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suspicious amount of ppl on the server....

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/ChocolateCutting 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/yessauce 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

It's so scuffed I'm crying

I love Techno lore

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/krybasik 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Niki, boomer and michael are also live, for additional povs.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Anemon035 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] there it is the prison you guys remember when i spent three months locked up in there good times good times a lot of content in those three months isn't that right guys isn't that right don't make fun of me anyways we're gonna get to a better vantage point because there's kind of this giant tower block in my view it's not cinematic at all i've got the blueprints for the prison in my inventory actually they look great they look great i'm very i'm very immersed in the story when i look at them uh you guys can't really you guys can't really see them too well because the thing the thing about minecraft is okay the blueprints themselves are like super detailed high definition and then if i want to hold them in my hand in minecraft the game's like 128 by 128 pixels that's the best i can do so uh check this out got blueprints of the main prisons i've been studying the blueprints looking for a flaw in the prison a way i can break in and i think i think i found the way that we're gonna do but first check out these blueprints all right we got the uh we got the portal blueprints portals right over there we've got the uh we've got the layout of some of the rooms in the prison i've got i've got the full layout but again 128 by 128 pixels we're working with what we can here and i've got a got a blueprint of the main cell of course that's where that's where we're going to find dream can't miss that anyway so why is rambu over there why is he with wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no no rambo he's putting him in the prison why literally what did he do what did he do why why i gotta get to him i gotta get to him ace race don't fail me now ace race please please ramboo ramboo what what the portal oh god oh no rambo oh this is gonna be a problem all right all right where is everyone you know i think i i put out the message i think there might be somebody at the door let me all right all right i don't know how i don't know why my dog came with me for this meeting but uh i guess it's here now okay there we go i have you at 200 on discord all right there we go oh i'm so sorry why are you yeah that's your fault actually you're right you're right all right i haven't seen you guys in ages yeah it's been a long time we were like yeah we're gonna do so much lore in the syndicate and then we did all off camera anyway so i'd like to i'd like to welcome the uh the newest member the sixth member of the syndicate is the dog that followed me here congratulations congratulations you're such a good boy i'm welcome this is actually live chat it was just just the first part wasn't which is why this is going to be really scuffed so you're probably wondering why i gathered you all here today as you notice more of our members are missing than usual and i'll get to that later so today i'm going to you get you guys know the you guys are like giant prison that was built last year oh yeah that dream's just been sort of wasted away and that i was actually locked in for like three months because bill can't read uh skip this bit all right we'll just we'll just get past that part so uh so yeah i'm breaking into that prison today that is the plan i'm breaking dream out i sort of i sort of owe him a favor he sort of saved my life when i was getting executed by le mans you know little things like that and i pay off my debts but there's been a there's been a development that i felt was probably relevant to us uh yesterday i saw rambu get taken into the jail oh oh no and uh oh my god okay he hasn't come out i uh i saw i saw sam like punching him i think i think rambu's been thrown in jail really uh so obviously the first thing i did was uh i have no idea what rambo did the first thing i did was look for the stasis pearl and it's uh it's gone it's gone it's not there so two possibilities uh rambu is either dead right now or he forgot to put one here in the first place i'm gonna say he probably forgot i'm gonna i'm gonna say he forgot because i don't what's the point of putting him in jail if you're gonna kill him you could just kill him anywhere doesn't true doesn't really add up it seems like a lot of work so uh yeah rambu's in jail now that's the thing uh so i was thinking i'm breaking dream out so i'm gonna i'm gonna break rambu out at the same time and i wanted to know if you guys wanted to come help out come help bust one of our fellow members out of jail yeah syndicate lore let's go let's go yeah yeah the dog's in on it too what's the dog's name apollo apollo's in on it too let's go let's go all right sounds good we need a plan though we need a plan i've got i've got a lot of plans uh didn't really prepare them ahead of time this stream gives me so much anxiety man i was i was sitting here i'll i'll tell you about it later who closed the door why are my games nobody gets in they go my game sounds are off no i'm a good streamer all right i'm gonna lead you guys to the planning room for the jailbreak okay i'll close this behind us all right i brought a boat at least there we go alright apollo get in [Music] all right nikki you want to keep to the left when you turn this corner help i broke through i broke out of the map are you guys at the end oh i see you're at the end oh okay yeah hurry up guys please guys i just got i got out of the boat and i went through the floor okay hold on i'm gonna i'm gonna break here out hold on you gotta break me out i don't have aqua affinity on this helmet hey all right all right stuffed stream let's go let's go so okay uh if i apollo's not gonna die he's not gonna like teleport into the uh i mean there's the other entrance we can take that's back here remember true true all right all right apollo get in get in a pool i'll have a trident with you you know what i'm just breaking the boat and placing it next to him get in a polo no okay oh okay he's uh he's on the brink of death but uh that's not quite dead so it doesn't matter oh i went through don't don't worry about it that was that was one of the super lethal fireworks that went off oh no how do i break this boat without okay hey you okay we're good uh phil this doesn't look any safer than the other one this actually looks more dangerous he should be fine i'm gonna feed him some stick all right thank you there we go all right do we have a fire resistance we could splash on him you know what i didn't uh no i don't have a splash potion oh all right let's just get along he's up he's up he's fine yo oh oh right we went straight into the oh oh i was gonna i was gonna open the door and it was gonna be it was gonna be cool but why who who broke the i don't know my bloopers the great thought the blueprints are broke guys the whole one the whole plan was in this one section of the blueprint we can't we can't break rambo out of jail now that that was the whole plan was in this this particular square of the blueprint all of these other blueprints are decorative they don't actually have useful information it was all in the square guys it was all in the square oh the stream's over the stream's over we gotta do it another day guys because it wouldn't be it wouldn't be a long stream without some scuff listen it's fine apollo apollos memorized the information all right we got the blueprints here uh very i had to scale them down a bit because uh the full blueprint size i swear to god it's like 40 blocks wide 30 blocks tall or something it's crazy yeah oh my god we got the blueprints we got the uh it turns out i think dream actually built the prison or something or like he designed it i don't know but so he didn't know how to break out yeah he had the he had the blueprints and he told me where he buried the blueprints and then i got the blueprints it's all great okay it's all great we got this come check out this diagram over here this is this is where i imagine that this is the cell block for additional prisoners if the prison ever needed them this that right there is where they're keeping rambu in one of those cells got it all right we got a layout of the guard tunnels right here all right there's a lot of guards in the prison that's one of the that's one of the big things oh by the way i'm actually not even bringing you guys into the prison specifically i'm explaining this for my ego oh man this prison break you know what this is right i'm so this is right you found the blueprint i'm so proud of you we're gonna need possibly the greatest minecrafter alive to understand these blueprints and then and then break in oh my god it's going to be incredible see the problem is it's too what i'm thinking is it's too dangerous to go in with all of us because last time i did that i was stuck in there for three months so it should have been three days but whatever so i'm gonna head in and you guys are gonna be you guys are gonna be lookouts all right okay okay okay i have important roles for you guys but if i get locked in the prison you guys just gotta tp me out all right you can't go in after me otherwise if we all get captured we're over it's through uh but unfortunately our allegiance is top secret except for that time like literally all four of us went over and like and just cyberbullied tubbo that one time but that doesn't matter all right that doesn't matter no one no one's going to connect those dots oh yeah no exactly this is a top secret mission let's keep let's keep looking at this layout um the text really survived compression didn't it yep that says sea lantern that's critical information the lockers all right oh the alarms is right the alarm i knew that i didn't forget about the alarm how could i how could i forget about the alarm see that that's that's one of the big problems the thing about breaking into the prison is that you really almost every block in the prison is nigh unbreakable because okay they have like this system where they got a bunch of like elder guardians stuck somewhere and they're like on rails so they're actually like going back and forth covering every part and even if you drink milk because they're on rails so they'll just get another one into rotation kidding you constantly right that makes no sense so