[Vinesauce] Vinny - Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics (PART 1)

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hey everybody welcome to the stream um a little early today definitely definitely a little early i'm going to spend some time after the stream working on a song so i figured let me let me do this now so hi i've got clubhouse games and i'm also going to be doing trials of mana tonight so i figured why the not i had a gift card that i hadn't really used and so i just bought um the switch points and i got it chad has been requesting i play this game i haven't played xenoblade since i streamed it this week though vinnie outer worlds is coming to steam june 18th will you be playing it i already streamed some outer worlds at night it's just lukewarm on it so anyway this is a game made by um a developer that is good and published by nintendo am i correct and uh people really wanted me to stream this i said okay and so here we are um let me know if i'm no longer live vinnie outer wilds oh eventually i might check that out [Music] tell me if the youtube stream is offline now youtube stream is still live which channel is it streaming to yeah it's early stream [Music] the main one am i on the wrong studio page what the is going on [Music] go live hang on a minute live now i think there's a new studio page there's a chat on youtube now oh that's weird i guess i was in the wrong space that's strange well hi everyone hi youtube people you want to go over to twitch because i can't stream to youtube so uh this is a new thing that i have to do now it seems um i was wondering what the was going on how do i make this private now [Music] edit okay no it's not for kids for sake are we good now it's good okay the youtube chat is still losing its mind [Music] oh god this is amazing okay well i have a new thing i have to do before every stream now so sorry youtubers all you out there in youtube space and tv land all right let's do uh clubhouse games i played it for like a tiny bit of time i played mancala montala which is good by the way mancala is all about planting like see i'll explain as we go so the rest of the games i'm gonna have to do um i'm gonna have to figure out how to play but this game is actually kind of fun this game is thousands of years old apparently and um essentially it's so easy to pick up watch you go like this you have to get your seeds into the store which is on the right there all right so got to be careful not to give too many seeds to your opponent which i'm doing a fantastic job of giving them seed ah we get the captcha if you have um the same amount of gems or seeds like he's gonna capture my seven i think oh wait no he's not thank god hell that would have been terrible but but i won my first time playing this so i don't know if i can repeat that success i also like the gem physics they look nice i know it's kind of lame but it's cool yeah this is against the ai we're going to be doing mostly single player if i do more clubhouse i'd i'd do multiplayer but i'm going to do mostly single player today check this out look at that good stuff right there got those extra turns [Music] tasty gem beans i agree they do look like tasty jem beans can i get four no can i get three no can i get two i can get two yeah there's some weird stuff i've heard some weird stuff about this games online like there's some games that don't have it a lot do i also heard that there's some limitations in like the card games [Music] so that's a little disappointing some some of the stuff is a little bare bones chat look at this look at this strategy these tic tacs oh my god to steal it has to be the same color no same amount of gems i think wait what why did i was able to steal hang on a minute i don't get it what happened there [Music] it just has to be empty last gem landing in empty space putting a gem in an empty space captures any gems in the adjacent side oh that's how it goes why was the opponent able to get so many just then chat [Music] you had no moves left but then that would go around to the other side i don't know whatever man it's cool that's in boxes i like that one i'm gonna come back to that at times um this is baby games right here chat i'm sorry to say uh but i still like some baby games so we'll give it a shot when i say baby games this is not baby games this is the real [Music] i'm telling you this um oh is that how that works oh [Music] i get it now i guess we're gonna be um we're gonna be mind gaming each other for a while huh playing those mind games together forever [Music] i'm fully engaged in this silly box game oh oh okay good good good good he missed an opportunity that's nice that's like real people sometimes we humans make mistakes especially me human [Music] i see another one all right there you go yeah the ai is being kind to me [Music] uh oh boy this this ai is is really blowing some chunks right about now if this was an online opponent i would have been completely decimated by now so when i said this was baby games i think i meant the ai as baby because uh holy wait am i gonna be able to win oh oh no [Music] okay