Vinesauce Vinny: Space Kids [The ATDQ Cut]

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okay I don't know much about this game other than I needed to play it all right space kids I'm gonna do a couple runs we're gonna be you know checking out my head times making sure that I'm prepared for speedrun marathon maybe I'll get some good RNG [ __ ] yeah dog house yeah you know pirate ship that [Music] doesn't sound good music I try to make space jazz as instrument face but I cannot make the good music really really gonna start the whole [ __ ] song all over again when the night has come and the moon is dumb you know what was cool about that mini game is that for a rhythm based mini game in 1994 I think it's kind of cool that it exists but what wasn't cool about it was that you had to press the button like a second after the beat yes I controlled that I made that happen [Music] oh [ __ ] it's a pirate night for the sperm oh that's a hook I have no answers you will not find any here there's no way out of here tonight none of us are adults and we could all use one right about now to explain this but no first person to tell me where to go is where I go left I saw left first someone said that this is a flesh mod I can't believe space kids invented Sunday streams in 1994 this is like an amalgamation of kid shows from my youth being spit back up there's some kind of like food poisoning what would you know what would it have been like to be a kid and play space kids like the age of five your brain is still so [ __ ] malleable and weird oh okay did you just squeeze the raw the warm please don't squeeze the worm I mean this this has to have been storyboarded right someone in this world knows what this game is about so this is what happens when you eat the tubby Koster at home my hat no yes doodle dip trying to steal the [ __ ] hat this is my hell welcome to it I can share it with you I'm not controlling the kid I'm controlling the bat dog only true vine sauce gamers will know doodle dip years from now at the mere utterance of doodle dip stint recollection of our shared experiences will be known to us now to avoid the vulva [Music] so I said uvula you better watch out you better watch out you better watch out he's gonna find out I'm going to give you the people's elbow Christmas this year doodle dip makes me irrationally angry it's weird you get to control many different things in this game including the things that are trying to kill the main characters that was as close as I was gonna get got it also you realize they can just escape like they're smaller than the circumference of the wheel within the spokes yeah no I don't like that please let's not go back to the flesh ball now you know what it means to doodle dip my name is Wayne Brady I don't like Colin Mochrie don't like Ryan Stiles the end holy [ __ ] [Music] the up the end it's like the [ __ ] always sunny cast Barry is Dennis Dave is Mac it's sweet Dee at the bottom I wish we sure this isn't just a deep dream [Music] are we doing given moon jobs okay so we'll do this part again thank you for the piece of advice that s is skip you know what that pirate ship seemed like a lot of fun I should stay captured by the pirate men and that [ __ ] you pirate man take me to the ship anyway here's a completely unrelated scene of two rats beating the [ __ ] out of each other I mean in some ways this is kind of a neat concept you get to replay your favorite cartoons over and over and over again and each time you replay it it could be different except the cartoon isn't your favorite because it's [ __ ] cursed someone's been doodle dipping in the grog laters fire the rats saving the children [Music] that's not the children that is a bad trip yeah no this is cursed highly [Music] [Laughter] undeniably cursed you and back into captivity well this guy is a [ __ ] sick bastard not okay with this but there's slightly more pressing matters to attend to like escape before inevitable demise now we're just doodle dippin again no sir I don't like it could you maybe have made the elephant blue well now I'm in control of the knife oh [ __ ] what is he doing here this is like a totally different thing like the grandpa was captured in a completely different way this time see now we're using these porn musical friends to hurt rats we're no better than the pirate knife I'm freeing them yeah I guess gonna need a doodle dip right about now oh this games got a boss battle worst gameplay in videogame history yo what if it never failed this there is no hero of the story keep in mind that just earlier I was playing as the knife [Music] now I can shoot fireworks knife for me sorry nice to meet you music notes are now free the grumpy old pirate doesn't like music and fun and in the end it was his undoing and thus the q-tips rejoiced it's a friendly rat game is hard my RNG isn't going so well I might have to reset tough game men this is probably like the hardest part of the game you know that right [Music] there he is oh there's the pirate ship alright so far we're getting good rng I [Music] remember these events we are these new events oh wait now these aren't new events I don't think so there's grandpa there's grandpa you got one we're not doing the pirate ship this time I did pirate ship last time looks like we're doing the pirate ship this time pirate run confirmed so contrary to popular belief that path streams have been their lower streams ever this is officially now the worst dream I've ever done also there's a large electrical fire in Queens and it turned the sky blue and people are saying it was the end of the world which may give you some indication as to why I'm streaming this currently I didn't see if I was inside when it happened but the size of this lad yeah I think that the the blue flames have like subconsciously influenced me on my drive home I was like you know what I don't want people to have a good time tonight how [ __ ] dare you oh it's this minute again it's amazing how these sound effects are now like ingrained in my [ __ ] memory and I only ever played it one time this run is going going good I'm gonna do everything in my power to lose can't catch me caught me beaver dream music oh that was a tall it's a high-pitched one look at it bro I'm controlling the knife now so just what you thought you're the protagonist you're just an agent of chaos you you were a force of nature oh I let the rats catch me no more mr. nice guy there's a premature