The Devil Made me do it! The Warrens. The Conjuring 3! The real story.

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good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to secrets of the supernatural I'm your moderator Tony sfera along with Ed Warren and Lorraine Warren tonight we're going to speak of a fascinating case that happened right here in Connecticut it's a Brookfield demon murder case which was also made into a book that we have here and also made into a movie of the week called the demon murder case and what I'd like to do is start off if I could with you Lorraine mm-hmm can you tell me a little bit about how you got involved in this case right from the start we were contacted by father Dennis who at that time was pastor of st. Joseph's Church in Brookfield Tony and the call came in and he spoke about a young boy who he had been trying to help but recognized it as a case of possession he told me that he was very leery of becoming involved in this case because he had been assigned by the bishop to exorcise another home but this was not of an individual now of a home that had infestation going on that we investigated but he said I want you to know that you have my prayers at that time he was going to Ireland with his mom and he was concerned I think that the devil would get back at him maybe through his mother mm-hmm now he spoke of David and David's problems he said that David had a slight learning disability and but there was very bizarre behavior occurring to this young 11 year old boy when he mentioned about the boys problem with a learning disability we had contacted a doctor in Trumbull dr. Jen Grasso and asked him if he would be willing to go to the home with us that night it was a real hot night Tony and the reason we asked dr. Jen Grasso was because he too had a son with a similar problem and we felt that if there were type of medication maybe that David would beyond that might have been causing it that he would recognize that but that was not the case David's case was not severe enough to have any type of medication David was in the very beginning stages of demonic possession mm-hmm we went to the house this hot night I can remember like the steam and the moisture coming off the ground it was a weird night when we arrived there first Edie tripped going up the steps into the house and dr. Jim Grasso made kind of a laughing comment and he tripped and fell too and when we got in the house we were sitting there at the table talking now you would watch David and he would be doodling you know drawing or something like that and he'd be concentrating on what he was doing and then he would look up and it was no longer a little 11-year old boy now this 11-year old boy would become extremely strong I seen nights when it would take four and five men to hold him down he would be ranting and raving raving and yelling there was times when he would attack his mother now this boy loved his mother he loved his father and at one time he actually broke the mother's nose I believe Arnie Johnson who was a young man that was engaged to his his sister Debbie would help every night to control the boy he'd come home from work he was a landscaper worked very hard and he'd have his supper laid down but then just awhile 11 o'clock was when this would occur to David as the night said all of a sudden you look at him he was normal the next second it wasn't David anymore and this would go on until the Sun came up the boy would roll around he gone to fits I seen one time when he actually levitated had extreme strength terrible obscenities would come from them and Arnie Johnson who was a young man well I would call probably an all-american boy he loves sports he was into baseball he had many awards for baseball he loved fishing and he and Debbie his fiancee who was David's sister would go off fishing and they'd have a good time but this kid 18 years old at the time would stay awake all night long and then go to work the next morning but he made a fatal mistake one night he said and he screamed at these Devils take me on leave my little buddy alone he told him got his wish a challenge there he said the most he challenged the demonic now by this time Tony into the case the Catholic priests were already involved father Dennis had left for Ireland another young priest was assigned to the parish at that time and another young man who had just recently been ordained was also a sign there they came to visit us and the two of them finally it grew to having six priests involved in it six priests three of the three of them from the Vatican three of them ordained and schooled in Rome these men and they were very frightened of the things that Arnie would say he was such a compassionate young man sick a low-key person never once did I see him show any type of violent behavior he was a perfect gentleman mr. and mrs. Warren this everything just a beautiful person tremendous respect for the priest if you were gonna have a son he'd be a boy you'd want yeah that's the kind of a boy he was Tony but he made that fail mistake challenging challenging the Devils and I know that one of the Catholic priests even met with him to talk with him because he was so concerned about his welfare and because like you say he challenged it Tony and remember that when you challenge the demonic it doesn't act at that particular given time Tony it waits until you are the most vulnerable and then it strikes when you least expect it when you leave what happened was actually Arnie had gone to a pizza power with Debbie his fiancee and his sisters they met Allan bono there a friend of theirs they went back to the bonus house and Arnie disappeared for a few minutes when he came back he was somebody entirely different right now Wendy doesn't recognize her know anything