like the mass of tier three army with that but if you get the range of upgrade if you get marksmanship they have incredible damage per go so you don't need that much gold to mask them it's an insane output they have the only weakness a we and if they ever if they ever are out of position they're all they get caught and of course the Raiders again not so good in the real fights what do you think when we see a Korean revenge or will the Europeans take it from here hmm I'm going all Europe alright all Europe in the phone for tournament that we were mentioning before there was I think 100 leaders well at least the one game was super crazy with a big lead for Europe and then Korea came back so this time Europe already doing a little better in the absence of cash maybe that's what they need it like get rid of the orc put in a new human with cases and breakers and easier to expand I guess as well I wonder if I wonder if focus is gonna be sticking to a strategy or if he is also now no longer so you know convinced by its strong it's like if you focus there do you like you did enough I imagine not because again he didn't really kill a base but that's to have been his job okay so the second map we have here with the foreign fork Europe versus Korea upon us we have the two team captains Linn and foggy remind and happy Hawk and Lorelai it's super focused hog when I feel like low light always has a smile on his face like you do too - I'm doing this for fun and hawk super focused effect and focus here speaking of focus and he's right under the light so it looks like that that's why he's so shiny so Europe with a 100 lead this is not Northshire don't cast to a foreign for too often it's also not golems in the list I know that much and focus is actually spawning close to his opponent and that is very very nice for the play style that he had chosen earlier with that he tends to choose I think that Raider lame and again it's the TC alright he's sticking to a strategy he has not lost faith we have the night ups again with keeper and porom obviously Atlin once again playing the role of the undead for Team Europe who are in blue now we have an Archmage obviously we have the second arch mate I wonder if you have to go for both of them okay bottom for foggy and happy with his DK feed play okay so focus is spawning next to happy you said it's good for the Raider lame but it's an undead base things can be slowed down and we saw a massive push against focuses burrows yeah that kind of got him stuck for a long time that's why he didn't have the big force of Raiders there for a moment I thought Raider Lane really good here because you know you can attack your opponent's basis quickly since they're close to you but how are you supposed to expand here look at this map two leaders for the gold mines are in the middle of the map they're all next to each other so but it's gonna be super hard to expand here not great for humans to maybe huge combined rifle push with the bottom can be good damage but against because we have double nighter from the Korean team so immediate arrest for Korea they take by the way effector Hawk [Laughter] thanks for being here thanks for enduring maybe a protein bars more with him and the hog actually went to work out gotta get those pumps in a player's forces are under attack so if everyone stays on one day we very unusual but this seems to be seriously I mean we don't know exactly which creeps are there but we know it's a red cam so it can't be too easy and it's like accessible from two sides you're right in the middle of everything like do you have to Archmage's for what elementals you can't go for a rifle push for example so shouldn't that be a super good cheer to push for you I guess again one of the Night Elves I guess so wouldn't work too well along with happy of course as the Una's always you want to get the Tier three but maybe you can like split pressure now go for serious push with maybe three of your of your mates three pairs of your team I guess and the others perhaps are creeping for the bar exactly what I mentioned before like going for these photos especially if they are a little further forward it's super easy for happy the question is now old like it all was nice but happy splits it away from the other theme so it actually doesn't do that much damage TC getting cop on the night off here did that with his own lightning shield he want to damage the grunts now okay TC dropping really low as you want excuse a TP here even another one here oh nice reveal here he will get the Huntress but he will get the TC and focus losing his first hero there and the poor oh he's already in a bad position but oh boy that arch match has to TP out but there's already the rescue force okay it's happy behind the move now he will get out of there again the Lightning shoot coming in this time on an illusion on the DK put on more damage oh the arch match for effect in trouble as well he could get surrounded here he does have a TP only level 1 as well may not want to use it for this week hero buddy will ya both Lightning shield plays we're pretty damn good and let his suffering from this like it doesn't really want to TP loses another