WC3 - H&W Masters - Grp D - [NE] Moon vs. Sok [HU]

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from Group C we go into Group D and we have an awesome match ahead of us this is a rematch of you'll Cup soccer versus moon sock defeated moon in that Cup and caused a major upset in the best-of-five this is best of three we take a look at the standings in Group D which is pretty even actually no decision yet th defeated hug sock defeated hug and moon defeated th so we have three players with one win th with one loss of course as well but he still has to face sock where he is the absolute favorite so nothing's determined yet except that Huck is out we still have three matches to go and if sock wins it's kind of likely that he qualifies for the playoffs which is fairly unbelievable actually oh no we have two Bulgarians moon again dammit I'm trying to fix it but let's go in-game first we have an Archmage for sock there we go why is this happening why is there a Bulgarian move now I don't get it I will never get it you're really refreshing helps but apparently not now yeah sorry about that some people say that the Bulgarian moon is better than the Korean moon I hate this so much oh boy moon is playing a warden I did totally not expect that to happen ooh no lightning shield man this is quite bad this will delay this entire creep by such a long time players and sucking cryptids with ease and the Salukis drops big mana and Mansell so many water elementals but McMahon on the warden as well not sure she has shuttle strike or not practice without lightning shield and without fan of knives this is really slow one on tier one it's devastating expansion right here but I guess with the two and a half additional water mentals there's a good shot of sort pushing this but he's focusing on level three goes into the middle of the map to get that set level three as moon is focusing on his own progress on its second base suck a second to tier two even no counter expansion of one of the easiest counter expansion Maps water coming in with shallow strike now but the big one goes to suck again level two point six can you pick up the remainder of the scripts part there's already a Shadow Priests Sark had of course is confirmed that this is a warden it's blinking shadow strike to secure the skill no AoE then and another kill for the water you still at level three so both are quite aggressive early on hunters are coming for a hunter's transition Archmage is not finding the expansion yet but this is the most normal position for it but without level two seems like he doesn't want to invest into it nice play by moon so far all that block does he ever reveal not really what a nice surround how's he supposed to get out without OTP I guess that doesn't work nice trap how long is it oh I just turned nighttime okay but both are sacrificing experience now here's the reveal and an immediate TP but he isn't you two going paladin second with rifles kind of Thor's a nest oh thank you ik not on for gifting yet another five subs you did that before yesterday I thank you ah the buck is fixed yahoo korean moon is back the opening for bulgarian moon was quite nice man this man ah oh my god this man a nice creep my moon actually usually you move that engine of war back but he's secured level three with us i've i think i've not seen this before also lots of merc for him the expansion's quite laid so sock what's your plan of course rifle casters with this build I thought about a stubby mask for a second that would have been utterly insane okay having a little bit more armor is nice so fine level 3 for the Archmage don't underrate his right-click damage it's good DPS he still holds on to the spreader mana which I really like oh and the flute is great +2 on the rifles +4 on the water elementals and some healing against the warden I actually like this players peloton sees more and more play these days not really an age of act in Europe never pour on the ordinary tension of worming his way through t2 Tigers almost done moon has a shredder for balanced resources and here comes the first push still no expense she's actually using militia the 45 supplied push not sure if this works with all the man of the warden had both very patient with the mana usage at least our rushing how long has it been that we've seen tourists again tonight of all the detonate she's not tough to sing at all but the water is dropping fairly low pass the blink out and get to the shop to get a potion this is looking good even has a Zeppelin for some micro peloton is so close to level 2 for devotion ara the ones playing with fire mansukh it's catching moon by surprise again how long for the tower I'm going to 50% smother live backup tower fall back Tower Yumiko ask even 3 down to 50% Waddell is back to full everything use the big mana to save some moon juice for the healing he actually has divine shield over the bush I know I just didn't pick it yet so it's catching some more damage than he should without aura Zeppelin transferring him to the back tower is up and a shot as well this is such a great play by sock again water is not close to level 5 he's holding on to that skill point of the Paladin of his appling man yes no solution against this he has no lumber mill I guess so no kill here he still has this greater monarch and there's no dispel in Moon space at all if he establishes more arcane towers this water will do nothing t2 is done but where is the tier 2 buildings where's the tier 2 hero what the hell is moon doing he had double engine of war against this bush but it just doesn't work what a pocket stretch still no second spell on this paladin and the expo is or is focusing hard now not focusing the with arts weights in trouble can go to the shop and I think that's what he's going for was about to die 40 HP my god treats in the back providing so much expo actually not falling shredder in the fight taking out immediately stock going for mercenaries as well moon with a big blocker up front could do some damage against the riflemen as well if he reaches the squirrels now all the region that's so good at before so much mana still no second spell on this paladin he could have had devotion order for such a long time shadow strike again one volley of the watertight seals called in repulsion who was there was close but that's number three level to Holy Light used immediately and there's no person moon is holding on to dear life but that's Gigi and suck does it again just a super well-executed plan by sock off meta in timings and in general in build and in second heroes when the do you ever