[Vinesauce] Vinny - Half Life 2: Mmod

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[Music] consequences I have something special for you half-life 2 full stream with a couple of enhancements on top of this is M mod which adds some stuff all of it is customizable Vinnie you should have played the mod with Alex and her fully modelled cervix and Virginia I heard about that why the [ __ ] that's the cinematic mod by the way and you got to see some of the models in the cinematic mod not to throw shade because I haven't played it but I've seen the models for the other characters is it bad that I just think of gmod when I see most of these models I'm just immediately transported back to ragdolls and stupidity I mean most of my half-life memories are now gmod who am i what am i again if you never played it whatsoever the Black Mesa incident gordon freeman was the scientist there and he opened a rift by pushing a crate he pushed like a thing into a thing and then alien portals opened up and then later an alien race called the combine came to the planet and they took over the planet but a life at least you got an apartment everything is happy here there's no children but if there were they'd be happy it's not get rid of your TV you don't need it a strange man enters your building and starts throwing TV that [ __ ] scream sound too much of this is now just me associating Garry's Mod it's gonna be tough to take some of it seriously most of it I can but yeah dr. Freeman I presume thank God it's not the cinematic mod did you see that class just spinning a [ __ ] goddammit Lamar look what I got cool right that's logical getting a baton that's pretty logical Vinnie there's inspect animations oh if you press R you get to check out your weapon that's cool when you get to unlock the skins half-life 3 will be that it's gonna be mobile only but when we get it you can inspect every weapon from every angle and you can put like a pot leaf on it why am i laughing at this so any that's the precise amount of bullets it takes to kill one of those barnacles it's just shaving a haircut yeah this was pretty [ __ ] mind-blowing though I don't know playing this game for the first time and just taking in the world in the detail the apartment buildings always the Citadel in the background just so you can't forget about it just so you know that it's always there watching you what's the quick Save button don't remember alt f4 we're still doing that joke it's been 10 years chat it's been 15 year 20 years even okay you get transported into the world of half-life 2 but you only can shoot in knocking a haircut sorry shaving a haircut oh my god you [ __ ] Oh God that is so very satisfying oh yeah the reason I'm screaming this is because I watched a video a half-life retrospective video by Liam Triforce it's really good it's really well done and I don't know who this youtuber is but they put a lot of work and passion into their video and it made me want to stream this game [ __ ] nice [Applause] [Music] but it works in small doses I tried I can do a scientist from half-life but I can't do a zombie I'm sorry okay okay that's how lighting works I guess there is an episode where a hollow plastic barrel lands on Worf in kind of a comical way with a hollow thud and Worf break his spine is then severed and and he's considering telling Riker to kill him and then he's like I must die and Rikers like no there has to be another way and then they find a surgery that could bring him back to life with no you know no problem whatsoever but he still convinced that he must die oh that's just in my inventory now [Applause] that's [ __ ] awesome anyone know how to drop this still can't get this unless I shoot all of it so how's your day going chat going well what's what's new flip ah I did a [ __ ] barrel roll and everything they just took that [ __ ] grenade man that is satisfying where you going where you going very unrelated home but I find myself oh my god I remember this this was amazing the first time I saw it still pretty good too it's still pretty good barrel right through that real quick Vinnie are you going to do any of the other half life games Black Mesa source for sure and then of course we're gonna do a full playthrough of hunt down the Freeman and say to Gordon [ __ ] that was a joke and then gorgon crowbar him until dead never and then after that I'll do DMC to be stuck in this big game is you and me whoa someone just said it's Cleveland River fun times in Cleveland today okay g-man sighting somewhere around here got it Gary man lets his name yeah Gary man ma and N Gary Numan Jerry Seinfeld Randy Newman George Costanza Gary Busey Paul Simon what is this bit move on next bit think I wasn't a sneeze I was imitating the noise story citizen I said this playthrough was going to that's the old passage to Raven home into a hole we don't go there anymore what we don't go there anymore no no come on good thing I won't have to go there then years of gmod this isn't even fun anymore so so yep that's exactly what it's supposed to do gmod yo there's a dog in this game I love dogs they're cool oh [ __ ] my initial reaction replicated suck dog well guess we're going through rave and home for some reason I just had a weird memory of me being in a doctor's office just a really bizarre remember I don't know if maybe I was sick when this game came out but it was just a very