feed or wood and the positioning of Europe is just way better in this defense but the fiend got away and low HP Huntress got away JK didn't get away my friend DK level 3 and again a little push towards focus lightning shield plays dude I like wheat was the TV yeah let's save the Huntress broomis oh we haven't even seen him and he's already dead but yeah we seen for the first time here in the second fall before pretty surprising like he has the best AoE in the game but only now he has been chosen also a lot fewer creeps on this map right so getting high up there in the experience Department gonna be harder alright now it's gonna be Europe with a sincere push towards focuses base but already Lin is in position to defend and so is focus do the footmen have defense actually yeah okay against the fiends he needs it and smoke of course not so much I like how Linda's babysitting coke with the space dick pushed by the to night upstairs driven this love strife throw in a club and now Huntress is dying in focus fire very quickly to these fiends lots of risks coming in for both sides for detonates is this all eight players I think it is actually nettles of course with lap hunters could have an act here area of effect would be so good land both have equal supply actually and the fight goes on happy actually be investigative reporter three very unusual for unloads in team games were very unusual partners in general and case coming in now no AoE alessia's flat but I think I saw a storm wall just there but Korea holding on they're pressing the Europeans back yeah unholy auras are cause a nice alright to have but still both have them and running away for Europe is so hard area of effect coming from so many huntresses and the hunters fiend combination is already strong in two on two but if you have two times hunters for even walk block is even more normal damage and even more AoE then what are you supposed to do especially you get to humans man these play but these huts have to do something as well because they will fall off heavily and then I came when heroes get stronger and stronger and so let's write happy by the way t3 should be done soon I believe and now Europe can they force the South Koreans back in this tug of war seems like it Korea really don't want to push into happy space because of blight because of the oh he's still here - yeah he's not taking okay maybe they fed Hawk yeah that must have fed hog so he gets fragmentation shots now four more teams and what a team should be the rescue if they can position them well it's massive AOE it's massive damage red campus being crept here in the middle at the gold mine with this perhaps the koreans can establish a new base tonight ups both only tier one yeah oh that's unfortunate you could get an aura there yeah right yes they have brilliance I would have yeah they have no human we do have mortars this is usually the time where hunters are rendered and there is an extract camp now I mean they won the fight they can't have map control now they're creeping on their own mental it's leaning away from Europe and still cut gas pipe there it is oh this is the best but again focus on the receiving end of everything the burrows are far in the back though but if they get blizzard and flamestrike he burrows will die in like notice that's true bag number one false production cut in half this on an army still not triple euro still no over corruption so not too crazy yet but they do have the damage increase from the bottom but only level one aura they heavily committing to this the night of army is coming in we see a shockwave doesn't hit too much it's damaged enough no I don't think so or is it one of them is staying right to finish it off I don't know it's not enough to repair okay but yeah both teams now I really like the split push because they went all the way up to the north to defend focuses base and now pre- exposed and the orga lost his shop so maybe these guys don't even have a TV at the moment you're absolutely right let's what bilities so they have to go for stuff but the grunts a block from the back I think the hunters will take a lot of space okay now they're splitting it better the positioning is getting better shockwave though pretty damn good and now TP comes in and more than up the base is gone yeah where's gone wiped out and the more the teams against these hunters with fragmentation shards guys don't forget they don't want to take this fight reaction was really good like Korea took the time to creep the to rad spots and get a few items yes the brews are as great but in the meantime that focus base was heavily attacked force a few town poles and reminds base contract so the perfect reaction against this and more mortar teams and more teams like many other units have like this critical mass if you have like six of them they just blast everything to bits from behind but now the main base is being attacked here by happy but in the meantime a big fight is raging on as well in the middle of the map very thankful for the white screen now oh but this anaphase in serious trouble too happy isn't tp'ing home it's also super expensive I wonder if he just gives it up in place with his fiends