that explains a lot it's very difficult to break blocks and even if we do the alarm system's gonna go off and it's gonna notify literally every single person in the server but if you hit tab barely anyone's online so i don't i don't really think this is going to come up later i'm sure it'll be fine it'll be fine it'll be fine guys they probably have something else to do right now yeah guys they're probably doing different lord there's probably something more exciting than that for a few months and they're just this is actually how many people are always on the server okay they're probably like grinding experience or something this isn't gonna be a problem guys come on come on it's fine be okay it'll be all right all right the final checkpoint all right so we're gonna need to get our items we got a bunch of horses ready to uh i can't bring this blue wait can i bring it wait did it bring the whole thing wait we can we can repair it quick quick i'm on it i'm on it for the item frames um did i did i take them all away from here wait i found a leather okay fine wood we can make one item frame we need sticks this is incredible this is the best lure i've got a single stick that's not enough to make an item well i have a single jungle plank you don't have any weather all right i'm opening the cool redstone doors that i wanted to open anyways quick we need to get a stick we need to get a stick to repair the blueprint incredibly important laura there's no time to waste i'm using the trident go go go go and open the barrel it hasn't like this yo we're going back we're going back we're preparing the blueprint chet it's not scott this is great laura all right this is you remember a quackity slower stream this is just as professional it's like neck and neck it's tied there's just no way to evaluate which one is very true if you were to compare the qualities of both of the streams production value of both of the streams it's great it's great all right repairing the blueprint and now it's all clear now we know what the entrance looks like this is the most important piece of the puzzle it's the entrance of the prison which we've previously had no access to apollo apollo stop i'm closing the door so i can look at it mmm redstone um all right i'm actually gonna take the blueprints now and uh bring them with me you know just the other day i learned you can actually shift click and get like the whole complete blueprint you just let that dude i've been suffering on the server i've been taking it down block by block in the past and then you couldn't even put it back together again so you'd have to make a new one because it'd all be in separate maps why are there two dogs all right well that one's not apollo this one is apollo can you pass me the can you pass me the the the wood stop biting my knees what did you do i don't know thank you thank you thank you all right just take some of these uh extra item frames you might need them there oh i got item frames i got them in my prison break chest i guess yo all right i'm gonna take apollo and he's not gonna instantly obliterate phil's uh in combat oh oh he just jumped he just jumped right here he's just really just really happy to see me if you don't have thorns on your armor right no i don't know all right and now i'm gonna place this button and i prepared to open oh no fell look out sorry dude how did he live i have no idea dude is broken again i am no my door i swear to god if this is broken again i'm gonna be so mad i fixed it like five times oh okay i'm gonna close the door and nothing bad is gonna happen it should be fine oh thank you yo yo the door so much redstone would have been i am so sick of that door and i'm sick of fixing it dude it breaks every time endermen touch it it's so long all right apollo let's go let's go apollo you're safe leave we gotta get we gotta get to a more repairable building to have the rest of this all right i got three experience levels let me just the bears aren't getting like if you need anything all right i gotta name apollo he's the most important part of this heist oh that should be fine with three right yeah probably ah name tags named x yo thank you there you go oh no it's fine this is fine we're just playing we're just playing chase apollo oh all right we're gonna keep apollo out here and we're gonna get the items dude i need to bring so many items on this heist i hate it inventory management is the worst i've actually emptied out my ender chest so i can have two inventories with me because i need to bring like a full set wait for it there you go yo all right god what am i keeping in the inner chest and what am i oh my god my inventory is full no no it's stressing me out okay i'm just i'm just dumping everything in here dumping everything okay so i'm gonna keep we got a two sets of stuff for dream and rambu i prepared yesterday and we're going to keep that in the ender chest because i don't need to access that immediately all right they have nothing they need that desperately to get out of there all right we're going to give them uh all of this and that's good enough for them what else do i need i need milk i'm keeping some of that in the inner chest uh taking the gapples with me oh nikki nikki i've got a roll for you oh so again i imagine nothing's gonna go wrong during the prison break because nobody's online to potentially respond or anything but uh just just in case something by freak chance did go wrong and we uh needed a distraction you know how to spawn withers right oh it just said that in the chat oh [Music] nobody saw that nobody saw that the achievements the achievements are not snitching [Laughter] it's fine it's fine yeah do you know how they use those nikki i do i do make sure there's not like a torch or something underneath the wither right that was my problem during the revolution it made my moment look stupid i was like why isn't the weather responding and there's like like a tiny bit of grass underneath it was the worst i'll keep it in mind is there any place where it's best to spawn them or do i just go oh crowds preferably uh yeah just spawn it spawn it you just gotta find somewhere where you can't get like interrupted or something yeah also just run away as soon as you spawn it um and again only as a last last option only if we need a resurrection if we need a distraction is there a way forward i could fire uh these rockets here let me show you oh so if you see this in the sky start pleasing okay okay sounds good hopefully it doesn't have to come to that but i'm bringing the bell chad i mean i wish i had more stuff in my inventory for actual like potions but i gotta bring so much milk in case i need to break anything ah even with two inventories this sucks okay okay we need levers item frames that's an ender chest item right there of course of course of course we need the battle come on chat we need the belt what if what if i get locked in the jail again i need to make money come on come on guys this is serious minecraft role-playing all right i'm just gonna leave this here i got the fireworks i'm not gonna keep that in my off hand i don't need the carrots pure golden apples for this mission all right and then we can fill up the remaining nine slots with potions bro okay you guys gotta bring potions okay i can't i can't carry items yeah i can i can make a stop at home here in this uh the spiral god i'm gonna i'm gonna have to bring the long potions that only give half the effect oh this sucks i'm only gonna have strength one it's all right i'm sure nothing will go wrong [Music] uh nick you take some of the potion of the turtlemaster and then there's speed uh swiftness here okay i'm gonna need i'm gonna need fire resistance uh strength if you can if you can hit yourself with those two before you uh start placing or maybe maybe after actually after you like so if it comes down to it and we have to place with us uh as soon as you finish placing them just hit yourself with all the parts you have just to protect yourself okay okay thank you the speed one will be most important because you don't want to fight people necessarily you just want to distract them yeah right oh you guys have golden apples right i've got a couple yeah no all right we're just gonna we're just gonna make golden apples for you guys i got like a stack of gold i can actually i can actually make a lot of golden apples like right on the spot because you're gonna need to oh my inventory is too full i got to put the milk somewhere [Music] all right i just made a stack of golden apples uh here you take 27 philly you got enough i got like 14 i'll be all right all right i'm giving you another 14. and if you're ever if your hit points go like low at all just start chugging golden apples they're overpowered yeah uh i guess i'll put the rest of the golden apples somewhere else you see i used to have more golden apples but like a raccoon broke into my house and like ate half of them so i hate when that happens all right where'd i put them where'd i put the milk can't forget the milk it's all about the milk all right shield okay i got two more spots in my inventory and then we're ready to set out for the prison break potion of turtle master do you think that'll do it it's just too short to be worth bringing that's fair i can only really bring the long potions i actually have 16 minutes of strength maybe i'll bring some like short strength in case i need like a bert nat it's just not worth it okay i got four fire resistance potions two strength one speed one invis any other potion effects matter i would say probably take more fires if you're breaking people out with you oh yeah just in case just in case i can bring two drinkables i don't i'll bring one extra drinkable that place is i'll bring one of the regen potions that nikki gave me where are they there they are all right i think we're ready to set off do you guys have all the equipment you need in case you know things go down yeah i think so i think i think it should be good yeah put the gold away oh right i'm just bringing a stack of gold to the prison let me just make a donation to the prison guys and maybe you can bribe them yeah what if i need to like what if i need to buy something on the way guys come on this is important exactly all right i can fit something in the off hand too oh yeah ah trident i guess oh we got two more inventory slots just like that oh we're gaming i should probably bring a water bucket that seems like just a generally useful item to have and you're gonna have so many buckets from like drinking the milk yeah but i'm not gonna have water yeah i guess all right we need one more item oh we don't need one more item but we got we gotta maximize the bells in the