[Vinesauce] Vinny - Mental Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

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it was so cool i jumped on dumb liquid's missile and shot one back huh i bet you would have easily taken him down master yeah you're so cool sure remember back then when we both saw evil dead and i gave you a chainsaw for your arm and you patted me on the head snake i always saw you as a father figure master can we please talk about something else can i call you daddy okay snake i'm liquid it's not worth it what this is just purely for completion of the metal gear solid franchise and for fun uh this is widescreen it's gonna be a little crusty we're gonna get some wide snakes but it mostly works well from what i understand but chat be aware that this came out after metal gear solid 2 and the matrix movie which uh you'll see like that for example the codex receiver directly stimulates the small bones of your ear small bones i'll try not to do that horrendous voice vinnie you will not be able to stop yourself from doing a shitty snake no matter how hard you try i'm gonna try a little bit [Music] [ __ ] no one's here stop wait so this is a stealth game who's there no no one no you won't you don't see me no chat it's fine i'm telling you i got this i know how to play this game remem reminder that the cutscenes were going to be much closer to the original but kojima said no that true kojima said no i'm in front of the disposal facility behind d classic line what's a russian gunship doing here i've corrupted this moment i have dozens of times first i'm strip searched by dr naomi here and then all my weapons are taken away imagine yourself put in that position well if you make it back in one piece maybe i'll let you do a strip search on me i'll hold you to that doctor by the way sorry to disappoint you but i did manage to smuggle out my voice acting well that was really loud what the [ __ ] snake this is mcdonald miller have you tried the new big mac master what are you doing here i quit being a boot camp instructor i love master miller he's a good dude anyway snake thank you for calling in i hope you like that i'm an american man and uh that'll be 495 a minute for the advice oh you [ __ ] this is no stealth challenge run right no this is just get through the game in one piece run it i love the choke sound look at the radar it's picking up the darpa chief he's the green dog the diaper chief hello sir it's me the diaper chief i pooped myself today on my my duty made duty on duty you know what i mean is this johnny do we get to watch johnny take a [ __ ] oh no he's gonna cook a damn cold i hate alaska hot steaming pee oh boy that woman is built all right nice hog it's possible they could launch a nuke [Music] these guys are pros they're all experienced in handling and equipping nuclear weapons hey shut up in there will ya wait isn't snake in some ridiculous pose wait that wasn't in the original right like he was just like ducked down someplace he was to the side of the door and then he becomes spider-man in this version if you want a more serious look at metal gear solid watch my old playthrough from two years ago [Music] you can never finish what you start or you finish too soon huh i want to call up deep throat and have him give me a lecture on what deep throat is it's when you're able to master your gag reflex everybody betray me i'm fed up with this world oh my god liquid looks like warioware won't be happening tonight snake andrus troops have ligma and then slippy's like what's like ligma balls and he's like oh yeah here we go here we go thanks for the help but i've got a jet now chad this may seem gratuitous but this is 100 relevant to the story why though just like that i just i just saw ghost i'm scared colonel it must have been psychometric interference coming from psychomantis foxhound psychic psychometric interference so you're telling me yes that ghosts are real why am i gonna get banned this is a first party triple a game right and there's a sensor over it i just wanted to see how close i could get before the the sensor would go away snake i need you to go to the bathroom right now no just five more minutes snake you're [ __ ] yourself no i don't want to go not yet snake it's me your brother i can smell you doesn't this actually happen in metal gear solid 4 with johnny it does happen with johnny boy remember what de gaulle said the graveyards are full of indispensable men alright snake here's an american quote don't fall in the pit i was gonna quote like terminator or like rambo or something but i couldn't think of anything off the top of my head or here's one um here's a good quote come on kill me now the most american quote i could think of is someone in a thick austrian accent sir i need you to kill me now yep this is the greatest handgun ever made the cult single action army this is a socom it shoots bullets [Music] most egregious example of gameplay breaking right there it's been a long time since i had such a good fight good fight shot in the face four times nice well done what what a disturbing scene i like that it explodes like the the blood but just think about that like you have a hand and then a second later you don't ugh just a thought someone said why didn't it explode until he realized that it was gone nano machines is always the answer is this a vibro blade otherwise i mean i don't know how it cuts through uh concrete oh cool okay yep yep oh man i love it oh more like why the hell the darpa chief is he okay is darpy darpy okay that camera zoom represents forgetfulness snake what the [ __ ] dude it should be on the back of the package try to contact her gonna