POLTERGEIST! Tale of the talking cat! Warrens were there!

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good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another edition of seekers of the supernatural I'm your moderator Tony sfera along of course with hosts ed and Lorraine Warren you know tonight I think what we're going to do is talk about a case that's so famous that even today people speak about this case in Bridgeport I've been on lectures with that in the rain and people routinely come up to Ed and Lorraine and say hey ed Lorraine what's it with Lindley Street in Bridgeport can you tell us about Lindley Street in Bridgeport and that's 26 years ago I believe what we're going to do tonight is speak about 966 Lindley Street in Bridgeport the phenomena that occurred there a case that some called the hoax particularly the commissioner of police called this case a downright hoax ed Warren is here tonight and Lorraine Warren is here tonight to dispute that to tell you the absolute truth of their investigation of what they found out through police reports through their own eyewitness accounts through other eyewitness accounts what happened at 966 Lindley Street so not any further ado I think what we'd like to do is to start with whoever like to begin first give us the background of the case welcome tonight by the way thank you Tony if you can give us the summary of that case all right it began in November of 1974 and if that November day was a Sunday and we were contacted by Mary Pascarella Mary Pascarella lived in that neighborhood she was director of the psychic Research Institute in Hamden Connecticut she was a personal friend of ours she called it took the call and she said Edie you have got to meet me at this house that particular day tony was a day it had just come back from picking my mother up in Bridgeport his brother and sister-in-law were at the house now what when was that what year was 1974 November of 1974 ok Ed's mother had passed away only approximately ten days before there was never a grieving time there was never a time to get together with the family they held the body why ed and I drove home from West Virginia where we were at a university and this was the first time now we were really together to sit down and relax with everybody and that's what we were doing and I was getting dinner ready so ed said to me I will go down and see what this is all about if there's anything at all to it I will call you and he said maybe you want to call father Charbonneau and bring him down well that call came quite readily the call came at approximately 5:00 after 11:00 that morning now the reason I remember the time is because Ed said how soon can you get down here and when when he said that I said I'm gonna call father Charbonneau and when I did he was in mass and he came down we went into the house by that time when we entered that area where you go over like the crest of a hill I never seen so many police vehicles fire department vehicles people all surrounding it like it was a crime area don't just stop you right there for secular mean ed what was in the house when you were there what did you see when you first got there like the rain said when I came over that hill onto Lindley Street I seen numerous police and fire department vehicles already a crowd of probably 200 people I went in the house and here were police officers firemen the good and family neighbors and it looked like somebody went through the house with a baseball bat just smash things off of the walls knocked furniture over everybody was talking excitedly about the things that that witnessed there was a police officer there I said to him did you see anything I certainly did he's mr. Warren I seen that clock come off that off that wall he said I seen those chairs in the living room topple over move across the room that was enough for me I'm getting this from a police officer this man is a credible witness so I started interviewing the family I talked to mr. and mrs. Gooden first I got all the information from them how would it happened when it started it actually started on Sunday or Saturday evening they had come back from New York City mr. Gooden Gerald Gooden his wife and their small daughter the Marcy the mother had gone into the kitchen she was going to make solvate supper for them there's a large floor model television set right alongside the stove all of a sudden this thing started shaking came right down onto her foot it broke two of her toes well another television set in Marcy's bedroom toppled off his shelf and fell onto the bed another television set which was in the living room toppled over and not to the floor now one of the most fascinating things about the way things would fall particularly the TV sets was this heavy set would come down with a crash but just before it hit the floor it would hesitate and then hit never broke they never smashed well continually worked so I interviewed every police officer that was there the neighbors are good uns I have all of these interviews today 26 years later I have the police reports that say they submitted at headquarters if you have them right in the back here and yes all of them are have the official seal of the Bridgeport Police do arm so the police officers the patrolmen saw phenomena happen and they told you that and he wrote this in rockport read one of those reports there Tony alright I'll read one of the reports you know this is dated from November 25th 1974 and it's here says it's it's city of Bridgeport letterhead and it says to captain charles baker from patrolman George F Wilson