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stupid Wade and everyone else said enormous that my associate producers buy my recording team how many people are in that room he explained earlier I'm fighting by Corona rules a good place to play for turell's Corona rules it's like what's that family from Billy Madison Oh Doyle Doyle rules rules rules and then they all die it's hilarious I didn't know the computer live in that department Oh everyone lies when they have the chance Oh am i lying right now call me up call me how about call me I feel like I've literally can't I can observe for myself oh yeah you are he's a liar I like the way you guys like liar [Music] uh he'll do it Mars emphasized chainsaw I just heard in the background no it's my boom arm just needs a little Lube [Music] yeah full can of wd-40 on that [ __ ] it is really squeaky I noticed before is it my turn that's literally your boom are ya man dude I've been youtube along like a month this thing's been following me around forever everytime like you uh switch up your office or something you just throw everything out and start over I guess I don't know dude I'm the opposite of looks um when it comes to computers this boom arm I can't afford to replace yeah absolutely course I feel like moving my tower over moves they could just have it but my boobs for that you could just shut up yeah you do yeah I didn't get him mark that wait I'm gonna let you give it to mark now DBC command battle huh yeah see this is what you get wait skip again mark daddy oh yeah you know this guy I did that on purpose yeah yeah take you to ticket Wade aha yeah what I don't like what's happening here and you all need to stop doing that please oh well but hey Hey I thought we were giving it to each other I thought we were doing guys you're gonna make me do something I'm gonna regret don't know don't know Oh ChatterBait are your only fans are you oh you're just changing the cards I don't need to I didn't learn - you know what mark what I'm gonna help you out bye buddy I don't like your version of help I don't know why I don't wanna I know why I don't want and I don't want it no I oh wow what the [ __ ] there you go watching wave win repeatedly da thank you Bob thank you can be nice it's not weird no it's not I'd like it wise he feels good no feels good that's some good stuff in like adult as we want it's not the check the charity stream you know Bob on the charity stream the first thing happens I was like all right we're gonna try keep this little PG cuz there's a bunch of kids watching the marks like I'm gonna [ __ ] my pants that's not even what I first opened up with you know we just got filming done filming a jackoff competition in my wrist a little bit this economy you fill the jackoff competition yeah that's what I did oh that's so good we were we were five feet away from each other yeah so it's so you're safe yeah you were isolated it's like when you filmed that uh the animal sex gamer you be able to show you that on camera I never I never recorded a video of that what were you doing in my office for - dude do you need me to explain [Music] just to reinforce the ideas reinforce it yeah you called me after so long wait check this game I don't think that's how it went down but I'm ok with imagining that's out went down after like two hours I was like pouring sweat down my brow just wait I gotta show you something amazing that's exactly what happened it's not far off no it's not thank you wow what a nice game what a nice game alright that's that's not how this usually goes hey I got a medal win all rounds and I match 15 time oh you're 21 now I never thought this day would come good job you can't drink you know you're the right level yay well no I still probably couldn't employ you can't that's true I forgot let me see what you got wait let me see what you got mm-hmm don't you want my cards no I don't want your cards so listen mark before you make your decision let me sell you on this my head is good and you want to see what's in it I'm sold I know I'm sold way no I'm buying on you please yes I'll Dusty's lying sack of [ __ ] Leslie is a liar liar pants on fire where's my green it's right there in my hand guys ha ha ha ha stupid idiots I got you huh they asked me where my green was is right there in my hand there's such idiots bottom yes garlotte's I'm not doing that here we go now I'll look Bob you sold this hand but those aren't money that's not the ones that are selling you on though and you fool oh you fool this sucks the current climate this was a monster of a hand it needs the right it just needs a little love you see it a little bit get warmed up right don't judge it right don't don't let it don't tell it your darkest secrets because it'll I'll betray you but just what are you gonna do huh what are you gonna do you can't do anything I'm looking I'm go I better play you can do nothing to me no you are off in time here we go you hadn't said anything I was considering Martin but then you spoke what's this I the hot seat again we'll see what fate smiles upon thee how did you know he was gonna do that I don't Big Al and I are on the opposite page if I'm thinking red he's playing blue what happened at all you're right you right right this is gonna be a good game I have a feeling me around this is gonna be a good game Bob the skin feeling it's gonna be what do you want Bob what do you want what do you want yellow is cool oh all right I like sorry Bob [Laughter] good game guys I feel good about okay that's not that's not very nice Wow I have so many sevens guys you need sevens I got extra sevens just this red really kind of the