we're good we're good we're good someone wrote in chat dumb i know the ai is so dumb i wouldn't go into a chat and call a streamer a dumb either i just wouldn't [Music] i think red's gonna get this entire side but i have enough blue thank god the ai blows because that would have been catastrophic failure like star trek picard awesome [Music] we're going to check out a lot of different types of games um i don't really know oh then there's the impossible cpu i see i see um we'll do yacht nice this game's kind of like poker both dice instead of cards oh you roll please don't do which one are you perfect for me so i want to get more points than you in each category is that the size of it pretty much luck don't fail me now huh the three ones could be something yeah i'll keep those and try the other two again fingers crossed nice there's a fourth one i get it you're on a roll i get the picture no puns we talked about this if i can just get one more it'll be a yacht worth 50 points oh rats didn't get the full set so after the third roll you have to pick a category yeah hmm four of a kind would be worth more here than aces but this is the weakest four of a kind i could roll so i'll save that one oh this is a little more complicated than i thought it would be means aces it is you really have to think about which category to go with so are you ready to try let the good times roll oh man i'm gonna yacht this pretty hard vinny have you ever played yahtzee i have not believe it or not i've never played yahtzee no one had it no one no one brought it over my house no one gave it to me um well i've got i've got four of a kind four of the same no i i mean i have um what do i have vincent keep the sixes you can roll more so i can keep those right keep sixes should i roll again i just need a little help with this one because i have no idea up too late two more rolls okay fives so when do i choose a category chat you need to play yahtzee for me and tell me how to do it you should pretty much always roll three times go for a full house after you're done rolling okay i thought i was done there all right good they give you a chance if you screw up you can uh correct your mistake a little bit yes wow i'm good at this game and chat definitely didn't just play it for me three of a kind plus two of a kind so that's a full house that's 28 and choice is just total of all the dice uh is should i just do choice or full house do full house is that a bonus if i choose full house choice is what you pick when you absolutely up safe choice for when you up oh cause you can only do it one time you can't get i get it now i see i understand that was uh that was the point of contention and now i see all right well board numbers in ascending order could go for that i need if i get a six take it that's straight four numbers in a second oh that's four in ascending order okay any roll the other five keep all but the five voice for this dude okay okay categories aces okay fives go for fives yeah that makes sense oh i could settle with four of a kind but let's do the roll all right four of a kind that's pretty cool okay got dice now i kind of get it yeah i'm gonna while the player here is taking their turn i'm going to turn my air conditioner on one second oh you can actually shake your controller and that has the same function as shaking the cup yeah i don't know i just never had yahtzee we can get a five numbers in ascending order five of the same number total of all fives roll five and one go for fives total of all fives what does that mean re-roll everything or keep the fives re-roll one and five keep the fives and re-roll so i need all fives the music is your brain yeah it is oh okay that makes that makes a lot more sense you know what i mean um i don't have high hopes for this one i got vinnie roll i don't have a choice for 21 okay i mean consider this to be a fun streaming experiment where someone plays yahtzee for the very first time live on [Music] stream yeah the bots are giving me a lot of leeway to up the first couple times i play the games all right we've got uh twos juices we've got deuces uh i guess we could do go for threes let's do it okay the another three there's two juices again i like how chat some chat members are saying i don't know what's happening like i didn't either i still kind of now i kind of do i think i'm gonna stick with that you want three of each number in the top area is it could it be five at least three i'm gonna go for fives again three is average four is better five and you get a yacht oh man oh get aces only have much of a choice do i you have to choose something yeah or okay perfect name of the game yahtzee could not have been a better name or yacht dice for this stream is good speaking of stream references and yachting um mary informed me that mario's mystery meet has been unleashed upon the world and a lot of people are playing it that have no idea what a vine sauce reference is and imagine playing through that whole thing with zero context even with context it barely makes sense but it's such a well done thing it's spreading and now people are trying to figure