WC3INV - KR vs. EU: [N] LawLiet vs. EfFeCt [H]

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mr. McMorris is gone but I have two new guests here the first two players of the Europe versus Korea clan war it's for honor and glory and yesterday Europe was off to a good start I'm with Lala at an effect Korea and Sweden here welcome to the broadcast guys hello hello effect yesterday Europe the extremely well you expect that I know the rest of the Russian guy I play a lot of 404 so I came on the back end and just followed their lead and it went well I was sort of the punching bag maybe that was for the best okay I thought maybe they hold a grudge against you because you insulted them or something but it was just I hope yeah I think so there's no reason for that for you Walker three is kind of like a family affair right it is so how did you get into the game and since when are you playing you probably started like two thousand four thousand five I don't really remember how we started we just we paid it always played a lot of strategy games come and conquer will alerts and I think we saw a demo for worker 3 reign of chaos and we just fell in love instantly so it's you and your brother right just rights together and what's fascinating to me in nowaday is that there's such a strong scene in Sweden you have your clan obviously the guys that just seem to have a lot of fun together yeah why do you think that is or is someone responsible for that like being the glue I think Scott is about asks a lot to do it he's really what's keeping the Swedish team together and we have lots to o to him for the success we had okay first good thing I hear but there's a nice guy alright so alright of course we've seen you before at GCSE competition how does it feel to be in the u.s. its first time for me so it's really awesome and something nervous cause I play frigid game and I'm here in frigid it's lyrical nice to be able to make you so happy so throughout the last year you were living in a team house together with your teammates yeah how was the atmosphere there and did it improve your game in the last year only report no more tournament in last year okay so it's not good for me okay yeah obviously but are you still in touch with sock and Tamiko and so in okay good friendship still running over so you will face each other now and yesterday Korea didn't do well do you think that will change today oh yeah cause yesterday we pray for one foe but our Lacey is two night turf talks it's not good for Fulham for so we changed lean slaves but lean is a little cool but I pray some pain so we lose spot say I think I'm good on one one so oh I do my best alright so for you it's kind of like the biggest competition you've been in right is the European nations kept 2008 was something you participated in do you feel nervous now that you're on the big stage not really I think I'm sort of the underdog so I suppose I feel no pressure I'll just do my best and we see what happens how do you feel about the matchup in general is it like a strong suit of yours or I think you members neither has a lot to do with maps some ups is amazing but especially with the new maps it's a it really fits 50 about the maps we know of course that you are the master of the warden since 2015 now that blink got changed do you still think you can play the warden like you did before no I don't think so I'm afraid all right guys that I think it's time for you to go to the battle stations we we'll get our casts here on the couch and I wish you both good luck you didn't have a lot of fun thank you thank you all right first best-of-three is coming up on hopefully a few new maps here as well and we're gonna be joined by our co casters here yesterday as we said Korea we kind of defeated the motherland of Warcraft basically but Europe kicked their ass twice and here we see the players again so yeah that's a lie it said it's gonna be a different environment for and for its fun FFA is fun but what the community or what the comparative players are practicing for is obviously one-on-one that's where the money is that where the glory is and I think my classes are set it's three Europeans welcome grubby welcome foggy and hockey microphone works I think so alright I'll get ready to cast this game guys yeah we already waiting for this match will be relying on you guys because this is your matchup human Night Elf so let's see yeah let's see how it goes as they're getting into the game initial thoughts guys on the chances here low lieth and although itís always we're a strong course Night Elf probably he's one of the best or the best player in the world and he always beat top human like in fear tth mic a little higher okay just there like in front of your mouth yeah yeah so you also have experience playing against Lala yeah he always plays warden and ponder yeah warden probably is the best hero versus human and this Korean players sorry play really but really well I hear that the game is started so let's jump right into it and I'll ask you guys a few more things about it but here we are with the first match on what map is that Ionia Amazonia there we go there we don't go ahead there we go that was like an undead version of the map for a little bit all right it looks like we'll have to do a have to do a little bit of a pause there's a small sound issue so while we try to work that out I wanted to ask you guys a few more things for example you say that low-light is the best night elf maybe in the world right now and there's ass woman versus human okay and he that he makes use of warden but not everyone does you say warden is probably the best so what would be the reason not to use warden is it weaker against early attacks is it very difficult to make the early game work what's the reason it's about he can't kill peasants on a late-game when he have level 5 just blinking all peasants but why no everyone go warden it's the paint of map most of the map not so easy get warden level 3 hmm and after level 3 warden is better than demon hunter for example level 3 okay so map where you can't creep your warden first demon hunter is more safe and comfortable so if you take something like echo is a very straightforward map with two fixed spawn locations and a relatively average Rush distance what you want to go warden you go for the ancient of war on the mercenary camp is that exploitable in any way by the human can they do like a quick tavern tower rush or something of the like that only works against warden but not against demon hunter it's can be about now it's not safe because many night health players study how to very well defense with it so after WCG where when sky tower rush at moon night off now better to defense play even when opening yeah even and when opening over in human play very aggressive at the begin they just can buy priests and don't creepy don't just get the Shadow Priests yeah or even try to kill Archmage take okay item okay just to take the item maybe it's a boots and energy and then it helps with the defense and they just stop creeping yeah I am also saying that on WCG and 2013 when moon play he'll play it worse th moon did many mistakes cancel engines of war last seconds so the strategy was tinker it it looked better but it's because of some maybe some mistakes yeah only if Knight who make mistakes I feel that moon just narrows in final so did many mistakes so okay we apologize for the small delay here we appreciate your patience we know everyone is excited to get the Warcraft 3 game started but it looks like we have to just wait a little bit more but there's more to talk about we can see that the first map is going to be Amazonia and we have low-light versus effect here and the thing is on Amazonia it doesn't seem very easy to take an expansion for instance we all know humans like to generally start the game with an expansion quicker than the Night Elf so is it possible to take an expansion here without really getting messed up by like a wisp that detonates your water elemental so very hard here so very hard is if you use two wisps in this pod two elements and by a priest from Mariner camp yeah you just eliminated from demon hunter and is if use emulation maybe and two archers all your units get so hurt yeah is it still possible that or are we going to see a one base strategy from from right right it's good yes it's good sometimes no but you need perfect timing for it yes no I think these days a rifle whose strategy is absolutely not effective it's old school strategy but now I think it's about study and experience that many night of professional player just know how to play with push okay so worker threes been out for a long time rifle caster used to be all the hype in this matchup and night L for trying to slow down the rifle caster push with stuff of