other chest yeah don't worry don't worry we got the belt we got the bell [Music] oh wait i brought bottles of enchanting i don't even know if i'm going to need them considering i'm not going to be fighting for that long with just these potions but flint and steel what do i need to flint and steal for oh i gave it to you for the tnt but it's only two i got i got leverage for that okay i brought us i brought 60 levers it's a surprise tool which will help us later oh it's all according to the blueprints potatoes thank you chat thank you oh it totem yeah i could just take another one of those why not crystals let's calm down crystals might be a bit too much let's calm down we haven't unlocked that technology yet all right we're headed out we're headed out we got to do the lore we're already behind schedule so good thing nobody's waiting for us nobody else is waiting let me just unhook all these horses all right we're leaving carl behind i can't i can't have him being used to like coerce me but fortunately okay so like back when i first joined the server the first thing i did was breed a bunch of super horses and then sam stole them and put them in a huge labyrinth and then i had skeptity that labyrinth for me to save my horses anyways long story short carl and this source are super horses and i've bred five offspring which grew up over the past 24 hours oh and now we're ready to go all right well i'm grabbing so they should have decent stats because they have great parents all right three horses for us two for rambu and dream all right all right i'll try and grab how are we going to get to the prison by the way the portal would take us like to the other side of le mansburg which you know i just hope nobody notices us i guess if we're fast enough i'm sure it'll be fine listen we don't have to go through le mansburg we can go like around it and hope no one's at the portal yeah really is this true let me just wait apollo oh no how could i forget the most important member you're coming with us boy let's go let's go yo prison break let's go all right what's up really annoying to move with leads take a little bit longer come on phil hurry up let's go that's so annoying it's okay i made it oh my god one's already broke off how many of our pets are gonna survive the nether i made the uh the path like a lot safer oh okay yeah i saw that uh you put the uh bit behind the portal so they don't they don't suffocate they don't yeah that almost was really bad that one time yeah oh are you bringing leads to like keep the horses there when we get there yep all right phil hurry up we're already here i'm trying why are you so slow this literal skeleton is trying to kill me bro there's skeletons phil it's like the easiest mob in minecraft yeah but i'm trying to like not let these two die oh you're so lame phil listen i'll just heal them with some god apples it's fine oh my god dude i just realized god apples give me fire resistance anyways then again all right you guys you guys go through first all right carl jr oh do you just go down yeah i'm naming my choice i'm naming my horse carl jr oh wait we gotta all right let me let me push him through oh your horses your horse is going to fall down no no no no don't don't let carl jr die grab them grab them apollo stop being annoying and get in the portal come on apollo come on not over there apollo you're holding you're holding up this entire operation i borrow a lead okay i literally don't have a single inventory space okay i'm dropping some milk i'm dropping some milk i was gonna jump off and now okay apollo let's go okay and then you can pick up that lead i'll pick up the milk yep and we go through yeah might take me a little bit longer because i got three horses to ferry through this coming through one by one please don't let them fall on the lava uh uh i i did not have warning uh it's fine here comes another one uh yeah they're fine okay i'll bring him over here good thing there's not like it's not like everything's on fire in this dimension or anything uh and you can take a lead on that one all right apollo's here carl jr you're with me and uh yeah phil can have the easy job of getting the horses through the salt oh god that's so stupid oh all right i'm just i'm just gonna ride all the way through with carl jr because yeah the pigs don't like me they're angry that i'm cooler than they are uh you're a cooler pig exactly they're jealous oh my god this stupid horse out out the pigs don't like me that out out oh we probably we probably should have prepared this route better feed my horse apples no oh all right everyone's dead okay four horsepower okay you can have mine you can you can have my someone can have mine that's fine one of us one of us can walk all right one of us can walk my base is closer to the prison and i have a horse there so okay that works that works no worries all right are they so stupid when there's lava everywhere i've got apollo and carl jr through the portal i haven't gone through myself so hopefully there's not like 50 guys there with crossbows no he's right near the edge oh my god he's right in the edge wait actually i can just ride the horse myself now that i or we get something or we could just watch phil suffer kill a pig behind you all right uh are we taking oh i gotta i got a fourth armor are we taking uh this portal to our left it takes us to the manhole and we can like i don't know what limit i already put apollo through this portal so i gotta go this way all right all right let's go let's go stress all right we're going through hope no one's on the other side and it'll be fine and there's aaron all right just uh keep moving okay i don't see anybody going on here he's coming he's he's he's first car we gotta move there's carl jr all right um the prisoners in this direction right uh we we want to go this way first because i think there's less people that live that way i say seeing a lot of buildings okay you okay let's let's just act natural list listen i'm not gonna say you saw nothing because that would that would make it too obvious right hello friend um no he's gone he's gone let's just ignore him all right i was gonna say a lot less people live over here but now i'm seeing a lot of buildings being constructed but it's fine it's fine we're taking the sir sir circuit us route i don't know words we're taking the scenic route exactly there we go just no no no more unnecessary horse deaths we just take some suffocation damage oh god all right my horse is kind of stuck in the eating animation oh i don't know if you guys want to have a race which phil's absolutely going to win with two horses it's just he just keeps getting stuck on my god dude he's broken the lead like i'm gonna win the race off the bridge this path okay i want to go i'll let you i'll let you go first i'll go behind you we kind of have to take the path because phil has to like lead a mob so yeah all right i guess we just what building is that that's not the prison it's just made of the same blocks all right we're just gonna go through here past the fox oh this is a good stream this isn't this isn't scuffed at all all right try not to lose the horse in the trees i'll do my best yo i gotta say besides that a little hold up apollo is keeping pace perfectly that's good right this way is there a bamboo forest i have no idea i remember this area being so much easier to get through and now it's just pain okay i'm going to the left i don't want to buy the coast yeah i don't want to go closer to the le man brewed crater okay the prison's right past this all right perfect perfect there it is all right the hole that i've set up is just over next to that tower yes this one because i uh and you set it up uh before the meeting because i i actually told you yesterday that's how it makes sense canonically yep yep you told me to make a hole next to prison so i did yep smile not no it's for horses but here we are wait this is actually legit what the heck got a whole tunnel yep all right so we have uh we have an entrance we come in this way and then we can go out this way so we have two options we're not going to get cornered true all right and nikki's gonna need a place to spawn withers that aren't right next to our horse because they kind of explode when they when they're born yeah they'll go for they'll go for the horses too okay all right it's a bright sunny day perfect for people are probably going to come from that side so i might just stand here that could work just so so i would recommend nikki um since nobody really knows 100 your intentions try and mingle uh with anybody yeah like because we it's like if anybody comes to investigate this place right let's say for example the alarm goes off it's hope let's hope it bloody doesn't techno okay everyone's coming here listen according to the blueprints i should be able to get dream out without activating the alarm rambu complicates things but i'll do my best well if if it goes off everybody's coming here nikki you just need to try and blend in with the pack yeah and mingle and then when the moment's right uh if we need a distraction you you're there we know we can count he is not actually i mean he's not he's not pissed at me actually i will admit the odds of him survive and aren't high but it would be really funny and it's technically possible with the route of envisioning i mean it's us all right me and apollo will break into the prison get dream and rambo i love how your how you said like i love how you said oh it's too dangerous for all three of us to go but the dog listen the dog the dog can't activate stasis pearls okay he's not smart enough dog i do not have high hopes this dog is gonna be instrumental uh that being said i couldn't actually fit food for apollo into my inventory so uh all right should i like drop one of my items and bring food for him sacrifice a name are you sure it's worth it i don't know yeah i don't need it i don't need a totem of undying bro we got me some steak here take some milk give me the steak we got a apollo is a member of the team man oh my god dude all right okay so you guys figure out what you're gonna do i'm going to try to find the entrance according to the blueprints which uh i memorized just kidding brought them with me in my inner chest all right all right good luck good luck good luck tech now we'll see you in a bit i'll try not to and if i do don't take three months not again ah all right see ya all right bye bye [Laughter] all right do i change voice channels or do you guys change voices will change will change apollo does not want to swim oh all right chat we're going in we're going in nobody's online for things to go wrong it's fine now the thing about the thing about the prison is