Amityville Horror! Ed and Lorraine Warren’s Most Famous case!

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good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another edition of seekers of the supernatural I'm your moderator Tony Sparrow tonight along with Ed Warren and Lorraine Warren your hosts tonight we're gonna speak about a show that I'll bet you everybody in the audience Bar None knows about it's a show about a place in Long Island Amityville Long Island probably the most famous case ever investigated by Ed and Lorraine Warren and you know to this day we have people come up to Eddie to arraign and ask them if Amityville was a hoax they'll come up and say things like I knew someone who was in that house that was a hoax there's no such thing as ghosts at am evil I got to tell you I know was not a hoax ed Warren will tell you Lorraine will tell you that that house was one of the most haunted locations in all of America back in 1974-75 so with that I think we'll start the program by asking Edie and the rain how they started out with Annie a medieval how did they how they got involved so ed can you please tell us how you got involved the first is yes well of course we were called by Marvin Scott who was the anchorman for Channel five at the time but we had met Marvin about a year earlier at a haunted Church in New Jersey mm-hmm and he was impressed by our investigation and we had not heard about the killings in Amityville because the man and I were out of the country at the time and when he asked us to go there because six members of a family were murdered and then a little over a year later another family moved in and this family fled the house after 28 days well of course this interest interested both of us so we went to the Amityville home we met Marvin Scott with a camera crew and we're supposed to meet George Lutz who was gonna let us in the house but George wasn't there and he made a phone call and George Lutz said the closest I'll come to that house is four blocks away I'll give you the keys at a pizza parlor nearby well we went there we met George he gave us the keys and I'll never forget it he was sitting as close to me as you are and I said remember now this is the first time I've ever seen the guy mr. Lutz what happened to you in that house because I really didn't know what happened he just looked at me and he said you know just like that I said no I don't know and I said what happened to you and in the house that you were so frightened that your family yourself fled out of there mm-hmm you know it looks like of this I said I don't know I'm not a clairvoyant I'm not a medium I'm an investigator and I thought to myself this guy doesn't you want to talk about it is he that scared of it well I found out that he was afraid to talk about it he didn't want to give a recognition right well we took the keys we went to the house now as I just said I'm not a clairvoyant I'm not a sensitive but when I opened up that door and walked in that house it wreaked of death not just because of the six people who were murdered to the feyo's mother father two sisters and two brothers and this all occurred on November 13th 1974 at 3:15 in the morning every member of the family was found shot to death all lying on their stomach Tony now we'll get into that during the program but that in itself was unnatural the police had felt they were drugged they were not drugged and they found that out during the autopsy mm-hmm we walked into that house and it's my custom Tony to go down into the cellar the lowest part of the house these are usually the darkest areas this is where evil thrives this is where it survives it hates God's light it hates the sunlight it hates any kind of light so while Lorraine was walking up the stairs with a camera crew I went down into the cellar it was a huge place well show pictures of it later and as is my custom as a religious demonologist I took out a crucifix I held it up and I commanded in the name of Jesus Christ in the blood of Christ what was there to reveal itself it wasted no time I never had such a quick reaction Tony I felt as though I was underneath a waterfall that's how how terrific the pressure was on my head and shoulders forcing me down to the floor then I felt what I can only describe as hundreds of pinpoints of electricity hitting my body and as though somebody had taken a hot towel and dropped it over my face I couldn't breathe I know what was happening immediately I felt that before but not to that extent mm-hmm I immediately went into what we call religious resistance which means that I again commanded in the name of Jesus Christ the blood of Christ what was there to leave and go back to where it came from immediately it lifted off I went up the stairs to where Lorraine and the camera crew were and she'll tell you what she felt there well now I had no way of knowing Tony since I was war if they asked me to go up on to the next floor I had just left walking all around on the first floor and it's in that one room that wet bar room the room that you see on the very front of the house that I stood and could see all of these bodies all lined up until visually clear visually I could see that that's where the defeos were prior to being taken out you know to the morgue and that was that was horribly disturbing and I remember I took that relic a padre pio which no camera person knew I had and I cupped it in my hands and I prayed you know to him right now that is the room where the image of him Padre Pio it was was picked up on us later this yeah we're going to have a slide of a tongue now at this point I'm still on camera so I'm not I just think Edie is with me that he is somehow behind the cameras and that he is there and I start to go up the stairs never did I know that he went downstairs I did not know that I started to go up to the first landing where the great big window is and as I did it felt as if I was standing right under on rushing water and it bothers you it's it's a pressure that's on your body to such a grab that the atmosphere actually solidifies in homes like this it's like trying to penetrate a wall of cement really so I got up and I made it up to that landing and again I cut that relic a Padre Pio and asked for his help his guidance his and made it up the rest of the way when I got up to the top of the stairs remember I'd never been in this home I knew nothing about anything about it nothing about the history at all tony was