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hello beautiful people welcome back welcome to it  is your girl Zenita and as you can see we looking   a little dry okay we looking a little crisp crusty  okay it is officially wash day and wash day came   early for me that's the show i'm really trying  with this hydration business you guys so this is   seven day uh wash and go since i have my hair done  at the salon and this is what we looking like she   looks so big you know although she dry she looks  so big so fluffy some juicy whatever but we gonna   put some moisture back into her so i really wanted  to do this video to see if i could actually still   get the salon results um from home especially  because i know not everyone necessarily has access   to a natural hair salon and also you know we are  in this whole like what is it called pandemonium   pandora pandarific you know we ain't  something like that so i wanted to go ahead   and see if i can recreate this wash and go  from home honey so for my shampoo i'm using   the cream of nature moisture and shine shampoo um  and i believe this is like the salon size version   now if you are new or you may not know this was  already my one of my og shampoos the original   version i believe this is like the salon size so  i already knew what it was when it came to this   actually i've never really tried them apparently  this is a new formula i've had like the old old   bottle that you can pick about like walmart  or anywhere else um but as you can see like   i literally just went in with one little dipping  double of the shampoo and my whole head was being   able to be saturated and it was setting up which  i love in my shampoos now i'm not gonna lie after   my trip to the salon i've been walking around here  like zanita this science gal yeah um you know just   like really paying attention to what my products  and what everything is doing oh my god my hair   is so short i'm still getting like the whole time  through this wash day process you're going to see   me continuously notice oh my gosh my hair is so  short but i did this little trick on my brother   sorry brother i'm gonna put you out there it is  what it is but i did this trick on my brother   where i was shampooing um his hair and i noticed  the shampoo just kept dissolving in the hair like   it was just disappearing and i was like hold up  wait a minute where'd it go and i realized that it   was attaching to the dirt in his hair so it wasn't  setting up like you see on my hair as is like it   wasn't able to just completely saturate the hair  it just kept dissolving and so if you're someone   and you're shampooing and you notice that you  know your shampoo isn't setting like it used to   that means you need to go in and do a couple more  washes until it is sitting on your head like this   and it could completely sud up and it completely  just you know uh make bubbles and and trouble   and all that razzle dazzle stuff because if  it's just dissolving that means there's still   a lot of build up on the hair that it's  attaching to that it's trying to get rid of   now y'all look peep this i was actually able to  snag this completely by accident i did not know   where i would even be able to find this i honestly  was thinking of just like amazon but i was in the   beauty supply store just lollygagging like  i usually do that is like your publix is my   beauty land like i'm in the hair store more  times than i need to be both sally and the   beauty supply store equally okay and i found this  coincidentally at the counter and i was like man   i would like to take one i believe it was like  1.29 something like that really really cheap i   did not even know they sold it in the store um  but it's definitely a little bit rougher than   my silicone scalp massager i use it on the scalp  it's definitely a little just you know a little   bit more edge to it but i do think that it's a lot  easier to use especially in the shower versus like   going in with like a comb or brush that has a  handle especially since it just wraps around   my finger so once i went ahead and shampooed  i just rinsed everything out oh look at that   oh look at the shape shaping in the shower okay  but i made the executive decision that i only   needed to rinse my hair once since i did not have  that much build up which means wet faster wash day   so now i'm going in and i'm using the conditioning  treatment i decided to stay away from shampoos   and conditioners that i noticed had any oils like  heavy oils that were not really moisture friendly   so i stuck with this salon line versus the other  cream of nature which is the dry defense where   their main oil ingredient is coconut oil just to  you know be on the safer side because i really   wanted to kind of just recreate the same thing and  i know that certain oils interfere with moisture   so again i told you zanita this science got paying  attention to what's in my hair and y'all this   conditioner i was actually pleasantly surprised  because i banished conditioners from my wash day   routine and the lady was like nah bring them back  bring back bring it back um because truthfully   you should only be be using deep conditioners when  your hair needs intense moisture which in my case   every time i was washing my hair every two