Warrens Discuss the Smurl Case; The Succubus!

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good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to this week's episode of seekers of the supernatural i'm tony sparrow your moderator of course tonight along with ed and lorraine warren tonight what we're going to do is a little bit something a little bit different i have some excerpts from the book the haunted which was a book about a couple a family in west pittston pennsylvania back in the 80s i'd like to if i could ed if it's all right with you i'd like to read some of the excerpts from this book i think they'll find it very interesting tony perhaps stop and ask me some questions right when i see something interesting that way we can get in depth into this whole case here right so i think what i'll do is i'll just start talking about this case when dealing with a demonic there's an important point to remember disbelief is the shroud in which the devil is able to carry out its work while its existence remains hidden behind the veil of human logic and reason its actions persist without intervention only through faith the belief in that which cannot be proven can we understand and ultimately conquer the devil so to ensure its success it seeks to destroy the faithful and in doing so destroy faith altogether cloaked in skepticism and doubt the devil will freely wander our plane of existence carrying out its objective to destroy mankind in a scornful act of vengeance against the god that has forsaken perhaps then their intense faith was the reason the smurl family became the target of tyranny for the devil and perhaps their intense faith is what has allowed them to survive this is the smurl case ed lorraine warren of course first became involved in the smurl case in 1986 nearly 13 years after the family from west pittston pennsylvania had first come under demonic attack for the 13 years preceding the smurl family had endured an unending barrage of unnatural and terrifying phenomena this family model family civic minded and religious was raped of a normal life and made to suffer incomprehensible tragedy at the hands of the demonic the details of all the events in the smurl case are too many to recount in this outline of the full story instead significant events and relevant occurrences have been highlighted for the purposes of showing the motive strategy or sheer mercilessness of the demonic still it is important to relay that for the most part the horrific events continued on a near daily basis each day brought new terror some days were worse than others sometimes the events would seem to let up even for weeks at a time giving the family the false hope that the problem had solved itself but always it would return each time further breaking the will of the family in 1973 the smurls had purchased and moved into a duplex in west pittston pennsylvania janet jack and their two young daughters dawn and heather occupied one half of the house while jack's parents john and mary occupied the other they lived happily for a short time in the house taking joy in life's pleasures it was soon after the move however in 1973 that certain unusual phenomenon began as is often the case the incidents began harmlessly drawers mysteriously opened and closed of their own accord unplugged radios blared loud music and rocking chairs swayed back and forth when no one was in them now right there those are the beginning stages of infestation when people have a haunting that's going to occur a really bad one these are all the things that occur to those people doors opening and closing footsteps psychic cold spots hearing what we call magic whispering these are all the beginning stages tony but they're minor by comparison to what's going to happen then it says here a strange infetted odor lingered in the house at source unknown claw mark scratched into wood appeared in the newly remodeled bedroom bedroom as often as was possible a family tried to attribute the events to logical explanations still the incidents continued even after the birth of their twin daughters karen and sharon in 1977 could all that was happening to be explained away with logical reasoning unfortunately the odds were quickly turning on the swirls is that what most people do yeah the smurls were the all-american family really you know they were civic-minded they had in fact jacksonville had started the first girls basketball team in west piston they were all around american family and so people would say well what did they do to open up the doors they didn't do anything they are what we call the chosen ones when i say chosen ones this family here very religiously oriented good catholics good christians were picked for one purpose god wanted to show his power over evil and these were the people he did it through it says here in one particularly horrifying event janet recalls being downstairs in the basement doing laundry when she heard a faint voice call out her name she looked out the basement over she looked the basement over quickly and the source of the voice but she couldn't find anything again she heard her name janet her fear heightened as she spun around she knew no one was home yet she had a distinct feeling that she was not alone when the voice called a third time janet responded what do you want the voice did not answer but continued to call her name now what's that i know how many people hear voices like this in their homes they hear the wife pull up in a car open the door come in set the groceries down the husband will yell up i you're home honey he goes up there's nobody there these sounds come through telepathy they're telepathically projected to the listener this is what she was hearing now you also notice tony now they're beginning to