Ed and Lorraine Warren discuss the cursed tunnels of Japan

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forever and I hope someday when I pass on you'll be waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge we do know this tell me that any animal that is loved by a human being will survive the grave in other words we will be with those animals again because they do have a soul God created them with a soul and the fact that they were loved by human beings assures them that they will be with us someday I mean what would heaven be without them I know not another dog named Lucy that lived about a year with me just found on route 84 a border collie I found her on route 84 on July 5th I think the year was 1994 she died one year to the day July 5th 1995 and she was a great a great dog - that was with me all the time anywhere I went she went with me when you lose an animal it's it's almost worse than losing a human being I mean a lot of people often have lost human beings ed has lost everyone his family Lorraine has lost almost everyone her family I've lost every one of my family but it hurts the same as if it was a human but that solace that Edie said they will be there waiting for us that's the thing that we cling to and I hope that everybody out there who has lost an animal recently believes this because it is true that they will be waiting for you on a lighter note I think it's a lighter note we're gonna talk about Japan Ned was in Japan in nineteen was at forty five at or forty six forty five forty five 1943 to 1946 he was in the United States Navy as an armed guard World War two and he spent time in Japan and Nagoya and I believe he said Tokyo he'll you'll talk about it yes but fifty five years later Eden Moran go back to Japan Edd's there during the war he sees destruction all around him everything's different it's just a nightmare back then he goes back fifty-five years later with Lorraine to investigate hauntings won't you tell us about it well it was so different than what I expected Tony you know when I was there I was on Okinawa the war was over because of the atom bomb and we didn't expect it to be over we were already putting numbers on our ships you know for the invasion of Japan one day a small LST pulled up and this was in late August and so that some bomb was dropped on on Japan and that it was going to end the war well we didn't really believe it not until the second time we heard it and of course it was a horrible thing that occurred I wish had never had to occur because the Japanese people are beautiful people and Lorraine found this out when we went to Japan and understand that it's not the people of these countries that start these wars is the warlords the war mongers the politicians these are the ones that are responsible but when I seen Japan 56 later years later I was amazed I was shocked because these cities that had been bombed out nothing but rubble nothing but smoke smokestacks in some cases standing people starving rags now we go back and here are these beautiful magnificent modern buildings the streets the cars all brand-new the people were very you know they were I have to tell you Tony before we even go into these cases I have to tell you that this one day we traveled with an interpreter constantly that interpreter never left us but after I was with the Japanese people for a period of time it's almost like you cross over that barrier and you are able to communicate you don't understand them yes you do and maybe you don't understand the language but it's not the language it's just you are just able to communicate and this one night I had said to them the whole story about Edie about Edie you know being right off Okinawa about I didn't tell him the numbering of the ships for the invasion I didn't get into things like that but we're told about the war ending and was a naval gunner so he would have been you know he had to do something else so they came aboard ship and they asked if anybody in the Gunners knew anything about voice radio and he said he did and they sent him to Nagoya and he lived with the army now there was nothing standing but there was one building Toni and it belonged to Misha be she and it was a warehouse and they had their office in this warehouse I can go back over Edd's letters in with the windows that he spoke on that looked out on on the harbor and like that and he lived with them ate with them and all but everything outside of that was just rubble with smokestacks and so I told him this and I said if I could just go and stand on that pier and look out at that harbor on the South Pacific as my husband had fifty five years ago your wife was born that night is amazing yes yes I said I that would mean the world to me why I'm here if I could do that never knowing what checked my wife water happens to be happens to be is that Lorraine it's our daughter yes so when Ed was over in that building in Mitsubishi Japan in the building on January 11th 1946 he was born yes yes yes January 11th 1946 and we're there maybe a little over a week later and we're right in the same spot where he was notified and the first thing it said as he stood there when they finally took us there is this is right where I stood when my daughter when I was notified