[Vinesauce] Vinny - OOT Randomizer Compilation

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um this is ocarina of time randomized I've been waiting to play this for a little bit the 20th anniversary of ocarina of time and this game means so very much to me and I wanted to stream it but not like all of it and this is a pretty good compromise it's been a couple years since I played this in in Abdo its gaze will paralyze you if it bites you tap any button to escape okay bombs theory if you touch it it will be electrocuted okay I didn't actually get bombs want to have to manage and look at two chats there's no good reason for that to be a thing what the [ __ ] way I'm supposed to get an ocarina here 380 years old he shuffled ocarina is that bad this will take forever it's it's very bad people are saying that it's really really really bad okay consider that like a trial run it was just it was a test run if you wish to speak to me do so from the platform my sister's took some rupees and went shopping at the store it has a red roof kind of funny but it's not really my style Jesus randomized the meet what do you guys think should i randomize the music someone raised a good point yes okay there it is I like this this is already amazing [Music] it's almost as chill as the actual song during the intro this is I think the water temple theme it's gonna be fun to place the songs everything fits perfectly so far it's just like an alternate reality version of Zelda it's so perfect will you do it the tunic you were wearing is gone the key to all this is suryya that's how i pronounce it serie serie that's the key to all this she's able to like see between all the dimensions every dimensional shift so far she's been able to kind of predict there was not really a cow there chat it's sriracha okay from now on Sariah will now be sriracha thank you [Music] hey you came all the way up here you're a real man thanks oh hi you real man come up here there's a threatening aura about this song have faith oh so you say you want to see Princess Zelda early bombs that's pretty cool whoa wait what enlightenment oh no no no early hookshot yeah what's your problem this is really good this means that later on I'm gonna get screwed on some really important treasure chest ultimate potion how about 100 rupees no yes okay I wanted it but I didn't get it if I do play baby games by not shooting oh the battle music is the forest temple theme oh no I'm okay with that battle music that's pretty [ __ ] appropriate yeah just no text there fountain music yeah Navi moves a little bit Navi is amazing we're gonna be hearing that a lot get used to it winner I don't think I'm much of a winner in that case speed are you going to the castle fairy boy would you mind finding my dad I thought I was gonna read it as would you mind finding me a dad I've been incubating this egg very carefully actually that kind of makes sense if you've been incubating that heart instead of an egg are you are you kidding me are you kidding me that could happen to well now what did I already hit a softlock you gotta be you've got to be [ __ ] me come the [ __ ] on the Illusive double J press reset on the console hang on let me reach over let me hit reset on my console my n64 game console I'll do it if appeases you polemic randomize a treasure chest every treasure chest is a chance at something amazing remember that chat yet that may seem amazing but maybe not as much in the randomizer right away it's better than five rupees or getting [ __ ] blasted by ice however you were too young to be the hero of time do you understand your destiny yes tree person I do a talking Bush just told me about my destiny and I totally understand the master sword as a sacred blade help how the [ __ ] do these cursed bushes know exactly what I need to do for my destiny both of them do you have a random special item for me loan Bush okay I just bought nuts for my rupees I regret this decision heavily early Goron City Oh oh nice I guess we got the best music early the gourds have upgraded their soundtrack winner how much is this it's not twenty rupees randomizing text was a bad idea got'em the door is currently being refurbished you son of a [ __ ] Oak Creek I still get a kick out of what the bombable wall ends up looking like after you vomit it was canvas the whole time [ __ ] useless purple bean my pro yet iron knuckle oh I got a magic thing that's a de Roos film Jindal set sights good item no it's breathing I thought what a ruse findell I was wrong sorry chat a ruse findell ready to roll oh good Rico music and I'm now locked out and I don't have the item you require Chad I swear to god this is why I need you for my help [Music] this is also appropriate music you're just a kid the temple is no place for kids this is a temple now is it you can move tool but it really no longer that's all either bracelet for this No you want a piece of me very funny I like your attitude yeah dump a is not awake yet I always thought when I was a kid that child morphed into Dante at night like due to some kind of werewolf like curse oh look it's Papa bees Lumpkin so des rues findell is in the game and so is battle bees Lumpkin so I just do a sidestep jump almost link no that was it that was it I'll Karina hipster Wow okay I just got a song thank you for teaching me the song it's a bonus song Finny you can now milk the cow I don't have a bottle for the milk what a [ __ ] should I let the cow deposit directly into links mouth or [ __ ] you alright to get Dan a spindle you