These 6 Oils Saved My Curls!

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hi guys welcome to my channel and today's tutorial will be on which oils I started incorporating into my hair routine especially after my big chop to help my hair grow back and stay healthy and long and shiny for the rest of my natural hair journey so I used to have extremely dry frizzy and just unmanageable hair before I started learning about all the different benefits of oils and how to use them in my hair routine so I just wanted to put all of that information in one place for those of you who may be starting your own natural hair journey and want to know where to begin when it comes to oil in your hair so this is my fourth day hair I'm gonna wash it today but before I wash it I'm gonna do a pre-poo which is when I just mix in a couple oils massaging in my hair my scalp and then rinse it out when I take the shower so the moisturizing oils I'm using today are coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil but really important even though they're classified as moisturizing oils they won't moisturize your hair all the way so make sure that you use a little bit of water or leave-in conditioner on your hair first before putting the oil for it to work best and actually moisturize your hair [Music] so now that my ear is damp it's time to apply my oil and the first one I'm gonna use is coconut oil this is cold pressed virgin and organics so this just means it hasn't been processed through heat like other cheaper forms of oils and it still contains all of those healthy nutritious ingredients like antioxidants for your hair this is an example of what you should not use first of all there's $0.99 so that's already red flag but most importantly I'm you know if I flip it over and just read the ingredients from here all the way down to here I couldn't even tell you if I tried the oil I'm using today has boom ingredients cold-pressed organic virgin coconut oil so that's the biggest tip I can say for this entire video when you do go oil shopping and you start including them into your hair routine get the good stuff if the label says it's oil then the ingredients should be not oil to me so I use the coconut oil first because it is just a magical detangler I can't even explain it but everyone should try it I just take it and like rub it through my hair and it literally just detangles their hands [Music] so the next oil I use is extra-virgin olive oil again straight out of the food section because that's the purest form of the oil if you look on the ingredients here the only ingredient is extra-virgin olive oil unlike this piece of trash right here I'm reading green steel methylparaben isopropyl paraben fragrance BHT I can't pronounce that so moral of the story again extra-virgin olive oil from the food section yes make sure it's extra virgin trash trash so the last oil that I add to my hair before washing it is extra dark castor oil by sunny Isle I use extra dark because there was an option for regular and extra and that's really all I'm use that so if you're gonna take anything from this video just know that out of all of the oils I said today castor oil top tune she's not - I've been including this oil into my routine religiously ever since my big chop almost a year ago and I've definitely seen just incredible growth and consistently good here days so castor oil that is my girl castor oil has a lot of great benefits for your scalp too so I always make sure that I massage it into there really well okay so after this I just tie my hair up in a bun sometimes I'll wait 2 to 3 hours and then shower and then other days I'm sleeping in and shampoo my hair in the morning so it really just depends on feeling so I'm gonna go in the shower and just deeply shampoo and condition my hair to get all of this grease and I'll come back and show you guys how I use sealing oils to just lock in all that moisture and make sure that my hair is shiny but not greasy until my next wash day this is my hair after I washed it it's a little bit smaller because it's day one hair but if you see it's not greasy it's not weighed down and it looks really shiny and defined so I love to do it whenever I'm going for it just neat perfect little defined curls like these I use vitamin E oil as a sealing oil after I put in my leave-in conditioner so whenever I do my hair I rinse it out put leave-in conditioner vitamin E oil curling cream and gel after my hair dries in order to just refresh it and add a little bit of more shine I use another favorite oil of mine which is cold-pressed organic jojoba oil this is probably the oil that I use the most I use it every day on my hair and I also put it on my face every morning it's great because it's super lightweight and it's very close to sebum which is the natural oil that your skin and your hair produces so jojoba oil is a great natural sealing oil because it blends in with my hair fairly easily and like my skin and it just naturally absorbs and so because of that I never experience any grease enos from the oil so the very last types of oils I use are essential oils and the two that I use the most are peppermint oil and tea tree oil to first dilute the essential oil I have to use a carrier oil so I like to use my huggable oil again I mix in a couple drops and then just massage it into my scalp since both these oils are very lightweight they add to my volume and they don't wear my hair down throughout the day so you don't want to use heavy oils on your scalp you always want to use lightweight ones if you want to keep the volume so to wrap up for those of you who may have skipped through this video remember that if you get an oil get it in its purest form and make sure it only has one ingredient not this trash not this trash one ingredient also castor oil is probably most linked to hair growth so if you're going to start with anything definitely start with this and it's best for all hair types it is really thick so if you have finer hair or your hair tends to get greasy just make sure that you don't use it too much I always use just a little tiny bit on my scalp so don't go overboard with it and then the last thing and probably most important is that oil in your hair is not the only thing you have to do to make sure that your oiling your hair properly and the best way to do that is to know the difference between moisturizing oils and sealing oils and when they react best with your hair to actually promote healthy hair growth just because you have a very you know high quality oil doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to benefit your hair if you're not using it properly so again moisturizing oils actually penetrate the hair whereas sealing oils will just lock the moisture in so for example if you use a sealing oil but you don't have moisture in it all its gonna do is mark the dryness in so you have to make sure that you use the right Otis for the right things these oils collectively made a huge difference in the health and just the overall appearance of my hair since I really started taking care of it but just remember how to properly use sealing breath as moisturizing oils and to always check the label to search for any funny ingredients thank you so much for watching please like and subscribe if you learned something or just found this video helpful and feel free to leave any additional questions about my hair journey or about oiling your hair in the comments bye
Channel: Natasha Camile
Views: 1,208,013
Rating: 4.9719925 out of 5
Keywords: curly hair, natural hair, big chop, Hair growth tips, Coconut oil, olive oil, JBCO oil, Castor oil, rice water, Long curly hair, low porosity hair, high porosity hair, lion cut, devacurl, deva cut, diy hair, skin care routine, curly hair routine, oil curly hair, lightskin girl, twerk, split ends, dull hair, shiny hair, healthy long hair, beyonce, rihanna, jhene aiko, knotless braids, inversion method, bleach hair at home, beauty, makeup tutorial, curly bangs, eyebrow, love
Id: 577qu3u0WzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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