Ed and Lorraine Warren talk about Haunting Phenomena

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good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to another edition of secrets of the supernatural I'm your moderator Tony spera long of course with host ed and Lorraine Warren and also we have a special guest tonight Frank chief re you may recall from past shows even the beginning of this show when you hear the song spirits on the hill it was written produced and sung by Frank and Frank is also working on another theme song for the show and others but tonight Frank will talk about his experiences in England and Scotland but tonight we will talk mainly about ghosts hauntings and haunted locations what better place to start then with Lorraine who went on a case or got a communication about a case that she'd like to read to us Lorraine what is this all about well this is quite ironic Tony when we got home from Japan our mail was waiting for us at the post office in two big boxes so I had a box on one side of the table in our breakfast nook and Edie was on the other side I got all of those ya know he was it was his job to separate junk mail so I opened a contract for one of our schools from our agent and it was University of Wisconsin at Green Bay and I looked at the postmark on it then I opened this letter postmarked exactly the same day and 40 minutes from that school in Wisconsin in Wisconsin what is the chances it's a all right and it has to do with what this family is writing about has to do with phenomena that has been happening over a period of 13 years she said she attempted to even email us but for some reason it would not go through I need your help I know that you are far away I don't expect you to come here however I wonder if I might implore you to give me your input and advice on a matter most urgent to us I don't know where to begin so I'll give you a somewhat Reader's Digest version of the past 13 months or 13 years the problems began when she married a man who had two young sons they were around two and three years old and she had two daughters who were five and fifteen soon after they were married and began living together they moved in to an old home that had been rented by his ex-wife their 15 year-old daughter seemed to be the law of attraction in this home she was her behavior was becoming so hateful that she moved out and moved in with her grandparents she then moved back into a room and as soon as she moved back after living away from the house all hell broke loose again the mother had gone back to college and would be doing a great deal of work homework and things like that in the evening one particular evening the sound of a grand piano being slammed against the wall scared me so badly that I called the police as well as calling my husband home from work early now there was no grand piano but she heard the sound of the keys you know hitting a wall blows up piano crashed against the wall and we've heard similar sizes very very frightening okay now the police came the room was searched there was no trace of anything it is a it appeared as if it hadn't happened but a neighbor living in a duplex right next door to them heard it in her house this is another very frightening incident the two toddler boys these were his boys were asleep in one one particular evening one crib one in a toddler bed mm-hmm all of a sudden we heard a large crash like an explosion and glass breaking needless to say making my heart do several jumps a friend who a friend she works with a friend when they're doing homework they're both in the same class this was all explained to me ran up to the second floor where it seemed to be coming from we flung open the doors and what lie before me was like nothing I had ever seen before the desk was so thick you had to squint your eyes to see the two boys lie in bed eyes open not moving all the plaster from the old lathe walls was on the carpeted floor like the walls had exploded the windows had blown out glass lay on the roof of the porch and even on out to the street that his street was a hundred feet away I just want to explain one thing that this is a typical poltergeist phenomena now remember two small children are in the middle of this room the plastering the walls actually come to explodes the glass flies out over a hundred feet away and lands out on to the road but the children are not hurt but anymore unnatural now there was no plaster left on any of the walls except in the closet next the Catholic Church became involved a father James Crockett of st. Mary's eventually performed an exorcism in the house in the process and the door to the staircase blew off its hinges we moved out that month he said he doubted anything would help now stop to think about this the door flew off the hinges I have more detail and we've never seen homes where this has happened people can't even imagine something like this in one house an old Revolutionary War home the a woman similar to this lady heard an explosion it was in the evening her baby was up in that room they ran up there the door had just blown open tore itself off the hinges there was a radiator there it was still vibrating when she walked in but the baby wasn't hurt now very similar to this now what they decided to do this was a very old house and in one of the downstairs room there was one of those old Haida beds they used to go right up in the wall stoning what they decided to do was to put intercom in to all of these other rooms and then have the speaker in this bedroom that they made into a bedroom down sir they would listen to conversations with people yeah they'd actually hear what they described as people mumbling well that's magic whispering that's another phenomena occurs in these homes you can't really distinguish the words but it's as though a bunch of people were just talking in another room or something like yeah right the muffle sound now when the Catholic