noodle dip and wait so this is the exact same run as last time [ __ ] all right bad run a bad run next one will be much better Vinny why are we here why are we still here just to suffer yes and they're dead someone just said this game has more branching paths than Red Dead apparently it doesn't matter if you make the elephant sick it's fine I just have to not crash into the elephant wow I did it hi there we go there we go we're going down the tongue my most difficult task yet well we have a new character you gonna give me back my hat oh don't give it to me like that you [ __ ] weirdo [Laughter] that you just witness the doodle dip hello doodlee doodlee doodlee do dip you dip dude Lin dip you do ocean is this a cat oh no oh no no pencil man okay his Wild booty now the main protagonist of this game oh Jesus we're dippin hard tonight I'm gonna save these other random creatures because they seem to be more interesting than the pencil I am enthralled by this that's actually pretty good cat animation for this game this is like rare this is a rare scene everybody you suck [Music] grandpa isn't a clam the clamp aah oh [ __ ] this is a little too complicated for me I don't know how to fix this that looks like an S it appears to be blood and also an ass pipe oh those are eyes and this and this is how the electrical fire happened in Queens tonight kids come on you old perv this is the best run this is the best run i've done of this game yet we got some new scenes and this to me is like this feels like the canonical canonical rescue of grandpa and grandpa got he self some behind you look out [Music] worst ending okay plant pod wasn't actually that bad this little anticlimactic I mean grab my climax but you know the ending wasn't all that amazing let's do a hardcore run if the purple one dies I have to shut the game off and eat a bean Vinny let's do a run where we switch to a good game what are you trying to tell me about this game go left with elephant and fall off the right side of the slide all right safe it's cool because there's always someone new that's joining this and watching it and they're like I don't know what the [ __ ] is happening every time I've but what looked like a scene from an alien invasion movie turned out to be an explosion at a Queen's power plant so my internet went out I don't know if it has to do with the blue apocalypse that's happening over in Queens but my internet light just totally turned off completely but hey you didn't miss any doodle dippin content gotcha [ __ ] wait why are you going no no don't do the pirate ship hang on a minute we haven't seen this yet this is brand new this is a this could be a good run we got to save the blue the blue tipz not strong anyone path I got a pile of trash fighting with each other that sounds great [Music] he's dead I gotta eat it bean it's a hardcore run this bean could be buttered popcorn or rotten egg oops all puke [Music] gameplay oh no we're here again well this could be a repeat but it looks a little different this is like fever dream music so I guess this is more of the same [ __ ] that we saw last time with some modifications this time however I'm going to get the good ending who will run where the pencil dies well I really would like to know how you get the trash scene that rotten egg beam is [ __ ] terrible okay we got instructions on how to do I had it to the trash scene quality content trash scene coming soon goddamnit okay this time I'm not gonna [ __ ] this up [Music] that was an extended cartoon float okay usually in cartoons you get like a two seconds of that and then they look down and fall there's a ten seconds this is just the same ending as before okay well that's why we're gonna do the trash ending this will be the final run of the evening go down the slide get to the part where the pencil is caught by the cat then load the dog into the cannon and miss the cat with the candidate that is such a convoluted set of instructions will you be the top speed runner for this game I already am I think will you be a GDQ albeit tdq a tdq awful trash ton quick it's two it's three my best one getting better [Music] oh wait a minute what the [ __ ] is this my fate has been changed completely oh no we're good we're good wait a minute is this how this went down before I already don't remember what happened 20 minutes ago this is megman oh it's me pencil the metal pencil I'll be [ __ ] [ __ ] might get me the [ __ ] outta here Dawg and then I have to miss the cat [Music] well what if I destroy the cannon oh [Music] there we go I like to think I missed by quite a bit oh she's doodle dipping so hard Oh [Music] official vine sauce mascots wait ranch boys I love the thing on the left like faces look at that expression oh it's amazing okay we'll just keep doing this what's being accomplished here no I mean violence it solves nothing [Music] okay now you have to get caught by the cat and we can get a super secret ending nice this this is the best one yet you got trash you had some rare scenes and now we're gonna get a brand new ending this is the grand finale of space kids that was a fake paint penis no it was a cat tail it's fine who did the thing who stopped enter my gate okay this is a scene that we've experienced think thank God for that cherry in the background by the way cuz that would be really weird scene if there weren't a cherry there it just seems like a series of unrelated [ __ ] oh wait that's exactly what it is is that a Kremlin cannon this is something King K rool would have I want this to be over now is this new does anyone know if this is new content then he I just started watching after having the stream on in the background for an hour and it's worse than I imagined I've mentally checked out of this game like five minutes ago and yeah I was with this game for like the past hour like why why the [ __ ] was I what's wrong with me it's over I did it finally did it I fulfilled my end of the bargain from the bet I lost yes all right and now I finally end the worst stream of 2018 I did it someone she said that was a filler episode that was a clip show thank you so much for to playing my game [Music]
Channel: bowwoo
Views: 83,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinny, vinesauce, vinny vinesauce, fullsauce, vinesauce fullsauce, space kids, doodle dip, speedrun, red vox
Id: kRWwPKcnXoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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