Visiting Dream [Dream SMP]

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all right i've hit the go live button everything is going to start working fantastically i'm going to close the stream ahead of time so that i don't have to see that i'm going to actually put stuff on my second monitor because i am a streaming professional who thought of that well ahead of time because i'm a big boy i'm a big boy yeah we're just going to change that over there put that over there why did fills it put no blocks everywhere all right this is fantastic technolate i am actually immediately on time and this is not my fault chat all right you fools do i is my mic on i remember i was recording a video with someone yesterday and then i realized like 22 minutes into the recording that like obs just didn't even pick up my mic so that was pretty fantastic bro i was perfectly on time all right it's not my fault that youtube does like a whole countdown it goes like five minutes four minutes three minutes two minutes and then the second it says 60 minutes left it skips ahead and just says oh yeah we're waiting for technoblade what's taking him so long what's taking technoblade so long to start the stream all right that's youtube throwing me under the bus [Music] all right we're just gonna sit here for a few minutes let people get to the stream before the plot starts if you're watching the vod i don't know skip to like the four minute mark perhaps possibly i gotta i gotta farm views all right let the notification go out you understand how it is oh i'm testing a new youtube feature that i got beta access to today that i think is promising it's called subscriber only chat now if you want to be in the chat you got to hit the subscribe button and you got to be subscribed for a whole zero seconds to type in the chat isn't that isn't that difficult i don't know if anyone's up to the challenge frankly but we'll see if that like radically changes how many subscribers i can farm off of every stream because that would be pretty fantastic wait a minute wait i just refreshed my phone let me check okay i've gained 6 000 subscribers in the past couple minutes so [Music] that can't be right wait one second let me just youtube youtube dashboard we will we will return to the plot in a second guys i need to farm stats no no i was wrong i've actually gained 9 000 subscribers yeah i was thinking that i couldn't be right that's all right so i gotta say a pog for subscriber only mode youtube gaming best live stream service someone pay me to say this please please fantastic all right it's been two minutes and 40 seconds all right we're visiting dream today so that's the thing so that's a thing i've seen a lot of channel members in the chat how's it going i'm seeing a lot of donations i put this in the the stream description but if your plan is to like super chat and for me to read it and be like thank you for the donation this is this is the wrong stream i'm sorry we're doing lore today the lore streams are generally terrible for that i right after i ended last stream on my birthday i i started going through the donations and i felt bad like oh god i ignored all these people no i forgot to put the lore stream disclaimer i forgot all right well you know it's been three and a half minutes let's let's talk to phil i gotta tell him something before i uh before i head out of here uh hey phil scott what are these paintings [Music] bell elsa hills of minecraft hey fills the minecraft up he's gone hey well phil just canonically died that is crazy wow aren't you glad you tuned into the stream aren't you glad you tuned into the stream well i have great news chat because i actually brought a backup plan when i was coordinating this lore stream guys i have a backup plan in case phil wasn't able to show up all right let me just let me just let me just go like this it deleted my backup plan what i had a picture of his face why does he keep deleting it no no plan b failed as well bro i don't have a plan c that that was my backup plan i was gonna talk to a photo of his face and the photo is gone quick there has to be a photo of phil somewhere here all right the whole stream is dependent on this the whole stream please there's only photos of tommy and wilbur it's not the same bro how did the backup plan fail are you kidding me the map just disappeared you all saw the map disappear you also that's not my fault stop saying scuffed this is not on me this is not on me i had i had a backup plan i was so prepared for this hey hey all right so uh back to your reg regularly scheduled program and um um you know what what we're gonna do is we're gonna sit here and uh wait for wait for phil's of minecraft to wake up that's what we're gonna do that's that's what we're gonna do you guys didn't see anything the stream's barely begun yet did i say did i say skip to four minutes for the lore what what that's crazy that's great this is a good stream guys this is a qual this is quality content aren't you glad you showed up aren't you glad this is fantastic break the frame and get the uh bro the map is gone the map is absolutely gone this is a scam i am getting ripped off right now what well how did the map disappear it's just fills the minecraft's face and it's gone it's gone all right well this is awkward so how are you guys doing uh yeah how about some fan interaction with the chat i love my fans how are you guys doing you guys having a nice day make a new one perhaps perhaps i could work get another photo photo of filza minecraft and then just just monologue with that one it could work his face is too powerful that's true that's true it's still there we're just we're just too too weak to witness it all right we're off to uh we're off to a great start guys we're well you know what i really like doing at the start of the stream which i could really go back to doing is bragging about how many new subscribers i'm getting let me just let me just refresh this oh boy we're up to 13 000. that's pretty nice that's all right huh huh jabra what are you