priest came in here this letter is the first letter I got what I'm reading - she wrote a more in-depth with all the explanations when she crawled this priest this Catholic priest to come it had to go through all the channels and but then when this incident happened with the boys the little boys one thing that was really strange was all of this plaster that came off the walls wound up in a perfect circle in the middle of the room the outer perimeters of the room where the fort's were also carpeted nothing was wrong there and the toy box of the children's the toy box no duster anything was on it now that is real that's kind of a start from beginning to end and I think explain what's that all about why is that happening does anything happen in the house like that why is a plaster blow off you're in a haunted house these kinds of phenomena occur all the time all right what I mean telogen snow who I mean is why are they making things in a perfect circle to prove to you that they did something different about the circles in England they find in these circles and everything tell me they're perfect are they doing that to show you that is something from beyond oh definitely oh yeah oh yeah these are not natural acts that we're talking about and as we get into this case it gets more astounding now state when this happened to the boys the church acted then immediately so another priest came in with him the exorcism rites in this house were set in Latin now she's like congratulations to that priest and his church because usually the church moves very slowly in this case they move very swiftly yeah they did now what had happened was her and the children stayed downstairs and the priests were upstairs she could hear all of this going on she was standing in the kitchen where this doorway goes up to that other growth and older daughter's bedroom the door opened where the force and threw her to the floor so she stood up she moved over out of the way so as not to frighten the children that is the same door that flew right off the hinges now you've got somebody being hurt physically this goes beyond human spirits now we're going into the area of demonology this shows us that we're dealing with evil spirits in this house something that will hurt even kill okay now the priest tell her that nothing is really going to stop what's going on in that house they suggest they suggest in this case that they bulldoze this house that was not a good thing to do that was not a smart thing to joy a house like that where do the spirits go they follow you you become a haunted person and you'll see what happened to this family when they left there and moved into a brand-new house now what happens here they don't fill those the house it they did yes they did they sold it to a funeral Paulo the land across the street parking lot they film a pop across the street appropriate they sent for for a funeral home all right now they lived in other places in the mean time but they didn't buy another home they bought a large piece of land in another town away from this town and it was right on the lake it it's very beautiful they describe it as very beautiful and then the lot next to them was an open acre so they decided just to add that to their property mm-hmm all right they had this very large home built if it was like an extension but it was part of the original building that they made into a great big family room had big stone fireplace the whole bit like little things were now still continuing although the husband had made a comment where he had said as we built my husband was reassuring in the sense that he would say that there would be nothing that could talk this house no one else had ever lived here how I wish that had been true they began already experiencing strange phenomenon their oldest daughter who was the catalyst in the beginning was the one most affected personality-wise she was probably the most vulnerable of all members of the family in spite of all of this the other family members remained close to their faith remained stable went on with their lives but she got into all sorts of problems she's now at this point 26 she's older than that now she had a year and a half year old son born out of wedlock when she moved back home she had changed her behavior considerably became a recluse in her room thinking she might be mentally ill we were not associating it at all with that's one of the first signs we look for when we go into a home if somebody isolates themselves and the rest of the family this means that that person could be under what we call oppression something similar to an invisible being alongside of you whispering negative thoughts to you don't go near those people they don't they don't love you they want you out of this house arguments start these spirits feed on this type of thing animosity hatred now Oh what what had they they did everything for this girl and her baby the mother took care of the child they they sent this girl she wanted to go to a police academy she wanted to become a police officer they tried everything they tried everything with her only to find out that it was fruitless she planned on paper a plot to kill her own mother she began by attempting to alienate each member of the family against the other we see this constantly in homes to live and conquer she embezzled ten thousand dollars after asking if she could work part time in her parents business that they had she embezzled ten thousand dollars from them she became obsessed with murders orderly placing newspaper clippings together in a folder as this plot to kill her own mother excuse me it became Christmas now tope close to the Christmas season in the middle of the night with her then two and a half year old son she moved out lost total contact with the family they didn't even know how she was wording herself or anything but of course she had that money that they weren't aware of at that time they didn't