see a tower us against neither of these days never moon was totally caught by a surprise I think it was a mistake to not go for fan of knives channel strike is always cool and stuff for single target focus on heroes especially against the Archmage but socket that Zeppelin had to go for the laboratory early which is also not very common everything sock did was a surprise and moon for once I had no idea what's happening thank you I am so sorry for the two-month resub I don't want to like jinx it but this game kinda fell into Sox direction once the flag change to Korean right dammit pala rifles Castor's towers on Turner's on like the expansion map you you unbelievable damn sock you madman he could go to a no he defeated Huck already usually with two and oh you're qualified for the playoffs in this group though I'm not too sure because sock is not that good in mirror and he will play th later but the lack of fan of knives man that was so visible you for AZ times T agent moon were fighting in w-league like until the very very last unit I guess and sock arrives against one of the best players in the world the current world champion and tourism crazy the b-boy is flying high today and the warden was well leveled had so much mana still didn't work still didn't work and that's that before in the Tamiko game the two Korean humans are really stepping it up suck way more than Tamika Weaver he's the biggest human talent in in Korea that's for sure I hope he's getting picked up by a clan soon so match number two he here you have your players do it in the first game because yeah Bulgarian moon but alright concealed Hills now a bigger map how did you expand for the Night Elf though so I wonder what moons planets would of course the big favorite in this game 70% for the Chad but sock is one map away and on this map there was a blood mage expansion play which was utterly insane in you'll cup does he do it again or was it just the once-in-a-lifetime strategy God sock I'm so impressed by his rise since November I saw the black - it's not smudge so here it's a keeper no other way really in Pro Warcraft lots of people are asking if I'm at rocket beans tomorrow yes I am casting agent W before then going to rocket beans and later Thank You Elysium 13-month much appreciated Gigi says congratulating sock here the sock is making a lot of fans recently like his entrances and offline tournaments always a special his play with Black Mage attracts a lot of fans and he is one of the most emotional Koreans on his stream so yeah it's just a super likable guy mundo the legends he has most likely the most experienced of them all know is how to get back into seriousness now with the keeper of the growth ring of protection sock is aggressive early on on level 1 okay gets level 2 and this lady luck on his side nope basically the worst tome and it's again at tier 2 tech we push him there once again couldn't prevent the little zookeeper we'll have quite some experience here one deny to denies dos sock that was the perfect timing for these attacks in the perfect order for it as well and tango will get a kill now of course well latest second latest obsessor II you remember me from the Hong Kong in Hamburg hell yeah man that's four years ago of five years I think glad is still watching we were super hammered that night though glad rue you remember that fondly so even though that were to denies this early game I think goes in moon's direction but he's checking as well this time there's no expansion once again stock going for the rifle build for the tier two is a paladin viable here as well I'm not so sure if it's that good moon is going for dryads once again he still has faith in the dryads after what happened at W nique against th and tango well oiled up Archmage getting out of there slipping through the mass of archers it was important man saving the 350 battle for the crap the tonic will go to moon laughing too late to agility here as well it's a Mountain King this time track heck knots on damn it supporting us even more spendables a nun today buys a shirt and whatever piece of merch keep it up boys for the best game we Wilma man if we have awesome supporters like you there's no way we can stop oh is actually playing this differently it's kind of rock-paper-scissors in Warcraft like involving mass and class and stuff like Tech and expansion and just massing not expense sake staying on tier two moon is going for tier three he was defeated why eat a lot of times with dryads now so I like that he has a new build or a new idea could be Mountain Giants ok sock is taking a risk into the middle Oh up this around but I think you should Alchemist second full moon this time still a level 3 Archmage that could have been way worse way way worse one rifle is falling oh yeah please can't out here this game is a lot better from one but is a keeper isn't it's around no staff can't swap the potion in Istanbul nope so everything gets out of here does he still have the balls to go for the Lord I only met Nia once but I was too shy to talk to her I'm a normal guy man you can always talk to me always up if I'm not in a rush but yeah if you see me somewhere at a concert or on the streets in a bar do not hesitate to talk to me ever I love that interaction with viewers it's one of the best things actually about this jar under attack and I'm not staying at how I'd see idiots never ever Oh cut gas pipe the freaking dream he has to invest the begin ball for it but that is so worth it so much more entangled ow also a lot more dispel and still no level to man moon is finding the answers he hears forces are under attack I'm still curious like he's on one more and that doesn't change one lower tier 3 it's rushing chimeras no mountain times that will take forever though sock needs to react as well sock needs to need to have model teams I think there's no way to play human versus night off without water teams like it but glad that moon is finding back into the series as he was basically destroyed on that one finally some levels for soccer he goes bash no clap sock I don't like your chances here only rifle casters no clap does anyone know why fly in fee nth no tend to do back to work every strings on their dough you because they are not allowed to stream the game so to join the games and everything is on a five minute delay and I think we have the better overlay so I guess that's why flute again perfect item I like the illusion by the way last red spot of the game Harvey skin is done resisting skin is coming to get the after but it's only one mountain giant let me treat the major and