saying i don't i don't get it discord notifications are not on that's the uh that's the donation alerts i think i am in streamer mode because i am a good streamer all right guys let's just let's just sit here for a second boys scuffed lord no this is quality lore all right this is quality lore guys don't make fun of me don't make fun of me don't make fun of me look at the cake we're looking at the cake guys talk to steve yeah we're actually going to be doing the lore with steve now steve is now a main character to the story steve i'm going to visit dream steve it's it's incredibly dangerous steve hello oh hey phil welcome back i was not replacing you with a bear right now what what i had a really big headache and now i'm back that's terrible you need an aspirin i think do those exist here yeah probably yeah yeah like canonical aspirin yeah strokes please there we go all right phil dude you you walk through the door and my neck just died so you were look you were like stood right here look you walked yeah and just stared at wilbur and went silent i was not okay i was like okay man what's what's going on anyway hi oh hey phil um back to the back to the regularly scheduled lore fills uh how's it going all right uh reorganizing chess yeah i i wasn't just telling this the polar bear because i thought you weren't coming back uh hey phil i'm uh i'm gonna go visit dreamville oh are you sure that's a good idea like no almost everybody that's gone there has like either died or had some serious happening that that's true that's true but i o i owe him a debt phil he saved my life also it'll be views true you gotta you gotta consider that that's an important aspect it's it's a very important aspect to me fields of minecraft [Music] okay i got a i gotta turn off donation alerts they're just they're just constantly sounding my my lore my lore what's going on how do i turn it off all right let me just uh i think that will do it i don't believe that did it i actually heard that quite loudly oh ah this is a quality stream guys relax relax this is a good stream uh what if i just what if i just delete are you sure you want to remove browser okay i've deleted it entirely oh i just i punched a dog sorry why do people keep punching my dogs why is that so difficult not to do how many people accidentally punch dogs irl phil imagine like trying to explain to the police like oh yeah like i slipped man that's messed up man i'm trying i'm trying to have serious lore here and you're out here like abusing animals oh i'm sorry mister i have to mute my alerts so i'm i was just gonna this is quality emergent all every viewer here is deeply immersed in dream s p lore right now they have never been more invested in minecraft role playing in their life feels isn't that right isn't everyone everyone vindicate me everyone vindicate me all right everybody agree with me all right so anyways phil i'm not happy with you going to see dream just just for the record this is dangerous dude look it it is dangerous it is dangerous but i gotta do it man i owe him that favor and he he called it in apparently that's what quackity says you know and also i i should probably probably just go check on him anyways i mean even without quackity he's kind of been in jail for like five months should probably have checked on him by now you know um i don't know if if you feel up to it i mean do you want me to go with you or do you no i i don't i don't want you to take any risks helping me pay off my debt man although you can help there is something you can do i uh i wrote a will okay so uh if i don't make it back if i if i don't if i'm gone for a while uh you're in charge of distributing my stuff oh yeah we're ending this on a cheerful note oh my god okay yeah i'm sorry i did just sorry to just throw that on to you at the last second but you know so how long do i wait two two days three days uh varies because you can't contact any you can't listen i i put once you're in there the instructions are in the will all right yeah all right just don't no you probably probably like a little bit i really don't like start to start like robbing my stuff when i'm gone for like 15 minutes like well he's gone he's not coming back i'm taking his horse i'm taking his stuff i would never i would never all of his riches are mine now i would look after everything all right yeah i got i got all my uh all my pets favorite foods in there their feed and schedule all right okay yeah we just got everything in there this really worries me but like if you if you're up to it i trust you you can i gotta do it man i took a vow those who treat me with kindness will see it repaid tenfold i gotta honor that but before i honor that i wanna go ring the channel member bell become a channel member today hit the join button hit the join button i don't know what when the next time i'm gonna be able to ring the spell there's no bells in prison [Music] usually i have the uh the sellout timer for like 30 minutes but i don't i don't think they're gonna let me bring a bell into prison no i'm pretty certain you just have to go in there with nothing and this is why i'm extra worried you think i could let but what if the what if the visit lasts like like 30 minutes i'd be i'd be losing out on potential membership revenue you think the warden would like i don't think the walton would give you a belt but like but like the revenue man surely the warden would understand he'd be like yo no no yo i just don't think you know what i wanna i wanna bring one just in where's the bell where's the i don't wanna bring that bell do you have like a spare bell i think i did have i'm so upset phil i had a picture of your face i was gonna talk to if you couldn't show up and i went to place it and it disappeared really i'm so upset it was such a good backup plan too and it's just gone it's just gone yeah i don't i don't have a bell here all right you know what i think that's all the all the channel members we can farm for today i'm gonna i'm gonna head out well be safe do i have everything in order i