i was telling you they got the uh elder guardians they're on rails there's like a actual railway system in the middle of the prison area or apollo but the thing and it covers the entire prison all all of the elder guardians cover the entire width of the prison but there's a tiny bit of the prison that isn't covered if you go down deep enough now the thing is what why level do i have to be at here we go here we go there's just the tiny the absolute underground part of the prison is not covered and the thing is that would be useless in every room except the main cell room because that's the only room deep enough for the lava to drain out all right now the problem is i i don't i don't think the alarm is definitely not set up this low because of the lava we're gonna have to do some mining i'm pretty sure this is the this is the right direction right guys chat i'm mining towards the prison right it's gonna look really stupid if i if i'm mine in the wrong direction for 10 minutes is he gonna enter through the toilet yeah yeah that's the epic diamonds let's go apollo we got diamonds let's go i can't i don't have inventory space let's go let's go diamonds all right well that's the biggest highlight of this stream uh you guys actually can like see right did i turn my gamma high enough here i'll just step on the redstone ore that'll be our lighting this is the right way i'm confident i'm confident oh the problem is the reason this isn't covered well not the reason but dream cell is kept completely submerged in lava pretty much 24 7. so oh i hear the lava i hear the lava that's why i was hesitant to bring apollo in but if we've got a splash potion we can give him fire resistance all right apollo this this is the big moment we break through these walls and we're in the prison i don't know if we're gonna get out of this alive apollo how long did i get oh six minutes sick all right this this probably isn't gonna set off the alarm probably probably it's fine it's fine oh well fire res is ticking i uh i don't actually know how where exactly dream cell is okay it's it's in the center there i i'm canonically seeing through the lava all right we're swimming in what the heck there's gaps in the lava is that on purpose okay we're gonna have to swim for a bit we gotta get to the other side apollo where are you oh it'd be funny if there was the swimming animation in lava where do we go okay well i got six minutes to figure it out all right we just gotta get to the main cell is the thing got to get to the main cell there's the mining fatigue okay we can't we can't break blocks anymore you know it occurs to me that something like this i probably should probably should have practiced it but no it's fine it's fine stream's not scuffed okay well this is the end of the room wait oh the room gets larger oh i'm a genius yep yep it's slower mm-hmm okay this is the end of the room which means we gotta go this way oh this this is the path oh that means that's the door that's the door let's go yep this makes sense this makes sense this is very slow how much do i have four minutes you got to get there before apollo burns i can actually hear apollo this is really slow i'm not gonna lie i wanna i wanna see through the lava yeah this is where the path listen i was in the cell for three months i know what this prison looks like i know it like the back of my hand actually yep yep right in here this is uh the completely wrong part of the prison wait where am i wait what ah yes um dream cell yes i know it like the back of my hand it's right over here first try yep mmm good streamer good streamer i just i knew the blueprint so well what can i say what can i say all right so we're just gonna swim through here and i'm kind of hitting the space bar randomly because i can't actually see anything uh did i go too far down okay dream's name tag is there i'm just i'm using the name tag i don't care all right hello there long time no see does he want me to join his voice chat or what what are we doing no he's just sitting there unmuted in discord not saying anything hello dream wait bet you did you came that you didn't expect to see me here no why not what wait a second they added they added glass here it sets off the alarm i did i did notice that there was there was a slight addition to the prison uh that ever since we we tried to get out that is gonna be a slight problem i'm not gonna lie how did you get in oh i used the blueprints i burrowed in underground and swam up through the lava with fire resistance also i brought my dog apollo huge part of this operation why not it's man's best friend okay well this is a bit of a bit of a problem yeah if a single one of the blocks in the cell are broken including the outside walls although i can't break those anyways you i can't even break glass look at this this is an efficiency 5 pickaxe i can't even break glass that is how stupid mine and fatigue is this is this is vanilla minecraft chat this is what they added to the game i want to see how long it takes to see a single crack but if it goes off then uh all the guards will be the alarm will go off and all the guards will be summoned that's true that's true but uh oh there you go you got a crack yo we got a crack all right in 10 hours she'll be out of here dream 10 hours all right so i can't believe you came oh of course of course listen man i repay favors all right those that treat me with kindness self see it repaid tenfold yada yada previous quote so i'm not breaking through this that's too much work but you know what i do have wait will that not set it off oh it's gonna set off the alarm dream i think it's gonna set off the alarm but the thing is if i break a single block in this cell the alarm's going off so if we're gonna set off the alarm let's do it in style which i back up is going to do yeah i have no arms back up let me your dog's there okay i'm just gonna i'm gonna use enough are we sure are we sure this is the only way well i could also spend ten hours breaking glass but that would be less fun um okay all right but the the alarm is gonna go off when i do this so we're going to have to act fast yeah how am i going to get wait okay what's the plan after this i got an under chest all right i got stuff for you in the under chest also you'll have access to your own ender chest convenient mechanics okay i think his dream also in the prison and i'm breaking him out as well so you're gonna have to you're gonna have to help me out with that oh god i've literally no idea why rambu's in the prison okay just yesterday i saw sam kicking him into the prison or something i tried to stop him i wasn't fast enough all right all right i tried to do the doo doo doo doo and it just it didn't work it didn't work if you were there it was it would have been different anyways my fire resistance is running out and i actually don't have that much so uh here we go oh god i hope this doesn't kill my dog okay oh there's nether oh god oh okay okay okay ender chest oh you're okay your dog's in the lava my dog's in the lava all right here take this take the god items all right we need to go the alarm's going up okay we swim straight through here we get to the main part of the prison and we gotta hurry before wait why do i have 20 22 bells in my under chest okay 22 oh yo give me those you know what fine you can have them we need to go we need to go wait did you splash me with fire we need to fire us uh yeah fire rise um your drink this okay did i give you an important item okay who cares we gotta go uh so i just saw the guard suffocate to death in the uh in the chat i don't think oh i get it i get it you uh okay i'm turning this music down i'm turning this music down oh god like 90 percent i can't stand that they're gonna be there they are going to be rushing at us like right now once they figure out how to not suffocate to death uh i get a dream you coded in a fail safe in case someone else used to prison against you this is all cannon this is all cute where the heck yeah sure enough all right we're i don't have a pickaxe are we where are we going oh pick it up there's a dude get the heck out of here get the heck out of here oh my god go back let's go let's go where does that go yeah we're out of here we're out of here loser head through head through head through do you think that you're keeping rambo in the cell area oh yeah definitely the cell area i killed your dog no apollo breaking out same animal oh sam's purling oh yeah we could just use the pearls that would make this a lot faster i don't have a pearl so i gave you like 16. i gave you like 16 pearls oh i have a pearl do you want a pearl yeah go up there they're right here they're right here i should probably tech no what what don't mind me don't mind me yo oh god get out of here [Music] all right we take out the guards and then we oh i can't i want to say that there's nowhere to go why are you even trying just go back just give it away [Music] it'll be easy it'll be easy just go back just go back the mining fatigue makes us hit slower this pvp is so lame god i can't aim i haven't played minecraft in months it's you and me bad boy halo bad oh no oh my god oh no oh my goodness i can't pick up gone you blow it up load up where'd sam go i don't i don't know he's somewhere he's in the lava yo uh i just sam i'm coming back didn't uncover this part of the prison it's fine it's fine all right how do we get through how do we get through what um there's a cobblestone in the in the water part oh god i don't have a pick i don't think okay i have a pickaxe but it takes like 10 years okay here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna put the milk in my off hand hold down okay you gotta fight bad boy halo wait did he just come through okay okay i'll fight i'll finally fight him what is he doing standing there let's just 2v1 him yeah yeah die you get obliterated oh my god bad bad bad come on come here come here come back exactly they have a side you thought you were getting it i'm meeting you right here they can just keep coming back it automatically equips them with no i can i blocked off the tunnel [Laughter] oh you're just farming another right armor right now this is great okay here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna break the milk and hold down left click okay we're swimming through go go go go go go go go go go go gotta get rambu gotta get rambu oh we don't have the we don't have the the water uh breathing okay that's fine okay i think you're gonna drown after all of this all right extra pick is so loud dude the pickaxe isn't gonna help you we're breaking through oh god okay i should probably be using a shield for this but okay we're through hey hey no no he's blocking us off