CUTE, BUT MAKE IT S I M P L E | Natural Hairstyle

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y'all gotta know that like we have some type of relationship because i keep coming on the camera looking like this like are we in a long term relationship here that i'm okay looking like this around you now thank you for accepting me for who i am anyways let's get on into this video hey you guys it's jess welcome back to my channel i'm just going to apologize for now for the acoustics in this room it sounds like i have no furniture in here and i do but i don't know did just the sounds be bouncing off the walls but i just needed a different scenery from recording in my room all the time okay quick confession i'm not starting off on freshly washed hair because this what i'm doing right now this is a filler video i'm not gonna lie to you this is a filler video and a filler video is just a video that i'm just gonna throw out really quick before i throw my hair in a protective style so let me give them a natural hair video first before i put a protective style in for a week and then y'all don't see me yes i said a week y'all know how i do anyway so my hair is pretty much just been in like this random hairstyle for the past like five days i don't want to wash my hair and do my hair and then have to wash it again tomorrow for protective style you know what i'm saying so you're getting what you're getting right now period i don't hear it if you see a flake close your eyes okay um but just a close-up of what the crust and dryness is looking like right now the camera said i'm not focusing on such things i completely understand but we're going to transform my hair right now into like a little simple cute natural hairstyle i've done this one a while back but i did twist instead of braids this time i'm doing braids i'm talking way too much i know you guys don't care okay all right so first thing i'm going to do i'm going to separate my these fronts the front section from the back section really quick [Music] i already have a part down here but i'm going to just make it a little more crisp but you're going to want to split your hair i'm making my part crisp with a pick i have no idea where my real combs are in this house i will take a moment to talk about this and tell you guys that um i did find my first gray hair this age thing is real like we're really not going to be young forever like what type of scam is that all right so i've got the three section you're gonna have one back here and you have two up here and i guess we'll start on this side you're gonna need some water for this if you're starting on old hair like myself i actually learned for myself that doing my hair on damp hair instead of soaking wet hair just works so much better for me because the last time i tried to do my hair straight out the shower or like straight out of washing it the gel was just like slipping off my hair it wasn't really sticking to my hair and i did not really love that for me so um yeah that's the new thing damn hair not wet hair now also my new favorite thing is leaving uh the little i don't know what these are called but leaving out some hair on the side so that we can do the little um hair thing on the side you don't know what i'm talking about and if you don't you'll see it later and i'm gonna just twist it so it doesn't get in the way so in order for me to get a really really flat braid i have to use my denim brush and like brush out the roots of my hair so that my braid is not bulky but it's nice and flat to my head we love a flat braid we don't want chunks up here and then also i'm going to pull some of my edges out so that i can lay them later on so let's pull some of the edges out nothing too crazy i'm just going to leave these out right here you guys know i've already went back to the dark side and like once you get back to the dark side it's so much harder to go back to the right side of the of the world so i am going to just put this around like the perimeter the top the sides i guess the back can get a little bit i'm gonna start off a small piece you don't know how to braid right we don't have to go over this you're on a braid or you're part of the you know the four percent it's probably twenty percent right now y'all are really coming out talking about how to braid and it's truly upsetting me and my you already know me my girls you're upsetting us all right so i'm just gonna do a simple braid in the front really quick [Music] [Music] all right so we see what we got going on it looks crusty right now because my edges are just like doing some weird stuff but we've got a nice little braid so this is the braid we've got here i honestly i did it way better the first time i did it but it's okay this will do so i'm trying to do the same thing on this side really quick [Music] yeah so in the end it's going to look something like this you know but right now it looks like this you know and it's okay so for the back plain and simple we're just gonna water lots of water ego and honestly guys i have a serious problem that i didn't realize i had until today okay so i wanted to use the s curl jerry curl whatever cream or gel thing along with the eco styler gel that i used last time because i used it the other day in my curls oh my gosh they look so good they look so good and i used a little bit more products more of each product and i have kind of a new quote-unquote new technique and my curls they were the juice they were so juicy so um ran out of that don't feel like going to the store so we're going back to good old faithful and you know sometimes when you leave good old faithful and you come back you're like why did i ever leave so i'm hoping that i have one of those moments i've got three open jars of these and they're all like three quarters of the way done so i'm hoping i don't know why i just kept opening them and not