Vinesauce Vinny: Blast Corps [The Struggle Cut]

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what an update but the [ __ ] is this sin anyway how are you guys doing that's good um how about me I'm alright been busy life has been busy voices cracking even at 30 blasts core is is a game where you protect a [ __ ] nuclear truck from crashing into buildings by breaking set buildings with heavy machinery it's one of the most outrageously stupid and yet amazing concepts for a video game I think ever this [ __ ] music you must completely remove all obstacles from the danger zone the shadow for this helicopter looks like something very strange and yes there is drifting and drifting is useful some vehicles require drifting I remember I [ __ ] plates so much of this game I've also failed many a mission yeah I've crashed into the truck many many many times whoa this vehicles a lot of fun actually no I'm not because I probably didn't do that great on that mission just it's just a goal that's it pretty cool right so far you drive trucks and [ __ ] nope the purpose of this mech is to destroy buildings the backlash I always struggle with the backlash the thing with the backlash is you need speed and you need to you need to drift the thing otherwise you will not destroy buildings break rank oh my god this thing should be going down [Music] I was pressing the wrong button guys show us what you've got [Applause] that's that's better oh wait or not all right anyway next level yes yes so one of the things that you would do in Glasgow was just like destroy all the [ __ ] in the way and then just go explore eventually you start unlocking some of the coolest levels in any video games ever I don't want to spoil it but let's just say it has something to do with outer space argent towers they start you with the backlash on this one the most insane freak out moments of my life have occurred in this game if you thought they occurred on stream you shoot a zombie like 19 years ago yeah don't worry about it [ __ ] oh my god it is a very satisfying vehicle though to use once you figure out how to use it it is really really satisfying okay how do I open that door I guess I don't open the door no there's another vehicle on this luggage I know there it is found it and if you want to like get a better vehicle you have to do very small [ __ ] it's a [ __ ] to master but once you master it it is pretty powerful I guess not I guess that just doesn't work you can't go in that door finish four laps in one minute [Music] electro country best genre of music oh that was close a giant mech monster yeah I'm gonna get it to that this thing wrecks buildings [ __ ] them right up my castle be sure to destroy any and all scenery that includes castles because [ __ ] castles can I do it can I destroy everything on the map I missed a building [ __ ] I did and I got a silver as a result [ __ ] time to get moving time time time time time oh great we're gonna start with the backlash look at this look at this awfulness Oh No there's the truck if the truck crashed into that building I'm [ __ ] Oh or if I crash into the truck that's equally [ __ ] [Applause] okay now I suck with the backlash it's just the physics of this thing so [ __ ] awkward wait Oh what you think I'm doing this kind of wrong what do you know I am try spinning that's a neat trick oh my god please oh my god please what is this what kind of [ __ ] Tonka truck hell have I wandered into so we're just gonna go ahead and restart the mission okay okay how do I get into the train I can't get into the Train also my TV just turned off oh we got ourselves a keck oh you just walk into it I can't destroy those big-ass buildings without the help of explosions I'm about to squander all my explosions yep squandered yo son come on I don't remember being this bad at video games [Music] I just like crashing into the truck it's fun I have a good time doing it that buildings [ __ ] everything's [ __ ] world is over oh I just hang on a second guys made him spill a little of my drink whoops I'm a mess please no blow up please no blow up please don't lose please no lose are you [ __ ] joking it come on you could maybe my memories for this game were very very rose-tinted man that that is that is [ __ ] beans this mission [ __ ] sucks oh my god this one's gotta count got it [ __ ] hell [Music] it's amazing how I like this game but I never played with trucks when I was a kid Oh guess what I'm out of her things I forgot that you can run out of those oh god oh god and I'm out of the things again Oh see now [ __ ] gets real this is when it gets real work when you get things like this life is good sleek streets I'm gonna use this little [ __ ] very good show us what you've got [Music] yep trees can be evil [ __ ] I'm telling you trees can be your worst [ __ ] nightmare it's so easy to get stuck on things with it like who whose idea was it to start this race in the middle of the residential area I mean I'm seeing what looks to be low-income housing in fact I want to know who designs a truck that can't turn I hate to say it but this game was better when I was younger y'all ready for this I was expecting that to happen in the music it's too late it's over hey you need any help I'm here to help do you want me to try to steer the truck because I can't oh that's the thing wow I didn't know that was the thing I'll use my soft squishy body to prevent the world from blowing up oh wait never mind wait a minute do I leave a thing are you kidding me oh my god I don't even see that I'm facepalming I'm actually facepalm it in real life right now y'all ready for this the music is such a weird combination of things it's like Boeing's banjos and like a techno beat didn't this