vivid strange memory of an old doctor that I had that I haven't had in years yeah there's a whole half-life to like tech demo looked awesome but no one ever did this I feel like as a result of me playing this I'd like to watch full life consequences at some point because I haven't seen that in about seven or eight years you shouldn't come here half-life 2 memes from the early days top quality [ __ ] like how many people know the lines to that all I have to do is say full life consequences and then people just start spouting all the lines very quotable reaction time thanks creepy priests men well did you see that [ __ ] head crap just tanked that hit holy [ __ ] headcrab what an unfortunate way to die so first I'm here I'm sniped by a headcrab and then the [ __ ] barrel the barrel gets me [Music] barrels of fun right hold the classic vine sauce fictional character barrels of fun so she I like reading that line from Blade Runner where he says sushi it's what my ex-wife called me what called fish I like reading it in different ways that are also terrible like even more terrible than the way he did it it's what my ex-wife called me pulled fish part time [ __ ] thanks man you get the shotgun four hours in in this game at some point farther Gregory's just like all right you can stop he's pissed because you killed all of his friends last time I had Popeyes I just got their dessert they have this like weird banana parfait thing that I'm a weirdo for it's just cheap like fill your [ __ ] face with some [ __ ] sweet sugar [ __ ] it's really really good in that sense was doing vocal exercises today I had to I looked up a YouTube video and one was and as I'm doing this I look over to the next car at the red light next to me and they're looking at me and my lips are flapping around like a [ __ ] horse he's fine it's hanging out and fire still lapping they they told me that originally this this gun the pulse rifle was designed as like a flare gun and the reload animation was all kinds of like [ __ ] like that he just didn't do anything with it so here here's the reload nice oh you can just mount the cannon hell yeah that was lamar's not just his cousin I'm gonna kill all the Lamar's but the whoa Lamar is in the chill DeMars - that's terrible well anyway I got me a pet ant lion it's called but lion but lion can you kill someone with a single ant I mean you put it in one of their arteries but then you need another item to scoop out a path to the artery yeah clogged them but not ant alone you might need an ant and a syringe or something this is a weird conversation then have you seen what the cinematic mod does to this area it's pretty horrible let's take a look so the cinematic MA just adds random [ __ ] and say hey this area needs a plane but is the plane storage compartment fully modelled I like the car segment better in HEPA I like the car segment better in half by two but I like this vehicle a little bit more because it shoots have you ever wondered why we age I'm stopping before I am even starting cells stop replicating well but why oxygen but why kilometers DNA degradation okay this is turning into a Hideo Kojima plot but we could just keep going backwards and I could just keep asking why we died because we're [ __ ] damn it what that's a garage Vinnie that's John Freeman who was Gordon Freeman's brother oh that's true it is John Freeman Freeman smiled he moved really fast where's John Freeman John Freeman I need your help John Freeman took my [ __ ] car park it in here I parked it in there he just steals it drives away lives becomes the new hero of half-life okay all right I'm having a little bit of trouble I know how to get through this this way dr. Freeman will take another gunship why do you sound like John Freeman did you take his face good rocket launcher good boy mannequin why did they spell it weird like that like mannequin Skywalker want plan akin with main again Anakin panicking I love the AIDS did she just say engage wheeze hat yeah you like it pick up I'm all right bullets down cool sound effect there the MC [Music] those dumbasses fired that in this small room and any lived then a you blew yourself up with a grenade Touche I can't believe that just happened yep yes take that do nothing [Music] oh my gosh it was the most brutal headcrab death I've ever seen I know what you want me to say chat hey yep this is a pain in the ass isn't it they make it real difficult for you to get those turrets down they're not difficult but just annoying I'm not bringing five turrets with me Chet I'm not if you bring all of them you can steamroll the teleporter segment Gordon what's taking you so long Oh oh that's smart Gordon here let me take one let me take a couple I can hold one in each arm Gordon that's really reckless Gordon they might hit me by accident I might die are you ok with that this hallway is now safe whoa what the [ __ ] Alex I don't know you could teleport how many turrets are here this isn't number three oh it's beautiful isn't it look at them work my children my family I couldn't bring his son with me but that's okay at least it wasn't broken and glitched og man he was on TV floating paranormal g-men makes glass flow who's the g-man huh tell me what made you talk around things you did so fan can you drive do you get a license when you're a demon Oh John Freeman's here look at him he's ready now's not the time John