to  three weeks it did but in this case when you are   washing your hair regularly your hair should not  need a deep conditioner every time and sometimes   most of your deep conditioners are flooded with  oils too and i'm not saying that all oils are bad   but for this case i am going for you know i'm on  a hydration journey so i am trying to stay away   from anything that prevents water from entering  my hair and there are certain products that have   a binding agent that allows the water and the  oil to work together but i don't know i don't   remember the scientific terms you gave me i'm  not that much of the bill not the science gal   kind of thing just yet so i you know i was just  you know being a little weary making sure that the   products i was using wasn't defeating the whole  purpose of my hydration journey and i decided to   go in and use the brush to try to detangle here  um but my hair was matted so i realized with this   little detangling brush situation i need to go in  and do a little finger um detangling myself and   even though i added a quite a bit of conditioner  that i'm normally used to honestly going in and   adding lots of conditioner i decided to try out  the trick of where you just add a little bit more   water instead of more conditioner if you need a  little bit additional slip i forgot where i saw if   you remember please let me know who you saw from  down below because i want to get a girl credit um   but i believe i saw this little video on tick tock  from um this other woman that was in the salon   talking about detangling and so i just went in and  add more water as you can see that conditioner is   setting up rubbed up dub so i just went in and  i finger detangled first and then i revisit my   little komi comb and i realized it was just a lot  easier to go in and smooth the one thing i do love   about this though is you can really really get  into it with this little comb right here don't be   don't be fooled by by her demeanor okay don't be  fooled by her size because i feel like i can get   really close to the roots i can get really close  you know to to jesus um i could just get really   close to the hair and make sure that it's really  nice and detangled and smooth and y'all want you   to tangle with this thing because you can really  just get into it like your fingers just glow okay   like slip and slide glide through the hair and  i like this because i feel like when i detangle   i can go in and smooth the hair and go right  in with my fingers to just reactivate my curls   and this is how my hair i lost using this thing i  thought honestly i'd be bald-headed running this   thing through my hair um especially because in the  salon i could hear it in my hair and i was like oh   sweet baby jesus i wonder how much hair i lost but  i did not lose that much hair using this in there   so if you're worried about it pulling girl it  ain't doing that okay your hair stronger than that   this time i decided to go ahead and show you guys  what it's like if i just went in with more water   and less conditioner to see if you can actually  still get that same effect because maybe listen we   gonna save money all 2021 the stimulus check still  has not hit okay so we gonna save this money all   right and this time i went in with a little bit  more water and i started out detangling with the   brush at the ends and as you can see it just it  just be activating i really think that this brush   helps actually just really activate the products  on the hair and essentially create more because   it's smoothing it down so you essentially get to  see how much product you really have in the hair   so i just went straight in with the brush this  time no finger detangling and just a little bit   more water to really make sure that my hair was  nice and smooth and i just again i love that i can   go in with this product smooth the hair down and  then reiterate my curls right after because i feel   like that's what really just makes this washing go  popping okay so i re-listened to that last part i   don't know why i said popping with such violence  but you know y'all get the point anyways now i'm   gonna go ahead and actually let this conditioner  set in my hair and it does actually say to do that   on the bottle it says to let the conditioner sit  on the hair for about 10 minutes or so so we're   still technically deep conditioning but we don't  need an extra deep conditioner to go right after   this process or we shouldn't if we are taking care  of our hair as we should and your conditioner is   doing what it's supposed to do so i just went in  with a little you know plastic cap and then i also   wanted to just really tap in since i'm not using  my heated cap i decided to just take a plastic bag   and put that on top of it so that it really  locks in while i take my little steamy shower   so after i finish doing my little thing for about  10 to 15 minutes or so um this is what my hair was   looking like now normally i usually would say like  the conditioner penetrates my hair if i don't see   it on my hair but i still felt like my hair was  super hydrated and moisturized even though like   you can still see the conditioner and for having  it sit on for like 10 seconds with no additional   heat i think it did pretty well so you just see  me