game come out around the time that song condi Joe was big because I'm pretty sure this is a direct result of the cotton eyed Joe popularity time to get boozing time to start drinking these were always my favorite missions using this things was always like a lot of fun oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we're good time like this is the blast port I remember this is where the nostalgia comes from and this is why I love this game and still love this game despite having a multitude tonight pretty nasty complaints today oh look at that there's a secret almost approached this friend whoa okay that's not happening maybe straight up if no turns god damn it cool secret also I'll be right back in just another second sorry but the drink I spilled it is now sticky yes actually drinking is fun like I need to be drinking [ __ ] orange Powerade at what time is this 2:40 a.m. but hey it's got electrolytes which is what plants crave Thunder fist if you're in this video No shuttle Billy okay I'm playing this wrong oh my god okay so you've really got to be thorough with these buildings got to keep up some good momentum there we go got it got it got it alright that was that wasn't that bad I remember this mission - I remember it feeling like a skate park oh oh right I remember that - you can see how obviously that fits into the theme of this world with don't question it do not question the steel marble if you do question it you'll be cursed with bad potassium and then for the rest of your life you'll have to eat bananas glory hole clock crossing wishes a level with the backlash truck alright so in this game you're basically the master of the Tonka trucks [Applause] [Music] that's how you blast like a pro my friends [Music] all right so this is gonna be happening a lot [Music] note from the editor this is not how you play this game but I'm hoping that if I start with a hard level like this I can I can get good quick [Music] it's not an effective method for blowing up buildings I don't even want to watch it explode it's just gonna make me so upset [Music] wait I don't think I'm gonna crash into it out--we templates these in ingrateful sons-of-bitches building they're filthy dirty shacks in front of these nuclear testing sites okay gonna be real close [Music] alright okay I got a figure it out I figure out getting a feel for the distance needed for backlash maximum effectiveness you think this truck could maybe like I don't know could we put like can we fix a [ __ ] like foam bumper on the edge of it all they need is one guy and some hot glue and it's gonna be fine and it'll withstand the force of ten thousand mega [ __ ] you never loved me backlash this is not how you play blast court I did it guys I beat the level I did it hard I'm a genius I'm hard that just means you're tough right when you say you're hard then he's in a pickle then he's in a pickle like I just maybe grab one box of missiles that would be from that would be nice thank you all right I'm just gonna run away like the man said nope no missiles will be wasted everyone will count there's gonna be a little boogie happening on this building he's gonna be a boogie I'm out of missiles again and I don't know where to find more gonna have one missiles one whole missiles they really I mean they really cut the missile supply on this level Jesus and collect some rd use which can be used to unlock porn Angel City oh man it's a backlash level guys get ready for [ __ ] torture here we go come on [Music] that's tricky looks tricky No it's the only world I know this is the only thing I know [Applause] no that was it that was all that was left [ __ ] most of the other vehicles are pretty pretty easy to use this one's this one's the only real like Satan of the group I would say [ __ ] an understatement looks tricky uh haha no I'm just gonna try to get the segments and guarantee victory if possible because I am Not sure I can backlash into this it's just too much alright okay there's another hard backlash mission queered so that's that's good why is there a little man telling me over here well little man please tell me what's wrong but he's over here strawberry fruit snacks cuz I am an adult and I deserve these things yeah boy stur Harbor or I remember this one gotta get my vitamins for the day yo oh I have to get out of the vehicle look at that there's my person look at them bright green running like a [ __ ] check come on too late okay so now I have to get out and I have to do the thing here all right think this is how you do this please work it worked what's next I learned this one at agdq yeah so you got to spend one of those to get two of those and that is basically aids in video game form but I got it where's this other one all dear God oh dear God oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't know where it is Oh Oh No yeah yeah it's over god damn it I can maybe do this still I'm not sure oh no no no oh no no no no no no no no mistakes were made hey you've really got to do this level right from the [ __ ] start don't you I left my thing behind it's over drown the pain in fruit snacks hi my name is vini and i'm a fruit cinetic thing i got it this time though guys how the [ __ ] do i blow this up you have to eat a TNT block with one of the boats it's the first boat no this boat that I can do did I just hit restart by accident yeah I just wanted to get out of the menu and I press Start I [ __ ] goddamn it oh man eat eat it big big big massive one for that one this is me prepping for sgdq there is no thought involved which is most of what I do these days in life so yeah let's just continue along and pretend that didn't happen shall we karl Pilkington Kyle what you doing : ok I'm pretty sure I