hey menu do you need a medic you're right good yep yeah all right we're good all right thanks fine these are not friendly turrets my family was reprogrammed [ __ ] it I'm saving I'm going to it's [ __ ] balls to the wall save here ah it's ok it's ok it's ok that's ok I got this I'm fine this is my best quick save yet the mc1 is cool the mc3 is gold the mc2 is best no the him see who how did you survive that what the [ __ ] yeah but III feel pain I need a med kit thanks how did you live jeez what the [ __ ] yeah this is fine Gordon wants to be in this thing you know Gordon just likes tram rides and since we didn't get one at the beginning of the game this will do Vinny some people get really mad at your fully modeled joke well [ __ ] them what's the joke there is no joke in the cinematic mod they modeled Alex's labia there's a joke there yeah Vinnie vine saw some pretty mad at you bro you're making jokes about cervix isn't fully modeled I don't I'll dude that's the realism already posted creams bread the post you cringe bit so tell me Gordon do you even pork oh whatever this [ __ ] thing what was he saying about the host body I missed some of that what was going on there with the host body I too can survive in a different dimension dr breen by becoming a pancake no he started as a cent what are we gonna do Alex [Music] I remember I used that explosion a lot in Garry's Mod this is where I get off meaning he really enjoys this part you have to wait a while before you can get the continuation of the story not forever but still a while they joint them away [Music] [Laughter] and thus ends the story of Gordon Freeman okay I thought I was dead oh I am dead Alex rag-dolled don't say it so [ __ ] cool though Alex can we go in the Train please Alex can we go in the Train and here we are in the middle of some forest [Music] and that's so [ __ ] cool still still to this day if any what the [ __ ] I sneezed at the same time as you you're infecting me with clown flu also that wasn't a sneeze that was a diseased fart noise I have to tell you about the text message I just got in from my friend he just texted me a picture saying in my neighborhood and it's a picture of a deer licking its own [ __ ] so that's that's what I have to deal that's my friends that's what I have to deal with and and right during the most like gut-wrenching moment of half-life 2 and what one of beetlejuice have you tried by Crystal Head vodka nice [ __ ] vodka huh alright that's enough of that we're here to be serious all right you're Chet you're stuck down here in these mines these caves for you weeks and you just run out of food and like a week later you have water but you're starving do you eat that they have acid that can dissolve rocks I don't think they're edible yeah but that's only in the this clack and gland every other part of them is probably fine just avoid this clack Blackland and then you know Tarantino might be directing a Star Trek movie ok feet in space okay all right it's gonna be about the crew dealing with giant intergalactic feet okay right like so here's what we're gonna do hello up front Quentin it's me Danny Aykroyd I'd like to let you know that I am available for Star Trek I just need you to do some product placement of my crystal head vodka hey that's cool Danny but do you have like crystal foot vodka okay like a crystal foot with vodka in it weirdest season of vine sauce yeah I have not had any alcohol or excessive coffee today either sorry I just ah that was like one of those video game moments where the character turns their back on something and gets stabbed wait a minute that happened already in this game yeah we can do this yes we can do it yes we can do this sure we can no you're fine do it you're fine yes you're fine misunderestimated I'm just running interference at this point by the [ __ ] amazing reminder that they had to simplify this level because playtesters got lost looping at the same area over and over again I can see that if everything looks the same and it's just like tunnel maze I I could get it I can understand that yes the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty should be down in these caves to show that everyone can go a different way whatever that means somehow the aliens found a way to teleport them down here I for one welcome the Germa take over fine with it thank you for hitting Vinnie in the head with an axe no the deep fake yeah it's just basic math yeah I like this guy this guy gives me compliments and [ __ ] usually when you're escorting someone they're just like hey save me but this dude's like ah you are very cooler and you should try Crystal Head vodka 100% natural no additives no terpenes pure delicious vodka straight from Montreal yeah this is a good sound I like this sound he tried to put pressure on the bar that's a cool trick mr. skeleton can you teach me behold the X I freaked me the [ __ ] out the first time I saw that well no listen carefully my dear when you see your father relay these words prepare for unforeseen consequences creepy as [ __ ] what was that oh it was a person I was like is that another one so I wonder what's going on here by retired things slowing down and getting nice and crusty how old is your PC maybe like two years since I upgraded fully but the GPUs is very new I definitely need more RAM I got 16 gigs yo then the vortigaunts just alright with that she's doing