preservation killer unit go back get bears but there was another strategy as well that kind of worked from one base and I'd like you guys to tell me if that's still viable so you go one base as human you go tier 2 you get casters and mortars from one base and if there's any fairy dragons you add a few flying machines does this work at all from one base in your opinion it's work sometimes you not require a reprisal player reprisal yeah you play versus moon this strategy is very good I play sometime and but now for you can hope to beat this strategy so what's the key it's can work one two times but I think if human play one base night I'll just play very safe defense and natural how moon wells so for human it's very hard because human must come to Night Elf base okay so in your opinion does that mean Amazonia should be a must-win for long I it considering how difficult it is to get an expansion and the validity of the other strats not being that good expansion give more opportunity and human decide decide what he can do rush fast or try maybe go tires three alright well let's see how that works out we get some good news pleasant tidings from the production here as it looks like the game is ready the game has been restarted and all order has been restored here we see our first players squaring off in the first match of the day it's a one on one the true try hard games here the true competitive matches between active players effect representing Europe and low-light representing Korea so forgive what you beat Jim hunter forward oh yeah batter for demon hunter because wasn't very hard to get level 3 but I know loaded so much love warden so he can play this map and with warden it's also very effective to come expansion and try her ass so the abilities that the warden would choose if that's what he goes for fan of knives and shadow strike no strike no shadow strike just fan of knives blink for safety and you're right it's gonna be the warden I think it's also depend of a situation because fan of knives very good were sufficient and footman's in when warden will get level 3 sure but shadow strike is very good worse ouch match right so it depends if you want to focus units and economy or focus the hero kill him over and over yeah but the problem is that effect if he will go expansion he can get potion just makes out a strike useless yeah so what happened here why did you can explain how why did he send the footman to get perched that arch match don't you slide and shoot so the pro gamers in Warcraft 3 got so good over the years at manipulating the AI of various creeps that now players can perfectly make the opponent's clock make the a I make the creeps cast lightning shield on one of your units if you align your whisk your Archer and your hero in such a way that the creep sees the perfect chance to do maximum damage with Lightning shield he will do it and the result is you will use that lightning shield against the other creeps helping a lot with the extra damage on them you creep faster and more efficiently all you gotta do is make sure you pull that unit away because the source of the lightning shield is decreed so you will deny yourself experience if that's the final hit but when used well it's a great tool for players to use it and so effect send the footman to get perched so that he doesn't have enough mana for lightning shield effectively slowing down the creeping of La lieth very smart move and very good creeping by him as well door Qing all the relevant detonations by the West splitting its water elemental an arc mage and he finished the creep camp that was supposed to be so tough that we talked about so long yeah effects are also very good use manipulate and golem go far away so he have crypt all creeps and golem but I have no idea why low that didn't try focus arch mage no all right shadow strike kill the arc mage yeah only now here try and he gets some good auto attacks in as well with the blink stealing the cloak of Shadows which could potentially be a nice escape there for effect now with you know oh what the Man of Steel so that's the last shadow strike and that means the average will probably survive there's not enough mana for blink or shadow strike this is very close right now blink cost 50 mana we can see the word in his languishing and the rest survive but he needs the Shadow Priests but we can see that low light is the one trying to hire the Shadow Priests bottom right with some wisps oh here attack his berserk so creeps at take attention and attack Archer yeah so again creep AI a manipulation right yeah creeps in worker three ladies and gents a real band Wagoner's if they see even everyone's units attacking their own unit they will say yes I agree let's attack that one so if you want someone to stop focusing your unit you can attack a given attack command on the other units and you know this is just one of the many tricks that God find that over the years which is really cool actually it's very good job point didn't lost any peasant yeah and Archmage still alive just got a little smarter you were always asked why many players what do you say what do you say to them because fans ask why why pros and never pick up Thomas what is your answer usually it's because player is too lazy I usually say I didn't see it I was too busy or I need to leave this place quicker to get to another place on the map quicker right Oh who's gonna get warden got it right almost v+ + 2 12 damage really impressive virginity the items there for applause it's a lot of physical damage there on that art majors are human doesn't really have a great way to heal the hero's early game the major tools for arc mates to stay alive our healing potion which it needs here too for a goblin Zeppelin which you need daylight's for any you can see it's still night and of course holy light from paladin again you need tier two and that hero and that's gonna be the death of the Archmage there's no way stays alive under this the warden got the experience for that as well you can see the warden started to pay off so now you have this juxtaposition of effect having better economy he's got his expansion finish then the Tree of Life is done but it's not mining it so this is effects advantage but advantages come in many different ways in Warcraft 3 for example effects hero is quite dead very dead and lowlights is not oh yeah tibia lost appear until if the rock girl of Boulder here he will go to 12 HP why did he tip into this maybe in his main base not finish it and it always goes to the expo when you double clicked right yeah I think yeah yeah because sometimes people will do strategy like this they wanted TP to the secret walking expansion so that they can pick up the item and get the last name Hawk how do you think is the position for effect now he's lost his hero but he's got a good eater ignore the little things actually a second level arch mind sure that it's yeah it's okay mark matches now I think Oh lovely go to solo well done what do you think it will be a title three poor human with a small map for kill fear and no second goldmine for a human so at how much food did how much money do you think effects should save up to make a big over fifty food push 1000 maybe 1000 ad farms and then start so it pretty quick to you two-timing push he's gonna make mortars breakers casters like might be a rifle months a few rifles it's for faster push okay oh no he go to Syria okay but I like it he decides to go tower three I think worth more than its much save this motor spear because Jordan level 5 level six very effective versus Custer's hard to win with army yeah now no panda versus thanks for example okay so warded Panda is great but warden can be great to get quick level 5 the avatar vengeance and really what effect then is trying to do is to exploit that weakness no fire breath so tanks are more effective see if it pays off thanks Kay appropriate Oh does he send a flick it got cancelled right he's gonna blink next or bolt in three two and he gets slowed by the Dryad he can just not reach the warden I think now loaded have no idea about effect go tires three so because alone it must take pendel whoa-ho-ho nice block on the storm bolt with the Invo so yeah you're saying if he had scouted it he would definitely get a yeah he needs bender and go past the grip level three large tanks but Oh warden level pipe is not effective versus thanks thanks right so he will be entirely reliant on trying to kill heroes while scrambling to keep his base alive against and paladin is very good force warden Wow route bracers very lucky I said therefore effect very useful it's gonna reduce 33% any damage that the hero gets shadow strike specifically is going to be much less effective meantime warning is very close to level six thousand what I uncle level six is