orphan so much intelligence for the key for Jesus Mountain King level curry this is like hero focused time it's a teepee and a staff of course they didn't contact me about it come on it's China but of course they are allowed it's a pleasure so sock is on a big timer expansion by moon can stop now it what's the right time for sock to contest this but everything is healed up again as we say many many times concealed one of the few maps where you can still play Mountain Giants because of the fountains luck sure if sock can overwhelm with this mess I think he needs to buy a time but used militia so not too much lumber and no Tier three things are under attack which is an issue Oh should know that there's no angle here to be used we have a huge scope sokka's sniping all these little archers to diminish the damage it does not have marksmanship ii yet but if he goes for marksmanship that's a ton of damage expo in the middle you'll scroll and involve one one upgrade actually not going for the 200 before and put into the base is moon fast enough suck doesn't have the biggest force oh that's an opening to that base for peasants puh-puh-puh panties they will be slaughtered the acid bombs gonna be soo big CP home look no it's fake no what was that okay CP here wanted to trap something but the mountain giant is blocking the entrance all that is so smart by moon 200 IQ play he will lose this mountain time but it takes forever the workers can't work and there's a step out now you can finally enter so many kills for moon and it gets easily TP out that's time for its expansion in the middle as well it's so hard to reach now staff is on cooldown so it must be the TP e gets a but mundo start of moon deuce here which is still fine where all is okay he are the arches what's the mental scouting in the bottom right but this is here this is what he needs to push so what now sock economy crippled army a lot was lost a moon is just doing it again no tower so many Koreans they're still dispel satisfying culture arms used mad mullah sinful control at speech level for a lot of fun a monkey level for as well staff out on both sides no stumbled one two two mountain giants and mass are chances that a thing now we do have marksmanship I kind of like it a lot of meat in the front and cheap damage in the back but of course easy to pick up and it seems like sock new this built all the priests are they're not home for the dispel so the keeper can do whatever he wants and this taunt causes a lot more damage the town is under siege and here we go again this tower is too late yes teepee and the priests aren't here so he can dispel we will compare revoking 4203 arches 700 gold swing already stumbled on the keeper no follow-up though needs to hope for bash but it's not even able to reach despite boots oh my god this alchemist town is under siege a little risky if he's lucky with the bashes but down it step out number one this should be a TP though right it's a stumble now nice how the mountain giants protect this keeper to pee out now moon is mining man sock doesn't find the time to push alchemist again at the shop has the involve tanky with the ring and region still has a useful but the other thing is no involve found portal again Walmart intact it's getting harder and harder to kill and suck has no time to go to tier 3 for frack shards and triple hero and stuff like this not even blizzard not even clap this is so hard to chew true I think stock can only go for hero focus I'm smitten tango dispelled taun taun taun taun taun taun taun everywhere sucka skating quite nicely but there's you astray you scroll out to the youth now at moon as to it vote - of course part of stuff is coming mood was once again playing a great macro game realizing the weaknesses of the base we love to see double staff actually and the damage intensifies here like this is getting closer to a critical mass of archers so rare to see a night elf with me single lower and single engine of war usually it always doubled something in the potion to break through this little fall from the odd oh boy oh boy with one more bash it's good open the kill and he can push this not candy option for free damage of the rifles is good flute and two upgrades moon is coming though the own think the damage is enough 50% 30% repair coming in only now after I just distracting my god oh it only had clap now but he can't hold us anymore so many times so many tones and distractions close to five on both first heroes a little bit of an experienced leader on the Mountain King but the lack of clap and the lack of Blizzard at this point as well there's not many dry it so I kind of like the water mental still but the count reaches only medium are more just not enough stuff we find the arches one kill immediately one Martin King is dropping fairly quick but of course there's always a staff that's what I would love to see double step he's killing a lot of artists to be able to just ignore the mountain giant oh and hanging out involve invoke invoke invoke there we go surround oh that's OTP there's no TP it says throughout now eight blocks he blocks my god he can chase he can kill him mop this is so sick level five Archmage keeper down moon should have the resource but it's level five from the mountain king as well this game is not over I thought it was for a long time but five five heroes now it's the expo still hurt oh my god treants actually got farms keep her back but no mana ah I forgot take a bath and the moon juice make him smart again that was a lot of gold though a player's forces are under attack the mountain king is again the carry there's a potion and an interval I'm not sure if this is the right choice here actually bash was nice but no stumble anymore he's hoping for a bash it's coming but there's the staff now and tangle on the mountaintop Mountain King need to dispel Dietzen involved has to break through these mountain giant moon cannot afford to lose the keeper again gotta be careful there all these taunts trees have to take care of everything he'll scroll now actually insane how moon how stock is doing this but moon is expanding for the second time on the bottom right attack behind all of this this fight is taking for ever thanks to Mountain Giants of course I don't really miss them in the matter tranquility is far away mass teleport not so much mass teleport could be a game-winner still I don't like this focus on the alchemist at all because of the inventory of the two heroes twenty supply deficit for SOG who has the farms again but it's not producing still with 500 gold whoa what a game and get