think i do be careful techno i think i should bring steve i don't think they're gonna let you bring a polar man they're really strict out there at the prison they won't even let me bring steve dude like 50 of people that go in there die are you sure this is a good idea yeah but nobody's died with a polar bear with them i mean that's just that's just mathematics phil that's just mathematics come on all right well all right be safe just be safe i'm off phil necessary risks all right now i'm in i'm off he's gone all right so where's the prison again i don't know where the prison is i'm just gonna i'm kidding i know where it is i'm kidding i am a good content creator all right it's uh it's that way i think i actually might be able to try it into it but let's just take the uh nether travel just to make things work better what happened to the dog pen it's still there there's just a lot of dogs outside of it because i'm lazy you know how it goes you know how it goes hello brothers that is just way too close for personal comfort i've disabled uh creature sounds i was actually trying to like grind earlier and i was going through the portal and the gas just destroyed it because i couldn't hear it and i didn't have a flint and steel it was kind of awkward i think i left gravel over there actually just just for the future all right see that guest was stream sniping all right you saw him he was right up in my face human gps oh you know it you know it don't mind me aren't they supposed to attack if you don't have like gold maybe they know i'm a pig or maybe they just don't feel like taking on a guy in full another right you know i just they're just like you know what i'd like to live i'd like to live i believe the prison is this way i'm not quite sure how i get the warden to come out and visit me but i figure if i just start like making making a lot of loud noises and breaking things like immediately outside the prison he'll probably notice what the heck is that i'm just not going to worry about it so sad i have the item frame but not the picture of phil's uh that was like the whole point of the stream was the picture of phil's uh visiting dream was just just a little side plot you know just some filler while we admired phil's face look i'm not asking questions about the portal cube all right that that was always there always been there i think the uh there's the prison i've never actually visited the prison before oh and a bit of a spoil a bit of a spoiler but uh i'm just telling you now chat uh part of the prison checks is a search they do where in in minecraft they you just part part of the prison search is that the warden will just like kill you and you'll respawn there and that way he knows you don't have any items so that's gonna happen that's just that's just part of the checks okay it's not like it's not like a story it's not like he's just murdered me and that's a huge plot where that happens to everyone so we're gonna these 88 levels are kind of gone already i'm not gonna lie i was thinking about that ahead of time and i i was just i was just trying to think like what is a single thing i need levels for what is a single usage for them and i was like i just couldn't think of anything because i'm already so wealthy so i really don't care you think if i just go through the portal it'll work or will or will it be like a trap prepared for you know what i'm just i'm just going to yell i'm just going to hit this button repeatedly hey warden hey warden get out here i'm hitting the button yo warden i'm loud warden yo where are you at is this the right door yo it worked hello hi is this the warden yes yo mr warden what's up can you come out to talk to me i'm trying to visit this prison you're trying to visit the prison yeah man i mean i heard everyone else was visiting the prison and i just i wanted to be included you know okay yeah you can go ahead and go through the portal all right i'll tell you when to go back through go ahead you can come through all right yo this place is legit i heard you might come for a visit bro your door broke welcome to the prison oh that's just to make sure no one can follow you in all right so long as i'm not getting blamed for that because i i've been chilling here all right so i'm with you right oh no one came with me no one came with me i'm trying to visit dream can we get that arranged you know i know i didn't call ahead but like there's i'm not really letting anyone visit dream right now one second everyone's yelling at me to make you louder on discord oh i already had you at 150 all right now you're 200 say something hello hello i think that's good okay so anyways you said you were going to let me visit dream that's fantastic well we weren't letting anyone visit yeah i went to visit green mr warden sir believe me i i know what your concerns are and don't you worry i already got my parents to sign the permission slip i can go on this field trip all right all right i got i got a voucher okay well there's some things we have to do if you want to enter the prison first of all there's a book on this lectern i need you to read the whole thing out loud um agree to it take it out and sign it then give it to me this is so long all right we're gonna speed run this i hereby assume all of the risks of visiting the holden cell included by way of example but not limitation any risk that may arise from negligence or carelessness on the part of the prison guards prisoners misbehaven from dangerous or defective equipment or property owned maintained or controlled by the prison guards i certify that i wave release and discharge the prison from any and all liability including but not limited to death disability personal injury property damage property theft or actions of any kind which may hereafter occur to me include in my traveling 2 and from vistin the prisoner written name then sign all right all right standard legally standard legalese just gonna i'm just gonna techno blade yep [Music] and we're good there you go thank you now i have some questions i want to ask