MY CURLS ARE BACK!!! How I nursed my natural hair back to life...

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oh yeah what this definition i'm sure [Music] as you guys can tell by today's title we are finally going to be tackling this natural hair of mine for those of you guys who have been kind of following my journey especially as of recently y'all know that i'm on a journey of nursing my curls back to life after putting entirely too much heat on my hair last year if you don't know about that journey thus far i have some videos on my channel that you can watch after this one to bring you up to speed however before i hop into this i would just like to thank karma for sponsoring this video some of you may remember karma by his farmer name shop tagger which is an app and chrome extension that scans the web to find various ways to save you money now i personally have been obsessing over karma lately because as a lot of y'all know your girl is on a journey of elevating all aspects of my life whether it be my hair my wardrobe home decor for a new apartment like just everything and karma has helped me save hundreds y'all hundreds by keeping me up to date when prices drop and providing me with coupon codes at checkout it's super easy to download it only takes like five seconds and although i mentioned to you guys that karma is an app i highly i mean highly recommend you guys for sure downloading the chrome extension to your desktop because it instantly scans your cart for coupon codes at checkout which is a special feature karma offers only on your computer so the plugin is a must whatever site you go to you can track items save things you're interested in and get notifications via email or mobile push when the item you save comes back in stock is on sale or has an active coupon code just to give you an example of how easy it is let's use one of the products i'll be using in today's video as an example as you can see here all i have to do is click the karma logo on the side of the page then you can manage everything for the item by setting it to alert you when it goes on sale or drops in price not only that you can create your own personalized wishlist to track the items you save all in one place to keep yourself organized and as if all of this wasn't enticing enough for you to go ahead and download karma they also offer a cashback feature which allows you to earn cash via paypal when you shop from some select retailers so if you're somebody like me who's into saving money saving them coins earning cash back i mean i don't know who wouldn't be definitely make sure you click the link in my description box below you get karma's chrome extension so you can start saving them coin cysts and maybe even earn their little money in your pocket all right y'all without further ado let's hop into this video so just like any other typical wash day for me i like to thoroughly drench my hair first before applying any products and separate my hair into four sections for each section i like to apply a heavy-handed amount of conditioner before creating subsections to start detangling now here's my first subsection i finger detangle it first and then once it's fully finger detangled i like to go in with a tangle teaser just to make sure there's no kinks or tangles left and to finish off the section i two strand twist it i repeat the same exact steps and process all throughout my hair making sure that i apply the conditioner finger detangle first going with my tangle teezer not that part then finish off the section with a two strand twist once my hair has been fully detangled and two strand twisted this is what my hair is looking like this makes for the easiest wash day routine if you have type 4 hair ladies and gentlemen now i go ahead and rinse out all that conditioner before i apply shampoo now for this particular wash day routine i switched it up a little bit i am shampooing my hair twice not only because it's dirty but because i'm trying a new hair product to hopefully bring my curls back to life for the first shampoo i decided to use a staple sulfate free shampoo because i knew it wasn't going to be stripping but also do what i needed to do in terms of cleansing my hair now i rinsed that out before applying this new shampoo that i'm trying from this curl lifting collection from aphro g a few of you guys suggested for me to give this line a try when i first announced that i ruined my natural hair so i went ahead and purchased the shampoo curl treatment and curling jelly which you'll see me use throughout this video as for the shampoo though two things that i want to know is that i definitely feel like i got my hair super clean like squeaky clean but i also felt that my hair was super stripped after i rinsed the shampoo out now the second product i tried from their line is this curlific texture treatment this was like a fan fave i watched a lot of youtube reviews and stuff of people using these products before i purchased them myself and i definitely can see why people enjoyed them so much the slip was amazing i definitely started to see my curls coming back and getting more defined than i've seen them be in a long time not to mention all the moisture that i felt like the curlific shampoo stripped from my hair following up with the texture treatment right after replenished it right away take the slowdown clip for example this is before applying any product so right after rinsing out the shampoo once i started applying the curlific texture treatment you guys can see that slip happening the definition is coming my curls are clumping together really well and i feel like overall you can just literally see my hair coming back to life so i continued this process all throughout my hair and this is what my hair was looking like after the texture treatment was put all throughout my hair i decided to go ahead and put it away in a top bun and finish my shower before rinsing it all out quick update so i left the curling thick texture treatment in my hair technically it said it only should sit in your hair for one minute i feel like that's super unrealistic especially if you have type 4 natural hair so i just essentially left it in like any other deep treatment or hair mask well actually no because typically i would leave it in a bun put a plastic bag on and then throw a beanie on and let it do what it do i didn't want to do all that today but i did make sure that i left it in for a decent amount of time while i finished each twist and then it told me to rinse it out in cold water when i finished that was a little unpleasant but i will say my hair does definitely feel a lot softer and stuff so let me go ahead and put on some