Ed Warren tells the real story of “ ANNABELLE” MUST WATCH!

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[Music] leaving ladies and gentlemen welcome to a brand new program of seekers of the supernatural I'm your moderator Tony Sparrow along tonight with Ed Warren and the rain Warren famous ghost hunters it's a new year it's a new show we have new cases but for those who perhaps aren't very familiar with that and Lorraine Warren what we'd like to do like I said it is a new year it's the year 2000 we'd like to talk to Ed Lorraine regarding how they started how long they've been in this business what they think of the new millennium things to come so what I'd like to do you start out with you Lorraine mm-hmm you can tell us how you and Ed began the work and how long ago it was Wow it's a long time Tony it was over 50 years ago that we began as husband and wife to do it not long after it came home after serving in world war ii he began talking about that home he grew up in in Bridgeport began talking about the hauntings that had occurred there that was really hard for me to accept that I had never been in a haunted home but I always had something about myself I didn't understand and that was an ability to know things through extrasensory perception but I suppressed those feelings Tony to a great extent because there really was no one I could share them with now with Ed it was important to him to satisfy his curiosity regarding that house that he grew up and did other families really experience the types of things that he experienced and as artists because he was now studying art and already beginning to sell his paintings very early on in his career after getting out of the service within the first couple of years let me ask you you said you have the ability to know that young what do you mean by that and what year what how old were you it started about nine Tony that I had the ability to I could see lights around people and know things about these people but I didn't quite understand it but I always had tremendous faith I still do I always felt that through prayer everything could be changed if it was God's will anything could be helped and I always relied on that but I didn't understand what I experienced also the night I met my husband and I knew I was going to spend my life with him I fully did not understand that that was my first outstanding thing that happened in my young adult life no let me interrupt for one moment and I'd like you to address yeah well you gotta understand Tony that there was a lot of confusion when I was small because my father was a police officer at that time would always say to me edy there's a logical reason for everything that happens in this house these were not logical things you don't see the the spirit of an old woman coming out of a closet your bed doesn't shake you know you're pounding sounds the room doesn't turn icy-cold you know see the lights flashing across the room these were not logical things my dad knew it but on the other hand he didn't want to frighten us and he always felt that his religious beliefs were strong enough to take care of anything in that house because he was a very spiritual man I don't think ever know my father missing that day's Mass you always make sure he went to Mass in the morning or what the church after work when you come home late at night but he'd always make a visit to the church so what I wanted to do was to find out if what he said was true there's a logical reason for everything yet but there wasn't this is a house in Bridgeport this is a house in Bridgeport Connecticut on James Street that was haunted I lived there from the age of 5 until 12 mm-hmm this was my indoctrination into the world of the supernatural to natural now I went to a parochial school which is a Catholic school and the nuns were constantly talking about apparitions the Holy Ghost spirits you know this was part of Catholic doctrine still is today so that I was familiar with that and I would connect what was happening in my home with what was happening or in school what they were telling me and then I would hear this old priest talk about a man being possessed two streets down from where I lived and that exorcism was going to be performed now I was only a kid I'm only eight nine ten years old you know but I understood what they're talking about I had an inner knowledge even at that time a lot of people say to me well and you're one of seven religious demonologists in the country today how did you become a demonologist did you go to school for that did you did you ask for kind of diploma certificate no I was born a demonologist I had the inner knowledge that I use today in fact a lot of priests will come to me and say where did you learn about this it wasn't anything I learned out of a book and then as Lorraine and I went from one case to another 50 years ago we put these cases into certain categories mm-hmm earthbound spirits demonic inhuman spirits so Holter Geist and we took all of this knowledge and we put it into nine books that we have today we're working on number 10 but this was important for us because as a kid I'd read a book and it would be about a certain case of a haunting and then I read another book it was something about the same one thing but things have changed one writer had changed it from the other so I told her and we can't pay attention too much than what these people are saying in these books we have to take the knowledge that we have and though that's the knowledge we'll put into our books do you remember like the first case you guys ever went on together mm-hmm do you know what it was the ocean born Mary how similar to New Hampshire and it was in that house Tony and I we remembered we were up there to deliver paintings but it was Edie Edwards drawn to these places like a magnet for those who perhaps haven't tuned in before and Lorraine are known artists and I think they had panned in on one of EDS paintings before we even began the program tonight can you tell us a little about that painting yet