just another haunted house except that we were on camera I went to the left and went in this room that was the sewing room right and in that room I looked at Marvin Scott and he told me just a year ago that he will never forget what I said to him and that is I hope this is as close to hell as I'll ever get and in that room is where father Picaro was told by an unseen voice to get out it's the room where the hundreds of flies were killed that's all he's also slept in the face at that time yes which a lot of people don't know they think that the voice was the only thing he heard after you heard the voice he felt a physical slap in the face he told me this himself he repeated it to reporters it's on official file there's no two ways about it people said there never was a father pick Aurora and we couldn't even mention his name for the first two years so we got permission do it now a lot of people out there have heard the Amityville Horror is a hoax why do you think that is because the atheists want you to think it's a hoax they don't want anyone out there to believe for one second that a home like in Amityville could be haunted by diabolical forces which it was their aim is to kill any belief that you have because if you believe that there's such a place as a medieval and a horror that was in that home you might believe in a supernatural God but they don't want that no you might believe in a devil they don't want that either because a skeptical public is the best protection that Devils have and Devils do exist demons do exist and 25 years ago just like I in Bridgeport Connecticut when we went in on the lily street case 966 Lindley I offered a three thousand dollar reward to anybody and I'm offering it again anybody out there that can come to me and prove the first person comes to me it proves that the case and on Lindley Street was a hoax I'll give them $3,000 anybody can come to me the first one comes to me and proves that there was a hoax committed by the Lutz's ourselves prentice-hall the priest and anybody else in Amityville I will give them $3,000 nobody has ever come to collect that money because both of these cases were very genuine and both of them made international headlines this is what the atheistic community hates they don't want you people to believe out there that such things as Devils exist and even the church today is tight-lipped about what's going on what's going on with the church that's what I wanted right now I know we have some slides that we're going to set up but while we're setting up the slides of the rain and getting that all set yeah what would you get sets in the house how did you feel in that house during the investigation my my immediate reaction Tony when I walked in was terrible depression you're in a home where so many people had died yeah violently then on a young family had moved in and they fled leaving everything you look all over Tony and it's like you're in somebody's home that they just walked out of or going to the store and they're coming back and it's it was just overwhelming feeling the pressure thing was intact yeah clothing in the closets the dishes the pans cookware everything you can just like you have in your home right now they left it they wouldn't take one thing because the priest told them not to take anything out of there with them oh okay yeah he told him not to take I think the slides are almost ready now if we can go to the slides ed did you want to talk and tell us what we're seeing on the slides yeah I think we're gonna go to the first one now as soon as we get to camera one well I think it just could be a slide of the okay that's that of course is a sign of a medieval an am evil means friendly village you know so it doesn't maybe that's and do you know what the latitude of that is no forty point six six six really forty point six six six right where the houses Oh next okay that's what the house as it looked at the time of our investigation of course now it's been changed around oh yeah yes the people or the guy that owns it doesn't want to be bothered I don't blame them because there are vandals who create a lot of nuisance but you see where that car is parked People magazine reporters also parked their car there the Cromartie family who bought the house after the Lutz's fled from what I understand there was a deal made with American International pictures to sell that house for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to them so they could use it in a movie which was to be made well of course American International pictures was not allowed to film there because of the town fathers or the neighbors and they got stuck with a pig in a poke and they claimed that it was a beautiful house nothing ever happened to that house there was nothing but good feelings in there how could you have good feelings in a house where six people were murdered occurred and five people fled how could you have good feelings you couldn't but they got into that car their their car burst into flames when they were walking around in the house they could smell this foul odor and they said to mrs. Kumar T what's that stench that we smell oh I dropped coffee on the rug about a week ago you should never drink that kind of coffee believe me what's the next slide we have a Georgian Kathy Lutz not too many people have seen photographs of George and Kathy you look at that guy does he look like the kind of a guy that would run away from nothing does he look like some kind of a wimp no he does not and this man and his wife had spent all of their Dom payment that they got from Kathy's home that she sold and money he had from his business put it into that house 28 days later they're going to flee that and leave everything behind with all their earthly belongings and it's this guy was an ex-marine he was a black belt in karate he hung around with motorcycle gangs hey this guy doesn't run easy blaze carries away no way he doesn't scare easy there's George happier days when they first moved in they bought the house you know on the Amityville River for $50,000 it had a pool all that yes what no no no not you you mean this to buy a house on the river oh no Tommy we should have read more it would buy a house who except George said when the dead are dead that's it they don't bother you I mean I waste a lot of money Tony but it was nothing that never liked that house without every George was an atheist you know yeah today's a devout Catholic oh he's a he he