not a gay purse tire three not that not like instead win yeah because maybe human will go Griffin's and tanks and then there are no bodies to use for the Avatar vengeance it's just in case some viewers may not know what warden gets at level six heroes unlock the ultimate ability they have one choice at this they don't have to choose it they can have create basic abilities but if you choose the ultimate you have the potential to get much more powerful if it's a good one warden gets avatar vengeance and it is very strong its summons little vengeance spirits that are invincible from the corpses of fallen allies or foes normally this gets used to harass peasants for free without Terra's being able to defend against it kill casters and so on and so forth so now lolly is killing his own unit it seems she knows the strategy choice of thanks by now so he's trying to make his food go down so that he has space to fit in a panda without going over fifty food wall ioud wants to continue getting hundred percent of his gold rather than paying an upkeep of 30 percent over everything that the earth so he's playing eco game the question is does he have enough time effect is already at sixty-one food and has started a big push of tanks already know that now should go over fifty because I think it's time he already have 1000 and 500 gold it's enough yeah so he's being very greedy here and let's see if it pays off tanks on her on the way ancient of war was lost I don't know I thought I saw something fall oh not a nice crib check but I'm really worried about every mention yeah it takes a lot of damage and yet effect has not given the root bracers to the art page it's still on the manta King you could pass it over to the hero that's taking shadow strike damage over time to reduce that it's a little micro intensive and in the end it wasn't needed all heroes are safe good job by effect but let's see what havoc the tanks are wreaking to have been sent here I wonder their upgrades must be something like one or two attack there we go one attack upgrade and he started this is unlikely to be enough to kill the tree but it starts the point where la la it starts to spend quite a lot of resources just to keep it alive yeah it's not many tanks come here doing like this with to to quickly put pressure or should he say that more I think he should wait for more and maybe use Zeppelin for unexpected attack Zeppelin siege tank drop yeah so maybe effect did this because he wants to buy time on the map he wants to create space as it were to get the bottom right creep camp or maybe get some goblin shop control but if that was his attempt low light has countered this quite well by keeping an eye on effect with his ward I think was the best what should do it Zeppelin drop maybe a main night old base and try to kill goldmine and another two tanks try to kill expansion the tree itself or the gold mine as well I think maybe a tree or gold mine is also okay how would you be adding Griffins at this point you think Griffins will be useful or do you like to wait for Griffins I think too late you can give the mass nights and mortar teams okay it's that's not working now almost kill can you get the tree that would be pretty huge maybe just kill him there that what I talk about and another I think he should use Zeppelin and try to kill goldmine on my face to really the economy of yeah make it difficult to take any expansion right yeah looks like this tank is scouting the scenery him and a frog are the only ones that are in that area carrying about anything now Lala its economy has been hurt in a big way he makes a new tree of life but it won't fail for a long time back and effects army is growing nights maybe more tears as well warden is level five and a half hasn't gotten as many kills as it would in a typical tier two timing attack with casters can he stop tonight does and it becomes magic immune so it doesn't take damage from shadow strike any longer I think no he take yeah still take damage so the Holy Light solitary for Thursday image from dagger it's a physical damage next no first magic next physical damage okay so the Holy Light was important to keep it alive staff of sanctuary has a healing effect but it wouldn't have out healed the shadow strike oh no Zeppelin but I guess that's why he didn't use it yeah because to hippo crew right but maybe maybe he would have to go all the way around the bottom of the corner it's true it's a long route but it might be better unscheduled I don't understand why you love it don't buy book or a train and go to Harris peasants fan of knives unsymmetric sheriff blink it would give him the level 6 he needs as well these tanks are doomed so too much purse the Bears are pretty good against breakers nice a tank yeah there's no threat of Griffon so I'll stop he might still die 4555 stays alive no stop kill everything oh oh info comes a little late didn't get to block the initial brunt and I'd say arc mage probably oh he's got two stars nice job hey many more ones were lost look at that 50 food on you for long iron 3 that's a pretty big deal fire breath level 2 coming out helps a little bit more in the defense they're still creeps on the map this is pretty crazy there's this is a very small map where creeps can go down very quickly and we still got double granite golem we've got parts of the golden shop on the left and part of the mercenary camp on the bottom right attack the reason but the tree went down again at some point some way tanks went for the unfinished Tree of Life and even killed it and canceled it or did a good counsel level six is reached for the warden that means avatar vengeance is available our blink level three you think maybe three three yeah so blink got nerfed a little bit it's on a four second cooldown now instead of one but it cost only ten mana that was blink number one doesn't have another in three seconds he's not showing it but he probably has it yeah I think you're right three three basic abilities no of it they're trying to just get some value wherever you can ally it goes for some damage on the Knights and as much as it effect seems to have been in control economically the sheer power of the bears the low hero levels that effect has continued to make him uncomfortable winning this game now keep in mind one thing Lola it may not have an expansion but he can eventually uproot his main tree when the gold runs out walk it to the expansion and get income in that way and as much as the effect hasn't had an earlier expansion he will also run out of gold quicker on the expansion so if Lola it somehow becomes impermeable unattackable unable to be finished off he will eventually have more future gold in its reserves that's one of the ways that you can win a game of Warcraft 3 just by having a really good defense and keeping someone away from you pretty good upgrades I imagine on the Bears we see two upgrades with the Roar 25% buff that Bears can give themselves that's a lot of damage honestly guys I don't see how effect will have an army that can contest this do you guys see it differently yeah no it's very hard because - too much difference between hero level right what is a 3 2 1 versus 6 3 now effect tried to creep on a red spot okay so this is obviously a very high value camp all the more so because effect is so low on level you really needs to put the bracers on the ark match I feel like he's got a mod man taking the one that takes shadow strikes the least that is arguably most safe against shadow strike to go anyway apologies still this year and I think also effect have started too late make air so now he produce or hawk for to catch Hippogriff that's pretty late I mean I can only imagine the main is running out I would imagine a thousand gold maybe in the gold mine it's a 280 and on the expansion because he took it so early ten thousand so the Amazonia expansion gold mines at least are pretty healthy so in that sense the end of mining there doesn't matter for a long time any medium though loelai it has grabbed the granite golem with his troop of bears bringing his panther from level three point two to four and a half and granting him the cloak of flames which deals 10 damage per second to everyone around him a fantastic item for a strength-based hero at melee range who has rejuvenation to keep him alive yeah finder soon level 5 and I have no idea how affect can he win this game yeah even just drunken haze and fire breath together really nullify the value of Griffins and upgrades and Griffin's are going to be rather weak it's up against really high hero levels and it seems like effect really banked on tanks to bring low liya to his knees but this has not yet come to fruition so now with the map control that lolly it has these long years forces awaits its creeps finally get cleaned up