oh god oh that's such a pain oh god i did it bad i did it i did it i did it i blocked it off i blocked it off we're fine you can open the door they can't get through they can't get through you couldn't even open the door unless okay yeah they blocked it off yeah i blocked it off we're good bad we're good come on come on go to the next place that's obsidian let's go nice unless oh this is a one by one all right oh what how do we get to rambo how did you not bring it you were so prepared but you didn't bring an extra pickaxe technique i've explained this 50 times pickaxes barely work in this prison what would it do you saw how long it took me to break a single block i didn't even break the glass fine that's true that's true all right what if we just flick these lovers that did really do anything i'm doing nothing let's listen dream we gotta get we gotta get to the blueprints let's go back to the let's go back to that room can we purl through is there no we gotta look we gotta look for a second way through i have an idea i have an idea oh why don't we wait you said you burrowed in where did you burrow in from the lava we could actually get out of here why don't we just let's just go back let's go back i'm getting a rambo no i came here for both of you we're not leaving without both of you ah that's part of the deal all right now let me get the let me get the blueprints you're kidding me we can just before our fire rest went technically that's not the right what is this it's not the right blueprint how about this one now that's useless i'm trying to find the blueprint of this room [Music] alarm system all right [Music] is this the one the second one look we don't need ram but we don't need ram but we need to come back later we can come back later i've been in here for so long let's just leave no i don't care if you've been in here for almost like one real life year we're getting rambo just technically tell me tell me where you came from i'll go i'll go no no you're staying here with me man you're staying here with me apollo died for this mission dream we're getting rambu i'm coming out with more people than i came in with let's work it out let's work it out let's work it out all right okay so the bed behind the wall is here okay we kind of blew up the bed okay the cells are on the other side of this wall all right so we just have to this wall if we can break wait wait wait look look look there's there's a there's a thing here uh from the tnt there's a uh what's it called a shroom all right so what we're gonna do the cells are on the other side of this one if my calculations are correct rambu is on the other side of this wall and i have just enough milk to break a few blocks okay that milk failed [Music] okay yo okay i'm gonna purl through this gap oh there's chest there's chests let me just why can't i okay it would be really awkward if i suffocated to death all right rambu don't worry one more block we gotta hurry we gotta hurry up the milk almost worked okay you know what i'm just i'm just drinking an otter milk rambo didn't work another milk i only have so much milk you got it you got it wait hey guys [Music] oh thanks for coming to get me i really appreciate it i did not want to be here anymore i just go hang out go go go why are you in why are you in jail uh color actually is what i'm here for fake military id at a chick-fil-a does not go you know what i don't have time for this connor you're coming with us welcome to the jailbreak cotter you're coming with us rambo all right yo wait what wha uh rambo quick hello take items wait where'd i put the under chest great dream did i just give you all my energetics um i don't have an under chest oh um did you put them in your ender chest did i put my ender chest in my energy okay listen we can just get to the under chest it's fine it's fine no one cares you know what i'm just gonna blow this up to make more room so we can walk through okay [Music] oh we gotta hurry we gotta hurry we gotta why how what why are we oh i just blew up the guards why are you out okay we're breaking you out rambu i saw you get put in the prison here's the under chest i put the under chest in the underchest oh my god okay rambo here what here take all this rainbow all right all right oh okay we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go okay so uh what we gotta do is here it doesn't have oh this is awesome oh i got a guardian it's a 50 dollar connor connor connor's now on our team why do you have a fifty dollar nintendo gift card for mystery beast i think tubbo gave it to me like a year ago you know what i'm taking the nice card we gotta go okay okay everybody gather around i'm gonna splash this with fire resistance okay oh this way okay it's gonna be actually wait wasn't wait was it okay it wasn't you don't know which way it is i may i may have forgotten okay we're just we're splashing where did i break the that is a great question i may have forgotten yeah you had to be low right yeah i think it was out here oh god all right you know what i'm just gonna i'm just gonna alt tab and check the discord for the coordinates [Music] canon canon it's all cannon uh we gotta go so um why is he out here shut up rambu i stopped fighting stop fighting i'm trying i'm opening up the script to find the coordinates you're lucky i could have just left you're lucky we're even getting you well i'd rather stay in there if it means you're in here as well rambo all right go back what do you mean go back fine go ahead okay follow me guys we gotta get to this x-coordinate wait i think i see it i got it oh i see the gap in the wall we're too low to hear the alarm yo i don't have to listen to that sound anymore let's go let's go all right so uh the alarm has been off for several minutes and the guards have been i have i haven't seen him i don't think he killed sam what's going on i don't know why he hasn't been stopping us is there okay well he did obsidian us to be fair but okay there's no way there was no way they were gonna stop us there's only two of them yeah yeah i thought there's more guards than that where did the other guards what happened that's what happens when you only pay minimum wage someone wants to work for you they're on stream all right boys here's the exit tunnel still got mine in fatigue this is clever wait am i really gonna be free oh my god you're gonna be free connor how long were you in there i don't know you lose track of time quick there's no this is what i see outside this is why there's never any lore because everyone in the server was on in jail right yeah i've had to listen to him i figured you went under the prison i knew it wait what guys get out of here get out of here get back here swim off i can't swim up go go oh no swim up get back here oh my gosh get me out swim up swim swim up get to like no get back here dream get to land get to land oh i got a dolphin the rest of you can go i don't care about anyone else but dream has to stay oh all right cool see ya hey get up no come here and shoot me who are you let's just go go go go wait what oh there's a lot of people couple people here they came good there's a couple people i can't help but notice oh perfect rumble you stay here presence of a couple people oh we're just stabbing them we're just gonna have it all right come here hey look at this before you go what's going on what what why are there so many people take the light is callaghan here with nothing why is sapnap here come here dream no i'm leaving bye oh stop get back here i'm going to kill rambo you have this what what i don't know alone how do you think i have it come here come here come stand over here on stage rambu come over here he was with eric how do you get away what is happening to me no no no no no i'm getting beaten up by sapnap oh that's connor evan i don't know whose side i'm on you guys leave it why are you taking off your armor no keep that on hecto let's get out of here hey techno i'll kill him what tell him to come back i just want dream i don't care about anything else techno what do you have against rambu why what did he do why is he even in jail was just my hostage he's just a hostage why was he in jail tactico we gotta go no dream i gotta save rambu dream come on oh i come here dream or he dies i don't care if he dies gecko we're going now i'm gonna kill him [Music] go go that's it we're gaming we're gaming we're gaming oh god he gave no why are you even mad at me you just literally murdered rambu right in front of me i'm gonna jump i'm going to jump by 50 guys why is connor still here get him i don't know what's happening why is michael here why are you like why are you guys here whose side are you on connor why did you take off your armor i'm blending in with the crowd set wait tap who side are you behind just go back dream no please let's go go back here rambu's dead because of you dream i'm following you go go we gotta oh god the withers are in the wrong place to be distracted we gotta get out of here dream all right go go go got her got her come on we got to go i'm really scared now run connor run take this horse take the horse and run why does everyone take the horse it's his horse now i think what techno go go where are we going we're going to portal all right i think we have to go over here actually where yeah we're going the wrong way entirely go go get the fill come get the fill go go go go go go go go grab a hold and go grab a housing grab a horse grab a horse and go grab a horse and go go go go go go go go go go go go go hey hey it's going to be no weather get back your dream horse why are you go go go go no no no no why is there a weather this is so annoying there's water there's water there's water why did you go in the water dream hurry up i don't know i'm an idiot why did i go in the water i'm an idiot bamboo's dead what sam killed him look we just gotta go we gotta go let's go let's go just keep going just keep going what the heck why was rambo in jail what did he do why is sam like this i don't know wait where's nick where are we going we're going to the border we don't have time to stop phil is helping yeah guys are we going to the portal or where are we going we're going to the portal uh phil phil did you see nikki how's nicky doing i think he's fine like he's fine he's the one that's oh no this is a distraction now it's following us okay but no one knows nikki's evil right we don't gotta go back and say no no no no no they didn't say they didn't say okay okay cuz i i can't lose two people no i lost apollo two i can't lose three people dude this weather is so annoying i miss but the portal's over here hey later idiot yes those random beams slow down the weather we're out of here i'm heading to