attends church daily and his wife there's Cathy there's Cathy and happier days she was a waitress at that time yeah and this was to be their dream house you know this is what they save for this is what they wanted right they were newly married the three children of course for Cathy's but George treated him like his own children did he was very good to their children and there's statures now here's here's my argument right here ladies and gentlemen look at those statues you they came from so Montreal Canada and st. Joseph's shrine okay I heard of that mr. de feo who was murdered the man that was murdered in that house with his family when six months before he was murdered up to Montreal Canada brought back a priest who was an exorcist to exercise that home now if that house wasn't haunted why did he go up and get an exorcist why did he bring him back before the Lutz's ever lived there because that house was haunted and those statues were specially made for him to surround this house with and people said what's this with mr. de feo he's not a religious person what's all the statues he said he had a double jack now what he was talking about it course was his son yeah his son who he felt did probably come under oppression and possession at times wasn't to the black arts was on drugs and who eventually murdered every one of them so that's what those statues were about okay next and here you have it the Amityville River look at that property look at the boathouse there's the house in the background $50,000 ladies and gentlemen to be like five hundred thousand dollars that's on the river but look at the boathouse that's where old house in a background then an Indian tribe had kept prisoners dying prisoners went mad starving and you know tragedies like this draw inhuman or diabolical spirits because they love to see human misery human tragedy and I believe that's where it all started but George also had a brand new boat in there brand-new with $500 where the tools that he left behind and his motorcycles two motorcycles custom-made and man like that doesn't leave all that behind absolutely no no look how would it look Tony was the kid in other words the plants are there where she had watered them and left them on the counter yeah to drain the dishes from supper are right in the sink they were just like that you win yes exactly just exactly that way Tony they fled that house oh yeah they were frightened just exactly the same way hundreds of other people just like them this is nothing new de Lorraine and I you know for every Amityville that gets publicized like the Smurl family the good and family there's 500 that never reached the public oh yeah so this year is not unusual to see homes like this flood I remember these bolts of mentors that me that's Jim Brolin I know James Brolin yeah that's you and who does his wife next time no that's a girl that he had just met and they were dating at that time he was leaving we were leaving that day for Australia at night and he was leaving the next day and he wanted so bad to go with us but they couldn't change the flight well you know he told us he would go over to the Amityville homey park out in front and he'd look at the house and he thought I'd like to go over and knock on a door and see if I get him but then again he said no I'm not going in there he wasn't going because he was frightened he was proud yeah he didn't want to subject himself to that what a wonderful nurse anyway nice guy nice person really nice guy very very nice guy no what's that that's the two cameramen they came in both of these men new combat assignments Tony both of them they had such severe heart palpitations motion I did in that house that they got down on their knees on the floor and in the house and it was it was just unbelievable do you know Tony that all of the men all of the men men not women all of the men going into that house have all died of heart-related problems accepted and it had a heart attack right you know sometime after going in the house now these oh no not all of them at Marines yes they did kaplan stole i wasn't easily no no Marvin Marvin Scott yeah Marvin Scott is still alive but the principle people involved in the investigation yes most emerge out of a heart because it's the media that did that check for that's Marvin Scott that's Marvin I got right there that's dr. Brian Reilly sitting next to me a pair of psychologists from angle that's his wife Alberta that you can see just behind Marvin that's during the period of time of the communication in that house that was a horribly dangerous home now this is dr. Carlos osis president of the American Society for psychic research dr. Alex Tanis they're talking to Edna in the background are people from Duke University these are the people that we brought in we are the investigators of the Amityville Horror that handful of people Tony the mediator that's it that's all and people came out of the woodwork after reading a book making all sorts of statements regarding the fact that was hoped based on a book based on a piece of literary property they're saying that the case was a hope not based on an investigation this is Marvin Marvin again without the silverware and back of Marvin Scott look at the right earlobe China in the china closet yeah and what kind of dishes are on the wall there I think what they were but it had yes what they were collector items now the man who is on our right and on the right on the screen are looking over my shoulder he was very badly affected in that house huge big Duke and he collapsed Tony and had to be taken out the man in the middle has died of a heart attack really yes oh boy yes he had died of a heart attack now why this is Missy's bedroom are you aware that the children and George and Kathy slept in the very beds that the defeos were murdered and heard that the only thing changed were the mattresses that is the furniture of the little girls and that's the room where Missy slept but look at the rocking chair George and Kathy would hear that a voice coming and they'd peek in through that door over on the right they see that rocking chair going back and forth by it's nobody in it no and they come and see what they described as red eyes looking in through the window over there and they the little girl would talk to that now that this man is was one of the parapsychologists with the group Gerry sulfon he is now has his doctorate in parapsychology and as far as I know is still