by him yes so much he has so little care about the threat of the effect that he does so under the watchful eyes of effects and it just gets that creep camp so easily using warden to harass the Archmage even as he gets the rest of the crease oh it's too late a bit late just get the hypocrites finally so he could do some more Zeppelin shenanigans there's one more camp that everyone cares about true shot goes to LA layeth from the camp at the bottom right for really good items are available on this on this map and most have gone to LA Lyon there's one camp left it's the granite golem and effect is starting to make a move on it we can see him pulling the golems on the mini mask forces he started to work on that but his damage output is so low that the reaction time window for low lights is really high Andy's here once again on time remember it's nighttime night of Units regenerate more and they have more vision than human units in nighttime it's a good time for the lion to push around his weight on the map we can see also that he has a mining base again probably the tree of eternity that moved from the main base with nature's blessing which gives five armor and more movement speed to trees so low-light mining just as much as effect on the eco food with vastly better hero levels can effects army composition somehow avail him against this yeah I think now go over 8000 is I think only one chance one fight with 100 limit and try three Scrolls yeah and try to kill warden maybe there is one Talon you can fairy fire but this can be cast back on him by a spell breakers so does he have three heal scrolls no no he should have you mean yeah you did yes no just goes here and none here so he's going up against fire breath without any he'll scroll it's gonna be rough there are no priests either for healing it's really only the paladin normally in an ideal world in a more even game when you're at certain upkeep thresholds like 50 food 80 food and you don't want to go over yet because just start getting less income that's the time really to stock up stock up on items like hawk is saying a seafood would have been the time to get some use girls but as it stands he's already gone over 90 food hoping to win by sheer numbers sheer damage output so my ammunition last-ditch effort that's for dragon hawks but there's no air something they want skulls forces are under it yeah one scroll this is gonna be it if somehow affect can kill a bunch of bears at the beginning he will level up quickly and that's gonna help him a bit but so maybe I matter Avengers yeah now here it's really need a kiss you can kill the rabbit spirits of vengeance out of it there's a very awkward position because attack move is part of the fight at the beginning but the tree is gonna distract people we see one pair going down tunnel in levels up to level two finally and in comes the warden at blink and fan of knives fire breath also where are the Dragon hogs and they did already there they are finally the hippogriffs have already torn into the Griffins hawks finally arrived and this is completely impossible for effect he taps out rather early was it really over the viewer may ask it was for quite a while already the first game goes to low-light the final chance by effect didn't work out I think after he kyo base he need to first mortar teams and moral nights and go to push no production tanks anymore right it's just useless so the first moment where he killed the tree of life he tip it out that was fine yeah and he had big economic advantage here all of us were poor but he made more tanks didn't he yeah but but don't you need don't need it because you just need kill Expo no one time effect should wait for tanks use maybe Zeppelin at the begin because he use have use it to tanks just her a spot lost so when you say the early Zeppelin the Zeppelin will eventually die too hypocrite for the Hippogriff because it was out so your goal is dropped the tanks in the best place like the gold mine and then it doesn't matter you don't need to evacuate them is that what you mean yeah and even even Zeppelin dies the tanks are already there and that's good enough I think you should you'd way that he can don't fight was a Hippogriff find a way that they don't fight all the way yes but there's no way at right there's no way out discipline gets found by the HIPAA yes but he should attack like a Zeppelin main base a night elf goldmine and this time maybe with two tanks try Q expansion sure the multi-pronged attack and after this go over limit that he can contest that panda can't creep yeah he needed a bigger more scary army early because all the creeps went to ally it right yeah like Messier few hawk and keep Griffin's like last fight or to barrack last night maybe hawks FFA army 3/4 priests for in the fiery yeah I think it was gonna work that well here we are with the second map it's three small play this Tirisfal glades 1-0 lead for low light here and thus for Korea as well they play four sets of one-on-one best of threes and if it's somehow a tie I believe me oh it becomes a two-on-two decider isn't it there is a to hunt to anyway so it's basically the old WC 3l format oh how lovely that's that's super awesome wc3 l used to be the league guys it was a team format League it started out as double two and two and three one-on-ones later it became for one on one side the two on two who's playing the two on two for your team have you decided that you creepy and Fergie on that night alright so this is one of five matches that will determine this best-of-five of the EU for the South Korea clan war oh wow yeah and this map was the strategy is very good because there are two American who is unusual creep creep okay talk us through it assassin is with oh those are the alternative Stan mercenaries like the first version of understand had the poison guy and the Merlot occurred here we go pull the creeps away with one of us do it delicately and you don't even lose it go in you get the merlok you remember this that ork when you play first year no barracks yeah I remember yeah I think no reason for my rack because it's a beginner two units yeah I think it's enough one has shadow melt and poison and and range and the other has and scenario what else it's our pepper Department or drugs Oh effects to affect steals the poison guide but the funny thing is he could just throw the nets on the pot it was a little late with that maybe had he done it earlier the poison guy would have been killed by the creeps either way and tangle is here too oh but why okay so the trends are bonus damage just new page yeah yeah take a bath right yeah too damaged and I guess the merlok already has the entangle as it were with it with ensnare right you already have the net with the merlok so you don't need another attack horses are enjoyed that but I think entangle and Marlow kids my Jupiter more route yes all the routes in the world alright so he brought the merlok back to heal up from the moon well he's gonna come back he's got to merlocks and one poison guy the assassin I think it's very hard to make expansion and effect lost one assassin yeah very painful to lose that assassin it's a level four creep how much does he cost maybe like two thirty goals or 254 the expensive water elemental experience goes to the key birds about 42 XP I believe friends will go to effect so it gets a bit of experience right so fast surround I send cuz this map maybe Mountain King better for human seems like arch made sure just gets bullied because this map about Marik Markham creep so you catch right you need some kind of stun or root so by that reasoning on that on this map should go crypt Lord with impale orc should go shatter on through with hex first probably maybe dread Lord is sleep so you can kill the creeper to sleep anyway that's not a good job of salvaging a very poor situation by getting this around on the keeper the keeper is not level 2 yet so that means he cannot cast untangle as of yet but he gets the double ensnare on the footman this is terrible for effect great for low light it's the experience that would give him a little - bonus oh the self girl well done by effect is gone for the denied Wow very impressive so no level 2 on the keeper yet and effects goal here is singular he wants to self kill his water elemental to deny XP in level 2 for the keeper wow so good nice deny nice play by effect now the Nagas see which comes out in patch 129 PTR Naga see which has gained 20 movement speed going from to 70 to 90 she used to be rather cumbersome and slow and has now become faster riders very fiery dragons and where is raffle months I'll make them I guess he doesn't have money yet yeah so no Locker mail that means no guard towers rifleman helps against fairy dragons but fairy dragons are hard to focus fire one