War Of The Worlds!!! - Hearts Of Iron 4 Community Vs Spiff the invader

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hello there ladies and gents and welcome to the spiffing brits livestream on this wonderful Friday evening where we play war of the world say Hartsville are in for mode which basically simulates the War of the Worlds I guess book and radio series and films and yeah there's a lot of stuff going on for War of the Worlds and this basically a very special game with myself and Fraser 209 or Ricky here as I'll probably be referring to him as will be co-op playing the Martian invasion force and we will be invading the hell out of all of the other players who are members of our wonderful community who've done for the game tonight they've joined the discord done the capatch Apopka patch a box that is sent in the DMS and yeah it's gonna be very exciting it's great to see so many of you wonderful people here on the chat we've got of course Calvin Heyman you're basically around for most of the stream so lovely to see you again sir Casper good to see you back again of course you asked derpy by his day earlier how kind of you that was great and of course you talked to spiffing Beltre well lovely to see that oh yes and if you need the mod it's on the discord you go into the announcements chat on the discord there's the ID there's the password and there's the mod get them all downloaded hop in the game you have about maybe five minutes and then I'll start the game right oh how was your day with Ricky are we going what kind of strategy yeah like what kind of strategy do you think we should go for for this very calmly comic elected it's the only thing we should just rush Durfee but that's the whole point I've called being calm and collected being calm inflicted just brush as fast as possible he's traveling right yeah he's juggling I'm pretty sure we definitely plan a naval invasion no no we don't need an open vision we have focus trees that allow us to come like blend spacecraft and you know what mate yeah you know we can do that it just takes the command points career question dos why do we and why we have like 150 communists oh yes so we have a slight issue in the we can certainly flip like we're very susceptible to switching or ideology but it should be fine if we switch anyway it doesn't really affect us we just become communists alien invaders which you know never really bothered anyone all right I got myself some Fritz Cola again so I'm good to go oh that's good oh crap I realized I had the wrong chattel oh there we go there's the live chat wonderful just torture no I loved you hey dudes a some real gaming love DS over here this evening Wow I'm triggered well he didn't say dudettes dude it yes feel of the due dates as well like only dude sets out ya gotta expand your expand your situation to include doodads I'm amazed no one that's gone for the US or Mexico but everyone's glad you bring amazed by that normally oh brazil brazil stands a chance you see kind of know how he's gone you just played japan and try and stay safe yeah play japan for a cure ports easy axle boy asking boy where do they land it's almost like he hasn't played it before because the motion invaders I'm pretty sure they drop all around Crimea when they invade Europe someone should plate the Vatican I don't think the Vatican's an option I don't think taser dopey you want to join us until you start no because somebody Ria's how to change name really yeah you've gotta you do anymore you'd like you don't do it in the multiplayer Lobby when you're on high for you do in the multiplayer menu where you like can join the game or whatever it's got like your name on the top left and you just enter in your actual name just stop being called playing oh boy oh we do ID you have someone called player right they're gonna have to get kicked because there we go it was one that asked he was the one that that's good yeah exactly that's what I mean like oh boy you got it we got it you got it you've got some fresh blood we got some fresh blood okay first I'm watching the livestream buzzing lovely to have you around George Bennett I hope you have a wonderful time watching oh we've got someone in Mexico Ricky he started to do dodo jewel distribute Phil we we stand a good chance of invading together spiffing you don't have DLCs you don't need all the DLCs this is hot this is a paradox interactive happy to my auntie planning like you share the host game please every game yeah every game we get the same stuff every game we get the same people asking what are the mods what's the password how do I join the discord do I need the deal do I need all the DLCs no this is Paradox Interactive they give you all the DLCs if the host has them I have them so you can play with them don't worry what okay we've got another player in the game I just gonna have to kick them they can change their name oh thanks to Casper for explaining that in the chat as well we've got a load of subs that I really do need to read off I like how some people just don't subscribe to the channel wait until in life and then subscribe I think it's a wonderful thing because I like having my name right now my streamers so don't worry I understand is it well I wanted to be a wonderful and magical experience for the idea okay so I'm gonna play this I don't like it okay yeah I know you don't I I think people like it so James being subscribed alien Roux cough AB cheek a mere one followed me on Twitch even though not live-streaming there but hey you Michael subscribed varus been subscribed Cobb 59 mfinney toilet James Robbie van Raymond and goddamn pro-trump have all subscribed it's lovely to have all of you here also huge thanks to everyone who left a like on the livestream means a lot to me thank you on the livestream means a lot to me crap I just had my stream open there twice so my voice stuff would up there hey Japan it has me and got lost what did someone picture burn no there was person that had Japan but now it's gone you see I think Japan would be fine for this I mean the issue is that do sort of at war with China but I feel that's something you can still win okay yeah it's 1938 yeah but they have already the territory yeah maybe the war's over I think the wars also go stick up the Northern Territory all right that's true I don't think there's something don't blue town oh crap someone has I mean they might not you be the last player in the game to be Frankie you know what mate no the war isn't over it started in sorry seven yeah well maybe for the smart I don't know man it's not even like a book of history well no but in this mod China and Japan why not start our war yeah okay how do you know I can tell by the state border we say dopey okay we see the error of our ways the observation box does not always see everything right fully zoomed out so I don't see that [ __ ] yeah Ricky doesn't horse crazy hipster glass also that you know his effort I don't have that it takes fun clapping dude co-op even the last 50 everything and mr. good play infinity I am a very good player I promise I'm better than dirty spycrab over here in [ __ ] Germany gonna smash it I knew it died Jesus oh you nearly died yeah when you said that you were a player I have a good player okay Fraser just because of the table Louis this doesn't mean I'm drew Donal okay look don't diss my 50 which divisions they're the new meta because everyone Germany yeah I know there are people like that they are so obnoxious I [ __ ] any idea they are so elitist I mean most of my lovely people but there's just a handful of them which are just right [ __ ] what we found in here because it's obg so good never really you only ever here Braun bow drizzle don't don't don't worry Hungary's gonna protect you oh yeah hungry also if any of you were around for the project zomboid stream hello thing is the leap the leader of the digna squad might be dropping by later correct yeah mango has expressed interest of turning up to the stream and I've got some wonderful stories to tell you about a mango today so for those of you who are new and don't know mango as mango is effectively my partner or girlfriend maybe you want to call it we decided to go for a walk today there's a lovely day so we went for a walk how many about four hours so it takers most of the day but the wok included events like so we're walking alongside a road and a car was driving very slowly alongside us like it was trying to overtake us which is fine we're walking in at the side and the cars going very slow leaks is trying to overtake us and so what mango does is she basically turns to me and says God how slow can you go just as they drive past with their window down and you're just looking and the faces that these old people were giving it was like oh god I'm so sorry I am terribly sorry absolutely devastated another thing happened where basically there was a a car blocking a segment of the road that was just parked there by the owners of a house or whatever and mango turns and takes a look at the car and he's just like why the [ __ ] are they just blocking the entire Road and the issue is I take a look at the situation before I say anything and I've already assessed the situation to see that the windows of the house are wide open and there are people on the other side of the windows looking out at us and testes it's these wonderful mango events that I've been putting up with today and oh my god they just never end including also going to get chips and then mango effectively forcing the poor waiter of the place to change all of the vinegar bottles around because the vinegar had gone kind of off it's like it's like 40 baht was a vinegar at this place you need not to go around all of them I felt devastated for the poor guy well that says Java isn't it yeah that's true anyway so we got 29 players I'm pretty happy with the amount of people we've got here - Ricky 28 and I'm most of them on the discord is world up here we got mostly a disparate owner good that should give you a sign of better chance because um you can need a bit of communication coordination for this 117 people plus us free there's 20 so there's nine people that aren't that's a good turn up because it doesn't matter really it just really helps if you're are under discord yeah yeah do the captured don't come coming heroes for your follow on Twitter I understand how the captcha works like it what's going on yeah okay so when you join the discord and you're like I can't type in sure it's because our boss sends you a DM and everything yeah sure yeah I mean half the people to join the disco don't read the rules and then always go why have I been warned she says like wait 10 minutes but maybe by your way maybe read the rules and check your DMS it literally says that people don't read every key okay we need to be able to talk how do they know that so slaves they have read this [ __ ] and people still can't read it well rules can have done but novels no boosting no major exploits if you feel no cooze nothing like that if you feel that you you have an exploit that you think it's fair to use send me DM and I will assess it but generally it's probably not appropriate to use and exploit by the Civil War one I could probably see derpy actually no he can't attend that he's in 1938 so yeah I think we're all good thirty players is more than enough for me I feel good to go got a great turnout this evening so let's go everyone to ready up but we've got their pas Emma ricke creams right I always see you later derpy I'll send you a message if I want you to how about I won over well alternatively did you just move them out of here no you just move it himself oh Jesus Christ as a game loud yeah yes oh you turned up all your computer sounds I mean yeah turn down boy for in turn of the computer yeah I'll do there once I'm in game don't be can you please move into the general chair and try and coordinate the anti Marshall hubs because we need something I can happen okay fine if derpy doesn't do it whoever does do it I'm going to be rewarding 200 manpower no give him a cup of tea or something and a temporary you did good tag on the discord good good tag I mean honestly if it's the Bhutan player that leads them to victory I'm gonna be very chuffed okay that mean you know going all right okay so the game's gonna be post forfeit make sure to turn it down we start off with oh my god we'll get some interesting tanks yeah we have tanks I have spider tanks it's why the tanks with plasma cannons who unpause the bastards no important um so yeah we've done it you did that idea okay we're gonna have an army split it in half the northern nine divisions are yours and they are to invade North with ninety seven nine divisions are mine and they're totally sell off well set yourself to be yellow Ricky you can do that and Oh protection oh you want to take that one I'm gonna okay thank you from this house why I need more of it than mine well I need I'm invading South Ricky really I need more divisions okay they say that but we have a massive you know I suppose we can provide another civilian factory because something tells me we're gonna need a lot we're also going to do honey just a lot of people that's helping you you're good man come on what the hell yeah we don't start off with a lot we need to get ours for events basically that's the limiting factor aliens let's spend some spend some political points I'm guessing we should probably go for captain Vinny's really good some kind of army general infantry expert oh let's go some army offenses world not having something at move a speed what do you mean brother movement speed no don't yeah that's what kind of need movement speed - yeah - grab something up no I don't think we do let's go down the research tree a bit then we should probably speck in some industry stuff sort of concentrated industry well and produce some decryption we could go for right I'm also gonna quickly set up our air wings holy crap we get a lot Jesus Christ we've like a thousand effectively attached to your army okay will do you'd be good with that I don't think I need them of this up I think I'm good to go are you ready to impose and