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what's up guys welcome to the vlog I am a complete zombie right now it is really really early I want to tell you that you should never ever ever be ready in the morning because fousey will never ever be ready no matter what time bus call is boosie's always late so you can spend all morning getting ready you'll still be [ __ ] like an hour oh you got is breakfast that's mine don't lie it's just - look look what that is look you couldn't think to grab two more I did grab two I'm going back to sleep nobody wake me up nobody I just sleep but you know I was totally asleep no I saw you - no I feel great I worked on myself for a long time to produce these vines pablo is it true about the allegations apparently the crew boss with all our equipment and the crew broke down 30 minutes outside of this town so there are stranded in the rahein all of our equipments out there and no yeah so there might not be a show tonight Manchester is that like it is easy it is - no Pablo gave it away so we are leaving a beautiful Scotland and it's almost rain the entire time we were here we got a little break yesterday the Sun came out and we got to see a piece of it but we're heading to Manchester England right now which is about a three four hour drive I hope you guys enjoyed yesterday's 35 minute vlog trying to raw blog as much as possible on this entire trip just you can see a raw vlog Rob isn't raw dog like a Sirius XM station what I blog in this early no I saw you when I walked out was like oh god he never stops you're always talking to y'all no because today we're on we're on this little buffer I know in four hours any worth the show on Isis like exactly I gotta I gotta I gotta hang out with my soldiers bro one day you're gonna understand one day you're gonna be a real boy how'd you sleep last night princess we're headed to the breakdown scene what breakdown scene look the crew is broken down believe me every blonde now has to be a prank on [ __ ] oh is this them we're pulling over dude what is this wait you guys are really stopping on the side of the road for a brain there's nobody in there huh what a pressure brush oh what some headphones yeah price should listen to some music the crew got of another bus we're headed up that yo it's a riot out there we found headphones we found there's cows there's sheep are they alive yeah what is it bombs awesome just stopping at a kind of like a little rest stop here we got McDonald's healthy stuff only Singaporeans what is that what is that oh my god yeah you are wait you gotta get the classic red yeah put it on okay let's get some let's get some like Scottish Scottish undies kilt boxers whoa cables they smell amazing whatever it is over in Europe they have they have different outlets in the walls so I'm gonna even charge this vlog camera yet I have multiple batteries that were all charged I'm gonna try to show you an outlet someone I've seen some out there we got to get out wet adaptors that's what it is would you get couple Donna oh my god I had Nutella donut s'mores donuts I've never heard of this come crispy I'm trying to find different things that they have here we do not have drench I don't know what drenches or bento bite until every one of Scotland's I'm going easy it came and sat right we don't have Rubicon get the lion chocolate bar dude extra crispy I know and then they have Kit Kat chunky I've never heard of that yes ready we are headed to manage that oh wait what's happening here oh it makes noise hope we got our money's worth baby we got our money's worth it's like too quiet to be worth putting speakers in it but it's kind of like because it's in your ear it's loud i just opened the screen up for the first time oh this is me I should've had this last night alright for real we're getting in our bus we're headed to Manchester this guy's like he's not getting in my bus he's not getting my bus you guys ready to eat oh you haven't seen our wire nothing I know you made fun of me other Guns and Roses they know who nard Juarez you look exactly like a narc are y'all fousey yeah I'll just make it sure you're comfortable you good [Music] [Music] come here come on stand right here yo country no go get him keen on go get him yo yo I'm not getting out all right guys we just got here and this bruh bruh ran up and he just got in no you're not getting out no I'm seen in but then y'all I'm just telling you dude but you're gonna have to go y'all dude he's just not bring our bus no I swear dude we have made it to Manchester guys hello we've made it to our hotel room this is the outlets I was telling you guys about this is what it looks like in the UK versus the u.s. is just obviously you guys know that's the u.s. so you have to give these adaptors and I de haven't had them I've had any so this is the first time charging my blog camera batteries luckily I had extras so here we go the venue brittany is gonna meet up with me have fun get some