The Warrens encounter monstrosities, mysterious happenings in haunted house

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good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another edition of secrets of the supernatural I'm your moderator Tony Sparrow tonight we have two special guests with us along with your hosts Edna rein Warren tonight we have dr. Joe clinic and Jennifer Bennifer who are psychic investigators who will be talking about - haunted cases that are active right now as we speak what I'd like to do is start out with Edie if I may and ask it about the house that is in Trumbull Connecticut Trumbull Connecticut yeah this is a very interesting occasion that those three young ladies have lived there and the mother and it seems that a murder was committed many years ago I probably 35 40 years ago and what they see is the apparition or ghost of a young girl and the mother has been seen that she's one time been in the bedroom and she turned around she felt there was a presence there and here's this girl she's looking at her she's around 15 years old and she's smiling and she's very happy and then she just disappeared well the mother never said anything about this and the next sighting was in the garden she was working out in her garden and she felt a presence again she turned around and here's this young girl again looking at and looking very happy and then she just disappeared now this is broad daylight this is very very unusual this is an outdoor spirit and we call those lefties outdoors so the next sighting was one of the daughters young girl I guess she was around 18 she was our bedroom she was puttering around doing nothing and oh sudden she felt presence and she's looking at and looking very happy smiling and then she actually walked over and sat on the bed I believe there's a conversation between there was a conversation between the two of them and then this dark form who we believe to be the person who are portrayed of this man and the girl ran and hid in what was at that time a closet but is no longer a closet today Tony now when we went to the house we tried something different ed said I'd like to try something different in this house instead of commanding this spirits you know in God's name to reveal themselves let's try to do it in a much more gentle manner now I don't know why he chose this particular well I was thinking of myself if I was a spirit and somebody walked in and I didn't know who this person was and they start screaming the name of Jesus Christ get out of this house leave now don't ever come back I wouldn't feel very welcome even if I was an earthbound spirit I'd stay hidden so I thought what we should do is to treat the spirit as though we're welcoming in to have a conversation with us and that's what you do and that's that is exactly ed played this music which was very gentle very little what kind of music typing music my theory was immediate like a classical music I really like this type of thing you know the emotions are everything so if you make this spirit welcome they're going to come in it's just like if somebody walk in here right now it was somebody he didn't like you wouldn't stay here too long but if somebody you like you stay around have conversation spirits don't change people don't change their emotions don't change so we wanted to make a friendly atmosphere for this young girl or the man to come into and then we could communicate with them now what had happened in at this time tone was that sudden gel was taking film he was taking video footage now we had noticed both Jennifer and one of the other people one of the other researchers who were with us noticed that one particular area of this house was not a comfortable area I just wanted to add this that we decided to go back there and Joe and Jennifer and a couple of other people came with two investigators from the Society for psychical research and we had cameras all set up we have recorders all set up and the idea was to try and get some film showing ghostly phenomena such as electromagnetic energy or ghost globules or maybe even a face or a full figure so this is why Joe and Jennifer were there yes Joey yeah let him get the plates in that house I didn't experience much I I'm the cameraman in the audio man right in in in many instances but in that house I think that one of the most striking things to me was when you were playing that music and Lorraine and Jennifer were sitting at the table mm-hmm the two of them at the same time it was seem to be we were in the same place but but but in sync with each other but you came you were coming to the house from one direction and you were coming to the house from the other direction mm-hmm and talking about what you were seeing and what you were experiencing in there and it was it was really phenomenal that does not happen to me that often in other words you and Jennifer are on the same wavelength Jennifer I was approaching Lorraine was begun by talking about the house back many years ago when this incident occurred and all of a sudden I found myself traveling along with this young girl who was coming through the fields toward the house it was clairvoyant lately and Lorraine was just was while I'm thinking listen and experiencing this the rent is talking about the back of the house and I was actually approaching the house from the side when this girl whom I was traveling with reached the back of the house all of a sudden Lorraine and I were looking at exactly the same things it was it was really amazing first of all the area that girl was in was a family room you stepped down a small step out of the kitchen area there's sliders and you look out onto beautiful lawns absolutely beautiful lawns and beautiful manicured area but that is not how I was saying it it was all overgrown now you're seeing a back win right back when there was a dilapidated porch I had a strong smell of whiskey very very strong smell whiskey hey George I got a generally very strong smell there's going back in time we called this here retro cognitive experiences now at this point I can see a dog and the dog had spots