Vinesauce Vinny: Spyro [The Daddy Goo Cut]

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I recoil when I see Activision these days this is such a deep purple on you now have to accept licences to play single-player games Wow Wow so I guess Activision owns my soul in the world of Dragon here's ugly no store most of my recent spiral memories are corruption so if you'll forgive me did I not notice Spyros melting face nice nice oh it's a nice looking video game graphics look nice it's so real Wow my controllers about to die up thank you for releasing me spiral a little uncomfortable here dragons in the artisan world on second thought let's not stream Spyro he'll transport you to the next world keep your horns on Spyro you have much to learn first hey mods can you ban the word daddy please keep an eye on him Thanks see what I mean what was your favorite PlayStation platformer whoa this crash croc tumba Roomba bones clear come to the thumbs cleared with me we cool to the poems career of 2d I would really prefer if you would be quiet detective Pikachu huh Psyduck is amazing it looks so crusty it basically Howard the Duck you could always check your progress by accessing the guidebook through the pause menu time to break the fourth wall now spiral hi good thanks dog Oh gotcha I would have loved this game if I had it as a kid but remember I had an n64 I kind of stuck with the n64 for platformers but I see that was also you know there are some good ones on this system too well on you know ps1 none of those good platformers are on the PlayStation classic instead you get cube game Syphon Filter remember that oh boy you know what Syphon Filter it's so awesome you can like shoot and stuff play it now it's like please know what a beautiful game this is wasn't there like edgy Spyro at one point like one of the sequels to Spyro was like an edge dragon can I see a picture of the edge dragon please wait this isn't real that's not from like a spiral porn is it it's like a cropped spiral porn he seems to be looking down at something what is he looking down at probably nothing right so here let's let's get some nice cursed images together I showed you my deck my duck excuse me where am I going now I want to get the key jump off the gate behind the exit portal definitely not gonna be at jail it's not a jape sorry spiral right right water bad it's like the old days of GTA [Music] then you can press the left stick to have Spyro boy sparks pointing in the direction of missing gems spanks we were you pointing me spanks over that way don't know don't stop off I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up now he's dead spanks is dead rips banks magic ain't go here yet this is like spooky spooky zone so we might be doing vine sauce earrings I don't know it was an idea I thought oh that could be cool it's something different wouldn't be overly expensive either so just just thought I'd throw that out there I just like to let you know that you can't participate in the chat or watch the streams unless you purchase the vine sauce earrings you never know when you're gonna be able to speak in chat either so for that you're gonna have to buy a sauce crate fine sauce condoms they exist euro Matic made them for me well he didn't make them but you can get them custom-made I handed a couple out at a convention and then I realized this is probably probably gonna go I wasn't sure if you could speak I mean who trusts a condom you get at a convention that's like it packs this year someone threw like a package of condoms at me I was like oh right to the garbage they go I'll just go ahead and poke this with a little needle anyway Here I am playing spyro a nice dragon game it's really good you know it's family friendly and again I'm talking about something disgusting but Vinny I need to keep my hog in all-caps warm I don't think that's what they're you know what yes they are basically that that's what they are yes hog warmers there's another area here chat Waterfall it's a hidden hidden one stuff that's fire Oh 666 gems what the hell's this oh this is cool kind of rubbish at this at the moment reminds me a bit of diddy kong racing minutes yes we'll try again then why you do that Spyro I want to do that optimal let's start with the trains go against the trains well this is this is hard ditch I heard about some trains [Music] okay okay hang on a minute now now I'm determined now I'm [ __ ] determined [ __ ] I got clown Don found on ok this will be my final attempt because I'm going to succeed oh Jesus one more time [Music] Joshua seven seconds lost there this sucks come on I'm on you bastard in the face it's gonna keep getting them three seconds come on you bastard come on you bastard that one's really far away 2 1 3 2 1 yes oh my god that was really fun it's the bit of a nightmare but it was fun it was a fun nightmare recover our treasure Spyro collect treasure got it I don't know how to do a whole pot else but I can do that hey spyro the sparks the Dragonfly has been doing a good job protecting you make sure to keep him strong my feet need lots of butterfly the absolute unit whoa camera please every now and then there's a moment where the camera just doesn't doesn't like you he says he doesn't like you I don't like you either random Star Wars reference in there just throw it in they'll love it chat they'll love it no stop that stop that nice oh [ __ ] off oh [ __ ] that's pretty lame mother was another dragon I missed I mean I see it I just don't know how to get to it you have to fly from around the corner you can charge and glide oh my god mother book let's try