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hey guys it's jess welcome back to my channel y'all this light is coming in from the sun and it's giving me a dot right here get away from me all right that's better hey guys it's whoa way too excited hey guys it's jess welcome back to my channel so for today's video we've got another we're testing out a product today that's what we're doing we're testing our products so i've got a few people tagged me on instagram on their profile or whatever and i've seen them myself and i'm like damn these curls look good and i want to be a part of this i do so um they're from ghana i actually they sent me these because i emailed her because they're like you know sliding the dms if you want to purchase so i said in the dms fully ready to give you guys my money but she was like you know we'll just send them to you and i was like thank you thank you so much i'm going to insert a clip really quick of the the videos that got me like they really got me good like i was just like i don't know what's in the stuff i mean i guess i could check the uh ingredients but that just takes all the fun out of it you know so they sent me three of their items they sent me their nappy curl definer we've got the nappy curl definer linolen oil is this linolen i feel like it's the linolen oil put the youtube hand for the focus there we go that youtube hand does it every time and this is the kicker this is what i'm really excited to try today this is the cocoa black naturals curling custard so this is the one that i am excited to try today give us a youtube hand focus perfect it says it's great for type three and four hair and actually so i just posted that i was gonna do a review on this and curly chris i don't know if you guys know curly press she wrote back and said that she just did one so then i suggest you guys watch her too because her hair is her hair's so nice um anyhow [Music] this is what it looks like on the inside that's interesting that's very interesting so the products are made in ghana ghana chef's kiss everything that's produced from ghana is magic okay i'm gonna go ahead and wash my hair my hair is honestly still in pretty good condition since i did the maximum hydration method but you know we gotta make these videos so i'm gonna go wash it out not bringing you guys with me because i'm still scarred from recording for like five hours in the shower with that maximum hydration method my bathroom is still a mess so yeah you're not coming with me you know i'll be back you're not coming okay you're not coming so yeah oh yeah but i thought it would still be nice to show you guys um what my hair is looking like over a week after i did it the curls are still juicy and hydrated so highly recommend the maximum hydration method okay bye okay guys so really quick i just wanted to show you my hair straight out the shower and i just i don't know why i haven't been putting on my leave-in conditioner in the shower all this time i mean this is just my second time doing it and why did anybody tell me i know this has nothing to do with today's video i'm so sorry but usually when i come out the shower okay son hello bro i'm telling y'all this time change is really messing up with my schedule okay i'm back so i air dried for like four minutes before i realized the sun's going down in 30 minutes and i don't have time for this so okay so i'm just gonna go ahead and get started so again we're going in with the cocoa black naturals curling custard i showed you guys what it looked like earlier but in case you skip over me talking i don't blame you this is what it looks like inside let's do a texture feel oh interesting definitely does not feel like eco styler gel or any gel i've ever felt in my entire life all right so of course we're going to start with the back i'm going to try to run through this before this sun goes down whose idea was this time change thing it makes no sense to me like what really is the reason if someone can really comment below and tell me what the real reason is for a time change i'd appreciate it so right now i only have a leave-in conditioner in on my hair i'm actually going to use their lanolin oil and use that for my loc whoa this stuff is thick that's thick okay all right throw this on my hair interesting i'm not knocking anything i'm just i don't know if my leave-in and the oil are really working together or not i don't know all right so let's just work in smallish sections put this up all right so i'm up close and personal right now because i want y'all to see up close what we're working with so i'm just going to use my tangle teezer brush to detangle my hair this also really helps to clamp my curls together and now we're just gonna go in with this product so i know you guys saw me smelling it earlier it literally smells like johnson and johnson's like baby powder yeah it's giving me giving me baby powder for sure i'm gonna start off with just this much a little bit and my roots just go down ah i can already tell this is gonna be a winner i can already tell i can already tell you know what usually this piece of my hair is usually the one that makes me look at a product like what do y'all have going on but i can already tell they just are built different in ghana okay you guys are built different woof [Music] hmm gosh whoa this thing is juicy i know i say it all the time y'all probably tired of me but when the product is producting i don't know what to tell you okay the curls are curling the product is producting and i'm gonna tell you let's go in a little bit more before i jump the gun we're not gonna do that so i'm gonna do a little bit bigger of a section this time so i'm going in with this much sorry my roots carefully work it through in the video they were like combing it through but my hair doesn't respond to those type of hair tools in my hair when i'm trying to define it it just gets frizzy so i just use the tools that god gave me you know the hands and then i'm gonna shingle all right so i'm backing up a little bit because my camera is like feeling disrespected with how close i am without a mask on my camera said six feet baby all right i'm gonna run through a little bit more before i say anything i just want to give it a really really fair shot because i am known for doing like one part of my hair and then getting so excited or being so