have to get bad boobies Lumpkin first right to do that you've got the go past Strongsville collect the Bourdon gobshite and then you will have access the data is fundal good thing do it it's cool show the audience that you can do it they don't want to do it this butterfly doesn't wanna do it harder than Ganondorf stronger than Ganon Vinnie listen to what Navi has to say I'm pretty sure Navi has this to say it sounded like Homer how come what I don't try to sound like Homer people tell me I sound like Homer and then when I try to do a homer voice it sounds nothing like Homer these things have to meet somewhere in the middle boy it doesn't sound anything like Homer but in my mind it sounds like Jeff Goldblum talk about a nostalgia trip wait what near the entrance all right right right by the dude who's the mayor son at night right and he's all like [ __ ] drugged out of his mind that dude he injects weed needles into his arm my precious puppy can run faster than any of the other mutts around here those are cuckoos wonderful Bravo perfect here's a fantastic present well that was a good text randomize well let's see what this dude has to say how inconsiderate how could you leave me behind if you're a man act like want to take responsibility someday when the seal is broken that is when I will exterminate your descendants [Music] whoa this is going great oh [ __ ] this one I love this new battle music so much who wants to make a blue rupee emote okay not my favorite choice for Hyrule Field music compared to actual Hyrule Field music but I'll take it Hyrule Field music is just very good [Music] [Applause] yeah I am God come on you know it's the nappy music randomized music was such a good idea the kingdom is a lot more magical and whimsical now what are they laughing about hey kid you always enter other people's houses without permission didn't your parents teach you any manners oh well she lady behind this house she's going through hard times oh well you did it zero zero zero is the new course record oh well I have to give you a present to commemorate the new record everyone's just je ping just japes forever oh where am I don't think I can afford bomb shoes at them what give me ten rupees what what a liar yeah whoa nope leaving leaving so [ __ ] up ominous and threatening I don't like it alright well hey check this out already adult link making some serious progress with a hook shot too so I guess I can do two dango oh please don't do that link see I'm using the stick as the c-buttons am i yes on my totally legit on my n64 game console so here's the dude that wanted to prostitute link let's go to Hyrule Castle Vine wait we're there already [ __ ] just get no I got the boomerang it looks like a heart piece but it's a boomerang the great Anand I found out about this humiliation hey you how about another race you can keep the horse too bad this guy this [ __ ] guy classic Daffy well I kind of like this as race music run reset delete game off of system I mean off of n64 oh [ __ ] it's the actual long shot wait this is okay hang on a minute right right right this is supposed to be the hook shot and then the water temple is the long shot yes it was a long shot that's something like that would happen right check my balls check come on no respect brace thampi again for a heart piece but that might not be a heart piece right that could be anything could be a blue rupee [Music] [ __ ] why wait wait a minute isn't like this a minute ago this is what happens when Gannon Bose takes hope for the world though Oh God look at this aiming trying so hard god I want to leave it that could be anything that could be that could be anything did you guys hang on a minute you guys see this do you remember how Sega and Nintendo had a bit of a rivalry they had like there was a catchphrase what was the catchphrase it was Genesis Genesis what nintendon't is's I can't stick the jump you can jump onto the speed I don't know what that means or even jump onto the speed what if I just go through the back door just just just do it just do it it's a little sliver I'm challenging myself here what are you doing I don't know I don't know what I'm doing what am i doing chat tell me I don't I don't know this is just a [ __ ] show get on top of the stone pillars and jump towards the center come on that heart piece could be the Triforce oh [ __ ] how is that possible [Music] [Laughter] yes [Music] yes dead-end plus stick it was an amazing shape the stick that can kill Ganon here we go sub one minute up here right oh man you got to be precise alright well this is good practice at least are the rolls really faster didn't someone like make a youtube video about that like they rolled across all of Hyrule Field and then just walked across it they are faster you know what else is cool you get to roll into fire ominous dungeon music see now I'm getting anxiety that the owl is going to assault me with like four paragraph long things [Music] some casual lizard fun I love that when those things die it sounds like turtles having sex I'm wondering that that was on purpose oh that's kind of terrible so link can lift a bunch of things but not bombs despite links muscles bombs are a no boom [ __ ] you roofies are gonna be real real fun to get now now that I don't need any more rupees just jump up oh my god well link the years have been kind to links height stop giving me rupees game someday when I have more skill I'll carve a mask like that one is the name of this song red song what's your most believed conspiracy Paul