nap whatever you want to do nope and we're ready I'm ready to go check this out so this is where we are now I feel like a spy right now we need a telescope oh there's people is that a bear or a dog annoyed that what is that what is that I think they see me I think they're watching me what's this guy watching what's this guy up to anyway let's go let's hit the vision let's have some fun that I will see you very soon oh man it's so weird to be in a city and not even have time to in it at all I've been Peter in the boss on the hotel back in the bus to the venue from the venue to the next city it's crazy no time I look at this place but you call him yo who you call him picking your ear you're using a banana stem I was not I was not doing I tell me what he was doing you guys tell me what he's doing his country and I just witnessed this I was you can open it from the bottom like it I was trying to buy day look at me Oh guys please don't screenshot this please please I'm sure oh my gosh everywhere tonight this is good this is good night Pablo did you do sound check for me Pablo I gave you 10 bucks to do my soundcheck why can't you just do my son look at this place we got a fully packed house in Manchester England tonight look I'm genuinely smiling ear to ear right now can we get some house lights real quick this place is beautiful 2600 seats and we got bright bugs dude this is never there's a better view that is beautiful man talking about you Elliott now I'm talking about you it's beautiful now for my favorite part of the show soundcheck you guys know what this is I gotta put this guy on and they check our levels they check the audio to make sure that nothing Peaks and nothing squeaks and here we Prince Ali fabulous he I forgot to tell you guys so when we left our hotel in Scotland this morning I left all my clothes in the closet because I hung them all up being responsible I was like I'm not gonna have wrinkles I'm gonna hang them up I love this is me this is it this is all yet it's the room belonging to the names is still occupied with all of their luggage can you please is that what I'm really sound like oh I didn't know everyday you I did not all of them obviously these I have like two pairs of shirts in my suitcase that I have two pairs of pants I'm not totally in the nude here you know I'm surprised although you call me out for wearing this what do we call you out I love it huh yeah but dude another kitten roses even though kisses sing me a song yeah I don't know if I have to told you guys this at all we are at the Apollo tonight in Manchester England and that is like such a huge insane honor like it just hit me right now as I come up the steps I was like we're at the Apollo like that is I think impossible is like the perfect word that comes to my mind when I think of why am I here impossible like that's the word I'm thinking of so man I just I wouldn't be here without you right now so thank you guys so much I hope you're having an awesome day I hope that the tour vlogs aren't too repetitive I'm trying to show you more of just what we're doing and less of the stage and you know things like that I'm really just trying to bring you back into what we do and what we're doing so I hope you're enjoying it I hope you're keeping your head up I hope you're staying positive and just know that if you keep doing what you love to do regardless of making money at it you will become great at it you can become the best at it I'm still far from that I know that I'm still far from that but I still do it regardless I did this stuff before I made money I did this stuff when I lost money every day I lost money for years before I became anything so if you take anything away from when these vlogs when you watch these vlogs be take anything away from just know that this doesn't come overnight guys you start a business don't expect success tomorrow it takes time and never do it for money money's byproduct of doing what you love do what you love first let money come and it will come I promise you that like I said I'm honored to be here tonight I'm a little extra emotional I'm looking at a sold-out show in England it just it's just crazy man so come along with me let's finish this day let's have some fun and we're going to meet agree right now this is funny how they hung this do fousey can I ask you one question real fast do you know we're at the Apollo right now in England that's insane this is the o2 like this is the real deal you know perform here to perform here kiss gene Simmons was here Harry how are you buddy you are amazing give me a hug he's got anti fousey guard on and your sister very nice to meet you you guys excited or what we're gonna make this such a special Mary buddy 100% Oh children Oh and whoa what are these all right I'm gonna tear these up this is for my kitchen table these are paper plates no way that's Kane's plate you made these he made it yeah he made it but your subject that is absolutely incredible and like