Tommy Gets Locked In Prison with Dream

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hey today i'm back on the dream smp and i get locked in prison seriously your stream was crazy and so crucial to the entirety of the dream smp i'd really suggest you watch boys if you do enjoy it then please subscribe we're getting super super close to 2 million subscribers and i know i'm recording this so late but i made sure to re-log on just so i can record one of these intros so you know to subscribe please it's 3am please subscribe thank you all very much and enjoy this video tonight boys will be our last ever day and i mean this see in dream we're back on the dream smpa uh last time we logged we logged off at the top of here oh god let's have a little look see around let's see oh here's our hotel it's coming along well i've i've almost done that we got jack manifold working for us now it's all going well let's get on the roof shall we because i you know i you know i oh he's on as well you know i uh i'm back i'm better on a roof i'll just talk about it you know maybe it's a confidence thing your ginger shut the f shut the [ __ ] up no i'm not i am an incredibly good basketball player i shoot hoops chad i truly do i i spent the past two days shooting hoops i have i go out and i shoot hoops and then i talk about how sports things i talk about sports what's your favorites but there it is a little hole okay actually this song doesn't you know what i think it's a no music time at night chap i've been uh i've been a little kept up at night um because although he's you know he's in the prison his dream and he's set off there's no real reason for me to keep visiting him i keep i keep i keep visiting him and the thing that you always need just in life boys is closure right you need you need to put close the book on everything in your life you do that's why this lockdown's been stressful for everyone you know they haven't been able to have half the things they wanted and this this has been worse than the global pandemic i would say because he i've been tortured i've been tormented but i'm i realized something you know i've not been streaming very much i've not been doing anything as much but i realized that talkers of this talk is the dream and listen boys i want to be done with this forever right can we all agree that everything got immensely shittier from turbo thank you for the raid very very much from dream but he's been in prison for like a month or two now and it's kind of made me realize that sam knock isn't even here okay the we don't let's get some food if we're going into the prison i thought sam may have been a bit of a fraud chat i thought he might have been a bit of a uh how do i say this [ __ ] but he wasn't and he's kept him [ __ ] locked in there and that prison is all high security no one's getting it no one's getting out so i'm thinking now i'm like no he's in there why don't i um why am i still feeling like this why am i still feeling you know [ __ ] uh miserable i suppose you know i've got my hotel i've got my but i still feel kind of a little bit low a little bit empty and i think it's it's because i haven't shut the book he's still in my life you know he's like he's like one of your girlfriend's ex-boyfriends wait no i'm right dream is like dream is like jared but i is this the direction i want to go yes but i am i think i want to be done with him i want to wipe my hands with him because i don't we don't need him anymore chat that'll be dream in her twitch chat no seriously that song's about me by the way seriously i just don't think that he's in prison he's locked away i want to start living my life because i haven't lived my life since the start of this smp literally since that tower there's red [ __ ] on the tower there is red [ __ ] on my tower what the [ __ ] is this eggs problem oh what the [ __ ] oh come on but since i built this [ __ ] tower you know i've not got anything done it's just been war after war death after death friend dead after friend yeah you know it's it's been dare i say it's been [ __ ] morbid but um he's been the reason he's been the the villain but now he's gone now the chapters closed i god [ __ ] this egg man holy [ __ ] it's going on my tower this is my og tower why is the egg give redstone god this is so weird need to wipe me ends like i've just had a good [ __ ] all right except dream he is a bad [ __ ] he's a you can't you simply can't pinch him off but today will be the last wipe today i will stand to wipe my bridge i don't know what the hell this egg's doing but yeah i think today um today we say goodbye to him because i don't want to go visit him again he only makes me miserable right boys he's just now he's nothing more than just an intrusive thought there's nothing there's nothing more with him dude that was vulgar sorry sorry i watched one too many j slap videos sorry sorry sorry sorry the last wipe okay okay let's go do it then boys he's a bad hombre and someone in chat just said dream is amazing he should be free holy [ __ ] go back on let's do this boys let's wash our hands with soap i don't know why i keep using poop it's because of the new video all right the whole we okay you haven't seen that that entire like one hour 