about what happened from that point on Tony we're going to backtrack from time to time I'd like to do if I could if I could interrupt for one moment I know a that you and moraine both have brought slides tonight perhaps we should look at perhaps the first few slides just again this is all about yes that's a good idea so if we could I'd like to bring up if we could bring up the first slide and we'll let me talk about it the first slide of courses of st. Joseph's Church okay in Brookfield Connecticut mm-hmm all right this is where the first exorcism took place okay and it's an exorcism that I will never forget the first one actually was in the convent mhm and that was not successful it was that morning when David came other possession it would not get into the car he ran away from his family he had a knife he actually tried to kill his mother and his grandmother and this is not David David was a very complacent child very docile mm-hm and when I walked in he was laying on the bed in a fetus position this priest was standing alongside of them and I said to the priest don't stand so close because he had a bad habit of taking his fist and just hitting you the priest backed up and suddenly that boy rose a part of the bed very swiftly landed on the floor ran into a bathroom and locked the door he would not come out hysterical laughter came from the bathroom finally we broke the door we got him out of there we brought him to the convent at st. Joseph's where the exorcism was performed on September 9th the birthday of the Blessed Mother said yes September 8th and we felt that this would be successful and he told us that what they called the Beast which was seen many times in the house and out on the grounds was back at the house I went back there and I had taken holy water with me while the priest stayed in a convent I then went through the house and I use what we call religious provocation I sprinkled the holy water and there was a rocking chair there this rocking chair suddenly started to move back violently back and forth there were loud pounding sounds in the house and then what I could hear his growling down to the cellar now these were some of the sounds that we heard the very first night that we went there with dr. Jean Grasso but it's not like somebody had a 2x4 was hitting chipping board there's just what's this second slide that we're gonna see here and as he was some of the headlines terrified story behind the devil made youth kill case that's Debbie colossal that you see there was a fiancee right Avani and that's our any wheel in the corner up there okay and we can see the next one okay they're showing you this was 1980 that we became involved in the case Tony mm-hmm but you know one thing that we have to stress that's very important is that we knew it was inevitable that there was going to be a tragedy we knew it we even notified the police because of the violence and Lorraine did notify the police chief what are they what did they have to say about it well there was nothing we could do in advance before the factory where the fact there was nothing they could do except watch and go to the calls whenever they would happen at the home but all the priests knew it it wasn't just my cell all of the priests who were well aware that it was inevitable there would be a tragedy but never ever did we think it would be Arne Johnson now keep in mind that we had psychiatrists look at this boy mm-hmm they told us point-blank the boy was not mentally ill the outward manifestations that we look for in case of possession occurred in that house furniture moving around pounding sounds the hysteric coldness of the boy the strength of the boy speaking in other languages it was just a stereotype possession case we could look at some more of those slides will show the mother and the father there's another article of guests on these yes that's our Arne John's in the left hand corner there yes you know the judge if the judge had let us bring in our evidence which we're recordings photographs eyewitness accounts and the priests the priests were waiting outside of the courthouse in Danbury Connecticut to go into that courthouse testify and testify that what occurred to this young boy and Arne Johnson was indeed diabolical possession but I could understand the judges feelings - mm-hmm he didn't want to be known as the judge who allowed the devil made me do it case into his courtroom right okay yes this is an article that talks about yellow hate him do it and the devil did make him do it oh yeah we were on a Johnson was under diabolical possession he didn't know what happened for at least two hours in that two hours he had killed Alan bone this young man wouldn't hurt anyone or anything you have to know Arne Johnson like we knew him very plight a very good living young man very hard-working he work until 5 o'clock landscaping cutting trees have his supper go to bed until 11 then he'd get up a nice tip all night long we holding this young boy down he would say that he would have David sleep next to him so that the family the parents Judy and call Axl this took a terrible toll on this family you cannot believe the emotional and physical type I always said that if a court would allow us to bring our evidence into this kid that was that there is a good lawyer here in Manila yeah and he put his position in jeopardy as a lawyer by going in on this case but he knew that the boy was possessed he thought we could win the case never knowing that the judge would not allow us to bring in our evidence mm-hmm but Lorraine I set a precedent in 1990 in which we did win a case where a woman was driven out of a house and here on Connecticut that was haunted by ghosts we would have won this case too and Arnie Johnson would have not gone to prison now is this