they cannot be store bought it so they can't be focused that way too they have an ability called phase shift that allows them to old auto cast in automatically shift out of existence for about two seconds when they take any attack from anyone at all so whenever you try to focus fire them even with a rather large rifleman force they will initially become evasive and then when they come back you try to finish them off effect he's gonna have trouble locking those fairies down that's the name of this game basically lockdown law Lions has gone for full lockdown and snare at angle nagisa which with the movement speed slow from the frost arrows and then fairy dragons which are untouchable he wants to have control of this match whereas effect all his lockdown is entrenched in storm bonds which will only work on heroes in the meantime fairy dragons gonna wreak havoc and what you guys need to know at home fairy trinkets are not a normal army unit they are not a normal unit like this is extremely unusual to see such a force being a mass it's a special strat with a special opening hero by Lola but it looks good doesn't it go I think expect well very surprised about hearses I think not that he has not enough Rifleman's fight to be this aggressive right yeah so hold it now understand and so his dragons tango and snare the rifles are routed they try to take down the fairies but look at that phase shift each fairy dragon gets hurt but ultimately survives two rifles have gone down a third Falls also zero fairies have fallen as of yet no one one pirate diet oh yeah one fairy tale and they cost 160 go they're about 20% cheaper than a rifleman yeah but other side's not this good yeah what element is very effective so if you just look at the game now Lola it has a big advantage but let's say if both players go creepin for five minutes the effect will get better and better off yeah I think effect now have better heroes like Archmage and MK is better than keeper of the grow and naga but early fights will favor la lieth and he's sharking around he probably doesn't have ultravision because hunters whole is not required for fairy dragons the water elementals are the key here for effect the new food damage and you can try the focus fire he's going after the keeper with the cyclone on the Nagisa witch and the staff is on the keeper one more bolt could finish him off but he manages long Oh nice beautiful oh but he will Sammy the immediate cyclone on the Naga man she could not use staff of preservation to save the keeper but yeah the army has been lost on the rifleman yeah I think he will make a gyrocopter flying machines come out and fly machines are faster than fairy dragons so essentially they can win against fairies but it takes about half a million years to take down that many fairies with one flying machine - yeah they're both 1% life Wow he could kill - very nice effect proving to be resilient is that the best death sound in the game okay so the effect has shown his hand la lieth has applied pressure in effect base seeing the next response which is going to be flying machines so flying machines have range and mobility advantage over fairies but it's extremely difficult to attack fairies without taking any damage at all so it's it's very much a dance of death use between both players have an effect we'll still need a long period of time to get enough flames to really take that the fairies in a very comfortable man he's gonna use the distraction ear pinning the keeper to take down a very important creep down if it doesn't get out healed by the fountain and rejuvenation too much I feel like you should have pulled it away from the past in a bit more sir roar reduce and fountain the Sasquatch finally goes that oh that's a good one of darkness oh yeah skeleton yeah we'll help with the creeps Oh or partners when it kills ground units you will gain the skeleton if you recently hits a unit that has died and the skeletons will fight for you for a period of time which is nice it also enables the hero to attack error even if otherwise he would not be able to for example the manta King will gain arranged air attack now and it adds six base damage as well while he will not be summoning skeletons from the corpses of fairy dragons as air units do not drop corpses in this game he will still be able to attack them and that helps out a lot of players forces are under attack back to rifles and priest has a number of flying machines that are scattering around the map I think I count about six on the right side of the map about six flying machines he's gonna try to harass keeper and Agassi which will attack flying machines with great impunity as flanks cañada tank rounds and there's hippogriffs as well flanks are a little faster than hippos correct yes function is faster higher unit than anything yeah maybe scout our level 3 proposal Meister Mario first plate master best so another one of the wind charge you used to earlier on to security kill no Manta King manta King has got the belt of giant strength blood +6 against him 150 health additional damage but their army for effect is hurt he's scrambling to get as many creeps on the map as possible you want to get a big piece of the pie before the game gets slower you cannot lose this rifle so you want to get as many creeps as you can if there are no creeps on the map you can be become more defensive and turns off but turtling on one place when they're still creeps is really discouraged in Warcraft 3 because the creeps are so important for experience gold and items effect has equalized the food fifty and fifty but Lola is transitioning to some Hippogriff riders and I wonder if he's gonna add Chimaera what do you think he would have come here yeah it's why yeah so this did get scared and tire three does this get scattered by the fact he has seen the double Camaro roost just completing cameras are not fantastic against the rifleman but they do excel in first autograph they don't have an ulterior attack and they do really good damage done here us if you have enough effect now we'll try to do a timing attack he'll scroll he's got ivory towers one priest few flying machines it's gonna be hard he can hit the pre chimera timings but he's still up against ten fairy dragons and it's a pretty serious spell power nagisa which is level four that means just forked lightning don't forget the trends are still there for the keeper there's a tangle and the flying machines cannot stand still so even as fairies are trying to run over effects army you will have to continue running away with his flying's just to guide the hippos and that's a full-time job I don't know if there's enough APM to do it while still managing his army effectively nice nice use of watts of illusion there on the rifles those are not real law snow just before please now what if the priests are upgraded to adapt it he's got one the towers are coming up low-light really banking on finishing cameras here he doesn't want to have made such a big investment and then not to use it if these towers finished it's gonna provide a nice bulwark for effect to fall back - and there's the first two Chimaera Oh only magic tower only two arcane not the best on the rifleman manta King is suffering as well yeah hasn't even store vaulter to anyone or anything yet he really wants to make use of those towers he should put the towers on the Magnus II which this is a big source of damage the blank machines come back the hypocrites go after them and will destroy them rifles are getting attacked but we see a chimera going down effect is fighting back he has taken the food lead takes out a lot of cim yux io5 and yeah I think effect come back this game after begin not my traffic rifleman power hug how was he fact able to win this fight so many people graves it's only two humors and one he made us not attack because it's both so yeah keep bolting one chimera and today I told about it raffle once that's effective the beauty of our cutlery yeah riflemen are no longer useful of course this was a special strata light had a humungous advantage early on but I think it's because low light use unusual heroes keeper and Naga and fairy dragons so in this case rifleman so right strategy there's a time and place for everything and it looks like the time and place for effect to take a base is in l'Alliance former expansion this is our base now and effect starts at Town Hall it's already sent me defended by relatively distant arcane towers so time to expand never too late so keeper and a guitar specifically good early game heroes right and a little bit weaker late I don't think even tranquility or tornado should you ever get there should be too useful as demon hunter much better where's Martin King yeah Numerical staff the way fairy dragons when they're in this mode the flare boat