more killed somehow the lack of mortar teams here in this case the lack of tier 3 in general absolutely visible and he's cut his pipe is by the way awesome eighty-four supply for moon when did he reach that there's no camara roosts or anything years forces are under it knocking can still the mountain giant now 0 0 up get it's gonna be it is three Oh on the arches so much damaged sock is expanding here but mountain giant sees it immediately sock realizes okay there must be an expansion the bottom right the moon commit to this I don't think he has to he just shuts this one down and lets this die oh but he wants to know there was a fake step all this acid Bob Jesus Christ he wants to shut it down then TP taun taun taun he's microing against it no repair anymore lots of losses for Sark in the bag TP out now he's not going to fight okay alchemist the steps on him what does he have a double step into a potion whoo-wee does have a double step by now priests are healing greatly again siesta form sarcastic Naurang these mountain giants as good as you can alchemist out of the fight now trading experience again dispel getting closer to level six this mountain giant is killing the expansion before it finishes my god what again moons still up and expansion mountain giant distracted main goal mines empty now it's one base versus zero basis then we fight from The Alchemist acid bomb just got a lot better 70 experience for masculine or under siege he is finishing the townhall he's gonna get income again but sooner or later sock has to retreat and kill that mountain time to have eternity can of course move over no TP on the Mount and the keeper again get lots of mana he's gonna kill him once more in Boop ocean cooldown is wearing off a little bit of a healing here bastard bold that's level six and he teleports out that's all he wanted of course going to his main surrounds surrounds around Istanbul is fine sock is coming into this madman moon is on a thousand gold moon will be on two bases very soon he's actually expanding again not moving the tree over what the these are the last two workers he has a player sports oh boy attack I think mass teleport has can and has to win him the game man he's not not having a TP with a thousand got level six on the Latin King give it to me baby for cars mode on so much damage he's going for the keeper again but just to disable him for now arches in the back they are hurt but sock is losing a lot here another bolt it's not ready here not sure if it's the right call to fight this these mountains iron so obnoxious he's buying enough time how about time strong killing all the options in the back stop all again be back step out he has to win this game before alchemist gets level six he's so rounded he's surrounded no it's not oh my god another storm volt soonish does he even have mass teleport yes he does the keeper is back with the staff what a mistake by socks is yet another chance cannot get in front but so bolt ready Wow 200 IQ play he thought he's going for the alchemist but he never was and the keeper of the growth is falling again what is this game the resiliency of sock keeping both heroes below level 6 and preventing Ultimates the supply is heavily speaking in the favor of moon but this Expo is not up and mining it's quite heard this one is 5,000 in sokka's mining here a little bit at least he's getting ready for the mass teleport I tell ya I doesn't have the mana oh yes going for the altar again once you have the damage all the bad it's night sight step by moon though to get out of there but he has another bolt you can't get out long range Starcraft mundo the keeper is bent the alchemist is benched the Archmage is getting level 7 the heroes are kind of doing it on their own and this tree is hurt is there still damaged sock is fully mining now from this I don't think you can go for it this too much imagine this like ok it's a double-edged sword but imagine this mountain king with with clap how is he surviving this long how is he killing so much stuff but moon has still double income don't forget about that keeper is back but he needs a lot of time for the alchemist now we have level 3 brilliance aura by the way let's mountain king will always have mana that's one of the sickest game this year and it's again soccent moon this mountain king he deserves all the praise in the world nice killed by mundo healing up now still 39 supply Thank You Jam Banja for this up 4,000 gold in the middle yeah better go get some involves my friend you will need them only one defense upgrades if finally going for more no attack upgrade second engine of more doing dryads now as they are matched rib you he's so sick and tired of this expansion now there's a pair switching the focus killing the whiz snap teleport where'd he go oh so smart of course the mass teleport play this game could go on forever little harassed again moon with the treants so good he's not he's not coming for the middle oh he is now this little bit of repair always enough mass teleport again does he have a unit of the bottom right was he going up okay he's defending his face the sickest game of the week so far alchemist is only at 30% 2100 people watching this on a Wednesday in the middle of the day it's incredible how moon is getting the momentum back with tree and harass if he does it like three to four times more peasants will suffer 3000 gold bonus at 71 keep rogue at level six I kind of missed that but we have tranquility now level 7 on the marquee still what elementals but with the rising number of dryads this should be Blizzard soon also against the repair I think Blizzard would be a great idea and this is also feeding experience to move it's no time for what my metals anymore players forces are under attack oh the Mountain King there's a staff now this does he sacrifice the m'kay now he keeps moon busy that's for sure Inbal he's surrounded in Ville on the other side as well can he get out oh that was a millimeter and he has to TP Travolta's Oh he's jumping on top of everything only a potion here about the king is far away though he's not focusing this keeper he's supporting the dryads at mass teleport again to the mountain King man at back and forth but the game is wiped out mode left the game more left the game he doesn't want to play this anymore what the he sees no chance did I miss anything he wiped out the economy don't tell me that's the disconnect you either moon tilts it that makes no sense to tap out there what an incredible play by sock but the admin leaves the room sock is staying in this room like this lobby he can't believe