From The Warren Files: Hauntings, psychic mediums, Eddy Brothers, Materializations

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good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome once again to seekers of the supernatural I'm your moderator Tony Sparrow tonight of course along with Ed Warren and the rain Warren before I begin the program I'd like to thank all our camera crew and all our our audio and visual help rod Vesey he's our engineer in our director and producer and also Paul in the control room was doing a sound and Tom on camera one and Frank on camera three without these guys we couldn't bring the show to you you know I couldn't run the camera and do the audio and put the tapes in and mix all the things down so I really appreciate you guys tonight like to say thank you once again and of course Lorraine and Ed thank you because it's not easy to give up your time like that you're not getting paid we don't even give you a Donuts we don't even give you anything we just say hey you come in and you guys always come through and we're happy we're really proud of it tonight we're gonna talk about it cases a little bit away from here but not that far it's in Torrington now people who know Torrington know that it's an older city to city say 35,000 people I used to live in Winstead and I've been tutoring ten men II many times you're some some nice places there are nice restaurants but you know nestled in in towns such as that our haunted houses or places where ghosts appear now I just found out about this this place today ed in the rain had gone there last week to Torrington she'll tell you a little bit about where it's at and things like that Edie says it's the Grand Central Station of ghosts so what I'd like to do is start out first with Lorraine by Mary Lorraine can you tell us about this what happened in Torrington it's right near UConn Torrington where you've got a lot of your education Tony it's where I got my degree from you come that's right where you got your degree okay so if there is near the Torrington branch of of UConn yes it is it's right near there in fact they have a student who stays a great deal with it because she lives in the Marriott section of new offered oh boy and since it's a long commute for her her parents prefer that she stay with this family who are a lovely lovely family now this house it's a two part house but it's made into one home and the oldest part is 1793 the newer part is 1870 so there's five bedrooms in this place there's two large Pollard's there's a central hallway that they have made into a big dining area because there's a great big fireplace in it and there's two stairways on the oldest part of the house is this little narrow stairway that you see in these very old homes and the home is as neat as a pin and the people are lovely now they brought up their two children in this house this couple the woman was born there she was born in the house the house like I say has been in the family for 250 years but her father was the type of man although they witnessed and heard things back when she was a girl growing up mm-hmm they could never talk about it he forbid them to tell relatives friends neighbors nobody could talk about it but numerous people had experiences now there marry and it continues but who do they talk to they really did not know who to talk to and it seems that at college they talked a lot about us and that's how we happen to become involved now her husband gave her a digital camera for Christmas nice Tony if you ever ever wanna see ghost globules in a house if it snows ghost globules mm-hmm now you see them and in most cases they are taken after nine o'clock at night that's one most popular thought that goes globules the ghost globule is comprised of electromagnetic energy this is what the ghost gathers to manifest itself in such a house mm-hmm as Tony said earlier this is again a Grand Central Station of ghosts there are homes like this at our door waste in many many spirits but go ahead Aaron so now you can speak she I said to my little bear dog speak bear so anyway um she's taking all of these photographs now she begins to show these to her husband and she said you know I have a feeling that these are ghosts hmm and then the kids began to tell her about our programs and what we show during our programs so he told her to stop taking them because he was afraid that they were going to have a real problem at the house nothing to sell the house he didn't want to try to sell a haunted house and those husband what's a few years he knows it now although he himself tony has had experiences who you told the husband the husband he's had experiences story but he's an engineer and believe me when I tell you he don't want to give any recognition although he has seen a great deal what they describe is magic whispering they hear conversations mm-hmm each independent of another now the funny part about these this magic whispering you could hear it in another room mm-hmm and you sneak over to see what's going on and if there were lights on you could see lights into the door so here open that door the lights go off then whispering stops can you understand any of their whispering no it's very difficult it's extremely difficult to understand the whispering no it's like mumbling one thing that always stands out in my mind and especially with people who are not knowledgeable is when they tell of this one experience the daughter is 28 years old very very pretty girl she's married she told about this day she was in the bathroom and the doorway all lit up like wall around the door like was like there was an extremely bright light and there and she's a you know she couldn't imagine what it was and as she turned she went over to the window you know in the bathroom to look out to see if something was wrong outside and her I was standing there woman who had been dead for years a woman who she loved very