is this one of the priests that was in the house that's the that's the Exorcist he was the Exorcist yes he was and he was very very badly affected by this case in what way well Tony was an all-night session at that house one night all night we were up with the exorcisms and the praying and was that night Tony that I taught that little boy The Guardian Angel prayer that angel of God my guardian dear I taught him how to say that prayer and that seemed to give this child a certain amount of comfort and we were all we were really exhausted tired I remember that The Exorcist was attacked not just while he's performing exorcism but his own rectory that's what I was just gonna tell you now we left there early morning father Virgil I wanted to get back to Norwalk because he was going to say Mass that morning and his parents were going to be at Mass he did not want them to know he didn't want them to be concerned for him and he had shared things with his sister but he had not shared things with his dad who by the way was Chief of Police oh really and so that morning if a police in Norwalk yeah Norwalk yes oh no not in Brooklyn sir do we have a picture of the glasses I think yes there they are there's Judi and Carlton my father of David that is after the boy was exercised was extremely good people and jovial people Joe filled mr. glass 'old they're as big in his looks like Grizzly Adams could not hold that boy down alone oh no he couldn't hold it there are times as I said four and five men that would have to hold this boy down okay but let's get into that just a little bit if we could not here's a picture of him is what he would do Tony all the time would you say in your professional opinion that he was possessed by a devil or a demon or what would it be exactly he was possessed by Devils yeah I definitely find when they were spending the night at the Glassell home I went into my study and I called on the devil I thought it was one devil which they called the Beast to come to where I was that so I could bind the spirit of that devil so we'll go back and talk about what's that buying was that means binding of the Spirit the priests were casting out the Devils of the house I felt that the Beast would then come to where I was and I would bind the Spirit through that ritual but Tony that was one of the most frightening evenings of my life there was not one devil there were 43 of them 43,000 to me as a kaleidoscope as if you were watching one horrible face after another and remember I was in that study by myself Jose what would you do what would happen would I think I ran out what did you go I have to be honest with you I was just stunned I couldn't move I was watching it happened very quickly and as I watched it it was like a kaleidoscope of horrible faces coming to me I knew that I had no power up against this I felt it was one devil mhm and which they called the Beast but when I seen over 40 of them I knew that we were dealing with the hierarchy of the diabolical world at that point I gave it up and I went out of the study so you did my left yes because I knew that I did not have any control of what was happening right now I was with the priests at the house during this so in the morning I came home with them when they were coming home and I felt that father Virgil I particularly needed some rest before he and I wanted him to take a nap before he went home because he looked exhausted my Tony if you ever seen these priests you know how meticulous they are about their appearance leaving this house in the morning they look like they were coming out of bath which of course they were but he related to me that day coming home how when he woke up this morning that his pillow was soaked with blood now the blood that she's speaking of is called an airport through teleportation this is meant to frighten the priests it's meant to frighten us so that we would stop our investigation mm-hmm but we understand and know the powers of Devils and fortunately for us we have some type of protection which I think comes from when I was a boy yet the Blessed Mother Padre Pio when we pray to all the time and without this protection this angelic protection we wouldn't be sitting here talking right now this next slide what is this of this is the convent yeah were in brookfield of st. Joseph's were the first exorcism was performed which was unsuccessful it was at this time that I left the convent nothing was happening and went back to the ground real farmhouse and this is where the rocking chair was going back and forth and I heard the growling sounds and the pounding sounds now Tony I don't want you to think that that blood on the pillow was the priest because it was not that was not his own blood he was not bleeding that was an out port something that had dematerialized at one point and reappeared at another point that was in this case really meant to tear like fighting things that occurred to Arne and Debby they would sleep on the floor yes next to David if he woke up then they'd be there control them and what they seen and described was a a bone like hand that came up through the floor green and an arm now again these types of things are meant to frighten because a person becomes frightened they will throw off psychic energy into the atmosphere which a negative force one uses a fuel to manifest itself more and now where exactly did the exorcism take place oh there's a slide right here that's it yes it is Tony that's the church off to the right mm-hmm the basement see it they now have a new very beautiful church the church that's the church in Brookfield was the first church there's another one there now there's another beautiful church and it was down in that basement which was adjacent to the school of Tony after the exorcism had been performed there