for the rest of the time he doesn't even have an order yet cancel the tech I finished okay I'm gonna story gets a destroyer can he win the undead mirror here he should he's the undead name but he has only two heroes versus three oh he's around the ledge is there TP no there isn't he's only another one coil saves him for now but only for a moment great surround by Lin even with his operator parole after it keeps his fins up someone has to help happy hes getting rekt and help is coming okay but he did well getting wound up a bit of forces or Happy's army community blow smoke Mandy grunts focus Oakley atscript focus head like drowned rats nothing else an effect once again trouble how many hunters well this is to our ease of hands to be free yeah of course but where is FX and Hawk they have to counter the hunt Sami they don't really have a counter against focus right not really my great heroes would be the answer or of course magical effect has to TP out again surrounded by 100 suppliers but who lost spaces in low light or a mine and it was refined so he's up 3 making it so they have to finish this game Suniya right yes and to get man it's a fake this base getting a textual protection out of the Panda is not as effective as it could be an epic need confidence will they just let him die there's nobody have a GPS guys help high up there but so far the water rinses are carrying quite a bit as well as the cash helping low here he doesn't seem to have a reveal however gonna get a huntress here next for the fire coming in Tana really low however overwhelming amount of punch all that he'll stroll thank you so much value from like 20 unit and I can't I go cheering arrow can somebody please help him well effect is that they can't because there's another attack in the norm and I think they're busy over there yeah exactly they fight them back where this was also boy yeah they lost mission they just let effect I but they lost them lose the Tree of Life there I thought they did yeah really good footage game by the Koreans this time well well time just when I thought that Europe is coming back this double strike really save their game and there's an expansion I mean on this map it's so hard but the lion things alright you know we got a good supply advantage now let's just go for the expo triple 0 now but pretty weak levels which only to Crippler only level 1 this late tech buy happiness I'm sure that I am they don't know what happened because I think they just decided to go for a footage of two but anyways here we go Hawk has to evacuate there's no way like this at least he got like mouth AoE now with lizard as well so what lament we're gonna get raised more shockwaves coming in TP out from foggy TP out from happy effect space is under attack again this time from lunch but happy is there for the rescue so I'm up can he take out oh good full of speed here probably he knows the value from this item but only last for 10 seconds then he can get caught up to again Crypt Lord should have one impale ready unhappy site but they retreat once again it's Happy's based on a chocolate dude it's like a game of whack-a-mole you get rid of one problem and three new ones come up how many cuts is this so maybe like 20 grunts I don't have enough fingers to count that high but ya must have pillage as well so he gets gold by attacking with grunts I think they're sacrificing Happy's base now yeah if he has enough so that they should and there has to spell he has the old came out of fiends litters getting cornered back here but he had the TP that he can get out he's trying to find as many kills as he can before but good staff there on a night nor in trouble get saved via coil and everything for lint will survive doesn't even get to kill on its way out then yeah Happy's base and doesn't look good for foggy either I don't know if they can't react to this there were five cotton ball ready that's a big difference compared to last and so the Pradhan was only level 4 I guess on the vine side this time she survived this time she leveled well any level six is yep no Ultimates we're getting kind of close keep a little fibers well with TT p wo feelings so remind space is gone right and now they're attacking low light space what's this expansion maybe too greedy what what is it there is not only one TP though right no it's - oh and they're getting sandwiched well they do have area unpack but oh my god Lin from the one scientist impaled should be glorious if he wants if you use acidity a Samana they being surrounded by all sides man Lin is keeping out though he's trying to save his litter I think it was whether Lynch died for him but he's repositioning into a very good spot and they have a bit of a supply though they actually behind supply is hard to believe but yoga is running away impale you to cover the retreat shockwave coming in again if they take out the bar the team's now it should be the win for them yeah the area in fact is creeping Europe in this game Blizzard was waiting from a bomb all the TV it's a TC guys no interests are anymore are they actually look at the brand is carrying this game MK does fall but Blizzard is still rocking through they neither here's