out what are these things that is actually kind of nice isn't it it's kind of cool i need a four or two vinnie no drop the one what do you mean drop the one what do i need i'm going for a straight i'm going for um five numbers in ascending order i need a one two oh all right we're going for threes we're not going for threes what are we going for hmm get rid of one it's too late now drop the one so i just need a two what what do i need go for one one and three i need a two and a four [Music] um booth how you not this first game please why you not ever know how to play game you're not supposed to make the mistake you need to know immediate immediate immediate i'm still doing okay i'm still in this chat i'm still in this i swear i got this all right so uh we could do five of the same number five numbers in ascending order keep the sixes go for this go for the sixes you think could be worse be better i the ai is trying its best um don't you know don't be upset at the ai let it be what it is it's trying one two five uh we need a three and a four there's another threes i was gonna go for the straight five numbers in ascending order one two three four five but i didn't get that so i'm gonna skip their turn they got 24 on sixes oh oh i'm only behind i'm only ahead by one now oh this isn't good oh no the brain lit has struck i need a four i'm gonna go for a chat i'm gonna go for it wait wrong thing one two three five i need a four it's a good straight setup chad i'm gonna go i just need one two three four five i need a four i need a four why is check in on my my tits big money big money big tits come on no i got i have nothing oh no oh no okay well they got three so i'm now i'm only behind by two which is just wonderful i'm gonna be chat i'm going for should i go for five twos this is the hail mary right here chat oh no it's okay they got they got a zero as well the big zero i'm going for the yacht rip rip the dream okay okay okay i now know how to play the game why don't we come back to that i get it i like it a lot i'm gonna come back to it [Music] i will have my revenge have you come to try and get four in a row before me token drop block falling circle counter crouching disc stance [Music] seeds of future victory hidden path strike i'm so close oh my god the power of the monado i guess you were really feeling it all right let's keep going [Music] i feel like um [Music] i went a little extra with my um with my shitty english accents during the xenoblade stream and i had some people that were uh a little upset about that [Music] it happens i'm not that upset but you know they love the game and i was taking the piss out of it yeah it happens it happens [Music] for being accurate no no for just being a jackass and like making like a lot of jokes during emotional moments they're they were right i certainly did that um i just don't have the emotional attachment to those characters of that game yet so i just i just was like you know i i really got in there it's fine this sounds like spongebob [Music] music oh [Music] streamer is um is failing at baby games now tonight that's that's the theme of tonight's stream [Music] it really is so spongebobby [Music] it's uh spongebobbian if you will i don't know what to do i have no idea what to do now [Music] i'm bad at video games board video games [Music] yes yes [Applause] [Music] i'm trying to get diagonals but i also don't want to give away that i'm trying to get diagonals vinnie it's an ai yeah but they'll they'll do it i got five in a row up here but they'll do it watch son of a son of a told you they do it vinnie why isn't that what you told me to do chad you told me to do it so are you telling me [Music] i don't like this game i don't like it the wasting has occurred yet again chat is wasting their brain cells oh my god that's a lot of wastes holy [Music] i guess i can never drop one down there we have to do some mind games [Music] do my god chat [Music] i'm not i i am not good at this in the slightest wow [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] oh we're still going yeah no no i got this this time definitely got this why'd i place that all the way over [Music] there ketchup versus mustard [Music] what are you doing here i see what you're doing i see what you're doing now [Music] nope [Music] oh no no no [Music] no why is this happening [Music] like no no no no no i i've done this i played this game when i was a kid i i can i can do this i can i take big poops now i can i can definitely do this [Music] are you why are you gonna block everything bro [Music] vinnie you had a lethal no i didn't what do you mean lethal why vinnie wha why why why i'm not seeing the moves i'm not seeing the moves i'm not seeing them there's moods this is piss just piss [Music] see you're going for a diagonal and it's not gonna happen [Music] mate what where's the wind oh i hated this game as a kid i still hate [Music] it [Music] can't believe i had the lethal oh god how am i gonna learn this now what's all this it's a game where you guess at a set of hidden pegs oh fun here's how it works [Music] a brown peg means you have the