to do this from around the corner I see it I see it so I have to get up there oh [Music] okay I got this I don't got this hey go credible Clyde Spiro Dorothy next up here forever yes 400 of 400 apparently this was rushed to Activision rush the game which despite that still pretty damn great but Activision rushing for bottom-line profitability no they didn't rush anything when animating a fortnight dance what do you mean excuse excuse me [Music] [ __ ] getting a little dizzy spoon what's on the other side of that River why don't you glide there and find out I know you are but what am i okay I still don't get the key of the level but I got everything else Vinnie you missed all right I'm not gonna spend like 20 hours doing Spyro yeah I didn't get all of them I did good there you go they go Vinny this game goes to 120% 120% hundred twenty percent why would they lie to me like that yes the bugs I've heard about these wait until you grow big like me large dragon fellow thank you for releasing me thank you for Ralph gigabyte we didn't get to record more than one line what was that what did you just do do that again that wasn't a dab no no no dab is dip [ __ ] you know what it's better this way there are a lot of places that have no snow infrastructure I think it was like Texas or something like that that got snow not too long ago and everything shut down what is this white substance on the ground and then God screams from above after asking what is this white sticky substance on the ground and you listened and the clouds part and you hear this tinky-winky the Almighty has spoken someone said cranky Kong no I'm cranky Kong so I just said Vinny gets older every day this is your fault though the more you age the more time that you waste and squander the older I get I'm just a supporting role in the story of your life remember that don't age too quickly please I want to have a couple few want to have a few good years left that's right I'm an MPC that's the good stuff right there come to Brazil oh boy oh [ __ ] Superman 64 starring a dragon it's interesting Kruk well now what [Music] lights lighthouses suck if you like lighthouses you suck this is not a good order I'm going to fail this with like one thing left to get watch Oh Nelly it's gonna be more than one thing left to get but you know I gave it my best I like that you can approach these in a number of different ways you eat a dick spiral rings chests gates lights all right I mean they kind of do lead you in this direction I just didn't know if the lights were you know gonna work for me and they do here we go come on now that's yeah that's a lot quicker than it took me to do the first stage like this I don't know why I turned into a cartoon character for some of that but takes a long time to come back from a death I didn't think the purple was poison I just thought it was like Spiro goo I just said goo I didn't say anything else I guess the word goop mods banned the word goo gotta go ahead dr. shim he's so cool he should watch his back got a knife I got you so I really didn't need to see that dude's ass [ __ ] is his camera [Music] yes I'm really happy that Crenn endo isn't just Captain Falcon clone anymore someone just said who the [ __ ] is Crenn and OH oh my sweet summer child I bet Crandall doesn't even know himself all that well very sad well that's why he keeps doing what he does - link but that's a theory [Music] whose link oh I don't know who that is already dead someone said that we use a failure that I was happy with I love the WiiU I'll defend the games on that system and had some great [ __ ] games paint a tattoo paperweight no no that's xbox one you know we got some great games but then it was just like oh here's another Wii Sports title here's we bengis where you get to play pool we motion control + pingas which is an even better version of bengis and i will say this though we music was one of the most disappointing presentations I've ever seen at 83 you know you're waiting for like a nice new game for your system and then a dude comes out and plays fake drums it was like wait this is what can you stop that please good sony had some of the more infamous moments at e3 the ps3 men what what a show what an absolute show that was giant enemy crab 599 US dollars Ridge Racer oh my god you have to supercharge the spiders the hell's going on over here oh you distracted me well thank you you can't fall and die here I'll thank God for that where'd they get these cushiony walls Gork true denis the nurses will take you back to your room with cushion walls after you're done streaming quote-unquote today what was that movie with the Hulk and Titanic photographed place shutter island thank you yeah like that it's funny how I said I wasn't going to 100% yet so far I've done every level 100% pinata why you play baby game why not Schrute why you're fast spider-man spider what is this no don't do that no no chat No [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] yeah pretty bad at this game alright let's try not to die now [Music] yes yes spectacle oh they're just one what's it [Music] I am completion day you go this world I didn't do 100 person I'm close enough that I probably could just get back there and do it if I need to guess we're doing another one of these this isn't going very well is it there's a YouTube channel where they're like doing ghost hunts and they forgot to edit out a clip of them faking it and it turns out that one thing was the thing that proves that it was fake ghost hunting channel uploads YouTube video forgets to edit out important moment basement it kind of reminds