the nether i'm heading to the nether go go go going to your place section where are we going we're go we're going to our place who's following us what the heck is aaron doing all right go go carl jr get through now we could still use the horses no they were liability where are we going where are we going this way i'm blocking the portal this way this way this way okay i'm following you he's got no rules with which to get how are they a liability i'm so fast okay because they just like fall so this way phil yep no phil you're thinking about when they're on leads they're great but they're not that's true actually look at how slow you are now phil up there take a left up there left okay yep follow that path don't stop until you find the nether portal at the end on the obsidian uh platform do i take it right up these stairs or okay no no i gotta go keep following the path just keep running i'll check and see if anybody's following us i blocked off the portal with obsidian which you can literally just purl over but actually wait you can't oh can you pearl nobody's following nobody's falling we're fine we're fine okay get carl jr through they're gonna know they're gonna know probably where we're about where we're heading now our location is top secret okay where are we going to go oh we go this way yep just run later the trees phil you can just try it right yeah yeah yeah all right oh god oh my gosh fresh air yo how's it feel to be a free man dream it feels great how does it feel to be a free man it's i'm happy except i'm not happy because rambu is dead okay wait okay look what's the what's the what's the plan after this what's the what's the the hiding plan bro that's your bro i don't care i'm not hiding dream i'm going after sam after this he killed okay okay what's the all right but they're gonna okay where okay what's you have you have a plan after right uh first plan can i have my armor back it's kind of what kind of kind of took a lot of look took a lot of work to get better i need i need armor i gave my armor today was to break you out okay [Music] listen the favor wasn't a full set of god armor oh quackity died canonically oh my god if i could if i could just have that armor back really are you being serious listen there's only so many that's another right armor dream come on come on dream come on you don't you have like another set in your under chest anyways wow this is beating up i don't oh well uh have fun grinding uh you i guess you can keep the sword i guess yeah you know just yeah you'll owe me a favor though okay well i'm gonna get out of here because i don't wanna they're gonna kill me i have no armor bye all right thank you techno have fun yeah all right i owe you one techno that you do that you do oh yeah i trade favors with him this is great that's how it works that's how it works actually listen phil what i i don't know if you know this but that guy can bring people back from the dead yeah i i heard that you know it occurs to me i could have asked him to bring back you know i'm just i'm just gonna go run after him see if he's still there we just he's went through the woods now he's probably long and got longer let me see if i can let me see if i can catch him oh wow he's gone we'll catch him again right oh wow he's i don't we don't have cell phones how do i listen when i see him next i'll ask him about about getting rambu back maybe that's what i can use my favor on we got dude rambu is dead why did he take off his heart why was he in the prison i don't unders there's just so much i don't understand connor was in there connor was in there i broke into the cell thinking this is rambu cell and it was literally just a guy in a sonic one scene i'm like why are you in here and he said stolen valor what what wars are there to steal valor from the the revolution lemandberg's destruction what the hell was he doing oh my god where's nikki is she gonna she's gonna meet up with us here right i'll uh i i think so i think so all right well the one important thing we gotta do right now phil you know what time it is hey guys i made it remember time i made it i made it i got lost jack manifold took my horse and i just had to walk it the whole way welcome back to the lore connor no one no one tried to stop me thankfully i i don't think many people knew i was in prison so i didn't know you were was that no but you knew you were in prison cause no one was like hey no one was like where's connor where's he been for no no one said that sometimes it's tough not being one of the main characters in the world yeah no tell me tell me about it you just get lost in prison right now guys all right oh nikki hey i sapnap saw me sapnap saw me set off a wither uh oh that could be a problem that i'm sure that's not a big detail i'm sure he won't remember that anyways i have to there's something very important i have to do are you guys live yes nope okay well if you're live and and you don't you don't want to hit me hit the sell out button then you'd better definitely become a channel member today become a channel member today let's go let's go buy my merch technoblade.com we sell hoodies sweatshirts t-shirts let's go order it now it might be here before christmas i don't actually know because i didn't i didn't ask them before my stream this was all last minute this was a last minute let's go technoblade.com buy my merch become a channel member one of us one of us one of us i wish rambu was here so we could sell even more merch this is so sad wait where is rhonda dude rambu died sam killed rambo no yep sam killed rambo that's so sad anyways that wasn't quite done selling out while you were anyways so while you're digesting that information let's go technoblade.com link in the description buy some merch buy some for your grandma buy some for your dad buy some for your dog become a channel member today you get a cool sword next to your name you get access to a discord let's go buy something memory of rambu true no we're monetizing his death oh that's messed up yeah i got like a t-shirt that says like rip rambo on it dude like quackity sold his last nevada's merch i saw the rip ramboomer no i don't know i have no idea why did he take off his own he was a nice guy he was a nice guy he was a good he was immense did you get to know him connor when you were in there i i think i talked a little bit too much i think he was a little overwhelmed by the whole being in jail thing and i think i you know could have used some better words and made him feel more comfortable to be honest so honestly i kind of feel a lot more bad than i did prior now that i'm considering it because he definitely did not have a great last 24 hours oh yeah this axe this axe was a gift from rambo no after i lost the acts of peace rambu gave me this axe i'm pretty sure it's been nine months i don't actually remember a whole lot of the lord that happened we're pro-government right that's what our organization does oh wait that's that's the secret hey connor you wanna you wanna join while you're becoming the main character you want to join team anarchy dude we're gonna have been a part of a team so i am down dude we're getting so much connor lord today it's no what do you expect this is oh i'm so excited guys this is my big break all right welcome connor let's do it i'm gonna go build a house i guess i yep don't fall i guess that's what you do in this game i'll see you guys all right bye it huge connor allure guys why was he here i have no idea why he was here why was he in the prison i don't did he follow him he was in the prison yeah he i just broke into the cell and the connor was like sup dude phil let me show let me show you what he had he had a 50 gift card for mr beast for nintendo that was his only possession do you think the code still works if we open it on stream definitely not wait let me open it let me open it on stream this is why people watch my perspective oh next page next page psych i'm using the gift card the idiots idiots i'm going to buy pokemon sword and shield let's go oh my god oh my god i wasn't expecting connor to be in the prison that's for sure oh he's just building his house there i ran out of dirt this is all i made it's okay connor we'll we'll hook you up i mean with some more supplies that's what we're looking at if the wind comes in from like the southwest then like i'm good but like it's along the other direction it's really cold so long as it doesn't rain thanks man you at least have a place to sleep yeah you can you can borrow our supplies connor that's what our organization is about is is building up uh buildings i appreciate it yeah really i appreciate it it's it's nice to have friends and allies you know our organization sometimes it's about helping each other so we can achieve self-sufficiency what what i don't know something like that no listen that's awesome that actually does make sense because like you have to teach people to be self-sufficient and that's what we do we strengthen them we teach them how to fight we give them items all of this off camera because we don't actually do lore we just sort of do it one stream every six months but if we were to do laura that's what we would be doing is like we got nikki she's got god stuff now she's spawning withers she she's becoming an incredible warrior that's what we're gonna do with you connor you're gonna be a great warrior feared across the land yeah that sounds great man and then you won't need a government because you'll be self-sufficient that sounds rather progressive honestly i'm down she's great okay that's great whatever it's not like government's worked out on this server so far they have not no people blame me for leman berg blowing up but i'm gonna be honest i just i just blew up the houses like lemanberg was like like literally like two-thirds of their members defected by the time that battle happened that country sucked nikki didn't you defect oh oh yeah the man burke was a dark time especially by the end everybody just hated that country i don't know why people get like mad at me i'm like bro they were like by the time by the time we blew up that country it was like tubbo and tommy like like literally everyone was gone they had to bring in like 10 mercenaries just to make the final battle interested all right the rambo map the uh the incredibly important rambulor that my chat had to rambu before he died he he gave me this image do you know what it means can i see that's nikki that's that's michael who's michael michael wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i uh a few weeks ago people tried to kill michael what who's michael michael mchill no no no no no uh it's it's it's it's like think you but smaller and not as smart i am