very much now let me just ashen interrupt with one second these people are very incredible people you say Vera yeah how long is these these hauntings been going on probably all of this woman's life told it woman I'd say in her 50s all right so the question I would have as an investigator if I went into that house why why all of a sudden did you contact the Warrens after all of these years when she started taking the photographs and starting to get what she felt was evidence that she felt it was credible enough to get you in it yes the photos yep because she felt her yes a she knew there were ghosts there because she's seen ghosts but now she wants back three of them at a time would see a ghost there in the living room and all of a sudden they look and here's man's legs then it goes up to the torso the three people can see us at the same time which is very unusual then he seen this man walk up the stairs and disappear so she knew and they all know that there goes there now the son of the I think the daughter and son oh no I got the impression they said we always come in the evening I got the impression that they usually stop every night maybe it's on their way home from to their house you know when they're coming home from their work and the husband the son-in-law was tired and he was lying down on the couch in one of the Pollard's and he was levitated Tony is the one negative thing that's a big guy he's like secure 3 maybe yeah 210 pounds all muscle he's lying on the couch and all of a sudden he felt as though something were lifting him off the couch he got so friend he grabbed onto the couch and held on and then subsided after about 5 minutes they said he'll never forget that yeah and he's I mean one of these people are so credible now as she looked out the window she could see this woman and the woman was in full color tawny so that was on a second floor though so it was on the second floor and she could look out and she was right there and her arms this is all crystalman's he's taking place a reflection of the spirit on the window now one thing she always remembers about this particular aunt is she was a maiden aunt and she used to show up every Christmas Eve just loaded with presents all beautifully wrapped and that's the impression this girl always has of this on how she always remembers her and that's how she could see her but she said I certainly wasn't thinking about her now a grandmother wait as the woman was outside the window on the second floor and this girl looking at her the spirit is saying let me in the house oh yeah let me in the house yes yeah she could hear the voice I forgot about that now a great grandmother who also lived in this house but she didn't know her she didn't know this woman she could see her ghost she could see it if they like a lavender dress that she was wearing pearls at the neck and then with this ghost as she watched it and it had very pleasant face it faded into a mist and she could see the mist now she described another thing with dashes and dot's the phone rang and the phone was in her parents bedroom and she ran up the stairs to her parents room to pick up the phone and as she ran up the stairs she walked into something that was extremely cold and had substance to it and it was made up she says like of neon little blue lines and dots and these people they're just this is just for the audience for clarification yes these people aren't heavy drinkers people yes the house is neat clean very I remember talking area you know we've been doing this for 50 some years we can tell people get out right away oh yeah I could tell I could tell you guess what I see what I'm why I'm asking these questions so maybe those are drunks yeah maybe they're drug addicts yeah I'm not asking because I know now I didn't want to be part of the interview like I never am so ed is doing the interview and the house rambles all over the place so I was walking now there are certain areas that's very prevalent one thing was an area that confused me I walked into the kitchen and I felt the presence of this young man was in there really profound impression of a young man just like you know Frank and Tom are here it was just like that you could just feel the impression strongly of him then I walked out the door but the door I walked out didn't seem like the door I should be walking out it came out in an area that confused me then I went into the next doorway into the next room which is a bathroom but I thought I shouldn't that was where the doorway should be and this is supposed to be a bedroom I see it as a bedroom and can see this woman in the bedroom and not a bathroom mm-hmm so then I left there and I went up to one stairway that led up to the one 2nd floor and that hallway at the top was very very strong very very strong energy but the bedrooms I felt nothing there's a computer room then there's three bedrooms besides that computer room on that side of the house and I really did not feel anything in that area then you go down a hallway you go down a couple of stairs because now that's the part of the house that was built in 1870 and there's a great big huge master bedroom but that was another thing I walked in there and I'm all confused because I'm there during a period of time before changes were made so all of these things were clarified for me now in that area of that upper hallway Sarah who is the student at UConn that stays there so often has her bedroom right at the end of that hallway and she has been awakened numerous times because a heavy furniture being pulled down the hall there's no furniture it's a narrow hallway Toni he's an old house and what narrow hallway it's not hallways like that is our spacious master and when now what the daughter I believe is highly sensitive highly scented there's a son there's a young son who was high school age but the daughter's 28 she's married now she graduated the daughter blankets gonna tell