some sha-la-la-la-la [ __ ] off I don't know good did you hear that what was that oh I can do whatever I want with the Frog I can bend the Frog to my will what the [ __ ] happened to the door oh [ __ ] I choose dit I wanted to cheese it but the door became cheese a far superior car to the buggy except that doesn't have a turret so it's inferior the alux fans gave him a kiss and now she has all kinds of different alien diseases that are not native to this planet and her immune system will not be able to fight the end [Music] and this car just sounds cool [Music] no seatbelt but we got suspension we gots pension that's a permanent neck injury on top of having a strange alien disease that cannot be he's already dead classic noise I hate it so much it's raining then I think you were missing sound effects it appears to be in my way just fell apart only you had a gravity gun looking for my brother have you seen John Freeman my brother butt chugging yep it's not good for you it is very not good for you anyway do you remember that um man I've snorted sugar one time high school am i right but uh some weird flickering issues it was like the the sugar at the bottom of those like sour patch kids like the leftover sugar and it was like big grains of sugar beet grains I don't know what the [ __ ] just happened one of the lasers shot up my guests well we're stuck here so we may as well stop here um yeah you can wait in the car it's stuck on a tree alex is gonna wait in the car this is fun Gordon this is the zombie ghost house really tom be ghosts live here and they said leave this place Vinny where's the crystal hide vodka we're safe I can't believe we're finally safe after all these trials and tribulations now before I go before I continue let's do the Crystal Head vodka review not too unsmooth my review is it's not too unsmooth and I have zero comparison yeah that's fine I think it's probably a little bit overrated but it is it is definitely four but I mean if you're drinking it straight it's smoother than I thought it would be they set up this big facility in the middle of the white forest now they are three sure plenty times there is no such thing as an AR 3c in the city the place was lousy with AR threes no it wasn't yes it was no it so do you know what the alternative fire method does on the AR - it kills hunters how did you city folk kill hunters we sure as hell didn't use guns we would just wrestle hunters to the ground with our bare hand Oh God come on you kill ten twenty a day just using my fists also when you're out in the field you're gonna be punching hunters in the field I'm not going down the field I'm a radio operator no suppression Oh Eli stop what I mean to you dad it's not what it looks like I'm fine are you sure really I'm fine you've been stabbed through the chest okay this we're just going to look at me now yes yes hello this is where you put the gnome by the way by Lamar cannon now we're sending the gnome home or the crab well yeah you can really taste those diamonds in that crystal head bot know what a yes please hug no all right that's as much episode three as we'll ever see officially now it's extra legendary there was a splash noise if you pull this off I might just forgive you for that debacle at Black Mesa ah man [ __ ] your casserole I don't even care that I blew up your casserole why are you wet what a wet goat moist greasy man who eats shitty casseroles your casserole deserve to be blowed up [Music] you hurt yourself more than you hurt me mr. Freeman the whole launch is a bust done and in case Striders aren't bad enough brother they're being escorted by packs of hunters good yeah what the [ __ ] you [ __ ] you come on come on come on come on [ __ ] well careful there [ __ ] careful hello John Freeman I have done our family proud alright here we go no gnomes but Lamar's in there at least you have got to destroy it whatever the cost this is just making me pissed off now Gordon thanks for everything you've done for Alex for all of us I couldn't be prouder if you were my own son goddamn it valve we've got a lot to talk about why would you do this to me valve we've got plenty to celebrate just stay just stay we'll just stay out here [Applause] [Music] imagine leaving an entire series that's beloved by millions off like this with no resolution no wonder people are pissed this is why people get upset because that's a really [ __ ] upsetting ending Gordon's voice actor left valve that's the real story they just couldn't carry on without him I guess sorry that that was the end of the half life 2 streams because that sucks that that's how we have to end off but that's how we have to end off first I want to show you something just to bring the mood back up a little bit I want to show you something iconic appropriate let's say I appropriate for my play session not that what was that [Laughter] [Music] gasps drone gasps drone well we can actually hear I think we can hear the real voice
Channel: vinesauce
Views: 690,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Half-Life 2, Episode 2, Mmod, Mod, Visual Enhancement, Valve, Shooter, PC, First Person Shooter, FPS, Single Player, Classic, Sci-Fi, Episode 3, Episode 1, Highlights
Id: ImFZvbTMsFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 46sec (2926 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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