they knew they couldn't do it any more there was so much noise and so much violence during that exorcism that it was even heard in the elementary Catholic school horrors and back of the church would open and close the pews were actually moving which are bolted down hymn books that were in the seats next to us flew off the seats the boy broke away from two of us and attacked the priest and attacked the priest so what is this next slide I'll show this oh this is Debbie Debbie and I we're at the shrine in Brookfield right there mm-hmm that's David's sister right we would go beyond a lava with me of a dinosaur here he did and this model dinosaur had just been completed by David the young boy who was possessed and if we get close in on that as he finished with this suddenly he started to walk on a sort of its own volition toward the family the plastic dinosaurs are deep gruff voice came out of and it said beware you're all going to die and you know one time we were at the church there we were showing a group of people where the exorcism took place on a man was taking recordings and not his recording he got the same deep gruff voice which said why are you here he was we were explaining we were talking to a group Tony and this man was recording what we were saying about the brookfield case when there's cases now that animated Tony it doesn't that the thing isn't movable like you know I've seen remember you speaking of a similar incident in the Amityville case is that true am i thinking why in the ceramic line yes the surround is that just to scare everybody why would mr. frighten people it's to fight as I said earlier because as you become frightened you throw off the psychic energy Devils demons evil spirits can use this as a fuel to manifest more phenomena they need some kind of energy that's the energy and you know David the voices that he would hear when he was under possession Tony they would tell him things for instance they told him that Arne Johnson was going to fall out of a tree and Arne did fall but thank God you know he wasn't badly hurt and and the beasts as they called him also told the boy that at the end of the trial the last day the lights would dim down in the courtroom and they did they did him so what was the outcome of that trial well the outcome was that testimony couldn't we couldn't use a defense of the devil made him do it so they I think was manslaughter yes because I serve very little everyone for years but I think he only did two years of that and you couldn't keep a young man like this in prison for something he didn't do no and his behavior was excellent but Tony he was him and Debbie were married in prison oh they were house business together they said I offered today they're happy they have two sons David works with his dad very normal and a fine young man today I guess soon to be married or whatever he's going to be doing yeah if we could digress for just a minute now I know when we first started talking about the case yes I meant to ask but I forgot what is the reason the David yeah was possessed in the first place the reason David became possessed was because his mother and sister unfortunately were fooling around with witchcraft they met a group of people in upstate New York while they were snowmobiling and these people from what we understand were into satanic activities had them go back to their house that night and for some reason they turned on the mother and when Debbie and Artie at home were looking for a rent the first time that the Beast made itself known was in this small house in Brookfield mm-hmm where David said that something pushed him onto the bed and you can see an old man and the description was a very high very horrifying description well he he said that this is how he explained it to explain that this man was standing there he told about the plaid shirt the guy was wearing told everything about the guy but that night what he could see in that house appeared in the Brookfield home their own home only now this little 11 year old kid this is how he put it he was there again in my bedroom but now he looked all burnt and he had feet like a deer oh boy that's an amazing case mm-hmm and for anyone who's interested in knowing a little bit more about the case this is the book that was written back in 1980 by Joe brittle and and the rain warned the devil in Connecticut I read the book it's a fascinating book for anyone who wants to get the book it's kind of difficult to get but if you do find it you won't be disappointed and as an added treat I know ed meringue would be more than willing to autograph the book for you and Lorraine how can they again contact you if they have any problems or questions or letters they'd like to write well Tony we do get reduced we are receiving a lot of letters from people who are writing in about problems what's the address post office spot well send it to the Warren said Lorraine Warren post office box 41 Monroe Connecticut oh six four six eight now if they have questions Tony or if they have problems just have them right and we'll play Mike after that we've had letters last week of people who have hauntings right in this area we've been to their homes and we were able to help them very good another fascinating case thank you both so for Edie Horne Lorraine Warren I'm Tony sparrow until next time good night
Channel: Official Ed and Lorraine Warren Channel
Views: 1,821,590
Rating: 4.93471 out of 5
Keywords: supernarural, Tony Spera, Conjuring 3, Demons, Annabelle, paranormal, The Nun, The Conjring, Earthbound Spirits, tony spera, Annabelle Creation, Angels, ed and lorraine warren, Preternatural, Occult Museum. Devils, ghost hunters
Id: Y9Be1Q_X_AQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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