go yeah okay well let's give this a go trillium phones to people watching Jesus Christ welcome I'll be having the wonderful Friday night end of production I know we don't have any visit to factories yeah that's why we need to move our industry over I'm gonna micro our invasion of Washington because I'm pretty sure we get an event when you take it I love our tanks and they're [ __ ] good-looking yeah i'm i really like the 3d models they go for this they are pretty beautiful you just need to take Boston yeah if you grab the like the stuff to our north that sets us up for a pretty decent decent industry who time wants a licensed production declare how I know they don't give anyone our super overpowered motion technology it seems like a bad idea photograph of Ireland I don't know man I like Diaries you see I like the Irish but I don't like them enough not to invade them you'll not get like these things not have life but the share factories all these things no they don't okay doesn't know no I suppose America is kind of like all over the place roots yeah we got New York but we have got two military factories now yeah because of New York I think we're gonna start building some cosmic aliens Oh extermination of New York loose manpower and get some tempest or more Scouts preferable so we basically lose manpower but we either get tempered by lawn disease so we need to we need to reach the facility basically and we're also going to get some more Scouts because there's tank divisions now where is this facility thing I don't know well I feel it's gonna be somewhere in America so we're basically going to need to conquer the rest of America so strap on these extra Scout visions in the March all the way across America all right good job [ __ ] you let's go meanwhile in Yemen holy God all these cheeky buggers asking for stuff and all right so we're gonna give people over powered laser weapons oh we got some extra units dockyards we got some extra power-tripping units well send them to you goodbye Andy come build some convoys it's true we could here the hell was that noise no the facilities in Georgia with a host Georgia Georgia is a South maybe so oh I found it yes it's here okay it's above Florida it's a Florida yeah torture bear wanted us out I think that's basically Georgia let's invade that yeah that encompasses all of Georgia yeah we should be able to take their torture I know by America how I know my America welcome to episode 1 of Ricky makes America great again near Boston good luck yeah - speedy 64 me we don't need luck we're too good too good at the game free dockyards should we start building convoys yeah we should you know get some back yeah because we took a Washington New York up Boston now new participant they've caught him [ __ ] Canada oh that's fine global Defense Initiative really starting to grow and Panama oh no are not Panama wait don't come over that's Gigi gave up it says we've lost right okay what can we know produce no we got some more military factories oh so we have a light Scout tanks and we've super heavy tempest walkers so what do you want to produce I think we should start building some standard light tanks what are we running will you if we're losing stones and handling machines just about as fast as each other but we're running a low or not okay in some stones haven't lost anything yet so that's pretty good well failure the cure is moved right we get we get the disease for a bit what disease I don't know but it's gonna [ __ ] our stability until modern soldiers well yes purple our economy not really our economy but mostly just a stability hungry wants to provide one machine gun no thank you send units to Florida then build a dock yard in Florida send the ships to go from Mexico is doomed beaches in Texas now that's actually an interesting word that sounds like it's the kind of plan that would work I saw the creeping up to Ottawa oh yeah military excess from Brazil in Japan I'm going to temporarily decline I think you should always decline yes tell you what the US forces are kind of running out of Vermont supply God you are making your way up to Ottawa I didn't realize you're at war with Canada so soon Wow I was horrible good point you better take him a quick the second is ooh disease event after they move to the Cure can end the game okay right so we need to vintage okay happy puttin on all you have to do you have to [ __ ] go for a dress of execution dude yeah I think I've come for the course of execution no you have not justice changing that's why you were taking so long to take stuff I mean I could I suppose manually um it's okay if I pull back my front line a bit here and allow you to fill it out actually no we haven't really got the units do that you know it lets us deploy some more invaders I think we just need more units to like have a front line that's the thing yeah I'm gonna start to place more units it take artillery which is something we will eventually run out of but they don't actually take that much it's 72 a piece okay right I'll start producing some artillery yep plasma artillery this one's pretty negative take a Montreal and Ottawa part of our mantra on our control map but they discovered an issue with producing the light tanks they take like years to produce the spider walkers so I'm just gonna produce only artillery really artillery rifles and will basically be just infantry [Applause] yes I'm gonna have to pull my frontline a bit because it is kind of making them to overextended you just power through and take your catalyst of that if you're fine yeah you just take my units oh I think of torn abuse and it took to last 13 out of 12 unbelievable so brother oh crap so my vision some kind of to aggressively executed take all of Georgia yeah every should be able to make it whether they're sneaky that's yeah we get where they're sneaking so much but oh whoa whatever it keeps because the grass that doesn't mean snake it doesn't the aggressive shouldn't mean sneaking it should just mean take everything that is it possible to take yeah they all kind of interpretated interpreting it as sneaking sneaking yeah so each to their own okay - yes I think it's a little bit weird how the spiders don't move at all they're just kind of like yeah that's light yeah yeah the movement is just kind of like sliding around which i think is kind of huge just a little weird yes just about wet so the cure is no longer in Georgia it moved oh okay where is it well I don't know do we need to capitulate all of the us cuz that could be the key awesome game the past account someone imposed it already at all we'll have to kick people if they keep pausing that's nice okay I think I think it is a case of the Cure is just everywhere the event profit is delayed here's airavata where elixir everyone is doing his dream good since I believe before new I believe we need to look at the code real quick okay so California okay I'm sure we can make it there it's however California yeah just you know where South America I hope you have to do that aggressively execute I'm going to need to take all of the divisions we're training there Ricky I'm afraid I don't mine don't take to win not yours no just the ones I'm training you're doing fine up no if you're doing a great job yeah that's pushing the wrong way though just one equestrian blow these have you ever get man free it's a bit strange how they're pushing to the east when I'm telling me to push left always you know that's quite interesting yeah they kind of well I think they're trying to cut off and eat like people in Newfoundland and etc the ignoring order sign my lobster okay it's oppression port needs 99 command power he's going to take us a while to get deployed easier no I don't know I've got some important just reach everyone stream go tater [ __ ] it it's happened before right we can do reinforce the Empire which you probably shouldn't do yet um just take something quick cause we're losing time I'm going to probably go for the invasion yes cause we're friends all furture human disease Oh does it yeah now you [ __ ] us oh really Oh the invasion takes seven days it's ok it's ok yeah company's China's capitulated all right rip oh the big Fred's gone yes Mao is gone recipes it was a great man well I mean it was a large man it was a large federal was it very low I mean great in terms of you know take in terms of bodyless yeah very good yeah the models are oh it looks like we actually have one of the motifs in the chat doesn't doesn't because I absolutely love this modern over but Rowley don't over talk so slow joined blitzen's initiative ha way [ __ ] through here it's Ernie I'm gonna join the war because if they do then it's not meant for war they're meant for democracy they could have like this they screwed themselves what they wanted to do therefore looks I have some Rockets I want to see what these can do really we have let's do some strategic bombing over here [Music] Huber's knowing it fraud is knowing it if I'd have to watch our backs yeah I mean really they're only going to land in there all right I've trained for new units they're very fresh but they should be fine for attacking or here's the derf lovely you're good Slavia now that is a country I could really get behind I won't help derpy is going down the truth like German focus tree let's let's do the second Vienna or war bus aliens invading the world Stephanie criminals donates five US dollars thank you very much for that super chat donation there what what are you using I am using the War of the Worlds mod with the October update I'm pretty sure but it's called um the mod developer is in chat himself it is a absolutely superb mod F strongly recommend it links on the discord hello can I have two units to let the next train the next training battle in 15 people yep sure I can do it cuz 13 is not cutting it right now yeah so I can't see that you would benefit from quite a few more especially the German tanks of - oh yeah German Panzers have turned up mmm it's a bit annoying I mean once we get rid of this plague the the disease our attack an organization everything goes up hopefully we can fix that all the games slowed down massively I was going away everything takes a lot too they move tripods are terrible weapons of war I know they've got free legs that's all they need that's one too many to be honest why do you think you could do with two legs could you type handle it with only two legs five paddle is more advanced than three pattern or what have you learnt at all yeah but what does more advanced have to do with it when it's just grass you can find us for two and almost three that's true I'm going to cut the US Army or for Detroit in a circle yeah I don't want my I don't understand I tell my people to push the Detroit they're pushing north we Florio it works in mysterious ways definite okay this ability is in California according to the more def thank you very much for that United Kingdom UK joins that so that's fine [Applause] micro cross one crow attacking across the u.s. is your decision message I'm just sonication did you just go Zoe so like that voice playing when did you get when you hear the voice ones are quite interesting I don't know how I feel about them I feel it's nice to our voice lines oh we are buggered now Ricky you caught up in friends for supplying us with potatoes by you know we're about to take Nova Scotia that's good good job Ricky we have to watch television masses one already sort of wait for you they aren't trained but should be fine it's fine they get trained at the front line there we'll learn we still have 99% equipment I'm gonna focus on reinforcements and lesson training we have 99% it's a kirpan in the field still yes we do but it's we've run out of stuff to train with his gangster ah well we're at two-speed again oh we really need see who slows down the game I'm just saying that doesn't say does it no just kind of course but it will say very briefly at stake before I want to die it's the person who's doing it right okay excellent medium it's ended with the wonderful message to fix internet or kik it's not only these days are you building military factories no I'm pretty sure they're pretty crappy i'll pioneer yeah because we're mostly just repairing everything we get to me we do need a bit of better infrastructure and things like that's where lay near is no family trying to fabricate war on us which is fine horse of Ricky's fabricate we've almost saved up for a suppression port I love how you invading the rest of the world is just doing casual things yeah Soviet starving Japanese slaughtering Chinese people etc yeah Frazier okay so Ricky some guy donated he's saying greetings to you as well so there you go we're kind of circus I don't allow us you probably know him sure yes and you knew keylogging ever so slightly but he called back up again that's a Norway division when you're a parent just a Norwegian division oh oh the second cause out motion offenses those bloody Marshall aggressors I'm going to give them a rap battle that they won't be able to win this bloody Marshall aggressors bridge stop invading mistake and can invade as many states are doing of comic-con eggs and taken back autobahn Montrell because you know I don't have enough people to support the fault line yes yeah that's currently my problem well you yeah it's the jersey challenge the German tanks Oh encircle them in so come around Montreal if you can encircle Derpy's only he's so he's gonna be so pleased the only issue is I've set the stream to be really low latency so he's probably aware of this [Music] there's an there's a new faction I thought for me Kumiko necks just fine pretty sure it's meant to be XCOM but they can call whether they like I guess yeah that's true can code does something he does Eric I don't I love you to me lovely table you here only onus causing you to swing again nice okay give her an joins Comic Con ex are we gonna see like Comic Con X declare war on and access oh that would be amazing if that happen that'd be hilarious oh my god take a look at Japan oh it's a beautiful thing what's happening each other I know what's happening in Montreal but there's a German