what we saw a lot before but they may not be ready right now in play coming in as well for and for Blizzard input on the other side we have level ups from Team Europe the motor teams are to I think are still alive they don't have to be taken out there the big now she was wrong with your page nor did he die seem to be out of position the first hero falls for the human and now Europe really has to run I still can't believe they're still hunters alive after all since the is surrounded a crypt load is dead happy can't reproduce them anymore I think because there's a base is gone and that should be level six for the bottom yes will we see star fall again doesn't have a man up for it at the moment that may have it soon more a team still rocking through there pushing them back I'm long as there's more teams there's hope and we're even in supply houses impossible unbelievable fight between the two men really sick focus is expanding in Happy's formers base but at the moment Europe only has two mines of income yeah has for right now it's gonna be three and a second as it seems but effect is tower pushing the new goal of mine oh and by the way happy lost his crypt Lord and he doesn't have an altar anymore yeah I said it before he can't get it back okay how does take care so this base remains leverage a lot about gold now dead even in a red cap for the European side the first one of the game remember Horus can drop here the best one for them would be the commander I guess all the tiara also be worse Cristobal I saw Matt Morris before and yeah are we talking about the Christopher hydras of course split in the night Bella handle of a free though did he just get it they're much more so it's some time to breathe that sometimes to get the economy back up I think focuses export typical canceled right pretty sure about that and is actually okay but yeah you can see that Korea is running away with supply but still still Tier one payoffs yeah exactly this is not really hunts at this stage are not really worth three supply maybe they're worth to supply the TC has two men are posted a it's gonna be a lot of waves yeah five but that could change with the next fight and once again they're looking towards the main idea for foggy it's so exposed like it's so much surface area do they have a TP do they have the money for achievement the European team because they have to use it if they want to save this they're just letting you die yeah I get some TC of shockwaves you can't really repair the wisps all died instantly so what's the reaction going over to the next nylon face once again they have taken out lowlights attempt a tree expanding their what different games is right when there's less gold involved we don't see their arse at all we don't see any kind of tech at all no opposed hog space now being ransacked part needs to stay alive to reproduce its waters I don't think epic has waters nor the fragmentation shots upgrades and they're just trading bases now yeah and Korea is up by some faces that they can afford to do this yep but they don't really have siege damage do they like they have fiends and they have magic damage but if you want to they do a base race against motifs but they already killed at night race is kind of its - there's only two left right just like Lin's very interest and focuses effect has a full operating base and Linda's and focused on yeah the question is how long will the guy defend linspace it seems but that's a good block line with Knights and breakers they don't know which but they are shockwave was nice against the casters but the area of effect is rocking again to feed the North the more teams they had to try to protect him the archbishop who my guy just got barely healed and he can show me a lot and we cease our fault it has to be canceled somehow on the way huge damage he's trying to nuke them it proposes over on the other side oh my god tranquila D on lolly and healing up so much and there's no people anymore you can't cancel it that way is there an MK somewhere no because we have a pad off this tranquility is just running and running and can't get cancelled but now it's over maybe the duration I don't know but we have a huge supply lead but this turned around once before we see more more Blizzard Lin has to retreat a little also long line has to retreat there's little mass of huntress 4 and 4 is the crypto he just came back here for happy but seems to be in a bad position so is the Archmage getting focused TP out and can't break Flint space at all they fought them back and now it's almost the forty supply leo they actually lose a locker in the town portals the Paladin but happy he does he does have a TV you could get out of this this is just insanity sgb all right and that will be the fight over finally but as the dust settles the supply Shrek but he was already again but he gets caught there and watch me though he won't get away and I think it's just time to storm the basement everything is still peeling up and everything is still bruised but what does they really have left it's only a hundred and eleven supply and the Nova hits both heroes hard can you get a double surround Oh JC is dying bye-bye aura bye-bye