Vinesauce Vinny: Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards [The Shart Cut]

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tonight we curb our enthusiasm I feel nothing that was a terrible intro but I'll be goddamned if it didn't it didn't sound good at the time this is just like a walk in the park good walk in the park a walk into fire ah you [ __ ] bastard check this out two abilities combined oh yeah here's another good one it does get a little difficult here and there I mean if you want to collect everything there's some difficulty I probably missed something already great you can bind bomb with oh whoops nothing never mind you combine bomb with nothing and you get nothing never mind and what [ __ ] universe is a waddle dude a boss also is this a waddle dude Jesus Christ Kirby meditation Kirby Kirby why was that blurry is that supposed to be like that it was it supposed to be censored Waddell friend okay so the [ __ ] now sandwich and I [ __ ] love the music in this game so much Kirby's bunghole the King has arrived the king is day off oh yeah King Dedede seating some meat man the tree the tree sure looks really bad many trees in New York are not plaid not that I'm aware of oh yeah yeah this music I love disability is that a syringe you bet it's a syringe I don't feel a lot of pressure because I just don't care I let people down on a daily basis did I miss a shard pinata are you okay yeah I'm all right Wow fun for me believe I to plate the paper game and then die in the paper game open an op-ed a game in your community metal dealer survives all disabilities awesome I don't want to kill it it's so happy Kirby gets set on [ __ ] fire oh my god yeah there's a good one fridge when do I stop vibrating why what is this food boy that's not food that's just stick the fridge can kill enemies i well how do you do that what you have to throw the stick at them give to go in there stick you need to hit them with food items you just missed every time oh good this game makes me hungry for ice cream [Music] within cells I like how Kirby music just doesn't give a [ __ ] it like Kirby music is its own genre she's a baby game aah then he what's your opinion on stones and boulders I tend to prefer stones over boulders yeah just by a little bit though pebbles are cool I think it just depends on on how smooth it is like I prefer a smoother stone boulders tend to be dangerous and rare but you can get a nice smooth stone now almost any old place pumice yeah pumice is [ __ ] remind me what pumice is again please skater pearl I like the stones that they sell at museums and like Science Center's where you can get what appear to be very rare expensive minerals for like 13 cents I did end up coming home with a [ __ ] bag full of quartz and a bunch of other jape stones just Kirby not like eat anything that's alive cuz a lot of stuff goes in Kirby's mouth Kirby definitely definitely swallows what the [ __ ] their cells within the blue ray from Blade Runner 2049 [ __ ] sucks by the way the menu looks like something from a DVD from 2002 it's not good pretty please [Music] well Darth Maul time was there fire back here I have the memory of a peanut so please bear with me someone in chat like a couple minutes ago was like when did que pasa Nang happen Meng was always with us we just didn't know it fish does nothing this does something leads me to death Denis I just swallowed my bubblegum help all right swallow some watermelon seeds water them daily eventually a vine will start to grow out of your mouth so you can count on the gum being a part of that little watermelon vine plant whatever what if the vines come out of your ass I don't know if it's okay if it's vines I just don't know if it's okay someone in chat just said are you Joel or are you Vinny it does say Vinny on the sidebar there when you know when you watch me stream at the bottom it says streaming Vinny if it makes you happy I can be whoever you want it says vine sauce not Vinny oh yeah I guess it doesn't say Vinny oh [ __ ] I guess I could be anyone [ __ ] my name is Logan Jones Internet superhero don't give up there were Wow Vinny is it true that you have a vibrator to make weird sounds yes you're correct yeah viewers to of Jesus Christ don't go to Japan and wear a kimono and throw pokeballs at cars [Music] holy [ __ ] this level is destroying night my sense of well-being oh come on no no no no Kirby please go back down Kirby oh you [ __ ] I can't get it oh that wasn't a bubble Vinnie I heard you hate geese oh yeah yeah pluck them I met one person at a convention who told me that she had pet geese and she said they were really sweet I'm sure some geese are wonderful like maybe a goose or two on their own great but my only experience with geese are the ones that fly overhead and take massive dumps apparently she told me that she had ducks and they were [ __ ] anyway let's do this I got this oh my god no no we're so close what are we doing done [Music] no I was like I don't want to lose my cutter I finished the fight Kirby cobby I'm already 50% through the game I'm gonna end up going back and getting all the shards that I missed for sure the sharts 100% sharks late when it comes to dinner and I'm already dead [Music] Vesta bility I wish I was a bird what's happening here hey none of them can make it up that far the hamster rocks and climb walls was that the hamster already ten minutes of the stream are over more than that and I spent most of my time transforming into other characters literally thousands the best part is I actually have to go back down to get a shark well Kirby is drifting all over the [ __ ] place that will be a good spin off Tokyo Drift Kirby edition I've had nothing but problems nothing but trouble starring Chevy Chase and Dan Aykroyd [Music] Kirby go flat now I kind of love Canada in a lot of ways they're like our most of the nicest people I've ever met in my life were Canadian there's just nice folk folk and I like hats I mean if they're a hat then you know