unit not and they aren't like accessible which oh yes it will move across eventually to work oh yeah you're going for the cutoff you've successfully pinned them down and you should be able to cut them off you encirclement or tower because I don't think Derpy's watching that it's gonna be brilliant wonderful stratagem they're right we've collected all of I'm gonna tell you what we are we are really taking a huge hit in our factored out but because of our stability things to the disease yeah once we have to Alberto construction out then we will be fine that's true that's true we are thirty days away from them you have enough pee oh yes we've enough commend points for the point okay I'm gonna drop the pot in California and see what happens worked two divisions just plop down I'm strolling al can I go Jesus Christ that was a massive lag yeah it was a bit of light there but oh my god we just dropped behind enemy lines immediately can do that that's crazy it's brilliant right you're a new commander you'd give primed and ready for this invade encircle Derpy's for you know our two tanks can't talk back to you you managed to escape with two tanks there go the assault force is beginning to come on I can do dirty managed to escape with two tanks but the rest will die you know what we should have done we should have dropped the assault force on London just to to morphine units however no nothing brilliant okay new research like I'm gonna say we should probably go for something like okay I've taken your outline or what I was called Overland doctrine that's good for the Nova Scotia that's what I mean Oh Nova Scotia good that's all secure it's freed up some divisions for you which is very important all right that's a hot asian to push morphed this person called over to do I'm afraid I'm going to have to kick it easy it was so slightly too slow for me I mean he is New Zealand I'm so sorry I hope you can watch the stream that's speed ones little too slow to play game right extra military factory that's gonna have to go to guns because guns are quite slow moment that's gonna make a new you showing what's going great that was a very loud peace conference noise for me I know in the game sounds feel really out of whack at the moment but hey it is just loud for me I don't understand no no I've been having that - oh good news mango suddenly dropped into the stream Oh a new subscriber who've we got Mattel Dean or Matar Aiden I'm gonna have to old tap to read out that message but I currently doing a peace deal on free shot breaks the game wait brute beat us yeah cuz I beat the USA on the brick it's what we're doing for it's the secret undercover play so he puppeted China it was a player and gave them all of the land - got you quite a good idea that's pretty nice but now they have no resource all their weapons yes all the divisions yes oh well I'm sure they appreciate these still have some divisions I get to keep some now when I do a peace deal and you get a puppet that you lose all your key oh yeah we were caught out by Prince Paul this time he's calling our motion oppression well it's not oppression is it Romania is about to declare war on us for New Jersey oh the war doesn't declare this is Ryan Orpheus Lancer exactly did you that doesn't make sense it's true Oh Romanies declared war on us Yugoslavia oh god by Rami group turkeys in the ruins in vulgarism Yugoslavia not make on now yeah Comic Cons declared war on us no no the leaders Romania you can't make oh yes war leader Romania I have for God air scary don't forget to reinforce the new empire focus that leads to all invasion events oh yes I will make sure that will do that the battle of Los Angeles oh I'm pretty sure we did that oh yes I just took it Oh brilliant good stuff there those pesky humans humans she almonds humans we're good humans Roger so to get rid of the left we'll need to occupy all or California because that is gonna be it's not any time consuming yeah why is that I'm just gonna be helping fighting to take you out oh by the way if you don't have like fast units because you do need stuff like calves for it's it's really slow it's real gained or just a dude that gives you plus 20% you know speed yeah you know what tagging quickly read off who we've had some strokes we've got quite a few I said Jake and wats what I mean is spife all over the tripods and over nonsense it's like your favorite Lord oh you know I should probably do I should read out the entire series and then just do my own version of it I'm gonna send up the strategic bombers to bomb Canada done [ __ ] it which means no more further plate so once we get it that one spared the disease is gone and we will be fine brilliant let's go fool and reinforce a new invoice still that is the first idea for reinforced Roger Roger that's not the Martians on it no it's good enough well that's an awful frontline that's for sure you can put your to do by the way out into the other one no I'm making them to take all of California all right the second cure is Amin as meantime of seven days you need to control California for it to fire okay so I just need to control the state and yep I am the controller so the plan will get the event Cheryl Menzel ready to attack so do the motions have a note from I don't think they do yes said you I am here Fonzie buddy yes sir now I thought the Brits have just suddenly invaded in New York great so I'm going to have to suddenly to press them yeah it's fine they're just sneaking so if you just cut them off will do I mean yeah that's taking force but they're not gonna win on the cruise oh yeah fast unison Jesus Christ how was these units to shoot an attack yeah I think we have to we have been our rocket launcher to New Jersey what's going on why do we have a rocket launcher they took Boston the bastards I'd already have to push down reach through garrison New Jersey before the end of the game oh good point yes I need to garrison New Jersey oh it works fine after this garrison a lot you should just know you know now do see a hole you know do the whole thing off like you know know take our it you know what's the call it naval bases yeah just build like very cheap units we'll get the look at the invasions of happening soon so don't worry it's graduate support it's good they're all gone already never so they pulled off snow go top garrison or coast yes poopsies never fast units so are they yeah they will really still feel I mean all units are naturally a little bit slower than all the others ultra-fast on speed 3 yes your speed it's quite fast yeah United States pitch late yes is before us means now I can 20 focus on the nor like garrison New Jersey and the coast we should be good you can focus on this house now what someone enter South South Pass fast McNabb well I mean really I should just focus on the north why finish off Canada whatever Australian units in Orland yeah I've seen that don't worry they're moving up north there we go I feel like that should be enough to easily finish off Canada we've got a lot more military factories now so I immediately put them to work okay I want mine units on the right side well units on the right that's fine I'll get them going I mean like you know on the bottom well it's three divisions are three you know whatever it's called yeah yeah like you can drag and drop so apartment to the right side again well just let's set all of our new deployments to auto go to your line that's not gonna work because I keep changing it so don't just go to your orange order should be fine I'm not orange I'm yellow they apply yellow I'm sorry whatever now your fork in bye-bye I'm not spawn you're ports in London that's what we'll be doing the invasion of Incheon I'm pretty sure we enforce the new empire unlocks decision extermination yeah so I'm pretty sure I learned I stopped lending stuff in foreign lands who knows oh I like how the French only called a nuisance in this focus tree now that's very good yeah we didn't have a player in the US they weren't able to do the ex-con so that's good for us oh the German tanks have appeared in Canada now reappear this pesky we should be fine dealing with them concentrated industry some good stuff be careful of the Swiss yeah the Swiss are gonna be very risky I'm pretty sure they're going sizable military force of 16 deficients oh we bypassed attentive the umpires tactical is reinforcing that's all for you you vote declare war you instead of just waiting for it right so we could get some lone forts around New Jersey the health food museum was New Jersey Japan you do know that you're on the wrong side alright I think we should go for entrenched poverty and go for fascists so I'll do that because it gives us stability what is this is the war of the worlds' model it is very good strong a real good conversion task which at all we've trapped off poor turkeys tank divisions are just stuck in Canada this is good yeah go ahead oh you just pull out and take on they just teleport pesky teleportation devices those mindful feet were the only ones who teleportation no no I'm actually something I'm gonna quickly break that's we've basically warned America we got a naval invasion in Miami dude no crapper just miss Jacob Moses donation hello thanks Jacob we also have been admitted in Florida oh do we yeah it's fine innovation it's ours officers we've become control of Sussex as well all eighteen divisions in the UK Jesus Christ holy hell you deal with the ones in Russia I'll deal with the ones in the UK immediate northern SLR there's also Russian ones yeah a lot of people now want the help then we get some new generals as well yeah how am I supposed to go so quickly the world hey there you go thank you did I get a commander's hold on yeah I'll put one on here offensive line I think basically we should shoot it's pushed down into Romania I feel yes let's just look what that's gonna literally everyone around yes I feel that this is a good defensive line I would have done it a bit different well it should be good for us don't worry no cuz I want to do is something to do so I can like focus on Morris feel free to modify Ricky don't worry it's basically I just wanted that first this area yeah this is that they can then have two divisions a few divisions focusing on something else that's what the French are trending which you know typo an army in the UK but they are terribly unorganized and very easy to kill oh yes don't mind if I do yeah capitulating the UK she used to be fine and we can now start spamming up more divisions I'm 18 come on Jesus Christ the noise is going crazy we're not making too much progress in in the East but we should be fine oh crap we got a load of planes here as well I'll just attach them to the armies you attach them to my army yeah we should instantly wipe our Air Force don't eat a lot of people here who's just donated their chicken once again do you know how to drop suspension pots yeah you are we have a little thing here we only we can only do it when there's with 99 command power you can't do it just yet as soon as we can't don't worry I've got an ideal target in mind for where we're launching them we've really cut off the supply they have in London they've put too many divisions here they don't have any supply my sister one speck on Canada don't know just leave Canada leave it it can do its own fake I can do so it's all or nothing right the French are tired of having to pull out of how we're invading I should be able to take London soon but it feels really dirty to be attacking the UK like now we still got the disease though it's a real shame 18 come on what is the fringe kind of stability uh-oh 20 20 percent got the fringe of a large army give them that much anyway so I'm kind of having a few issues on the Russian front I think it might be best that we just hold now same idea cuz um they're not gonna be a rush into us that's the thing yeah we also don't really have enough supply to really carry out proper attacks yeah I think it's best we just hold and put ourselves on carefully execute anything I'm just defend now our careful is too careful like we did we don't want to attack all me no I'm just I didn't have made I don't have it on a taxon okay they're not gonna attack you see you don't have to put a none careful careful just means gasa gonna lose some units in Mexico I think we were very close to having a suppression pot ready I've got great idea lined up for this suppression pod I think it should work out very well for us Roger spiffing Britt you can take britain but please do God don't let the Argentinean to take the Falklands don't worry I won't here we go I'm suppression port time well it's got to be no anti-air and not controlled okay oh not confirmed by planned invasion target syndrome no idea in Switzerland or neighboring state okay what oh I'm gonna push back yes countess I found an interesting way to do something yeah we are getting kind of pushback oh did we take London into London it's good for ya that's smooth approach me in to us yeah there's too many units here in Russia like legit too many flippin units yes which more its do you know what's even crazier they don't get it Trish there yes we don't but we do is a row shame yeah I think they all gonna die yes yeah they've kind of notice what I'm doing I'm amazing Switzerland yes I didn't talk to me yeah it's a good it's good thing you know intervention yeah oka voice they're kind of like cotton onto our evil plan but I think I might actually be able to get into capitulate yeah I think I'll be able to yeah they're pushed rest like Foley down because it's just too many units there in Russia I like the gym just pull back what you mean fall back there's no way to fall back so many ships that's fine we've lost Russia but that's why no one like this literally no way to pull back there at all crude this is very switch lose going to French as well I don't understand they literally lost before I even like the Pope they've just literally lost all like organization like out of nowhere these people in Russia yeah that was so weird it just lost all the like organization out of nowhere like if somebody dropped in you that's why does look like it's a real shame