Ed and Lorraine Warren; Haunted Scotland, Exorcisms, Devils, Demons, levitations.

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is of the supernatural we're on charter cable channel 21. as always we're glad you're here my name is tony sparrow of course i have host edna rayne warren with me tonight you know we're going to talk about a few things one thing we're going to talk about is their trip to scotland now ed and lorraine warren like to say to me how great scotland and england are i like to say to them how come you have taken me this time i mean i've been there before with them but now they're escaping for about a week or so at the end of august to go investigate a haunted hotel i begged i pleaded with ed with lorraine can i come can i go i've never seen heather on the hill and they just laughed and said well we're getting an investigation going but you cannot come so i don't know maybe i'll talk him into it before the end of the month but they'll talk about that and they're going to talk about a famous exorcism anna eklund so what we'll start out with first if we could lorraine is how did you get involved in going back to scotland on a haunted hotel case well tony the case came in right after we got back from scotland and it came through email and there was a couple of emails and he went into great depth and both these people both the husband and the wife who owned the hotel and bought it last november were in police work that was their livelihood but i guess after so many years like yourself you you can retire it has nothing to do with age it has to do because with myself they told me to leave and never come back how old that hotel is however 14 22. isn't that amazing oh really yes for it was an old courthouse at one half of it one half of the building was an old courthouse the other half is where people came to pay the tariff on their land tony and execution oh this is in scotland this is on the england scottish border right on the border so the man speaks with a heavy brogue very very heavy bro now these emails came finally we made communication over the phone with him we were trying as hard as we could to help over the phone but it really requires an investigation in order to be able to bring an end to things of this nature what's happening over there well it all started this is how he described it they moved in there with their two children there's a whole quarters on the second floor that's their private quarters his son who is six his daughter who is nine the son is the one that seemed to be very badly affected right from the very beginning and very frightened and would talk about these figures that were in his room he called them very big big people and he could see their head and he said he could see their shoulders but he couldn't see other parts of them now one night he woke up and he was hysterical crying the father didn't know whether the child was having nightmares or what so he went in he sat on the bed he wasn't reading to the child he was soothing the child he put his hand on the boy's face the room was illuminated he looked and as he looked at his son that night that's when the realization that something was there came to him there was a black opaque form that took the form of like an opaque big shadow of a person that he could see between his son and himself it blotted out completely his son who he was sitting right next to on the bed that's where it all began you consider these people to be very credible because they were police officers is that what they were yeah well it's not just yes they were police officers it it's not just that they were police tony it's the fact that when they bought this place there is one employee one staff member who had been there 30 some years another one that had been there 18 years and they told them in a lighthearted way that the house that the building was haunted but they didn't know if they believed things like that now it has reached the point where they all see these dark shadows they're losing a great deal of business things move all over the bar in the lounge slam them doors going down to what he calls the beer cellar where the beer must they must keep the beer where it's cold and that door came and and hit him very hard in the face almost enough he said to break his nose there i can at one time him and his wife this is about 10 days or so ago he his wife had gone up to bed he was downstairs he was working at the bar with the bartender there was a lot of people in he decided to go up to check on his wife who wasn't feeling that well he sat on the couch next to her he will tell you how many minutes he sat there and he said can you feel that behind us and she didn't so all of a sudden there was a tremendous bolt like some more than one person kicked the back of the couch real hard so they both felt that and she said told him that she felt it to him it was obvious then the couch which he describes as an antique couch that's very very heavy moved right towards the television set with the two of them on it the doors open and closed by themselves the uh what happens with the knobs they keep turning by themselves it's almost like the haunting the movie almost like the haunting well they do hear voices too they hear mumbling which we call magic whispering without going in the house of course you didn't either hotel you didn't go in yet no but what's your gut feeling at what is it oh very bad uh i've talked with the man and i can tell that he's genuinely frightened now the guy was a police officer i don't think he frightens too easily and from the things that he told me you know after 10 minutes i can tell whether or not a case is genuine we wouldn't be traveling three thousand miles away if we didn't think there was something in that hotel that we could help them with oh yeah and we are we are meeting with an exorcist there and uh a very influential member of the um edinburgh parapsychological university of edinburgh this man is affiliated with the university of edinburgh and is also i was hoping this time you can bring me a souvenir back can you bring me like a coaster or something promise anything promise a coaster maybe a matchbook from a pub i'm bringing back some heather how's that you're bringing back some