show fear yeah because it says here that she immediately located her rosary beads began praying yes and it says in another incident while folding clothes one afternoon janet felt a sudden chill into the room she glanced up and watched as a dark figure human in form glided past her and made its way to the living room with a paralyzed fear she just stood and stared yeah after a few moments she mustered the strength to follow the path of the dark visitor into the living room which she found to be empty shaken she decided to visit jack's mother mary who lived in the other half of the duplex upon entering the other half janet noticed that mary was visibly upset she sat upright in her rocking chair gripping the arms of the chair before janet could explain the strange event that had just occurred mary explained that a dark figure had just come through the wall and passed through the house shadow ghost shadow ghosts are the most dangerous they can actually solidify to the extent that they're almost like cement and of course tony they could walk right through the walls doesn't mean anything whatsoever but now both women are frightened so now they're feeding it says there were also incidents that occurred in few in full view of more than one family member an exceptionally disturbing event occurred one night in the summer of 85. while lying in bed curled up in jack's arms janet suddenly felt a force grab her leg and begin to pull her from the bed jack recalls it was like a tug of war going on i was holding on to her as hard as i could because i had no idea what the thing wanted to do to her but the harder i tried to keep her next to me the harder it pulled on her eventually the force subsided on its own that same night both jack and janet were subjected to horrible pounding mysteriously coming from the inside of their wall and a stench so horrible filled the room and they were forced to leave now what do you think was happening there well what happens here is that solidified solidification takes place around janet's leg almost as though something was grabbing her and pulls her out of the bed fortunately jack was holding on to her but most of the time the husband can't even hold on to the wife she's just pulled right out uh these are again all the beginning stages of infestation much worse things are going to take place in this family the levitations the smells the odor that they smelled yeah that's the demand hum inhuman spirits devils or demons hate human beings they were created by god they go into the dark areas during the light hours of the day where do they go they go into the graves into these old ancient graves they loved to see a body deteriorating this was god's creation that's why when people say oh this thing entered the room and i could smell this final thing like garbage or something dead that's because this thing has been in the grave somewhere oh boy no family member was exempt it says the children complained of people floating around their beds at night and intense fluttering sounds as if a large winged beast were in the room on more than one occasion the younger children karen and sharon shannon were tossed from their beds thrown across the room like ragdolls jack would run to the screaming children finding them in a heap on the floor bruised and frightened and it says even the family dog simon subjected to the phenomenon coming to the aid of janet who was being choked by an invisible force and then just says the dog was and it's as a question mark the incidents could no longer be ignored although they had talked about it before jack and janet now giving serious consideration to the idea that their problem was beyond that of logic and reason what they were experiencing was something unnatural events were getting worse near to the point of fearing for their lives and the lives of their family to decide it was time to actively seek outside help during her days janet spent researching the paranormal and although she learned that her family was not only one to experience these types of phenomena the books offered no real explanation as to why these events were occurring or how to make them stop how to make them stop that's right their reading provided nothing more than the documentation of events or fantastical fiction about demons in the demonic underworld it seemed as if no one really knew what was happening the smurls were finally given a break in their exhaustive search for help when in 1986 a professor from the local college gave them the name of ed and lorraine warren do you know those two people now tony this is this is kind of strange that professor at that college we helped his mother did you really and an apartment in new york and one time coming back from the smurl's home we were hit almost hit head-on and i swerved the car yeah in the henry hudson parkway the other car hit the back of my car knocked it out of control and right up onto the grass and naturally we were out of commission so the police came along and they took the rain through a telephone and where'd they take her right where this professor had lived and where she had phoned right where he lived tony in new york city new york city new york city like the biggest city in the world almost yeah uh that says the smurfs were given a break then it says without question when dealing with a paranormal supernatural or demonic problems there are no two better suited people to have on your side than edin rain warren as individuals they each possess an immediate sincerity extensive knowledge in their respective areas of expertise and a powerful yet humble presence as husband and wife married for close to 50 years they are nothing short of a divine match and as a certified demonologist one of few men on this planet recognized four