that's a screen screen Castle in Scotland mm-hmm and of course the Ray and I do a lot of traveling and I take pictures of haunted areas when I get home I'll do paintings them that's what this particular painting is about but in my earlier years when I left art school I came home one day I said the Lorraine look at all the tourist area is opening up up in Vermont New Hampshire now we're talking early 1950s right I know that if I do some quick paintings up doing those things seascapes landscapes we could sell them for fantastic prices we'll be rich I say we'll be on easy street and I did sell them I'm out of $3 $4 but the laughing money and $3 you could stay overnight for $1 apiece in a cabin hot dogs were ten cents hamburgers were ten cents gas gasoline was 18 cents a gallon so you know if I sold four or five paintings for four or five dollars we're on top of the world and we're hobnobbing with all these tourists so it was a fun time for us and I would say to her I heard about this house in fact I'll I'll give you a rundown on that we had to deliver six paintings to a logging camp up in Vermont or excuse me in hanniger New Hampshire and we took this couple with this it was a Sunday we started out early we figured would take us seven hours and get up there seven hours get back we were kids we didn't care and we drop off the paintings for this kid who had bought him for his brother for his wedding but on the way up there we came to a sign in it and it said Henniker and I said Henniker son of a guy said I just read about Henniker New Hampshire about three weeks ago oh what's that house called the ocean marry house and this kid in the back says Edie there must be a million hen occurs we round the curve Tony and there's a sign there and the sign says this is the only hat occur on earth now you have seen that saniti were there yeah that was our fifty years ago those were 50 years ago yes it's probably a different sign book miss Aysen saying I said to them this is a fascinating case itself a woman who was born at sea when the Pirates attacked his ship her mother was on her mother became all excited and frustrated as a child the pirate captain came out of board and said if you'll name that child Mary after my mother I'll spare everybody on board no problem the child was named Mary but the strange thing is that this captain who was named a captain Perry kept in touch with a baby when she even grew up after she was married her name was Mary Walsh mm-hmm the husband died the pirate captain built this beautiful big home up on the hill in Henniker he's pretty old at that time and I guess she probably was in her late 40s so 1,000 being gone he made her a deal he said look at if you'll come and be my housekeeper with your sons she had seven sons very tall guys and she was very tall he said oh you can live here for the rest of your life well she took she took on that responsibility but he was found murdered in the orchard one day killed with a cutlass I guess somebody was trying to find out where he hid his treasure but Mary continued to live on in the house with his sons mm-hmm and she lived and so she was 98 years old but after she died Tony people would talk about a ghostly coach pulling up in front of the house where the well was her apparition would get out of the coach go to the well drop a package in then go back to the coach and would drive off now many people Henniker said they experienced this wanting there were two detectives from Concord who said this is a bunch of bunk we're going up there we're gonna spend the night well halfway through the night they got so frightened they fled back to Concord and that's what interested me why would two guys detectives gave their names and everything be frightened of something in an old house something happened I wanted to know what that something was mm-hmm so we get to Henniker where do you find out where there's a haunted house the nearest college the lingua College was in this infancy it's all the kids all the kids know about all kids know one one thing sir yes just go outside that outside the village go underneath the iron bridge take your first left up a dirt road to the top of the mountain that's where the ocean born Mary houses we did that I want to tell you it was late in October the wind was blowing leaves are all off the trees and this is the time that ocean boy marries ghost the coach was supposed to show up so we're going up there there was a strange whistling sound sort of like you're coming through a window maybe it was there coming through a window but it had a very strange eerie sound - yeah and we get up there here's this huge big dark stark house oh no lights out I've seen it I'm sorry that's right I've seen that back to me Jerry go but knock on a door so you can get in the house now this guy doesn't believe it and goes Edie there's no way I'm getting out of this car and going up to that door and knocking on it so we need a volunteer we shovel ran out the door oh they didn't slam the door and locked it she went up nobody nobody would go now Tony being brought up as as I was a very sheltered private Catholic girls girls the whole bit I never feared the dark I never had fears of the time how many people would walk up to that house I got it I didn't fear things like that maybe I had nothing to compare it with nothing that I ever had to be frightened of I guess a she never seen Frankenstein no and I was never interested and though that you had your first psychic experience there my very very first and in that home Tony as I listened all I could think of as I listened to me to Roy tell ed the story of that house and what he experienced and what his mother had experienced in the past was the sincerity in his voice that is what I that is what more or less I was listening to I was listening to that and I probably Tony was watching his aura because that will tell a great deal about the person but then all of a sudden the room became very quiet and my ears were ringing and they rang so loud that have blotted out everything