heather too i know what's your last name but tony you've been there and judy has been there and i we know how much you love it tony i love it but but this is gonna be don't bring me back any scotch no okay i don't want any scotch in a like a quart bottle okay tony with a brown label that says glenn i don't want that you don't want that i don't want a special bottle of scotch that's gift wrapped okay i don't i don't i don't want that but go ahead you wanted a barrel right yeah so so anyway the scotch there ladies and gentlemen is probably the best in the world it is i know because i tasted most of it the single malt scotch is probably the best scotch in the world oh yeah bar none anybody that's anything you'll love it listening get some single malt scotch you'll love it yes it is if you drink if you don't drink you'll still love it but we're going to tony we normally do not do this this is one exception to a rule we are going to stay in the hotel we're going to take any pictures or anything or whatever oh yeah oh well fox television fox is the one that is uh bringing us there fox television is bringing you there yes they're going to film their taped film whatever you know ladies and gentlemen when it's going to be uh shown probably in october well the best thing tony is that people could find check our website then they know when things like this are going to air because uh we we usually post well mtv wants us again to go into fairfield hills and they want to film these six kids by themselves this time ladies and gentlemen for those who don't know and lorraine warren went into fairfield hills with a group of young adults on a show called road road rules for mtv and played like 87 times on mtv and we'd go to lectures and college lectures or wherever we went and they'd all go up to the rain said we saw you on road rules but anyway they're going to do that again when is that going to be well we're going to be filming when we come back tony ed i'd like to segue if i could for a moment and i'd like to talk if i could a little bit about anna eckland and that exorcism you told me about yes this was probably one of the best documented cases by the catholic church in all of its history anna eckland was a woman 54 years old who had brought been brought down from wisconsin by father theophilus ressinger very famous exorcist right and a monk in the catholic church to have an exorcism on her performed at saint joseph's church in erling iowa father steiger was a pastor and he had a community of nuns living there also who had taught at the school and worked around the church and father ressinger felt that the nuns could help in the exorcism of anna eklund now this woman was under possession by her own father and devils from the age of 14. the father had raped her on numerous occasions and she would not go along with this these ancestral ideas of his and he hated her he hated her so much that when he died he actually possessed her with these devils molested her and this poor woman was tormented right up to the age of 54 when father restinger went to help her now she had 30 exorcisms performed which all failed now father wrestling girl is going to bring her to erling to his good friend's church father steiger in the hopes that he can be successful well they warned the crew on the train about what could happen and things did happen on the train outward manifestations movement of objects sounds uh very frightening things from the woman finally they arrived in erling the church is only probably three blocks away from the railroad station it's still a very small place they brought the woman to the convent and the nuns were all stationed around this woman on a cot suddenly a loud bellowing horse voice came out of the woman terrible obscenities filthy obscenities came from the woman's mouth and she rose into the air and went up to the ceiling and clung to the ceiling by her hands and feet father restinger came in and he pulled the woman down and they tied her to the cotton and the nuns constantly were throwing holy water at her this woman at ports of what looked like spaghetti and human hair came out of her mouth barrels of it i'm talking barrels i'm not talking a plateful or something barrels of it covered the room the stench was so bad that the nuns who were in that room in the convent had to relieve each other every 15 minutes now in the end the devil did almost kill father steiger frank steiger he had laughed and mimicked the priest finally threatening and saying that he was on a call at that point in a farm area going to the sick but he would be killed his car went off a bridge and he was almost killed except that god is more powerful than any devil well he finally came back to the church and the exorcisms were continued anna eckland was freed through those exorcisms but there's a book a booklet that the catholic church puts out and it's called begone satan and this has all the facts in there about that exorcism much more famous much much more terrifying even than the exorcist what the movie was made out of now lorraine and i have seen exorcisms we've seen what can happen to people we can see the physical changes it's horrifying to experience imagine these nuns with this woman and eclin in that convent the farmers that were working around the fields said that they thought they were killing pigs because of the howls and squeals and animal-like sounds and everybody would stop working just look over towards the church at that point father steiger wanted to remove anne eckland but father resinger claimed that since they had gone this far that they should continue it and they did thank god because eventually she was freed by these devils and her father now people think how could a father possess his own daughter look at the evil that we have in the world today young boys killing their families girls torture killings murders young children in kindergarten being shot to death by a madman this is nothing where the devil is involved anything can happen and the worst thing is that the public if it's a skeptical public is the best protection that devils have you think the devil has more of a presence nowadays than it did positively 50 years ago oh yes it's said that the devil would show himself at the