Getting My THICCCC Type 4 Hair All The Way Together | WASH DAY

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hey you guys it's jess welcome back to my channel so you know what time it is these are coming out it's been fun it's been fun being a dread head but i'm over it i'm i'm over it i don't want to see it no more i want to go back to my natural hair my natural curls so it's just going to be a little regular wash day routine video but for today's video i'm going to do a wash and go which i haven't done in a very long time and we're going to go back to the basics we're going to bring it back home back where we belong you know home is where the hardness i'm going back to the products that i use all the time the ones that have never failed me i know like as natural hair girls like we can just continue to buy products by products by products and then we'll find something that works perfectly but then something else comes out and something else comes out and something else comes out and then it's like all of a sudden we're like oh my gosh i need to find the perfect product combo when we have it already you know so you already know if you know me for the wash and go you know which two products i'm talking about right now if you know put it in the comment section right now you know where i'm going with this but we'll get to that in a second so first i'm just gonna go ahead and take these out of my head can we talk about this crust can we talk about this crust hello can we talk about this i don't know how you guys do it i can't do it anymore sir ma'am i don't know i don't know i'm just gonna take this out the rest of this video might be a voiceover i'm not sure but let's just get on into it let me tell you something real quick the way this braid tried to expose me so many times in the past three weeks like all right so just a regular take down there's nothing really to see here i just wanted to shout out these you know crochets that i used if you guys have not seen the installation video yet i suggest you go ahead and watch that the hair held up very well but i also am here just to show you guys my new friends on top of my head these gray hairs they came out of nowhere and i didn't expect them to come so quick but you know i'm gonna leave them right there you know i'm gonna stick beside him i'ma stick beside him [Music] [Music] we're gonna wash our hair now i think i'm gonna do a bentonite clay treatment because i just want this wash and go to be everything and more oh my gosh look how crusty yeah let's switch on up into the bathroom and oh my gosh okay let's go so shout out to kiss colors and care for sending me their ancient mine indian healing clay also known as bentonite clay for the boys and girls we're no stranger to this clay especially on my channel i've used it plenty of times i really just enjoy the way it makes my hair feel the curls the curls be popping you can't deny it so we're going to go ahead and use that today and i'm just going to mix it with the apple cider vinegar that they also sent me that came with it i think the main key here is to make sure you're not using it with a metal spoon or bowl use plastic or whatever else you got just not metal and depending on how thick or long your hair is it's going to depend on how many scoops you want i did a little bit extra so i could use some on my face a little bit later so i'm just going to mix it until i get it to the consistency that i'm looking for so with my low porosity hair i always have to sit underneath the water for at least five minutes to get my hair soaking wet with the bentonite clay out i like to make sure my hair is wet every strand i need every strand to be soaked up soft up so i have to sit underneath the water i have to part my hair to make sure the water is hitting every single strand like low porosity it's a little ghetto but we work with what we have so this is my hair right now with zero products in it um it's in its natural state this is what she's looking like we know her we love her and this is just what it is so i'm just gonna start parting my hair so that i can start applying the bentonite clay from root to tip so like i said it's much easier to apply if your hair is soaking wet that's why i went ahead and just make sure it was drenched um and we're just not gonna act like the curls don't start to get activated once they're in there it's it's giving curls and that's really all i was asking for so i'm trying to keep going through while i'm doing it i'm kind of detangling a little bit because you definitely can't detangle your hair after it starts to dry so i'm trying to do it a little bit at the same time and just let it do what it's doing and as we can see it's giving what it was supposed to have gave so we love that energy so i'm gonna let it sit for a little bit and then i'm just gonna wash it out with warm or rinse it out with warm water and then i'm gonna carry on with the rest of my wash day [Music] so this is what my hair looks like with no product this is right after i rinse the bentonite clay treatment out of my hair we already know this is just what it does that healing clay mask always gets my curls to clump together so well so i think that's just um a great start for a fantastic wash and