me I'm sentimental no you're too early when I say mental asylum what I say mental asylum do it yeah and it kind of reminds me of like an old yeah yeah when I say my videos like that they need professional letters like like that would ever happen on Ghost Adventures it's pretty good I mean you know your whole [ __ ] career as a youtuber of that kind relies on you editing that one part out guess we'll just leave it in this is too dumb even for me great guess I'll just crash set a world record you know what it's a world record on this PlayStation 4 this is my favorite supercharged spot use it to bash those wizards [Music] this nope [Music] use the wings at the top of the jump okay that was the top of the jump no you need to go through at least two supercharged ramps [Music] what a life that poor son-of-a-bitch had and it was flexing on me that was the worst thing I've ever seen happen to that poor dragon Wow [Music] there's got a lot of range someone in chat just said Vinny you made me have a weird sense of humor and now no one likes me there will be a check in the mail yeah but there's like there's such a thing you know like inside and outside voice there's such a thing as inside and outside memes so like you probably don't want to like go to new people and be like hey do you want to see my meat like I do I wouldn't recommend it what do you mean meat now there's another Wizard Spyro please fly around the mountain [Music] yep rip those revenge would you like to go now I have to figure how to open that chest I was like Oh [Music] and so people are going crazy in the chat right now because this level is apparently garbage that mini-map is certainly interesting [Music] cool cool yeah yeah arms [Music] whenever I see the bananas I'm like oh I have to collect them and then I forget that I'm not playing Donkey Kong where does this lead this leads directly to death yeah so to 100% I need this treasure chest which means another chance no I want to get up there yes but in a different path so not from this path yeah this is annoying and to make it worse banana throwing monkeys [Music] doodle dip I can't stop saying doodle dip I've been saying it out loud to myself when I'm not streaming yes doodle dip Benny what is doodle dip it's when you know when when you're drawing I know that's it someone else a dangerous new drug which I like better not drugs I mean just the explanation did I already lose the thief really really I'm gonna do that again you have to do it you turn you have to do a u-turn are you [ __ ] kidding me game [ __ ] it up wrong [ __ ] I got it this time I got it I got it I got it [Music] that that that you just have to know that you have to do that somehow I'll get it eventually I guess if you spent a couple hours in here you might eventually figure this out and I [ __ ] up again because not only do you need to know what to do we have to be really precise with your jumps too [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] got it that's insane it's insane this dragon is going to be befuddled this better be the best reaction how did you get up here I I don't even I don't even understand you learned a lot since you were young gladder yeah well you could have found an easier spot to get stuck yeah yeah pretty [ __ ] much dude you know and there's still more [Music] the next one is harder little did I know that this was going to be a nightmare okay I think I got it now there he is that's how you do it yep you really got to follow those thieves you weren't [ __ ] around chat [Music] first try you just beat the worst level in all of Spyro nice work feel good yo [ __ ] it Spyro just got shanked with a real knife why is he holding it like that smashing Spyros stamp them out and squeeze them and squash them oh yeah okay Spanx is parked up pointing parking parking this way my favorite rich Evans misnomer of all time is coasts table is good folding tables are sitting on a folding table that's covered with a dirty table Collinson what's a disabled folding table I say a lot of stupid [ __ ] - but it's endearing when rich does it just makes me laugh nice we like them so much more - [Music] really fried chicken Terrace William Oh Terrace village you know I enjoyed infinity war I thought I was I was good I liked it and I thought that house was a well done villain it's weird cuz I thought it was a big purple space dick but it was it was better than I thought it would be by far and then he started showing up in fortnight and now I can't take that Oh seriously like when Avengers 4 happens I'm just gonna be laughing I'm gonna be thinking about about this so you know be careful what you put your thing in and that applies wait a minute wait a minute phrasing let me rephrase that seriously be careful what you put your thing in I'm good it's stuck in a ring dang do [Music] [Music] dragons about your amazing adventures sure what I'd really like to do is get out of this swamp okay stop that are you ready to go Bell this is gonna be a pain in the ass isn't it look how tight these [ __ ] turns are pray for me chat one one subscription equals one prayer [Music] did you do did it adder that did it did it then in and more so than that I think Sony just doesn't have anything I'm doing this like completely half-ass it's totally wrong how many planes they got one plane I didn't even know where the [ __ ] planes were like I'm all for a nice looking [ __ ] one plane and that was like you know a big thing for them get more things at 64k 60 frames for cake great-great-great-great-great but the game has got to be good you know what I'm not very good at this does