Vinesauce Vinny: Turok: Dinosaur Hunter [The Reflective Cut]

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I am talk I'm still talk about Lee whoa I'm old I am an old comic that was turned into a video game in the 90s but my series died my series died all right there we go that's better hi welcome to the stream everyone I'm toric and I'm your host I loved this game on the n64 and here it is again remastered on the PC it's gonna look like ass but I'm gonna stream this if you've never played this game you're gonna think this game looks like ass but if you play toric when you were younger this is like a godsend you could actually see you get double the view length that was a monkey you cannot kill the monkey the monkey doesn't even really attached itself to the tree you're gonna love the character models guys look look he's eating his neck this was my favorite first-person shooter even after gold and I came out I still played this look I'm hunting watch how you hunt well oh [ __ ] yep there's the first dinosaur my difficulty is on hard right now there are new areas some of the levels are remixed rearranged and basically from what I understand there's an automatic shotgun on this level that was removed which I am all for I'm really excited to check out the new stuff dude running in the background they preserved a lot of it like textures the models the weapons they're all the same look that right there yes yes I love this game I love its weapons I love the levels and this game was very advanced for its time believe it or not on a portal oh it's the shotgun portal oh my god I remember this yeah the platforming kind of works in this game and it's sequels that I played for some weird reason yet I usually load the first-person platforming oh god there it is ultra health ultra so this game sounds a little low should I should I make this a little louder or is it good okay never mind the volume is fine it's a tiny little louder make it a little bit louder there you go 5% louder please go please go oh my god that's different I don't remember that thing damn it look oh man look at the detail in that mouth holy [ __ ] back what Pistols did not need to reload was this white goo oh it's the enemy's disappearing well they used to disappear it looked shittier now they just turned into semen spiritual invincibility alright trip balls mode amazing absolutely amazing you know people were complaining about this game because how realistics the blood was I remember I remember showing this like my family when they would come over and it would be like well those those people are bleeding and dying this game is going to destroy them the world at America you know the world is of course separate from Merkel I'm pleased to say that the game holds up and it's not just a nostalgia goggles that make me like it [Music] physics yes I am flora did I play the remake of Tarak on the last gen consoles no no no no what's going on Tarak what can I say times have changed never used one of these once or twice okay I'll live I was a traitor you've already be dead you look like hell you're one to talk you should have left when I had the chance I couldn't not without saying goodbye first a soldier follows orders follows his heart I taught you about your heritage you don't know anything about my heritage that too it's got some serious issues John toric is a Space Marine uh he'll skull face watch is John Tarak Space Marine colonel core toric fights dinosaurs in the Land Before Time that's the impression I got from the other toe rock games in the series like one of the tour ox was a Space Marine like there was no sense of identity for this franchise it just went for whatever was whatever was popular just just do it call him to rock now I want you to me you know who cares [ __ ] you consumer you're a Tarak fan all right well here have this game it's Call of Duty with Dinosaurs go [ __ ] yourself it's kind of weird being able to play this game and see where I'm going wait is there drowning in this game there's no drowning in baseball smoke ranks Joe rope this is what a jungle looked like in 1997 by the way this is the name of this level is the jungle this is the best we can do back at 97 when did Metal Gear Solid 3 come out four or five years after this six maybe six years after this like 2004 came out okay so this was it was seven years between this jungle and Metal Gear Solid 3 jungle look at the difference please no just missed it [ __ ] because people didn't believe it did I miss it again I missed it by [ __ ] millisecond again John Tarak is a Space Marine his squad left him alone on dinosaur planet where he met a plucky dinosaur the sidekick named Crystal together they get into their arwing and go on adventures John talks mission - to unite dinosaur and man to destroy the dino folks what are the popular trends in gaming right now guys let's just say it's not Call of Duty and Space Marines right that's like five years ago six years ago seven years ago right so let's say we got something new why don't we do an indie game toric right like her story we'll call it toric story and you have to you have to figure out the story of why toric fell in love with a dinosaur named Crystal and there's a zombie mode and it's free-to-play I'm almost dead I'm almost dead this game is still hard even with mouse and keyboard Tarakan knuckles Jesus Christ [ __ ] off I thought I was gonna breeze through this game even though I'm playing on Hard difficulty there's actually one difficulty level above this so venge [ __ ] our revenge on that prick a new weapon oh it's the piece of the ultimate weapon so each level has one piece of what's called the chrono scepter no chrono scepter was cool and you have to beef to complete the the pieces and you get you get it at the end and it's the best weapon in the game I gotta circles your circle strafing still getting into it after all these years so one of the side effects of having an increased draw distance is being able to see the rocks hover in the sky okay that's nice thank you for that who would even make this why would they make that there is the auto shotgun from what I understand there's an automatic shotgun on this level that was removed which I am all for normally you could get this in level one if you know where to where to look and it's not hard to find it Oh see you later I have no ammo for anything I'm right now I'm just a Native American with a knife shitty looking cave oh my god how do I get in there I [Music] don't remember how to get in there god dammit if I could just get some explosives I could probably get that minigun I'll go back for it please stop please explosive shells that should do it right [Music] it shows you if you got a piece of the weapon and it shows you what keys you got sounds drums that tribal rhythm let it move you they fill your soul I suppose if you have a game about jungles dinosaurs and dinosaur hunters you're gonna want tribal drums Wow skull face there's bunch of skull faces currently in between layers of an ancient molecule yeah that's a pretty good music a lot of tribal rhythms you know the