that's cool a couple good professors in Canada oh whoops I'd like to note that this this isn't donkey kong levels of of holy [ __ ] I missed one even without Donkey Kong levels of holy [ __ ] on the minecart I still managed to [ __ ] it up got some nice stock metal sound effects royalty free sound effects [ __ ] my favorite place to get sound effects Illuminati thwomps confirmed but you're gonna get bad indigestion that was not a peacefrog blood on the streets up to my echo oh okay how is drill so good yes introduce a little chaos hat I have to make a hat I did it I don't know how specific the Hat has to be good enough oh why did his parents named him Douglas oh yes as cool as that sword is I'm not I'm not feeling it right now but then again all right well whatever like her bye hurt fire by which is another really stupid ability bastard Carvey Oh buddy why are you so dorky well who's the dork the dorks are the person watching the dork play video games the answer is C all of us also a dork is a whale penis car B flap your little wings yeah light saber ah you're having a whale of a time here on the stream them we're all dorks damn it you can tell by the sound of my voice just how happy I am that another dimension another dimension yeah the music is amazing here - wiping your ass with dryer sheets that's surprisingly well thought out is that a real thing it is now Kirby is very crispy it turns out the best way to play in 64 games is not on an n64 except for that that's that's the one downside the HUD gets a little stupid every now and then I'm saying you could dig up a dead human from the ice that eat eat the human meat the same way we ate mammoth meat it's the freeze yourself challenge and then eat yourself oh god I could see that happening in the next 10 years there will be an eighth piece of yourself challenge god damn it it's this little fella this poor penguin knows you're afraid of kirb know someone earlier asked me what's my favorite kirby game for music I'd say you'd be hard-pressed to pass this one up best ability I love the music keep in mind I'm doing the best I can oh one more time what did I need here you need a better memory like I said I'm gonna go to Panama and get some stem cells injected directly into my mic big [ __ ] vein and my memories gonna just be massive after that I can't wait [ __ ] you'll need drill Rock plus needle for the beginning of the next stage okay probably forget it after it I'm done saying this sentence what was it drill + rock this is not bad begin this is not paper came the first couple levels were baby games this is not baby games cherry lemon ass got it rock less needle for the beginning of the next stage okay please tell me there's another spike somewhere you get to witness as you do every every night just how bad I am at video games even baby game ok rereleased link to the past on the Gameboy Advance and whenever link swung his sword he was like really want that the first Gameboy Mario game which was a remake of Mario 2 was just tons of Toad screaming lots of Mario lots of your screams killed my ears that's cool I'm just trying to thin out the audience a little bit yeah I love when I when I was able to play Mario advance on the gameboy advance you know we had all this new hardware it was great lots of new power you could take full advantage of it and then they just were like oh this is good music this is legitimately one of my favorite songs in video games this is a dolphin from flipper he's dead why is there cat in the tube I'm sure there's a story behind this right there's got to be some kind of story about why there's a cat being like spearmint Adhan and got all the XF Roth tubes and [ __ ] going on wow that's the exact same thing that's happened four times now outstanding nope okay I guess we're gonna have to do this level again - that just means more Kirby 64 streams it's gonna be two streams of the main game and then three streams of me collecting all the [ __ ] with crystals I missed and then another one full stream of me charging the crystals yep that's good place it that way that's good why does this game hate me are you okay Benny no no no I'm really I'm fine fine I'm good now I'm go michael bay is producing a Duke Nukem movie John Cena is eyeing the role of Duke Nukem oh it's gonna be very very PG instead of Duke Nukem giving strippers money he gives homeless people clothes he's yeah he's a good Samaritan then he goes and does like make-a-wish stuff just like real John Cena it's gonna do really wholesome my name is God hug him I like to hug and kick but I also like to say my prayers before bed every night I've never seen that before yeah I've never seen the up suck the boss of the bar bang dude dang diggy diggy diggy it up suck I'm so sorry I was playing another game and it's softlocks and I needed to kill 40 minutes so here's 40 minutes of Kirby just remember to Curb Your Enthusiasm a little bit okay I love that you can jump under an enemy oh [ __ ] some enemies you can jump like as they jump and not take damage like this dude right here alright never mind that was a bad idea so do we have a count of exactly how many abilities there are in this game so there's seven seven times seven which as we all know is seventy seven fifty four are we all like failing at math right now doing this wow I've seen so many people say the wrong answer myself included I knew it wasn't 77 but I was like doing the math in my head I was like here's how I do multiplication so when I think 7 times 7 my first instinct is let's do 7 times 5 that's easier and then just add 14 so 7 times 5 35 plus 14 49 math was always my worst subject there are many duplicates in that 49 that's a good point so what's the actual tally of abilities in the game without having to do quick maps wikipedia says 35 smartphones Lee it made us lazy they yes but they also make us smarter up until smart phones in Google it was easier for J pused to get away with their japery there's a dude and chatter just said Vinny I twisted my ankle