shock wave em came trouble can you get the Lich there's no call you the DK died before that's like 25 supply of grunt oh my god and they will all die oh there's a next one in below the Lich is only going to be running for so long but the MK Nam trouble himself has to be healed by the power of IOT against the man at the moment by bag on the TC this is not over yet not over yet guys the break is the 10k is falling MK Stein so then love to watch disabled anymore the storm ball is going to clap as well the impale was of course nice of a 3 on M to the wait a little bit and here comes train killing me again there's no cancel there is impale but but he just used it he was waiting until he used the impale but there it is quite a big one as well all the breakers are moving forward the Destroyers can't do anything about the breakers perhaps slightly still almost like flies like they were down by 2030 what was it the hell ridiculous Europe never gives up with your always strikes back and this is the ex both dying and the mains are soon to expire think so too Hopa quite a bit of damage done we don't know if he has that packed lips of course our corruption Nova but actually FX Breakers are making quite a big difference because they are not touched by spells by mutes by destroyers whatever exactly with them you can just move forward whoa look at this damage with Istanbul dis leaders forces are keeper should fall is there man I don't think there is MK is faster with a new patch you should be able to he's blocking with the hunters as against tips can he still reach can he still reach the destroyers give vision but good block from the hunters but they have pretty much all died and Europe has a 30 supply lead what a fight by Hawk effect foggy and happy could we can we see it what foggy has by the way I think foggy only has the bottom right nothing else you think so to expenses of course gone I don't know there's a tree never mind okay here five with and his part of my heroes it expand up there but yeah they take care about this one now Wow seemed like it was super over and this should be Korea's victory but no I want to give a shout-out to our observer man who was doing in crazy good job and cubic tenth of all the action that's happening here that is by God not you he says the creep Jack that ends the game finally because they're getting caught against the merchants here it seems they can't evacuated with the TP if they have the money but they may not necessarily have it oh oh but the Audrey just dies the Nova no issue and he wasn't paying attention and it's a full time he uses Claire but that doesn't cancel anything has to run away now part amount of Chase and the pollen died as well but the Lich has fallen the DK as well and truffle for happy everything's dying these years are just popping left and right the bottom now for a long line I think is also dropping low that still alive with the coil being healed up remind is about to lose the bottom as well if you block a little with them oh this is not a good timing to do that Tim Europe is about to win this but oh my god everything is popping for Korea they lose every single hero that they have surround on the DK and that's it I think he falls as well Lenny was carrying with undead it seems this game what a comeback there we have the big smiles raised hands I did not expect that they can't come back into this game No well like they were like sixty supply behind yeah what hard 20 was 180 but doesn't matter everybody's checking that's like possible and of course the rocky move of foggy can't be missed yeah so whoever had this whoever had this idea with a 4 on 4 big shot to you or me but but making it a best of 3 men this game on this map was absolutely insane and that is why four and four gets so much love from the community you don't really have the latter anxiety you have so much action going on if you have an established form for team like with your friends in like discord or whatever you can communicate so well it's so much fun you can't be rescued if you it up a bit so yeah is not the last game for today of course we have one more best of three for you guys and that is the legends grand final insomnia be taken to - Oh Grammy beat mad frog to do and now they're gonna clash human versus orc of course the king of works will he win it as everybody expects so will it be the big upset of insomnia like WCG fifteen years ago so I would love to get some opinions here from the players what what went on there if they felt confident about this give me from the 44 yeah yeah me too winners at least well we grabbed a foggy effect foggy foggy you want to come over here and I come over here of course foggy always a base of you if you ask him if he wants to be interviewed he must be in a good yeah yeah aren't you the team captain happy doesn't matter he can come too what an insane for for like we saw your reactions did you expect to win the second map no way so you re expanded at some point in Happy's base where he lost his base at that point you only had a bottom right yes we have it's less to goldmine so I just sent oh my god to affect and happier and happier after lost all I to have taken one I coal