end of the millennium or the beginning of the millennium and he certainly is showing himself look at the horrible things that are happening children they are children 12 or 13 taking rifles killing numerous people mass murderers it's horrible what's going on today the kids today i feel sorry for them i wouldn't want to be a kid today being brought up the way they are with these drugs um the way of life that they have to lead lacks a physical attitude by their parents yes very laxatives you know a lot of lots of days ago what i mean when i say that is like a kid will come home from school uh the you know the teachers can't even like uh they can't even discipline them a kid can swear like when i was in school if a teacher called my house and said i did something wrong my father hit me sure or he or he he'd have me in the room for all summer you can't do that anymore today they say well my son can it's freedom of speech he can say what he wants yeah that's only because yes the law says you cannot touch that child but there's disciplinary uh ways of uh taking care of kids that you don't have to beat them or hit them or any other thing you know you take uh what little pleasures they have maybe they like to watch a certain tv show you don't let them watch it you know you uh ground them for a week and uh this is the way i think that kids should be disciplined you know so do you think the exorcism of anna eklund was worse than the real exorcist case yes oh i think in a lot of ways it was yes it was and i want to say that because it went on for so long too a lot of people don't realize that the movie the exorcist was based on a true case history in 1939 a young boy by the name of douglas dean that's what they call a 14 years old he lived or in he in georgetown and this is where the priest actually performed a lot of the exorcisms mount rainier but lorraine and i that was 1946 we had heard about it the papers were full of it and i wasn't really into this that much at that time but of course i had great interest in it and eventually a few years later i was able to get the secret files of the exorcist and where you see the girl's head turning it was a boy not a girl they put the girl in there and you see the slash marks on her face when she was hit with the holy water this actually does happen remember in the maurice therial case the farmer that we have the film of his head splitting open right on video blood coming down the eyes out of his mouth boil like eruptions coming out of the skin the skin looks like it was burnt with a blow torch snake-like eyes we have that on film these things happen there's no two ways about it and if the public could see this just once they'd be very cautious about believing the skeptics and the atheists i got a question for you though should people out there be afraid of being possessed only if they cross that thin margin that we call the natural to the pre to natural for instance don't use ouija boards don't hold seances don't go into cemeteries like lorraine and i do in our investigators unless you are prepared to be an investigator and to take your chances there are many protective ways that you can go in there and remember we don't go into these places out of kicks we go there to help people to get the evidence to prove that evil exists that's why we do this so just a normal person an everyday person who goes to work and comes home and might be religious goes to church doesn't do anything wrong doesn't dabble in things like the ouija board their channels are almost nil should they worry about now the smurl family people that what is the sole victim people that like like the smurl family who had such horrible things happen who were so religious who were so community minded who were such good parents plus they were so good to their family in general the older members of maybe don't know who the smurls were the smurl family was the case that ed and i were involved in in west pittston pennsylvania that became the book the haunted and the movie and the movie of the week the haunted now why would something so horrible tony happen to a family like the smurls because look at the people that were informed about that look at the people that were educated chosen ones there that was the sole reason for why they were credible tony when they told the story people knew who the smurls were what they stood for would they be sold victims though ed is that what you call a soul victim is somebody who went to seeds for somebody else for like the smurl family trying to help this smurl family and they could wind up as uh sole victims for instance you know a person that's being haunted you come to the warrens you say i'd like you to help my friends we help them yeah devils aren't too happy about that no you're putting yourself after that person who brought us into the case they become a sole victim so you're putting yourself in jeopardy because you're posing a threat to something that might be in this given situation a person who is skeptical or does not believe in god be haunted be possessed or haunted yes and you know what we find there are no skeptics or atheists and truly haunted houses we've never met a true scout we we make a win and meet atheists we and we have come out an atheist they won't but but i wanted to make another point tony and that's how i make your point i got another question for ed okay we went to erling iowa in 1980 during the period of time that we were involved in the possession of david glatzel in brookfield right here we went through the devil in connecticut case it's the devil in connecticut case we went there to pray by the grave of father ressinger or father stiger and we went there and asked for their help their guidance i will never forget that tony here is this magnificent building that looks like a cathedral in the middle of a cornfield out there and as you leave the town you go up a small grade and there's a massive big bulletin board to the blue army which is an order regarding devotion to the blessed mother of god at that point the sky turned this incredible shade of blue it wasn't here it wasn't here it wasn't behind us it was only ahead of us and as ed and i drove we weren't talking and we were watching and witnessing a sunset tony that