my daughter was born and how did I celebrate I had a plum pudding I'm putting it was midnight when the army notified me with a telegram that she had been born and the strange thing was that at that same time Japanese were celebrating their birthdays twenty-year-olds that's his birthday at that time really and there was two destroyers out in the harbor they were firing off rockets and so forth yeah so Judy was born that night there was a huge celebration for Japanese people in their 20s and it was a real holiday that's so that's how I remembered and then we went back of course I'd never expected the building to be standing it was that one building was still there intact the way I have left at 56 years ago that's amazing we're going to be showing you later in the okay so what's the first thing we would have an exciting program tonight and it tells three different cases Tony one is a condominium know their apartments honey really got a minute well they call them condos over there yeah they call them apartment houses I think we can show the furnitures there and that's our crew that's our crew yeah that's our crew well we're at the bullet terminal we we travel down the bullet train from Tokyo to Nagoya and then from the middle saw the TV crew that's not all of them we're gonna we're going to sit up and they're all in the TV crew yeah and we're going to pick up the cameramen but that's on the list and that's it those two strangers that's at night at the terminal in Tokyo we still know where Nagoya we're in Nagoya they're at the terminal in Nagoya now perfect yes it is and we meet up with our crew and then we go to to this particular apartment building Tony okay now it's being built in two parts that's on the left-hand side of the road it's a road now but it wasn't a road then it was only a driveway as it was explained to us on the other side across the street the building is yet to be lived in but it is basically the same type of building now in one of these photographs you're going to see mr. Tanaka who was the building manager leave it there and he was able in Japanese and we're all sitting on the floor Tony that is something to get used to I think I should tell him what happened in this building oh well he's going to tell us honey that's what I said we're going to tell him what well the manager is going to tell us of all of these experiences Tony that people have had in all different apartments and himself and himself now there was a samurai warrior whose head had been seen floating in a small building right across from this one which we'll show you later and this was the first sighting of this particular ghost now samurai warriors of course were top dog to them days they would go into a village and they were the law they were the executioner's they were the judges and then he said the head started appearing in this building but not just the head of the samurai warrior there was a woman who had hung herself they would see a young couple who had been killed there there was numerous ghosts that would show up here but on that property there was also many people buried alive because of the column and cholera animals and people were buried alive right where that building is no we believe that that's had a lot to do with the hauntings occurring there you can pull down the next month Tony there's the little building right there straight across were three ahead of the samurai warrior was first seen and you can see the new complex of buildings right across which are being built not which we feel is also going to be a very wanted yes thanks to know yes yeah go ahead Tony now that's that's the man in charge you notice that we're sitting on the floor to talk take our shoes off right as soon as we walk in Tony none of these buildings but I need an ambulance Oh get me out of there over an hour of sitting on f4 Tony that takes some getting used to I mean the Japanese people they can squat to do everything and we doing everything and and but no that picture no we didn't bring one of them of the loo but uh but anyway that's that's painful to do when you're not used to it that man was a very very beautiful person who is he that's mr. Tonko is the building manager mr. Tanaka and he he too had phenomena occurring in his apartment where he stood so frightened and watched the curtains like something or someone pull the curtains back and forth in his apartment and he was so scared of what was going to be on the other side when that curtain opened he thought he was going to say he has never seen that head he has seen the spirit of this woman who took her life he has seen things move we talked to numerous people a lot of young couples live in those condos and he had a great deal of knowledge regarding a history of the area as it appeared now what I had discerned Tony in one of these photographs you'll see it is it is the fact that the littleness photo yeah oh that's in the back and that's where the water is and anyway this is also where the bodies were buried buried are the people buried alive and the rank of field decorations all these people and when you walk through those buildings even though I'm not sensitive I could feel many things in there and this is where we had to bring in the Buddhist disciples and priests