drummer thought he was the drummer feel disturbed Jesus oh it's getting crazy this game is gonna get [ __ ] hard best death sound clock job the people dying in this game we're the basis for disturbed vocalist I'm telling you listen next time I kill that one guy that goes it's basically disturbed it's that song [Music] [Music] like they are talented musicians I just don't like their music and apparently a lot of people don't either however I would listen to a disturbed album ten thousand times over listening to uh Nickelback album twice I just I cannot do back I am NOT a back fan faster these guys what is he doing guys what is happening never mind damn this game is [ __ ] hard wait until you see some of the guns that I get later on the weapons are what make this game okay okay hover hover for a bit I have two [ __ ] please stop I still really like this music like holy [ __ ] it's pretty cool what is there like a non-sexual way to play watching Netflix with a bro Netflix and come over Netflix nice well [ __ ] Christ 20 Lobster Evelyn you know what I've got two lives it's tonight it's the first time I've had to play a game in a while where I had to worry about lives yeah this is what shooters were like kind of torturous but more rewarding to complete and also lots of sex noises and disturb noises for me that's like the qualifications rewarding difficult no checkpoint well yeah you know minimal checkpoints regenerating health sex noises disturbed noises men with bones through their noses what was the best first-person shooter on the n64 not counting Goldeneye I know a lot of people would then say Perfect Dark Donkey Kong 64 wasn't a first person shooter though yeah Donkey Kong whoa boys Donkey Kong 64 had a first person shooter thing I'm not really talking about like platformers that do first-person as well because then you could count bench oh wow hmm then you could count banjo kazooie - I'm obviously hitting puberty by the way Tarak is holding a sausage says someone from the chat from you know it kind of just looks like he's holding a sausage this is how you're supposed to play this game watch this is how you suppose play that right there you have to do drive by multiple drive-by shootings your [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] blow darts please excuse like what's up this is chillin them two together that's like their Netflix and chill position piece of [ __ ] nice spoiler alert if you don't want to see what the last boss looks like look away you have two seconds if you want to see the jabroni himself there he is a skull face Oh how's it doing that's not enough harm how to protect him that's such an ego thing like when I think of like villains that wear like skulls on their face by the fact that you were a skull on your face then you're probably not a very interesting person yeah that felt good the only person that can get kind of get away with it is immortan joe from the new Mad Max Laura because he was wearing a skull mask it wasn't exactly like just like a skull on top of his head speaking of skulls do you guys want to hear karl karl pilkington talk about one at that time when someone's skull came off if you're saying there's a museum that's keeping everything these loads of other books or that you're looking at the fella roof skulls fell off what we'll see it's interesting in it what do you mean the fellows skulls fellow well that's what happened dear the week's I'll write about what I felt the skull is fell off what do you mean this skull is fell off it's something to do with circulation but what do you mean his skull fell ice in the diary how can a skull fall off because it's surrounded by tissue and got a brain how could just his skull how can it how can it detach itself from all the stuff surrounding and which laid all his dreams all I'm saying is that's not going to look him no because it's not significant or probably true good point Steve all right well let me just I'll just I'll just consult the diary quickly and find the year the moment the man whose skull fell off oh here we are yeah looks like the world's fattest man is having an operation to get rid of some of the fat he has to have an iron bed because that's the only thing that can hold his weight there's also a man whose skull is fell out he's in hospital somewhere I hate that it would make me panic the hospital is busy with people coming in to look at their head what are you talking about there that tells us nothing right it's impossible for a skull to fall out how are scholars in 10,000 years gonna be it what are they going to decipher from that they can sort of because not enough detail but how did his skull fall out circulation problems but answer the question how did this skull fall out fall out of what he was at home and I don't know if he was combing his hair or something but it it come off what is skull what do you mean his skull do you know what the skull is it's a part of the head well it no it's the it's the structure of the head it's the bone do you mean the top of the skull this is only useful if you have all the salient facts then it would be of interest to us we could weaken valve I couldn't tap that on I'm busy I'm not gonna start looking into stuff an in depth just the detail you are the best oh the world well I don't want to be strong but the history is followed by I injured my toe the other day by dropping the toaster instead of letting it hit the floor I tried to catch it with my foot yeah that's god bless Carl apparently the top of a guy's head rotted off Carl cannot explain he doesn't know how to explain himself at all so of course for him his skull came out and that's how you get villains like immortan joe his skull it come off [ __ ] did I do this when I was younger without a mouse and keyboard okay I just got really lucky there for a second Rick the end of the level is coming up something I think I have to do this just go avoid fighting that guy I need one more key go in the portal oh you guys are gonna love this get ready for it there it is another one wait a minute wait a minute I don't remember there being two Jeeps [Music] okay all right you can stop that now dude finally some minigun ammo victory pose yeah all right there's two things I hate its victory poses and men with skulls on their head that wheels that them wheels keep on rolling now we watch historic drinks the key delicious key juice so I'm gonna try to befriend dinosaurs but that's you know there's a little bit of a problem with making friends with dinosaurs oftentimes they don't want to befriend one sec check one two yeah yep audios good audio should be good so this is a new dinosaur I'm gonna try to be its friend hi there little fella do you want me to I'll come back to my place hang out with your uncle to rock yeah got that took a while well it looks like befriending dinosaurs is out of the question so just gonna go through this poor wolf Paul give you a summary if you combine a complete enough [ __ ] together in one package people will like it all right you like Jurassic Park this games got dinosaurs you like independent state it's got