is dead no I don't know I have some some beliefs you dope six meters just now Wow here's a conspiracy theory the Triforce is in this game you just have to go to the unicorn fountain and then you get to the sky temple and then you if you piss yourself and that's how you do it and then you swing me you're all means you have to bomb all the gossip stones all around Hyrule get into the unicorn fountain play Zelda's Lullaby four times for the deck blue scrubs beat the postman in a race talk to the general in Sector seven of Midgard and you can't take a single hit right the entire time this could be an amazing item you know what that's not too bad more bombs that's that's oddly appropriate for the boss I'm about to fight too I had no idea you can fight dango as adult link Shadow of the Colossus level fighting a pasta this music makes it seem so much more important than it actually is like this is some kind of like Great God beast of Hyrule oh my god what the [ __ ] horse why does this keep happening please no bloopy yeah what's your problem you understand your destiny yes [ __ ] you hoot-hoot spend 15 rupees to get 5 rupees stop my theory about this is since link aged 7 years in the blink of an eye and never had a chance to fully mature link is still as scared of these things as he was when he was like 10 wait do I have to talk to it first yeah I have to talk to it [ __ ] off I got linked to a video earlier I guess it went it started trending it's Michael Jackson firing his stage manager live while he's performing it was magical ok ready you're supposed to end there they're still going [Music] jobs go home I love this so much just here we go now he's just talking to the dude in the middle of the song and then it ends and then look it look at Michael look at him he's so disappointed dab down kind of bubblegummy it looks like orange soda but it's I'm no longer afraid of Stavros but I am going to die so threatening jump which incarnation of link is your favorite I like the the Zelda 1 & 2 link because it's just how I grew up [Music] look a chicken hatched from the egg you were incubating it's the miracle of life and now have boots right don't want to hear about it nope that ain't what you want to hear but that's what I'll do [ __ ] why can't you don't have enough rupees clearly I didn't pay the boulder off I've got a mask I got a shitty trade item for the [ __ ] bag or on sword just have faith or through what was egg now it's chicken but you let your guard down Deku Baba though it looks withered it will hurt you if you touch it that man is a strange man who hurts when you touch it business scrub and here is the music oh [ __ ] we skip that whole meeting there's a setting where you can skip the sneaky D key part wonderful Bravo perfect [Music] how is this mission what is this music alright yeah and the backwards man the backward man you're making me mad holy [ __ ] when your time is up I'll kick you out of here what the [ __ ] man how are you so rude I know he's already rude but this is like a whole new level Ingo gets meaner every day weird egg matt is a weird looking egg give me the best item in the game do you want to play again no here's your song what no I never forget what the hell man walk off get out of here whose mysterious the most mysterious place of all the barn oh no [ __ ] it's a weird looking key I loved the idea that they were just hiding the [ __ ] legendary Megaton hammer in their silo in a bale of hay I'm sure there's someone who could write like a whole [ __ ] fan fiction around why some of these things are happening like how did fake Mario and fake Luigi come across this hammer why are they hiding it who are they hiding it from we didn't want Ganondorf to get this thing watch out vine electricity is running through this blue slimy thing I don't want to know about that dude [ __ ] off that was heartbreaking that was utterly disappointing I am Zelda princess of Hyrule this this deserves a screen shot I believe I am Zelda princess of Hyrule eat it eat the muffin eat it you try to calm him down let me ask about the Dragons why'd I throw it back [Music] okay I guess that's good [Music] yes yes I thought of a good nickname for Fernando Fernand add like a crawdad nothing weird someone's gonna make it weird [ __ ] you hmm well I don't really know what to say about that one what Crenn and AD or the green rupee alright the bottle that's an item that counts as an item probably not gonna be a bottle but I want it you mean if [Music] oh my god Soros domain music I don't like this place and then light-hearted nice music again I'll do it for you ah five rupees even worse leave you a lot of time for this but you get to get some cool blue rupees the best item in the game fabulous prize could you imagine if this fish dude is named Brad let's just say and he like doesn't do his job right and the king is like weep weep jobs gone Oh weep yeah what's your problem I'll tell you what my problem is I don't want these crusty heart pieces anymore give me full hearts or give me a medallion oh yes I can't Oh [Music] god Vinny did you hear about the guy who hit himself in the head with a boomerang suit himself in one why does nothing surprise me anymore my aiming is not very good yes but the real question is can I even get it from here that's okay because I'm gonna get that heart piece right now and it's gonna be a [ __ ] blue roofie and it's gonna be great [ __ ] off took me [ __ ] forever to get that [Music] hoot-hoot take these five rupees [Music] buuut walk if you don't