capable of and experienced in dealing with a demonic lorraine is a medium trans psychic certified at ucla for her superior psychic abilities the hand of god himself certainly played a role in ensuring these two people came together the thousands of thankful recipients of their assistance are a testament to that fact for 50 years and the reign have selflessly helped those unfortunate unfortunate many who have had problems of a supernatural or demonic nature they have been involved in thousands of cases participated in hundreds of exorcisms and collected countless pieces of physical evidence proving or providing proof of the existence of the spirit world both good and evil if anyone could help the smurls it was the warrens finally the smurls would get some answers after some lengthy telephone conversations with the smirls ed lorraine decided it would be appropriate to visit the family at their pennsylvania home tony this is the first case after its heart attack in 85. so ed you had your heart attack in 85 and the first case you went out was the first case right after that it says here that once you arrived it didn't take long to determine the nature of the problem in short the warrens found what was a story told to be the family paralleled out of a typical demonic attack case the phenomenon purportedly displayed in the household coupled with the sincerity of his upstanding family was enough for the warrens to consider this valid in a serious case psychic evaluations conducted conducted by lorraine had revealed that there were indeed several entities involved in the smurl case four entities had been identified three human spirits and one demonic although the three human spirits were of no less concern to the warrens they knew that what they were really up against was a demon an entity that was never human to begin with tell me about that okay now this is the first day in the house and ed had brought you know the box tony that he has that has all the first class relics in it right all of those first class relics have been given to us we never actually sought any of them out and we have all the papers from rome concerning them ed took them up and he put them on the bed in the master bedroom and he and i sat on the bed and he put on this music this um chanting chanting music gregorian chanting music and he had it on real low and this is provoking what's in that house evil spirits hate we're growing and chanting they hate prayers and we hear the name of jesus for god and we were praying we were saying prayers out loud together and with this tony there were louver doors on the closet but the carpet was so thick and they never had the doors planed down so you had to like pick the doors up you know to open them or close them and going back and forth like crazy the doors were then the television lit up but it wasn't plugged in then all the things then all the things that were on the bureau began to dance all around let me just read this too uh it says as if dictating the past 13 years of the summer's family experience the warrens laid out the different stages strategies and common procedures used by the demonic in an evil campaign as the smurls had experienced the phenomena has started relatively harmlessly this is referred to as the infestation period of a demonic attack the demonic entity is making its presence known to its target it will slowly and methodically create disturbances through the manipulation it's like a shark if you're in the water a shark doesn't attack you immediately it circles you it looks at its prey it wants to make sure that it can't harm it and only when it's sure will it attack that prey that's what this was doing here it says it will slowly methodically create disturbances through the manipulation of the physical it'll levitate of objects levitate objects wrappings on the wall disembodied footsteps as well as by exploiting weaknesses of the psyche creating an atmosphere of anger and fear among those involved in either instance it is careful not to expose itself too quickly perhaps it is that the demons enjoy reveling in the slow torture of its subject they do or maybe the demonic entity must first produce fear and energy which it will later harness to manifest even more terrifying phenomena that's true yes as a person becomes frightened tony they throw off psychic energy into the atmosphere which a spirit like this would use as a fuel to manifest more phenomena that's why it's so much better tony to rely on your faith or make sure that you have your faith to rely on well it's hard you know for people who have never experienced anything like this to say well i'm not going to become frightened right you're going to become frightened if you're normal yeah yeah period yeah it says here the fear generated during that infestation phase becomes the gateway to phase two oppression right it says the purpose of the oppression stage is to weaken the body and mind and more simply to destroy the human will so it will no longer fight back well when they're talking about oppression what they're talking about here is it's similar to having an invisible being alongside of you whispering negative thoughts discouraging thoughts frightening thoughts into your mind that's where the oppression it's going to have people plot against each other within that christian family fights says it is during this stage that the devil begins to reveal his true self then it says here the activity suddenly stopped jack having seen the ability the warrens had to start and stop the demonic activity felt washed over was a wave of relief the next step for the warrens was an obvious one now having proven to them that this was indeed a case a true case of demonic infestation they suggested to the smurls that they contact