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Poor Wade. Is he okay?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BeckNor 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
do you guys would you like a Rayman game or something sure Globox we avoided Barbara again look I know you're heartbroken Ludi got it yeah okay I couldn't play another card I just got excited when I saw it was the same mark I feel like you and I are just on the same wavelength here man okay thank you I doubt that with improvement I mean it's kind of good pretty good I'm just saying I doubt it you know I mean it's pretty good I guess no I don't believe you I mean I'm looking right at it it's pretty good there's no blue here I feel like I've been bamboozled that's pronounced bamboozled all right mark you know your handbag okay no that's pretty cold what do you mean that's nice I loaned it to me not giving it back with interest you're gonna take it you gonna call him out you know [ __ ] it I I'm I'm gonna dude he would [ __ ] it why he'd be like all right you know I think I'm tired I think my slap-happy nature is starting to Rhoda Kate erupt erupt mark yes sorry we I think we need to work together okay well what color do you want my dude anything but blue sounds good to me cool I almost did it blue just because you said it like that but then I realized I don't always have to be that guy you know I could just don't you don't have to be that guy really Bob you win I do Wow that it's just what drew I didn't choose that then I just farmed that to be nice we'll never sends it back my way yeah you saw the packing lesson learned I saw path along the path I hope we get Barbara or doesn't not is it always Globox oh oh yeah I think the room stays the same hey this is so nice and in blue oh look at that so nice and blue oh it's so beautiful blue let's make it red that one's still blue dude I'm sorry Globox dude well that didn't work mark I'm sorry here here for don't call it out what maybe maybe enjoy that [ __ ] oh yeah get them get them do your stuff no I'm gonna break my 69 up my old friend Oh God well that was old okay hey why is always the D can it be a different nut blutter I don't know why thank you okay look look don't know the way my mind works let me work okay that wasn't that was way was that not what you know it's gonna go differently oh all right it's okay tell me next time like specific together hey my expectations and that's it's not fair of me to hold you to that all right Wow what it saw mark you all my hand oh that's a that's a Dickey move I drew both of those oh dear well there we go buddy all right thanks Oh with great power comes great ass what I can't oh I'm not right not on Tuesdays hi oh it actually is Tuesday I was almost just like it is Tuesday though yeah sure is do it do it do it do it I will you won't Wow mark I'm giving you a chance but you gotta win now what's gonna happen Rock is ticking yeah okay the clock oh yeah Clark unless good clock club closed Globox that is rude number one thank you deserve this buddy I'm gonna help you out that's not anybody else what try to jump in and ruin this for me no that's not cool this is interesting I should have picked the color that he didn't have if I knew it what that would be a great ass Oh Globox yeah wait great power comes a great powerful man combination of what we just said and what happened to me could you ever just be happy for my great commentary Bob not all the time man I'm just right now this moment fill me with your comic about the real [ __ ] you know with it you know he's gonna plunge that I fight for your plumbing issues with I have to sit here in between the two of you an experience you can plunger with us mark that's not how discord works ask our oh my nips just perked up as I said ask cards well that added to it I was like an extra quarter of an inch ooh that is a great color blue is like pretty good oh wait no blue sucks now blue bad I'll take that hell yeah hell yeah man I don't know what's displayed green skin you got one you won't you got you don't have one no you lie you won't do it you will no bomb my beautiful plan um I see this is a good plan out there goes Bob check out this plan oh [ __ ] it's pretty good plan right okay this is weird wrong a split hey Bob what color you need for that plan green green yeah yeah there you go they didn't get rid of the green just had the four you know yeah the four yeah magic that's the mark has to do is just not hurt him okay that's not what you want to listen because you because you have made mistakes no I have a lot of cars be nice you pissed it away I'm not trying to win on some cheap handed to me Victor I want to win because I earned it you did yeah no it's lost it no way what no I'm earning it either I am earning how I earn it Bob goes to camp you earned this see see how I earn things well yes okay well I just want to say I appreciate your friendship thank you buddy there you go there you go wouldn't that be something that you would you would think it would be enjoyable but like there's braces and sharp teeth and knives maybe a barbecue skewer happens in your head I don't know what that one does okay I did you really not have any yellows right now oh that's odd choice but you know I respect it cuz you got hood spot yeah you gotta respect it well now I'm going with the red I respect that too just not as much not as much I don't perhaps a nice blue would have been prefer this way oh that's sweet baby peen three I don't say the words baby and peen next to each other you don't yeah don't do that that's yeah I think that was so I'm just gonna take it you do yeah yeah I'm just gonna take it that's them that's the man I have know and love yeah me that's yeah that's the one thanks man well I guess I'm playing that one [Music] blue ha ha joke's on you and Joe Wow greenie sick yeah that's what I say 9 that's a 9 do you laugh I'm not doing this out of spite but I'm a man of who plans and I have to fall through all my plans I meant to do that and I told you solution oh I have a solution white has a green card well I can I can fix that why didn't you let me fix that I could have mixed it whoa box fixed it look no globe I could have fixed it I could have fixed it low B want a reliable and the fun friend you've been look now now Bob you've earned this one you've earned this you earned that I did that I do to earn that I did not do the other one out of spite that was spite that's spite Wow I feel like both of those were on the spike I see I can tell the difference between spite and right and that was rightful spite thank you I think are you on my side I'm on a side wave get him everyone get him no you can't get me no one can get me I'm ungettable told