they have plus 15 armor which makes them really tanky and they will cast a reactive spell on anyone that casts a spell whether it's priest with he'll Manta king with storm bolt and it will do a jolt of damage to them so they're the primary night of anti-magic units together with the Dryad so fairy dragons will go in that mode to try and do some damage but effect is 90% just raw muscle power at all you know riflemen here and so fairy dragons in that mode aren't too scary a lot of hippos go down here that's one down to go down they take down the flags but ultimately flying's are not important for effect anymore yes stabilized on the ground he was killed all the fairy dragons off safe for one there we go the final one and he mirrors just get destroyed by water land it's us right for sandstorm oh yeah you can tell right from the damage but still not useful Oh ice torch there on the balls with the staff of preservation he doesn't have the priests upgrade does he if we could see I don't know if the observe again oh there we go yeah no adapt upgrades for the priests just healing and tango of course was recently buffed as well in patch 129 PTR it does more damage over a shorter period of time that makes it slightly better against dispel because in the first few seconds it's more bursty nonetheless priests mostly I'm feeling its damage by now he's mostly using a tangle to stop the unit from doing dealing damage in return I like it in fact labor safe of expansion and low light low light need no need to leave his base yeah and he's out of moon wells he's using moonstone just to make it artificial night to get a little bit of region but I think the battle has been fought chimeras have proven ineffective and unless law lieth can shake for mountain giant out of his sleeve and a demon hunter level six it's gonna be pretty tough very patient play her by effect from start to end he didn't take some small advantage and say all right I'm gonna go into Night Elf base which could have maybe been the way for lowlier to come back so it's very bad idea they take a fight night of Base I respond Wells and chop chop some trees maybe yeah and also nettle can take all wisps to detonate maybe that would have been the play at some point when Lala made a final stand to defend his expansion possibly either from his Mane or his expansion as magic ingots level 5 from a wisp with storm both believe maybe he had to bring in a eight to ten wisps in a last-ditch effort to remove the mana pool for effect but that's water under the bridge as effect continues to defend why doesn't he finish him well he simply doesn't need to he's got double economy compared to the lions another nice torch there on the starboard but the Bosch darkness with a Bosch a priest goes down to untangle and the hawk probably grinding his teeth why don't you upgrade your produce very comfortable position it's really to play it out beautifully it's the goal here for defense he's got an advantage and it continues to get bigger why attack indeed he guards the high ground here providing a missed chance of the heroes of low life and this looks to be possibly the final fight of the match another great staff of preservation but ultimately lowly it really lacks the moon well juice to heal those cabarrus back up to full and with another error army here marshaled for effect flying machines sound the victory bells here for effect most likely last-ditch effort to take down the Banting king and tangle frost arrow for clay bounties all goes down moral victory for la lion that's pretty nice you can try that one more time on the ark match Ark match is notably without the invulnerability or with potion but he does have massive teleport as long as he saves it until after a possible entangle you should be able to get out from any threat the heroes for long lights are falling hero died but I think victory yeah he's still binding from two bases mind you taking that mirror these flying machines have almost no natural predator anymore it's only the heroes and there are plenty busy as it stands the final key mirror goes down and I think I've seen an item do about as much with little as possible but nonetheless it's all in vain yes keeper finally goes down art mates reaches level 7 the keeper of the Grove level 5 has fallen Oh Nigel level 6 oh maybe we'll see another baby for fanservice he wants to show tornado one final time before leaving the game can we get some fanservice he's trying to get enough father yeah it seems kind of like a hundred-fifty banner spell with it or maybe 20 with how useful is a little bit more on it yourself okay here we go fan service ladies and gentlemen tornado it will pick up units and cyclone them and if there's any buildings it will build damage to them as well you can't control it it has random movement it doesn't affect appreciates the effect of the tornado as well la lieth with the fanservice taps out and the game is equalized this man from Sweden is a man who has just equalized the series to one one and we'll go to a final one yeah effect it's really good job and come back this game very very nice finally we have a series like yesterday we only had two O's yeah and for the first time we have a best-of-three here now going full distance and I was pretty impressed with the fact they are super patient and just calm with whatever he did really liked his play do you guys know what the third map is by any chance so from what I understand there's three map choices available girls terena stand it's new to us oh yeah book of this um gold mine you know but yeah but not so strong against myself but for night off yeah so we're surprised about effect oh it's losers choice ultimately so most likely loelai it has chosen this and more is it effect didn't ban ah well maybe there were too many maps that he was not familiar with no I think Jonas is the worst so this is a very comfortable map to make warden isn't it but maybe it's just my favorite mappers he won let's see foggy has painted a dark omen for effect but possibly he knows something for he might not be privy to the game has begun I have found that this map best to creep mare camp for night elf first yeah first because can use lightning shield okay but seem solid will use so this one is for the shop first and then the expansion yeah probably yeah or do you think he would go straight nah he won't go straight to expansion will he seems even he will creep green spot about well this green spot you can take relationship okay but I think Laura just don't know about you can creep mark camp near your base with light and shield and it look like air holes at the beginning you creep Marik my priest it's really good warden so you have good defense you've good experience oh very strange but maybe well Olli decides that he just tried to use one game warden one game keeper and as game demon hunter okay I think it's an interesting choice because there's so many consumable items on this map like big mana potions evil poses would be great for now for a warden wouldn't it yeah I think this map was best for warden so but to maybe low light think about effect we'll go mountain King so okay Manta King is more resilient against warden and doesn't have the disadvantage of getting amount of burns all the time against warden so he can use every ball to make every ball to count that could be a choice sometimes mind games and such styles might be indicative for why these players make these decisions we will see how the demon on tier works at least assume that law Llyod knows best he does get this green cup and will then walk over to the expansion yeah I think affected to now create for a bachelor point right lawless girls hope now that would be very good to get Gordon yeah Maya potion it's a big in look at that delicate Control bylaw liya he knew he wanted to do a detonation on the water elemental to gain 42 experience and slow down the creeping of effect but he didn't want to be such a nice guy to the point where he would also remove frost armor on the creeps which would help layer defenses so he got the detonation on the left side of the water if effect had paid attention to this nuance he could have tried to move the water elemental one or two hex to the right and then low light would have to detonate the water elemental and remove frost armor but he was not he was paying attention to something else anyway I think it was very bad move because he lost wisp and now lost scout you don't think it's worth it to do a single water elemental detonate 40 42 experience its depend for example if you play warden and each experience is very important for level 3 okay but now demon hunter and experience no reason not a big deal yeah tell us who but scott scout so now is more important and when you look at the map for me what do you see low