that moon tapped out moon was sick and tired of math teleport I'm asking Ike I have to ask otherwise it's off to moon Oh also know GG by moon he just killed the Passons okay Oh apparently moon disconnected you or we got robbed of one of the best late games in 2019 that could have been such a crazy game in the end I asked the admins like what's up now I guess they are discussing it it was kind of 50/50 right I mean in the long run mass teleport can win you the game but if you defend as good as moon did maybe not but there were such high level heroes he always has them I am sure I don't want to be an admin I don't want to be an admin right now sokka still in the game the crestfallen thank you for the 100 bits ahead sake my little lambs nice game hope suck we'll take this one you you you look at my phone hey suck left the lobby I guess that indicates that it's not a rehoused since everyone left the game you this is a 33 minute game resulting in a disconnect you the place in this game so surreal this Mountain King the heaviest lifting of all the times Todd is going crazy you okay so it's five minutes since the disconnect and I do not have an answer to this and the Atmos don't have an answer either moon always types GG so this would have surprised me greatly oh my god 2300 viewers here watching and waiting for the admin decision I mean I'm all up for another game between the two I have to leave in an hour so you you you in the last fight he wasn't moving yep-yep-yep more and more people say this dude also disconnect got that confirmed that's maybe the toughest admin decision in years now I mean this is a forty-four thousand dollar tournament don't forget about that you you you look at my WeChat and the net is lovey you you yeah Todd suffered as well never seen more not saying to gar that would have that would have absolutely surprised me as well you you you oh man this is like in wrestling you have a great match that lasts for 20 minutes and then there's a run-in and ruins everything this is basically the equivalent of Warcraft here load the game nope it's not usually there's a reconnect function but the lobby is closed already you other player streaming that game I'm not sure if sokka's play air streaming I don't see him online maybe on the lowlights dream I'm not too sure though nope while low light has 4,500 viewers holy so Kelly working export not really man the passes were all gone Sauk wrote tetrode sock wins to an O on his dream I still don't have an answer from the admin so I really don't know I mean if he gets transmute the game is basically over but I guess it's kind of your responsibility in quotes when you disk you you oh boy you this still tough we may be a replay posted somewhere online yes if you are a subscriber to this channel you get the replays of everything we do in our discord you what if they end up in a three-way tie with four and two that's a great question a lot of good questions here now we got a regain we played this again the madness starts again an unbelievable game you they actually give the rege a min this after 30 minutes oh how frustrating for sock maybe I'm gonna get a new drink here as I finished everything during that game so we're gonna be right back you will not miss anything here guys you we're back goddamnit always these two always these two and always this map how is this possible they are so 50/50 not in the stats how tough for sock after this come back after this insane comeback the players forces are under attack to have to play this again now what the craziness continues the craziness of sock and moon continues ops match first again no blood match keeper first who starts with claws of attack so how differently will they play this now sort with I guess less aggression going for an entirely different creep route I don't know what to say really I just got a cloth as well it's nice so if this the faster expansion it's a way more passive early game from SOG moon Scouts this move is going for an expansion this time right okay he knows where the Archmage is an expansion right away so he's on the other side of the map this gives both players a safe expansion level 3 ultimate with this immediately level 3 keeper of course as well but he took a healthy beating here and it's super low on mana moon already will drain almost all of his moon jewels pouring of region is super nice though but yeah mundo is gone tech Expo and Lowell moon juice this is not too bad actually whoa is 6 passing export track he will be down in tech that's fairly obvious wait no ok I thought he's kicking the engine he's going for wisps Steph out no aunt angle here so he won't lose any footman oh you genius he has more mana he staffed on to the footman it's his damage enough it's gonna get the detonate all right he's not walking out of range but he does not get the water mental as well now he does automated footman Klaus of attack and two footmen three footmen it's so close there's no repair here moon is not cancelling it yet moon is up canceling it at all I repaired there - it's okay I didn't see that how far away another Walker mental is coming soon what he's losing the footman water elemental now mass for mass pressure on this Expo new with he can't do it he holds how calculated staff is on cooldown again well oil parchments just as it was on t1 and in Game two like this is the rematch of Game two my god they start again in a crazy fashion but this will force a lot of repair and cause the white sand wisps to that are under attack keepers close too far though with all those counties under siege with all the kilt and the Walker mentals one entrant into Huntress sock has an expansion goes rifleman tier 2 this is already such an epic start [Music] once trying again some wisps are for repair five in the main and the integral mine the town isn't whoa that's a fast level four I don't think he has two forces alchemist now as well he lost too many footmen and there's so much entangle this gotta be okay TP soccer spying time for his own tier two but he's feeding the keeper into oblivion there's so many creeps yet still this will take down this doesn't work stuff out damages to much has to go for the top oh yeah yeah this is a bad opening facade Thank You cypher 78 for the prime sub for three months no sharp right ah there is one year at the expo Oh moon is in the perfect state now and curious how this game goes when he goes black meets again one lor ex-post about 50% alchemist level to keep her level for a player's forces are under attack he got the tier 2 and of course it's the big carry Mountain King again okay this