really know that yes let me that's right yes the tour you could do that now at Christmastime they would leave the house the family would leave the house the house has a security system they would come back home all the doors would be open the music would be playing gelareh the heat would be turned up so hot this is the new house this is the brand-new home we've got what we call infestation in the house the alarm go off nothing went off the Christmas lights every Christmas light in the whole house and outside would all be on but none of the switches would be in on position none of them once which would be in an on position the priest who became involved had a nervous breakdown the priest who witnessed the doors flying off the hinges more than one see a lot of priests they mean well rather exorcist mean well but they don't understand the consequences of what they're doing when they go in these homes they take on the responsibility these spirits follow them home now you're talking about haunted people here no no I don't want it house haunted people no matter where this family went the same thing would have happened now this priest is trying to exorcise what's in that home he finds out that he runs up against a stone wall here now she calls this another small thing that happened to me they had called the police again because of the fact of some of the things that were happening and why wasn't a security system going off and this the police themself witnessed before the police arrived for yet another school an old white stool which I still own today was turned upside down with the statue of Jesus inside of it as if in a cage I found it that way in the upper hallway of again this daughter's right outside of this daughter's bedroom they would feel best of wind go right by them in the house now we're getting ready to go there we should have been there last week but because of that storm Tony our date a University of Wisconsin was rescheduled they the flight to Milwaukee was canceled and had to be rescheduled that was the storm that never was yes but everything was canceled as everybody knows I mean the governor even wouldn't allow tractor trailers on the road so um anyway I had to call them to tell them ed and I real quiet night one evening we're watching TV the phone rings after 10 o'clock at night and she is crying hysterically on the phone the lady of the house the lady of the house I have no idea at all what can be wrong I said I can't remem Ruth has her first never says Ruth is this you she says yes now I'm gonna backtrack to tell you what my last conversation with her had been and maybe three or four days before this phone call that I received he she called me to say that she had pulled up to her home with two of the children in the car the driveway was all full of relatives carpet kids cars you know were all in the driveway so she parked on the vacant lot that's adjacent to their property and this big black dog came up and was jumping against the wind of the car so she put her hand on the car horn and kept Tooting and Tooting and Tooting so somebody in the came out and scared the dog away this is what she's telling me they went that dog was never seen in the neighborhood before it never never never and it's a very small kind of a private area yes and so her nephew was at the house and he says Aunt Ruth you want me to take the garbage out so he took the garbage out and he says hey you know what that black dog you were talking about he's right there on the edge of the woods look at so they left and the dog was there shades of the almond that dog now we ran into a live dog similar to that on the Dartmoor Moors in England yes yes we did not a nice feeling and so now her and her husband are sitting having a cup of coffee and they look out and they can see that dog right out in the snow in the morning the husband goes out there he says I'll connect there a dog be there he said there's no prints in the snow the new snow he said there's no footprints he saw the dog lip there I've seen animals like that black animals appear in our passageway at our home one door has blocked off there's no way to get through there unless you open the door I compiled the museum and walked on the passageway and I can see this animal which looks sure like a black woodchuck and it's screwing down and I look again it's gone now she said to me there was one other thing she said that has happened that I should like to know about she said in our bedroom we hear orchestra music sometimes it can really get on your nerves she says but it isn't bad music she said and you hear a man's voice singing but there's nothing that it can be coming from at all that's similar to the magic whispering all right that's what she tells me this is three nights before not now she calls this night crying and I wonder what is the matter and she said Lorraine the house burnt to the ground can you imagine I don't know where the new house burnt to the ground we were coming there this happened up in old Wyman time yes couple had brought an old house they were renovating it they were going to sell antiques out of it they called us up the day before very frightened why didn't I to come out there we drove up there the following day was just about 1 o'clock in the afternoon numerous fire engines were blocking off the front of the road and I thought what Tech's going on here so we're asking this a will is a house that burned down I said sure and I bet you I know the house sure enough there was that house before you continue on that Loretta if we can change this for second only there about 10 minutes left I'd like to get Frank's input a little bit here if I could yeah I think what we got a lot of cases with you oh yeah I'm gonna Scotland with you yes now Frank ladies and gentlemen this is the gentleman Frank who wrote that song at the beginning of our show Frank you've been to Scotland hear that in the rain and to England great place