from the chart survives oh yeah the bloody French okay yes so the issue forces our organization is completely out of whack cuz why is it not going away though I don't know it's meant fire when we control California yeah I guess [ __ ] Thomas just in Vegas NV no I didn't it's just there for no reason no they did invaded the CP here no they haven't that's mr. just a part that we haven't taken no Washington okay I'm currently moving there but you know how slow it is triumphant America let's grab that is there some cause no it doesn't go away you failed to take the facility okay because we failed to say the facility we get stuck here forever then the French armies retreated yeah Oh Martian invasion force planes just on France for a bit message understood yes I'm just gonna have them on hold get out of my way pop-ups America brilliant that's a good start all puppets will be our next a I will focus on him okay so we get better war support and things like that that's not really needed red weed would be good really cripples our enemy so if we go Z no cravings the red weed they lose a lot of their stuff sure although I have a lost now a day we lost war a day of research because you're not taking it as your focus they've caused that it's okay it's okay no it's not no we lost a second date point here come on dude Mexico mr. a best play of the world as you proclaimed yourself I'm invading Mexico that's what a good player would do that is true red weed is that true strong team I think Canada's being invaded with Western Canada oh yeah it's so don't wear technology cuz I'm there so yeah it's this the bit towards the surf from us because to attend to yeah it's no they're mating in whatever is called here and in Northwest KITT well most wasn't Canada see there that is oh I see okay that's fun dream is there just the British millions you know they're gone well Italy's not just find a wall gone on us no shima spam is no surgery it's not just way too slow dude yeah that's what kinda pissed me off myself there's Bigfoot Ireland I mean they're gonna be okay you're just gonna peacefully occupy them for a few years yeah it's nice to play with our rules it doesn't matter exactly hey what could we get the nuke before they do be good go up justification for conquering is finished so I will declare the war engaging target choking auto click I don't really think the Mexicans are gonna come stand a chance against laser tripods who knows they've got 12 divisions are in Hungary to calm them okay the game is like relaying out for me for some reason yeah the game is kind of chunking for me too yeah it's only when my camera should be fine this is pretty off why is it like tank is so much fun the mirror crystal American fellow Mexico sorry not let's go ask I'll ask us been taken he's on about that's cuz yeah it's it's getting taken just like if the game like you know it wants to like freak out on me I'm like nobody ever play this you guys going on that's pretty good he's very good first for what base in Europe yes we trap to the fridge yeah unload the camera because you know everything is freaking help yeah don't move the cam they happen we get damp new consul yeah I'm quickly gonna push up and try and take the pole before they're able to pull out a as a right yeah yeah we see person table that Brits of really sabotaging us of any countries which is a ring while they're there pissin to go to you I'd be pissed if I didn't have to Soviet Union I don't watch town or two but Jesus Christ Tanner what would know my god they've got 70 divisions okay I think that might be why the game is freaking out there are a lot of divisions they're screaming they don't know what to do I'm sure disagreement it ought to do do about it where's your where's your guidance and your smooth guidance the French place I should shut out the whole [ __ ] thing we took Newcastle worst general in the role I'm not a general but you get the point no I don't want you mean what are you talking about yeah you could be good we don't know you don't know how you look well all I know is you have a very nice moustache zero all the decisions I don't know why the screen about because they successfully repelled a Russian invasion yeah you have an eight million hundred thousands division yeah they say it's completely surrounded they have taken glass golden spoon come on man who cares what does go okay it's fine they can have Glasgow okay but now also Titan losses anyways yes bit so I don't I don't want a song about like I don't know why the screaming did successfully you know stop basically yeah I don't think they're doing a terrible job so the screaming doesn't necessarily make sense this is real awful and this camera stuff that there the performance is really taken ahead now so dope he's not trying to justify you on us no doubt he's probably going to trying them date here yeah I was continue the bombing of from normal I'm good off from or where no one grabbed a drink so I'm gonna back Oh hold on before you've decision is this before I send my yearly reinforcement request your Martian replacements it's done late Washington to send the tempest for sellouts let's get some ten pieces and extermination of London get some tempest and we get easy no cravings oh I'm never we're also not gonna go for bread weed and [ __ ] all the other nations can hear and we have 24 divisions here and so they were just garrison both ports in the UK to stop a pesky invasion that would be a real pain if they invaded victory points to the finest line alright I'm back another okay we have another another follow of washing what's happened did you say Ricky we had another fall of Washington pepperoni yes I have like I noticed the leave decisions to do over over I was reminded you also have offworld import decisions no initially industrial actions get off map industrial factories and import requests we get construction speed and lose okay that's brilliant let's do that it's gonna take 45 days and send bi-yearly reinforcements request okay or in 80 days but we'll get some new troops start up to Jesus Christ I was a massive clang of two bottles of two oz bottles you wouldn't happen to be drinking alcoholic beverages there I told you it's Fritz column and they only come on glass bottles oh yes of course and now I got some cool little dark if you know what that is no I'm afraid I do know it's a Turkish soft drink it sounds quite nervous who's your favorite youtuber me no I quite like it loves me yeah I also like phrase it for nine graters YouTube channel out there wanna do one video but sometimes one video is all you need you don't know two videos but only one video above the 1000 view mark and you know hey nearly 5000 I'm sorry fine it wasn't 2009 or 2007 something of that what an incredible video is as well I know it's so funny he loves his peep yeah that is he loves me more than I love him Oh God invade China mmm China Oh China is at war of us I was gonna say they weren't no they are they are at war with us Iran invade France Spain before you attack Germany Ukraine and Russia's yeah I feel we're gonna have to leave Russia to last because they're gonna be a real pain but equally we have Germany and Italy are about to declare one senator Enzi - just please stop just fine so Spain gets their justification oh no they already have it so Spain can declare war on us whenever Ricky ho-how those crisps yeah then I'll Chris are they no not really well they're they're back they called Brett Chris so dead dad dry bread or like I don't know why you call it but they're just amazing boom and you can't stop eating them once you have them somebody once told you that the aliens were gonna grow about why you're not taken by a by a California though um okay I don't need it Bijlee the Mexican so yes a dude in there yeah the AR is the gonna do anything it's just gonna sit there's a dude dude what did enmund the dudette is just that you do okay porque dude as an amigo dude what can we name of it we don't have any ships s across that is a good point that might hinder our chances yeah what Mexico's gone so bad got some more military factories what about Guatemala etc should we work our way down south is it really worth it I don't think we have it all we have a player in Brazil that's really oh I'm wiping his whale oh yeah I got some players there yes we do have placed on this so it might be worth invading them maybe you're worried like parrots dropping into Ireland yeah I was wondering about oh I think it's taking island might be good idea I have the paratroopers oh do we actually have oh then do they work as paratroopers yeah that would be brilliant if we could use them lovely but I don't know if I can like cross Nero across the ocean yeah all I know is that I don't think we have transfer pockets Oh pretty sure I'm able to build them yeah we have a new building but we don't have them yet so yeah bit pointless right now you know a bit a bit pointless moderately pointless yeah take all the time you like this okay okay supposed to take the Americas yeah I mean Guatemala's go free military factories into civilian so that's something see they've got lots of condensed military factories around here which we could grab and they're not too difficult you don't need much of an army to 1080 so long okay let's do this it just depends how much political power costs Oh - okay should take ten days what's just happened oh then what does the hell is that noise right yeah yeah it's a justification all right do we get any more exciting decisions at the moment oh no we're about to get import requests getting expended in five days no better oh is puber around yeah Oh Cuba is a player was even hurdle to do see Empire of course is he's currently slowly switching to put a fascist hmm course do you want to test your paratroopers on Cuba sure let me put my tropes on it yeah I'll start preparations of some you got some divisions blow us blind and it's gonna take this resistance the occupation a lot of like in America obviously yeah Tomales done no Cuban at the access was supposed to do we lost a convoy oh yeah I saw that we're doomed we're completely buggered now oh we can stop building any we got enemy fighters are on North in England yeah it's mostly just bombers so there's calm release down yo quickly it's funny I know Portugal submarines are killing our convoys where we had calls I don't know where our convoys are going like I don't know yes I think they're just resupplying units in in the UK so that's why yes sir right what bridge should we get I'm probably thinking we do more engineering school joke plasma beam turrets or we could get the next set of drones increases motorized home oh no we don't actually have drone Wow do you know how long it takes to get the floor oh by the way you look at my units are just too casual nearly two months Jesus Christ I hate week I realize we're going down to focus trees what yeah we've got to focus please what's the National Spain's just declared war on us will be joining the war any time anything up there in which means we don't have to justify on cue ah good point good point unless I don't join the war no you can I get the feeling they probably will so let's justify anyway it's gonna take us 10 days so who cares yeah but I will only be there in like 8 million years what he's got a few days look we become in control or something oh we made us leave a journey oh yeah we're just going to hit a lotus roots and chips let's get to like on Quran now hopefully it doesn't I'll go for black stones bonus so that should keep them alive quite a while and I will ship over some of my cousins at least I would do we have we got some super heavy tanks there it seems like derpy knew that there was gonna be that cross almost like Derpy's already played this mode and knew that this would happen it almost seems like derpy has too much time on his hands since she's almost yes almost we've got plans afternoon like bread weeds so they're gonna get a huge huge [ __ ] all of them should be buggered that's all so we've got competition there we're not going to go down the interstellar army focus treat and tell me whatever you want me to declare war in cubics I can yeah once more armies like somewhere you and Florida RAK they're stirring Canada awful just awful yeah it's a lot of ships by the way from the British out on and on the coast air you just see that don't see oh that was most ever for impressive this force that is a precise are we already lost like a few divisions yes but I'm lending a few more so we should all be good I knew decisions I can get the improve requests again so let's do that when we can blow up the Panama Canal [Music] all right so many toes are gonna get pushed out yeah it's a sad leg in Russia dude this was so not gonna work as I do talk most like me like in 8 million forces are just gonna swarm you it's you know you're kind of in a very tricky situation just to capture 230 divisions that are attacking 18 yeah yeah perfectly perfectly standard game for me thermostatic gameplay there that's all day that's possible I've set them before backline to do and they should I call them the the attacking forces of taking huge hits of air supply so things are kind of playing okay and good god we have a lot of manpower now oh we're just lucky ninth yeah okay well I can add here that's our only problem all right yeah so so the news news here you don't even do we have transferred like planes now yeah we got warm it takes us a moment at sequin that's good enough to me put that in here cuz that's all you need to be honest that's the thing that's true you want me to declare war on Cuba why is it overhead a lot of hours not a balance what the hell what mate do we have air superiority ah there we go no it didn't it didn't like it didn't like put my I couldn't just whatever I have to manually put the now in paribus I've given you a superiority in the region as one should give us an advantage extreme is kidding your phone battery me don't get the phone charger on it some fragile its a mix producing useful have we landed Ricky no the trip is a lack of on Tulane one of the chair troopers when you fire them before they're ready no I mean