on him and he was chained to her dog house and there were men on the porch and as this girl is walking through this backyard I heard chickens can hear chickens the sound of chickens and then we see her walking up she avoids this porch where these men are she totally avoids that and she goes in the back of the yard and I said where's the hatchway and they said there is no hatchway well if you're looking at something no no there's a hatchway there did you see the hatch right salsa yes it is I was very surprised when they said there was no hatchway yes there was not one now but but there was one that and the inners of the hatchway are still intact well how old is this house I imagine about 50 some years yeah it's around 50 60 years old and when did the phenomena really begin when did it start well when when there is any type of upset in a home and there had been upset in this home emotional upset and also there had been communication Tony there had been doors open through Ricci loros wandering but unlike most times we do not condone the use of Ouija boards we know that people fooling with Ouija boards open doors that can never be closed and it just boomerang son but in this particular case as we watched this girl go down into that hatchway it was horrible those Jennifer and I at that point together said we'd not go any further we could not watch this any longer and then there was a boy and the boy was 8 years old now that girl was coming over to care for that boy and he was in like him I don't know what you'd call it it's a caning area now like a caning plaza felt like a color that would have vegetables and things yes and the boy had communicated on the Ouija board with them regarding what he witnessed which was this crime and when Joe took photographs you have photographs that were taken a drug-addled robbery there's three of them Tony one of them actually shows that yes that's that is edible all right we do have some large photographs here that I'd like to show if I could you could explain Lorraine if you'd like what this well that's the electromagnetic and a spirit will gather to manifest itself and what is creating here is what we call a psychic light rod you notice that the edges are all kind of fuzzy there this is the energy that we try to pick up on cameras when we go into a haunted house sometimes they look like this sometimes like balls of light etc Lorraine coming through the door of what was the hatchway cold so which is which is where the the tragedy had another shot I guess it's pretty similar it's similar but I'm outside the door there I remember at night these would come out much clearer we have a small picture here outside the house which shows a lot of what we refer to as Ghost collab yowls okay these ghost globules will many times when they appear in a house appear in the bedroom it will then go into a cigar shape and then you will see the ghost or the apparition moons and by the way that little shed which is a storage said now was was Tony yeah we're still working on this case and our viewers out there know what happens at a later date but the house that I'm really really interested before we go into that other case I want Joe to tell what the professional photographer who processed this film said to him yeah that would be interesting but we why I the people who process that and the professionals who who examined that said that there is no way you can explain that photograph away by a light leak or by a technical problem with the development of the of the film if if there were a light leak you would see the extension of that light to the edge of the negative and it does not extend to the edge of the there is it's been said to me by people who do this all the time that there is no explanation for that other than some kind of energy which is being picked up by the silver crystals in the film right camera doesn't lie but it seems it picks up you know it's an impartial witness and that's what I like about psychic photographs but this other house that were going to be talking about we've been working on this so just a little over a year unfortunately we haven't been successful it has to do with an elderly woman she's a widow her husband died just about a little over a year ago and just before he died she started hearing raps and knocks and in the kitchen in the living room especially in the bedroom and back of her bed and the bed would shake and then she would hear her name being called out Nellie Nellie Nellie and this would wake her up out of a deep sleep then there was the movement of objects and she'd hear things going on in the kitchen she'd go out there now she's an elderly woman she's all by herself she lives in the country and she becomes very frightened so we went out there and we conducted an investigation but this was at the time that I had to go into a hospital for an operation myself so we kind of put it off until I got back and this woman frightened out of her wits very religiously oriented person in fact she has crucifixes and religious pictures and water statues all over the house but sometimes a person can be too religious this lady actually was the model for the Blessed Mother way back in 1937 on one of these floats Devils don't like that and this might be a test of her faith I think that's about what it is because we've tried exorcisms masses blessings of immunization we've tried communication in many forms to find out what's going on the physical attacks on the lady are quite bad too she's been picked up and thrown out of a chair she's been slapped she's been punched she's been in bed and thrown out of the bed and it's just a horrendous thing so when we went there of course I myself had bad experience one day when I went into the house I thought that she had called me it was not her and this is a phantom phone call as we call it I went over there was around 7:30 8 o'clock in the morning it was a very very snowy day was in the last winter and I noticed that the porch door was open which she never leaves open I walked in and it was the power door was open I walked in there and I yelled out Nellie Nellie are