at a coal eat hide yeah and after happy builds like three cigarette without gold mining and I just sent my resources and happy big hero again happy can produces some heroes creep and fins and units did you say that accolade yeah oh so taking care of his brothers I like that so in the night game you only had to micro the bottom nothing else yes just management resource management so I know if you were aware but at some point it was like 180 supply for Korea and only 120 supply for you guys from Europe we were like this game's totally over but the the heroes seem to be totally out of getting caught totally out of control for you yes because hawk MK maybe decide this game because he told what hero we must kill mmm like storm bolt and after impale coil Noah by happier and I'm also focus bottom could you communicate well with the headsets on yes yeah okay did you did you hear the Koreans saying something I mean of course it was Korean but could you hear what they if they were they like screaming or something because with these we can't really hear too much well it's some noise but when you just focus on the game it's maybe it doesn't matter which game that you enjoy more the first one or the second one of course first one because first game we win confident and second game I saw this no chance but happy always believe and after lost base and we lost many units he just continued to manage and talk what to do so okay I think it was also very important to have both the teams at the blizzards because there was a lot of hunters and a lot of grunts and you hit them all together all the time so you could get rid of it real quick did you talk in English or in Russian Russian about effects for effect we just type in chat so it's English and Russian okay if I need call heavier hock hock I just use Russian but also Hawker use English to talk who was effect and okay we type so it's not left alone effect did a very good job because he never play four versus four and don't know maps but play really well who decide on the second map by the way who decided to play that map Korean players maybe but we I don't play that map before yeah okay but we didn't know it either no yeah but happy and talk no that was very different was very hard to expand only gold mines in the middle very impossible expand all game it's about fight which was cool it was really really interesting yeah I think pretty intense for you guys there was your last game for today of course tomorrow we're gonna have the clan war versus Korea since you defeated him now in the foreign for and you want the FFA you're gonna roll over them tomorrow as well yes sure I'm waiting for my match force focus I really wanted to show my performance and confident Europeans I like that and of course maybe the empire of Korea strikes back I'm actually worried about Hawk and effect because they will play worse Night Elf and human worse Night Elf I think maple is very good for night health okay the new maps you me yeah like two rivers now have expand not too hard but it's also good for human right I think beds because if late-game Nigel can make to base and late-game Heroes better okay yeah we're gonna see that tomorrow so so you're gonna coach I imagine our human players a little bit gotta give them tips what they can do against night off I have no idea yeah I mean why not right yeah I told them about maps what does a should been did you practice a lot on these new maps already did you try to figure out some creep routes did you play some PTR on it and stuff yes before before I come to this event we helped lay it were stock new maps and before we play two words for versus for these new maps and some tournaments and I cups this map olv so I know this maps pretty good okay what's your favorite one of the new ones Turner stand because now near bar you mark camp and you can use lighting shield and take creep more creeps you can take okay so you hit more creeps with one lightning shield you mean yes okay and you creeper camp not Observatory so you can buy after this max so it's very good yeah okay cool I hope you have a successful of a day tomorrow as you had today when you met starting tomorrow not quite sure [Music] third okay first two matches hawk effective so slowly after hawk versus remind okay we'll see and there is of course the some two and two action between us well it's gonna be grubby and mad frog against take her and insomnia pretty excited to see the strategy is there they will differ from the normal two and two are very sure about that of course mad frog is looking forward to teeming with grubby maybe get one win here that's gonna be that's gonna be interesting I think Grammy has to remind him to like build cigarettes then Sofia all right yeah any turn to maybe he can yet carry yeah yeah it's always easier to play two and two and get some advice from and speaking of grubby it's gonna be our last match of today the grand final we already saw showed you the bracket earlier insomnia versus him I think I think I think they're rearranging the seating aren't they all right so everything is set as it seems so this is old-school ole still cup grand final alright and I think we're gonna see our