like two people are sent out on the airport that's what I mean no mercy detective god we've lost like a millionaire firstly to the soviet encirclement yeah I expected Isis all right do they get like more in organizations that's it I'm gonna see if I can pull all of the mouth of the port and get them to land in the UK because if we can't because there's like 300 like you know and then all see yeah they did kind of the issue of having the stream on solo it's the point where everyone can see what we do is that yeah they do have a habit of sperm in streams laughing yeah right let's do it yeah that seems really happy birthday to Sweden as well what yeah it's Sweden's happy birthday today oh great happy birthday on and I saw carbureted oh yeah when happy birthday was copyrighted that was a great time they time when you can't see history could just tradition how these people are moving at all what's happening here required and we should be able to invade all the way down to Panama um what's up with your if they got instead you've only got one transmission yeah that should be enough no you need to have you need to have the exact number the amount of divisions you know not anymore then one should be able to like it says full paratroopers you need twenty twenty twenty [ __ ] wall mate yeah it's like can we increase the production or flight transfer point um yeah but they're still gonna build only one amount for afraid don't have any rubber that's all main so actually we don't have Robert yeah and nobody help me important a trouble not GE I'll see if return you the Siamese Empire thing some from so beautiful no I mean I probably all buy two ships by now yes I was just like oh it's called air aliens I can live that you're making three a month even though we have fifteen [ __ ] business where do you see how many [ __ ] air troopers do I need well how many transports it's in the order yeah if you take a look at the order it says you need twenty transports if you just zoom it that's where troopers army to twenty transports I do are there wow that's like wow yes like can you count me more hit no they really could have improved them oh it's actually someone's birthday today in sure that's actually incredible Tom's got the vault 76 logo hang on a second why have we got Bulgarian divisions defending these away not the Suez the Panamanian canal is interesting okay what Gary yeah and we also have Swiss the Swiss people there and the Swiss code so annoying pesky pesky twist those pesky Swiss but there is a lot in there as well Oh enemy air superiority I'm sure we can soon fix that where ooh just said fall if you're doing which this yeah Oh instantly a superiority and I was easy very easy that invasion of people should be able to very soon yeah really right if you do strategic redeployment it's much faster so that's what I'm doing because our organization is fine really anyway we just got a load please oh god we got so many plasma cannons right here anybody need 20 air and stuff - yeah oh um five of the divisions from the from Germany actually made out a five minute damn that's a very bad great great job now we've really are gonna have to kind of like see how we we should invade I'm wondering if we should aim for like an unconventional place like I mean as fun as alien d-day is I feel like the unconventional place yeah it's not gonna very conventional if everyone knows it anyway it's a good point everyone is just going to these troops but I think on movie occasion yeah because they can't play a proper game we can assume should we maybe produce anything we can and we don't have any ships well yeah maybe you can research them it just takes us in that way it just takes us a very long time to research them in 270 days well there you go it's all Africa's dead oh honey your power drop happen yes that happened and I didn't they have 15 divisions there so no thing it's like I have it not on attack do you see Mordor it's not active yeah why did fire yes I think the best way only have a plan not fired yeah you don't have to learn to the side of Havana and attack into it oh that's that's not gonna work is it I know what I'm gonna do I think there's like why did they fire when like I didn't even like tell them to oh that's too far away oh really are you [ __ ] what mate again let me see if that will work out let me just put it down here right you let's see if that will our are the dardan are not hello game welcome here in this way the Jones axes kung-fu like that awarded a communication why you pose anything for that isn't a far away why is it all too far away this is so garbage seriously just learned to the side it's not no it's not gonna work dude damn 50 divisions it's not gonna work true hmm do you know where I want to land though like you know it's our like you know the other side of the island that's where I kind of wanted to land but there's no I don't have the range yeah that's the weird part we have crappy range it's ridiculous well I guess we're not gonna find get Cuban yeah Cuba might be a bit too tricky to evade them real shame right we can invade Venezuela now so I might give out their menial part of axes so they basically are asking for it true that what about white why have you left El Salvador out no Salvador oh they just have like got like 11 divisions and I just really couldn't be asked they've got no manpower I can't really see a point in evading arrest it's disgusting what is it just really enjoying what if the suddenly join our the enemies order I mean what is that is possible yes Oh God merciless trick Thanks why ops ops why it's an interesting name thank you thanks to chef home for subscribing long interview and they'll go interstellar army now we can go down any tactics cool I just don't understand why I don't have the range for the like transfer planes there that's ridiculous yeah yeah it's a room actually should probably read off some subs cuz I haven't in a long time got 645 about 6400 57 very close to the 50k my that's not bad not bad at all goes right and my subscribers for events list we have battalion subscribe tom zachary salt knights Lewis Williams harsh Deuter Jacob Moss gave a donation of course the Dark Knight taking loss then gave another donation Nathan Reed subscribed so gxd 24 Yolo Ahmed MD schmuck Rafael Rios and Lucas Kaiser mayor thank you very much more for subscribing this evening and oh my god I have so many different hats oh it's course Vale Fisk booth basic team are doing survivor that is why I have so many back to the game we can't evade by the way we got a baby boy only we told me cuz we don't need may have [ __ ] transportations got nothing we can ship though can we build um power dropping divisions yeah most Garrison's yeah but like we don't have a range for them I can't even like get into Cuba that's true but if you just spell them out I'm sure we could good London you know I think that's so why do we have so many wrong kids we have rockets we're using rockets in New Jersey we have Rockets that the ability to hear anything don't ya I'm gonna stop bombing Berlin is that a thing yeah but it is I'm gonna start bombing the military factories Erzberg oh yeah man that's a huge break just notice there holy moly we can't reach easier sadly but like we can reach whole of North and South Africa America and then all of Europe Wow we're just gonna just gonna start bombarding Berlin I was just casually we can we build more of these rockets because these Rockets seem overpowered a siege of bombing 600 aside yeah we kept on the rocket site what kind of damage are we doing here we shook power bills more in Los Angeles I think we should build one in the UK also that yes so we now have time we have everything covered business yeah we know the Clara in Venezuela so our motto all of South America Dean come on occasion required okay let's see if I can do this then the communication required eventually I swear if I don't have the range for that I'm gonna be pissed what are you trying to Cuba still oh you will see okay so I can't say it because if that's a good point I won't look I'll stick to Europe must stick to building my V bombs much does it cost to build a rocket I'm first just gonna check about even have the range or not look we not actually build the Rockets do they just naturally yeah then go our time yeah they just naturally resupply in in New Jersey for some reason yeah that's the crazy part about Rockets this is really exciting I'm gonna stop bombing the the airfields of France and I'm going to split this in half okay why is that sometimes okay you want me I have to do something right I have to do like this oh that's it is it unbuttoned you know this is it we have some like bobsleigh then build one in UK so if you wanna turn twist then you can okay yeah so maybe build one on the west coast I feel like the main benefit we have is if not you can it fall over very interested in seeing yeah like we have completely destroyed some of these air things they are almost completely gone this is brilliant this is actually brilliant Lee's only missiles be very careful not to look at your orders right select some hold our wings we've only got one left you just hold it with factory supply after like a month or something in the UK rebels will destroy the rocket site good point actually yeah they will you know being very well not if you can't keep him in check mister can we change like Oh occupied territories to be like oh yeah cuz like in in Sussex you only have 20% that's not what yeah I'm gonna go for Harsha's Denis you cakes we're not really gonna get manpower so you can check but just you know we can't apply that there Coweta Ireland Ireland did a naval invasion verse here they only have two divisions so I really wonder what they're trying to do man I'm sure the Russia Russian military is building up their troops for the aliens I mean no brush has actually been a real pain in our ass they've they're justifying owner they have more girls on poems they just haven't declared one thing is Poland isn't Parvin a faction so logically you could oh we can block the Panama Canal now I just do it no no worries we're losing support stability so probably no question does its South Africa play or not I'm pretty sure South Africa's check no that's why it's doing these [ __ ] weird things very exist there's no point in these but you know how Rockets is a rocket so is just naturally resupply of rockets yeah that's all rockets eyes of work that's why it feels like like as a party now all this really the same old rockets are incredible I'm gonna start building way more of these we're just gonna bomb bomb the Europeans out holy [ __ ] yeah we're gonna have loads of these it's gonna hold them for a bit and then we can begin like operation new to France we could do so much damage oh okay I need to like I need to just build one all right so sorry for that but um were you building war or kids do you know that's what I have to build you will see it in the order because I can't get him off this island okay am I allowed to take a look away you've landed yeah sure okay this is it pearl it's a penguin oh I forgot I wasn't looking at there's 30 free German divisions down in Venezuela Venezuela oh my god yeah I don't understand or they got 87 but it's fresh they're gonna get these I think we just hold I'm gonna get my division such as hold we're not going to attack which is gonna attrition the Germans out they should be killed their communication required Island is yet again trying a naval invasion of hull second attempt here by the Irish it sadly failed yeah they're a is Watson they're not really that blue no they're not yeah oh they are okay just naval debate there or what happened there oh no it's all Force I don't think they'll say it because if we say anything they're just gonna be like oh they're screaming well I why why did you learn so many forces in Venezuela derpy why not take a look at the attrition Derby yeah no you clearly don't know you clearly don't like there's knowing about attrition and others doing that Mars reinforcements 50 Birds go power and then jokes oh who knows where the Army's gonna land it's not like they're looking for the most part to find out how to do the XCore like happens yeah it needs to be done through the US the US needs to fire it now there's the u.s. firing so the US should do it in their focus tree I think eventually what focus focus tree it's something they can do like oh no it's a tech the research yeah they need to research it as it is a natural Tech and then once they do that you guys can do XCOM stuff right so because it's a ifs not gonna well know if the AI will research eventually just doesn't know when eventually again yeah pop it up up up up that's a nice invasion of our little bit say thank you thank you all right and I'm a bit tipsy so well last one why do you say tips of it definitely not oh the rocket starts getting built Ricky it's happening it's happening to go they're happening do you bid so many and did you oh my gosh you alphabet feel like we should up them into like mega rocking sides yeah and this seems like a great idea that'll be fine I'm sure awaiting command message understood the Soviets of know started landing tanks in Ireland I've done it about you've done more take what's rightfully ours good job Ricky right I'm gonna start bombard in there you're cured yep I've just found the way around their naval invasion stuff I'm just bombing the hell out of all of the dock yards in Belfast okay that shouldn't ya they shouldn't be able to actually land any more forces because I launching rockets at it and eventually that port will die oh [ __ ] they force us back we should be able to retake the port No okay nope we've buggered it the invasion force is lost c-money get out of Dublin oh my god why no the Barrow just pushed me back we're stars busy monitoring the Rockets real shame there there happens I was too late now isn't it yeah let's get all these workers who set their strategic bombing target to its let's demolish the military factories of northern France well it's okay oh the kid can't do it like didi focus oh sure you pick one um establish invasion yes that was