you here and I heard a voice say yes said I'm in here there was nothing to I heard that voice there was Nellie voice ok ok this comes from what we call a materialized Lennox or telepathically now I walked in and there's a radio room her husband was a radio ham just off to the left in the small hallway then off to the right is where her bedroom is in the bathroom well the door was open in the bathroom which she are in the radio room which she never leaves open and I heard her calling me again I'm in here Edie I walked past the bathroom but the door was locked in her bedroom I went to open it was locked I said Nellie are you in there I heard a click as though somebody had unlocked the door and open the door but her form was lying in a bed now it's a very small room her bed is still there in a hospital bed as alongside of hers and this was the bed that her husband died in but she still keeps it there and I seen what I thought was her lying in the bed she was turned over on her side she has very dark hair and I could see their hair sticking out from the blankets and I said Nellie are you sick there was no response Nellie are you sick then there was this her overwhelming stench of rotting meat or something dead immediately I was getting the message this thing turned around and looked at me and it had a face that looked like it was parchment kind of yellowish and all crackled it was not Nellie but then you said to me underneath and Jesus Christ what was there to leave and go back to where it came from I made the sign of the Cross with that the blankets just sank right down I can sink flat now people think that we don't get shook up and these things remember I'm in this house alone in that house looking at this and I know what can happen see we probably get more frightened than the average person because we know what can happen they don't and I started out of there and I heard it I'm down here I'm down here and it was Nellie's voice and I thought well where is she now and it was coming from the cellar I started toward to selling all of a sudden something said no no that's not another down there and I just turned around and went out the door and locked the door was Nelly home no nothing was not home it was not Nelly who called me and told me to come to the house if anybody's ever read don't cross him to dead you can pick up a phone and you'll hear a deceased person on the other side of that phone call and this happens many times has happened with some very dear friends of ours pick up the phone it's been ringing and you're talking to somebody who died but remember this comes from a materialised Alaric's now what about the experiences that you had that really had horrendous we spent two nights in that house with several other investigators the first night we were there all of the most of the activity that occurred took place in that same bedroom where you saw that right that apparition and that night we had we we had Jennifer was on one bed another investigator a female investigator was on the other bed and I was sitting at the bottom end of the bed and we were talking about the spirit we were asking whether it would be coming and whether it would approach us see they were giving recognition and the the two women who are sensitive began seeing seeing things and feeling things and and just say Jennifer Wow we saw lights pilato's lights lots of gust lights coming in the top of the door they like streaming in were they like pouring in from the from the top half just pouring in when it's pouring in and they would go right to the ceiling and swirl around were they colors were their colors pink and blue and yellow and green were mesmerized they were they were transfixed both women who saw these were just just just transfixed they were astounded at the beauty and then something happened where the woman on the other bed said they're coming at me I can't see and she started pushing away things from her eyes so I got up from the bed and I tried to help her when I did get up off the bed to try to help her Jennifer uh I looked down at my leg my left leg and it jerked once and I looked down and I thought oh I must be more nervous than I think and I'm of course watching Joe help the other investigator who was calling out for help and all of a sudden my legs started to jerk around and I thought I maybe should say anything something but they were so busy I didn't want to bother them well by the time I got their attention I was literally being lifted off the bed and pounded down and it hurt a lot my muscles were contracting and I was I was in a lot of pain and I called for Joe to please come back and help and he ran across the room very small room and began held my ankles down and I easily was able to lift his arms off the bed with my feet then he put his arms forearms on my knees and I was able to easily lift him right off the floor and his arms right no were you doing that conscious no I could not control any movement below my waist your whole body was just taking over but he was taken over by something and I was literally bouncing up and down on the bed and he was trying to keep me on the bed so I wouldn't fall on the floor so what'd you do about that she was scared so was I do something and the other the other investigator was still couldn't see anything so I I couldn't hold her on the bed and in 10 then suddenly I felt something wet in my back pocket and then I remembered the holy water that I had I had a lot of it before that I pulled out the holy water so I got out sprinkle it all over Jennifer and said in the name of Jesus Christ I command you to leave and it stopped it stopped it just stopped see now that's exactly what I did but you didn't have holy water no I I have to say that you know when you use the holy water in the name of Christ it's really your faith you know you must be tested here and your faith is what's stopping all of this demonic activity and this is demonic activity this lady's brother was a priest he was retired after 42 years out of parish in Pennsylvania and super religious people and again people are probably sitting out there my god