me to get you before you said not to get you so I had to no I didn't say no you couldn't get me you didn't get me you may think you got me but I'm ungettable Oh gotcha look at what happened [ __ ] what huh what's up gonna do something so funny you didn't laugh but then I couldn't there we go old friend both spiteful spite all spite all over you buddy no that's spite no it's spite Wow he's gonna like your cards really no I enjoyed that very much you can't you can't like it I did give a +2 sure don't all right I wasn't but I thought the comedic genius of the moment was just too high right right joke's on you I have one now take that Wade chick that let's Bob yeah get Wade eat suck on that okay I won't have a turn that's fine suck on my nards okay I've raised my eyebrows of wrong time there's it looked like I was trying to say yes to the nards thank you for informing me about your vow listen you want them didn't even ask that time hey do you plus two no they're all right I'm gonna challenge you Wade there's no way you have blue still all right you're right I got nothing Oh see this is why no one gives you a win [Music] doesn't he that's me trying to beatbox as a robot oh we could tell you was it good no all right I think I'm gonna pack it in for the day I've got one more quick game there's a quick one no no one more quickie oh no we got one more quickie listen my wife streams in five minutes I gotta go five more minutes one quickie no we gotta go quick Ino no force cuz I like you I like you I like your stick oh I like your stick a lot no your stick your voice is telling me no no your bars are telling me yes no I'll take that I'll take that no I have not eaten today period and I it sounds like a you problem why would you do that to yourself oh that's a nice quick no no one hurts that one hurts a little bit I'm a challenge a 15-car dude no way there's a way what is will is away thank you thank you guys I know you both want me to go the pressure is mounting I don't know what to do guess I'll play it for cuz whatever the [ __ ] that is deserves to get out of my hand oh man thank you gotta get rid of this Smurf Barbara okay well I'll go again right man peace what color you need Bob Oh Rhett oh I'm not Bob great minds think okay work everybody it seemed work pass at least it's out of the way early you know it's done boom BAM we're over with starting over a good game everybody let's play here have a little fly guy thing okay wait I'm fine oh I'm hungry I'm hungry I why are we playing another round then because I just my wife is streaming soon I want to give her a sweet raid oh we had we had a rough evening yesterday and I just I want to do something nice for okay that's good you know I'm just gonna draw I don't want to hurt you so I'm gonna draw instead of pie you're on board no sand you deserve a nine-nine whoo I do I if I take I take the plus for you hat what I will I will take unless you want it back no it's fine oh good yeah you know what you have a turn thank you [ __ ] you Globox I'm on board with that yeah let's do that yeah yeah oh yeah I'll take it Oh call me Achilles cuz my ankle hurts yeah what how he died right and ankle pain ankle pain it's near the ankle yeah except that is that good and they're part of an Eminem song I guess that's why they call it ankle pain that's windowpane nevermind listen how much longer do we have to do this I got a nice setup sorry never mind fine we'll speed round it round everybody wins I felt in my brain that I shouldn't but then you know when what it's sitting there in front of you and that opportunity does not come around you know what I mean you know I mean you know you feel me double twos boom game over we boom oh my wrist just popped I dislocated my hand really huh what you okay I'll pop back I'll think on it pop back oh god that hurt so [ __ ] bad have you really judge as it's so hard by my wrists look Oh my whole left hand just like went limp and popped out of place so stupid oh it feels like something's pinched now though not just stings my actions is that the same hand that your pinkie tingles on no it's the other all right it's popping oh is it popping because the wrist is not one bone it is like seventeen bones no the hand bone connects to the wrist bone mark did you was I thinking I wasn't expecting to jazz hands dislocated thing no card in like five minutes what's happening okay well sorry that's all right yeah you should always believe this is the speed round this is the round of belief mark I will take your sins you let my sins suffer your sins they're mine now that's not what you said I'll take your sis take them I heard something else what do you think I said I can't say what what would that be I mean I legitimately thought I'll take your sin I'll take no stop trying maybe I don't want to know what you know something you can't say that's bad bad oh oh this would be good this is we good Globox will suffer dearly and the rest of us will be happy that's fine that's that's just another seven oh that's gonna be me or Bob Bob I'm so sorry that's awkward that wasn't expecting that move I didn't realize that card would turn in that it's not not my fault it's Globox this fork in his dirty mind do you guys know what he was never never mind it's not a dirty mind when you hear her mark what colour do you need uh you know yellow green red anything blue you got it I do real bad I guess but that's ok who cares my thing someone's like wait take care of your hands and I at least American never mind nah keep going you know even Ethan broken talk slower wait talk slower masturbation is Molly on yes she went live like I mean after we started this and oh okay all right good good great good no Ethan's not break his hand masturbating I'm saying he can't because it's Ambrose oh never mind yes Ethan broke his hand masturbating spread that damn I don't want it well read the rule here first cool shall we shall we gentlemen yeah we could just call it mark wins I think I'm into that thank you yeah man thank you yeah well okay everybody you know the deal this is the most important rate of your life go give my wife love like not the knot to kind of make me jealous [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,174,543
Rating: 4.9616842 out of 5
Keywords: uno, uno gameplay, uno multiplayer, uno online, uno markiplier, uno funny moments, uno game, uno playlist, uno lets play, uno update, uno custom game, markiplier, gaming, multiplayer, online, pc, pc game, board game, card game, lordminion777, muyskerm, lets play, playthrough, walkthrough, funny gameplay, funny moments, funny, wade, blooper, accident
Id: 1unMiG2QyII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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