aliens you like Star Wars it's got pulse rifles you like Native Americans you may be a Native American of questionable heritage fights qualifies you can fight skull face oh my god they so fast look at that face oh my god oh there's nipples what's going on with his nipples they're like like taco nipples why do they even make that attempt at nipples what with the technology of the late 90s not being able to properly express after mention nipples so these guys have nips great now I'm gonna be checking everyone to see if they've got nips all right they don't have nips then you think you know a game Oh goodbye snake it's it's me cuz you're here a Miller I just want to tell you well skull face had an offspring god damn it tell me about skull face is good well he's a truly psychopathic bastard he's found some kind of ultimate power found a mask of some sort to call down the moon codename Skull Kid ah hell snake you need to put on a green tunic can you do that for us ah Hal such a lustful moons come on really gotta be a way to cheat them out through the through the tree through the tree that worked jump strafing these seemed like impossible caverns to navigate when I was younger tortured jabroni room you can't what is this [ __ ] don't the crazy thing is I actually have to get hit I made a mistake you have to get hit to go to the other side so you can get the ammo and stuff and the health okay nevermind I take it back I don't want any of it it's game is hard there's still the weapon piece that I need to get to [ __ ] a shaman alright explosive shamans why the [ __ ] not how many - until explosive shamans by the [ __ ] night oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Music] it still takes how many shots to take down a [ __ ] iguana live metal I've cone this was a pretty [ __ ] impressive game technologically when it came out and now you look at it and it looks like I don't like a q-tip like a worried q-tip mixed with colors welcome oh god yeah if I tried to take that thing down with just the knife we would be here until midnight xxx my time Oh nope nope nope don't want to be around those guys Tarak is able to run at breakneck speeds for hours at a time that's how I got in probably missed something over here found the minigun it's worth it full ammo not even full ammo nevermind so what else okay all these portals we're gonna go to this one first get ready for disorientation this is an ancient sacrificial chamber and definitely not a lazy excuse to rush a level out of production I promise okay I'd like to just say now and for the record [ __ ] those guys and everything they represent thank you how are you fast sorry but uh oh I am miss to do with a grenade launcher to it yes yes my name is bunts toboggan II and today we're gonna talk about to Iraq are there secrets in the walls my other question is is every whoa is every voice that Vinnie does just some kind of weird modification of Sonic the Hedgehog find out tonight and tomorrow at 11:00 it's always 11:00 always find out 11:00 [Music] random screams of horror in the background this game had really good atmosphere for its technological limitations Oh eat a dick eat a dick it brought me back to the beginning I guess that's the end of it that's that's the end of the level and once you do all your stuff that's where you have to go just do this real quick in there George George the rock monster that's his home I invaded his home I won't make the same mistake again he's guarding something in there he's guarding armor all right all right sorry George oh there's the other piece [ __ ] if I know how to get down there but portal depositing me onto lava that's twice I've run the same mistake I can't believe you've done this [Music] did they all go to the same [ __ ] place okay oh no more spare imitation [Music] if anyone needs voice acting for a video game if anyone here is a developer I have one particular set of skill and that skill is back crackles are coming back check check crackles hard to speak waves over two years No you [ __ ] how did you do that how did you say they can climb you [ __ ] can climb I got the piece Tucker what's that sound coming from your room why does it sound like a man thrusting oh no it's too rock like with Vinnie says I have two [ __ ] Tucker that's not helping oh I missed a key set guys one second sorry about that it's my alarm just uh it was there just wake me up so I could Street that was it if another first-person shooter was made that was like this with levels that you had to find keys and you know collect 1ups like that would you buy it with modern technology but the same exact gameplay conventions is this it's like a lot of people would do it that was literally right there a little effort to get to it but it was right there I can hear like numbs to the song Yama yeah no not much okay level five the catacombs I think I remember the catacombs what did you come from [ __ ] skull face and a lot of the 2d platformers that got really popular again like Nintendo started doing Kirby in 2d well you know what Kirby's pretty much always been side-scrolling so when I say to 2d I mean side scroller Yoshi kind of stayed side scroller but when Mario went back to side scroller with the new super mario new new new by this because it's new when that happened I think it was shown that people still had quite the appetite for a 2d side-scroller I know this noise is awful and annoying [Music] it's so good such a nice noise it's a symphony of [ __ ] I thought this series had a lot of potential after the n64 days I don't know what the hell happened I never even owned a Torah game after Tarak 3 were there any Torah games after Tarak 3 that were legitimately worth owning and not just starring John Tarak Space Marine with the bald shaved head just because that's the style the kids like it these tastes track evolutions awful toric evolution is men tomb raider tomb raider is in a first-person shooter however i did play tomb raider - I uh knew and I thought the controls were just [ __ ] terrible when people were talking about Tomb Raider it wasn't about the game it was about Lara Croft boobs and they were just triangles I'm not in it for triangles I'm in it to win it they're like you got to play this game her boobs and Here I am you know playing the game don't like it I think it kind of sucks get criticized at school because I didn't really like the game so I ended up just saying I liked it oh nice there it is good yeah that's one less thing to worry about in this level here's another series timesplitters I've loved timesplitters you could play as a duck alright that's for me that's all I need [Music] oh you need anyway I don't know why you guys continue to watch the stream seriously did I kill it this lovely sauce took a big [ __ ] maze - what are these noises what are these noises enemies are getting stuck on walls it's a new weapon I don't even remember this gun oh oh now I do that just took it's really [ __ ] good lost pretty [ __ ] hardcore right now what a [ __ ] ass I am luckily I'm moving at the pace of a small car so I'll get there at no time you know what