need that in a gif that's when he gave you the detonation code override keys right that's right amazing you were able to keep them hidden from the guards well women have more hiding places than men don't no don't say that please meryl do you think it's possible for love to bloom where snake on the battlefield in in the pantry i mean anywhere i don't know is love real meryl ah you son of a [ __ ] i needed those [Music] i can't stop doing the shitty stick boys i got i can't i can't help what nope just a box just the box vinnie please chroma key i thought you said vinnie please chokote i was gonna say this is not star trek voyager what chad have you ever played metal gear taco i'm not gonna do it i'm not gonna do it i can't even do it because if i if i did metal gear taco now i'd have to find the taco image and i don't have that on hand you understand it's it's a very difficult image to find all right here we go so as i was saying chad have you ever played metal gear taco [Music] oh god i have to look over at my xsplit every now and then and see that i've already i know you want metal gear taco in the background at all times what are you talking about have you forgotten that's where we keep the nuclear warhead thanks naomi that's really cool naomi there's lots of features if an intruder is sensed gas is released gas gas [Music] oh no they fixed that oh no before we we we uh do the elevator i need to take care of something oh [ __ ] you they saw me and now i can't press the button on the elevator [ __ ] off i went to a deli today and the person who made me my chicken had just ordered tiramisu and the person that owned the deli didn't want it so he was like hey do you uh he's a nice guy he was really really nice he was like do you want you want tiramisu you want slice and he gave me a slice of tiramisu and it was amazing it was really good that was like the best thing that ever happened to me then you should mod him the deli guy i should mod the deli guy hey dude you want to be a mod in my twitch chat [Music] dude dude seriously though snake watch out that place is filled with gas there you go look i just want to know who's keeping their porn in the gas mask room [Music] well thank god for that oh morphe good it's like one of my japanese animes oh my god there it is hey put your sword away i thought we were doing the thing like we were fighting like snakes and stuff you have no honor why don't we just play smash instead there's a gamecube right here gotta shoot mario for health chat it's true you can confirmed i can't believe this is a legit strategy fight's not really done until the cutscene plays [Applause] what's happening it's got a little headache i hate his stupid rodent face as a chat member a nuclear missile on rex so you really didn't know he never even considered it snake he's too busy thinking about his japanese animes do you know who deep throat is fool yes i've seen that movie something's wrong look at the framing call me ottacon oh no here we go chat here we go it stands for otaku convention and otaku is a guy like me who likes japanimation oh gosh see this is what i should think anime is based on metal gear i didn't get into science to make nuclear weapons you know i wanted to make a gundam that's what all scientists say again why is this shot happening like really i became a scientist because i wanted to make robots like the ones in the japanese animes what really it's true mario right now chad i have to check the pistain in metal gear solid 4 when i played it for those that don't know chat was like telling me you get extra lore if you check otacon's pistain and i spent way too long looking at for this imaginary pistain that doesn't exist and there was no extra dialogue it was all japes you still haven't found merrell i met your piss thing it just fades away that's the second time i've been able to sneak up on the legendary solid snake sorry chet you're not allowed to see this it's bad you're married thank you genius kojimbo shouldn't you just be happy we met up like this i'm now i'm sorry oh my god come on use my 45 squeeze my hog i mean i'd use the 45 come on meryl please colonel your niece is fine thank goodness no i mean she's fine not yet you managed to link up with merrell good so now you must have the card trust your instincts as a soldier as a gamer a gamer he says he's laughing at us he was thinking about the eventual um death stranding like this is when he began thinking about it he was laughing at just how many people he would have confused for years to come that's selfish desire to pass on one seed seed was enough to make me sick [Music] oh it just launched itself into me i like how this area of the base is totally inaccessible unless you go god they're following me i was able to see where the minds were placed are you impressed can i just crawl and pick up the minds chat wouldn't that also be viable well check this out meryl not only did i circumvent the minds that their minds now snake just gets shot by meryl after him saying that i hate this part okay it's weird that it just explodes but i mean just in general i hate seeing meryl get shot since i was a kid this part has always been like [ __ ] well if she's still taking shots at merrell that's gonna be no bueno sorry oh god thanks i had an itch there do you know who i am i always are you mr miller finally the two of us meet the brother of light and the brother of dark the twin snakes do you need it i've heard that liquid is the dark part of solid snake's heart i want a sample while i'm still alive there definitely is a resemblance don't you think a little brother i don't know everyone's face is crusty in this game i don't know