back of all of your cards right I'm playing one of those play that Muno logo this will go with this and all right let's go this way and I'm gonna stick to it interesting My Luck is it's gonna turn around just okay it's a mechanic called jumping in and you'll never play you know you'll never play you'll never play let's do it to avoid to be Diddy is that Daddy you're trying to give him daddy but he gave it back to me see now see ya it's good mr. ie oh hey blue guess I'll play this yeah I have a question about the red choice as well a little a little hit a mystery I yeah yeah oh that's just a regular to examine don't worry buddy I'll let you play this time here I have it too well funny about this there's a carefully how mark I just love how throughout these games like it's always towards the end we all just deflate it's just so depressed other things with your life no God you know and it's a lot of telling who's going on oh no oh no get-get a mark I will get them it's still we still have a chance oh sure I just feel it's gonna be it comes that green zero you're gonna give daddy what do you want oh it's kind of a zero yeah that's a that's the right shape and everything what's the one else you like about that is that not right that's fine it's gonna be a good I have a feeling in my bones of bones you gotta stay and you gotta stop saying the over feeling because I hear the start to that Black Eyed Peas song every time you do I got a feeling that's this and it's going the opposite of good blue mark you like oh yeah literally just the worst green what are you so upset about you don't have to draw cards way just play green blue green Wow that's being just silly good the says the van he was so complaining about blue for so long well I could could you could have mark what color you want at this point it doesn't matter deal not that one well I I know that one hmm interesting interesting very interesting green now I'll [ __ ] you oh not a good game farther off I had no hope for almost the entire time I should have listened to you you were right you had a feeling and it was now you feel about this one now be how you feel about this yeah wait give us your reading oh oh oh disciple you know what I'll tell him how he feels oh you feel spicy about this one this could be a happen happen happen in route how do you feel bad I felt pretty good I don't feel as good did you know I did I did at La saloon for come on wait it's gonna be a good round you feel good I looked at your cards you feel really excited about your I feel that's that stings I got a state well never mind that's a plus two alright no god it looks bad it looks bad it's not it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fun don't stress man don't worry about it it's gonna be so fine Wayne good good well that's that's fine that's fine look I'm just helping actually that did help me out a lot cuz I got to give it to old Al they're right in the back door if you know what I mean this economy what okay oh man that gets like Alice sort of problem with me hmm do it to a mark oh you know I will go after her to the cards baby my heart of the cards heart of the heart of the cards heard of the curves [Laughter] [Applause] mark what have you done apparently the second someone says Kali my cycles around I didn't know that was the cycle twice I know I'm sorry that started off as a bit but then I turn into race cars driving past in my head like good stuff beautiful so I feel great about this game thank you buddy I felt good about this game I don't like this game anymore I just had to have a little bit of whip in before I could whip it no this game is dumb and I hate it like how I'm the only one who's not a hundred percent polarized after the finish of every single round listen this game is taxing wait I jumped in well here it is anyway that doesn't seem very nice update on your turn I was gonna jumped in anyway oh you silly [ __ ] here's two fives you did oh you [ __ ] just if we could wow I don't think helmet I think you oh my god my hand is Christmas Oh apparently this is so like you know I wouldn't have won that's the word you're hunting for desperately mark typical oh really well your days not today saying oh people that's what I say pickle do tickle dicta cool old pickles that's what I'm [Music] tickle-tickle in mind come on man listen look I'm getting demonetised Wade can you just tone down the dick yeah be careful what you wish for a very specific date or wording I'm a monkey's paw of sorts yeah go for a free ride baby so consistent and predictable well that's an interesting choice it's gonna pan out for me oh thank you Bob bake it yellow you'll have those three cards again mm-hmm I'm just gonna I'm just gonna play so difficult working together on this Mary yeah we're gonna I kind of zoned out for the last 20 minutes just freed up all the sudden so I'm awake here we go that's it my back that was weird no never thought I'd see him again Oh Laureen okay okay okay okay oh really wait oh really yeah oh really that's what you don't get that's not what you get wait a minute we're supposed to be much more severe come on Al yeah I'll give it to him yeah way back to bridge pay but that's not how that works Wow no I think that was worth the information good good good good [Applause] that's one bubble color do you need read me daddy I cannot I give you blue never mind I say we go places oh dear real dumb I was real done guys we're green now oh [ __ ] you well hey whoa whoa whoa how many what was your trying to hit mark damn dude I hit the whoa every days every day I'm just whoa like I heard back in the race boys all right my turn time to tear