when she was 16 years old blankets tucked in yeah she had the flu very very badly very bad she had the flu and she was really just getting over the flu and she was still in bed this afternoon and turned over to go to sleep she just didn't feel like getting up and she heard somebody say poor dear she's so sick the poor dear she sucks it she thinks it's her mother but think she realized it's two women that are in the room and they took the covers in on both sides of her and they're saying this it's it's beautiful we have seen things move they have they constantly hear footsteps you know and knocking and television settle go on and off yeah lights of the lining off these are all stages of infestations yeah you know so I don't think these are like just nice little friendly ghost well not the levitation isn't and then the stinking turn it's not friendly no I think that what's there is not demonic right not evil is not diabolical but it could be very mischievous mm-hm and it's a Grand Central Station for ghosts as far as I'm concerned that we've run into a few homes like that all right you know you know where hazards villas yeah how's it go hazard well I can remember years and years ago god I'm going back at sea 1950 49 there was a house where eight the turn Park now goes they destroyed the house because they had to put the Turnpike's where there but there were six people who walked into that house and never came out it was on now they would be talking as we're talking right now they would walk into the living room they would hear the voice and it would suddenly just grow very faint very weak huh they go in there that person was gone these people were never found it was I was portrayed on one step beyond Tony remember that show for those of you don't remember the show one step here and that that was one of your favorite shows it Robert John Newland that was a good show when I was a kid I saw watch that show oh I'd love I was so scary that was to me it was a scary show well that's a kid can you imagine being and not any longer folks it was a great show can you imagine being in New York one step beyond and we had it's Alcoa presents outdoor presents one step in yeah and we had it's paintings and we're standing two of us to cross the street yeah you saw him John Nolan is standing right there and he was good at that yeah anyway so nice what do you what are you gonna do about this house in Torrington oh we're gonna send people in there Tom over here hopefully is that camera right now mark and Mike going you know I thank the people before there's a few people I forgot to thank micro bears is one he does our website but Mark Murad who helps us all the time he couldn't make it tonight he got stuck on 84 but mark mark me rata is one more guy probably missing Paul there's a guy named Paul I pour my hat Paul my ad then there's Cheryl Cheryl Cheryl wicks Charles sick she's sick sir sure wicked sick and also we'd like to give our best wishes Edie Lorraine and I to Terry Chea fari oh yeah Frank chief re is the one who does the spirits on the hill Brian tells me he's beginning of the show and he's writing more music but Terry though his wife was has been ill lately but she's getting better and Terry I wish you the very best yes we do Cheryl's office we wish you the best we hope you all get better fast and we'll all go out to eat somewhere Frank is working on yeah Frank working right he's the one across that I just said wrote the song that is there it's on the ocean spirits on the hill but now he's got ten more and he's on we're gonna wants to play this for us we gotta come over some night we got a mix up down play the songs first oh but he does all that he does all the instrumentation yeah guitar rock drums background vocals sing harmony he does it all I don't know how he does he is really phenomenal one-man band yeah now oh but get back to all these guys wait a minute they're great because they do give of their time like well the rain I first started you know as helter skelter was just her and I we we had nobody to help us no more people how we got Gina Gina in the control booth she works here at charter there's Greg works here at Charter and there's other people I can't really name another girl Christine Christine or Kristen who helped us out without that we couldn't put the show on period they do the audio they they not to do the tapes and mixing and things like that okay Frank is trying to tell you another name another name Frank you can and Becky there's Becky who helps us out immensely just so many people to charter and they're great we come in here and they're ready to help us like it's like 9 o'clock at night right now when we're doing this and they're still here they worked all day they worked all day they're still helping us so let's let's do this let's get onto another case if we could yeah come on I want to talk it about a place that you love yeah this is insane this is a Cajun demo I've been intrigued by for years and years the Eddie brothers in Chittenden Vermont now children in Vermont there's just a speck of a place of village mm-hmm and the 18 late 18-hundreds it was also a speck it's still the same as it was then no different farms you go down to the center of the village there's a fountain that's the biggest thing around but there is a mountain resort there now I forget the name of mom and dad mountaintop and that people don't probably know the reputation of Chittenden and yet they have to pass the gravy I would say what it is guys are buried in a farmhouse two young boys were born right there the Eddie brothers and a sister their mother came from Scotland and was a mystic a woman was a medium the father was very ignorant person uncouth I can't think of enough mean things to say about this guy anyhow the two boys would constantly talk about the invisible playmates and they'd talk to them and play with them but then started appearing in front of this father