30 recording is just jokes about [ __ ] all right it's that's the video it there is oh i'm so accustomed now to poo jokes like i can't not sam here sam dragon is here does he even know i want to visit him does sam actually know i want to visit dream i probably should have um hello oh sam what the [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] it's sam what are you into pal what the [ __ ] what is it what it's okay i just i just saved the world sam where are you how are you by the way i'm i'm well got any girls on the go the word got any girls on the go naturally naturally really yeah sure are you coming to the prison i'm at the prison sam okay i just i was just the disposing of that was demented like one of the fellas from harry potter where are you sam why are you in prison mode are you in my name sam and i'm a prison worker who acts all strange about everything mode because that's really and i thought you were going to be all friendly like you've been before where are you i'm on the other gate of the prison okay i'm i'm in the prison do you want me to come through this portal yeah if you want to come yeah oh hi sam alrighty let me know once again there's a [ __ ] there's a zombie there's there i'm big i'm being harassed sam so should i i probably ought to play like the able sisters or something if you're in this mood because it's so uh you're really boring um fair enough if you're ready you can you can come into the prison now uh okay yeah you're really um hey okay yeah i'm gonna play the able sisters i can't you simply too s two sam hey tommy hey what's up what's up man i can hear myself can i hear that you can you can hear yourself on your mic oh dude can i still do that thing that i didn't know hey sam how are you i'm good how are you sorry what was that i'm good are you done [Music] yeah okay let's go into prison i'm i'm quite excited today this is my last time i'm okay well you you kind of know the the ordeal now not like sharing yeah i gotta ask you some questions okay oh still hey you got slow arms there pal you got you're not being you've been lifting too many or not enough weights hey party really um when is the last time that you visited the prison a bit ago what does that mean like like like like a while back are we talking a week two weeks uh a month a month ago okay all right uh where is your place of residence currently located my home over there down yonder the the hotel the big in it hotel sam you would literally i'm gonna start playing the music now i'm going to i'm going to take this [ __ ] seriously this is quite big i should probably take this last do you believe that the prisoner is uh deserving of being locked up yes yeah i absolutely do i think he's a wrong anchor don't i don't think he deserves death though i should make that very clear right i don't think he deserves death um what are your prior relations with the prisoner he's a wronger i think he's a bastard he's ugly and um i'd say we manipulated one another okay he manipulated me yeah kind of kind of a bit of the villain bit of an evil guy kind of the doctor octopus of the dream smp universe okay let's go um are you willing to submit to any and all physical exams yeah okay good um do you acknowledge that you may not bring anything into the prison with you oh you've still got that rule do you i'm bowling i'm bone oh [ __ ] i've got two bones though do you acknowledge that you may not bring anything into the prison with you yeah yeah yeah yeah okay and lastly do you recognize that i assume dude and the ultimate authority on the grounds of the prison the god of the prison eh jesus h or sam dude that's what it really should have said in the the bible all right tommy you can use locker one thanks same locker as last time first one do i need to take off my do you really need to take off my hard hat take off everything nice all right amen my friend yes sir sam i've been good i'm sorry if i'm a little bit shaken up i'm kind of i'm not sure how kind of to say this i'm nervous on it i'm a little can you tell locker press the button to lock it the wrong button then what about that in your inner chest okay yeah can you tell i'm a little nervous can you tell can you see i've got the teeth shattering i do not do you want do you want to see him today well sam can i tell you [Music] no you know what i'm g i just had a sign that i won't tell you let's keep going maybe later okay [ __ ] chill down and go through the guest entrance okay okay i'm here do i have to oh god are we still doing this don't click the bed yet okay all right let's let's hurry this up all right done did you that seemed unprompted okay good you didn't okay some [ __ ] christ i thought you were trying to sneak items in time don't have any items on me other than my massive muscles if that that counts oh this is watch out while the floor comes up okay this is something you know this calls for let's keep going sam can i go across yeah i'm just getting the key sam i just want to say to you you've kind of been the only [Music] i know i've been a bit tough on you man i know yeah you know i've been very good friends i'm not obviously but you don't sound like sam yeah you're a good guy you're really i know that you get a bit artholy and