sucking my own [ __ ] now the fact that you can share that information from anywhere in the world at any moment to your favorite streamer is in and of itself a miracle of Technology I need fire and needle for the upcoming shard let me let me do it again [Music] it took me a minute but your ankle what about your neck honey did you see Garth Brooks is Facebook video video no tell me what what is it well I guess it's official we're now on Facebook well I think about things I want to post I want to post cool stuff slick stuff neat stuff so this is truly a conversation can I say let that conversation begin that is like four hundred percent less interesting than I thought it would be well you know good for him [Music] double one up all right so here's the not-so-great ending you must destroy with with its own power I'm gonna take a death here real quick dog go get him use your own power dog that's way too much damage new strategy I'm just gonna spit things at him sweet yeah okay this is a really good boss fight I forgot how good this was this is it right here [Music] no no snacky cakes no HP okay I eat a dick good yes Kirby this is a useful thing to do at this point in time very good whooping it up again I had this down tuba now chime sharding it's good and we've got good music that was a little a little shitty it's a little shitty mother of squat cube [Music] that wasn't really a cube though was it so here's one ending this is the one where DDD dies it happens off camera though evil still lurks I don't think those things are supposed to look like that something appears to be wrong too so not that far off from finishing I'm gonna go a little extra get a couple extra crystal shards yeah this thing this is an unwieldy power hold down with earth bomb for a helmet okay good someone in chat just said I never knew neither did I who the [ __ ] you okay Sawyer I remember there is one here that I have to jump to get [Music] oh [ __ ] I got a I got a not die Skyward Sword is not a bad game by any by any standards I think it's just a mediocre so the game that's that's bad that makes me not that makes the big penis go into the small penis [Music] oh I can't believe that just happened I was like I have to get away from the explosion because I'll die if the kappa throws a thing at me that's the deception about Kirby the games start really easy and they look like baby games because Kirby is pink and he's a little ball and he's fluffy and he's got a cute face but through a good chunk of the Kirby games there is some like crazy challenge somewhere even if you have to find it and dig for it a little bit you'll find it you'll be like wait a minute this isn't baby games feel good about this one [Music] god damn it cool okay am i George Costanza I don't know Jerry I didn't get thanked Jerry didn't think Jerry cutter [ __ ] that's the safe way to do it oh how long do you think that took to make elephant sand castle slide I know I know what I need to do [Music] this music is pretty nice too [Music] [Music] [Music] okay it's not exact that was painful above your head oh yeah that's please come on no oh it's still in the mouth oh okay yeah I did miss one around here at least we get to hear this music again [ __ ] amazing really good no you haven't lived until you had any ippolit in margarita slice oh [ __ ] it out okay oh here's an ability that's gonna get me killed at some point as if it hasn't already like four or five times [Music] and those are some hard [ __ ] hard [ __ ] that's some hard [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yep you gotta jump directly into the thing if you want to block it all right welcome to tree Bundy ah Commodore 64 for my daughter to see Duvall just plain old fire is kind of cool I don't remember fire and rocky [Music] son-of-a-bitch oh yeah this one's good is that a thing does anyone that's there you can't land on that [ __ ] I like the music I believe there is a moon whale are not in fact did it really just go away am I really the best level it's fine this is exactly how it was supposed to go robert labels star yeah it's pretty spooky music it reminds me of that spoopy Pokemon music a little bit Wow I mean go good job I mean it's like kind of like poetry when you think about Darth Maul in the movie Darth Maul is so mysterious so there's so much emotion in his eyes he's cool and he's menacing but he's not the Phantom Menace so anyway I have all the crystal shards Vinnie you're fighting the nonagon infinity cover opens the door [ __ ] dumb ass idiot takes damage on something he could have easily avoided more at 11 [Music] [Music] that's cool no more mr. nice puffs oh my okay here's the new ending the pain [Music] leaves cell phones man it's the good stuff and this game was like kind of a little bit before cellphones were as ubiquitous as they are today you like that word I just made it up it doesn't exist it does though yeah I'm good estelle zone teamwork that [ __ ] hurts of course it has a band-aid continue or to puff it out oh yeah well now I know what I'm doing a little bit better so I can I can make this happen Wow got one damaged in good good eat dick eat dick it's cool still have all that to go so it's so [ __ ] hard to get a shot on the artichoke I couldn't get any that time guys I was trying come on [Music] what diet I can't get hit with the artichoke stink [Music] oh holy [ __ ] that was close I successfully avoided artichokes Tinka colonel good job snake it's like Star Wars except everyone here gets an award no one's left out like Chewbacca everyone gets a medal that participated in saving the world that's how you do it by Kirby thank you so much for to playing a mad game [Music]
Channel: bowwoo
Views: 303,536
Rating: 4.9526048 out of 5
Keywords: vinny, vinesauce, fullsauce, vinny vinesauce, kirby 64, the crystal shards, speedrun, n64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 40sec (1900 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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