screaming because i went in with soaking cold   water to just lock in all the curls all that  moisture and get my hair prepped and ready for   this wash and go i will say that once my hair is  now detangled i can get a little bit more accurate   of the length and uh status update she's still  short but my hair definitely feels really really   smooth and really really hydrated so i'm really  happy with the little shampoo conditioner combo   that i decided to work with today and while i'm  rinsing out the conditioner i'm making sure to   rinse it out really really well because your girl  found the gels that's used in my hair and i do not   want anything to disrupt this process i really  want to try and be on that same level of sorcery   that she was on so i'm making sure to rinse out  the conditioner really well and then once i do   that i'm going back in and making sure that my  hair is fully saturated with water just loaded   with a whole bunch of water because i want to see  if i could do she did and just have you know water   locked into my hair now normally this is where  i would leave the shower but no not today baby   not today we doing it all in the shower we are  literally washed and going everything should be   done before i step foot out of my shower so now  i'm going to go in with the gel so the first gel   that i'm using is the main choice do it for the  fro gel um this gel it just kind of reminds me   of like the perfect combination of like a custard  but also a gel um not thick like eco but also not   super super runny and i just had to look up what  the hell was this black stuff in it but apparently   it has black charcoal and black cumin in it to  remove impurities and allow nutrients and moisture   into the hair to encourage your true texture to  blossom okay honey so yeah so i just went in and   i took a nice little scoopity scoop of that  stuff and applied it all through my hair no   sections okay not yet not just yet i just went  in and made sure that i completely lathered it   in my hair was still dripping at this point so  i was like okay you know when's the magic on   kicking so i went back in for another nice little  scoopity scoop of this stuff she used a generous   generous amount of this gel on my hair and i  still just can't get over how this thing looks i   actually am curious to see how this would work on  hair that is not dark like if you have maybe like   a lighter blonde or something to see if that color  transfers i'm just quite curious to see and so   after i went in with the second scoop i just made  sure to really work the product in and by the way   there is the name butter gel it is called the  butter gel and maybe that thing be slipping and   sliding but once i started slipping and sliding it  through my hair and just completely gliding it in   the hair y'all peep this no water none nothing  was dripping nothing was hanging nothing was   swinging i was like oh my goodness and then  i remembered there was this huge tick tock   thing where people were making extra gel with eco  styler gel by just adding water and i'm just like   duh not only does you know the main ingredient  in gel is water but i believe that what allows   it for your hair to not still be dripping wet  with the gel in the hair is that the water just   completely infuses with the gel and locks it  in or it just makes more gel either way sorcery   so i went ahead and decided to go ahead and  start creating my sections and my parts in my   hair because i like a nice deep old side part and  you'll notice that i'm not going in and sectioning   my hair i'm gonna just be real honest with you i'm  really trying to watch get out of here okay i'm   the shingling and the detangling that's cute  that's real cute for the salon but now that i'm   home i'm trying to be gone amen amen okay so i'm  just going in and making sure that i really rake   in this product into the hair and just smooth  it in and i'll do like fairly decent sections   once i have most of the main choice gel in this  is where i'll go in and actually use the second   gel she says that she doesn't prefer using the  main choice by itself like she doesn't like the   results alone so she goes in with the aunt jackie  flaxy gel which i feel like we all have at least   had some sort of experience with this gel and i  would say that i have used this gel alone itself   but i don't think i was particularly that fond of  the results when i used it maybe with like another   cream or something of that nature wasn't i didn't  really care for the results like that but baby   when you mix these two together i don't know what  it is but they just complement each other so well   i feel like the flax seed gel on jackie's gel  just really adds that extra hold um and the main   choice gel just really goes in and brings out your  texture and i think it has a bit of hold itself   but i feel like that flax seed gel is what's going  to give you that elongation of your wash and goes   and i feel like it just clumped my hair so much  like you already see that my hair is starting to   get a little bit more weighed down in comparison  to when i just went in with the main choice gel   and it just gives you hella hella definition  so in this one they didn't use that much they   just use a smaller amount to kind of just