right color in the right spot like a direct hit with you so far a white peg means you've got the right color but in the wrong place or a glancing blow so this means you have all four colors right but only two are in the right place exactly let's assume oh no i don't know what's [Music] happening happens if i try this [Music] is this like weird battleship does that tell us anything um well what if i switch them around like so no all right never mind ah i don't understand neither july this is taking forever let me try i think you are on to something with that red one blue's obviously one of the bottom two so let's put it here [Music] but we have to make a change oh this is like a mini game in many other video games and voila okay guess the color in order [Music] one hit one blow one of them's in the right spot [Music] zero hits three blows [Music] hmm how cow [Music] one hit one blow [Music] i wonder if green [Music] red is good we know red's good [Music] two hits zero blows okay [Music] yellow is not here i don't have very many many more guesses [Music] that feels correct [Music] one hit three blows that feels that's [Music] no duplicates okay so red is [Music] i think we got i got i got this the order now it's order [Music] i can't believe it first try wow now let's go back to four in a row and and i can allow the humiliation back into my [Music] life it's a lot of games i am not around with um some of these tonight because i will spend an hour on them um i'm probably just gonna play some stuff that i know yes i like chess maybe i fight an easy ai it'll go quick oh god i don't even want to know like the tutorial for this has got to be insane see if i can chess the same way i used to chess [Music] check [Music] [Music] that was um i just let that happen no it's cool though bro i i totally planned that [Music] oh yeah no no i told all of this has been planned meticulously planned in fact use your pawn you can't go backwards with a pawn [Music] just use the pawn bro wow i just let this dude win [Music] huh i haven't played chess in years [Music] got this it's fine [Music] i'm missing you know all of my my pieces that are good good piece is gone [Music] knight can check check i can check knight has checked [Music] uh oh [Music] we're gonna set up something here grand master oh we got grandmasters in the chat i can't believe it [Music] [Music] think about this a second hang on [Music] [Music] dev of chess is in the chat right now are you serious oh my god [Music] [Music] problem is my rook is gonna get taken or my bishop is gonna get taken or i can get a check which she'll have to move the king check yeah that works [Music] check there's a check you got you got him that's all right checkmate [Music] yeah mate thank god for shitty ai but that really is the first time i played chess in years so i'll take it [Music] thank you for the help chat chat was my uh assist [Music] there was another weird function where like there was like um what was it there's like a a world map where the dude was like showing you there's other dudes [Music] blackjack uh whatever it's this is fine play rishi majiang oh that's furthest left okay yeah i'm just gonna play some stuff i know for a bit and then i'll go back to the other stuff that i can learn closest to 21 without going over wins i like this one [Music] hmm [Music] big spender here we go big spender here we go this guy's got blackjack already [Music] you suck could hit [Music] stand [Music] stand i mean i'm [Music] how dare you should have hit again you don't play against players you know i forgot about that thank you i'm gonna go 50 this time i got to make my money back somehow right double down who's the big meet now [Music] just doing some card counting don't mind me [Music] stream died [Music] what the hell it wasn't a vine ryzen [Music] that wasn't a horizon i think that was restream weirdly enough i i didn't do anything i don't think um since the thing went down so [Music] i won the double down by the way [Music] so wait is that when it went down after the double down yeah i won the double down and now i'm now i'm not winning anymore so why did you hit on 17 i don't i don't it's just dumb worry about it [Music] [Music] hit go [Music] yeah the twitch dmca is really um it's really dumb it's not like it it's new it's just what they're doing lately has been kind of kind of scummy interesting timing it's not twitch's fault it's the recording industry double down well it's not even twitch live dmca's is a problem the youtube stream is live again i set that to private so that's a new function that i'm gonna have to get used to [Music] still live [Music] negative 30 huh very good how about now i do not like this new youtube studio i do not like it one bit i just am stunned that youtube keeps making things worse is it it's still live how how is it still live though how [Music] create stream no we're not creating a stream i'm already live you youtube studio you you suck [Music] you suck suck [Music] video unavailable don't delete us says chat i'm sorry chat you're not other chat you're not supposed to be you were never supposed to