finishing them so what i've learned is that i have to be a little bit more heavy-handed on my products like i've been being a little shy and the clothing coming out cute but they still would end up a little frizzy at the end of the day but last time i was heavy-handed on the product and my curls were clumping like no tomorrow it was insane so yeah basically like i said i'm just gonna be extremely heavy-handed well i'm gonna be more so heavy-handed on the gel not so much on the curly curl cream since i am running out but my new thing is to get in there slap it on no regrets period okay cool oh wait one more thing i forgot to say also with my type of hair i used to always work in really small sections but i've learned that it's better to work well at least for my wash and go's in thicker sections because my hair gets clumped better together and like thicker clumps or curls than like the tiny ones so i feel the thicker the curl like the thicker the clump the more defined the hair looks a bit of a bunch of tiny curls you just get like a bigger curl you know so normally i wouldn't work in a section this big at one time but we're doing it today and you know what let's just go ahead and do the first one with you guys instead of instead of speeding through it the fact that there's still red hair in here is a little triggering for me it's a little triggering all right so let me use it's probably not even enough but start with that really should have detangled first let's do that let's do that first don't be like me detangle first thank you oh that's why i love this product because it already does it it activates the job you know what i'm saying is the the job started love that energy so i'm just gonna put on some gel think a big piece of gel too we're not playing around period and slap that on there we're doing a little bit of praying hands you know we talking to the father here pray for nice big healthy curls come on jesus so now you can do it and then i kind of just like to separate so like this piece will be a curl on its own it'll be one big clone normally i would separate this into maybe two but we're doing thick clumps today okay like we want them thick i'll be trying to tell y'all i'll be trying to tell y'all separate them into thick clumps i guess this is shingling i kind of stopped spoiling my hair so much because i learned that when i coil um it shrinks my curls up so much more because it makes them extra springy and like extra curly all right now i'm going to see through the rest of this because this is just a simple one two three no explanation needed [Music] [Music] so okay so this side of my hair is also on and popping let me move this crusty braid out of the way this side of my hair is also done too yes ma'am all right so let's finally get these out of the way i got my little bobby pins or whatever so i'm going to use those to just clip the two braids behind the back of my head all right now for the fun part let's get the front of my hair together so y'all bear with me because i'm still a newbie i can do like regular edges but doing the exciting edges you know it takes a little bit more concentration than your average edge you feel me i'm not even gonna call these baby hairs because ma'am these definitely went to college graduated and have three kids of their own so we're not gonna do that but we're just gonna call them edges i'm gonna comb them down first and then start molding them with my finger bring it up there oh that's really bad hold on that's better i don't know what that first thing was it was a fluke that's better all right so i'm just going to use my my styling strip that i was talking about in my other video this honestly i don't know what i was doing before i had these like the edges are being laid the edges are being played the edges are being laid the edges are being played the edges the edges edges the edges the edges edges are being laid the edges are being played all right so i'm just gonna let this part dry and then i will be back to show you what it looks like when it's all done um the curls are back in town love to see that edges are where they need to be my edges be playing tricks on me some days they're there some days they're not um this is how my little side pieces were supposed to turn out this side didn't really quite get the memo it's still trying to figure out what it's doing and so am i and i'm gonna need this crust to um not expose me in such a way thank you so the style makes me look 14. um looks like i'm going for my ninth grade high school pictures with this style that's the kind of tease it's giving me right now but you know it is what it is you know sometimes when you have shorter natural hair you just look you look young so here we are hope you guys enjoyed this video i'm so sorry like the lighting and the it just wasn't good the lighting was bad the sound was bad if you see this video if i even decide to put this video up well thanks for watching if you even got this far after seeing how bad everything else was thank you for watching really and truly if you see how my edges keep playing me some days they're here some days they're not thank you for watching you know what i'm saying thank you for watching um anyways i love you guys see you my next video thank you for all your support and love as usual was i gonna say something else i don't think so all right bye [Music]
Channel: OnlyOneJess
Views: 119,557
Rating: 4.9747448 out of 5
Keywords: natural hairstyles, cute natural hairstyles, natural hairstyles for short hair, natural hairstyles for medium hair, type 4 natural hair, type 4 hairstyles, how to take care of type 4 hair, natural hair, only one jess, only one jess nairstyles, two braids, wash and go, curly curl cream, eco styler gel
Id: x-dBNLHNgxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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