that was in that room then it felt as if someone came behind me there was a tremendous jolt to my body and I was out of my body what a beautiful experience that really was today as I speak to people as I speak to everyone that's listening I wish everybody could have an experience like that because what it proves Tony is that we are truly both body and soul well isn't it true that everybody will experience that at one point in their life all the body experiences are about as frequent as people are breaking bones today I would have to say that maybe 7 out of 10 people have that experience how about when they pass on when they pass on then they body correct yes how you classify their word their spirit would leave the body yes at the moment of death Tony that is exactly why now there are nurses and there are doctors and there are family members who claim to have actually witnessed that when people have to see the spirit they actually see the spirit leave a person at the moment of death but to experience that way you are still very much alive no that must be great is the transition from this physical body into the spirit world but it was like my brother who died recently he was interested to a certain extent and I never found out why he was never home at night until two days before he died I said Frank where were you all those night I said I'd be home alone my parents wouldn't be there my sister wasn't there he wouldn't be there I said where were you he said I never wanted to tell you said but I wasn't going to be in that house he said my room was right at the head of the stairs where the door would open up the footsteps would come up and he said how he would see this white glow that wasn't gonna stay that house but I didn't find that out until two days before he died Wow never told me about it you know that's really a long time ago that you guys started out but I know you've had to thousands thousands literally of cases yeah I also know that you have a museum on your property yes now ed would you want to just tell a little bit about some of the things perhaps that are in that museum that are really fascinating scary things perhaps that you've collected over the years all right I think one of the most famous would be Annabelle this is a Raggedy Ann doll that's made like thousands of other dolls except that this doll was used in communication almost like having a seance mm-hmm a nurse had received the doll 1971 as a present Christmas present from her mother and the doll stands about three foot high and she would take it to bed with her at night that's common enough for girls to do I take a pillow some people take a doll girls are like that even twenty eight-year-old ones and after a few nights she lived with another girl who was a nurse both of them st. Hartford or Saint our country house it was half a hospital they were on the same shift and so they worked together and live together they share the expenses and one morning she got this idea to bring the doll from the bedroom into the kitchen where they were having breakfast that she put in a chair and she said oh Raggedy Ann here's gonna have breakfast with us today joking around okay well that was a joke then the next thing the next thing she brought it down again the next more and the next morning but the third morning they're talking to the doll and the arms of the dowel are on the chair like this suddenly they went up and onto the table now this didn't frighten them this intrigued them the extent that the one nurse said to the other one one of the nurses knows a medium let's ask her about this I'll bet you there's a spirit in that doll that's what they did they asked this nurse about it she said yeah she said I know a woman who was a medium I'll bring her over and we'll hold the seance it was a joke just a game but it didn't turn out to be a game turned out to be the most horrifying experiences they'd ever have in their life mhm and I've talked with people just recently as recently as two months ago who know the two nurses and even today they don't like to talk about it they'll never come to our lectures and they don't want to talk about Raggedy Ann Annabelle at all so now the woman held a seance and she said there's a spirit of a six-year-old girl in that doll who was killed in an automobile accident just outside of your apartment house here hmm well there was a six-year-old child by the name of Annabel who was killed but God does not allow the spirit of a child to go into a doll this was a demon who was posing as that little child to create sympathy to these two young women which it did now this was no longer a doll this was a child they would take it for rides they talked to it mm-hm they'd buy clothing for a jewelry they treated it just as though it was that little girl who was killed Annabel now they were giving it a lot of recognition soon after the first seance things would happen in their house what we refer to as infestation there'd be knocking sounds they see flashing lights in their bedroom at night shooting across the room the bed would shake a little bit it would get icy cold they'd hear whispering which we call magic whispering now from time to time these girls would change shifts but they're getting a little scared now so they decided to stay on the same shift all the time mm-hmm 4:00 to 12:00 they need the doll in the bedroom they come home after midnight put the key in the door unlock the door and who do you think is standing there the Raggedy Ann though standing there now that doll has flimsy legs you try to stand it up you can't I've seen that doll Stan I've seen a lot of things happen around that doll well this still didn't scare them but one of the fiancees or one of the girls was against all of this he said burn dad I'll throw it away get rid of it it's evil well he falls asleep one afternoon a Saturday and the dollars in a chair not far from him and the girls are cleaning up the apartment mm-hmm he wakes up with the starties of my god what a nightmare said I dreamt that that doll was strangling