why would the Lord let this woman suffer like this well sometimes you know these people are tested their faith is tested and perhaps maybe millions of people hear about it through our society and when people hear about cases like this the same things are happening to them but they think I must be going mad I must be throwing crazy but yet look at these people are talking here about something that happened to me so if I contact them maybe they can help me and you know that the thing with this lady is that she remain so much in control or at least tries to remain in candor strong person but she woke me one night at 3 o'clock in the morning and when I realized it was a legitimate call not some mentally troubled person because a lot of times that will happen I stepped right up in bed because otherwise you don't feel like you're alert right and when I sat right up in bed she said Oh Doreen I am so scared I am just so scared it's terrible she said this huge thing manifested right next to my bed now this is the thing that look like she said it was just very large and very dark now if you look at photographs that have been taken by researchers who have gone in there one man in particular who was in the military and teaches sonar to officers he took two photographs and in the photographs in one corner of this small bedroom you see this dark shadow and on the other end to the bedroom where the dark is on the side of the door you see this dark thing again now that we call these shadow ghosts many times I'll appear as a monk like figure mm-hmm maybe six foot six and a half foot high and that's what was found that was there the other night night the other night that's what preceded the episode the other night there were four of us in that room the same room there were a woman on each bed and a man sitting on the bottom of each bed and the two that were on the bed where they could see the hallway said my god there's a there's a cloaked hooded figure standing in the hallway and and and it's and it's coming toward us and so as they were looking at it and I was leaning around Jennifer who who was was watching all of the lights coming into the room leaned over the edge event said oh look at all the beautiful lights in car bed that I was on was just surrounded by these beautiful lights I had no interest in looking out the hallway I don't know why and then as she was alertly saying oh this is beautiful she suddenly said I'm really tired and sleepy and just slumped really why would that be a trance Jennifer went into a trance I believe that if chode did not use the holy water and bring her out of it take her outside that she wouldn't went deeper and deeper into a trance and this spirit would have came through Jennifer now this spirit is something that I communicated with but I don't know that that's the same spirit that was there through more than spirit yes yes definitely more than what I think the husband spirit comes there to protect Nellie but there's something demonic that is constantly attacking this poor woman you know she's been to Lourdes she's been to Fatima she's been to all the shrines that ever were yes in Europe in the United States she's not a wealthy woman but she managed to get to these police in places through Trish groups now it's my thought again that she is one of the chosen ones why do I say chosen well look at us we're sitting here talking about this case there's hundreds of thousands of people that are gonna hear about it true because of Nellie and what she suffered and what the story is here the message is that God exists but also that the devil exists now I know Joe had something else another point you were going to make Joe and I think I broke your train of thought well one of the things I was gonna say was that Jennifer finally did wake up after sprinkling holy water on her and and the first thing she said when she came out of it was what are you doing to me but it wasn't really a horrible voice really we then I did manage to get her up and we we helped her out and not until she got outside of the house true yes I have no memory I the last thing I remember is feeling this incredible tiredness coming over me and just feeling I had to lay down and the next thing I remember is standing outside in my bare feet misaeng what happened why are we out here so and how do you think we could resolve this case how's it gonna be resolved well I think that you know God in His great mercy will allow us to find the road down that we're gonna free this woman from these attacks mm-hmm I believe that Jennifer here is a deep trance medium because in a couple occasions on cases that we've been involved with you started to drift off I've been watching you and that would go deeper than what the rain is Lorene is a light trance medium you're going to be a deep trance medium you want to be and I hope that the viewers at home would try to pray anybody who believes in God pray for this woman and he's to women the Trumbull case and the Huntington case because prayer does have substance prayers are listened to I believe and prayers are answered so Lorraine anyone who wants to contact you would write you it jobox 41 and we do get some beautiful Mary all Tony in Monroe in Monroe zero six four six eight peel Box 41 we're just about all the time and I hope you enjoyed tonight's program ladies and gentlemen for dr. gel clinic Jennifer Bennifer and the rain I'm Tony Sparrow good night
Channel: Official Ed and Lorraine Warren Channel
Views: 89,020
Rating: 4.9172964 out of 5
Keywords: Conjuring2, Conjuring3, Earthbound Spirits, Devils, paranormal, ed and lorraine warren, Conjuring 3, supernarural, Ghost Hunters, The Warren Files, Ed Warren, Ghosts, Annabelle Creation, tony spera, Annabelle, Angels, The Conjring, ghost hunters, Preternatural, Seekers of the Supernatural, Lorraine Warren, The Nun, Supernatural,, The Warrens, Annabelle Comes Home, Ed and Lorraine Warren, Tony Spera, Conjuring, Poltergeist, Demons, Occult Museum, Occult Museum. Devils
Id: FAQXIct03To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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