strict and unfun and terrible when you're in this prison but outside of it you're a really good friend you're a good you've always kind of stuck up for me so i really appreciate that right i know that you have to put on a straight face kind of like the queen's guard am i going through well watch out while the floor rises no not just naturally but i think you've been a good guy you've been really good okay come on tommy i'm sure you know but i'm locking us behind the vault door okay okay all right i'm just gonna oh sorry yeah so sam this is actually my um my last time seeing him i think because i don't know i've just been thinking you're gonna want to visit yeah yeah i don't think you're gonna be seeing me in the present after this i don't want to be in here for long it's really creepy it's [ __ ] weird but i am it's kind of like i don't i don't know if you notice that every kind of traumatic place ever has been made out of blackstone so it's kind of i don't know this block kind of [ __ ] with me a little bit um but yeah yeah dirty button it's a pretty sturdy block how do you describe a block as sturdy all right let me lock us in here go ahead and click that bed right there one sec staying hashtag hydrated i am yup come stand over here on the blue hey man hey man nice little manual search here okay that was a little farther uh hey yeah i've been um see me last time sam he's a i want to be done here all right can please come here yeah black's don't run it'll stand on the uh stand on this room light in there it's all just i know this whole guy i don't need him anymore you know he's in here and you promised me he's gonna be in here forever right he's gonna be in here forever right sam the prison is extremely secure tommy in that case there's no need to see him then unless one of my close friends no no because unless one of my close friends like you know turbo or someone dies then [Music] and he's just some dreams merely just a reminder of my past and it wasn't such a nice past let's do this all right i'm gonna lock the gate behind us um go ahead and click that bed over there okay don't yeah just unless one of my like like someone because you know there's a couple people on the one life and [ __ ] like that i don't want i don't want to that's the only reason why i should stay alive now and even then like we're pretty sure he was the only person killing it so i'm kind of thinking out loud this time you put me where am i going in there going okay you need to get the fire resistance um you don't need to sign the books okay i still have the copies of your previous books you remember signing those and everything not really but all right that's fine i usually sign things without my um not really reading them through that's a all right go ahead and stand on the front honey block there yep sorry all right try not to move oh okay yeah all right 400k thank you boys hey a lot of people here this is the last night you know what is it is this like the prime honey have you got a prime block in here sam was that is that not this type of vibe go ahead and step on the strap in the prime water get in the water oh okay oh sorry come on boys there's a lot i'm just saying does that is that okay come on there's no prime in this [ __ ] hell hole click that bed there okay all right tommy you know the deal come stand front and center here and i'll pull the lava down okay all right last time the very last time we're closing the book boys i want to make sure i always like who i am and you know around this guy i don't think i do and i think i i don't think i like who i am when i'm around dream let's close the book something can get on with the hotel we can go to [ __ ] snow chester right hang with our best pal jack a manifold let's do this we uh look forward tommy the law is receding okay so anyone hey sam [Music] sam yeah oh sorry my internet just went for a sec hello hello be good i think you're good one in the chat if you can oh one in the chat if you can hear me okay they can alright sorry about that we had a little cut out you ready to go across i just i just had a little internet cut out so am i are we all good give us an all caps pog you ready to go across one sec i'm just saying okay i'm ready all right make sure you walk with the bridge i'm gonna drop the lava down now okay see you soon sam alrighty [ __ ] [ __ ] there really is no way out when this obsidian become hello help hello hi hi can i can i come in oh thank you what's up dream nothing much i lost my clock since last time you came that almost you take out the l of that word and then it is it's a different one that's funny that's the tommy i know dream this is um thanks for the okay uh dream i'm um god you ready i'm glad you came to visit me and it's been a while i i wish you would visit me more i like having a dream this is the it's just talking you know um my i hate this is it's my last visit dream yeah yeah i'm this is my last visit uh seeing you you're like yeah forever yeah yeah i think so well like forever is a long time oh i just yeah i'm sorry i'm a little dream this is my last time visiting you all right um you know what there's nothing you can this is my last time visiting you so anything you want to say to me now you can you