yeah yeah probably that was it get rid of patted partisans there is expand for exams should be fun eventually but yes it's good for establishing Beijing command it's fat Rockets I just means a possibility it's not a nice probability it already a control sauces that since that it is that her that is a thing that happened and then I don't think he was intended why did you let go of Dublin that I couldn't they just did it I'm so sorry [Music] yes put like one like you know province what our that's called defense line and it just put one person there that's it yeah just didn't go to wasn't really much I could do there mmm France is doing the French civil war it's interesting is that maybe a bug abuse Oh what's me mother oh bugger peace I don't think so because he's Oh actually yes it was there's only one there's only one division on the French Communist side he's used the glitch French player You cheeky bastard you're not meant to be doing that also I think we should modify our divisions or I'll name it that xx with should we upgrade them yeah that's good funny wait feels good yes but I'm just wondering a fool y'all twenty where that's pretty good okay yeah that's like good starting to finish it saloon producing some more oh it's because all of the military factories for artillery but good is it okay if I stopped our transport planes yeah you can't no well you can just leave one factory in it that's it get the feeling we might be good it could just be one yeah yeah yeah that's good enough we need to get like people that are like just literally just fighting crime fighting crow we need to get viruses Oh partners are really [ __ ] it already yeah because that would be good don't really have anyone that can be partisan suppression right what should we go for we could go for an armored attack and defense kind of went leader yeah that's what I do this political power so we've got quite a few options really I could go for a rocket designer or I could do the off-road imports which gives us increased construction speed factory open factory pair speed 180 days we don't have factories that's pretty good see so it's a good idea repairing UDC all right we all repaired yes yeah cuz the flippin partisans yeah the poet's isms have kind of this because we need lucky we didn't like a unit that get fights partisans tell you what I feel created a bit of a stalemate here just a bit just already doing it a Mike on naval made morning can do the plot thingy can't continue my invasion of self America oh you folks tree stuff blitz or ization or more recruitable population we probably don't need I'm gonna say we go down +10 organization is gonna do it so we'll do that and then we instantly get it so then I'm thinking we go immediately down I can't blow probably isn't worth it no offense resistance to occupation I agree is really kill offensive now o drezel says you won't go down labor some of you folks treats get as starting Navy none love naval evasions I agree that might be a good idea thank you very much for sticking around there drezel you've been a huge help I know we probably look quite enough to play give it you really tried I don't know if we tried you didn't try I gave it their all new units and well become now the brand new forces okay what are we doing with the braunfels they are gonna be the part of the Defense Forces that's fun should we spend the chiefest units we have instead yeah just make a new unit type okay like two peoples or two like to press me units that can do suppression sure so um I mean don't have cavalry or do we cover is good for suppression right two versus the infantry of we have we have camel is better yes sir let's just do cow so yeah to still for cab units in it that's it only cab then let's put four calves units or four cab this thing is battalions that's what about what they call new go full curve every template one that's both five at once every time there you go there will be no joining the problem one garage I'm gonna remove like all Browns except one I'm gonna switch that Brown one into it somebody else so basically this do that that brown you BB come cavalry go in Venezuela's goal these divisions still being a pain yes bazinga now don't enforcing a flash god no ah yes bazinga I don't know why I just came on that why we have so many destroyed factories is insane crazy nice have a wall I fired it up probably it's serious oh my god the attrition for the German forces in Venezuela is 75% it's so good so good oh you know what we probably should do actually something I've realized if we bomb the infrastructure out of Europe surely they will simply run out they'll just attrition themselves down because if they have low infrastructure they won't be able to support the armies they have yeah you should do that yesterday because they they already have a huge negative okay so I'll store power rock rock do I think that's a great idea because then we can choose where to hit in Europe around them and of catching wind of it um dope he's done something very interesting because I captured the port in Venezuela he stacked is 24 divisions on top of each other but we still got a what should still kick him out here that's very important we're gonna win there whatever oh I'm gonna throw in a few more divisions like don't make it 20 like I'm making you 20 I'll make it even for you cuz I mean we got the manpower I made it equipment yes well because we kind of need to like get a hold of that [ __ ] we could kind of also do with sending a few over to the UK yeah they all gonna die in the waters but I have been able to descend divisions over to the UK before so yeah we lost weight of 80% yes but you know a loss rate of 80% is its deliver a lot it's still the law yes we have it we have a invasion of what's in Canada Poland refuses the German ultimatum can South Africa not do this one [ __ ] things two things we can actually stop she's served awake don't really stop it's just like let's do one thing and it's just one division that's it you know it's not a oh we could probably do a Portland thing and then just take it instantly oh we can't okay I mean dad yeah maybe problem what Japan has so many divisions what about the Soviet Union they've got a lot as well Germany they've got less actually France has even less the French military is pretty small French literature is the same as the earth to treat like training what training time ya know I don't know II don't oh no we could switch out oh guy who gives plus 25% attack for a person who gets rid of training time about 20% but still that's yeah that's not as a Joseph is expensive it's an expensive trade because we get a lot no no skipper I'm gonna just pop this out because okay they can just be counted they don't need to be like training's cavalry said you just need to be greased I'm just gonna look at them till they're done cooking what no we need to rid of these subs so getting quite a long damn I really hope we go the anti-air of the UK's but it will be really useful huge thanks to the hyena subscribed Cody Angelina please subscribe download burton neato Vladimir poutine without routine impotent oh do the extra research logical time we can really like I said no it's constant law at 70 days for a national research law yeah I wish is kind of needed they want to go into naval true yeah or just do the native one now they may've a conversion version and then constructors Navy because then we get to technologies for it you know let's just do that hello yeah okay yeah because I'm in sector the Navy then we have like early cruises cruiser be to you in order battleships you know yeah we can go better focus and set around formal that Shazam I'm attempting something break you know let you know if it works tell you the 80% codes if that's gonna work kid no it's out I'll give it bloody good go Ricky mister you watch me because that's 300 shirts he has to go through there's a lady car give it a could go we could declare war on the [ __ ] oh diamond good girl it's Australia planet yeah as news even to play in New Zealand even gone military I should have a better way British Malaya wasn't funny not British were at war with them Oh British Roger become Algarve India why he's already that's um that's an interesting movement oh he's instantly dead you want dominion of India you do know he's rooted to set off he didn't even get out of past nude was he is he getting attacked already oh come on let him past guys didn't get out of Boston he's making movements okay testing the warrants and he's saying it's just crap just wanting to make it he just wants to go to the UK okay just look at him because orbit even already been attacked like insolently also be our to speed now oh okay let's get free speed yeah we know we have partisans and everywhere it's literally in each and every province to control partisans oh they swore support god I'll tell you what our manpower really gets up there we're fast pretty good oh no I think it's not gonna make here bricky I don't think it's gonna make it I talked to management's ladies oh it's too gone oh come on corn corn corn recipes just disengage just disengage no no the Battle of the eastern seaboard he was too young didn't get out boss that's how crappy it was ichigo's one turn into the ocean and dead yeah I'm gonna make him out of Boston I told you about the 80 percent are legit cuz that's like over three hundred ships yet missing production of water sports equipment oh and just all my machines and flying machines and support it also need to build the planes eventually because they're gonna die out as well yeah I can see the you got the chance of blowing off the fatta mocha not again yeah we're gonna blow why would you do it because what we're gonna get is a huge negatives war support and things like that it's just not worth it just no worth it who stops not worth it is it enemy tables or invasion or poison it's going quite well it just takes a very long time to move through the jungle yeah because like that's a problem of having yeah you thought the tripods were slow oh the job is just Germans took one see provenance in the UK and then just pull back Oh job good job good job Germany good job there's some italians in the north by the way if you have noticed that you might want to get rid of them and a Highlands trying to be Vikings I don't know what this action is my view bit of arnold schwarzenegger giving it right oh no they have actually they fully taking me you know what i like split off soft people yeah I'm just sending up some more divisions really I mean I would like to it's a problem that we just can't like that like you know put false you say that's the main problem yeah it is really annoying that we can't do them we just added we're just [ __ ] up let's just see the ecology yeah we really should be low in for that cure the disease is really [ __ ] up you know some what I did yeah yeah the mind is 25% division attack an organization etc is pretty annoying is really pissing me off also the 300 ships to get through is not helping us ISM no no the huge Navy is annoying let's go construct all wait we could do can finish conversions I can't do it both I mean it's good for parents because it's very it just destroys but that's not gonna help us is it it's not really gonna help us because destroys that destroys the greed ok the Soviets another point in for so here while in Russia what the Soviets are deploying in full force in Scotland so I'm now going to have to start using Waterland I'm gonna start using our rockets to bombard selfish strategic targets infrastructure and the airbase and go and that should be able to get there in time to cause some nice decimation can I take one person out there because I want to test something you want to take one person from where from UK or an experiment as long as you see why he might die what are you trying to do well I can't retell on stream can i good point yeah you will see one on one night I'm just gonna kill one person that's just doing okay but I'd prefer if you didn't should pick one of the UK guys to kill it it has to be him that's the thing okay it's not that way I suppose you don't King sure most of you hit Lyon it sir me and tell her from Germany nice to have you have some Germans in the chest receiving even if our warm resident German is currently trying to kill a brave UK fighters as long as you can hold that line that's pretty good british malaya capitulates yes 25 convoys we got robber now he's worth it 18 come on we only went to manage it we don't get ourselves a nice supply of rubber but I realized we haven't actually put any of our armies under a sealed marshal yeah because we don't have anything in marshes don't we make one yeah one of my guys is able to make beer one so I'll just make one here we go feel like I said you might die so well if he does it's on your hands yes it's not much you know it's just put all you do don't put the defenders Hindi don't do that we put them in as a under a few marshal you should therefore think he doesn't need me field marshals dude well yeah but it gives a nice few modifier so let it slow yeah but not on partisans do they well you need we don't need partisan attackers to be on our few mantra we never know to need that good good point good point we don't need I kind of forgot yes I'll put them out of there what the heck okay I'm thinking we and doctrine stuff you know window for an auxilary upgrade I do love this move while they have thought of it so recipes they've done they thought of their port Oh what were you trying to do [ __ ] cheeky you know power drop into it oh but they thought of it there's like literally 50 people there and in islands can we get rid of the rocket sites because we need to get rid of them now England they're gonna just force their way through now true yeah so let's just kill all the rocket sighs let's go I don't think I can actually get rid of them Ricky yes we can how do you order them we need to get rid of them instant now there's no way to get rid of yes we can there is generally no way why such a moon why is the map keep changing to [ __ ] like it's only possible to road-building once every month that's fine as long as