clothes real quick and we can get into this styling process around the looks of my hair just before even taking any twists down or anything i'm not gonna lie i feel like i haven't seen my hair look this moisturized in a while now like i said that shampoo was hella stripping my hair felt super dry what was that squeaky clean type of dry whereas as soon as i put on the texture treatment i instantly felt like that moisture go back into my hair and the slip was amazing just from the looks and feel of it my hair feels super soft that dryness is for sure going from the shampoo so i'm happy about that i'm gonna now try the curl lifted curl definer go with a nice little close-up and my hair smells so good my hair was dirty y'all like dirty all right let's go ahead and try out this curl definer might have been too much the scent of this and the uh texture treatment products it smells so pleasant kind of like a floral perfume but it's light it's not like super potent where it's like wait a minute what do y'all i'm up here talking about the sensing stuff do y'all see did y'all just see that wait a minute i might be tripping i might be tripping make sure the products all through this section oh baby yeah yeah just trying to pop them curls i know y'all see the clumps starting to happen back there wow my curls look super nice with this product on it y'all see that come now come on i'm gonna go ahead and actually rock my hair as a twist out though instead of a wash and go just because with wash and goes i usually get like so many single strand knots and i'm on my healthy hair journey again you know so anything i can do to avoid unhealthiness for my hair i'm gonna try to do so i'm gonna go ahead and twist this joint up but did y'all see that definition oh my gosh i'm gonna twirl that bad boy around all right that's one now i'm going to go ahead and kind of montage the rest of this process um can we just acknowledge this definition though like what this is dang me or better than uh before my hair went into crisis mode like the definition and the coil in the like i'm just i am shook y'all this this that product right here this this that product [Music] i don't know about y'all but i'm excited i haven't been this excited over my hair in a minute i know y'all saw that definition this stuff is like hair crack if you've never tried this and you're dealing with similar issues as i was or might still be we'll see once i take down my twist up but if you are dealing with life just your curls not popping like they used to or maybe they've never been popping at all definitely try out that product but these are my end results you guys the coils and the ends of my hair look so nice and juicy and defined i am so excited y'all so i will see you guys when it's time to take my hair down what up beauty gang so we are back it's been a few days my hair is totally and completely dry i'm so excited to take it down to see these results now i will say one thing i did notice however about the product i used it did leave a little bit of white residue over the past few days i've been trying to kind of get rid of it through water or oil or whatever but there's still a little bit left it's honestly not too big of a deal for me because i'm honestly just trying to figure out what my definition is looking like if it has no residue and flakes and stuff that's cool i just want to see what the curls is looking like so without further ado let's get into this oh my freaking gosh y'all do y'all see this definition those who watch the more recent video when i was saying like i ruined my natural hair y'all can already tell just from the tape down and the definition from the takedown that this is already about to be a different twist out this is how i remember my hair cooperating y'all i think this product might have really done it but my hair feels so nice and healthy too it's time to separate that's going to be the real telltale sign i feel like i need to change out of this robe though because i'm sure more flakes are going to fall and it's the black robe so my curls are back you guys bruh this definition is just wow i'd like to thank god okay good show i'd like to thank aphro g's curlific curl definer and i'd like to thank myself for not giving up on my hair all seriousness though it looks so freaking healthy i know i keep giving y'all close-ups i'm just shook by this definition like i just did not know my hair was gonna come through like this wow all right i'm gonna go ahead and manipulate it a little bit slay my edges and then i will be back so you guys can see the final results oh my gosh and for anybody who's like dang i wish you would show it i have tons of youtube videos showing how i do my twist outs and even like how i stretch my twist outs and all of that so i'll link some in the description box below if you're interested to see that process but you know i'm just i'm just trying i'm just trying to see what this is all right bb games so i am back all glammed up stretch my hair just a little bit i mean a teeny weeny little bit this is a blow dryer a lot of my og's have seen often i literally just stretched the roots a tad i'm not going to play around with that heat too much i'm still standing by what i said earlier when i first thought i really ruined my hair limiting the amount of heat that i use on it so it can continue to flourish so i am just so flabbergasted honestly by the definition of my hair y'all this is kind of like to be honest one of the best twist outs i've ever had especially when that day three day four hair hits it's over with but until then this is what we got and i'm very happy with it still so i really hope you guys enjoyed this video i know i did okay i got my hair back if you guys are interested in any of the products that i use they will be linked in the description box below as well as again check out that karma link start creating your own list of favorites start working on your money management start working towards less impulsive buying like this is that year for us y'all let's get it together okay but again really hope you guys enjoyed this video let me give you 1360. i don't know about wig season anymore y'all this has really inspired me and made me have a newfound appreciation for my natural hair but that's all i have for you guys so until next time bye [Music]
Channel: Isimeme Edeko
Views: 140,438
Rating: 4.9810004 out of 5
Keywords: natural hair, damaged, how I nursed my curls back, curly, wash day, routine, Halfrican beaute, isimeme edeko, type 4 hair, twistout, curlific, texture treatment, hair mask
Id: 0TGDL6Cet7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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