be and i still can't figure this out too that's the best part like it's still not happening [Music] go live there's a live now edit visibility on private how about now chat [Music] gone i mean it's within contract i can't stream to youtube for more than like a couple minutes just to set up the stream so i guess i have to learn on the job you know what i mean i gotta learn on the fly all right i'm going to play a good round of blackjack this time i'm going to play smart and i'm going to win [Music] i say as i bet 70. [Music] hit [Music] all right game is rigged i i hate these cards i'm getting lately stand [Music] everyone loses that time [Music] in the place where god damn it hit stand isn't that immoral whenever i see the word double down i instantly think of neil breen now too so [Music] everyone here on the table is eating a little bit of a little bit of [Music] hit hit [Music] hit [Music] my one comfort in life is that everyone's losing [Music] [Music] be careful that well that dude only bet like six hit stand [Music] isn't that immoral [Music] this casino i'm never coming back to this casino [Music] i'll bet my 100 chips that i don't have [Music] [Music] stand if i didn't bet anything i would have won i could have won [Music] everyone ate dick [Music] [Music] feeling good about this one hit should have doubled [Music] have down worry about that player one over there um [Music] 162. always double on 11. okay blackjack this motherfucker's got blackjack stand all right [Music] look at this [Music] 12. jesus big spender over here hit stand hell [Music] okay that person got a draw so that's kind of uh bad it's not an f yet though [Music] god damn it [Music] stand god damn now it's an f [Music] i need to win with a double down and a 100 bet i think i don't think there's an all-in function i think you can only do a hundred well 16 uh all right we're gonna do a double down double down good very good [Music] very knocked good damn it [Music] [Music] well we yeah let's keep going why don't we get away from the card games for a little bit and check out some of the more action-oriented games like people want to see battle tanks for example we'll do darts versus tank let's go you're on [Music] greyjoy [Music] so this is getting very mario party chad this is a better collection of games than mario party has been in years [Music] it's pretty cool though very simple very mario party i like it [Music] another reason i got this game aside from the price being oh relatively cheap for 40 bucks i was like you know i don't know the next time i'm gonna have human beings over or i'm at a party with other humans but this is a really good game to have for that kind of thing someone said el la lamo lammo 20 uh lamo 40 yeah you get 51 games for 40 bucks i don't know if you're saying like lamo as in that's a bad deal but this is a pretty good deal in my opinion [Music] [Music] if it helps pretend i'm not there's also a piano i've got this okay back to uh final fantasy vii pro controller not supported in this game [Music] the are you on about game [Music] which joy con am i using i wonder let me see i guess i have to use point controls you can play with either touch controls or motion controls okay strap fine none of that nope if this thing goes flying and breaks my tv then so be it pretty good start actually just by [Music] accident [Music] don't know if i love the motion controls yet i never usually do but in this case just not sure yet and final fantasy 7 remake you can get 301 pretty easily this i don't know where the i'm throwing i have no idea where i'm throwing can i beat wedge's score not in this vinny do you play darts when you go drinking i used to i haven't gone drinking in a long time but there was a dart board at a local place i used to go to so i played some dart yeah [Music] and now i kind of know it's going to be hard to get like specific numbers but i can kind of imagine how to get a bullseye at least [Music] bullseye [Music] i mean it's pretty well done from motion control darts takes me back to the wii era sometimes i'd like to not remember the wii era [Music] so 45 i need 15 times three well or not [Music] oh it wasn't that the wii had bad games that we had some of the best nintendo games i love most of what came out on the wii that nintendo offered in a couple third-party games too but just forced motion controls and metroid other m oh oh wait no that's fine 14 so what do i need to get that i need a double double seven here oh they light it up for you good [Music] dicks aplenty all right [Music] all right it's pretty good henrik has arrived at the globe oh the ranch cam is now available chat darts hearts does this have online yes it does one day i'm gonna do online one day not today but one day holds the controller like this yeah we got it okay [Music] [Music] it's just yeah it's a little weird i don't think you're supposed to let go of the button when you throw it that's what's going on here yeah you're not you're supposed to just hold the button one good [Music] man [Music] bullseye i don't get to feel the weight of the dot in my hands you know the weight of the