it is it's the Native American magic that he has I have no idea like who he is really on the inside is he a sensitive guy does he have a girlfriend does he like to like to go for coffee there's a lot of different things that we don't know about the guy look at the man behind the legend hashtag the man behind the legend [ __ ] fisticuffs with the Raptor whip lizard delivers a Christ [ __ ] [ __ ] this is definitely something that aggravates me about the game is the respawning enemies oh my god did you see what I just did oh I just wanted to see what was in there nothing it's just back to the beginning of the level can't get me can't get me [ __ ] missing key I need some Tarak experts maybe someone knows where that keys oh it's a boss fight oh you're right oh god yes you are right oh man oh god I gotta fight Oh mantis Oh I remember this boss holy [ __ ] I forgot that this boss existed until just now but now I remember it so the secret to this boss is you have to move backwards a lot and then get this you got to shoot him if you really because if you don't shoot him angrily then you die and he will win look at that truck look at that tall rock face [ __ ] jacked he was quarterback in high school got all the babes I will now use this opportunity to collect ammo life hacks why did that become such a thing everything is a hack video everything's like some form of hack on how to like die attacks you know the only hacks that I can think of are the hack frauds that are putting out these articles level 6 treetops village this love will probably benefit quite a bit from the improved draw distance my 80 something-year-old grandmother she watches some of the worst television I've ever seen in my life my ex teens the dead pregnant wife that's like you know the name of the shows I don't even know if that's the name of it you know what it probably is someone just said admit it if you had a TV show and you were left to your own devices you make the most awkwardly offensive show ever a mix of Andy Milonakis and Tom Green yeah well I mean when I worked at the TV station the local TV station they gave me a show they wanted me to do it show what I didn't realize is that I didn't have full access to do whatever thing I wanted the show was a parody [Music] there were definitely elements of Tom Green in there what the [ __ ] just happened that's two lives me and my buddy Paul had this idea of what if we film a show live and pretend it's in the 80s I Staten Island welcome to down to business that's right the only show on Staten on that gets down to business now we should get down to some topics penny wait think let's get down to business then just talk about stuff in the 80s like news events Ronald Reagan one thing I want to say to you Queens although we're separating boroughs there's one thing you can do to keep this relationship nice and strong and what does that Bennie Ronald Reagan and get down the business Madonna she's good she's high but twenty years from now people gonna be talking about Peter J Peter Gabriel you'll be hearing him on the radio yup Madonna not so much time is let me tell you right now Peter Gabriel's gonna be touring until the end of time goes to put it that way all right we had the most callers of almost any show that I've ever seen at my old job call you on the ass get down to business with the motivation on this show what are you trying to accomplish I mean I don't know what you got the sign if you guys are like apparently from the eighties or some indeterminate decade from the past we don't know too much about what you're talking about well we do know that see TVs going places in about 20 years from now we know some good employees one of years probably be around maybe Madonna won't be even her no but Gabe will be around I want to thank you for calling and thank you for tuning in it's good to know that we have a lot of fans out there and the crazy thing is it was deemed offensive there was nothing offensive about it let's see Babs don't forget I'm gonna come in and pay for my mods our balls and I ended up quitting the job and that was only the starter to quit we did a fake cooking show welcome to the program what's cooking that's right the only show on Staten Island that answers the most serious question ever what's cooking my name is Jeff my name is Sam now you're probably thinking at home who are these guys do they really know anything about cooking the answer is no the end yes with a fake grill make sure it's press down right on the on the on the fire there you want to get a nice toast right through there make sure you know you got a lot of rivets that's right in the flesh of the blonde a bun that was not even a grill it was literally just a cooking tray and we were pretending to cook hotdogs on it and suddenly you have Labor Day hotdog Labor Day - camera guy can we get a close-up of the hot dog look at that Labor Day huggy that this is Labor Day hot dog for you and for us good man every time you get your holiday pizzas that's right that's right what kind I don't know sorry regular pizza man and we were like you know like chopping up watermelons Paula are you cooking watermelon little bit of watermelon on the side that's right that's it yeah nothing better than a good water man wash it down a little bit of watermelon you are set for the weekend my friend that's right you get silly with a [ __ ] on all right now you want to check the watermelon you want to make sure that it's tender enough to be cut you see I'm checking it right now that's right checking it it's pretty tender it's good it's ready to be cut which is good you want to get a too ripe you know and watermelon mostly is water I mean think about it it's water in my ward although it's a cold savory dessert you want to spice things up a little bit throw it on the grill toss it right on the grill you cook it down right there a little bit of watermelon even though there was no fire we were told we could not do it because we were gonna burn down the building and before we go I think it's time we sing our our traditional Labor Day song as we leave you guys tonight sure that's right now we're doing said every grill party this is called Labor Day Labor Day Oh Labor Day Labor Day cutting some watermelon on Labor Day and we're grilling some food on Labor Day and we're cooking some meats here on Labor Day and I'm catching squirrels and putting them on my grill because I'm fruity on Labor Day and what can you do this holiday Labor Day and what else is good for this day moustaches moustache labor rights and finally heat up that grill on Labor Day [Music] you sing the song you do the grill good night everybody you just got cooked that's white what's cooking everybody so I just gave up at that point you know I tried to do everything I could we did one more like from England my name is Arthur and this is Nigel and we're from Liverpool and we're just looking for something to do because we're in the wrong borough apparently Sicily it's like we're famous great wreck killed well I'll tell you what let's do a little bit of weather okay so um Nigel take it away what kind of