time we go mortars this is not the end of the world for sake yet his Expo is up moon is going for a different build yes he has a crazy keeper Oh going for throughout maybe doesn't have it doesn't have the meet to close this and suddenly alchemist is finding a lot of time as well but last time they played or the second last time they played not that the game before on this map moon was ahead miles and miles and miles I had a player's force and sock held and held and held and held here three again this time WR bears what I think just because it's faster like bears are a lot faster they're not as good as mountain giants are though I feel like this game is passing by with 300 kilometers an hour in willing staff a good scouting with a flying machine calculus level 3 though and for now dick involved and he installed more farms in protect this year better priest motor rifle border and this time we do have clap and clap is insane against bears we saw this at th vs. moon if you have a good clap you don't need sorceresses that will fall to the average as well level two and a half for the Mountain King moon gives sock I think too much time tell all your friends guys this is gonna be an awesome match once again how can he steal this nothing in position to read no freaking madman he got the lasted he got the freaking last and he gets the rest of the spot as well what did sort care for breakfast this morning and that's level 3 on the mountain king damn that was so important preventing progress on the Owls not to speak about the keeper which is closing in on 504 develop he loses a bear two creeps no fractures yet mass with father detonate against the priest and Archmage a mountain king of the involved so the clerk is insane dropping you snow the spell obviously more trails coming from the right-hand side he can't the spell against this the mortal damage is decent but not ending up on the Bears act match low four-and-a-half clap again pretty sick there's no healed scroll anymore you should focus on the Bears I think when it's the next dispel ready can't take too much time with a level two brilliance aura but no spells on the Mountain King anymore this alchemist is going crazy MK n boy is on cooldown heals go save some TP and you get some kills on the way out as well seventy supply is still false almost seventy four moon as well is it Timmy yes he's going there crack shots coming a players forces are under attack the normal build yes but moon got all three red spots items belt flow and whatever this is but if he gets the lasted with this gyrocopter I'm dancing naked through Hamburg come on try it did you see how close this was that was really close ouch made four point six keep a level five already yes he is we are at Tier three we're getting more dryads but we are at Tier three for the human as well getting all the necessary upgrades frack shards done inner fire at 50% paladin just started and with the frack shards and - oh he's pushing low level five yet but the map is almost empty booth an Archmage can't afford to go to the shop I think he wanted to go for Blizzard where's the clap here but he's also entangled in a potion useful on this mountain game Gleb is coming in nicely you often still have one lamented I'm not sure if that's the right call clapping to involve no storm bolt here this time he has to try it nicely but oh my god these martha's are taking way too much damage is there a town forum has to swap it soon again to the mountain thing he does oh this is not a good fight for sorry not at all it's plummeting and supply Martha's dying everywhere Mountain King dead as well GG bye son but ruff that's really rough the momentum of sock stop with full force not sure if you said push there actually equal supply I mean he pushed while the Paladin was in the works and priest master was halfway done that wasn't the right timing here that expose well it was one base versus one Bay to both words to base he god you now that was too early that's exactly the mistake you can't make losing your patience that's what made him so strong in the first time we played ch and in the Ewell Cup as well Thank You CBE for the prime sub and the crestfallen suck slept on a chuck norris DVD tonight but this is this is hard this is one one now and we go on to echo isles i wonder if this will cause a little bit of a backlash in China or Korea or whatever since it's in favor of moon rather not you of course sock was a little behind but as I said I don't want to be an admin in that decision absolutely not if movin is eliminated from one of highest prize money tournaments in 2019 because of a disconnect I don't want to be the atman socks taking a little time I think you should just I don't know leave the room for a minute calm down again try to reset his mind you this was an absolute anti timing oh sorry I really don't know why he went for this maybe he didn't expect moon there but there was a TP anyway yeah suck needs a minute we give him that thanks for the Chinese of us following me on Twitter it's nice to see you you you got a leaf in 45 minutes and we've seen crazy clashes on Echo Al's remember WCIA not a minister GCS 2016 Yumiko vs. moon it was the first map for very first map of the World Championships and ended in a draw maybe we see this year as well I can't wait these two players I mean we all know that moon against human is a beauty to watch always but sock is one of the most creative players that they are we called him King Kansa for some time but that's the thing of the past it's just a joy to watch him play and I would rank him a lot higher than hug and lingua Gua are but it's those players that give a refreshment to the scene you okay socket Munna both ready echo Elsa this could be a warden map but Wadden failed heavily on terra nest and we're sock got the one oh that feels like it's been years ago since the first match happened okay let's the cytosol one of the players goes to all in the group stage sock defeated huck moon defeated th it's not 100% guaranteed that you're qualified with a - oh it could be a draw in this group and i'm pretty sure we can show the decision later because i have to leave in 40 minutes maybe a little longer so sock in the upper left can he wash this off how stable is he mentally after being like after a win was maybe stolen from him keeper it is with engine of war here normal build and normal creep route sock with an arch mates again no black mage no pala no mountain king first thank you giggle for the sub of course you only get prize money if you make it to the playoffs our players forces are under attack so