jr. and it says reference strange occurrences at 966 Lindley Street and it starts out sir I was on patrol in 823 and went over to covered G 35 on an unknown call at 966 Lindley Street upon my arrival we found the inside of the house looking as though someone had completely ransacked it we were then advised by the people that strange things were happening furniture moving things falling from the walls etc at this time I entered the kitchen and saw the refrigerator actually leave the floor approximately six to eight inches and move towards me a couple of feet I then went into the living room and sought chair bounce around I at this time attributed these strange things to something natural such as gas or termites so I called the radio room to send some inspectors from the fire department to check the house the fire department arrived checked the house and stated there was nothing wrong with the house that they could find and they left I was in and out of the house all day for different reasons and spent approximately four hours total in the house during this time I observed several strange things happen of these were the following I saw a large TV slowly make a 90-degree turn away from us and faced a wall a bureau bounced on the floor a couple of times a crucifix nailed to the wall vibrate and pull itself off the wall a picture on the wall fell and nearly struck my partner patrolman Leroy Lawson three different reclining chairs bounced around changing positions in the room and a large clock on a shelf in the kitchen fall to the floor and the last sentence is all of the preceding is what I actually saw inside of nine six six Lindley Street respectfully submitted patrolman George F Wilson jr. Tony Reed Reed Lawson is this nonsense report on the next report is also a police report by this is interest by a patrolman it says to captain Baker front patrolman leroy lawson and then the subject it says haunted house sir while on patrol in car 823 my partner and I went to 966 Lindley Street to cover g35 upon entering the house I saw a picture fall off the wall a small desk move and a clock on the kitchen wall fall I immediately left the house and waited outside for my partner yes respectfully submitted patrolman Leroy Lawson and same date on it yes I had a reason I wanted to read these patrolmen saw this stuff happened now and I also know that you said the rain that these patrolmen when they saw the priest later mm-hmm what did they do everyone but one man I don't know who the one man was but he was corrected by his office of the lieutenant that was there every one of these police officers when myself and the priest walked in they knelt down and asked for the priests blessing there are blessing yes their guns Tony their nightsticks nothing could help them against the forces that they were witnessing in that house they were frightened and they wanted the priest to bless them that man Lawson I never ever long since forgot him and Ed and I are coming out of a medical building a few months ago and he said to Edna he's retired now he's working as a guard at a medical building and he looked at at an eye and said Lindley Street Bridgeport and I walked up on his shirt said Lawson Leroy Lawson and I was what's that hi Leroy I was very impressed feeding him I should say that I know patrolmen are incredible people and I know because I used to be a police officer years ago I know that when they see something and they they're not making this up when they when they do a police report now they can get fired or arrested for making a false statement to to their Police Department so I know these are legitimate these legitimate reports now ad you said to me that the patrolman believed that the patrolman saw it the patrol owner honorable honorable but what did you tell me about the chief I think all the problem came in because of the fact that we had between ten and fifteen thousand people in that area they had barricades set up one busload of police officers would get out another would get in they had 24 hour shifts around the clock I knew this wasn't going to last Loreena night were in that house for almost three days and nights we watched as furniture moved around smashed broke people came in and witnessed this fireman priests what annoyed me was the fact that on that third night we went home we had to take our showers get something to eat get some clean clothes in the morning on the other radio was it was a hoax the little girl did it a 90-pound ten-year-old child could move a 450-pound refrigerator two feet away from us and we wouldn't see how she did it police officers seen it they experienced it they wrote down the reports but chief Walsh who was a superintendent at that time made it his business to make sure that he was going to call that a hoax he called up the media told him that the little girl was a ventriloquist that it was her that was projecting this voice around the cat that both father Charbonneau and I and other investigators and people heard this is a materialized lyrics which usually occurs in what we call poltergeist cases now I understand why he called it a hoax to get rid of 15,000 people you have to take the barricades down and he told the Gooden's that night through a detective and two patrolmen that he would pull all of his men out of there they would take down the barricades and let the crowds do what they wanted if they did not go along with his idea about a hoax they went along with it but three months later they appeared on tiny Markel show which was a talk show in Bridgeport Connecticut on that show they spoke about the police