pretty smart so what does this mean it's it's uh well it's an innocent it's an innocent uh wait who's on the side who's on the painting it's it's rambu and i don't understand it rabbit and tubber rambuncto that's that's sort of what it looked like michael is this and they've been protecting him what does that mean why did he why did he give this image to me nikki what did you say what did you say this happened i gotta i gotta speak to taboo try to kill him i i don't know where he is now i i had to leave i don't know where he is but i i i think he's alive i think rambo gave up gave me this image for a reason what do you think he wants us to protect him you think he wants us to go talk to tubbo well it might have been his last wish to to let us know at least that he is in trouble or needs help i think you need to give that to the table i think i need answers i got we got to go to tubbo uh do you think all of us should go to that that might be it that might be a bit militaristic yeah that might be very much that might be a bit considering tubo and i's past all right i mean i probably can't show my face there for a while they all know that i all right yeah nikki you should lay a little for a bit i gotta just kind of like uh see how it goes um who knows that might not say anything did i leave the blueprints in the prison that's hilarious oh anyone who's in there now will know how to get out they're gonna be like how did they figure out how to get in and there's like a huge blueprint on the wall oh that kid doesn't that would do it i gotta gotta get the bedrock in there i gotta get my notebook oh my god there's so many important items okay i don't care about the blueprints we can we can i guess this was kind of successful right no rambu's dead we got it we got dream out and i guess we got connor out which wasn't which wasn't why did tubbo leave we were doing lore okay he's back taboo's like psych i think i'm gonna do laura with you idiot idiot all right i gotta get answers from tubbo did i not give them the shields i didn't even use the shields honestly i'm just i'm dumping items in the chest we gotta get to we gotta get to tubbo and figure out what's going on here figure out what rambu was trying to tell us i'm leaving i'm leaving the rocket launcher here all right i guess i should probably put these potions away now yeah we should probably probably lower our gear a little bit before we before we show up at tubo's doorstep uh did i put the is this the okay i should probably bring that with me that would that would not make sense if i left that in the chest all right i'm gonna go back to my base i lost my pickaxe i wanted to re like re gear up i guess oh and we lost apollo do you need any materials are you good uh no i'm good oh no okay okay all right i'll see you guys i don't know if you need anything we will be safe let's let us know if you need anything we'll do all right phil i think i think i should i should go alone of course a sign of good faith yeah if both of us show up it's gonna yeah i mean the last time we were both together yeah you know you know or something we i think we should bring dream with us to be to maximize the peace message just bring like let's bring a list of everyone that's like ever ever heard let's bring schlatt let's bring him back to life and then bring him on the mission all right diplomacy mission let's go i have an arrow in my head don't care all right all right be safe man catch you up right there's a spur there i'm just gonna take some fall damage i need answers chat i need answers who is michael why is tabo in the picture we already caught up to okay this is awkward don't look at me don't look at me oh rambo rambu's back no no it's just an enderman it's just an enderman all right snowchester is literally like right across the lake from the prison that's why i had to keep my render distance down so you wouldn't just see snow chester in the background we need answers chat we need answers okay off out of the lure for a second did you know we've this this arc has been planned for literally since like january and you know what happened to when i had two minutes before the stream went live dream called us and said hey i was thinking we should we should do this instead of this i was thinking we should introduce a new plot point i'm saying like dream it's been it's been like 11 months and you're changing you're changing the plan two minutes before anyways i think we should i think we should change them to like bro bro so i i've been playing i'm gonna be honest i didn't even know what was gonna happen like well i knew a little bit but some of this stuff is new for me right now because they literally while i was like do you remember that like countdown that like 10 minute countdown they were changing the script without telling me during that countdown like i actually don't know what this map is nobody told me about this we're going off the script we're going off the script i don't know what's going to happen next oh god the weather is here no no we're taking a detour we're taking a detour rip sheldon all right we gotta get to snow chester gotta meet tubbo i need answers how did rambu know tubbo who the heck is michael what is this why is the weather back okay well i mean what are the odds that where is it oh god it's right it's in the floor it's in the floor it's a trap it's it's a trap oh all right all right we're getting we're getting to snow chester we're getting to snow chester we're blocking the chat we're blocking the chat it pains me to eat golden apples but that's the food i brought all right this has been blown up a little up oh dude there's still 50 people here all right yeah we're just we're just they're just sneaking on by oh i could just crit out hannah and get an elytra right now it would be incredibly bad manners but i could but i could i could do it free elytra there's witnesses he's pulling back the bow he's pulling back the bow go go go is this how you're supposed to do this how do you get through this quickly i forgot i forgot they're not following me right that's good thing i didn't bring like no armor go go go go go oh oh yeah there's a dolphin on this side oh my god who built this wha why this reminds me of s p earth when i i spent all that time building that giant palace block by block copying it from planet minecraft i thought that was a person that is a book that is not a person i guess we just i guess we just look around hello is anybody um does tubbo know i'm trying to do lore with him it's very possible tubo doesn't know i need to talk oh he's got an underscore in his name cringe cringe it occurs to me if we're going off script that means tubbo doesn't know about it either what does this mean can i match this to a house rambu no no it's not him oh it's one of the wood houses obviously this one that's your footstep michael not michael percy who the heck is this is this is the house this is the painting man it looks so much better when it isn't condensed to 128 by 128 pixels what does it mean what does it mean where's toppo why is part of it missing who that who dat who dat why is there chickens michael's chicken i'm so lost i'm so lost i'm so lost what does it all mean where's tubbo he's online is he live oh it's gonna be really awkward if like tubbo shows up and i'm just like in his house going through his things hey tubbo hey is this the protector of the factory and this is a random sheep it's not a named character is the book independent nation country well it doesn't mention a government cool with me all right not that i'm here to blow up governments or anything i'm here for answers i'm here for answers where is he this is a bit awkward up that is not tubbo that is a different person entirely yeah why do i still have an arrow in my head it hasn't despawned i don't actually have potions so i'm not trying to i came here as part of a diplomacy mission i'm not actually stacked to fight i mean i guess i got apples the regular stuff so i mean i can escape maybe maybe tubba where are you this is this is incredibly awkward why is he still here huh i feel like it'd be rude if i just well i guess i already did go through it go through houses i had to figure out what the image means using a trackpad one minute fair that's fair track pad troubles did rambu did rambo even tell tubbo it was going to be lore was i even did rambo even mean for me to come here i'm so confused i'm confused in character and out of character because again nobody told me this would happen not scuffed at all chat it's not scuffed it's great mine got chat chat minecraft role playing is sacred and serious business please be respectful in the chat this is very it's very important okay wait alt tab and join tubbos okay hello hello tobo hey what hello wait what hello why are you here uh i come in peace look at me taking off my armor please don't one-shot me that would be very awkward for the lore oh that's it yeah okay that's a great crossbow you have there uh all right okay i'll get out my most powerful sword don't worry oh timezone but times have been jumping up to crit sweating bullets don't trust me with my trackpad call me did do did you know rambu yeah oh he's probably my best friend on this server uh okay so yesterday i was scouting out the prison just just for fun no big deal and uh i saw rambu being taken i don't know how to say that okay i saw i saw rambu being taken into the prison by sam and uh today i broke in to rescue dream rambu and conor for some reason he was also there we broke him out but after we escaped uh sam murdered rambo the escape and before he died he he gave me he gave me this image do you do you know what it means uh are you processing this emotionally or is your mic muted i can't tell what does the picture mean who's michael why did he give me that hello hello hello i just did a lot of emotional processing sorry yep wait how how has this happened i don't know he would do this i don't i gave i gave rambu like a set of full netherright prof4 he shouldn't have been able to die but he took it off i don't know why i don't even know why he was in the prison what well do you want me to show you what this image is sure um actually remember maybe let's uh maybe let's uh why is he here literally up is he just is he just moving along uh he's out of there he's meeting with sapnap i think him and sapnap are fighting in my basement right now oh that's uh you want to watch kinda let's go let's just mooch off their allure while we're here yeah i don't see why not you think they're oh god you saw me wait let me join their voice channel why did you get out eh well it's my armor i'd like it back i don't know dream it kinda i'm not gonna lie it kind of feels good