suck what's your build what's a creep route rather green-green expansion expansion Merc expansion mercury expansion lots of stuff as possible in Moon has discovered he does we start with the Greek news 4head should be added to Warcraft 3 Maps Jesus burn everything is quite big my elopes my nose my forehead too rushing tear to the players forces are kind of a heart built preventing level 3 that way but mood is playing at a sir can he steal this again yeah or did he I know sorry I wasn't the outside I thought it wasn't a keeper damn that was close not preventing level 2 with this so he has to face entangle he was kind of flipping a coin right there if he gets the brood it's fantastic if not I mean he's buying time yep but Archmage is already low there's no creeping at the same time dropping a little bit with the Archmage as well then go to a switch oh there is actually sorry missed that I'm blind and with that he gets more water elementals he gets a good damage on the keeper totally misread that you see tower rushing again he's losing a lot of HP he's not allowed to feed the keeper outrage boots yeah - at 60% moon Oh quite far behind his forces are under attack moon juice trained that's what this arrest was there for or moon with the troll - instead was big and the treants now as well man I gotta calm myself down here actually I'm too hyped for what's happening I'm sniping the two of experienced moon going for the gold mine a lot of poison that's risky man of intelligence shop tier two done blacksmith scum it's done lots of herd units in the back keeper is finding him with and tango has the mana Hashmi has to run run run run run no backup damage though so no TP forces are under attack still not level three and still no expansion hunters Hall is in time the little too late but he's not even having the resources for the second hero Expo q nice that night so regional scroll has to work now and moon is coming in for the cancel that's great entangled kill cancels the healing encounter some overheating it was big when sock has nothing this end tangle again has to deny yesterday night the nice how come miss a second of course none of the players reached Tier three yet a pair level four years are under attack it's again one more no tier three rush just going dry it's against water Michael's rifle casters tier two Mountain King the hero of choice can he carry as hard as he did on ch removal goes to socking it that's moon of course it's a great Amana the trend at the moment man I can't wait for the day when this item gets nerfed so second law now is moon reliant on mass riots now or is he checking at one point once the expose up I can't understand to spent more time on tier two the town is under siege it's not opening the base yet but there's again no tower he has to retreat can force a TP there's no staff so focusing this keeper sounds like a good idea Oh Alchemist actually as there is no TP on him floor another storm board swaps the TP though you can still in the main I think sock is slipping in macro a little dispel upgrade immediately shop control moons Expo the starting to mine soon but for now what the mentals will be useless soon I like how sokka's prioritizing level three here could slash should he go for aura to just to feed the Mountain King more it's only level one storm baldwin also maybe not another half clause Jesus this Archmage +18 very helpful against dryers plus plus nine here as well my god the amount of cloth and this game is way too high no counter expansion for rifles already moon is once again refusing to go tier three but nice movement picking up the reinforcements thank you our BBT house for the prime sub-layers forces are under attack visit TP again there's also staff but he forced at CP with a bash usually it's always clap that's super insane and delayed but man this bash in this series has done quite some nice things for sake towering again he did that on Terra Nos it's only dryads and mercs but it's mercs upgrades zero upgrades okay one coming soon this time it's no paladin as there's no warden asset bomb is so good right now there's almost no healing one yields gold Mountain King and focus man this concave by moon I love how spread out it is he's not towering at all just using the peasants at them okay now he is as meat shield stock is breaking up keep now moon has had sixty supply funkiness Illinois has three more stumbles you lose the first one but there is a depth and a potion even loses that one focuses the dryads oh my god walking experimental three on the mountain king starboard he's down not stepping he was still stunned and the alchemist is up stock is dropping so hard to watch Mitch level four tower in progress he needs the reinforcement she needs more rifles we need also more priests otherwise the treants are gonna win this battle moon is just walking his dryads into these rifles good thought he has a replenishment potion could use that now it's the perfect time in the shop still not breaking through this Expo only the engine of war boy this Archmage with the damage and now he has potions available all the dryads they are missing in the defense but they're getting the reinforcements this is how th lost to moon one said wgl by constantly sending there's no TP it's only a potion bash he gets in front post used for now not this one more stumble does he want to die for the hero looks like it stumbled - he needs another block maybe even another bash is he lucky no he was gambling so hard for it but killing the shop is also nice but he needs more mana now he needs a lot of Milano in the meantime all the dryads killing trees here that's rough sock has to turn around for so much more damage but how much how many resources did these giants kill again gambling for the bashes once again not getting it we should be able to take out three dry at cr123 riflemen are becoming strong with this one one Matt moon he is losing so many dryads it's feeding him to level four there's another storm ball and one six Jesus Christ close level 5 arts mate moon just sacrificed six triads is dropped 20 supply we're even in supply now but no constantly he's surrounded stumbled on the keeper he wanted again to force that staff but again he's unlucky with the bashes but now he's forcing the keeper away this should be the kill of The Ultimates it could be a double kill right there I'll convince this town keeper saves himself level 5 here comes the storm bolt soon oh my god moon is about to loses the Dryad feed continues the treants are doing a lot of damage suck at 36 to play as well the rifles are almost all gone but