dot lets you know where it's gonna go bullseye luigi dot god damn [Music] double bullseye i'm hanging in there a little bit i just keep hitting the ones ooh can't be dealing with triple 20s that's not good [Music] where'd that go how'd that happen trying to go for triple 20. wow this stock is getting them [Music] all right grasp the joy-con firmly between your thighs and sit up and thrust the screen and you will throw darts [Music] and then barrett watches as cloud tries to beat wedges score and he's like you know what cloud i like the way you thrust cloud [Music] [Music] i don't know no oh sorry sorry [Music] it's not porn music [Music] damn [Music] dammit yep trying to accurately go for the triple 20 with some level of of like control i think i'm kind of almost there there we go [Music] damn you [Music] okay okay [Music] damn um mother of oh that's some some bull in a hand basket my friends [Music] i gotta go for that again i gotta go one more time i finally figured out how to get triple 20 maybe triple five not quite enough that's chat you hear that sound when you get a bullseye you know what that reminds me of when you drink a lot of spicy water [Music] bullseye [Music] there we go and then what oh no it's a it's a meme you if you don't know it then then sorry it's gone forever i can't explain the thing all right yeah i need a couple double or uh more than one triple 20. i'm gonna win this and stay in this well stay in it to win it all right it's fine i guess all right yeah [Music] damn [Music] bad round bad round for me stop going for that five we're tied somehow double bullseye good [Music] it's a good round [Music] very good round for me got it clutched it yeah [Music] it's good actually i'm gonna say that the dart motion control is surprisingly solid considering i was able to more or less get it in the spot and get like a rhythm that was actually kind of surprising [Music] okay i want to use my pro controller now but i don't i don't know how to i always get confused about that all right hey you want to go bowling cousin who's up for bowling pro controller is not supported in this game we'll come back to bowling then why i like this one because you only have to press one button [Music] whew [Music] what is it good for anyway really [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you mean skill chat i get to choose between three cards i'm a master of strategy [Music] look at that see i'm good at this [Music] oh suddenly i'm good at a video game and uh and it's it's luck and not skill okay i think i lost actually pure luck [Applause] [Music] [Music] i i mean this has got a learning curve um i know dave likes this one i'm a little afraid i'm a little afraid of that one right now to be honest [Music] let me learn it first and then up and then i'll stream it [Music] now that there are no kids [Music] nope you you heard her there's no kids they're gone forever [Music] this makes me um there's no camera angles oh man i was hoping this would be like monkey like monkey um billiards i put english on this thing [Music] nice one [Music] i feel like having the tracking lines just trivializes this way too much there's no option to remove the lines [Music] that is true baby games [Music] the are you doing no it's okay i can still see like i obviously just missed a shot so clearly you know you can up it's not like you don't up completely but [Music] it's very simplified billiards [Music] okay i take back everything i said this is hard [Music] but where's cloud what is is cloud the one playing this [Music] there we go [Music] the ai just gave you this if i managed to not this up then yeah i can i can probably win this it'll be cool [Music] all right there's still a little something left of pool here it's um i'm not the world's best pool but [Music] i mean and then that happens where are you going where are you going to get bounce you into that one wrong ball oh that's a six not an eight [Music] oh [Music] [Music] why would a green ball be an eight i don't know chat i don't know what's wrong with me [Music] i think i need to pay better attention to life i'm gonna do that i'm gonna try to pay a little bit more attention [Music] early smoothing has happened i don't know how it is happening but it is happening [Music] i'm not really placing my future shots either i had a tiny like baby pool table when i was younger and i could never get it on like even floor [Music] so most of the time i just played pool with extra physics [Music] [Music] i feel like that was an empty victory [Music] also i like the generic billiards music um bowling yeah it who's up let's see if the bowling's any good i don't even know where the wrist straps are they're gone i just knocked over my ginger ale of all the oh had a cap on that's not an excuse to post kappas chat okay so you don't let go of r much like you don't let go of the button for darts zero pins zero pins i need the bumpers can we get the bumpers in in lane three please i don't know what i'm doing so so i guess i gotta hold it back and then forward and then and then like that maybe i i have to press the button i'm gonna stand up