were to perform the exorcism in that area and they were going to do it Tony it entailed not just the buildings it entailed doing something about the whole perimeter of these apartments because that's where everything was going on we interviewed many many young families and children these darling little children God they were precious little kids but that is a real bad area right there real bad area all okay now when while we were there at the condos before we go into that's the tunnels where we're going to be going the next day but why we were there Tony you could feel the coldness you could sense the areas and it seemed to be drawn a lot to the apartments where there were children the spirits can use the energy of these kids we did not we were not able to stay long enough for the Buddhist priest to completely do that whole perimeter of the apartments but this we were here for the oh yes we were I in a colder place in my life then I went to that tunnel though I was terrible and scary I'll tell you if we say it was scary it was three it was all right no 200 people were buried alive in that tunnel 35 years ago an avalanche came down during it my food they tried to escape into the tunnel but what it did was trapped them in there mm-hmm a certain nights people could hear the screams the yells the moans of these people the horror which must have occurred there was horrific when we went in there that night I walked away from the camp crew and I went down to the other end you know and I have never felt anything like that you know about the tunnels in Fairfield Hills this is a hundred times worse really yes now these people Japanese would come over the mountain before they built that tunnel that's why they built it they had salt in the edge to bring it over to other villages on this side going to salt mine next one Tony from the salt mines Tony oh look I've seen ghost globules this is entering the tunnel again but if you look off on the right you'll see all white ghost globules these are spirits and I think the next one also has that sounds from the other side yes that's the other side let's go out the other side yes that's out the other side and that's where the salt mines are right back there also um beautiful to tell you Tony I was territory the tears were coming right down my face I had no control whatsoever the flowers that you see here on the floor of that tunnel were put there because of a young man about three months ago he defied the curse tunnel he thought it was a joke he took his motorcycle through there at midnight his friends standing at the other end heard screams and a crash they went to the tunnel he had been decapitated the chain of his motorcycle had come off decapitated his head and this is where he laid right here that's his friends had been there to put it you know it's to challenge evil and this particular tunnel has a lot of evil in it okay that that's how before Tony that tunnel was there that is worth what they would use they would go over that mountain that's the top of the tunnel today they would go over that mountain with their horses and so the tunnel was built so they had a place to go through but today there's a much bigger tunnel that has been built and one of the reasons is because of the horrors that had taken place in that old gun area so haunted Tony that people will not go up there at night you know this foolish young man that went through the motorcycle you know how young people are yeah or they're no different you know they're not and it was a challenge but he paid with his life for it people say well it ghosts can't hurt you right you're not dealing with just ghosts here no you're not dealing look at it that's it there's somebody working here it is if you run that tower all by yourself at night I walked onto the further end away from the camera crew and like I said I've never felt such bitter cold iciness and while we were in there the Buddhist disciples came in were saying the rituals of exorcism suddenly we heard a huge crash about 5 foot away from us heavy ice came down all sudden broke right in front of us I never seen like it but but no thought I'd or I thought oh no has anybody understanding though they could have been killed so that was a warning for us to get out but the disciples stayed there until the exorcism is over and these people had white robes on we were bundled up sweaters heat pads under us top coats hats these monks will go and zero weather under a waterfall under a waterfall with just a sheet on they will walk out and they will dry themselves through mind over matter mm-hmm it's amazing I don't think I'm gonna try that no that takes a tremendous discipline Tony that's our interpreter what a beautiful girl yeah that's Rico that's Rico yes what ed was chasing around all no he did like her though she was a very sweet nice girl in this picture is okay now on the other side of the tunnel Tony this is a memorial a Buddhist memorial that has been put up by people and they come there and they pay homage they like these little candles they you know the same as we probably do in our Catholic faith they leave flowers and like that mainly for the people who have been killed you know and ran into so so terrible must misfortune okay now some of these