they gone that's good cuz we don't want to let them fall into like enemy hands you know or mean yeah so stop building all the rockets there commonly stop building the Rockets there Ricky that's that's me yes you can cuz they're not even building them anymore okay they just see something about Leon Trotsky yeah Trotsky's around okay 25th August and we can get rid of all the Rockets on England okay cause we're not gonna we're not gonna hold anything that's the thing at the moment we are holding them up in Scotland okay dude they're just gonna flood in more and more people that is true we don't even a bit of a tricky situation where without a navy we come yeah we cannot both Navy let's go all right about four earth Navy or the extra research law that Navy just go Navy for let's go some ships going dude yeah video to like you know shoot down on their flippin ass garbage Navy gonna stop producing destroyers Jesus don't do cruises only could we just not destroy us let me destroy is that's fine you so Lucas goes no I mean like we don't need to try to Sarah Carter well I mean the issue is cruises take a look a lot longer to build so they have taken some land here data in Scotland being very cheeky don't move them to don't if you attack him right if you haven't gone before them instantly back there to like yeah I've set up from his older soul Institute loop back and take it under Protestant a can like my map not keep changing their this is pissing me off naval invasion courts willfully so secondly I see other Highlands very good yeah for now good era though one music there stop that's how long with them this is your musics actually ended yeah I musically today tonight Universal rage that's at the Rach office if not being published know if he's doing the right thing stop talking about politics and check its times and places talk about politics and this large speech is not one of them I'm gonna send our planes to stop bombing infrastructure come on I think my host modify just died that's what happened few more days dude taking so long rubbing salt Panama Canal let's do it - terrible idea Ricky we should not feel it the trend of a canal what does it be give us what does it even do it doesn't it gives us negative war support that's the only thing it does I guess I'm people can't go through there anymore you're not just really wonderful so it's kind of like it's the point it's a good trail go first rocket side is gone you know I'm just firing off the less roads we have flying through this guy wasn't German forces landing in looks like Eden for us he'll be landed next to roughly five that's d'ervy okay that's earth y'all rocket sites gone now right yep all the rocky so it's gone alright now I built them on America okay west and east coast probably east coast first sixty telling Dora thanks for subscribing very nice name you have that right I've just taken up two more of these divisions receive okay what Debbie's doing these suicide invasions they're just kind of not really helping anymore oh my god yes the Rockets are landing by the way oh they yeah look at the attrition oh my god we have a huge ship we have this huge Navy I think we've got an event Navy way yeah we got some if you want people that's something we're gonna keep on is you the only frigate self yeah but I think maybe the next women go and construct earth Navy will give us some battleships there it should like you know get rid of the American forces first thank you much miss fame has dropped a load of horses where we can advance nice art of everywhere yeah that's fine as long as I know they're not gonna take [ __ ] that's why don't really push it Oh suddenly reinforce it now decoration that's fine we should be able to take the bus and that's taking Dover as well why is this doing so strong and I do have like anything good and completing this food you know why didn't you kicking our ass just annoying really easily kicking our ass I'd understand do they have like more soft attacks and we have 400 defense dude that's not good enough yeah the names ladies we can't Foley damage the Naval Base was pissed me yes than the north side [Applause] cookies reserved I've got rid of their military communities of Steel recipes but more naval invasion no end to them an enemy air superiority literally everywhere Venezuela's backed by the way it's perfect you wouldn't know get to that yeah okay I mean look just look at it I am looking at that is interesting dangerous that's why this time it is very dangerous but I feel like I should be able to be bad no kidding it is a I know so I think I was a human revolt weapon there why is my awareness is do have Nora this experience to Brazil yeah if indeed Sweden computers Oh elf is Sweden can like my music come back please all snap something went wrong well no [ __ ] I've noticed it a special event if we exterminate Stockholm so maybe you should never invade them exterminate exterminate Stockholm exterminate we just got a book turn up in chat one of those like 18 I think human books where they're trying to get from their profile picture all right RRR I'm actually holding the UK and just attrition right now because they don't have they yeah exactly okay interests the German Reich is lost five hundred thousand we're officially pretty sure well I have definitely lost more than we happens yeah the the Allied side is lost can we get some free speech no no free speech you don't like free speech box free speech okay oh yes free speech never free speech a dopey it takes forever the train troops to do stuff oh yeah we're you get three troops just like to calm down the pot dude every half a year Durfee exactly exactly every five minutes that's sure okay sure get out of here and you know can you leave the UK and also leave this voice cherami not in there I am in there I just don't do it much well so can you tell Alf to 1v1 me in Cornwall just get into land under naval evasion their 1v1 me [ __ ] caught by caramel-y no it's called I feel we should stop stop building convoys and just convert them or two light cruisers they can just but can I help you sir yeah 1v1 me Cornwall why I don't know just lend an army there why that sounds very dangerous now right on the tip of Cornwall let's 1v1 it I got like on the tip just a penis at what turn invading Portugal gonna need a few more convoys for there you mean just ships in general yeah just ships in general you sure it's still go like some like you know just have like five naval dockyard in convoy no one else send your army down to Cornwall let's have a fight you're 23 yeah I have to create a plan for it you know the point I don't know just launch it from your fascist right so yeah general from Germany well Marshall reinvestments and they didn't land in the UK why did they land receive in new China receiving more Mars garrison are there are paratroopers right there you can use them yeah I put them already fired by a paratrooper trip seemed like hope don't be fix it so overpowered yeah it's it's really really no not yeah it's pretty credit waterpot yeah the beginnings over par because you know they're not the troops who support it once they have the truth like no Power Core is it oh you have to write like 70 days before I can is what's the same size okay shall we now go for the spot you know battlecruiser might be good or building mothership I think battleships are way better yeah just go better let's go go go over there's a date oh shoot I'll get out get out and I'll see you in Cold War mm-hmm oh I can't wait oh this won't be one I mean I don't mean it I'll uh I'll still maybe cuz I've never been split no they still just this one fleet of 12 cruises and 60 destroyers it was just about what he doesn't it it's frigates we could like we could like drop it into just suicide at your toes no and just see what you see what's over there 80 ships there from there there's are a lot of submarines I'll see you [ __ ] walk made national Greece you [ __ ] war what a [ __ ] Gilmore they're taking back Nova Scotia what do you find it was gorgeo same [ __ ] though I see I see the mechanized offensive um have any bonuses moment oh we could like upgrade our if how about like when you build the rockets right Valentine bombers well not just like you know tell them to like go there but not even like tell them to bomb yeah all ready to do you know just I mean yeah maybe apparently we have people in on the East Coast understand okay I'll go down on naval doctrine we should probably go for frayed interdictions we've got a lot of stories that's the best bet the power is within us it's not really about you know it's a real shame we can't walk all right Larry go to the point forces oh okay we get we are actually getting so many books in the chat this evening this is crazy I mean we're not a large stream I don't think how many people would go watching 150 I've before 50 that's quite a lot to me I only had 200 earlier which ain't bad but is elf invaded baby 7 England one invasion happening Cornwall ha the time is nigh Ricky calm well I think he should land in Cornwall any day now how quickly pop-ups before just to pray oh that's a naval invasion what's gone it's gone to Scotland wait come on I believe Oh No why vixen sure is funny come out as being a robot I mean we have a problem general X voxi oh yes oh yes you since he's been a nuisance he's not able to do you everything rest from his job but the time palpable and elevating the Portsmouth somebody liked it no forced it yep yeah one of politics and sure um I just I really like it if you wouldn't talk us out of the places you know yeah it made people hating a runner yeah and that's not never a good thing it's much better if you just look at each other as all people who loves the game and not people want to kill each other like oh that's a guy that's twice he goes into washing yes routed oh Brazil's invading Washington I don't think so it's alive oh god ugh what is a really building up man I told until you know bomb [ __ ] exterminated Stockholm we can do okay exterminated sending the tempest tempest in Stockholm Utley that's why I tricked out so the idea was to get help to focus on naval Beijing okay so that I could land in Stockholm and Kelley event I knew it would work yes yes give us some Pesky's general there we go here just a standard pesky general we don't have any better what see perfection I love it really good plan comes together yes you don't have many divisions here but it should distract the Allied forces for a little oil Patricia in Scotland today also I just caught I'm not able to like stay with euro conquest map Rosario will like you know that they all like you know I kind of stopped looking at what's happening in Brazil and things like that well it's going well to be honest that's good it's just my I don't have enough people that there you go it they coped I just don't have enough like you know Cavalry's you like come behind them to like you know pacified the land you know I just go well if we have a 2-1 pacify you know we need a hundred dinosaur hundred three we need to pull the past by lines of us so we're doing well yeah silly one encounter some attorney accounts it's not being like bothered they were tempest types of really slow oh you have a massive ailment good point good point and they are best again there have three things also Smith what did I tell you about the thing oh the Soviets of rovno thank you I think I am actually just got to pull back and hold Stockholm because the Soviets are now arriving so I'm kind of like well of course yeah they have like 8 million divisions yes gonna grab some rest ok doing backing good ideas I see and this would be a good good design I think message understood message understood receive was quick conquers I think Oh Venice well again I just pulled my children there there were God instantly yeah Venezuela they ever really been that good State this game I mean they they were doing some annoying and attacking AI things but we did kinda bugger them people will never surrender a pesky Cubans and I've received that would have you have a Navy would not probably not all right there we go I've set up our defensive line and it should be good receive ah perfect Roger say let's do Kelly so you have to go good luck thank you very much for your luck Joey will eventually conquer the world in 1941 we get stripped of weapons Oh first of October 1941 that's what we're getting you oh nothing all right we soon should be able to like you know we slowly catching up on all people that distortion eventually was the first know it will happen little all the company on the brown army okay I'm now I'm gonna build a I'm gonna make them now better there we go I think so my team Jones are able to take off for holding it's going to Navy now you know this is not a wide fortress army seize their eighty one chips and East Coast for Washington something is there it's the u.s. fleet there's so many submarines in there we really do have only a few destroyers to take them above it there's some turmoil in China in Europe what's happening sureties attack in Denmark what bastard that's very more fast now if Germany if Denmark were to join like the the Defence Force that'd be hilarious because in France appeal yeah by the way if you're so mean man I know I'm so sorry the old bait-and-switch thereof but I felt you appreciate how to do it we had to do it just for the event I wanted to see what the event was and it was just the same as all the other events all right we finally have pushed somewhat it'll be back can't detect them yet though you should focus happened yeah cuz then I only have 14 divisions at the frontline now before I was 50 so the definitely pulled back because of the attrition yeah that's pretty good it's gonna take us ages to go to the Navy yeah a rocket sides are doing quite well should we maybe put them to use well they are being put to use on no I don't buy anything cousin obviously not well they haven't like well they don't think they're will come in just getting oh hold him please no he has a standing all by you well what should they attack though that's a question um the question I mean I was thinking I was thinking central Germany