know where the TNT is you have to take the last boat all the way down to the bottom left alright I have time thank you so much for the information I would have [ __ ] that one up oh you were wrong oh no what have you done to me it's a good jab let's hope it's this way probably not gonna be able to get there in time that was a critical Jake you you cost me the game with that Jake what's the TNT doing what are you doing TNT get off today boat is that like a really long TNT I'm gonna ask the chat and I'm not gonna get bad advice so maybe it's better ok mother in the [ __ ] what was that what was that aids but we've already lost a lot of precious time I couldn't even sport by I couldn't even have a squirt oh I'm gonna get really good at doing this level may as well just start speedrunning the game now you know they say it takes 10,000 hours to master anything someone in chat just said 10,000 hours of jacking off I think at this point my friend were all experts we really really really nailed it when it came to to jack it off why do I have to park the boat so [ __ ] precisely oh that's what the face means I hate this level let me just go ahead and say that right now I absolutely hate this level it is a big old bag of [ __ ] where am i I'm stuck but I think my character was having a jackoff session he's doing what humans do best my friend why do I keep saying my friend what is this my friend please I used to like Coldplay there's like three albums I like by them what really kills me about Coldplay is when Chris and Glen if Paltrow broke up there is an album and every song was just about I need you back I need you back to day [Music] please don't go away and that's that's when the Coldplay train left the station without me on it and that's when I realized that Coldplay was just not for me really think I'm losing my [ __ ] mind with blast core and I can't help but see that that dude in the right with the goatee the black dude with the goatee Larry David has looked 68 for 20 years Larry please I can't do his voice okay warning warning warning cool we're gonna have a hard time with this TNT right now yeah yes sir three seconds away three [ __ ] milliseconds I was a frame and a half away I'm feeling physical anguish here we go again the pain train I am determined I am determined to do this Oh Oh thought thought maybe I had it would I could save a frame I thought I could save a frame I can Stephen frame oh oh I have clearance for what a surprise don't mother [ __ ] me [ __ ] me you [ __ ] me it's like I'm the subject of a disturbed song [Music] lend me your strength everyone please for the love of that face in the top-right corner whenever I parked the boats I need your strength stand the physics I'm loosing it straight and it goes to the right this is such a good idea here is good a deer but why don't you come on down to flavor town and find out if you think it's the best idea UK if I am going absolutely crazy okay all right okay here we go this is the run oh I feel it I feel it deep down in the scrotum that's fully inside my stomach by now okay here we go one swift steady movement we're gonna get this TNT on on board one swift movement I said no no we're not gonna do that we're not gonna do that we're gonna get swift swift get it get it watch the way I cheddar head it and I'm back hi today we're playing last core temperature is the cool thirty degrees this is where you check Twitter all right sweater sucks we'll just go ahead and wait for the red truck across can we slow down the footage and just confirm that that boat actually hit the truck is that I don't even think it really touched the truck I'm pretty sure it didn't touch the truck what do you know so this would be the last time I attempt this this is for all the all the bananas just be nice TNT block just be nice I will take you to dinner some wine fancy food and to think all I had to do is sweet-talk the [ __ ] thing look I'm not in a truck this time I'm gonna [ __ ] MEK there's another mission complete so I mean it's amazing how easy some of these missions are compared to other ones people time time time time time to get moving wait a minute no no no no [ __ ] trains all right fine over in the physics the physics but but like give me a [ __ ] chance whoever made this vehicle for the purpose of destruction of buildings was just showing off and they suck did I miss something I didn't miss anything ah dick this is gonna be a new meme I'm sorry it's not going to be I'm gonna I'm gonna squash it now yeah it's not gonna be a new thing there's another path what is this path this is faster oh no I gotta do puzzles now come on come on man just get let me get that thing in there just let me get the thing in there man here we go time to solve puzzles or rather just put blocks in the thing look at that cool I got it do a race for the [ __ ] of it red car with six polygons this is the run this is the run I just need to beat ten seconds come on yes ten oh no I wanted sub ten on that last one [ __ ] diamond sans oh I remember this one being a [ __ ] major piece of [ __ ] my favorite vehicle the backlash no don't do that stop stop what are you doing backlash please backlash please [Applause] okay good good start [Applause] I'll give you a hint this isn't gonna be the run [Applause] oh come on no oh well I am getting better [Applause] restart not good enough black man with goatee stares at me disapprovingly knowing that I could do better oh no I'm [ __ ] this is crazy this mission is [ __ ] crazy the difficulty is ramped up pretty appropriately but this is just this submission it's just [ __ ] trying a different strategy I don't know what the appropriate strategy is but let's see if this works good good strategy yeah good