you as well okay is you know standards like for every uh have you uh have you traveled outside of the country in the last month have any of your family members been sick recently i understand i understand standard nothing like that standard covent precautions that make sense that makes sense when is the last time you visited the prison i have not visited the prison before that's good uh where is your place of residence currently located uh i live in like this cabin in the north it's pretty chill okay uh do you believe that the prisoner is deserving of being locked up i'm gonna be honest i have no idea why he's in there so are you saying no i i'm not i'm not saying like yes or no i just i don't really i don't really no one i'm not really up to date on the uh on the news recently if i'm being honest uh what are your prior relations with the prisoner uh yeah we've been uh we've been business associates i'd say in the past you know i wouldn't say i'm like friends with him honestly he's he's kind of he's kind of suss i'm not gonna lie it does not surprise me at all that he ended up in a jail because the guy you know he's a little weird sometimes you know a little strange okay so you know it's uh you know it's it's up and down are you willing to submit to any and all physical examinations uh yes do you acknowledge that you may not bring anything into the prison with you uh yes and do you recognize that i awesome dude and the ultimate authority on the grounds of the prison and anything i say goes oh i i love authority everyone can tell you that i absolutely acknowledge it wonderful well if you wish to visit dream i'll need you to put everything you have into this locker uh go in uh you need to get the bed out of the item frame place that right click it put all your items in the chest all right actually there's this pot in your inner chest there will uh there will be a uh a nice little uh e that comes out for the uh for the locker that you'll need to put in your inner chest uh wait how much space do i need to leave in the under chest only one you can put your items in the actual locker no one will touch them well you know you seem like a trustworthy man you seem like a trustworthy man all right you can press the button to lock the locker all right right well there's like two buttons held did this one that that button yes all right all right my belongings are secured did you put the key into your under chest all right right yeah yeah i'm not i'm i'm very bad at listening all right i'm not gonna lie to you my like we'll just take it slow then yeah you know if it wasn't writing it might be easier okay you can go ahead and continue yo you're there no the other side that just that just seems like strange design all right oh very good yeah stand right there on those blocks oh all right okay this is the standard one there gonna empty my pockets of all my experience something like that this process is kind of slow oh my score is gone all right i'm glad to see you didn't have any items welcome to the prison oh i dropped a lot of experience or chanellos are pretty pretty sharp that's all right who knows what i could do with those okay i'll be using key cards to access the prison if at any time you pick up a key card give it back to me immediately or i'll have to kill you okay all right that makes sense that makes sense it's only fair really i gotta say i'm really impressed with the design of this prison this is legit i appreciate that i'm gonna be honest it's kind of weird that like one one of them comes out from the left and the rest comes from down though that's what that just seemed a bit you'd expect like all of it to come from underneath right like do i like go up the staircase or no just stand there all right i'll just chill here it's fine there we go all right bro i could you close that door and then open it again oh yeah okay go oh that's nice that was entirely worth it because i looked away and heard epic redstone and then turned around and it was over all right oh now this is legit oh this is nice yo yo could you build me one like like a facility like this this is legit this is legit this is fantastic just so you're aware from this point on we'll be locked into the prison just you and me so if anything happens this will be as far as you can go on your own oh don't worry about me man it wasn't the first portal already sealed well everything is sealed multiple times that just seems redundant redundancy is safety all right all right why are there so many cells in this prison just in case i need to lock anyone else up i mean there's not even like that many people whitelisted you can go that way go ahead and right click that bed there for me all right i missed it again come stand here for me all right another standard search this is going to be a physical search yeah try not to move okay all right just in case i gained any new items just in case you never know you never know it's true i'm very resourceful we can go this way i'll go ahead and walk into the little two by one area there is this the one yes yo is something supposed to happen it should happen momentarily yeah it's just loading interesting this is kind of this is kind of awkward i'm not gonna lie it is that's all right you can go on through the water all right oh i'm hearing ominous sounds that's always nice yo sound no it's like a ghost something like that you know that's always promising that's always promising there's two agreements here oh boy i need you to read those out loud i love signing contracts in the event of security protocol taking place while i'm within the bounds of the maximum security cell i hereby acknowledge i could potentially be locked within the cell for up to seven days or until the security issue is resolved signed all right signed technoblade all right be sure to read that the title of that book out the next time you go live in the event that a prisoner is to escape during my visit or after my visit because of my actions i hereby give permission for any individual to hunt me down and kill me until