players next we're almost ready here to start the final making Bulgaria proud once again of course team Bulgaria is also playing in NW c3l yeah so they will all be watching and rooting for him I asked him if he's planning on playing there he didn't definitely definitively say no but it unfortunately didn't sound too euphoric and possum optimistic I heard some rumors that he might join what depends on the time I guess and of course the big favorite mr. shank reason to time WCG champion legendary legendary games legendary clan wars as well with four kings where he like won this the playoffs with only three players and their orga and they still were able to win of course great times back then grubby taught azuz fury for Kingson yeah big concentration look so serious right everyone seems to be having a chill relaxed easy time but he was he still well he was a really serious competitor had him here on the couch a lot today seemed like a little more than us from time to time yeah well I think we we caught up in the air time in the end yeah we're the for for especially of course yeah but he said earlier like how seriously he was taking it all back then like he couldn't separate between off-time and in game you know I couldn't have you played against grubby this these days yesterday and it's secret you said something about his TC didn't you that the TC so fast yeah I feel that TC and bender now faster so the upcoming matchup will be human versus org obviously what do you think will change with the patch in this matchup human versus or yeah maybe we will see old for serum and TC because now TC and first year straws may be strong and about human I think they will continue play standard like Archmage and M key okay yeah do you foresee any other meta changes like you think the meta game in other matchups is gonna develop a certain way with the spell balanced rate I'm worried and scary about leech because now DK was our and leech leech now like put boots off speech at the begin compared to before yeah yeah but but the Naga gets a boost as well right and Naga also so as now will be very hard for us on that because to first it was hard before for unite elves now might be even harder but night he'll have now only panda a bit fast at Naga and Naga but without our aid to so it's not a big deal yes so far I haven't even heard too much wild speculation of what's gonna happen I I heard a focus saying that maybe the Crypt Lord is going to be really strong but you know we'll have to prove itself of course the Crypt Lords I'm a movement speed got increased same as all slow heroes but also that's a specialty for him the beetles I'm moving speaker increased and the HP I'd love to play the beetles man there's so much fun I like I'm kind of low level you know when sending out the beetles gives you so much information and if you play against low level players they don't really understand that you can borrow the beetles so you have vision everywhere just through the beetle then you pop them out and you attack again and you put them back in and they don't reveal or whatever for whatever reason I don't know I had a lot of fun with beetles yeah I think against like fast expanding human it could be good theoretically but then the issue is you need a lot of core what does he do in the late game you know it's like a lot of corpses that's not the issue like it takes you have to creep something first and using one corpse for a lot of necromancy it's gonna be better than a beetle so you want to have five beetles plus two rods of necromancy that's seven corpses not that not that easy that's for sure have you tried any new strategies with the new patch have you deliberately tried to make something new happen well I guess might have didn't really receive too many changes partum got a little bit better the keeper got better did you experiment with the keeper of the Grove a little bit not yet I continued use my old strategies my safe strategies so but maybe I will think about it when I come home maybe I will test more so the warden which you played a lot in the past was also changed a little bit with the blink level to having shorter cooldown and the blink level 3 having longer cooldown has that become at all like a factor yet so far for you for me it's not a big deal about seven second link 10 second cooldown and level 3 blink also not often use alright with that being said it's time for the grand final
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 74,236
Rating: 4.9144387 out of 5
Keywords: europe vs korea, korea vs europe, europe korea, korea europe, europe, korea, europe vs, korea vs, wc3inv, 2018, wc3inv 2018, 1on1, 1v1, neo, remo, remodemo, warcraft 3 blizzard invitational, blizz inv, blizzard, invitational, wc3, inv, blizz, warcraft, warcraft 3, war3, wc 3, Back 2 Warcraft, B2W, Back2Warcraft, back to warcraft, warcraft III, esports, esl, gamesports, esl-radio, esl tv, rts, real time strategy, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, 4vs4, 4on4
Id: gh7EBhWenT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 46sec (5806 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2018
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