on me dream i told you to stay in there didn't i what are you saying i told you to stay in there why did you get out what do you mean why did i get out why did you get out i was getting tortured you want me to rot in prison forever getting tortured who is torturing you know oh sorry sorry let me just mute and discord oh they can't hear me you're getting tortured yeah quackity was torturing me quackity was torturing you what do you mean he was torturing you like literally torturing you yes he was trying to get the revival book and so he was torturing me my keyboard is kind of my keyboard's kind of loud they can just straight up hear me on discord do you have a long story home no i don't just give me my stuff look give me my stuff and i'll leave i'll be out of your hair what are you planning to do i think i deserve to know what's planning and be away and just get away from everybody you're just going to leave and get away and just live on your own away from everyone that's your plan you give me my armor then i'll do that i'll go away really so if i just give you this armor nightmare and you want to guess he wants a sword too yeah all of my all of my stuff i'll give you i'll give you mine dream i can't do that hey by the way hey techno oh look i don't know you a favor anymore give me your axe hold on let me let me just let me just unmute for a second okay wait you're literally colder than an axe why do you need an ass give me your ex trust me this the sex was a gift from a friend excuse me you have you literally holding an axe look at that oh oh the extra piece oh yeah i actually have another axle if you don't you don't need to actually give me one of those so you had two axes and you wanted mine i actually have three axes but yeah why did you have so many axes give me give me give my extra axe back give me my extra accent please please come on anyway dude i was about to go on like a speech about how like the x from rambu was more significant to me than the acts of peace now and then you're like oh by the way i actually have like 12 axes in my inventory you can just keep all of them actually well can they give you the extra piece piece back if you want no no now it's pointless now that the moment's ruined okay okay well um i know do me a favor and let me finish my business here all right all right i'll just i'll just like lurk i'll just eavesdrop no you can you can leave it's fine i want to handle my business all right i don't think he wants i don't think he wants high tech no bye taboo [Music] hello hello well i just got my axe back for no reason that was weird uh nice dog army um i'm not sure where they came from though they were all sat down in like uh like around where the prime path is something must have attacked you didn't even summon them they just they didn't they just were like yeah no shit's going down yeah there's like oh my god i can sense dream near him let's go let's go master needs us sixth sense that's dogs man they're great they're great you know i had a i had a dog army once and then yeah uh anyways you you you were there it's fine it's kind of awkward anyways a heartfelt moment we were having oh what does the photo mean what does it mean why does ram why did rambu give that to me before he died i mean the photo is a person michael who's michael why did he give me a photo of michael look come here come here you gotta promise not to be not to be overly aggressive i'm relaxed right now man i'm chill well not really because rainbow's dead i can't right click on my laptop track bad woes oh i've never been in this room before because i don't trespass uh uh where double um give me a give me a sec uh that's not good that's that's not that's really not good oh a potato farm yo bazinga um well i something's happened it's michael missing my michael is very much missing oh you think you think rambu knew something that's why he gave us that's why he gave me that photo uh maybe i he's he's not really gone is he he's not actually dead i i saw him get stabbed i don't i don't know he always had sort of weird unexplainable powers but he did literally die so wait what the hell wait where is he i i have no idea i don't know what to do what do i do i came to you for answers man i don't even know who michael is i didn't even know you and rambo knew each other well i mean besides michael's yeah that's michael rambu son and he's missing so much lower where the hell is he gone taboo i i think the two of us have to go on uh enemies to enemies to teammates arc where we save rambu's son son we gotta go on an arc tubbo where we begrudgingly learn to respect each other as we go through many perils we're not actually friends and we'll never be friends that's true that's true but for now we have to put our differences aside and save rambu's son it's gonna be so epic it's gonna be so epic next stream oh my god i can't even right click wait i think i saw a sign earlier wait a sign i fixed the house again i saved michael dm for info what all right i think i think we found the first clue i think we found the first glue tubbo wait what the hell is it heard online nah let's save this for another stream man he's at university that's why we can't that's why we got he said dream smp university oh no i don't know how we find where michael is oh this is such a cliffhanger i'm going to tune in to the next stream to find out if tub owen tune in next time to see you that techno embark on an epic journey to find michael and maybe along the way they rekindle a friendship long lost in time oh this is going great this there's sapnap he's here yeah i really wish i had my computer that would make fight it's kind of hard to fight him off with the trackpad isn't it i i figured out how to right click by the way look yo i noticed i did notice you opened a chest earlier i was like yo yeah yeah i got to use two fingers to right click nice nice all right i can't wait for the next stream in march i can't wait for season yo next season a dream smp what are you excited for in season two uh i have no idea man i don't even have you played anything i i have not played any of the new update is are they adding wardens this week or is that the next update i think that's the next one god they just keep stalling don't they they're everything i know i know they're literally throwing right now wait they're throwing wasn't 1.17 supposed to be the update and then they split in half and then they split it in half again tell me about it tell me about it gonna be giving us like one percent of the update at a time and calling it huge content right anyway she said season two and now the chat is really confused because they thought this was season two i don't we don't we never really had a season system for the dream recipe we just we're just like you know what twitter can figure it out yeah yeah i would say i would say what this is act four would you say uh it's definitely we're definitely past the uh the prologue yeah yeah i think the start i think the story started by now yeah no no it's definitely done i said this is like season one act four yeah dude imagine like you get out the nukes and blow up the entire server and then across the screen flashes end of prologue chapter one begins hey oh one of the nukes is missing i'm sure that won't come up later that sounds like an irrelevant detail that's not gonna that's that's uh that's chekhov's nuke right there yeah yeah check off snoop yeah it's not gonna come up surely that won't be significant all right well i'm sort of out of things to do i think i'm gonna end stream now but first i have to plug my merch good thing i keep 23 bells in my under chest at all times yo actually oh wait plunk me down a bell i'll right click to the best of my ability here's the bell become a channel member today let's go let's go channel member twitch prime tubbo as well since he's here but mostly by my merch technoblade.com technoblade.com link in the description i hope you enjoyed and subscribe while you're here become a channel number today let's go so much exciting lore so much exciting laura rambo is dead this is shocking i bet that's trending right now i bet i told you that like you didn't know rambo i told you that like no no no i'm just i'm just like i get it i get i see what i'm doing i see you're doing wow this is excited i'm gonna buy a bunch of hoodies at technoblade.com right now right now you know what i think i might i think i might cop one yo yo become a channel member today let's go one of us one of us oh wow the channel numbers have taken over the chat oh my god they're everywhere dude are there any people left to become channel members i don't it doesn't look like it from the chat 100 channel number right oh i see one i see one i i think i saw a grey name in there i think i saw one all right i'm gonna end the stream i think we hit 600k in the stream yo we did dude 615k yo and everyone's like dude dream smps dream uh it's actually not we hit like 800k during doomsday but uh dude everyone was like oh my god dream smp is so dead nobody cares then quackity streams yesterday i got like 400k and then today i gotta say we really don't deserve the success that this server has as content creators we don't make any content like minecraft we just i just love minecraft love minecraft mm-hmm to be fair it's not it's not even i i'm i'm going to blame other people people are like oh it must be because technoblade's irl problems are delaying the lord no it really isn't it's because whenever we want to do lore somebody says oh i'm busy for the next three weeks i can't do anything and you know what happens next week i tune in just say my name it's actually not you i'm talking about well actually already might also be you but i i haven't i haven't planned a lot of lure with you and then the next week that they're busy i see them all playing on minecraft championship that's the only two hours free they had in the next three weeks i guess i see how it is that's how it is all right end in the stream see you guys next the arrow's still in my head see you guys next time bye we're best friends now the lore makes sense yeah it just makes it simply makes sense it's it's been like 11 months since doomsday no one cares and what's that in minecraft days like oh god minecraft days are like 20 minutes it's been like god we're all in our 40s now holy crap oh there's aaron ignore aaron end in the stream bye bye
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 11,324,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, Dream SMP, DSMP, Technoblade DSMP
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 30sec (7350 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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