strategy trash fresh until you play this game and use this vehicle you have no idea how beans this is backlash please definitely lost some frames come on it's close very close you have no idea how hard it is to control this thing like I said this is not this is not like a rocket science thing for me I'm trying my very very best here yes that's the encouragement I needed I had to just read the chat and see some once they stopped missing for me to stop missing that'll fix the problem no this wasn't good enough unless I do this like flawlessly try something else tried not being so shitty at the game that's gonna be a destruction yep all right well I'm getting closer that's cool yeah I like when that happens yeah okay [Applause] come on no no no no no I'm stuck now what more cool TNT come on oh you [ __ ] hate dynamite oh my god I hate it I hate what what the [ __ ] there we go there we go there we go yes yeah by the way if I sound really really tired or just like lethargic it's because today was just a waste of the day there's no truck so I can just explore that looks like poop with corn in it dear God what is wrong with me it's good to see some new faces don't mind me let's move up five of the other chaps left to fine after all I expected abduct for cover underground at iron stone mine you might need to blast your way down so you have to just rescue the scientists I guess except to blast my way down dildos only five more left or even only five more left how the [ __ ] do you end a mission appropriately after rescuing a scientist what do I do now of course I say dildos and everyone's ears light up do those whoa I have to go to the truck Oh also you have to get to the truck I know a lot of people probably would prefer I don't play this game anymore because you all hate when I have a good time but that's okay let me just guilt trip my audience real quick this level is tricky you have to do exactly what you're doing right door open man do I love moving TNT with trucks there's a train there's a train in here [Music] No how the hell do I get in there get back in the train whoa cool I can't get back in the Train I'm beat [Music] just gonna walk okay there's nothing here anyway you can mislead me yet again oh oh is that how you play that level you guys are not gonna [ __ ] believe this check this out got that level I struggled on for like a half-hour yeah you could just glitch through it amazing well why is he able to walk out of his car and explode the building Vinnie did you create vine sauce yes I did I have it in jars in my house what the hell's the name of this level you softlocked the level what is another area where you found the Train on the right side of the map oh right there is something down here okay then you still didn't get credit for the first scientist that's right so why didn't I call it Vinnie sauce cuz vine or vines was a nickname that I had I guess I could just do that sauce was just a word that my friends used to use on like everything and I remember one time he said vine and then he was like sauce and I remembered that years later when I wanted to create a YouTube channel vine was an old nickname of mine because vines Vinny vines and also because of a story about vines growing out of an [ __ ] as a result of Mario Party there's a minigame in Mario Party 5 where vines grow out of the ground and it looks like vines are growing out of an [ __ ] so we just said yeah it looks like there's vines growing it out of an [ __ ] but then we took it a step further it was like well what if you woke up one morning and vines really did go out of your [ __ ] and like you called down to your mother you're like is it okay if it's vines what dear there's vines in my ass is it okay sure dear don't don't worry about it and that's the story I see the scientist down there glory crossing time time oh I remember this please TNT please all right I did it I did it I need help chat where's the next scientists time there's one on oyster harbor no [ __ ] you're not having a go so this level sucks I may have I don't know died a little on the inside I'm just looking for the scientists on this level by the way I don't know if there actually is one I was told there was blow up the wall blocking the third boat okay oh my god a PTSD flashbacks this level this is hoping I never had to see it again Tonka truck please tempest city alright so obviously we got to go up there I just don't know how to get up there how the [ __ ] does anyone you have to shoot the wall a lot why are you having a laugh you were not having a laugh you are in fact correct evany coasts and you may have that one [ __ ] god almighty I really started I need to start like getting new holy figures from Christianity I need to like bring Joseph into this Saint Francis of Assisi he needs to be involved Padre Pio obviously does Vinny still snort weed needles I'll be completely candid with you not really it's just not for me anymore less I'll need some good lyrics yeah little sigh yeah but oh no not really not very much it was ebony coast all right goodbye TNT something tells me I needed that you needed a bomb hidden in the statue behind the Train [Music] thank you for the help guys appreciate it there's another block of TNT further into the level that you load onto the train and bring back to the Statue while it's on the train arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow this is gonna explode okay Oh what's this coolness so yeah I hope this works beautiful Superman alright now I have to just find the scientists it's a little easier said than done oh just found the dick helicopter john the baptist's there's a whole lot of nut nothing over here there is literally people nothing over here got it still