weather do you got oh right uh here it goes for whether it's gonna be raining for quite some time all right thanks Nigel all right very nice carry on gotta say Oh strong team that's good see good team right here rumbly tumbly Tommy so what I've seen so far a beautiful place beautiful place great alekhya great record and a great place great non-callable foolish dogs can I get your name what's your name sweetheart [Music] it's like a musical no that makes more music it's beautiful this should be more popular in England man that's pretty cool we had someone over a little while but it wasn't really worth the effort honestly my passion is not in doing TV shows [Music] would you say you got more concurrent viewers live-streaming here than what your old job got I don't know it was basically you know you'd put on a show hmm you put on a show and then you tell your friends to watch and then your friends would watch and then forget about it in a week that was what public access plus there were some pretty amazing shows terrible Tim if anyone knows who that is the brother man will with the brother mill and the man mill skill [Music] brother man [Music] [Music] who became a bit of a local legend around here and got banned from numerous establishments yeah his video got spread around the internet he became a bit of a meme for a little while there he was a local Staten Island guy Jay Miller still does a show there's some good stuff if you are a girl and you see a pretty girl let it go ding ding if you want love five fingers in the glove hold hands ding ding ding ding like there's some quality but it was mostly like religious programming it was hard to find genuinely entertaining stuff there's a show called industrial television this meeting will give you an opportunity to fill out your babysitting information sheet which is a must for every efficient babysitter be sure you have all the important telephone numbers such as the police the fire department the number where the parents are it was basically the most [ __ ] up [ __ ] that they could find all in one place [Music] I'm tempted to say snuff stuff but I don't think it went that far maybe it did like weird videos from like different parts of the world just bizarre stuff that you'd watch at night [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] let me say this despite me sounding like it was all sour grapes I met a lot of good people I met a lot of friends I got a lot of good experience I had a lot of fun I learned how to edit properly there I guess that's about it having your own show where you could do anything you want I mean that would have been perfect for me but think about it isn't that this I don't particularly like being on TV I'd rather do radio and this is more a mix of radio than anything so this is pretty much exactly I'm doing exactly what I wanted to do actually kind of 100% worked out that was the coolest thing this gun will ever do one thing I really am NOT crazy about is how they kind of dropped the ball [Applause] on the energy weapons in this game you really only need to use this one you know if I I don't realize how much this [ __ ] grenade launcher actually does to me until I decide to look down at my health and have one health left what is this man's face oh my god I'll also look at the nipples some kind of weird metal taco nipples now what a [ __ ] what a [ __ ] I'm still alive cool cool collision detection yeah level eights gonna be really oh that one's gonna be a [ __ ] how do I have the last key but not the first two or the piece of the gun what the [ __ ] it's got guns on it holy [ __ ] god I'm about to die traitor well what's the last movie you guys saw in a movie theater more than once the new Mad Max is definitely a good choice to see twice that's a [ __ ] great movie to watch in the theater [Music] this game has this really nasty tendency to just put you in front of enemies [ __ ] suit this game has a tendency to put you in front of things and just like deal damn deal damage you just get damage dealt to you oh man there's people that don't know what toric is all right let me explain you are a Native American warrior named toric your name you're a genius all right not to be confused with the Marine Rambo toric who starred in later games who has no relation to the main character aside from the last name I'm assuming anyway toric means son of stone and toric is a dinosaur hunter the dinosaur hunter there is an evil leather jabroni who's into S&M and bondage okay how is this my name my character's name is snake and the the the villain his name is Khan facts you collect keys and pieces of a giant gun which is actually not mandatory but we're gonna do it this is not some type of enemy I need to be out of ammo all right well all the keys are retrieved but we're missing I'm missing the gun and that's something I think oh I am no longer missing the gun I am missing another gun there is a weapon over yonder there's a father over yonder oh come on god damn it I just wanted to get on the bridge I see something did you see that down there there's some there's some [ __ ] down there I don't know what that is there's like a piece of pizza I'm gonna save and try my luck by jumping down [Music] well why would there be pizza down there if there's not a pizza party you see that oh I think that I think they were placed and properly by the level designers I had never noticed that I think with the fog on the n64 version you would have never seen it hey let's let's find out no you would have seen it what the [ __ ] man I don't think it's a troll so much as it's just some level designer was going through the level and placing those pizzas and they just misplaced a pizza oh well that explains a lot you [ __ ] just jump up there please no please leave never mind that you actually you get a little bit more speed if you strafe look at that you sneaky son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] you we not with these things come from Lodi you are in the a few minutes ago now you are a little older econ bastard one one health full health okay level seven the level I remember the least of course they like three letter names and in Star Wars it almost it kind of makes a lot of sense if you think about it it makes sense to have shorter one cut of one syllable names because kids what do you remember more PO or Finn or Ray do you remember ki-adi-mundi I don't how about Dexter jettster sure Jar Jar but that was you know we all know that was a misstep you never repeat the name twice you never do that ever how about seal Bibble remember that guy how about cervix intestine do you remember him from the the prequels I don't that's a good Star Wars name one syllable last name oh my god the [ __ ] Raptors hat guys look at this look at this [ __ ] the Raptors fighting the Iguanodon the Raptor is got metal leg and gun arm that's why this game kicks as much ass as I said it does [Music] Vinnie's gonna get a copyright strike for showing footage of Jurassic world - you know it's gonna happen we already got the indominus rex who is like you know smart smart dinosaur next