you can't go near I can now with the keeper gets close to 2 storm bolts here's number 1 he has a TP is he lucky with the bashes now there's almost no follow-up there but there's the bat cooldown okay now we can slow down but this is no wait he's knocked out leg is losing the second hero as well mode what a mistake what a freakin mistake that's gonna cost him the series that's gonna cost him the series 31 supply only okay but these heroes are so sick yes there's an expo yes luck has no force right now a town is under siege but the alchemist has 50% he has a lot of gold so maybe keeper from the tavern that's gonna cost so much or the smaller the smaller could be worth a thousand gold if that one's clobbering the tree to death level 5mk would be such a blessing he needs more money needs clarity but he's focusing so hard on this tree using all his mana only dryads four of them super hurt rallying behind the tower at the shop now mass detonate ok keeper is back that wasn't it alchemists is back as well one more Killa seven five and there we go to storm bolts and the bashes are coming out now moon is trying his best it's so close stonewalled is one third of a hero as the pump is nice time portal out he's not committing any more it's just a lack of damage at this point and there was no Expo behind this he got insane heroes he's two levels ahead if if not for the dryads in the middle I think he's using five and a half five keeper is blocking himself stumbles trying to force in volts or TPS or whatever bash is he losing this chipper again I can't believe it no way this time to TP just got that but moon claims shop control there is one more huge Berlin yes everything's heard four sock cuz he realized therefore moon the sock realized this he's bringing more militia moon repaired he's not too greedy later or wrapping around just another priest three riflemen to heal potions gives one to the it must give one to the alchemist so he's tearing this up again twelve supply lead for moon but massive hero lead for sock just needs more rifles I feel but with what money it's investing so much what he stunned and he's walking around what was that potion used on the out and running away with it he was dizzy over the head right sock is throwing hammers but his army is basically non-existent all that yields corrosive value of the useful for moon he's starting to feed the Giants again but not for much longer the water elementals are useless he needs a hero kill cooldown Oh level six now tranquility staff out needs another one three seconds it's a storm board ready I think so he's positioning himself so aggressively star ball to cancel the track but socks army is completely disappearing and potentates to keeper again the item usage now wave that's a four moon this Archmage by the way so much damage is it or a free yes it is once again unlimited storm balls sock has no resources at all fighting one base in uphill alchemist is back to not even full health it's life sign now had to use the stone over level five for him now to and again he's running around stun what is this game is this because of rage we're getting ready for Cosmo dawn by the way one arcane tower you can move in losing's so so so many dry it keep up be careful stumbles we saw this from miles away again Oh angle potion one step and tangler acid pump is this the end of the mountain king assist the end of salt can he run away somehow there's no consumable and no resources the carries dead the carry of sock is five at five feet under six feet under and it's he's down to an Archmage but without the disabled what is he supposed to do and that's tranquility at tranquility transmute GG my sock he knows this ultimate will wreck him oh what a sad story what a sad story for SOG he played this so god damn well in two games he was an inch short of eliminating the world champ the fifth race the goat would love to know what they are chatting now let me see Google Translate moon said I have a hard time Suk said I have suffered as well so big respect between the two I guess it's a lengthy chat in the post game lobby which usually never happens moon repeats it was so hard it was so hard mocking young some I'm not too sure what that's supposed to mean maybe young some is the mountain king or something let's go up together says moon and suk says i will advance as the second big sportsmanship you between them and yeah kind of friendship oh boy what a game what a series what a slobberknocker you the beauty of warcraft displayed in the group stage here it is a bittersweet but moon is - oh very very very likely in the playoffs he is in the playoffs only one of socking th can go to one ok moon advances with this and later today it's gonna be a decided between sock and th that will be displayed by choco hopefully as I have to leave now it was an insane game insane day actually it hurts my heart to leave you now without showing you the decision in C and D but they're still Hawk versus moon th versus sock and low light versus life so this took way longer than expected the office is calling so I hope you enjoyed this we will report back tomorrow with the next qualifier where the agent moon are again in the same group which is quite nuts I thank you for being quite a cool set and very appreciative today I hope you enjoyed at 2300 viewers here Jesus on a Wednesday Warcraft is real and the game is just getting better and better massive props to sock after this series massive drops if you like what we do follow us on our social and like our content to increase the reach Facebook Twitter Instagram links in the description if you want to help us to make this somewhere now a full-time job we have a sub button right there we have stream labs where you can get or where you can donate via paper credit card or cryptocurrency we have a shop with merch we have Amazon referral links all those small contributions help to keep this engine running so feel free if you missed some games check them out on YouTube where we upload basically everything we do W League uploads are coming I just don't know when so for now breaks my heart to leave you but see you tomorrow for the next qualifier and enjoy choco stream or la lai it or whatever is streaming see you then
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 14,617
Rating: 4.8130841 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019, H&W Masters, Group D, Moon vs. Sok, Moon, Sok
Id: Ht8wm32GhxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 3sec (6363 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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