got one of the others glory crossing let's talk about getting great fruited wouldn't that hurt wouldn't the acidity of the grapefruit like peep-peep into it creep into holes you know what if you raw if he if most people here don't know what i'm talking about it's for the best glory crossing me to random lady who was never explained because [ __ ] hotels [ __ ] them now we're all back together maybe we finally stand a chance of clearing up this mess no time to lose let's head for the detonation site set up everything's going to depend on us I did it I found the scientists got it told me I've got it even as the carrier trundles oh I haven't heard that one toward ground zero nevermind no the game's not over yet trust me there's some cool [ __ ] that's gonna happen guy look at those textures we've come such a long way in 20 years [Music] mercifully the scientists are able instead of a properly controlled detonation and finally as the smoke fades the world can let out a sigh of relief the devastation left in your wake is nothing compared to what would have happened if blast core had failed at last at the last rebuilding begins immediately with catastrophe averted the team members become national heroes their success and satisfaction is short for the foreseeable future but the tension of this last Neary miss is fairly faint before another Christ is born of overzealous technology threatens mankind oh [ __ ] battered and crippled after its long voyage the latest space shuttle is thrown of course during re-entry and forced into desperate measures a major city is seized by panic when the residents find out that their homes are about to become an emergency landing strip time is of the essence this blast core rises once more to the challenge even as the shuttle blazes down through the skies a runway must be cleared look look what [ __ ] vehicle they gave me you scumbags why did the blast core management put me in this thing you I need something a little bit better than this come on give me give me the thing that lands the flies I want that thing no no no we don't want final approach no no no I don't want shuttle cam I'm busy I'm busy I've got things to do people to see kids to feed because you see I'm gonna play this smarter but it would an inconvenience to put your city [Music] this mission sucks let me get a feel for the level first there you go you son of a [ __ ] you why was it hidden inside of a [ __ ] office complex like what were they doing with this technology not yet oh yeah yeah yeah Yod you can't do this with the backlash you need you need this [ __ ] thing there's no way around that if I wasn't [ __ ] around with those it would've been a cakewalk what does that mean cakewalk can somebody explain where'd that come from cakewalk a piece of cake maybe I kind of get but even that like what's easy about a piece of cake cake isn't hard to do isn't easy to make you know well you can make a cake but it's not easy to make this is the thrilling commentary that you come to vine sauce for everyone [Music] yes successful landing where I can see the tail Kelis trainers with a single casually bus cars come through flying colors yet again so I'll just let this sink in for a second gotta clean up the debris on the moon six minutes this is not a joke this is real these these we us humans leave behind some pretty wacky [ __ ] on the moon they definitely they definitely space proof the truck right so like the truck has its own atmosphere its regulated oxygen and and all that jazz right of course it does other your god I'll do you good it's a little difficult to control as you'd imagine also do you like the star texture on the ceiling I mean I'm in space I can't control this thing oh my god I've lost control of my truck the struggles them struggles man this is they should just rename this game struggle truck I'm just like spinning it's a neat trick and I hope it works long ago I heard wisdom spin2win I'm trying to apply that to my life right this moment I've spun and won on a number of occasions I'm hoping this can be one of them hey hey guys I'm leaving skid marks on the moon you would think that would be enough speed to knock that thing over in one shot but nah on the moon one building left [Applause] there's gonna be more attempts at story here the blast core team can finally take that well-deserved holiday when they get back they'll find the offers and deals still flooding and keeping them in their chosen line of work for many years to come perhaps there are further challenges awaiting those who can achieve a perfect record do you see Mars in the background there there's other other places that you can go including Uranus then a you keep letting last core when it's blast Corp you do know how to pronounce Co RPS is Co re right that's that's just the way you pronounce that word you don't say peace corpse you say Peace Corps whoa my friends wall my friend five left I see them they're all grouped together yeah this is just a [ __ ] simple race around the track level I feel content with having gone to the moon and done the shuttle mission and I hope you've enjoyed it some people hated it I loved it well mostly I hope you enjoyed the blast course stream overall it's been good it's been good now oh god what was I gonna say is it blessed or related I don't think so so thank you so much for to playing my game [Music]
Channel: bowwoo
Views: 103,661
Rating: 4.9586992 out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, vinny, vinesauce vinny, fullsauce, blast corps, n64, speedrun, rareware
Id: nXiax3EZO9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 16sec (2836 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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