me he had marks on his throat was it psychosomatic well let's see he gets up he looks at the doll in the chair picks it up and throws it right across the room you're nothing but a rag doll you couldn't hurt anyone with that knowing seven psychic slashes appear on his body now we've seen these kind of slashes we've filmed them these slashes come from no where's the blood came right through his shirt the nurses witnessed this then a huge chair rolled across the room pictures on the walls came off started smashing and breaking loud pounding sounds now they were all frightened they called the high Episcopal Canon in Hartford Connecticut he called father Richard Nolan an exorcist and father Nolan called us we went to the apartment exorcism was performed immediately over the people the three people and the apartment I brought that doll back to my museum now why would I have something like that in a museum evidence proof the skeptics the atheists the first thing they attack you with is where is the evidence where is the proof this never happened I not only have the doll I have film I have recordings I have eyewitness accounts from credible people but I've seen these phenomena happen in and around that doll a priest comes to my home one day young fella has a rectory right here in Connecticut mmm-hmm Edie I'd like to thank you Lorraine for a ride in my new car very proud of it we went with him when he took us back he said what about this doll everybody's talking about because we've shown it on channel 18 on a TV show where I could I see it I understand puts lashes on people I brought him into the museum it's in a chair mm-hmm he looks at it just like the guy in Hartford he walks right over to it never said a word picked it up threw it right across the room God is more powerful than a devil I said yes Father God is more powerful than millions of Devils but he wasn't he found that out less than an hour later driving home on route 84 his brand-new car went out of control I know what he's talking about because the same thing happens in the rain and I when we talked about a me moment I'm on Raw 84 you can't control the car half of his car was sheared off by a tractor-trailer truck he should have been killed but he lived God will only let the double go so far the last thing he remembers saying was the image of that doll well then a detective comes to our house we're working on the murder of a little child the rain often helps the police through her clairvoyance I took my knowledge of ritual magic murders after we three said Edie can I go out to the museum there look around sure I brought him out now this is all maasai detective you were a cop these guys are tough guys they're used to seeing Gracie sights right mm-hmm he looks around he said you know Oh of all the things in this building gear that dial there I can't take my eyes off of it the Raggedy Ann it was so low chair just then the phone rang it was a personal call I told them I'd be right back not to touch anything in that building mm-hmm everything in there was unholy unblessed me well I'm up there talking on the phone I wasn't even there 10 minutes when all of a sudden I hear him coming up the stairs this guy is a big guy 6 foot 2 or 6 foot 3 over 200 pounds all muscle use the seen grizzly sights he's shaking he can't hardly talk I thought he's having a heart attack I set him down I was gonna call an ambulance there was no 911 call an amble that said no ed it's not that I saw what's wrong I just don't want to talk about it he was embarrassed Lorraine walked in he looks up Lorraine he said I'll talk to Lorraine about it I don't want it ever mention it again she didn't have to I knew what he did I went back down with the building everything was knocked over he had picked up the doll he had picked up that inanimate object it's all a mingled with his aura and something so terrible occurred to that man that he resigned for the police department three months later but that's not the end okay I was having a show we're almost out of time so you can quickly end that one a group of college students came one day one of them said this is nothing but a bunch of bunk I don't believe in it he went over to the Raggedy Ann doll which was in case knocking on it he said this doll can't do anything I dare it right now to put slashes on me I put him out of the building less than three hours later that boy was dead his girlfriend who had been with him on a motorcycle said he was laughing about the doll smashed into a tree head-on was killed instantly his girlfriend was in a hospital for over a year that's something you don't challenge Devils I think we got a picture of it in there yeah I think we do know we're here yeah while we're showing this I think we'd like to tell the web site a dress wouldn't we yes I if we could pan in on this here yes that's a Annabel but once you give their website address ok www.laurainthekitchen.com wish rod a happy 40th birthday and the man who had an encounter with a white lady this same rock does he did have an encounter with a white lady several years ago it's some day we'll have him come on and talk about in the meantime we're glad to be back in the year 2000 we'll be back with more new shows we thank our audience and we'd like to also say one more thing tonight Jason wherever you are for Lorraine Warren for ED Warren I'm Tony Sparrow good night
Channel: Official Ed and Lorraine Warren Channel
Views: 2,336,818
Rating: 4.9275522 out of 5
Keywords: tony spera, Preternatural, Angels, Earthbound Spirits, Annabelle, Haunted House Occult Museum, paranormal, ed and lorraine warren, Conjuring 3, Lorraine Warren, Demons, Tony Spera, Ed Warren, Paranormal, Ed and Lorraine Warren, The Nun, Conjuring, The Conjring, Haunted House, The Warrens, Supernatural, Warren Museum, supernarural, Occult Museum. Devils, Annabelle Creation, ghost hunters
Id: 1aBcTvbTWuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 44sec (1664 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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