light doesn't know much right yes very very inside here by foggy yeah but first night off its but you can split you can you can kill one with I give how much six P 96 16 yeah so there's a few ways he could use the book of the day what it does is it summons for skeleton melee warriors for skeleton archers you can split them in almost eight different directions of the wind scout attack different wisps in the night elf base and so on or to help with creeping you can also use them to immediately just all eight of them use on one quick creep cap to for example take something that otherwise relation oh nice what whisper so he stops to teleport to the west you can also use these skeletons now in your own bed try and kill the demon yeah we're estranged that effect didn't make a tower possibly close well that's so ideal local shadows best item in the game sometimes very rare to see the simulation play that late I think and if he goes a little earlier to the expansion that would have been even worse because there's so many poison creeps and that combined with emulation is of course double damage and I think it's not so effective because this map a human can buy shredder and right I think it doesn't matter how many pissant diet because shredder but the Goblin laboratory has not been crashed yet it's further away than it used to be it's in the middle left and middle range of the mountain correct yeah so now he should run and get a shredder yeah great shredder or try to creep because you get to cancel the tower he does that's a pretty big deal no arcane tower was about 70 percent of the way down white screen surrounds one or two footmen died city creeps demon hunter comes in full mana is gonna maybe do some mana burn the downside of emulation of course is that he lacks evasion is way less tanky now you can't really use those spells against mana burn and emulator because it just costs way too much mana so in the late game he will be less tanking if there's a mountain King this demon hunter could be a target I decide to do Booker for training if he gets to a comfortable position it's way too early still for that and very good point they're under attack without the evasion even without mana burn level 2 manta King will be a far greater threat so here we see why it was so important to kill the tower before the DES manager has basically free reign about the workers now with the Malaysian but effect doing a good job and splitting all of them so the area of effective emulation doesn't really work and it helps him to kill to peasants costs a lot of mana he hasn't turned off emulation yet if he turned it off another three seconds too late in his face it's gonna cost him a little bit of food well juice effect it's time to buy a shredder because not enough lumber under sixty two lumber eighty two and he is not even close to getting a shredder we may just have to give up on that dream foggy foggy it's like put me in coach so we saw the Penan brewmaster obviously as the second hero could be strong doesn't have enough experience on the map to creep them up big time so Terina Stan changed a bit right so now before on Terenas you would take one or two of the really important camps as early as you could and then one more bit later on but now there's more important gaps the middle in fact that's like a level seven three pour something right an arc mage so that one drops a pretty nice item so before on Terenas at this point it'll be all green Naga hey kid take Naga Naga so I think effect will rush yeah because for late game it's November yeah he's gonna go finally go for the shredder you can see that he has reserved five food in his army to hire a shredder which costs for food and hundred lumber itself he's not rushing for it his fence his lumber elsewhere perhaps he has made the final investments too we saw him finish a lumber mill maybe he gets the lumber upgrades either way let's let's stop focusing on the lumber and see what else he does the footman drop lower there defend upgrade fire breath comes in it's only level one and will he lose the dryads in such a manner just survives like what is it to HP because nights of Units still not regenerate in the day excuse me if it keeps all the footmen alive but for how much longer stairs Apollonius there is good way to escape if the dryads can't really catch them and they don't seem say hero play without shredder just without lumber gold the light on the way to tier 3 of course bears actually I can't Perkins centrum ready and now it's very good time for rush because night help only now has started Terry he's going over it red support yeah it's changed before this is level 1 3 1 or 3 3 3 or something now orange spot with the Dark Wizard level 8 dropping a great amount of ocean or attack this chemical changes as well used to be level 1 1 3 3 3 now there's some little force be some better items as well more experience I think effector will take to scroll on killing and try rush all that expansion but do you think he will do like in fee style yes towers from very far away as a fallback point like start them on the other side of the bridge build some towers closer and closer and do like an infinity push I think he'll blame more aggressive like proper attack hours in range because far away tower not good because nacho can make Chalmers okay you usually see this like they tower to show off and then they tower over the other side of the water but then you're guarding the shop here I guess there would be nothing to guard if you start that far away and do they actually go to Mira is that against that kind of slow tower and where's our push yes Chalmers is the best option also you can go Mass bears with high upgrades okay and try try kill many towers and just break through use TP and after that he'll enjoy rejuvenation so you either get go the tech riot or the brute force right and then TP out either way the attack is underway it's a pre eighty food attack just as predicted pretty much a timing attack with basic units before the light reaches a critical amount of bears but if we look at the food count for low light it's pretty impressive as well he's only four down and he is at tier 3 yeah I think now it's very good timing for low light bears master bears already a big question how many fairy dragons he have must be at least has one fairy dragon Oh too long for meals you because I was hoping he would do this liberals built fast they cost no lumber and they just only hundred seventy gold very tanky they're gonna be a artificial barrier to hide behind and in the back the tower is coming up I would love to see Blizzard now against the Bears but I think my old boy then fear redirected a lot of damage against the cat micro is very good just take it out what fair drinking the other is dropping two off life goes down as well no more fairy dragons so merrily as co-op killing they can use Castor's freely as how they like there's so much man on the nagas with a big post that's gonna be a lot of fork lightning rain down those bears demon does reach level five though does he saw herself that Himalayas last scroll on healing so good for the demon hunter of the big potion of healing their Nagas still a great damage see Lola light has to retreat a little as the Bears are falling and now he kind of established that there's more towers coming yes the lumber will up for a little blocking I think in fact is it a very good spot still eco food but alliance is level five and a half almost a demon 5.2 almost he's almost at almost five we all know that the metamorphosis ultimate of the demon hunter can turn games around it doesn't really matter how desperate looks before I need more lumber mills yeah he's got the gold he's just repairing the one he has it's like friendship maintaining the one you have before finding new one does he built another lumber mill there we go it can die instantly to fire breath cancel fork lightning on the demon mana burn 7 mana he gets for his efforts the Bears are getting funneled oh very tight corridor one bear chop slow ass cross oh my golly that's a lot of damage on the human army now guys about to fall there no 1700 beautiful swap of the potion there and the demon hunter can he be stopped I got the operator to start a forgets to abandon this attack yes the dust settles we can see that 74 foods alive he's on the higher tech the bear does not go down to the guard tower great micro demon is 5.6 panda must be something like 44.1 at this time 4.5 big army very diverse and effect has fallen back he does not have additional income and with that that was the single most important fight of the game at this point effect we'll have to pull some magic it looks very very tough to come back from this point onwards Hawk what do you think should he go for Blizzard now there but - he need to mortal