is gonna be cyborg dinosaurs that's the only place the franchise can go Petula madula alright it's spelled spatula but it's pronounced batula batula medulla uses a tommy gun and knives and a tommy gun that shoots knives which as we know is the most dangerous weapon in the in the rim you can't fool me poisonous plant I know what you're gonna do that's a man trap oh [ __ ] you gotta activate it before you shoot it you got to get close enough to make it come alive like an animate it and then it takes damage I just wasted so much ammo [ __ ] oh yeah some Rockets gonna need them because look at this [ __ ] dude riding and armored Triceratops with rocket launchers still not that either still not dead just a bullet sponge the enemies in this game are I really don't require very much strategy except to run around them fast and they're just bullet sponges back in my day this is how the first-person shooters were and we [ __ ] loved it goddamn it remember admiral bone to pick okay I'm done for real oh the fusion cannon I remember this kind of I thought I had all the weapons already it's basic it's a nuke do I remember the Sith Lord what's the Sith Lords name I didn't read it I thought it said Funyun he was the first to break the rule of two and instituted the rule of three it's that you can't have only two Funyuns you have to go for three Funyuns done for you yeah yeah I remember that done for real [Music] that's me that's my Jedi name I know really I'm done for real for real right now I'm not doing any more Star Wars name so you have my word have you seen master Funyun lately he's grown quite withered that was my manly voice [ __ ] grenade launcher does so much damage to me I am Tupac okay let me do it right oh cool Park yo can you [ __ ] off plant what did you so much damage what is it what are you what's hurting okay where'd you come from this game is cutting me salty it happened it didn't take too long please don't switch to my most powerful weapon automatically so much why do you have so much life and you I don't even need to kill the [ __ ] I really don't to progress I don't I just wasted that much ammo this game just doesn't want me to have a good time get me back up chief I need to go back up there so I have unfinished business with things on the surface okay there is no way back up later this is kind of insane just the amount of [ __ ] they're throwing at me all at once ya know just gonna run eat my fecal she's found a secret it's the chrono sector piece I'm surprised they found that I'm gonna my first try okay you want to see ridiculously overpowered weapons wait until I put this chrono sceptre piece thing together unfortunately without cheats you only ever use it once which is on the final boss so it's it's a final boss maker easier Oh God was warm I run past it yeah [ __ ] the warm man I'm not fighting that I say as I get introduced to more warm hang on guys we're gonna do a little research what's the oldest stream you have June 17th but I see you don't know who they don't know what the [ __ ] [ __ ] it's Duke Nukem Forever through this through this video quality yep it's gonna be a bumpy ride you can say that again a scratch listen to the audio quality listen to the way I speak beside you got a [ __ ] [ __ ] in my mouth looks really like unaffected inserting the catheter into your pee hole and then place inserting normally into the catheter directly into your pee hole oh my god that's like trying to fit a baseball bat for your dick wow that's that's some intense [ __ ] Ben that's almost like vine sauce mad libs insert things directly once's to be fair the driving did suck in this game but yeah a lot of my old streams I found always very just uninterested and very tired it's because I didn't realize that you know I sounded like that I didn't have time to change it until a few years later and when I was like oh you know what I actually want to put a little bit more life into my streams even if it's only an extra 10 to 15% but yeah look at this driving that do that Duke Nukem Forever driving I'm still bitching no indication of where they're shooting me from that is cheap that is cheap yeah definitely and it's like the same it's the same me bitching about things oh here's one here's okay I got one more for you this is the some of the earliest stuff I have if not the earliest stuff I have this is from June 18th view though okay what's left here oh ouch three pillars do that do that believe in new memes if [ __ ] disappeared static that was a constant listen to just the constant hum it's like I'm on the [ __ ] enterprise space my final friendship so I mean the streams look a little bit better and they sound a little bit better too thank God but yeah i streamed Final Fantasy 10 this was my first time playing Final Fantasy 10 and I did not particularly love it for those that say they want me to upload those streams to full sauce probably not but I'll take a look through you know Never Say Never I don't know why people would want to see this crap I don't think it's that interesting you know what someone just had a good idea that I'm gonna take a step further what the [ __ ] was that so what's the deal here am I missing something major think I'm lost come away with me to a world of pure imagination Alice [ __ ] it's a shame the alien blaster and all these other [ __ ] guns are just garbage does that look like a [ __ ] jump I could make geez Oh My Jesus Oh My Jesus Oh My Jesus oh my geez why does Robert Plant not say Jesus most of the time he's just saying Jesus he goes oh my Jesus he's avoiding copyright infringement is that what that is against the holy roman church my compressor ain't compressing I know I said Church very loud but if it you know I'll review the footage like the JFK tape remember how they reviewed that footage and they determined that there was no foul play and everything was okay I'll be the that committee what did they call the committee looked into the Kennedy assassination and totally wasn't paid by or paid for you know and and provided by the US government anyway back into the left back to the left back and to the left back and to the left that is a conspiracy I think I don't really have too many doubts something [ __ ] you went on there I think this is a boss fight [ __ ] guys I missed a key [ __ ] [ __ ] okay I'm happy again I got the key stabbing the [ __ ] out of this dinosaur I don't even give a [ __ ] I did it guys finally no no no no save guys is this a whole level oh sweet God dear [ __ ] God Almighty look at this who would build something like this this whole facility of electric and metal what's the point yeah now I remember I remember this cave it took the cave oh yeah now this was a pain in the ass level there's this there's a bit to this my name Barack only shoot alien they kill Bible Torah Bible Torah did bable bable bable bable rock the taurog shot you I just wanted to get to the save point man but I didn't realize how long level seven was gonna take okay I'm dead look at that it brought me back to level seven how is that for some [ __ ] Wow immediately the first enemy you have to fight