disappointed and then the whole video changing rapidly so i'm gonna go through a few more parts and then i'll tell you guys how i feel oh baby i'm sorry i'm trying not to say anything but what are y'all doing with this product oh my god it's giving me sorcery it is oh no i don't know i don't like it it's too good the product is a little too good and it's making me it's making me a little uncomfortable to be honest i'm kind of like are y'all giving me uh a jerry curl perm right now it's just hmm nope i don't like it i don't like it i'm sorry i don't like this product because it's too good and anything that's too good ain't good for you i'm sad nope [Music] i'm just gonna go ahead and reread these um products because i didn't see anything about jesus's tears being in the ingredients and there's got to be some jesus in here y'all think y'all slick huh hello it's too good i don't know it's untrustworthy that's what it is it's untrustworthy if you're putting a jerry curl perm in my hair just say that no it's too good not a frizzing sight i don't i don't prove i don't approve of that it's cheating you know it's a little cheating it's too good it's too good americans could never i i could never like why didn't i come up with this you know all right so i had to relocate to my bathroom the sun is gone the sun is down but my curls are up they're up i just do y'all see do y'all see this really hope my camera is in focus because i need y'all to see this [Music] somebody better start talking like this is so good it's really good so i usually do a middle part i think i'm going to do a side part on today like when someone figures it out just call me let me know just let let me know you know side parts wow that might be the absolute worst part i've ever done in my entire life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay guys i am all done putting the product in my hair um loving the energy i'm feeling in my hair oh my gosh it's so good i am really really really enjoying this product i will say after after a while it's not really smelling smelling like powder anymore and giving me i don't know it smells like something else now and it's not a strong scent but the scent did change after like a lot of it built up and standing here right now i don't smell it but while i was putting on my hair i'm like what happened to the johnson and johnson like that scent kind of went away but yeah that's all i really have for right now i am going to come back in the morning because i know last video y'all were like are you gonna show us the dried results or what are you doing sis so i will come back in the morning there's still a lot a lot left in here okay i'm gonna see you guys tomorrow well hello you guys it is the next day i know you're excited to see my hair and see how it dried okay so [Music] okay okay all right okay okay all right it's first of all every single curl is still there every single curl is still there but my hair oh my gosh it's so hard can you guys hear this my hair is really hard but i mean all the curls are still there but i'm not mad at it i'm not mad because hard curls mean they're gonna last longer all i'm gonna do you know what where's that linolen the lanolin what it's called all right so i'm just gonna use the oil that they sent over and use that to help try to break the gel cast a little bit i don't want to break it too much because i'm really not tripping that much but it i can't it can't can y'all hear that i don't know if y'all can hear that but it's crazy um put some of that in there nice and slow nope still there um okay let me show you guys the back so the curls are still good i'm really not tripping at all what i'm going to do now off camera because i've done this a million times but i'm going to go ahead and stretch my hair if you don't know how to stretch my hair i will leave a video in the description box also something i want to point out is um some of my ends like i need to trim really really bad so some of these ends that you see just kind of in the league of their own they gotta go but i'm not gonna do it today but i just wanna point that out really quick i also wanna point out that i actually was able to lay my edges with this gel and eco style gel could never they could never it's still holding from last night i don't slept on and everything so i'm gonna go ahead and stretch my hair and then i'll be back to show you guys what it looks like [Music] [Music] all right guys so these are my results and we're not just gonna sit here and act like this isn't my best wash and go to date um i think it is i yeah i think so so just a few well we know what the pros are already but just a few cons my hair is still extremely crunchy like i can't even really i can't i can't i can't fluff my roots because my hair is stuck together so there is no picking of the roots my hair just gonna have to grow over time and there is a little bit of flaking i don't know if you'll be able to see it because yeah you can see it it's like gray though it's not the regular white flaking i think because the product was black but the flakes are like dark gray but you can't see them in my hair at all so that's a huge plus zero flakes my hair is nice and defined all the way through look yeah so it's a guess from me it definitely yes for me i'll go ahead and leave all of the information in my description box i really hope you guys enjoyed this video like i did and i will see you guys in my next one bye wait hold on i missed something um also i know you guys are probably gonna be like okay that's great it works on your hair but does it work on 4c hair i'm going to really try to get my man he has 4c hair i'm going to really try to get him on camera well it's not really him it's me i'm like i don't really know if i want you on camera yet but i'm probably going to use the back of his head because he is 4c from root to tip okay in all four sections of his head he's 4c so i'm going to try to use this product on his hair and see if it works on 4c hair as well so we're going to try i can't make any promises but that is on the schedule okay but other than that again thank you for watching my video and i'll see you in my next one bye
Channel: OnlyOneJess
Views: 663,023
Rating: 4.939826 out of 5
Id: DvlzUUIQslY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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