officers coming in and telling them that they had to call it a hoax but the media never followed up on that what happened here was the media said that the little girl did it the parents did it I want to clear these people's names today I believe that chief Walsh who was the chief of police in Bridgeport at that time should be man enough to come forward 26 years later and say yes it wasn't a hoax I had men go in there I had them confront the goons to say that it was a hoax to get rid of all those people he not only made fools out of the family and us he made fools out of his own men these police officers were hourly going into the media which were all around the house in the house telling them about the things that they experienced now on one occasion I was standing in the kitchen father Charbonneau Catholic priest was right near the bedroom which was only maybe 14 feet away from where I was there were three police officers Lorraine the good and family were all standing around suddenly when I was talking I noticed that there was a movement from my peripheral vision on the sink a set of Mal Mac dishes flew across the room and landed on the floor the television said which many times went over in the kitchen suddenly went over the television set in the girls room which we put up on a shelf many times came down again a crucifix which was on a wall was made of plastic just burst this was one incident didn't you say that somebody well I don't know if it was the chief or not said about you giving the girl a special life saying oh yeah oh yeah happened that I had lifesavers in my pocket I the lifesavers out I took one little Marcie good and was looking at me was I not going to offer this child a life savers the offer larimar see later on the chief of police told the good ins that I gave her some kind of magic candy that would put her into a trance and then I could go up into Monroe Connecticut and controller from my house 20-some miles away and then I could move all these things in the house if I could do that Tony I would be the one that would be getting the ride up not the ruins yeah you'd be liked it was that it was ridiculous but I wish this man would come forward and tell the truth I mean I know he's an old guy today what does he got to lose chief come forward tell the truth after all these years you've made fools out of your own men you made fools out of us all the investigators that went in there the fireman chief swirling of the fire department walked in there and seen three huge reclining chairs jumping around and piling up on top of each other reporters went in there seen things heard things I have all of these accounts I have all the interviews on tape just as I get 26 years there you have audio tape of the police officers I don't have audio I have the video no yeah I do have one you know I don't have any videotape no there was no video then there were so many witnesses to this experience which i think was probably the most important poltergeist case to come along in hundred years I was gonna say it was a poltergeist case it was a poltergeist case what is the poltergeist tell her I could tell it was a German word it means mischievous and lazy ghosts but there are many different types of poltergeists we have water poltergeists we have fire poltergeists punching poltergeists throwing poltergeists the ones that most people hear about are when the stones fall out of the sky and onto a dwelling these probably make the paper once a week someplace in the United States and so any idea why this occurred at 966 left well sure there was it Marcy was an adopted child she was adopted by Jarrell and Laura Gordon from Canada but it is known that at the time that they adopted her that strange things were happening in the home where she lived she was part of a very large family and that they would tie her to a chair so we're poltergeist things occurring around this child all right now this child moves she had only really been there with the family about a year at that time if I recollect that right and things began to occur things began to occur Tony months before but what it was was tapping on the outside of the building so they felt that that was vandals that were doing it and a police officer who lived across the street from them would come over at times to try to understand but he also witnessed and nobody absolutely nobody was there so when this final major explosion started on this Sunday when all of this stuff began that was the first time I can only tell you what the lifestyle was like in that home it was an extremely small extremely cramped home they they treated this little girl they felt in a loving way but they protected her from any outside friends any outside interest she went to st. Patrick's School the mother would take her then she ran into all sorts of ridicule because they said she was different and she felt she was different because she was an indian child and then it when it came recess the mother wanted to protect her then and she would go down and take the little child out of the recess yard and walk her around until it was time to go back into school again she did not ever have the opportunity of interacting with other children except in a classroom setting so they were strange in that way and through the frustrations of this child who because of the fact that that certain girls mature earlier and I believe she was that she was reaching puberty where her frustrations and her anxieties concerning her life in that home were probably responsible for triggering off what was happening there and there were strange things before