is Triceratops sprocket but they do give you plenty of grenade oh my god there's two of them come on I mean this is how you did it there is no strategy there was no style you just shot the thing many times until it died his dinosaur crushed him this is the sequel to Jurassic world right here the indominus rex has found a way to pilot a rocket ship it goes to space aliens find it okay aliens fight hang on just bear with me it's gonna get good they turn it into a cyborg so now it's the indomitable Rex this [ __ ] thing is smart it's stupid I mean how cool it is yeah it's stupid cool and now it's actually it's gonna fight aliens Oh make it time-travel to it kills Hitler yeah it's gonna kill aliens it's gonna kill Hitler starring Rob Schneider short listen to those tribal rhythms the rhythms of disturbed disturbs greatest hit portal all the platforms fall [ __ ] if ever I've needed ammo in this game it's right now [ __ ] I've never streamed a quake game now i've never streamed into it either [ __ ] that as many dicks as possible police every deck he can get his hands on it was it was eaten I watched the sonic cartoon and I'm not even a sonic fan but I could not watch the pac-man cartoon shoot good I hear technology shit's getting real which is on a cartoon the one with the chili dogs [Music] that's why all my stupid impressions of Sonic are related to chili dogs and like yeah fast it's all because of that show the robot and the bend the chicken I don't know their names so I just call them chicken and robot it's like when I was younger I watched Mystery Science Theater and I used to call them mousse and squeegee because I didn't know the characters names so they were just mousse and squeegee because they looked like a mousse and a squeegee oh [ __ ] trap door don't want okay just I had to you need shitty bender you want me to do the voice of shitty bender is that is that a formal request how wanted is shitty bender that's that's the question okay that's not a secret area I want to make sure that you guys want this I'm gonna build this up like it's this big decision for me to do a shitty impression right and then the shitty impression is gonna last one sentence and then it's not gonna happen again for like come on all right there's the straw poll you guys can votes in the chat currently winning with an 84% all right the thing is though you have to get above 90% otherwise I'm not doing it I didn't say it was for a majority I said it was for a high majority you know just now I said that like just that sentence everyone's telling me to [ __ ] off no you know you know you the know is rising Oh not the best idea I've had all day ohyeah dick okay let's see 934 people voted it's an 84% yes all right here's what we're gonna do I am going to do a sentence in the shitty bender voice but here's how we're gonna do it I've never done this before and probably never will again so nightbot is gonna choose a random member of the chat and then you type in the chat when I say your name what sentence you want me to say a shitty bender if you don't want me to do shitty bender just say no in quotations alright so here we go random active user jg h s 48 if you're in chat and you're active this is you can just type in chat and no or a sentence and i'll say it all because one person asked me to do a shitty bender impression it turns it into a competition holy [ __ ] yes alright that's not the thing that's not the thing you know you get a chance to actually type a sentence so while I wait for your sentence I'll play a little bit more torque and then when you got a sentence I'll say it the lengths I go to Ultra Health another ultra health nice okay I'm gonna pick another winner because this person is is not so in quotations new winner you type the sentence or you guys just type know and that'll work as well and I won't do it okay so the new winner I will announce after I'm done getting my [ __ ] brain smashed in by a giant rock monster okay [Music] next winner is lost Marshall you know what to do you know how this works all over the worst impression that I do this is this is the very raw I just wasted a grenade this is the very worse Oh what have I done well as I done oh my god oh oh my god what the [ __ ] did you just [ __ ] say about me you little [ __ ] I have not graduated top of my class in the Navy SEALs I've been evolving numerous secret raids on al-quaeda I've over 300 confirmed wells a trained guerrilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US Armed Forces you're nothing to me but just another target I'll wipe you the [ __ ] out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this earth mark my [ __ ] words [Music] so you want it there was a vote and then a good boy this is what you wanted that impression actually hurts my throat I've been doing it voices and impressions since I was a kid it's it's in my family my father has it my sister has it I have it my uncle always to this day still does Captain Kirk constantly and sometimes I actually will just sit at my computer and do voices for no reason other than it the fact that it's fun and you have as a result shitty impressions that actually sound nothing like the impression that I'm trying to do gay Morgan Freeman is one of them well now when I met Anna Dufresne there was a little bit of fights to desire that was just supposed to be Morgan Freeman but I can't do regular Morgan Freeman she's sure sure like having no weapons it's it's I'm gonna save my game here amazing yeah I guess so I tried Jesus really okay that is bad to be us I'm noting that I mean I know what I did I deserved it somewhat but still student is getting crazy awesome [ __ ] I don't understand the grenade physics in this game I think I'm headed towards where the chrono sceptre pieces gonna have a weapon that won't kill me if I [ __ ] shoot it no I don't is the answer to that question every weapon that I have will kill me so farmer at least whoa hey it's me venom peewee and I'm here to tell you that drugs are bad and so are scars is labyrinthian a word because I think [ __ ] off with that [ __ ] cool I would use that word to describe tarak right now oh is this a death pit anyone [ __ ] anyone who's played this recently did I miss the chrono scepter I didn't pretty sure these guys are anybody I was invited to a thing in Los Angeles and I'm just like I think about the flight and then I kind of like gargle a little bit and I'm like mad I don't think I want to do that it seems like such a chore when I was younger too I was on a flight from the Bahamas and I just I was at the time getting over my fear of flying and I was starting to enjoy it and I look out the window and lightning strikes the engine and we like we lost an engine this is your captain speaking we'd like to prepare you for some turbulence so he's fasten your seat belts and hang on for dear life that was cool I forgot about the lasers look what happened to my health spoilers to the end of this story we lived we ended up living the only other time that I was as sweaty that I can remember in a not hot environment was actually fairly recently when I