have to say to me now um because i'm not going to see you again why are you [ __ ] what the what the why dream you're you're you're not a you are the wronger you're right you are the pinnacle of villains on this server you've you're a [ __ ] man you don't i don't wanna i've been moving on all right listen to me i've seems to be once we get like past the half a million point it literally seems that once we get half like past like half a million viewers or so it starts getting really [ __ ] like give us an all caps pog hello once we get to half a million viewers twitch [ __ ] cr oh no okay let's guys guys let's stay at 400 000 please please guys i'm just too successful now just tell people not to [ __ ] out all right ah hello hello hello sorry once i get past the 500 000 viewer mark my my entire [ __ ] [ __ ] seems to sorry dream i've been uh i've been suffering from success while you weren't here me too except without the success part just suffering i mean you had it coming yeah i mean you you know you this love is really annoying you know you've kind of you have this coming dream like all of this [ __ ] right why the [ __ ] is that like yeah i'm i'm i'm not gonna i'm gonna pity you man you you had all this [ __ ] coming i did but you know i don't know maybe one day right no no have you seen the prison it's the kind of the most secure thing ever dude you're not you're not leaving here sam's name so okay thank god well i'm just saying like maybe one day you know i don't actually unless you have an extreme walk out of here like no i don't i feel like i've already been changing like since i've came why is this obsidian gun all pinky purpley by the way it was um sam changed it really it was just for um security purposes really dream because this is this is called crying obsidian that is true and you don't like to watch it drip that sounded like a drake song well i mean i i do like to watch it drips i've been listening to subject yeah i'm i'm this is my last time here i might i kinda i don't wanna but why but why it's like jimmy you're a villain pal well i mean you've got this is my listen i'm not doing this whole you're all sad we're all happy now like i've done this now this is dream it's really hard see this is what you're doing now this is like exile do you remember that do you remember i don't know how much you remember with all these tears and [ __ ] this is this is like exile man i don't want to i don't want to know you that's how it wasn't looking too bad right i mean you still you had you know like we hung out and stuff [ __ ] you bastard dream you threw my [ __ ] into a hole i can't go near planes biomes now without getting a little trembly in the fingers you yeah no it was [ __ ] you [ __ ] where are the books you i may i just told you to write me some books where are they i i burned them what the [ __ ] bad boy halo came to visit do you know about the egg then you remember this egg yeah he told me he told me he told me the egg was doing well or something like that do you know about this egg whether they don't know much about it but i've heard about i've heard i've heard i've heard that it's growing but i don't know i don't know i don't know much about it i mean when i was when i first um when i left the area when i left the area um the egg was pretty small so i don't know at all about it yeah i i know i'm not here to gossip with you man i'm here to i don't want to gossip with you it's pretty big though [ __ ] off listen i when i'm around you my brain feels like i'm [ __ ] conditioned to be your friend but also when i have a knife i want to just plunge it into your heart man it's like i don't you don't make me a good person you make me bad dream alright all the [ __ ] that's happened has been because of you and i don't i'm moving on to bigger and better things now [ __ ] i'm i'm done i'm done listen what if you what if you just like once a month or something no no i don't i don't want to i don't want to know you in my life anymore this is done all right there's because you've ruined to you ruined lumber you ruined and almost everything you almost you almost you almost killed turbo man like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you you're a bad guy you're a bad guy but even worse than the one from billy eilish's song all right a terrible man you're a terrible man right i did bad things you're a bad guy you're a wronging well everybody thinks they're right from their perspective that's not true that's not true yeah i think i'm right i did bad things but i did them for good reasons but what do you mean good reasons you're recycling i've yeah i did bad things and i've learned that i shouldn't have done them no what what what good reasons no please please enlighten us please enlighten me i just wanted to bring the server together have it be a happy family you know br bring the server to find it i'm going to crack my knuckles i'm going to pull a knife on him dream you just you blew up le mandberg dream you you you tried killing me you tried killing everyone you tried hurting people's loved ones man it's like what the what the [ __ ] you're delusional man and i'm i'm [ __ ] sick i'm [ __ ] sick of it and i but i don't i don't need to go through any of this