mind me I'm just looking for roofies not blue ones mind you but how the [ __ ] can't link pull out a bomb flower but that's no problem is vine ten arrows gone no it's still exist oh yes so this is where the music went the scariest dungeon in the entire [ __ ] game and this is what it sounds like it's just a happy little dungeon a sleepy little town I guess the music just decided that it didn't want to play anymore I can't believe the Shadow Temple killed the music music [ __ ] off if you wish to speak to me do so from the platform [Music] it's instant death yep dope give the ball get know get that action pose remember every treasure chest has a chance to be the Triforce okay not the Triforce exactly but even better this right here could be a medallion or big or on sword oh [ __ ] what is this I don't know what it is the game doesn't even know I knew that was gonna happen what are you doing Linc stop incoming rip mace culturalism my up to I'm probably really close to 20 I'm gonna guess 18 or 19 [ __ ] you [Music] yeah I don't want that questionable music choices whoa the n64 did not like that yes the original n64 hardware did not like that I'm using the expansion pack which is how it looks so good chat I'm using the 64dd dock so yesterday I went to a deli I don't normally go to this is another vinny deli story so strapped and like like I said I'm consistent I may be predictable but I'm also consistently predictable so that's I guess a positive triple-a attribute so I'm at the deli and the dude is telling me that he had a hard day and he said that he was telling customers like there was a customer that wanted him to like shred the hem and he was like getting like in their face and he was saying like buddy why don't you come back behind the deli he's like a kid like he's in his 20s early 20s he was telling customers like why don't you come back here and we'll see what happens or like someone that was like do you have this particular thing and he was like no I do not have that thing and then they told their their wife to ask for it and he was saying well why don't you come back here you asked for it I was like holy [ __ ] and then he showed me like while he was wheat we were cool we were cool he gave me 50 cents off the sandwich so I gave him a tip but the point is that I was a little bit frightened because at one point he showed me this giant knife he was like if this guy you know it was like I'm having a bad day someone come back here like I told him to come back here if they want to start something and then he like showed me the knife and I was like oh that's probably not something you want to show your customer like he didn't say what he was gonna do with the knife but I think there was an implication that he it was a sharp knife and he could do a lot of things with it if he so choose I'm not going back to that deli anytime soon was the food good juice fine was a sandwich yeah I was a sandwich it was a good sandwich [Music] she's the [ __ ] out of that puzzle awesome I didn't need to get this treasure chest [Music] it's [ __ ] music it's incredible how some of the music choices that the randomizer decided to go with you know as you do when you're a randomizer one more puzzle for that lovely brain of yours Ben I'm detecting some sarcasm are you implying my brain actually isn't lovely I'm the creator of Spallone bah bah goose booties what's the boss music course it's a heart or is it its heart piece I feel not good about that cheated some might say Oh dad told me not to let anybody follow him to the temple but only you vine can save everyone who am I talking to all right this is where Scheck gives link the song Lord you know a bottle with a fish in it I mean don't you even have 50 rupees how's the pota doing how do you know this just walk you listen we're yachting all over the place tonight myself included it's it's probably time to stop god damn it foreboding shooting gallery whoa X this is so much better in the 3ds version with the the gyro aiming [ __ ] you like I hate dead zone on the stick [ __ ] yes the ears aren't right at all you know they should be longer I'm starving here have this bomb to watch I'm a master I'm a master at bomb shoe for left here we go a button also rules [Music] three [ __ ] you [Music] someone just said great I legit can't unsee John's messed up face in that map now but you can't see my on my [ __ ] up face Alton see you can't unsee it for those that don't know the world map in ocarina looks a bit like this to me and to some others as well stupid kid get in there and keep quiet I interpreted that Oh what is that shadow Jesus sytem get outta here low polygon birds never knew you could do that I love that you did great young man oh look at that a Poe the Poe gauntlets what do you think up Oh tastes like anyway of course people are writing great Chet it's not gonna be five roofies don't be so pessimistic right give me the light arrows there won't be a twig hey son have some bombs ah just kiddin get in here [Music] you want to keep code zero code zero the fish it has a name please keep this a secret from everyone you idiot yes no no I had that you know I've been desensitized by the Meuse god damn it there's a larger pool of shitty items than I thought there was [Music] right down up if that's the one right down up right down up gonna get inside the treasure chest scored ah every item for the past hour has been terrible I know people have like a deep seething hatred for it because a help popular it is I guess we're gonna be hearing this