and infrastructure if we just like bombard all of Berlin and take out his infrastructure or work or Denmark whoever he's attacking just somewhere where there's a lot of infrastructure if we could take out that'd be good Berlin you could just also do northern France I don't think people will be there we have to find out where people are so Myra south and Sweden you know as you bombard room about just the province of Rome I've got a plan well hello of Rome yeah there you go and how it happens they're all doing well they certainly do have some interceptors up in the air but we should be able to learn what they are broke it's yes but they can be shot down which is kind of they are walk-ins today and also the average mission efficiency is 26 hours 100% so we're definitely doing work what are we targeting Ricky were targeting nothing we're talking everything okay that of what it means we've done MOOC I don't know my deaf we had to do that as very mean very mean my group oh [ __ ] my mother proud [Music] just like did she just all get shot down what is he attacking attacking something well what is it this is a whole litany region right so yeah hell are they attacking they don't repeat of done much damage which is a bit of a shame I don't what they attack that's a thing yeah I could ever change their articles that's true I just have to have focus I guess in alternative news once they're busy in Scandinavia I've done something oh that was a huge over or just over em the Army in Scotland have you done it oh yes well done that's thank you finally we go over if these buggers now we can focus on defending again that has involved the thing about rockets wrong we had to get a roof lose if they're able to take it right that would be devastating yeah okay if we if we'd let them grab the rocket sites it would have been kind of game over for us no we're producing no I am from 23-day we're just kind of low on our because we're coming out like you know suppression units yeah to be fair we do need them you need discretion units yeah it slowly doing their work look how like the list not as long as ever here and we're barely if you listen if you look at the resistance occupation all right it's literally only England so we definitely have it you know under control someone yeah yeah we everything is being repaired I'm with Gucci I mean the issue is if it's an area of really high resistance you can't see what is the color of our nation oh we should be good oh wait Gucci yeah because at the hundred percent unrest we physically can't see because it's the same well I don't know all right I'll rock acceptance I've done some damage and triskin his infrastructure you know muscadine yeah and someone had brought a bruiser before they're meant to be hitting room area space right is it like the whole like area space good point it is just in London that's the problem difficult you get even more rocket science I feel like that's where I did I could start like putting also a few on the rest because just something just for Japan I feel like we shouldn't build too many because we should focus on repairing first and then yeah but with spending so long repairing anyway and repairs no no I mean like preparing the the flippin American states because the American states are important to us because they will not get destroyed any more as they won't be destroyed any more that's the thing because we have the resistance on the control then yeah it's so good if we could just send some horses over to reinforce don't ya know right but that's not possible if you don't have a Navy yeah yes right you're a jerk oh my god how are we still holding on in Scandinavia it's insane because we're smart cuz we have quite a high defense rate but once our organization is gone that's it oh do you know what I just noticed you just notice waist well we still had the disease I still have the disease man we're not [ __ ] it we really did if we just didn't get our disease we would have been completely fine coochi because that's a vision attack you know stability of recovery sensational so we could go for like a navy fig they're not naval a attack plus 20% might be quite useful or sleep easily Hey or even better there's Mars technologies which gives us rocket site construction speed plus 25 yeah that's what I mean the rocket designer yeah yeah okay should we go for that well term Shapley did all my stuff your log it's cuz it's over there we go for the armored I mean we have a lot of arbitrability we do have a ridiculous amount of armor so that's why I'm just thinking again grab the oven and let's just go with that you give us the bonuses that we really need oh yeah very y'all should do this yeah I kinda washer you would be able to be [ __ ] let's be video yeah we'll be video upload my stream after it should be up tomorrow for people to me imagine have to get rid of these pesky Americans ships yeah you know what let's give it a go quick sail out into the ocean see if we can take do a hundred do a hunt not petrol hunt searches destroy because then the spread is smaller so all of our ships are being engaged once ok there we go alright we got some good stuff let's see how much I have got a lot of stuff out here though yeah holding back a few are pulling back let's just see what happens I think we might struggle cruise we sunk a few disabilities but right now we sunk more than they have something ok they haven't sunk [ __ ] yet that's true we are sinking quite now we're not higher it's ok our heavy cruisers in range though but we are sinking a lot of destroyers yeah that's pretty good cuz I don't get rid of them I was thinking in the Greek Navy there's some submarines the pesky submarines yeah this is actually really going in our favor because if you do a search is stronger all units once they are probably on patrols cuz hey oh my God look at the submarines oh my god we destroying everybody's is Christ 62 all of their submarines dude die is incredible that is really good okay good job you guys you guys prepare now this one ship has sunk seven enemy ships is naturally overpowered no no no they are thinking we got we we literally had the jump technically because they were a patrol right so they had to reinforce first yeah but we over already in it might be all frigates are quiet now I check the stats they're not actually overpowered they are their ships oh yeah they are oh the only other thing I think we get is the mothership yeah it just all happened yeah which is basically it's basically a supreme battleship good weather should focus and we've just kind of got one of the ships right let's go I know I'm here in stellar radiation you sure yeah so feel that because if you go look if you look further down look at that thing up the summer technology yeah cuz second we don't need research stuff right now like it in the JV don't I just go there yesterday recipes day this one they taking way too long man it's okay also Navy spotted again so I'm gonna send out hose but should we are repairing still so that's just repair enough just keep the repair yeah I feel we we do stand a good chance of sniping the Navy's on the eastern sea and if we can do that I feel like we should easily be able to Oh Bobby's empire wants to send volunteers so you know of course thank you friend and trading folder it's a well they don't try to part us anymore well checkup the robber that's good point the world there were as they're somewhat old friends I mean they hate us but that's the way apart right should we maybe good homeboy rating Ricky because it gives us a twenty spreading no my rating doesn't cause a coma ratings not like important to us because there's literally nothing there's no convoys going through here where we are so there's no point in it you should keep it at search and straw because if we get caught out at least our navies are I like together you agreed I feel like we should upgrade this uh it's port though I've set a new home base for them should be a better place to a pax it's a better port I'm hoping that reduce me do and do some things for the Rockets I don't worry about it okay one look at them don't give it away still holding out in Scandinavia quite impressive yeah because now well that's a lot of enemy troops over though well they call one unit out of it you missed one but what we could do is just do this such a work because there you never work don't worry about it we've also him dropped an invasion force on Broome kind of missed its mark but hey should be fine which mean if mr. Montoya did but held it in black London right furthest south province possible which is a shape I don't need 100 caustic but that dead but they are they are actually doing a really good defense I think they figured it out dude what I was trying to do machines approaching but I haven't tried to take back the UK that take a Stockholm no mind they didn't know which we can do check out those division from say oh thank God we go there amazing still not completely repaired there's a naval invasion and last really guys when he freely until some of these guys it can get repaired they're trying to take Panama which is also kind of succeeding for them let's do this work I'm gonna turn produce some of a ship it's gonna take one point nine years but discover we have a second fleet which was hiding on the west coast so move across we had two fleets yeah just a second destroyer one which it somehow I managed oh it's all that much that you said to and go to auto fleet alphas lagging so the game pause oh my god Alf it's gonna break up tomorrow bleh mouth cuz he's gonna still come back now ya know usually it's when naming of agents happen or you guys one of these planning a naval invasion no it's just kind of nation plus there's like no other way for us because you have fully asperity over some planes over it yeah fighters so I could probably do something from Denmark or Iceland or something I'm lazy and they started added up do you see or maybe absolutely wipe out the American ships what ships yeah some really are actually using earth ship so they're not that good what good bricky you all know it's go going those two divisions down in burn best alive what they're still going yeah challengers from divisions of them the defense's so hard yep my tank divisions are higher than your ones and you have like super heavy things I don't know how because we're not over personal using trash you are also using 40 width divisions to research new reinforcements New Zealand yes I think that landed in the fingers I didn't lose the me foe bills until I did the war with Denmark you know whatever ISA you probably shouldn't done that know I shouldn't have but it was the only way I could get my quickly know what I think I might call this game here because we aren't really getting any progress so I here in victory clearly um it takes it's white piece because you know half the occupied yeah give me a minute spife and I will change your mind what are you gonna do how do I select divisions are assigned to an order right or right click okay Thank You Ricky all right here we go are you gonna turn blue in a diversion or something no no though why would I give a sniff where would you naval invade though that's that's the thing I don't know oh you've launched the name of Asian origin I see yeah three divisions wow they'll have some defense have even even well no your divisions are just trashed yeah because there did she just for suppression for the new possession of romance this filthy humans probably the biggest has been the biggest trouble for me yeah we are yeah we had to you know London going for like even though you know yeah I have in Smith yeah I think we should finish now human victory clearly welcome back Lord crater doors oh yeah we did go down the Navy focus do we get any other three ships than the starting like 70 ships that he gave us it would be cool to get a free mothership awesome well I have to go now so see ya see ya know I'll tell you what a [ __ ] policies these navies oh yeah search their stars and that's mostly what happened your true no we did kind of jute in there anyway um have a wonderful day everyone I hope you have a splendid evening that's it for the stream and that's it for this game god what a game it's been a the game like he's never I'm never going to touch you're safe well actually no I might I might give it to the eye and see what they do silence II make a total of channel founded on time-lapses still do them right anyway so thank you for watching Peter oh look I've got an infantry division don't know just an infantry division fort Sanath to kill your stuff you can victory boys cuban victory I'm actually been researching the mouse as well for ages but like by the time I would finally get it Houston over it'd be way too late war its elimination what's a stop here boy to be fair though I am kind of the industry of all the forces like France has a massive amount civilians but next in the military and I have an equal amount what happened to France they haven't gone military I don't know it's just France they never generally have a good industry always confused me that anyway thank you for watching it's been a great game was it here it's gonna be the end of yeah his name is Hitler seriously emotion emotion Navy leaders handler he's incredible a coup may actually Himmler as we also have a general which called olive Hitler yeah and I have Heinrich Himmler as a hey guys thanks all for playing I'm gonna end the game here it's been a very interesting one thanks for participating okay Alaska will remain part of the aliens there's the island all right I'm gonna do this dream here
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 752,136
Rating: 4.8332691 out of 5
Keywords: The Spiffing Brit, Multiplayer, Da9L, Bokoen1, paradox interactive, real time strategy, the Da9L, theDa9L, tutorial, Paradox Extra, Developer, 2.0, Update, DLC, Live Stream, HOI4, Hearts Of Iron 4, ho, war of the worlds, hoi4 war of the worlds, spiffing brit
Id: hAVI9EUpBy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 51sec (10731 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 09 2018
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