coat  the hair and honestly i think she's even in the   works of creating a product that just does exactly  what these two do in one which oh baby when i get   my hands on it when i get my hands on it but for  now you know these products will do and y'all i'm   just like do y'all see this curl definition  do you see the curls the do you see them   like who are they i don't even recognize them wow  insane so i just went in and added a little bit   more of the flaxseed gel wherever i seemed fit to  really make sure that my curls were clumped and i   prefer this method honestly because i just feel  like my curls just look so much better clumped   versus detangling it and then going in and like  finger shingling it but y'all look at the bounce   look at the girl look at the juicy juicy  like do y'all see this are you seeing it are   we see are you seeing what i'm seeing what i'm  seeing or you see it okay yes now i went ahead   and moved out of the shower and i believe this is  honestly what my hair is looking like after just   probably like 10 to 15 minutes of being out of the  shower and y'all could really get into these curls   get into the definition get into the juicy tell me  oh my gosh i'm just so i really hope that does not   end up being super loud in you guys hair like i'm  just looking at this footage and i'm just like wow   curls pop it okay now while the ends of  my hair honestly already started drying i   you know there's just a group of individuals  that like to take their time and it's my roots   okay i don't know i feel like they just like  the attention or whatever but even when i was   at the salon my roots were the reason why i was  under that hooded dryer forever and a day so i   just went in with my diffuser to make sure that i  just target my roots and to get them nice and dry   also so that the roots weren't super frizzy and  i had definition running throughout my entire   head so i had me a little dry and jam session  on sand so i actually blow-dried my hair for   about 15 minutes and my hair was honestly almost  completely dry i let it dry a little bit longer   while i did my makeup and all that extra stuff  and well um i'll just let you see for yourself i'm real hype because i did a wash and go  in eight minutes what like my whole head   was defined in eight minutes my hair is already  dry like like it's four o'clock i could go out   to dinner and be still in the painting i could  wash my hair style it dry it profile it put on   a beat and be ready to go on a date in a couple  hours imagine if i wasn't even filming oh my gosh   so first and foremost my hair is super duper soft  there are no flakes my hair feels moisturized   but it does not feel oily i actually think my hair  feels more moisturized than actually when i had   originally had my hair done at the salon um i  don't know if that's also could be in clay of   the shampoo and conditioner that i used or  just because like i just went in and just   breaks it all in or whatever the case may be so  there's there's a couple of things that could   um factor that in or maybe i didn't  go in and use as much geller so   i don't i don't know what the case is but  baby the gel the gels together work okay   we ain't got nothing in here but water and gel  in jesus okay water gel in jesus like do you   like this just feels it just feels so good  like you guys like you guys like you guys   honestly i'm not even gonna flex i was sitting  here like oh i want to grow my hair out but this life is like right there you know it's  like right there like you know it's it's just   right there this is a wash and go but my  hair is actually like pretty elongated for   a wash and go and so i'm not even sure like  what the actual length would be if i did like   a braid out or something i don't even know how  long my braids would be i don't even know if   they will actually close up because my ends  are super blunt but like do y'all see that   slide down these slopes i bet you have a grand  old time oh my gosh so anyways you guys so   thank you guys so much for tuning in for watching  let me know what you guys think let me know would   you guys try this would you guys try to do this  with your hair have you tried doing this with your   hair have you been holding onto secrets and you  didn't tell me you was doing your hair like this   rude okay um but as always man if you're loving me  if you love an eight-minute wash and go z do not   forget to subscribe down below because baby you'll  never know what mysteries we might unfold and i'll   see all you beautiful people in my next video bye  loves these curls said pop lock and drop it wow
Channel: TruleyTalentedBeauty
Views: 226,706
Rating: 4.9570751 out of 5
Keywords: wash and go using only gel, wash and go using aunt jackies, wash and go type 4 natural hair, wash and go natural hair, wash and go natural hair 4c, wash and go low porosity hair, soft fluffy wash and go, fluffy wash and go, no crunch wash and go, mane choice do it for the culture gel, defined wash and go on type 4 hair, quick wash and go type 4 hair, quick wash and go, type 4 natural hair wash day, how to revive your natural curls, one product wash and go, aunt jackies gel
Id: D6ITlk67AaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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