i am completely dead signed oh yes oh yes sign technoblade subscribe to technoblade okay i can't i can't type a message that long all right here you go here's the sign wonderful go ahead and right click that bed over there for me as well all right perfect i'm standing in that two by one area over there stubbed my toe i'm not gonna lie i'm sure you'll be all right go ahead and stand on that front honey block there you go standard on honey right in front of lava there's no possible way this could go wrong bro this is cool i gotta say technology has come so far in the past i got executed one time by a government i i was between you and me i was totally innocent don't ask don't don't look into it and that their whole execution platform was literally like a lever and like an anvil really high up it was like there was just no creativity over here bro we got like the fanciest doors and everything it's fantastic go ahead and click that bed there the progress of society is just truly incredible truly incredible okay go ahead and stand right here for me face forward all right this may take a moment oh there's that ghost again he's foreign is it like lagging again no all right there's quite a bit of llama it's just kind of awkward sitting here for like five minutes hey do you have a bell no ah because according according to the sellout timer i gotta ring a bell in like five wow this is slow when i activate the platform you have to walk with it you understand okay walk with the platform i got this okay make sure you don't fall off all right good luck yo dream dream what's up no no no what quackity's a trap it's a trap what techno what about quackity bringing it you need to i haven't seen you in a long time dream dream you gotta explore me i didn't i didn't write that no dream i i do not have a lot of room do not punch me quackity was lying you said yes i'm not gonna lie to you dream i i kinda i of had a feeling he was lying but i kind of had to visit anyways just to just to see how you're doing get to the truth of things you know you know and besides quacky's not even here man why did you come i wanted to see you i need to figure out what's going on here dream and between you and me i'm an anarchist so uh can can he hear me at this volume they're working together who sam and quackity [Music] all right well that's that's valuable information and i we will get back to that in the second dream i need you to tell me everything that's been going on in here all right oh my god it doesn't even matter anymore yeah i'm i'm not gonna lie to you this is this isn't looking great it's not looking great but i need information dream what information could possibly help you're in here with me now i mean maybe he's a cool dude maybe he's cool hey hey sam how how long do i have to be here before you let me out um warden i uh i think you could do with a nice long stay with dream so you're thinking like like five minutes you're you're the yeah they're probably the main the main threat to uh to dream escaping aren't you because you know the two of you have worked together would never defy authority all right i love authority i think no that's probably not true everybody will tell you how much technoblade loves authority figures i think this is probably a good thing for you to uh you to just stay here could you just send the send the bridge back no you could if you could just send that send that bridge back sam that would be that'd be fantastic love you like sammy you're gonna have some great catching up sam you you hit the wrong one you hit the wrong lever sam i think the two of you are going to have plenty of time to do it sam i can't help but notice the lava comes down a whole lot faster comes down a whole lot faster than it uh stay here a while and sam sam come on sam enjoy your time sam this this is not this is not doing much to change my political opinions no no no no all right well well that was nice that was uh that was nice yo are these now the right blocks oh my god these are the right blocks way out of here dream dream you gotta relax only way out of here dream dream it's fine all right it's fine i know i know it looks bad dream i know it looks bad but we are not out of options all right i need you to tell me everything in here for six months what do you mean we're not out of options it's fine how well i mean maybe like you're out of options but like i i actually have like friends now i know i was kind of like a loser when we like first met what's in this chest you got books and quills dream i need you to write down everything you know you need to tell me everything you know about this prison and uh it's looking like you're gonna have a lot of time to do that so how's it going roommate oh my god you were just you were just not into this well you know that that's what that's what six months of jail would do to anyone you're acting like you're you're on vacation or something i i mean it's it's kind of it's kind of like this is a new experience for me i'm sure i'm sure it'll get old i used to have a clock oh you don't have the clock anymore nope that's awkward well we got books we got uh we got a toilet that's pretty resourceful that's a sink is this the toilet yeah it's kind of sad well we're gonna have a lot of time to talk roommate i need you to tell me everything you know about this person how many guards there are what the inner workings of it aren't you the one that built this facility yeah yeah you're gonna need to tell me everything and it looks like we're going to have quite some time i'll get started all right you get to write and i will just hit the end stream button you
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 9,664,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, Technoblade Minecraft, Hypixel, Hypixel Skyblock, Skyblock, Technoblade Skyblock, Dante, Skyblock Dante, Technoblade Dante
Id: yFtLvm_cCcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 32sec (2672 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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