what about that ninja boss can i take my shirt off no ocelot good morning did you like that looks like i got a roommate who is this who could the roommate be the darpa chief what a stench because he's got no diapers this is a bad joke diaper chief is a bad joke i don't like it anymore he looks and smells like he's been dead for days all his blood's been drained out too drained maybe to slow down all of the blood i have no idea removed from his body i think liquid's a vampire colonel are vampires real what are you hiding from me no snake vampires aren't real metal gear solid 2 comes along colonel you lied to me it's your genes they make you predisposed toward violence you really like talking about jeans [ __ ] jeans again so what are you doing here then i i thought you might be hungry if you need more food i can bring some more later arakan do you have a taco [Music] foiled again hey johnny soiled again who would win johnny's pants or otakon's jeans what's the victory condition there is [Music] none that was a close one i just want to zoom in real quick it's not a bit chat it's just pure interest let's see what's going on oh nothing crazy is happening oh oh my god there's two of him where she says i'm sure he already knows about this but in order to create the reflective surface they had to double snake this is the twin snakes we found it sometimes in combat or when you're near the end of your rope you can see things that normally aren't there or shouldn't be there relax it's not a bug there was a time where i would consider myself stealthy and good at metal gear there was a time meryl she's pretty special to you huh well yeah special there aren't many tomboys like her god damn it snake that's not what i meant this is like a police interrogation no i just i guess it's in the jeans the jeans again you talking about colonel no i just remembered about naomi's grandfather i think naomi said he rose as high as assistant secretary in the fbi during edgar hoover's time when was that um sometime in the 50s i guess where new york i think i kind of want master miller to like grill people a little bit more when they say stuff like when mayling dispenses her invaluable advice mastermind would be like oh yeah where'd you get that from someone tells snake about love on the battlefield and you know whatever love is a battlefield i guess that's pat benatar right oh yeah when was that song recorded i was i was mushing huskies in alaska oh yeah what's a husky how long how are you god damn it master that will be the one picture i take this entire time i'm afraid i can't let you get past here liquid yep [Music] oh what is that physics to move a little at a time in a certain direction push the control stick while holding the colonel what the [ __ ] are you talking about i don't have buttons i want to call master miller hmm why does he want to pick up my calls no one wants to pick up my calls deep throat doesn't pick him up master miller merrill i think master miller is assisting another operation right now like he it's not just snake like he works by the hour he's freelance so he's got like another world crisis happening right now with like john snake different snake entirely snake there's something i've really gotta ask you do you have a new pair of pants for me do you think love can bloom oh my god even on a battlefield this line has been memed into oblivion for [ __ ] sake why don't we call our friend master miller and get some advice from him he's busy never makes time for me him in deep throat i know what they're doing these two sharing war stories are you ready for the best cut scene in the game chat because again remember this game is anti-war in its sentiment and message as you saw about love in the battlefield and also meryl getting shot and being like war is terrible this is definitely one of those scenes that makes you think wow war is hell isn't it i'm you i'm your shadow what what is it liquid snake the dark part of solid snake's heart i did that joke already but someone said in chat said it just then and you know what it was it was worth repeating that's what i'm sorry what'd you say what do you want me to eat bagels i'm sorry but what is this sound mixing i know it's supposed to be like thrilling but holy [ __ ] is it loud it's like a real movie it's like how the dialogue in movies is really low but then the the noise the sound effects the music the actions all mass massive massive it's too massive chat i want to be able to like think i can't hear myself think meanwhile if i were to call here in the middle of this fight i'm going to call one of my friends i'm going to call master no dammit what do you mean what did i have to do what was i supposed to do you have to take cover where was it coming from i didn't see the missile oh my god now we get to do this again my favorite fight with my favorite sounds it's always it always comes down to penis envy that little thing solid snake huh liquid declares over the loudspeaker in the base i've decided to rename myself my new name is massive snake even better magnum snake and then it's just because he uses a magnum like a you know a revolver ocelot gets upset you know boss i thought i was the one with the cowboy gun gimmick shot kinda hurt that you would take that gimmick from me boss i don't have a whole lot else going for me behold behold [Applause] [Music] yes with the explosion behind him i forgot about that the rules of nature more walking away from explosions the cliche is very real i thought the missile went into his rocket launcher and he used it as ammo imagine if that happened instead hey check this out yeah i'm gonna call master miller he'd be really proud of me