anyone have a suggestion for me what should I get first boats and arches yeah I like this this is good it's one boat left there's this [ __ ] huh like I don't play uncharted or anything like that Wow Wow like I'm not that into God of War I hate this as I've said before my my Microsoft's game console is basically now a brick it's just there just sits there collects dust this one this one's miserable this is um this is lame there's this last boy here we go thank God for that level being over where the [ __ ] is the boss of this gym others got lost all right let's go fight metalhead if the green ones yourself oh I see Wow I can't believe it's so difficult for me to find this look for the gate with an opening Green River there's a gate with a hole that's a tricky one Wow look at this floating islands [Music] hog dogs there we go I will complete and right into the [ __ ] pit of despair but ya know warframe is customizable you can do a lot with it you can turn on motion controls when I say motion controls I mean gyro aiming it's fun enough that I would like to [ __ ] with it a bit children of mana men of mana it's making the world a better place no comment [Music] for [Music] all that three gems I don't know where I'm going this is it Luigi we made it the big city I thought that was the portal huh is there just like one gem up there I guess so well shiver your Timbers and blow me loads why would Pirates say that though really like does any do we have proof that pirates said that I'm really really serious about this that's disgusting let's not what they said right what did they say what was the quote shiver me timbers and blow me down Vinnie what kind of pirates were you looking at how did you ever become second-in-command being so we keep insult tomato find out just how we go anyway thanks for watching the Spyro stream I want to go back here and get the last gems and then continue moving forward oh [ __ ] miss this whole section Hey [Music] man I'm still getting like walloped at this part just like I did when I first played the game yes Wallops God really gotten murdered please oh [ __ ] hell I don't know what I'm doing chat don't mind me [Music] oh boy oh boy I'm so sorry Spira I didn't mean to cause concussions hey thanks for causing lasting damage to me I think I know what to do now well I saw it I saw it I saw it sa w L sawl those are some really tight turns I don't I don't know even though it didn't really work for me that was my fault I hope the same thing happens we slay this fire slay the Spyro slay the [ __ ] [Music] [Music] the best Aditi it's also kind of weird going from warframe to this this is like the beginning of numbers going up games great work you did this incredibly difficult thing now here's a new weapon no I liked that I was cool I liked I wanted to die a little bit why is it so addictive to see numbers go up in video games what is that I heard it compared to there's no obvious progress in life and many times you go backwards before you can go forwards so playing video games is kind of like well I'm something is getting done the only number you get to keep an eye on in real life is your [ __ ] age all right I'll stop I'm sorry bright colorful cheery dragon game with nice nice dragon friends Oh jump off go flying you know why things like that happen because my age level is too high so this super flame is permanent people are saying unless you die many everything is permanent until you die this is a cool depression chat we have going here tonight you know despite all this I'm relatively happy today you wouldn't believe it Thank You frame switch viewers by warframe Vinnie vine sauce is telling you you should buy it subliminally isn't it weird that we use verbiage of like you know dick levels when it comes to measuring storage floppy hard drive even disk almost sound well I don't think that was intentional but you'd be surprised at how fast these things fill up I mean just my [ __ ] Sunday stream shitty games folder alone I realize is hopelessly massive some would say was endless trash did it did it into death what is that is it so familiar oh it's that Donkey Kong thing again oh you guys are on your game yeah that's the one [Music] okay good know where the rest of those chests are for those that don't know maybe they didn't watch for your fact that they didn't grow up with it maybe they never heard of it but it's just it was a show where you did scary [ __ ] and if you you competed against other people like you would eat bugs or like you know do bungee jump off a tall building or something and like you'd have to face your fears but you know in its later seasons it ended up turning into like how much jizz can you drink in one sitting all at once [Applause] buckets of jizz wow that was the hardest thing I ever had to watch you girls are monsters even that guy over there is impressed with you some light conversation after the depression talk that we had earlier just limb bowing further and further closer to the ground falling ever ever farther from God I say we but it's mainly just me I can't really blame this on anyone else why do all the Spyro streams usually have unhappy topics happen during them I think it has something to do with the duality of men I think the game is so colorful and nice that I have to balance it out how am i getting worse at this jesus [ __ ] christ I realized that this would go smoother if I let me show you press Z or R twice and I as I was watching like World War two [ __ ] Vietnam stuff and it was like oh god no it's nice to take a break from bad news and smelly things and just get lost in like a