stress anymore all right because this is me doing this to me now not you all right you're fine now you're locked up you're a [ __ ] i'm the one that's giving me the stress here now but i'm better than that i'm better than you all right so i'm done here you ruined my past dream but you will not ruin my future i'm not i'm tell me i'm i'm trying i'm trying to change and be better and not be the same person i was and you it doesn't you you can visit me like every now and then all right it will help it'll help right it'll help it'll help me be better [ __ ] off mate you you're a you're a loser because you lost [ __ ] i'm done here i'm i'm i'm forever this is it right goodbye what the [ __ ] was that let me crank up the what the [ __ ] was that it's not like tnt why would tnt be that was a lot that was a lot of tea and that was a lot of tnt what the [ __ ] hey i'm out what's up sam sam sam what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what was that sounds like tnt is blowing up why is he why i don't know sounds like a security issue sam i'm ready i'm ready to leave we're done dream it hasn't been an honor knowing you but it will be an honor for getting you what the [ __ ] what holy [ __ ] i have no idea what's going on here sam sam sam sam sam i'm ready to leave i want to leave i am doing here the first like 10 times tommy he's not there well i saw his name i saw it a a few minutes but what the [ __ ] is going on what the [ __ ] i'm seeing [ __ ] hmm what what what the [ __ ] do you mean hmm this is interesting [ __ ] out of you at night what do you mean it's in what what do you mean it was just tnt's explain that sounds like a security problem why what you mean let me out sam seriously damn sam is not here i don't let me the [ __ ] out what the [ __ ] is going on what are these sounds man i don't know i i don't know any more than you do let me out let tell sam to let me out do you have an emergency button you can press one of those people that they have in toilets that you pull when you're [ __ ] yourself do you but can you pull it please can you pull that lever please is dealing with the security issue what does that mean means that you could be stuck in here for a little bit no maybe even no all right pull up this border pull up this border i don't seriously i want to leave now sam tell me this isn't like funny you signed i i know you signed a book because i'm the one who wrote it that said if there's a security issue going on then then you can you you signed a way that you could be in here for up to a week and that sounded like an tnt that sounded like a security issue to me i don't know if you agree but what was it i don't know a security issue let me out that i can't be in here for a week i've got my hotel to run i need to go and spend time with with my pals man i'm getting back on no no no no let me out phil i mean if you have a way to get out then let's get out together we can we can find it we can work it out well then there's no way out what do you dream what the [ __ ] is going on here some potatoes if you want something stop why how many potatoes do you want i have a bed but i don't want your [ __ ] potatoes man to beat the [ __ ] out of you what what's going on right tell me i don't know i haven't really shut the [ __ ] up look at me look at me in the eye tell me i have no idea what's going on i'm i'm how would i even know i'm in i'm locked in a room no no this doesn't just happen you don't i don't enter here as soon as explosions go off this isn't this isn't how you operate man i know you right other people everyone thinks they don't know you you know i go on have you changed and how they all feel sorry for you oh maybe we should let him up shut up all right i know you you haven't changed you're the [ __ ] monster of this server right not the egg not anything like this you are all right i can't be in here i seriously i've changed i've changed i'm trying i'm trying to change he's not gonna reply to you tommy he's dealing that sounded like a lot of tnt he's dealing with i don't even know he's dealing with something clearly and he's probably not going to be back for a little bit what the [ __ ] are you telling me i'm telling you that you and me are stuck in here together for a little while until whatever is going on no no i can't put your name with you you know i don't you know i don't i don't it doesn't matter what i what if you can't or you can you have to because there's no way out no there's no no the reason i'm here is to see you for one final time because i can't stand being in your presence because you [ __ ] ruin things why was that tnt going off i don't know i i you you're acting like i would know i'm in a prison how am i supposed to how much you don't know about blowing what do i know you're trying now you mentioned it are you trying to get out i'm not trying to get out i'm not trying to get out peanut sam i want to leave the cell come on yelp go ahead yell sam sam plead sam what are you telling me then i'm telling you that you're stuck in here for a little while with me we can bond we can talk just like old times right stuck together you know just like exile sarah right [ __ ] you don't you ever [ __ ] mention exile to me all right let something's [ __ ] going on well i mean you only have one life left so you you die in here then you die right yeah i know i i know okay so let's just be friendly right let's not hit each other and whatever [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] i'll hit the [ __ ] out of you [ __ ] i don't want to be your company all right i want to be nothing like you i want to actually hit you when i see people that look like you i stab them i am okay no no no let me out let me let me listen to relaxing sounds tell me this is the best thing that's happened to me since i got on the phone i'm a relaxer no this isn't the best thing that's happened to you you're the worst thing that's happened to not just me but this server let me out let me listen to relaxing [Music] okay i feel much better now let me out since i entered the prison this is the best stop talking stop talking stop talking company i what tommy [ __ ] you [ __ ] you sam will let me out if he hears you making a panic left you're an idiot dream you're a [ __ ] idiot i need these potatoes for fighting what's happening tommy i don't know how would i be how would i know if i was escaping i'd be gone i'd be out of here i'm not escaping i i don't know i don't know what's going on i don't know why you went off stop it now yeah shitty little [ __ ] pond what talk to me now talk to me right now what about it's gonna take a long time isn't it and that doesn't matter what are you gonna do with hey hey do you like this precious item frame of yours it'll be replaced tommy i don't need him for fighting on my face no no no no i'm leaving how tell me please i would like to know how are you how [ __ ] leaving stop it you go you go here why don't you write take a book write some stuff in it write a story maybe right maybe you can work on like how to sex nine or something i'm not giving you another one let me [ __ ] because i [ __ ] come in here as the tnt goes off telling you this is my final time i'm done i'm done here all right i'm done with you and i'm not going to i'm not going to talk to you fine you're done with me in a couple days then when you get out of here finally i don't have a couple days you have a couple days because you have to i don't have a couple days it doesn't matter i mean you're stuck in here just like i am you're not you're not any less stuck than i am there's nothing you can do you're not changed at all haven't changed tommy you just don't want to believe it i didn't have anything to do with the tnt going off [ __ ] you man seriously seriously [ __ ] you you've ruined this i don't wanna i don't wanna speak to you i don't wanna get to know you anymore you've not changed you're the same old you're evil you're just evil what gonna have to hang tight tommy the prison is all that's what i was saying sam no he's not here he's not here he's not here he's can't how are you going to talk to him he's not anywhere near here he's dealing with the issue you need to eat tommy keep yourself i don't i don't have that many potatoes left we're gonna have to wait until eventually we get more potato refill from here how long will it be you signed the waiver saying up to a week i wrote that waiver so i'm guessing up to a week a week tommy it's not that bad like we can we have tons of time to to bond all right sorry i was tabbed out i was on reddit i don't want to bond i want to go home this is rule is dumb this is all dumb you're dumb let me out now this is this is [ __ ] dumb you're dumb all right you're evil and you know you're being dumb you're being dumb you're stuck in here with me whether you like it or not okay whether you like it or not you are in here with me for a while we're going to talk no we're going to have no we're not going to this wasn't the plan if you remember we're having lots of fun in here for a whole week okay a whole week me and you back to back again just like old time's sake right you tell me look you're in here you're in here and i've changed okay i have changed i've changed uh you're in here with me are you [ __ ] kidding me am i is this serious dream yes i was about to be done ah do you have any more potatoes well because i got a tough through this week a week week night it could be a week it could be shorter i don't know could it be longer no it can't okay seven to seven days and you're gonna be in here the whole time yes where else would i go i'm gonna fairy dust poof out of here oh [ __ ] no i've gotta go i've gotta go i can't i can't do this oh no
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 4,516,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyinnit skyblock, tommyvods, tommyinnit vods, dream team smp, tommyinnit dream smp, dream smp, tommyinnit tubbo, Dream Minecraft, minecraft funny moments, minecraft hardcore, tommyinnit dies, tommyinnit fights dream, tommyinnit vs dream, dream goes into jail, tommyinnit stream, dream minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft funny, tommyvods stream, tommyinnit gets stuck in prison, tommyinnit exile, tommyinnit and dream, tommyinnit goes to prison
Id: fl1LCdRqNrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 10sec (2950 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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