chimps could take a little too long maybe yeah it doesn't even have the workshop is under siege yeah but he continued to produce reminds I feel like he needs some area of effect to get rid of the Bears because there will be too many and he has basically no block a lion like how many breakers did he have - one yeah that's about it and he's fighting against the clock because he has a worse tick army and he's also fighting against the hero and Zeppelin actually gives experience doesn't it I think it gives expand on combat units that gives experience well think we have to mention of course is the night of have a free Xperia free expansion once the main goal - - I can just walk over the tree of eternity it will take some time but you don't have to build a new Tree of Life Panda a bullish triad magic ok I really messed it up panda gets level 5 from abolish magic from the dryads as fire breath level 3 you see another base coming out for long I it's in the bottom left and in fact it's gonna find that on the way to the expansion there's another 76 food first a 76 food coming up but it only needs a few kills to get demon 6 to transform into position yeah really wide open space you fight on the beach yeah show us chance and it's heading has no blockers usually you would block the Panda with the breakers and try to turn his mana with the feedback ability the breakers have oh yeah lizard oh nice let's see how this goes yeah what's Rifleman's too bad in late-game fairy dragons are coming in and that's gonna deal a lot of damage look at that mana flare on the casters priests and sorceress is dealing additional splash damage that here comes the fire breath with the drunken haze and that's gonna be GG with the first victory to Korea congratulations too long I it with the 2-1 victory over effect the demon interior the harass the lumbered deprivation it worked out in the end and lowlights gets that victory yeah Korea striking back after the big disappointment yesterday they finally have the first achievement of this tournament for them maybe they pick up with the momentum now here we see la lai it's back try he will join us here for a little postgame interview so guys he will be playing in the next games how's that and how comfortable are you feeling for the clan war later on well I think we will win 3-1 on once left at 2 & 2 confident still about it's just one match you'll take happy it's our secret weapon I don't know if it's a secret but it's definitely a weapons very dangerous indeed so next will be the three versus three versus three versus three so you guys have to set up your battle stations and join it yep I hope you have some fun there and to wish you good luck thank you very much do we have a chance to interview the players yes usually I make space for it you can stay I guess and then we have the to play we just think change the players okay thanks guys yes thank you I like to have you by my side man you know that lets pick their brains neo to see what went down in those games it's a pretty interesting once lots of different starting heroes as well as effect and all I'd join us here on the catch the Llyod Congrats oh thank you was it hard or harder than you thought yeah it's really hard when I my water level six I try playing for every six three but it's really helped me the change from one second to force okay Lily did you have experience with this change yet or it's the first time you feel it first time first time yeah so a little disappointing yeah do you think they should maybe reduce it to two or three seconds so you ended up winning that game anyway yes effect you lost the first game you had a comprehensive strategy with steam tanks very good early game you got your expansion up without too much trouble and a nice move with the footmen depleting the mana so that lightning shields could not be used for him to creep early you killed the tree of life at some point and your time portal that yes it's this the point where you feel like you could have done things differently what tell us take us through the game well my ami wasn't that big I had most of my food was in tanks so one my goal was after I kill expansion to make like 100 food air or something but his heroes were too strong he crept the entire map and from that point I was so far behind I couldn't I couldn't win low light in that game you had the warden and you were level four or five and no second hero and then you scared the workshops or the tanks at some point you had didn't have to ponder a second so were you a little concerned a little worried not having panda going up against tanks if he don't build workshop then I will use only one hero right if and when did you discover the workshops when did you find the tech mmm I don't know as when you see the workshop you immediately get the Panda right yes yes and what was the game plan just defend forever and then try to get high-level heroes yes and changing my scare pen of knife and kill agent and go to level 10 Hawk was saying that once you killed his expansion at the 12 o'clock position maybe you should go into mortar teams rather than more tanks yeah we think about that I normally don't like it versus warden because they get nuke so easily especially with the panel also but perhaps I feel like I need more more nice more breaking more wall to protect him just more really yes yeah the second map was very interesting you see using the new keeper of the Grove yeah but you open with skill Trent you get two different mercenary camps of creeps you had a great start what happened what was my plan I tried ii Pender and Baird riot but he's a Smith go to camp so I tried ping Naga and he used TP but I forgot Pierre hunter sore so I very ah I see you were so busy with the micro yeah I see and you did you know that he's going to play mercenary mercenaries like this because she tried to fight him over it on the second spot I didn't think it would go for both I thought think would go for his own so I was quite surprised when he steal my my merlok that was supposed to be your yeah that was mine any guy but I yeah it was a tough beginning and especially his choice of units were quite surprising so I was called baffled I didn't quite know what unit composition would work best yeah the way it's made like every anti-air ahead like try yeah try something and eventually work that that worked out and in the final game low light you made another change again to your strategy yeah it went for demon hunter first hmm but fogey was thinking you're one of the best if not the best warden user against human and it's a great map for warden white a demon called first name I use wooden and second map Koz so I tried 48 why for fun for surprise and it worked yes but I wish I wish Ted book on Expo but no Ted book and he has dead different city but you saw that right yeah you think it's just gonna give a wisp detonation XP I want the staff to his tell her to his engine warp and cancel it expansion but I saw today I wish there so I was like screw it very very cool game and very close to one victory the first one of the tournament correct it needs very good series to start with thank you guys very much now as we said three versus three versus three versus three a lot of threes lots of threes yeah let's just call two threes I think you're one team yeah yeah yeah I think faint him alright so each legend has one Korean and one European grubby who's on your team I was fourth choice in the draft so I had a about average I mean I had like a few options left not entirely down on no options and not the first choice either I chose Lin and Hawke we have some surprises for the for the game so it's not gonna look like what you might expect from us in one-on-one let's put it like that okay we'll see about that the game is coming up twelve players once again we're a lot of fun with the fo face yesterday so let's see what the chaos is bringing us this time we go into a small break here at the Blizzard Warcraft Invitational and then in 90 seconds we'll be back with the action
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 8,804
Rating: 4.8058252 out of 5
Keywords: effect vs lawliet, lawliet vs effect, effect lawliet, lawliet effect, effect, lawliet, effect vs, lawliet vs, wc3inv - kr vs. eu, wc3inv, human, hu, night elf, nightelf, ne, 2018, wc3inv 2018, 1on1, 1v1, neo, remo, remodemo, warcraft 3 blizzard invitational, blizz inv, blizzard, invitational, wc3, inv, blizz, korea vs europe, korea, europe, warcraft, warcraft 3, war3, wc 3, Back 2 Warcraft, B2W, Back2Warcraft, back to warcraft, warcraft III, esports, esl, gamesports, esl-radio, esl tv, rts
Id: J-KifjbEg2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 16sec (5536 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
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