are going to go into an exorcism Tony now this is an exorcisms that were involved with at the temple this is a Buddhist shrine and the Lorraine is standing at the entrance of it right now when we entered there were at least four what they call disciples and there was one man who was a master of karate and judo what would they call him martial arts like a heart of hearts right yes he is not a man that you would fool around with Tony could I see the next one yes he was there to protect the priests oh that's us with thee that that's the head Buddhist X sis there now that's the reverent that's Reverend Joon's wife that's Reverend June's white do you remember my childhood but vaguely yeah that's a sign of that she is not vain but this yes that's what yes it's a very holy pious knowledgeable individual beautiful beautiful person Reverend June has passed away Reverend June is a man that the karate master yes that's the karate manual is a master yes yes gentle very these people are so gentle they're so honorable I mean in general I'm talking to Japanese people but to be with these people and to be in this temple oh that was just absolutely wonderful I remember that we can't speak Japanese they can't speak English but somehow we can't we got the word through and we had our interpreter with us but you talk as I already said very gentle people you can't imagine dropping bombs on them and I'm sure they couldn't imagine dropping bombs on us all you have to do Tony is to be with people like this for a week your so-called enemies and suddenly you're not enemies anymore your friends and will always be friends with them but you know I would look at the little children and I would leave people the first one be oh yeah there she is again with Edna and that's like Edie said that's Reverend June's wife the Reverend and she is what husband came here about eight years ago she had formed an exorcism in Massachusetts Massachusetts that I work with that I worked with him this one is all right that's the Rite of exorcism Tony in the Buddhist temple you see two people there they're under possession right now one by what we call a snake demon this person would slither along the floor the tongue darting in and out acting just like a snake but these people here are so knowledgeable now you talk about a Catholic priest going in and performing an exorcism he's like a child compared to them oh you can their knowledge is so great so much more than any priest in the United States but they have different methods as I often said they're exorcisms their prayers go to the same God our exorcisms do by different names we've got about two and half minutes left SoCo maybe like to just finish these slides up all right go go ahead Tony what is this one this thing now this is this again is during the Buddhist exorcism actually this is the very beginning stages of it right there where they three of them on that side were kneeling and stars are playing folded they're all boring so there are blindfolded Tony because the eyes are the mirror of the soul of what our is in the eyes of those people you don't want to say right no no you don't all right very good that's yes that's the Reverend Jun and the martial arts master and that at the end after they have cast the spirits are done what they could to cast the spirits out there then they build this bonfire Tony supposedly to help the spirits to leave and to go out off into the Heather whatever threatening yes now these lines - guys this is us in Nagoya at the spot where Ed was 55 years before at the very same time tell that's us today oh of course now if you go now all right next picture is let's let's get the next picture this this is Ed night yeah that's no that's that's the way all right wait yeah I know he I don't think he can get both but look at this huh that's that is as we looked at that how old were you there ed how old 9 thank you you don't think yeah you were still a team and I was 18 when I wrote it was only a week after this picture was taken that I was a survivor I was on a ship which was going out on a convoy out to the North Atlantic when one of the ships rammed our ships that caught on fire a lot of maybe when died that day and well the surgery v this show is dedicated to them also yes it is yes their lives yes yeah we're basically out of time but you know anyone who wants to write in to us and Edie especially if anybody was in the u.s. Navy armed guard 1943 44 or 45 World War two I would love to hear from you guys because not that many of your left and we just want to say and add to that we appreciate all you did for us to keep us free and it was we know it was hell they said to Ed we have to wrap it up he'll box 41 Monroe control Connecticut for ED Warren for Lorraine Warren for Charter Cable I'm Toni sparrow and a wonderful evening
Channel: Official Ed and Lorraine Warren Channel
Views: 184,548
Rating: 4.8932724 out of 5
Keywords: Annabelle Creation, Angels, tony spera, Earthbound Spirits, Conjuring 3, ed and lorraine warren, Occult Museum. Devils, paranormal, The Nun, Tony Spera, Annabelle, ghost hunters, supernarural, The Conjring, Preternatural, Demons
Id: px9CtOFLQ2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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