was really miraculous it was so incredibly beautiful and i i think the guidance that we got maybe the intercession from that priest is what really helped edna where this uh the collateral family were concerned ed what are the manifestations or what are the signs and symptoms of somebody who's uh possessed and needs exorcism all right there's what we call perfect possession which is hard to tell if the person is possessed but we look for outward manifestations such as a table levitating in front of the person that person talking in languages they've never learned the physical characteristics of that person changing the person sitting in a chair and levitating right across the room strange things coming from that they never knew about any any type of education uh suddenly they could be spouting things that they never knew anything about uh such as music literature a person can be a hillbilly all of a sudden they're talking like some kind of president of a university we look for unusual outward manifestations now if we're in a house and all of a sudden tony you levitate with that share we know that that you're not mentally ill we know that this is paranormal or supernatural or prenatal phenomena occurring before our very eyes how about somebody gets really strong something like that oh superhuman strength yes superhuman strength where somebody some guy five foot seven like bill ramsey weighing about 150 pounds takes six or seven huge police officers weighing 250 pound each and over six foot throwing him around like matchsticks this is the type of thing we look for also physical characteristics i take it you've been on various exorcisms and have you seen this kind of uh positively have you ever seen anybody levitate yes that's in the uh not only have we seen it uh tony remember i was picked up and thrown right across the room the rain was thrown 25 feet right through the air that's levitation this is nothing else but we've seen people i've seen david glatzel as i walked into his room one morning when an exorcism was supposed to take place a huge priest was standing right alongside of his bed and this boy had a bad habit of just swinging out and hitting you in places you don't want to be hit so i told him father you better back up and as i said that this boy was in a fetal position rose into the air flew over the two of us and landed on his feet and ran into the hallway and locked himself in the bathroom this boy levitated right through the air that was like kind of a movie part of that was in the movie right yeah yes yes i remember we went to that restaurant and i met carl and what's the judy and judy glassell yes and debbie glass yes very very nice people yes they are they are nice people they are i forget the name of the restaurant but it was around here yeah it was in strategy too commercial too yeah i think it's out of business now but it is it was a very nice evening yes yeah our seafood 1980 1980 tony during the period of time we were involved so david glasser was what possessed yeah he's 11 years old he was possessed it was father dennis that brought us in from saint joseph's church in brookfield there and father dennis was very frightened himself because he had a sickly mother in ireland and so another priest took over as pastor at saint joseph's for him and he helped us and that man was sick from the day he helped us until today that that case tony um where the gladstone boy was concerned there were six roman catholic priests involved and four of them i think from that mistake they were ordained and schooled in rome really yes they were what you're doing in 1981 19 it was 1980 into 1981 and why we were involved in that is when the case in lee massachusetts i want to tell you the lee massachusetts the glotzel case uh the case in um west hartford all of these cases all around the same time and maurice and maurice all of them tony the exorcisms were performed on may 2nd we had nothing to do with choosing that and padre pio this year a man who physically fought the devil and is up for beyondification of canonization was beyondified on may 2nd by the holy father that's not a question so the whole scheme of things we're going to wrap this up the whole scheme of things what's the most it was the worst exorcism that there ever was in your opinion in my opinion ooh more real was it was it anna eckland or was it maurice or was it i would say anna eckland and i think so yeah well and equine had a lot more phenomena occurred to him for a lot many more years uh for more reasons maurice had but maurice's case turned out in tragedy as you as you know he again became possessed after eight years uh killed himself uh almost killed his wife so that that that's a very bad case and then maurice was a wonderful man he had a great sense of humor everybody loved them they used to call him frenchie but again it was his father and devils that possessed maurice theriault any last words for the audience as far as how they should guard themselves and just be careful i'll say one thing never open doors to that world and never ever get involved in the work that ed and i do without tremendous amount of faith because that is the only protection that we have our knowledge is helpful but it's only faith that protects you that's good advice oh and always remember to stay behind your wife yes so if anything does happen you'll be all right they'll take the wife thanks honey absolutely that's good advice and on that note stand by stan not stand by your man stand behind your wife um on that note i'd like to say good night to the audience i'd like to say good night to ed and the rain we'll see you after you come back from scotland don't forget the bottle scotch and for ed warren for lorraine warren for charter cable i'm tony sparrow good night good night
Channel: Official Ed and Lorraine Warren Channel
Views: 114,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Occult Museum. Devils, Annabelle, ghost hunters, Angels, supernarural, Tony Spera, The Nun, Demons, Earthbound Spirits, ed and lorraine warren, Preternatural, Conjuring 3, The Conjring, tony spera, Annabelle Creation, paranormal
Id: cAAf0QlOjs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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