that they had a son Jarrell and lawyer Elora had a natural son that was born with Down syndrome they he died that little boy died then they had another boy and they put him up for adoption but they adopted this little girl nobody ever knows and was never answers for that there is always reasons behind poltergeist phenomena Tony there's reasons really behind a lot of hauntings if you can really get into the background of the family it helps you to better understand why forces that are that powerful invisible forces can create what happened at 9:00 was 66 lonely little girl have anything to do with the phenomena at all we know that children impurity especially girls that they have so much energy that we refer to as supernatural or pre to natural phenomena can't take place around these children now parapsychologist would claim that PK psychokinetic energy emanating from the child PK rods would move these objects well I don't go along with that first of all they say it's 14 feet away that it can be moved Marcy Goodman was miles away from that house when things were smashing and breaking in the home itself the first thing I do upon going into any poltergeist case is have the child removed I have the family removed then I use religious provocation I provoke what's there nobody's in the house of myself and investigators things are moving a smashing and breaking what does that have to do with pique psychokinetic energy we do know that the energy from the child is used it's a fuel that what we refer to as the poltergeist uses Marcy Gooden was not responsible for anything that happened in that house a child might take a pillow and throw it across the room that would be it remember that many officers were watching as Marcy Gooden was in a heavy chair and that chair of the child went flying across the room a police officer weighing over 200 pounds sat and Sharon couldn't do it a priest got in the chair he was a man over 160 70 pounds he couldn't move the chair how could a 90 pound child move that chair now remember Tony it isn't that it's consciously it is not consciously being done once it is triggered off through these frustrations and through these anxieties then spirits do come in demonic spirits had to be responsible for such power that went on in that home and it was tremendous power there to move what was moving in that house that's the most famous case and is that the most famous that was probably the most famous case in a hundred years because of the amount of witnesses I mean you didn't have three or four people you have dozens of me such credible when you were the outbreak and even after the outbreak had seen things occurring this was still going on three months later when the goods went on WIC see with tiny Markel mm-hmm they told how just before they left that a sewing machine was booming across the room and they wired it to the wall and it broke the wires this is right on the ridge made national headlines didn't it in it was top international news story for 48 hours Tony it really was top international think about this Tony something invisible something intangible comes into your home it smashes and breaks and even burns and Lorraine receive burns in that house it's just like somebody's gotta be scary it's scary it's a very thing invisible attacking your house maybe you right yes could attack you - yes people have been slashed people have been punctured people have been thrown across rooms people have been killed what we call a fire poltergeist can't kill another probably showing a picture right now the Lindley Street house over there yes it's just a little little tiny little house isn't this like a cottage it's so tiny Thompson house are in the south pardon like a shotgun house inside yes all right shoot a shotgun right through it yes that and you could you do it it's very very very very slow that's why the vibrations built up so quickly in there yeah and you made that comment that if you turn that night around nine six six you have six six six you have 6x6 plenty street yeah it's amazing honey that case was as real as you are that case stands out in my mind and the annals of psychic research is one of the most powerful one of the most credible cases of poltergeist activity ever recorded and it was recorded mm-hmm well I appreciate the information I'm sure the audience does too because everybody asks us yes they ask you especially about 966 Lindley Street we don't have a lot of time left I'd like to wrap it up by saying I'd like to say one more thing go ahead it period Superintendent Walsh 26 years has passed come forward and clear your men clear us and a good family tell the truth about what happened on the third night in that home you don't have to worry about crowds anymore they're all gone right well there you have it the challenge the gauntlet has been thrown out 9 6 6 Lindley Street hoax or reality we say it's a reality for ED Warren Lorraine Warren for all the camera crew for Charter Communications we're going to see you again next week I'm Tony Sparrow good night
Channel: Official Ed and Lorraine Warren Channel
Views: 319,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Supernatural, Seekers of the Supernatural, Poltergeist, Annabelle, Annabelle Creation, Ghosts, Ghost Hunters, Annabelle Comes Home, The Warrens, Conjuring2, Conjuring3, Preternatural, Ed and Lorraine Warren, Conjuring, The Warren Files, www.warrens.net, The Nun, Devils, Lorraine Warren, Occult Museum, Demons, Tony Spera, Ed Warren
Id: N6bgEAL8CBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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