i can't believe i'm standing but here we go i'm gonna do it just like a real bowling ball and i even twisted my wrist too a little bit [Music] and that was not good it gets stuck why is it stuck why is it stuck it's not very uh good so far [Music] it's not very good in my opinion i could say it's the game's fault i could blame myself i could do both let me do both let me allow me this moment where i can say it's both the game's fault and my fault but for some reason there were several times where it just gets stuck where i'm not doing anything different i'm like you know doing it the right way and then stuck so who do you think you are i am not at all what i wanted to do but sure it really is kind of a shame there's a there's not a non-motion control version [Music] victory music i got a check mark i need 50 points in five frames okay all right try again ah no more bumper baby lanes we're gonna try one more time [Music] [Music] i'm going for a full eat this time i don't even give a that wasn't even i didn't even pull the thing back i didn't even pull the thing back i'm trying to eat can't eat can't eat won't let me won't let me throw is that really [Music] [Music] oh my god [Music] that was like when i first bowled when i was a kid i used to throw it at that speed sometimes you get lucky and get a couple pins eat the joy-con at the tv i can't i can't see how that would be productive or any less frustrating than this but one day maybe just [Music] what was the name of that one bowling game i played on like shovelware showcase it was like gut busters it was a bowling kingpin pinhead nut busters it was worldwide kingpin pinhead busters i think something like that i don't know [Music] who's up [Music] bowling holy i have to try one more time vinnie please stand up i've been standing this whole time well not the whole time but i've been standing for about five minutes now try [Music] boosting [Music] one more time this is it last bowl i pressed the button several times it's possible that the wii the the wii wow you see what i'm doing by accident now it's possible that the switch isn't picking up the joy-con signal back and and we go back and we go forward [Music] vinnie hold r what what do you think i'm doing chat member i see what the message says i know i'm smooth brained and i've made several dumb smooth brain efforts in various games today but vinnie look at the tutorial i'm begging you draw a curved line on the screen maybe the touch controls would make this better turn your wrist as you throw they mean in the video you mean the video i just all right i just fail to see how that was my fault that time you have to tilt the joy-con until it's vertical [Music] [Music] so [Music] remember mario yiddish that fetus [Music] i was trying to pull it back and through [Music] so [Music] didn't you get a switch at launch the way you hold it might be interfering with with the weak antennas it's possible i'm trying to like throw this thing as close to the switch as possible now i mean it worked for darts really well i didn't even get a chance that time to throw it back chat wants me to watch the damn tutorial i don't know what information i don't know yeah that makes sense actually oh why so grumpy i don't want to lug a heavy ball around this is a video game could carry a whole bowling alley if you want it oh yeah then sure let's play oh yeah hold r and twist your wrist like you're beating your meat that's how you get a strike every time [Music] what [Music] how did you get so good i played a little when i was younger i guess in games even toddlers can bowl see we watched the video and it's still still nothing i i just i'm not getting it or it's bad [Music] turn bumpers on no well now i'm an expert i watch the video look at this this is it chat look i got it now i got it oops [Music] it could be a joy-con issue it could be a me issue or it could be that motion controls um sometimes blow a little bit i don't know it's it's not really it's not clear let's try again [Music] happy throw [Music] to start from the shoulder i'm trying to like keep it up as much as possible that is helping and trying to overcompensate for where my wrist may rotate i don't think we're going to get 50 but at least i'm getting a little bit better at this too big of a heat honestly the guy who's doing majora's mask hd wants to have a word with you about those motion control issues uh that's gyro aiming versus i watched nero's video that's gyro aiming versus like gesture with a like a small device with faulty [Music] antennas gyro aiming is motion controls okay you're moving the system to aim you're not bowling you know in that case ducks or trees [Music] i don't know man it seems like it's twitch tonight i just tried to go live on twitch and it said uh dropped frames detected i did a speed test my speeds are fine up and down so i don't know twitch has been shitty all day i wonder if the recording industry is um causing any issues anyway yeah i don't know i don't know about that bowling i'm gonna try the motion control version i'm not live on youtube again because i didn't even bother that time i just