music the whole time it's the little final boss music the shopkeepers are aggressive well it's a good thing I posted that blue rupee emo fairies in the room before the boss literally outside the boss room okay in that case let me get rid of this fish this somehow still living still living beautiful fish that was given to me by my friends check [Music] I hear it it's still alive and it just stopped moving from intense boss music to chill God music [Music] am I talking to the dragon oh no that was Navi there it is now don't put me back down here no no no no no look at us we're all huge frogs we're the world-famous fabulous five frog --is-- tethers were it make us jump so we can eat the bugs flying around us ribbit terrifying frogs any current map looks like the thinking emoji if you squint yes and you look at it just the right way it's almost a thinking emoji here we go good treasure chest [Music] eventually the Scarecrow will work please just work do something will you what what got [ __ ] crushed well at least we got music now no no we don't we don't get crushed again alright okay we're good now for the amount of effort it took to get here this is going to be the light arrows place your bets blue rupee bottle someone said bottle arrows bombs nut okay I don't know how many nut is left but I swear to God link swear to God link this is the most effort you could spend for one treasure chest [Music] invincible yes it's a key it's a key all right that just means delayed satisfaction Crenn endo is cackling in the castle right now Fernando is watching all of this the eyes of Nando are everywhere the next chest is going to be another key I vote Deku sticks ice trap would be I don't know if there's any more ice traps left but maybe the game will just give me one because it likes me so much sweet God give me the strength God get me the strike look this one's laughing at me another one of these lads I did not learn the Nocturne of shadow I've learned it already what's up right you want a green rupee got you covered bro it's another donut room though this is where the fruits of my labor will finally come true I'm not gonna finish that you'll finish it in your head [Music] I swear to God yes could I have more keys please [Music] Wow speedrun strats this is the chest with the light arrows are you ready are you ready chat are you ready hey are you ready for this oh it's yeah yeah yeah final chest dawn of the final chest it's a big one please say a prayer for me chat this is all a tremendous waste of time this is it light arrows are gonna be in here mm-hmm so did I ever tell you guys about my cousin who wanted me to come to his club so this is the thing from the abyss James Cameron had to kill 13,000 rats in order to achieve this effect in that film but that's okay because I'm pretty sure I didn't hit left on the control stick here we go this is it are these the light arrows eat it have faith Arthur what if I told you I know where the light arrows are [Music] this is gonna be a fun room there's [ __ ] spikes in here and [ __ ] red hair tan skin I've seen people like that before okay sealing invisible hook shop points on the walls and ceiling [Music] boy I love life everything is paid someone just said quality game design you're supposed to get a lens of truth that allows you to see them but this is the randomizer so I don't have that item [Music] skull hoot-hoot look up here yes yes there it is the light arrows finally maybe this is light arrows I don't know are you looking at never even now he's going mental talk to na'vi alright let's find out what na'vi has to say i'll be your guide on the way but coming back I won't play I'll show you the only way to go so follow me and don't be slow oh look at that just randomly found it your might I mean I'm gonna need that sad but that's not thing there's a lot of treasure chests in here this might be it well there's two of them I don't even know what just happened nothing good in this rum Beni in the end if you think about it it's not really about finding the light arrows it's about the friends we made along the way how distasteful is it to make a banjo trust me you don't want me to fight the bongo lord you you we're here oh god I love that randomize text okay I'm just gonna leave the stavos on the boat something strange is covering the entrance and it just fell off anyway and died that's the closest to a ceiling boner you're gonna get in this game make no mistake this is a portal room that's right family-friendly Zelda game has a big pile of blood on it on the bottom of an X [ __ ] Ramsay Bolton was here suddenly forgot how to play the game I have to use Daenerys Fingal findell that was quality how am i struggling with the controls this is not Red Dead Redemption - I'm struggling hard no as I was saying you're gonna be surprised at the quality of this room I almost got kicked by that black horse [Music] yes I'm having a good time having a good time yep thanks kid you and I let's give Ganondorf or his followers a big surprise shall we accurate for the light arrows it's [ __ ] stalks that is the best room in the game light arrows and mirror shield [Music] I guess this music works a more magic I have no more magic waste in fact I don't even have a fairy I don't have hearts good just what I need bean how much look how much sandwich [Music] that's not okay so the light trial you need the gauntlets for that Gerudo training ground stalfos chest progressive strength upgrade that couldn't be in a worse spot then he you can do a glitch to