go so i always have to rinse my hair again before i put in my deep conditioner because i love to do it on soaking wet hair because it absorbs way better so the deep conditioner i'm using is my apogee apple g apogee texture treatment y'all know this is my baby you know this is my baby i haven't used it in a while but like i said i'm going back to my stable products and this always gets my curls together so i'm just going to go ahead and put that in my hair usually i apply it in small sections but when i had just know look i'm over it okay wash day was taking way too long so i kind of did it in thick sections but it still did what i had to do so i'm let that sit in my hair for a little bit and then we'll move on to the next step all right so quick skincare break so um kiss also sent me a skin typing chart so you just rub that piece of paper on your forehead or on your cheek and you can compare your results with the chart that it has according to my results it looks like i have dry to normal skin which sounds about right my face be dry okay so i'm just using the remainder of the mask that i had left over and i'm just gonna put it on my face give my face some tlc um it's very good for clarifying your face and removing all the impurities and sucking all that stuff right out so just gonna give my face a little bit of tlc before we move back on into these curls okay [Music] so i just went ahead and patted my face with a rag just lightly not too dry and then i just enjoy the results it's giving smooth it's giving luscious it's giving beautiful skin period so back on into the hair i'm just gonna go ahead and use my staple products i put in some leave-in conditioner also by kiss but i just didn't show it on camera because who has time who has time so i'm just splitting my hair into sections like i always do i'm doing my normal process and you know i had to bring back my taliyah jeed curly curl cream you guys i swear by this if i was deserted on an island these are the two products that i would bring with me because it has never failed me works every time works for a wash and go worked for the twist out works for the braid out it's just probably it's probably my favorite combo i don't know why i keep trying new things i just don't know but it does what it needs to do and this is what my hair looks like you love the slow-mo because i know i oh ooh who is she who is she she's giving moisturize she's giving healthy she's giving healthy she's giving type 4 can do it okay she's giving type 4 can do it so that's what i'm going to do throughout the rest of this video it's giving length also it's giving quick length check with a humble a humble length check that's what that was so it's just really getting my curls together and that's what i'm going to do throughout the rest of the video oh my gosh girl i did not have to start on y'all this way but i chose to do it anyways and it's good it's good [Music] all right so this is the back section of my hair still wet it's not dry or anything for the most part the back section of my hair behaves pretty well it's pretty consistent back there it's kind of when we get to the front where my hair starts doing its own thing and it's um it's very unruly in the front um i've tried so many different things and it just keeps doing what it wants to do so i just had to maneuver it and accept it and let it do what it wants to do um but yeah the front of my hair is just like a looser texture but also it's like a lazy texture it kind of just doesn't get with the program but it's okay we're not tripping over it i'm fine with that so just finishing off the top of my hair [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so this is my hair the next day it's about 95 dry i want to apologize for this camera angle i really thought i was doing something turns out the whole bottom of my head is cut off but this is what my hair is looking like beautiful luscious i'm you know i'm i'm over here giving myself compliments because i really like the way my hair turned out there are some parts in my hair that have no business acting the way it's acting and i'm going to show you in a quick second like some parts in the front like the very front is fine but like that top middle it kind of doesn't clump together that well no matter what i do but i really have just learned to ignore it you gotta ignore your bullies okay because if you give them attention they're just gonna continue to bother they bother you so i'm just like girl i don't see you you ain't you ain't got no business here so that's just what it is so no biggie that's just how my hair works we love her we accept her for who she is so that's just my hair right now and i'm gonna go ahead and blow dry it off camera i have plenty videos of me stretching we're not gonna act like that transition wasn't spectacular come on give me some credit and that's really it so i hope you guys enjoyed this video back to my basic products it does what it needs to do i promise i'm wearing a shirt it's a tube top love you guys so much and i'll see you in my next video bye you
Channel: OnlyOneJess
Views: 87,294
Rating: 4.9714527 out of 5
Id: 5TZUkNNm_t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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