went straight to twitch toy baseball better it's all the people mass downloading clips yeah probably here comes the heat [Music] play ball simple basketball babs ball if you will [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a hit it counts [Music] [Applause] [Music] then you're streaming at 1080p what [Music] is it 60 frames a second according to twitch yes hang on a minute [Music] it's a twitch you're not a 1080p it's a twitch bug stats say 900 by 60. okay tonight's stream has just been a technical problem huh i start early so i could end early and now like the streams the quality of the stream has been very low and i've been smooth braining most of these games it's not even the yamming hour yet jesus out [Music] that's a foul that's a foul ball [Applause] [Music] what [Music] oh man oh no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i don't know why i'm making loud noises now jesus jesus i guess i've been the whole time i don't know chad i don't know what the hell's wrong with me tonight tonight is just one of those weird nights i had no funny spicy liquids nothing like that [Music] it's cool i might come back to that on a future occasion but i want to do trials of mana but i also promised i would do one more yacht dice which was good but that takes a little while so let's do it i will stream this again this game's kind of like poker but with dice instead of cards how you roll [Music] all right yacht dice four of a kind i'm gonna go for five of a kind [Music] [Music] that is an excellent start [Music] it's a full house is it worth less because the the dice are less or should i just do full house it is vinnie it's not a full house it's three of a kind plus two of a kind oh oh it's not you're right yacht [Music] that's pretty good aces four of a kind you're doing okay dumb even i know that and i've yachted several times tonight [Music] it's a very low value for a full house [Music] just gonna do deuces and wait for a better full house [Music] nope go back no go back now it's an accident i wanted to undo my move i wanted oh this does not bode well filzy one two three five i need a four [Music] what a shame that's a bad choice that is that's a better choice [Music] what [Music] tied you could have rerolled the three would that have added up to make more point [Music] possibly more point pretty good fives this dude's gonna get fours with eight [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] oh well i'm worth a shot to get that straight this song will be more famous than mario paint music one day mark my words um that's pretty good vinny you should have gone for the l oh yeah yeah why didn't i do that chat huh [Music] get down to the wire here [Music] i need good sixes if possible five numbers in ascending order that's not gonna happen so let's just keep the six i think i got this one hell so close too so close you're not gonna get the yacht you're not gonna get the yacht yacht be gone [Music] oh that's fun [Music] i wouldn't exactly say mastered but [Music] but yeah this is good and then there's the guide globe which [Applause] there's like you know categories of games around the globe [Music] nintendo history here's the nintendo games these were what people played before video games existed but anyway um yeah this is a cool game this ended up being a lot cooler and more interesting than i thought and this could make for fun streams in the future so you can definitely expect more of this there's a lot of games i haven't checked out yet some of which like boxing stuff uh air hockey slot cars fishing shooting gallery i'm curious about but yeah that bowling stuff i don't know what the hell was going on there piano [Music] wait that's it this game does have online yeah come on you always have something to say guess who's not playing piano well it was worth a shot here's what i can do you won't be able to see it but you can hear it how do i switch to a different octave i don't know if there's another octave available or if it's just this that would be a missed opportunity [Music] yep that's dems at the piano still no way to change octave as far as i can tell but clubhouse games will return probably this week like i said i'm not starting any like giant games anytime soon aside from xenoblade on my own but uh let's play trials of mana for a little bit i'm gonna finish up the game you need more switches for more keys nope all right everybody i i don't know what the hell is going on with me tonight but i think trials will calm me down so get ready for a nice relaxing trials of mana stream where i finish the game and then get to post game here's a song that works on several levels um you know in regards to twitch and it's a bit of a risk but here it is have fun
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 222,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Full Sauce, FullSauce, Playthrough, Gameplay, Clubhouse, Connect 4, Connect Four, Yatch Dice
Id: lVZeHpM36h4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 53sec (7613 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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