at John F Kennedy University see where the sign is where it was had the sign there Toni the sign the pole the sign read high hopes yes dad you see where they grow the boat houses down there yeah one night George Kathleen the three children were watching television they looked out the window there and they could see again the red eyes that they ascribed as Jody the pig he ran out George he looked and it was snowing lightly and he could see footprints hoof prints leading down to the boathouse he went down there and the door was damaged where as if somebody had smashed into it now people said well there was no snow call for that night the weather bureau didn't call for snow the weather bureau is never wrong are they but the jury had snow on one side of the town and on the other side yes relatively so they picked out little things like things I grabbed it yes again these are shot oh there's the master bedroom now there's the bed where mr. mrs. de feo were shot to death in and to sit on that bed Tony was absolutely horrible I said I was on the edge of the bed in that room yes there's the red room the so-called red room and that's where he kept a lot who's he the regiment to fail Rana the red as they call it though was nothing more than a cubbyhole underwear there's about maybe eight feet long by four foot wide but this is where he kept a lot of the things that he used to attract yes that's where he kept him that's myself talking with dr. Carlo Sosa's and Alex aniss who told Alex told Edie that afternoon that he came up against the most powerful evil force he ever felt Alex devil to me yeah yes looks like the devil is so low he looks like he's gonna bite a noisy sewing room this is the sewing room Tony there's the room where I looked at Marvin Scott and said I hope this is as close to hell as I'll ever get that's the room where the priest had told next the voice oh let me get out can it was slapped in the face well I got three minutes left so I want to get the more of these like oh yeah all right and this is what taken going up to the stairs you know what I'd like you to spend the three minutes on Tony that polygraph test you would yeah that's very very important okay we'll shut off the slides and then we'll go to I have this lady's a document this is a document you want to explain it yes this is a document from mr. Chris Gulas who was president of the polygraph Association of America at the time of the wantings in the home and a medieval he had tested both mr. and mrs. Lutz they had another polygraph expert and here is the results okay I'm gonna read this this is uh this is by the professional security consultants okay here it is regarding George and Kathy Lutz dear mr. Moses on June 19th 1979 if polygraph examination was conducted on George and Cathleen Lutz at this office the issues to be resolved concerned events which took place at the Lutz's home in Amityville New York during night December 1975 in January 1976 mr. Lutz his examination was conducted by Chris gugus and mrs. Lutz was examined by Michael Rice of this office both examiner's reviewed a book written by Jay Anson was presented the Lutz's experiences during the / period both subjects were then interviewed in depth by each examiner in order to make certain that each person understood each critical question to be asked on their examinations excuse me following the initial pretest interview stimulation tests were then given each subject in order to determine if they would be suitable subjects for the polygraph both examiner's were satisfied with results of their stimulation tests then the actual exam was undertaken polygraph instruments were used which recorded blood pressure heart rate respiration electro thermal resistance both subjects were in good physical condition the following critical questions were asked by ask mr. Lutz by mr. gugus are the details you gave me on your frightening experiences at the Amityville house true the subject answered yes when you fled your Amityville house where you in fear of your life and the well-being of your family the subject answered yes after leaving Amityville did you and Kathie both levitate at your mother-in-law's house the subject answered yes during the 28 days in Amityville did you experience unexplained flies and disturbing odors on several occasions the subject answered yes at the Amityville house did you hear what sounded like a marching band tuning up in the middle of the night the subject answered yes a total of four charts were made which included irrelevant and control questions a standard procedure of the polygraph it was noted that mr. Lutz his blood pressure tracing revealed extra systolic heart beats as a regular pattern throughout his exam this does not affect his examination in the final evaluation this condition is not unusual for a person with strong athletic participation after reviewing the charts containing the above critical questions is the opinion of mr. gugus that mr. George Lee Lutz answered truthfully to all of his critical questions asked in his examination there's another one by given to Kathleen lots of gifts similar results I can't don't have time to read it after mr. rice VII valuated mrs. Lutz's charts it was his opinion that she answered truthfully to all the critical questions listed above and that no deception was indicated to any of those questions respectfully submitted Kris gugus polygraph examiner member American polygraph Association michael rice who did mrs. Lutz polygraph examiner of the California Academy of polygraph science this is a document personal and confidential that was obtained by an Lorraine Warren so it's not a hoax killer one at ten we don't have nothing my offer still goes anybody out there says Anthony those are hoaxes can prove it to me come to me I'll give you $3,000 the first person that comes right to me there you have it 3,000 bucks anybody can prove and evils a hoax Fred Warren for Lorraine Warren I'm Tony spera thanks and good night good night I think that yeah I saw nobody
Channel: Official Ed and Lorraine Warren Channel
Views: 571,089
Rating: 4.8845077 out of 5
Keywords: The Conjring, Occult Museum. Devils, ghost hunters, Preternatural, Tony Spera, Conjuring 3, Annabelle, Earthbound Spirits, tony spera, The Nun, Demons, Annabelle Creation, Angels, ed and lorraine warren, supernarural, paranormal
Id: QsX9HMzWg_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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