tell us about some of them may be haunting things or intriguing or mystical things that you've noticed one of the things I don't know if it's haunting the hill of the Angels do you just all alone in the mountains there and there's faith and just a feeling you get when you like a feeling of overwhelm that's a great feeling it's like I didn't feel anything bad there's just a the most peaceful you're connecting with history like you realize this little spots been here for like hundreds of years and you know who was there and everything it's just a great feeling you know it's it's a place that you always return to right yeah yeah well I was doing Scotland built by a warrior over 350 years ago a warrior as a penance yes he was a warlord and he had massacred numerous people so the truth of the penis' he'd built three chapels like this in the Highlands of Scotland there's no place in England to a rectory or something that you lowly rectally how'd you feel that houses more you got an eerie feeling an Appalachian you could feel something and you know you're walking through there something was weird here alright yeah Frank ladies and gentlemen is a very logical type of an individual he's skeptical to a point yeah because he's a police officer has been for numerous years also a songwriter of course but he doesn't go into things with an imagination he's skeptical so when you went it to that volley you felt something different I I went in there you know no preconceived ideas I just said let me go in here and you felt right in there yeah you just you just get a sense of something's something's different wrong today you're a trained observer right yeah you've been school and trained to observe different types of phenomena not ghostly but things that occur and crimes and things do you think there's such things as ghosts and haunted houses i yeah I do I do definitely yeah I mean you know people say well it's just an imagination or whatever but I've seen evidence what your pictures you showed me and everything there's definitely something going on I would say my opinion you know I believe in it I agree there is something going on there is life after death that's what you've been in a few haunted places territory in some place there's a place called with the abbey that did Frank Ritter with the abbey yes yeah that's a fairy year if you ever get a chance to go to England of Scotland go to these places you'll see what we mean whitby abbey and Whitby England Boily rectory which is in right near unless is that very long Norfolk area and the iowa's guide dunvegan castle places like that go there you won't be disappointed now all right okay getting back quickly right into the year okay Tony Wisconsin the fire marshal the poet of the insurance adjuster the family the husband and wife went to the house the only thing left there is this family room this big extension there one of the rest of the house is burnt down there's no floors left on the second floor anything they stood there these people and one of them said I missed the fire marshal or the insurance man said there's a dog upstairs barking and growling was it black they can't there's no dog there's no dog here's the ironic part they destroyed the house that these spirits inhabited mm-hmm now the spirits destroy the house that they are inhabiting and we are going there to investigate what are you gonna go we're going to be what we'll leave on April 1st Fool's Day yeah Patrick's Day is coming up and that's that's a pretty nice day that's a wonderful day so you're gonna go there you're gonna take pictures recordings interview the people find out what the heck I'm gonna be also with this priest no it may need what an exorcism or what well I know the ground you know III prayed on this and this is what came to me now remember I have not been there Tony but what I'm going to suggest to these clergy is that the ground if they are going to ever build on that ground I don't know that they are but even if they're not that ground cannot be sold unless the ground is consecrated the people are most necessarily going to have exorcisms over them because they have an oil disaster on them they are haunted people other people to be taken off of them yes yes so now the the only one really heard it was really remarkable the parents the the children they were not home when this happened but the garelu dog a chihuahua and they had birds the the younger the young boy 15 I believe went in on his stomach and he saved all living things in the house Jodi laroz near the bird and the birds but he's in the hospital for smoke inhalation problem case when you go when you come back we'll talk all about it we want to hear what you decide about this house yes what you're going to do about this house - right we like to give the PIO Box address oh yeah we forgot to do we forgot to do that they'll head show tone yeah yes ed Lorraine Warren post office box 41 Monroe Connecticut Oh six four six eight what people are doing to Toni is sending email we'd like to thank people in the area for their email yes for contacting us something yes I think we've helped quite a few of them so far all their support keep those cards and letters coming ladies and gentlemen that's Perry Como would say so for Frank our special guest Frank Safari mm-hmm with Lorraine Warren for Ed Warren the Charter I'm tawny Sparrow have a nice night
Channel: Official Ed and Lorraine Warren Channel
Views: 138,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: www.warrens.net, Tony Spera, Lorraine Warren, Conjuring3, Conjuring2, Annabelle Creation, Ghost Hunters, Annabelle Comes Home, Ed and Lorraine Warren, The Warren Files, Seekers of the Supernatural, Annabelle, Supernatural, Occult Museum, Poltergeist, The Nun, Ed Warren, Preternatural, Conjuring, Ghosts, The Warrens, Devils, Demons
Id: jZmlDvt6KR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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