the priest at their church and have an exorcism performed in the house janet contacted the church as the warrens instructed smurls began a religious being a religious family and an active active in church were hopeful that an exorcism would rid their family of the demon the response they got from the church however was not this one they expected nope both janet and smirl and the lorraine and the rain tried on several occasions to get a priest from the local roman catholic church to visit the house every attempt was unsuccessful one time one time after traveling all the way down there to meet with this priest and talk to him he told me he didn't have time for me that day because there was a couple coming that uh that was the chance we were talking about no no this is the parish priest first honey that he didn't have time to talk with me because of the fact that he had to instruct a couple that we're going to be getting married says without even taking the time to say so the church had made it very clear that they wanted nothing to do with a case of demonic attack and no intention of performing an exercise no they didn't in the 13 prior years the smurls had experienced every possible terror as part of the demonic attack including the physical destruction of their home mysterious bite marks appearing on their bodies strange shadow creatures roaming their house being thrown across rooms by invisible hands as horrible as those events were they seemed to pale in comparison to the realization that their own church had turned its back on them and they didn't lose faith that's amazing that they didn't they did not lose their faith tony not once did they lose their faith because it says here their entire lives had focused around the church it did the smirls passed the values of the church down to their children as they had been passed to them through parents they attended mass every week and had remained heavily involved in church activities the faith in the smurf family was remarkably strong and now when they needed its help the most the church had denied them it was painful angering and frustrating all at the same time the news came as equal surprise to the warrens whose faith in the roman catholic church is of particular relevance to their livelihood and spiritual well-being and lorraine told the war uh to smell the smurls to remain faithful they would contact a friend of theirs in the church whom they had worked on with on several occasions he would help right meanwhile the warrens arranged for an exorcism from another priest and the smurl house was fervent with demonic activity at that point it was as if they were being punished by the demon for seeking help activity heightened in both frequency and intensity in what was likely the most terrifying experience in his life jack recalls the night he was physically and sexually attacked by a succubus yes the succubus is a demon who attacks the male physically and sexually the incubus attacks the female physically and sexually these are the most horrendous types of attacks as you'll hear jack's description of it now it says here the following quotes were extracted from a taped interview with jack smirl and this is what jacques says to be honest i even hate to think about her her skin was paper white but it was covered in some places with a scaly surface i mentioned and then at other places with open sores the kind you'd think a leper would have or something and these swords were running with pus she had long white scraggly hair and her eyes were all red and the inside of her mouth and her gums were green some of her teeth were missing but those she had were very long and vampire like then she mounted me in the dominant position and started riding me that's the only way i can describe it i don't remember feeling anything at all other than panic and complete terror isn't that horrible i could tell she was having orgasms because she would give little jerks and her smile would broaden then she vanished vanished just like that just vanished well again you know jack is calling it a she here it's an it it's not a she it's not a it's not a he it's something that has never walked this earth it's something horrible ugly filthy it doesn't enjoy the sexual act it's an insult to god's birthing act that's what it's all about but if you ever the creation of birth it's an insult to it but if you ever met jack oh he didn't want to even describe this and talk about if you ever met the type of man he was to have that happen to him in fact when he would go on a couple of national shows these talk hosts thought it was a big joke and they started joking about it he was humiliated of course he didn't want to talk about this at all he said i don't want to talk about the succubus attacks but i know for a fact that even after he left the first house that he was attacked on at least six other occasions similarly this is jack contacted edward in the morning and explained the previous night's events with growing concern the warrens brought in father robert mckenna because there's a traditional roman catholic priest from connecticut father mckenna had been involved with the warrens for many years and performed countless exorcisms the warrens now asked their friend to help the smurl family in expelling the demon from their lives the arrangements were made and father mckenna arrived at the smurl home in pennsylvania after a brief conversation with the family that he donned his vestments and began the formal rite of exorcism father mckenna moved from room to room sprinkling holy water and reciting holy words in latin he carried with him a crucifix a large rosary and a relic of a saint after he completed the inside of the house he moved to the outside where he performed the same rights on