and then and then i shot the helicopter with the missile and then i did it backflip off the missile it exploded and then i locked onto the helicopter and shot it again with my missile you wouldn't believe how cool it was oh that's uh that's really impressive snake i'm very proud of you boy you always been like a father to me master miller snake did you know that p steams and cold it's true the difference in temperature makes the steam rise that's very interesting master miller thank you for the advice snake watch out i wouldn't trust anyone who's peed their pants that's usually the sign of someone who can't keep their [ __ ] together snake be careful otakan i've got bad news see this is why i stream metal gear solid games because i like returning to these characters they're fun problem is we don't have any more metal gear solid games left aside from like acid and stuff but i don't really want to do acid yeah you heard me you could put that on record it would take at least my favorite art in the game coming up look out snake right there the guys who stole my stealth prototypes are in there with you it's a good thing i just so happened to bring a famas in here with me they were like is he done with this phone call yet okay shoot now how did they hold the elevator yet stop i don't know don't don't it's not worth thinking about through geniosity this is cutlet snake oticon can you hear me what cutlet that's my new name cutlet liquids going by the name of magnum so i needed something equally cool so you chose cutlet yeah cutlet whatever you say snake snake did you know that chicken cutlets could be made with eggs bread crumbs and a little bit of paprika this is an awful bit this is my best bit tonight that's the worst part paprika yes snake how come you always do that where you say the word but with the inflection of a question you know what paprika means the best bit you make is at 2 35 a.m spoilers says a chat member i guess they scrubbed the timeline you men are so weak you can never finish what you start my name is cutlet i will not have enough ammo to track her but i think it regenerates a bit so i'm doing this for autocon right in the face cranked in the face that's where all the major blood vessels are that was yeah that was non-lethal blood correct chat this next scene snake is gonna catch a bullet with his teeth watch you believed it too didn't you chat yeah we'll check this [ __ ] out snake just threes he did a 360 quick scope not a no-scope chat why isn't she asleep i shot her with like 40 trunks otakon must suffer he's the o'brien of this game but i couldn't save her bullets aren't stopped by love octagon i'm sorry what was she fighting for what am i waiting for what am i fighting for what are you fighting for if we make it through this i'll tell you okay no this isn't happening there's no reason for me to go on what what am i fighting for if you want a version of metal gear solid treated with a bit more reverence watch the original twin snakes was not that stream it never was that said i still enjoy the moment vinnie you did that joke last time wait i did did i play the clip then there's no god jesus didn't happen and santa isn't real and the easter bunny isn't real either and for this i'd like to deeply apologize sorry that was uh information from wario mario told me those things i don't know if i actually believed them the easter bunny is definitely definitely up there with god somewhere i know it i'm a psych psych chat psych okay i'll [Music] [Music] wow wow i am consistently awful it sounded good in that one though because it sounded like the wolf was going what welcome cossack i love the backpack of bullets it's just a jet engine full of bullets i am heavy weapons guy you live in a last time you know of the world eskimo indian olympics what does this have to do with anything strength you must have been training in the stick pull in four man carry yes you are right but there is another event that i excel at turn your monitor off what about naomi well done master miller well now we get the best weapon in the game the minigun and we can use that we can use that to destroy metal gear in under three minutes oh wait no we don't why why by the way what should we do with that woman i can't believe snake is this bad at this point this is bulletproof glass there's no way in i thought it was a force field no it's glass it is bulletproof glass have you never heard of this seriously occurred no heard oh [ __ ] okay yeah he can jump on a missile he can do back flips but he can't fall down i don't know 45 feet whatever you do find that key see master miller is a good friend and he picks up my phone calls merrell and deep throat these clowns they don't want to have anything to do with snake snake when you're in freezing cold water for a long time they will shrivel no you don't want raisins so get out of there and warm yourself up snake the human scrotum gets close to the body when it needs warmth but further away when it's too warm master miller why are you telling me this i'm a survival expert snake this is what i do trust me snake having worked in alaska i know all about the cold in fact it's quite cold here on shadow moses island i there on shadow moses island otakon i'm beginning to think i only have one friend here really snake who's that well master miller he's always been there for me but snake i peed my pants for you well he's like my brother otakon my father was a big fan of science fiction movies that's how i got stuck with it but i'm not a computer i'm human no you're not i mean look at the codex destination code activated ready for launch i deactivated it did you though snake did you really thank