seriously Oh oh my gosh look at that dude you got some serious skill my friend you know how much these are gonna go for on eBay okay this is come on oh this is for Santa he can do it I am amazed at almost every city somebody has tattoos you guys are extra special we see that he said smile more fish let me see you know what I'm upset about you all beat me to my own tattoo everybody has got this thing about men and you have one too oh my god nothing makes me more happy than seeing families at our shows coming together you guys are rocking all the merch thank you so much you want to say anything can I give a shout-out to my family here my awesome hey yeah thank you guys for coming out there girlfriend's boyfriend's you shout it out your family I love that number one family over everything I'm just vinegar since 2013 i'm just everything that you've ever done for me and everything like no in the first was like okay you have all seen me either retweet this but actually you were fan of the week and the smile more storage you miss me it's you limited mission on a bulking t-shirt i don't doubt it you have everything they said they prepared what you got this must be pops right there man thanks for bringing them out let's have some fun alright man can i get your hair look at this smile more doubt look at you made all this custom stuff you want to say anything hi Ben and thank you for letting me look yeah yeah look out DJ yells oh I'm gonna get an earring this big on my nose there I thought yours already then looking good I never show this on the blogs we love the bright boats hi how are you what's your name are you running our verse tonight are you ready are you ready as they hit it hard we have something we've never had on this entire tour and that is a bright bugs and you get red and blue you get two in two so you get four bright bugs can get her a set can you give my buddy there you go thank you guys so much get ready they're coming in after you tonight we usually come up and see everything you guys brought us from the meet and greets and I'm already excited about this day I'm not it wasn't something I realize that's flash and this is it's a cool gift that a fan brought you tonight here open it open it I think you're gonna like it don't look just open it you guys always bring us the coolest stuff I know she's gonna like this it's a pizza necklace the slice of pizza what do you think I love it there's awesome pop-up we didn't do anything wrong so please have a good show tonight thank you very great show upset tonight wish me luck [Applause] [Music] they're so hot [Music] [Applause] Oh somebody blew the hallway up or passed the show guys show's over we're gonna go sit our good-byes and head back we are I am crashed after that tour that man after uncie I can talk crashed after that show usually I come up with a lot of energy but I went straight to the couch fell over that's a wrap look how fast they tear down man unbelievable thank you guys so much [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoo okay oh man guys this shows over the meet and greets are over the night is coming to an end Britney is about to go to bed you forgive me no it's already a knot it was like a little love tap deal right there no I don't feel anything so that is it guys we are calling it a night I got nothing else where we going tomorrow what were we going tomorrow Birmingham Birmingham that's right right thank know I think you're right and then London yeah we have four shows in a row Oh two more shows so thanks again guys hope you're keeping your head up I hope you're not hitting your head against the new walls we have two more shows and then we get to go home and do the fun home vlogs and the kids and then just the home long dining home she FaceTime Kane today after the show and I just I I lost it like all I wanted to do was fly home he's so frigging awesome my kids are awesome talk to know it today and ha so we love you with that being said with only two shows being left where should we go next we're still adding another leg this tour so we're looking at australia and dubai right now all the shows are worldwide not in the US i don't think there's any more in the US so hit me in the comments where should we go next thank you guys for everything keep your head up you're beautiful you're one of a kind smile more
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 3,039,083
Rating: 4.9503713 out of 5
Keywords: brittney, tour, atwood vlogs, roman vlogs, England, family, pranks, fail, Roman Atwood, live, family friendly, brittney smith, family fun, daily vlogs 2016, smile more, Atwood, best pranks, Natural Born Pranksters, family vlogs, kid friendly, kane atwood, roman soldiers, family-friendly, break, ohio, youtube pranks, kane, roman atwood vlogs, roman atwoods, noah, girlfriend, Roman, kid-friendly, noah atwood
Id: a23Gjeai9Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2016
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