the plot of land surrounding the house once the exorcism was complete the smurls thanked father robert mckenna and he packed up and returned back to connecticut although the exorcism had proven temporary relief from the demonic attacks it did not rid the smurls of the problem completely the warrants kept a close watch over the smurls and soon we're hearing reports from the family that activity had once again resumed levitating objects the return of the fetid odor and wrappings on the wall marked the return of the demon the family was crushed both the warrens and father mckenna had warned them that an exorcism is not always successful but the smurfs so hoped that this would be the end of the problem right again father mccann was brought to the house for a second attempt as in the first exorcism he blessed each room repeated the exorcism prayers in latin at the end of the exorcism he added a special prayer for the smurls that the lord might grant them peace from the demon and allow them to move on the smurls were again at peace over the next few days and then weeks the family began piecing their lives back together they had endured a demonic barrage for 13 long years and come out on the other side intact and stronger in faith but like the last exorcism the peace didn't last the hole the demon had on the smirl family was one of the strongest the warrens have ever encountered so those two exorcisms didn't do it no they did not tony no i and i think the reason that it didn't do is because god wasn't yet ready to show his power his power was to come and in a great way oh yes all right so here at the end this is going public this this last little part here yes it is it was becoming too much for the smurfs to handle after more than a decade of torture and no assistance from the church the family was exhausted and didn't know how much more they could endure after much contemplation between jack and janet they decided it was time to take their story public the smurl family made several appearances on a talk show had a local newspaper write an article and had their story told in a book in collaboration with the warrens that's the book the haunted right their hope was that someone who could end their problem once and for all would hear their story they had also hoped that the church which was still providing no assistance in the matter would be for the lack of a more appropriate term shamed into helping and they were shamed into it well tony one man one man that we never even knew who was in rome who studied to be a roman catholic priest who left just before ordination but had made many contacts in rome during that period of time he left because of health reasons within his family he has a huge catholic bookstore in new york city he read the book he was appalled by what he read he wrote a letter and sent the book to cardinal ratzinger at the vatican we got a copy of that in the mail we went down to the smirl home the very night that we got that we were going down there for dinner with them and now they had moved to wilkes-barre so we kind of laughed about it imagine nobody else is helping why why is roman why would rome listen to this man yeah but god works in strange ways so cardinal ratzinger took the bull by the horns got an exorcist they sent them right there to uh hold the smurl home it was done and here's the here's the kicker the very priest that didn't want to help them in the beginning told them they could he didn't want to be bothered there's a knock on the door mrs merlot is up the door here's the priest he's got a box of candy in his hands well mr smirl how are you even the bishop came good news for you and they don't understand why this guy's there because he wasn't given any help i brought you a little gift of boxing candy and he said the good news is that rome is intervening for you cardinal ratzinger is having an exorcist sent to your home that exorcist was sent there the home was cleared and the family has lived happily ever since that was not in the book the haunted no because at that time there was no closing there was no closing there was no closure that was very painful to write tony being a catholic having this family strong in their catholic faith too to write a book and in a way you were going against your church right no the church was going against the teachings of the bible yes that's true the bible states that jesus christ had performed exorcisms while he was on earth that he did cast out devils many of the priests and the rectories today if you said to them father uh do you believe in the devil you'd see a little smirk come on many of their faces not all of them but you'd see a smirk and they would condemn their fellow priests for even believing in such things as devils and demons that's medieval that's right i'm glad to see that they're better now actually we're out of time yes so i'm glad it all worked out yeah it worked out wonderful right you want to give our p.o box to anybody um yes really quick yes please send any of your correspondence to the warrens p.o box 41 monroe connecticut 06468 and on that note i'd like to thank everybody for watching tonight for the rain warren fred warren for charter cable i'm tony sparrow good night
Channel: Official Ed and Lorraine Warren Channel
Views: 140,645
Rating: 4.9020286 out of 5
Keywords: Poltergeist, Ed and Lorraine Warren, Annabelle, Annabelle Comes Home, Ghosts, The Warrens, Lorraine Warren, Occult Museum, Conjuring2, Conjuring3, Preternatural, Seekers of the Supernatural, Annabelle Creation, Supernatural, The Nun, Conjuring, Devils, Ed Warren, Demons, www.warrens.net, Tony Spera, The Warren Files, Ghost Hunters
Id: fqzWC4UfF8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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