up town with a six oh you silly fool I'll give you half of that and we'll double it to make it pal I'm gonna do that you're gonna get right back you're gonna get good but now I know I know what you have I'm assuming in a game called uno having lots of ones is a positive so I feel like I'm winning yeah you just got rid of the ones you silly fool oh that's from dodgeball though you're not a pirate Who am I gonna share this booty with that he's like God why yellow why worry about no you're right thank you that was beautiful thank you Oh tricks on you it's a stupid card he's got blue they call my dick the punishment I don't like that mmm that's Oh God so much bad stuff you like it now no no no oh they call marks The Punisher - what did I do I just put a 5y he read so I'm Fred Chad this time I know what I said No Oh one day I was gonna run for public office and everything I've said in the last 10 years is gonna come back all right office I'm gonna be President in 10 years just you watch that was a fake story Wade where you were given the opportunity to do the job of a teacher whom you insulted and successful it was a fake story that's not gonna happen you dare to be I will teach not dare you I was mockingly telling a fake story I was making up oh my god you all suck no thank you you know what everything works out I'm gonna give you a gift never mind all right this is really you know what mark I'm gonna give you a gift okay punishing Wade that's not feel like Wade really got punished yeah Wade skin absolutely right now getting cream pod was it green get it right those face or I didn't come clean about something I actually don't even know what that is Horace's no I know what face orifices I don't know what what I said is what are you saying you're sure you don't know what cream pie is you don't know dude I don't believe anything you're saying right now I honestly as a sex thing I don't actually know it I don't know what it means you're I only know that in the context I didn't see that you drew it okay on my face cream in my pie am i right guys like that wolf that's on me which part is pot is it your face your butthole or your peepee uh-huh dude I don't like this train of question yeah this is no good Wade you were 30 years old Wade I'm using my mark Google right now I'm trying no no you're 30 years old go to google card you don't have any of those nuts now this works I had one I had one left now you didn't know I would have had some and I definitely didn't have three what you've got three more Google's know I'll never got one you've got three that doesn't sound like a thing I've mark Sarah Lee likes to tolerate our presence when he asked to hang out with us boys it does to contact him socially yeah he didn't know anybody was like taking a part is watching wasn't paying attention whenever he offered it up that's probably true that's poetry I have no not made that sound like him but D you can trust me no because she's smarter than you as a fact yeah mr. Burgess I love pie I mean we were all thinking it the fridge well okay these are all my cards now [Music] okay this feels like bullying wait on your stream right now pull up Google Google Image Search just google cream pie there you see the delicious thing that we're talking about wave you know you want some of mine come on Wade all right I've played all the good cards out of it already so enjoy that Bob we share an ice cream Google image searching it right now why wouldn't you do it you don't know what it is come on stop come on [Music] me crying Bob you remember the the brawl where I was telling everyone all day that I was getting a hint I tattoo instead of saying the word henna you mean the best day of my life [Laughter] goddamn it why blue how many blues it's a weird thing to admit but I there's no way there's no way I can imagine what it probably means but I don't know for a fact there you go that's it that's the one pi equals pp lying don't read don't read them out loud $20 to search it up hey turn on media share turn on media shares a lot worse than what I could even imagine worse no it's a great thing what are you talking about delicious thing what do you mean worse yeah I'm not gonna do it to you mark I just want to let you know I could have done it to you I appreciate it well you might get your chance I feel like at that point you would have had to do it to me and I we yeah we could not good how could I not how could I not not exactly pretty not just the right amount yeah damn you were bald ass did you guys see the post going around there was like oh I don't want to socially isolate myself so that I don't spread the coronavirus but I do want to be banished from the kingdom [Laughter] pretty good that's very noble I like that I like that it's all a new way owls victory hangs in the balance and here it is thank God sweet ones out there research later tonight ourselves look it was a cream pie stream that's great I think that's enough uno for me today I think I'm good yes I'm hungry for some reason [Music] [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,700,941
Rating: 4.9686198 out of 5
Keywords: uno, uno markiplier, uno lordminion777, uno muyskerm, mark bob wade, collab, multiplayer, uno multiplayer, uno gameplay, uno online, uno funny moments, funny moments, wade doesn't know, markipliergame, markiplier game, mark fischbach, gaming, gameplay, card game, a children's card game, funniest, uno funniest, uno laughing, uno with friends
Id: 66zbhZADekI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 12sec (1992 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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