and he thought there was some kind of tricks the boys are going into a state of mediumship where they would be sound asleep out like a light he thought they were fooling around he would take hot coals on the fireplace and drop them in their hands they still have the scars when they were still in their late 80s oh they were going into a deep trance they were deep trance mediums as they grew older there would be something like 40 and 50 apparitions which would appear in solid form masalas we are in the attic of this farmhouse now the first thing you're gonna say is it was all put on remember we're going back to like 1860 65 yeah he died in 30 you're talking about a place where they didn't have any television no movies no radio no nothing in order for these two young boys and the father and mother to create what was occurring in that attic rooms of that farmhouse they would have to have a trailer truck full of costumes and they would have to know about all the customs of people around the world because you would have African Chiefs which would appear you would have Arabs which would appear people from India in full regalia soldiers that would appear and they would talk just like I'm talking right now full materializations people would come from all over the world to see this and you know what the daddies would charge him $5.00 a week room and board and they could see all this stuff Colonel Olcott Madame Blavatsky who were the the leading investigators and she was a leading clairvoyant over a day came all the way from Russia and they came up there they witnessed all of these manifestations apparitions ghosts but it went a step further a down the road about a mile is a cave we have a picture of here we can show it hi I'm Thomas cave hot dogs cave an Indian chief by the name of hot dog is this pit was the one that would appear there now he would appear on top of this ledge of the cave I'm just gonna hold these up and I don't know how the cameras gonna pick them up because you're a little a little a little glossy but if you can get that's hot those cables right on top of that rock this chief hot dog would appear mm-hmm and he would have with him maybe 25 or 30 Indians and people who had come to the farm but all sit around in a circle around this huge rock and cave and these Indians would get up there and they would talk and they would perform different ceremonies I could see that psychically Tony do another picture there this is yeah this kind of show let me just put this picture right up right in front of this one tom and tom is an expert cameraman I'll get this that's another view of the entrance of the cave now it shows the house here as it was during the time of the Eddie brothers it's still there today the house it is yeah it's up to you time to left no turn it around this one that's as it was the drawing of it that's how it was Tony in that top left-hand corner and there it is on the right the way it is today they moved the house around actually mm-hmm and there's Horatio and William Eddie he lowered their night here you go Eddie Eddie William a tea but you know the father when he found out that this was legitimate he has some guy from a circus take the kids away he paid him so much these kids were abused terribly mm-hm in fact one time they're actually tarred and feathered you're kidding yes people felt that there's and they felt that there were fakes and they ran a mile this town or that the devil what's this picture here this little bit is anything that the relations of the eddies that's the only relation that we know of then we're going to show this shot that he's in any one of the IDS that's dead worn back in what nice 18 years ago when Ed was 30 years old well I just have I have a letter from him about three months ago yes we're gonna get together and I want to go up there and I'd love to take some psychic pictures that's a cave in the house so you've been the Chittenden right you've been there Oh a dozen times oh yes we've been in the house there's any getting special feelings that we're running a little long time we've got about two minutes early yeah yeah what got any special feelings when you go in the house when I went we went to the gravesites Tony were that where they're buried and we also went to Hunter's cave now when we were at honchos cave I could see these people like all outlining and and like going all the way down the sides of that big stone and they were holding candles and they were dressed in some sort of ceremonial thing I could see that psychically yeah and then we were in the house which is now owned by a Game Preserve honey game Game Preserve so anybody wants to go to [ __ ] in there oh yeah yeah no biggie to get to right and and you're right where that mountaintop lodges anybody anybody has any questions about how to get to Chittenden can write us Oh yo box 41 right to the warrens P o box 41 Monroe Connecticut zero six four six eight getting psychic pictures you want to send us send them you want to know how to get to Chittenden well of course Lorraine will personally answer you a letter that's great I mean III want to go up to Chittenden myself yeah takes people up there with us yes okay for ED Warren for Lorraine Warren for charter for all guys that are helping us out tonight I'm Tony spera have a nice day
Channel: Official Ed and Lorraine Warren Channel
Views: 58,684
Rating: 4.8993182 out of 5
Keywords: Tony Spera,, Warren Occult Museum, Annabelle Creation, Earthbound Spirits, haunted houses, supernarural, Preternatural, The Nun, Demons, Ed and Lorraine Warren, tony spera, Ed Waaren, The Conjring, ghost hunters, Conjuring 3, Angels, Poltergeists, ed and lorraine warren, Supernatural, Leprechauns, Lorraine Warren, Annabelle, Occult Museum. Devils, Sprites, Ghosts, Conjuring, Elementals, paranormal
Id: 4h19eG6f_YM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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