you snake now the detonation code is completed nothing can stop metal gear now master what's going on you found the key and even activated the warhead for us too i really must was i played like a fiddle attitude snake that's not master miller oh campbell you're too late master miller's body was just discovered at his home he's been dead for at least three days also what a shitty death for miller god [Applause] honestly i didn't see that coming when i first played this game snake that's bulletproof glass you can't break it with an ordinary weapon is it also rocket proof yes it bounced right off what the [ __ ] [Music] a dud following orders blindly with no questions asked you've lost your warriors pride and become nothing more than a pawn snake a prawn what a shrimp anyway it might prove to be unnecessary unnecessary yeah why is that it's true that the armstrong president and decoy octopus were killed by fox died ye okay so it's true you and i are brothers we're twins linked by cursed jeans cursed jeans i'm proud of the destiny that is encoded into my very jeans shoot now shoot now too late yeah if if snake never came into that room uh this wouldn't be happening snake was used so if snake just stayed home none of this would have happened if snake was in the the room where they recruited him and he was just like no i won't go would have been better off snake has ninja flipped out of every other situation even sometimes pointlessly but here he's just like whatever here's a final present from deep [Music] [Music] that is deeply uncomfortable when death is untreated [Music] [Applause] yeah i don't like looking at that i don't like thinking about that why does it scream i don't know the uh for impact it wishes to find another metal gear wreck so that they can make little metal gear rex's genome genome genome genome genome genome genome genome genome genome genome genome genome genome genome genome genome genome genome genome genome generation generation generation generations generation generation generation genetically genetic genetic genetics genetic genetic genetics genetics genetic genetic genetic genetic genetic genetic genetics genes genes genes jeans jeans jeans jeans jeans jeans jeans jeans jeans jeans jeans jeans jeans jeans jeans jeans jeans jeans jeans jeans jeans jeans geniosity [Music] stupid woman falling in love with a man who doesn't even have a name i have a name no we have no past no future my name is cutlin let's finish this before the air strike no i want to see them become friends she'll make a beautiful sacrifice for our final battle yeah i don't know what he's talking about anymore my eyes are glazing over at this point you could enjoy one brief moment of love i don't think liquid fully knows what he's talking about i think he was misled by facebook and if you cross this line you'll fall it'll kill even you maybe we're not sure if gravity is real on the flat earth snake so yeah i remember struggling with this oh yeah the combat looks dumb as hell but the idea of it was really cool when the game came out on the ps1 like the final battle you know between the two snake brothers fighting shirtless atop metal gear while the things burn around them it was cool as [ __ ] it still is it's just watching the fight like take place in the gameplay it's it's kind of funny first try let's get out of here snake it's freezing outside you need some clothes oh well there you go oh my sneaking suit hurry up liquid just ripped it off him and then threw it over there no no we're going to have a shirtless fight not yet snake he's got my from us it's not over yet you would think the easier thing to do well first of all i'm shooting liquid in the head with bullets so realism's already thrown out the window so never mind i was gonna say i could just shoot the wheels just like blow the tires out sonich had said looks like looks like warioware won't be happening tonight snake i assume i last uh last time i played metal gear solid wario where gold was out and i was streaming that alongside metal gear more like never space two brother that's a straight up matrix no pretense no attempt to hide it that was matrix through and through fox die he's alive just like out of sheer like spite and hatred what do your genes say about your future now maybe it's time i live for someone else someone else yeah someone like you until metal gear solid 2 of course vinnie i missed the rest of twin snakes how's my favorite character master miller doing he's good he's alright mission complete snake is going to go back and have a beer with master and they're going to chill and talk about alaska and caribou and [ __ ] [Music] snake i want to show you the ending for otakon the important thing is that you choose life and then laugh it just keeps falling oh wow he's he's eaten some serious [ __ ] i'm gonna choose life too until today i've always looked for a reason to live [Music] but from now on i'm going to just live where to snake [Music] my real name is david oticon [Music] i'm hal dave oh that's right hal hal and dave that's a good one it's 2001 space odyssey dave bowman jupiter canonically snake has watched 2001 a space odyssey i wonder what that was like oh my god i don't get this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] or oh my god i know i know what it means
Channel: vinesauce
Views: 220,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Playthrough, Let's Play, Gameplay, Metal Gear Solid, The Twin Snakes, Gamecube, Highlights, Highlight
Id: zVStlgWKS44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 17sec (2837 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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