get behind the pillar teach me this glitch teach me the glitch how do I pitch how do I do this do I jump backwards many times teach me vini here's a video then yeah it's a video okay here's another cool YouTube video that's definitely gonna be a rickroll oh wait no no no here we go like trial clip setup oh yeah that's easy I got that let me show you how easy this is this is nothing [Music] there you go I'm in Vinny go to the spirit trial shove an arm Oh Statue against the door and jump attack at the corner you made until you clip through the wall ceiling for it in the dark what what is this what is this going to try it the music is perfect I know I know pressure of music almost I can feel the clip yes yes now what oh god oh god where am I what what's going on feel around go left and hug the wall okay we're use that room as a reference point okay yeah I know I'm in the trial hub I'm just trying to figure out exactly where the goddamn rock is or where the door is okay so there's the room forward to jump off the legend and go left okay I jumped off the ledge pay close attention to your action button saying open I know it's on the ground floor put away [Music] I don't know if I'm exactly there you're way too far from it I went up the stairs again [ __ ] doesn't feel like I'm up many stairs here's the center of the room and so here's okay I'm directly at the bottom of spirit it's very near the spirit room it's directly next to the spirit room okay so what did I just clip finally and this is the front of the spirit okay hang on a minute I'm just stuck somewhere oh this is awful yeah I'm stuck again okay this is good this is good that was perfect okay there's stairs there stairs should be right here and link is going down stairs I'm downstairs you were on the right stairs okay now I'm off the stairs now I'm in between the stairs of love I can't believe this is how I'm spending my night just don't know where I am now I was at stairs a minute ago and I was going up the stairs I feel like a professional professional [ __ ] okay stairs stairs why are the frame rates getting so crusty what the hell happened stairs they jump off okay jump upstairs more stairs okay this should be stairs in a second yes there's it should just be a door here are we winning no one wins we go down the stairs and then we should be going up the stairs down the stairs up the stairs up the stairs down the stairs door should be door right here door right here door [ __ ] goddamn it are we sure that thing D spawned then either rocks not gone the rock is still there people are saying it's still there confirmed rock is still there well that's [ __ ] not cool at least you clip through the door well that's a positive way to look at it I pulled off one trick wasn't a difficult one [Music] more scary music Thank You vine dingdong dingdong the current time is 847 by the way do you know what happened in the castle haven't been keeping up with the castle I mean it's destroyed its cannons now maybe that by the way I really messed up I was brainwashed by those old witches and used by Ganondorf to do his evil will that almost could be the actual story this [ __ ] battle I hid a stick somewhere hehe uh I don't whoa what's always the [ __ ] shitty skeletons yeah no no oh okay well I took a lucky guess then looks like this is gonna be a lot shorter of a stream than I thought it would be [Music] [Music] wow you have a rumble pack today you can feel the vibration young man I'm starving let's eat dinner right now pretend ons castle there is no text for that nut there it is what do I think the Canon music will be probably a dungeon I don't think it can be shot music again because it's it's own unique music I don't know no I think it'll be an adult dungeon theme of the post cellar will be a good one song of storms oh please God let it be song of storms please Sariah hasn't come back yet but I know she'll return someday but never beat me by reflecting my lightning bolts and unleashing the arrows from shadow temple is such a big strong guy I really want to be like you someday even though I always be small get it had jealousy issues with length this whole time is the POE music awesome moment come on man see why Luigi would be able to do this no problem good very good link base right right why there's still a guy hey guys vice wrong why are like magic so you're in imagine right now there's a little bit might a guy it's very powerful man oh I guess I just have to die then you can shoot him during that okay I never knew that [Music] [Music] oh yeah I skipped the escape sequence on purpose there's an option for that all no I have to beat Nana juice with only one part and one bottle of fairy yeah we call it manager when we play smash [Music] it would have to be this music it would absolutely have to be this music [Music] so I know wait yeah he destroys the right thing there's a ferry that comes out of it I think there we go there's a couple of them Oh help please help I figured if I went to Zelda and looked at her and like gave her the look she would help me but she decided not to there you go those eyeballs are so delicious tonight I will cook fried eyeballs for the first time in a long time oh boy boy oh boy oh boy such great stuff please say thank you to king zora hey what vine wait up buddy [Music] whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo I'm almost whoa whoa there oh please by the way mini it said if you wait a minute if you die during the second sequence you are forced to do the escape sequence lucky me