Seinfeld or an Always Sunny or something like that you know yeah I missed the chest didn't I that's cool see it see it I thought oh dear God anyway I was I was gonna watch that bungo strongest movie but I haven't had the chance to yet it's the cowboy weird movie from the Coneheads Buster Scruggs oh that's yeah yeah Pongo scrumptious exactly chef if you could live in any video game world where would you live pokeyman pokeyman pokeman I guess pokey man's on the mind doom because I'm already in hell dead cells sewers okay this is getting interest I'll until you say Midgar for some reason even though that is dank you may as well just move to some [ __ ] like you may as well just move to the dead cell sewer potato village or Kakariko I like kitane over oh [ __ ] look at that number that is a good number I'm not even fazed by it I drop in so many pits in this game that was not cool that was a bad pit I didn't like that pit what I'm good if you could have one item from videogames what would it be I'd choose the Infinity Gauntlet having a really hard time with this level right now watch out for fly-in boxes that's almost a danger noodle and this game really doesn't have proper bosses spiral Y can fly it didn't it didn't save me killing this some wretched pun beast anyway the item I would choose would be a Phoenix down yeah or one up if you have a one up you spawn as a baby just like in Mario good morning I'm glad that my spawn point was right there and not further away that what reaction was a little excessive I will be honest I may have to check that out I may have to take a look at my cholesterol or something I don't even know what the [ __ ] the word cholesterol meant and now I have to try to like figure out what that is Vinnie I have important information vine sauce important information ok ok that's good information [Music] information so you're in Nasty's world now Spyro bring him on I'm ready reach the exit in each of nasties lands then you can challenge the knork himself do you know what commercial I really hate turn to the Nerds not getting enough cash back with that credit card turn to the Nerds I don't even [ __ ] have cable like I guess they're talking about fixing your computer professionally and the dudes like turn to the Nerds he says it over and over and over and over again I guess it worked good [ __ ] advertising if that's the case you know what else I hate but for different reasons coin scum you know when you're handling coins and you just like you can feel it it's like gunk I have a tray in my car that I keep coins and they really like a little slimy and I don't know if that's just like finger fluid like I avoided my hand for the entirety of the time that I was in that supermarket to get the coins start going when I handle the coins I will put a [ __ ] glove on I don't care how stupid that sounds but when I have to remove those coins I've put gloves on now you may say to yourself Vinny you're a hypochondriac well I don't even know how to spell that pennies in particular are very very disgusting I don't like pennies I leave pennies as tips if I get a coffee or something and I get pennies back where is that tip jar [ __ ] how often do you replace your coin gloves well I have to use coin glove gloves to handle them so that I don't get coin friction Jerry I got coin clubs Jerry why don't we make my gloves no one has coin gloves hey Jerry I don't know I mean now and then Elaine was like Jerry I'm dating coin gloves I know and yes I know my Jerry Seinfeld impression sounds a lot more like Adam Sandler I never claimed I could do a good Seinfeld but I can wear a good coin glove and I have a lot of bad words I would I would like to say right now hiss Jesus Spiro [Music] I am going to do a grape soda review live on stream it's pretty good but it's really sugary kind of like I remember it only I like it less now that I'm older because sugar doesn't really jive with me what are the odds that I just jump into the poison way I have an idea never mind alright this is gonna be it I got it not this [ __ ] time boy howdy boy howdy guess it's kind of smart that the final boss is more about a platforming and less about the combat old buddy old pal of mine well that's how close I was to finishing that like two jumps away I'd say get a job at Pixar so does the ending change for a hundred percent because I got a hundred percent not yet you have to do the level and I hate those things so much oh wait spiral can't swim in lava now you I'll use the code does this like negate my progress we have erased all of your progress and deleted access to the other games in the trilogy I think this is it the home stretch inspirational posters patience is for dragons not good knowledge is the power to turn dragons to Crystal's imagination rhymes with devastation and crustacean one of those inspirational posters should say Harrison Ford when you need to get a Ford Taurus under the floorboards [Music] this is the cooler Spyro ending when dis spiral become a man row ok thanks for watching Lu that perfect timing to this is exactly what I like to end the stream thanks for watching spyro that's all folks we'll see you with another Spyro stream maybe next year the game thank you so much for to playing a mad game [Music]
Channel: bowwoo
Views: 219,708
Rating: 4.9394479 out of 5
Keywords: vinny, vinesauce, vinny vinesauce, fullsauce vinesauce, spyro, spyro reignited, ps4, speedrun, red vox
Id: KFNnhUIn1cA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 22sec (3262 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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