was having one of my wisdom teeth removed this is when I quit smoking because of the wisdom tooth I needed to I didn't have to quit afterwards I could have resumed but I just took it as a good time to quit we were at actually a vine sauce meeting at Barcade and i remember i was telling KY and Kerry like holy [ __ ] my tooth really hurts and it wasn't it was infected and the wisdom - I knows a little gross sorry but the wisdom tooth needed to come out so I remember eventually you know I had to wait for the the infection to go away had to heal up and then I went into the surgical the the dental surgeon and [ __ ] like was putting a knee in my chest this tooth did not want to come out it was deeply rooted very deeply rooted the process of the drilling and all that fun stuff lasted long enough that I actually started sweating to the floor I was drenched like the back of my shirt was totally 100% drenched and that was just a nightmare just a [ __ ] total nightmare and you had that plane ride okay was the only other time it's been quite that bad okay they didn't put me under I was awake but the anaesthetic was like primo [ __ ] so I was fine I mean you know what fine is subjective I guess but I was unable to process how bad life was at that short period of time fully but yeah it just took a while and it was just like the dude was like really really going at it and that and that plane ride from Hell where the two probably two of the worst times in my life evylyn chatter saying it made me moist yeah I mean that is definitely the word I would use that is an appropriate word for the situation sure when I was when I was a lad my best friend and I went to Six Flags I'd been to Six Flags when I was younger but I had never gone on a roller coaster because there was such a I guess I was like 15 16 where I was about 15 I'd say but I didn't want to tell him I was like kind of ashamed to admit I had never gone on a roller coaster so I just told him I did and it was the Batman and Robin yes from the Batman and Robin movie the shittiest [ __ ] movie ever and it's basically a roller coaster that you sit in your legs dangle you go forward you go up and then you go backwards it's a really short ride it's really intense and I hated it but I you [ __ ] eat a dick I'm not taking that that death I thought they were stuffed down there so I went on this goddamn roller coaster and by the time I was done with it I had to play it off like it wasn't that bad meanwhile I was [ __ ] bricks that said despite me [ __ ] bricks I loved it it wasn't even a good roller coaster but yeah that day I was like forcing my friend to go on every roller coaster we could and we like waited on so many lines went on the medusa think that medusa was around at that time the Viper which was Six Flags Great Adventure if anyone's curious it's in Jersey put on the VIPRE which is just whiplash the ride skull mountain wishes an indoors like dark roller coaster that you can't see anything that was pretty good and that was my first roller coaster experience and then I just kept wanting to go back to Six Flags every year after that and I did well for a few years at least aliens it's another nukes just wasted nurse just wasted that whatever I'm not coming back here just gonna get the [ __ ] thing okay chat have I missed the chrono scepter yet it's after a boss you can't miss it okay good every dick that as an existence could be eaten by these cyborgs right now that was the most fitting use of that weapon thus far thank God that was satisfying I don't know about you but I almost screamed my pantaloons all right I still like this game a lot but this level did not age well this level is sticks that said there are shades of gray in life and I feel like despite that I'm actually still enjoying myself I know I seem like I have I like I sometimes hate video games but I like video games a lot I just sometimes have to speak my mind about what I think aggravates me about it this [ __ ] dudes these dudes with the pulse rifles stop how many shades there's 50 of them one of them is Davy's gray that's a shade of gray oh hey spike pit I don't even remember this level being this long please I need the elevator oh god please on their fighting good good elevator I think this is the end let's see all right how do you know that this is the end pillars check skull decorations lining the hallway check hallway check and hanging bodies that are still bleeding and moving in a non windy environment check got it oh I remember this yep there's the t-rex with the shoes the sneakers running away I always thought it was a little weird that this boss was at the end of level 8 right before the final boss [ __ ] guy's either using nuke the pretty decent amount of damage are you guys gonna finish this and there's the chrono sceptre is the most powerful weapon in the game kneeling at three shots and you only use it for one boss there is there's the jabroni man I told you he was wearing true boney leathers do so much damage registers him oh that was a miss I did not I did not want to miss that shot I think she just dissolved my nuke I'll [ __ ] the nuke doesn't work Leatherman this is doing backflips and [ __ ] he's got like a pic I don't know what the hell he's got guys it's a weird weapon it's a really weird weapons engine brownie axe great good thing I did all that damage to myself I'm not gonna risk killing myself many good it is there he is a skull face yes he's dead there's no way he's gonna survive the singe and there's torque you're becoming more like your father to rock here let's let's do one for old times sake oh yeah I skipped by accident on the eighth day God created Chirac the big cheat has been activated [Music] the damn [ __ ] there's yeah that's amazing that stunk I'm so good at this next pose these sheets were a lot of fun let's fight in long hunter or is it worse the Jeep run over by a jeep Toric's greatest enemy to date the car it is Donald Trump holy [ __ ] you're right make dinosaur land great again earing like I said you can't kill the monkey like Oh God oh my god that's a lot bigger than I thought it would be yeah face again don't know why he sonic good face raw I want to just check and see if the t-rex has a big big head oh my god yes it does that is [ __ ] huge well even with the chrono scepter the t-rex does not go down like a [ __ ] he's more immune to it than the jabroni man at the end was it's just I'm inside of him may his head blot out the sky all right now keep in mind lens flare in the late 90s was the [ __ ] so we noticed the one I remember by well that lens flare looks so cool I'm gonna open my Adobe Photoshop 3.0 and load the eye candy plug-in and give everything lens flare okay thank you so much for to playing my game [Music]
Channel: bowwoo
Views: 48,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinsauce, Vinny Vinesauce, Turok Dinosaur Hunter, Jurassic Park, The Rose-Tinted Cut, bowwoo
Id: 4zLBp5eY8XM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 43sec (6043 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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