you know what it's not time ya squander the night Sariah and vine her friends forever sorry Zelda we got to go fast really Zell was at the very end was that the last no there was one more wasn't there after that you would think after all this time link would overcome his fear having defeated Ganondorf and now escaping up like a destroyed castle I had jalapeno earlier with my dinner and you know I could really use a tum right about now but it's stuck horizontally in this very thin model Zelda just said get out of my way so I can't like I can't get it out of the bottle got it I'm actually more happy that I got the tum than me getting to ganon in time this music makes everything seem really cute but it's not I promise his eyeballs look so delicious yes which is the nut actually work oh yeah it kind of does okay it doesn't work all that amazing no boy please stop that [Music] easy first try vines house blood [Music] thank you very much hey that's actually really good that's a good random piece of text po 30 rupees thank you very much thank you so much for to a playing my game [Music] here's the ending theme bomb chew 5 pieces 60 rupees this is the bad end this is the the hero oh my god I'll tell you a secret for saving me there are switches in this temple ding dong ding dong third times 1659 I think this timeline splits off into Link's crossbow training I'm not mistaken big Deku baba my attendant will guide you out of the castle don't be afraid to talk to her wrong wait that was way before this the game for grown-ups high rules famous shooting gallery this statue haven't we seen it somewhere before crossbow training confirmed it's a shooting gallery this is the beginning of the crossbow training timeline too bad were you pecked by a cuckoo when you were little nobody believes what I've been telling them all these past seven years didn't even get a chance to read all that it was oddly appropriate what did it say the last thing it mentioned the Royal song that play the song passed down by the royal family okay that's it somewhat appropriate tracks were made to loot so maybe the ending theme is always this one and you know what after completing a randomizer run being rewarded with the actual ending and this awesome music is [ __ ] it's worth it but you have to wonder if I didn't look up the location of the strength upgrade how long this would have taken so okay the big key we would have gone through the trials that could have taken maybe a half hour I would have gone through the other trials first and what I didn't find it I would have been pissed because I would need the strength upgrade it could have been in any temple that I haven't been to it could have been in jabu jabu all the light arrows were another one - then again Ganon Ganon would have told me where it was he would have said shadow temple to be fair I and others would have told you to go to GTG it has a ton of chests ya GTG is probably according to this Gerudo training grounds has probably the most chests out of any area except the shadow temple which it's like kind of tied with Vinnie I made my own randomized seat after you first stream this I accidentally shuffled Kokiri sword it ended up in Ganon's castle ooh for people who never played ocarina of time there you know all the things that I missed like like that dude the King Kings are up there like who who are these people like there's supposed to be an emotional attachment to some of these characters because you've been through so much you get to learn who they are if you only base this ending on the randomizer run you're probably very confused but I'm gonna say this this should help [Music] here's what else I will say all of the water and the kingdom of Hyrule passes through the ass of that giant King scam I can't overstate how important this game was for me and how devastated I was to finally finish it after doing everything I didn't want to finish it so I just went got all the sculptural ISM did every single thing before I went to Ganon I mean most of us the most it was but a lot of us feel this way this is you know obviously hugely important and influential game but it's still good even shitty randomized and then I remember hearing rumors about Zelda Gaiden Gaiden Gaiden I was like really there's another Zelda game on the way for the n64 I couldn't wait I remember having dreams about what I thought it would be like and then when they revealed that it was called Majora's Mask and like there's this magazine that had a big feature on it I read that article over and over and over and over and over again and now I'm like 20 years older so we're all of us and just like the Ocarina of Time well actually very unlike the Ocarina of Time we kind of can't go back we don't get to go back seven years or in this case 20 we just keep on going I hurt my back by trying to lie on my side I switched from laying on my back to my side and it caused the back pain that lasted like three days that's what getting older is like we all have that to look forward to yeah the game is over thank you so much for watching ocarina of time randomized it was a lot of fun the end
Channel: Blood_Wraith ‎
Views: 1,041,408
Rating: 4.9217796 out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, vinny, oot, randomizer, comp, compilation, highlight, highlights, ocarina, random, blue, time, rupee
Id: 97eFNJdz5NE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 3sec (3843 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2018
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